This subject index is to the first 21 books of western New York history by Arch Merrill. He was a newspaper columnist and his newspaper articles were collected into books over the years. Seeing as this index was published in 1964, it does not include his last two books; The Changing Years (1967) and From Pumpkin Hook to Dumpling Hill (1969).
A few of the books by Arch Merril are on this website. See the links to them on the On-line Books Page.
At the bottom of this page is an index to illustrations in the 21 books. It should be noted that reprints of the books in the 1980s and 1990s moved some illustrations to other pages within the books.
RR = | A River Ramble | (1943) |
LC = | The Lakes Country | (1944) |
R = | The Ridge | (1944) |
TP = | The Towpath | (1945) |
RS = | Rochester Sketchbook | (1946) |
Sc = | Stagecoach Towns | (1947) |
TL = | Tomahawks and Old Lace | (1948) |
LS = | Land of the Senecas | (1949) |
UE = | Upstate Echoes | (1950) |
SF = | Slim Fingers Beckon | (1951) |
SW = | Shadows on the Wall | (1952) |
ST1 = | Southern Tier - Vo1. 1 | (1953) |
ST2 = | Southern Tier - Vol, 2 | (1954) |
WW = | The White Woman and Her Valley | (1955) |
GH = | Our Goodly Heritage | (1956) |
PP = | Pioneer Profiles | (1957) |
BB = | Bloomers and Bugles | (1958) |
GG = | Gaslights and Gingerbread | (1959) |
FT = | Fame in Our Time | (1960) |
DL = | Down the Lore Lanes | (1961) |
UN = | The Underground | (1963) |
Abell, David H. - WW 73 Acker, Carroll - LC 16 Acker, Frank - LC 16 Adams Basin, N.Y.- TP 75 "Adams Ditch" - GH 175-9 Adams, Samuel H. - FT 54-59 Adams, (Gen.) William H, - GH 175-8 Agricultural Experiment Station - LC 104-6 Akeley, Carl - TP 50-51; FT 179-84 A1bion, N.Y. - R 101-3; TP 32-40 Aldridge, George W. - RR 73, 108; TP 87-88; RS 129-34; FT 75-80 Alexander, John - GH 38-40 Alfred University - RR 48, 49; ST1 133-41; GH 180-5 Allegany Reservation - LS 139-45 Allen, (Dr.) Cyrus - WW 82 Allen, Ebenezer - RR 62, 63; RS 15-22; WW 18-19; GH 78-79; PP 118-25; DL 26-31 Allens, the Flying - Sc 101; SW 31-41 Allen's Hill, N.Y. - LC 36-37; SF 168-9 American Red Cross - Sc 96-98; WW 189-98; GG 9-13 Anderson, "Dutch" - TL 140-50 Andrews, Harry - RR 78 Angelica, N.Y. - RR 4-41; ST1 124-31 Annin, James - Sc 31-32 Anthony, Susan B. - RR 106; LC 49-50; RS 70-72; TL 70-77; SF l55-6; BB 13-23 Arthur, Chester A. - Sc 83; SW 136-8 Ashantee, N.Y. - RR 88-90; WW 85 Athens, Pa. - ST2 145-54 Auburn, N.Y. - SF 23-45 Auburn Prison - SF 27-31 Aurora, N.Y. - SF 58-60 Austin, (Dr.) Harriet - BB 65-66 Avon, N.Y. - RR 63; 86-97; WW 75-88 Avon Cure - LC 15 Avon Springs - RR 90-92; WW 75-88; DL 193-4 |
Babbitt, B. T. - TP 156 Ball, Raymond N. - RR 20 Barcelona, N.Y. ST1 35-36 Bare Hill - LC 55; LS 69-70; SF 158-60; GH 22-23 Barge Canal System - TP 20-21 Barre Center, N.Y. TP 40 Barry, Patrick - GG 166-70 Barry, Philip - RR 108; FT 185-8 Bart1ett, Murray - FT 163-7 Barton, Clara - Sc 96-98; WW 189-98; BB 680; GG 5-13 Baskets - R 60 "Bat Cave" - WW 100 Batavia - Sc 48-60 Bath, N.Y. Sc 112-22; ST1 178-86 Bausch, John Jacob - GG 158-65 Bean, Charles - LC 102-3; ST1 166-7 Beans, stringless - Sc 42 Beauregard, G. T. - GH 55-59 Bedell, Grace - UG 150-4 Belfast, N.Y - RR 42-45; ST1 121-3 Bellamy, Francis - RR 65 Belmont, N.Y. - RR 32, 36, 40; ST1 132 Belvidere, N.Y. - ST1 124-31; RR 36-40 Bergen, N.Y. - Sc 22-24 Bergen Swamp - Sc 24-25 Berry, Gilbert R. - RR 92, 93; WW 79 Big Springs Historical Society - Sc 33 Big Tree Artillery - RR 58 Big Tree (Chief) - LS 91, 117; PP 49 Big Trree Farm - RR 35 Big Tree Treaty - RR 46; LS 101-3; WW 20-21 Binghamton, N.Y. ST2 103; 157-82 Birney, James G. - RR 69-70; WW 73; UG 65-66 Bissell, Daniel - DL 22-25 Black. J. Hunter - RR 74 Blackmer, Harvey - UG 63 Blacksnake - PP 50 Blackwell, Elizabeth - LC 96-98; SF 111-2; BB 24-37 Blind Tom - RR 108; RS 81-82 Bliss, Hubert D. - RR l2-l4-l5-16 Bliss, Roswell - LC 24 Blodgett, James L. - TL 104-11 Bloomer, Amelia Jenks - SF 52-53; BB 7-8, 16 Bloomer Costume - BB 6-23 Bluff Point - LC 129 Boliver, N.Y. - RR 22, 23, 29, 30 Bolles, Jerry - LC 16 Bonaparte, Joseph - UE 15-22 Boughton Hill - Sc 156-9 Boyd, (Lt.) Thomas - LC 18; TP 13-14; WW 36-43; DL 19-21 Brant, Jospeh- WW 15, 39, 40, 4l Brennan, Timothy - LC 15-16 Brisbane Family -- RR 73; Sc 53; WW 180 Bristol Valley; N.Y. - LC 32-41 Brockport, N.Y. TP 53-64 Brocton , N.Y. - ST1 33-35 Brodie, Steve - RR 105; UE 100-1 Brooks, Micah - WW 27-28 Brooks, William Robert - GG 138-40 Broome County - ST2 155-202 Brule, Etienne - R 108; LS 80-81; WW 111; DL 8-9 "Buffalo Bill" Cody - RS 79-81; TL 78-83; GG 20 -18 "Buffalo Tom" - (see Jemison, Thomas) Bullock, Rufus Brown - GG 107-10 Burning Spring - LC 37-38; SF 169 Bushnell's Basin - LC 37-38; SF 169 Butler, (Col.) John - WW 15, 38 |
Caledonia, N.Y. - Sc 26-34 Canadice Lake - LC 30-32; SF 176-8 Canandaigua, N.Y. - LC 42-53; SF 148-58 Canandaigua, Lake - LC 53-61; SF 158-63 "Canary factory" - Sc 20-21 Canawaugus, N.Y. - RR 92 Candor, N.Y. - ST2 103, 104-5 Caneadea, N.Y. - RR 45-48; ST1 118-21 Canisteo, N.Y. - Sc 131-3; ST1 193 Canning Industry - TP 116-8 Can, manufacture of - TP 116-7 Carillonic bells, Alfred - ST1 138-9; GH 180-5 Carmer, Carl - RR 69, 102; GH 121 Carnes, William - LC 12-15 Carroll family RR 104; WW 72 Carson, James D. - WW 82 Cartersville, N.Y. - TP 106-7 Carver, (Dr.) Hartwell - TP 106 Cattaraugus, N.Y. - ST1 107-8 Cattaraugus, Reservation - LS 136-9; ST1 109-10 Cayuga Lake - SF 46-63 Chandler family - SW 133-5; WW 201-2 Chanler family - RR 73, 74, 78; WW 179, 182-3 Chapin (Gen.) Israel - PP 24-29 Charles Point - DL 3-7 Charlotte, N.Y. - R 84-88; UE 70-83 Chautauqua Institution - ST1 53-59 Chautauqua Lake - ST1 46-52 Chemung County - ST2 24-32 Child, Jonathan - WW 97 Childs, N.Y. - R 100 "Christian Brethren" - TL 33 "Christian Holler" - R 34 Church estate, Belvidere - RR 34-41; UE 138-43; ST1 124-31 Church family - RR 34; 36-40, 41; UE 138-43; ST1 124-31; WW 99; PP 111-7; DL 42-44 Church, Sanford E. - TP 38 Churchill, Winston - TP 135, 138-9; SW 50-60 Cbnrchville, N.Y. - Sc 16-21 Civil War Drill Ground - RR 58 Civil War monument (1st Dragoons) - WW 129-30 Clark - (Gov.) Myron H. - BB 168-71 Cleveland, Grover - Sc 59; TL 112-7; GG 66-79; DL 140-3 Clifton Springs, N.Y. - Sc 143-9 Clifton Springs Sanitarium - Sc 144-8 Clinton, DeWitt - TP 16 Clocks, House of - RR 18, 32-35, 36-40 Clune, Henry - RR 98; TP 96 "Cluny Castle" - LC 17 Clute, Jellis - WW 27-28 Clyde, N.Y. - TP 171-80 Cobblestones - R 61, 100, 103-4 "Cocktail" , Origin of term - R 109 Cohocton, N.Y. - Sc 109-11; ST1 162-3 Cole Circus - LC 125-6 Coles, (Rev.) Clayton A. - SW 92-94 Conesus Lake - LC 11-21; LS 71-72; SF 178-84 Conkling, Roscoe - ST2 113-5 Connor, Frank - GH 145-6 Cornell, Ezra - BB 188-92; 197-200 Cornell University - SF 68-75 Corning, N.Y. - ST1 199-213 Cornplanter - RR 92; Sc 27, 34; LS 112-4, 97; WW 17-18; PP 42-45 Council House - RR 46, 54; UE 111-8; WW 120-2 County Seats - GH 162-9 Covenanters of York - SW 123-8 Covered bridges - UE 119-27 Cox, Isaac - RR 98 Craig Colony - RR 67; UE 144-5; WW 124-8; GG 63 Crapsey, Algernon S. - RS 74-75; Sc 59; FT 94-98 Cuba, N.Y. - RR 25 Cumorah, N.Y. - TP 136-8 Cup & saucer house - UE 24-26 Curtiss, Glenn H. - LC 135-45; SF 139-42; ST1 171-4; FT 17-26 Cuylervil1e, N.Y. - RR 83-85; LC 18; LS 93; WW 16 |
Dansville, N.Y. - Sc 90-101; WW 104-5 Dansville & Mt. Morris Railroad - RR 66-67; Sc 94-95 Davison, Paul - Sc 167 Day, James R. FT 173-8 Decoration Day - First - DL 113-l4 Dehgewanus - (see Jemison, Mary) DeLand family - TP 115-6; GG 199-203 Denonville, Marquis - R 67-8; Sc 155-7, 166, 177, 184-5; LS 21, 82-86 Deposit, N.Y. - ST2 161, 203 Devereau, Nicholas - SW 148-52 Dickinson, Daniel S. - ST2 164-5 Donovan, "Wild Bill" - RR 73; FT 67-74 "Doodlebug" - RR 66, 67 Douglas, Stephen A. - LC 48 Douglass, Frederick - RR 106; LC 35; RS 68-70; SF 167-8; BB 38-52; UG 29-39 Dunkirk, N.Y. - ST1 14-21 |
Eagle Harbor, N.Y. - TP 42-43 East Bloomfield - Sc 173-5 Eastman, George W. - RR 73; RS 134-9; GH 89-93; FT 5-16 Each Rock - GH 143-6 Egypt, N.Y. - TP 112-3 Elba, N.Y. - Sc 59 Ellicott, Joseph - Sc 49-51; PP 92-110 Elliottvil1e, N.Y. - ST1 101-3 Ellwanger, George - GG 166-70 Elmira, N.Y. - ST2 42-100, 103 Elmira College - ST2 65-71 Elmira Heights - see Elmira: ST2 84, 85 Elmira Reformatory - ST2 81-82 Ely, Alfred - SW 81-88 Endicott, Henry B. - FT 119-22 Endicott, N.Y. - ST2 183-94 Epitaphs - GH 31-37 Erie Bridge - RR 55, 56 Erie Canal, Building of - TP 16-20 Erie Railroad - ST1 189-90 Erin, N.Y. - ST2 30 |
Fairbank, Clavin - UG 40-44 Fairport, N.Y. - TP 111-22 Fairs - GH 170-4 Fall Brook - RR 81 Fargo, William George - BB 208-14 Farley, Phil - LC 16 Farm machinery factories - TP 56-57, 126, Sc 56 Farmer's Brother - L8 117-8; PP 47 Faulkner, Daniel - Sc 92 Fenton (Gov.) Reuben - BB 171-5 Fillmore, Millard - RR 54, 55; LC 20; SF 23, 38-39, 183-4; BB 132-50; DL 36-37 Fillmore, N.Y. - RR 27, 49, 50; ST1 114-6 Fish Hatchery - Sc 30-32; GG 43-4 Fitzhugh family - RR 68, 70, 73, 104; R 16; WW 72; 97; UG 65 Flaherty. Charles - RR 65, 66; TL 68 Float Bridge - R 74-75 Floods - Sc 129-30; WW 130-1 Folger, Charles J. - GG 98-101 Foster, (Dr.) Henry - Sc 144-7 Foster, Stephen - ST2 150-2 Fourierists - R 16, 19-20; TL 3l-32; UE 145; DL 69-70 Fowler, Orson Squire -- Sc 110; ST1 163; GH 119-21; BB 72-79 Fox Sisters - RR 106; TP 148-50; RS 38-41; TL 28-30; BB 80-97 Franklinville, N.Y. - ST1 99-101 Fredonia, N.Y. - ST1 22-29 Preedom Train - GH 60-64 Freeman Bridge - RR 47 Friendship, N.Y. - RR 41; ST1 153-55 Frogleg George - RR 108; RS 82-83 Fullam, William F. - TP 106 Furnaceville - R 52-53 |
G.A.R. - GH 43-48 Gaines, N.Y. - R 100-1; TP 34 Gainseville, N.Y. - Sc 77 Gannett, Frank - RR 108; LC 41; Sc 109; SF 171; FT 35-42 Gannett Hill - LC 40-4l; SF 171 Ganson, John - RR 97; Sc 36, 38 Gardeau, Tract - RR 59; WW 20-22 Garrett Chapel - LC 129-30 Gartland, John - LC 58-59 Genesee & Wyoming Railroad - RR 95 "Genesee Fever" - Sc 116 Genesee River - RR 12-16, 53-56, 61, 62 Genesee Valley Breeders; Assoc. RR 89; WW 85-86 Genesee Valley Canal - RR 44, 45, 56, 57; Sc 93-94; WW 95-105 Genesee Valley Hunt - RR 73, 77-79; WW 177-88 Geneseo, N.Y. - RR 63, 71-85; TL l18-26 Geneva, N.Y. - 86-108; SF 103-17 Gerry, Jonathan - WW 82 Gibson, Henry B. - WW 28 Gibsonville, N.Y. - WW 137-40 Glass making - ST1 199-209 Glen Haven - R 75-77 Glen Iris - RR 46, 55; WW 108-9; GG 55-63 Goble, Jonathan - SW 42-49; ST1 175-6 Goldman, Emma - RS 72-74; FT 87-93 Gorham, Nathaniel - PP 21-28 Gould, Jonathan - Sc 167-8 Gowanda, N.Y. - ST1 108-9 Grange (Webster) - R 60-61 Granger family - UE 133-8; SF 153; PP 147-53 Granger Place - LC 46; UE 133-8 Granula - BB 68-69 Grape industry - LC 145-9; SF 142-5 ST1 30-41 Green, Seth - LC l17-8; RS 128-9; Sc 31-32 GG 141-6 Groveland, N.Y. - RR 66-70 Gulburg, N.Y. - LC 24 Gunlocke chairs - Sc 105 |
Hagen, Walter - RR 108 Haggerty, William - LC 27-28 Hamlin Beach - R 90 Hammondsport, N.Y. - LC 134-54; SF 139-45; ST1 168-74 Handsome Lake - RR 92; Sc 27, 33; LS 114-6; WW 59-64; PP 45-47 Hannett, (Dr.) James W. - GH 178-9 Hanyerry - WW 40-43 Hard, James A. - GH 43; DL 111-2 Harriman, Edward H. - R 25-26, 53 Hart, Elizur K. - TP 38 Hawley, Jesse - TP 14-15 Hawthorne, Nathaniel - RR 102 Hemlock, N.Y. - LC 24, 27-28; SF 175-6; GH 171-2 Hemlock Lake - LC 22-30; SF 171-6; GH 143-6; DL 115-6 "Henpeck," N.Y. GH 204-16 "Hermitage" - TL 104-11 Higgins, Frank W. - FT 152-6 Hill, David Bennett - LC 72-73; ST2 86-89; GG 80-85 Hill, Grace Livingston - RR 30 Hillcrest (York) SW 130-3 Hillside (Wyoming) Sc 61-62, 64-66; GH 134-5; GG 124 Hilton, N.Y. - R 89-90 Hobart College - LC 98-100; SF 110-1; GH 186-94 Holland Land Office Museum - Sc 57 Holley, N.Y. - TP 44-52 Holley, Myron - TP 46; PP 207-15 Holmes, Mary Jane - LC 36-37; TP 58-60; TL 84-92; SF 168-9; GG 36-45 Boneoye, N.Y. - LC 33·-36; SF 166-71 Honeoye Falls- N.Y. - Sc 176-82 Honeoye Lake - LC 32-36; SF 165-71 "Hoosic Hill" - R 97 Hop industry - LC 39-40; SF 170-1 Hornel1, N.Y. - Sc 124-31; ST1 187-93 Horse shows (Rochester) - RS 94-101 Horseheads, N.Y. - ST2 33-41 Hosmer family - RR 92, 93; LC 17, 30; WW 79; GH 38-39 Hosmer, WHC - SF 176-7; GH 24-25 Hot Bread - LS 119-20; PP 50 Houghton, Amory - FT 139-45 Houghton College - RR 45, 48; ST1 116-8 Houghton, Nehemiah - WW 77 Howard, Charles W. - TP 39 Howard, Clinton N. - FT 81-86 Hubbard, Elbert - UE 30-47; FT 43-53 Hudson, John - RR 45 Hulberton, N.Y. - TP 51-52 Hume, N.Y. - RR 50, 51 Hunt, (Gov.) Washington - RR 56, 57; BB 162-8 Hunt's Hollow - RR 56, 57 Hydesvil1e, N.Y. - TP 148-50 |
Indian customs - LS 38-48; ST2 9-10 Indian landing - R 69-70 Indian league - GH 16-20 Indian legends - LS 68-76; GH 21-25 Indian names on the land - LS 10-17; ST2 7-8 Indian religious beliefs - LS 56-7 Indian reservations - LS 130-45 Indian trails - LS 18-24 Indian villages - LS 25-37; ST2 12 Indian wars - LS 77-89; ST2 11 Industry State School - RR 97 Ingersoll, Robert G. - UE 61-69; GG 46-54 Ingbam University - Sc 40-41 Insulators, Manufacture of - Sc 42, 61-62, 172 Iron industry - R 52-53 Iron firemen - RR 93, 94; Sc 176, 180-1 Irondequot Bay - R 65-83 Iroquois League - LS 49-55 Ithaca, N.Y. - UE 84-93; SF 47, 64-81 Ithaca College - SF 77 |
Jackson Health Resort - Sc 95-96; BP 62-71 Jackson, Helen Hunt - RR 57 Jackson, James C- - Sc 95-96; BB 62-71 Jackson, Robert H. - FT 60-66 Jacksonville, N.Y. - LC 24 Jacques House - UG 64-65 Jamestown, N.Y. - ST1 60-67 Jello - Sc 41 Jemison, Mary - RR 46, 55, 58, 60; TL 17-23; LS 122-4; WW 7-33; PP 52-57; DL 45-47 Jemison, Thomas - WW 31, 32 Jennings, Emmett - WW 82-83 Jerome family - TP 138-9; SF 13; SW 50-60; GH 76; BB 156 Jinrikaha - SW 42-49; ST1 175-6 Johnson City, N.Y. - ST2 183-94 Johnson, Elisha - RH 47; WW 98-99 Johnson, George F. - FT 118-22 Johnson, William H. - 68, 87, 1ll; LS 88-89 Johnson, Wyman - UE 104-10 Jones, Horatio - LS 124-6; WW 45-52 Jug City - Sc 46-47 |
Kates, (Rev.) Jerome - RR 33 Keating, Kenneth B. - Sc 171 Keith, F. F. - Sc 33 Kendaia, N.Y. - LC 83-84 Keuka College - LC 130-2 Keuka Lake - LC 108-19; SF 124-47; 5T1 174-7; DL 117-8 King's Daughters Home - Sc 99 Kenney, Art - GH 186-94 Knickerbocker, Derick - WW 77 Ku Klux Klan - GH 195-9 |
LaFayette, Gen. - RS 46 Lake guns - GH 23-24 Lakeville, N.Y. - LC 13, 14, 16-17; SF 180 Lapham, Elbridge G. - GG l0l-3 Larkin, William T. - RR 64 League of the Iroquois - LS 49-55; GH 16-20 LeRoy Mansion - UE 26-29 LeRoy, N.Y. - Sc 36-47 LeRoy family - Sc 38-39, 44, 45 LeRoy house - Sc 44-45 Letchworth State Park - RR 53-60; WW 107-36 GB 24-25 Letchvorth, William P. - RR 46, 59, 68; WW 32, 33, 107-136; GG 55-65 LeTourneau Christian Camp - LC 60 Lewisston, N.Y. - R 107-12 Lily Dale - ST1 42-45 Lima, N.Y. - Sc 166-72 Lima Seminary - Sc 166, 169-71 Linden murders - TL 151-7 Little Beard (Chief) - LS 116-7; WW 21; PP 48 Little Bears's Town - see Cuy1ervi11e Little, Norman - RR 90 Little Valley, N.Y. - ST1 103-4 Littleville, N. Y. - RR 90 Livingston County Historical Society - Lc 18, 20 Livonia, N.Y. - SF 181 Lockvood, Belva - Sc 77, 171; GG 23-28 Log Cabins - DL 181-8 Logan - SF 25-26 Lomb, Helen - GG 158-65 Lockover Stallion Station - WW 86 Lyons, N.Y. - TP 157-70 |
MacDonald, Daniel - UG 89-97 Macedon, N.Y. - TP 123-31 Macfadden, Bernarr - Sc 96; UE 148-52 Macy, Sylvanus J. - R 25 Manchester, N.Y. - Sc 150-4 Manitou - R 97-B9 Markham, William - RR 96 Marks, "Uncle Bi11y" - UG 67-69 Mason jars - TP 175 McCormick, Cyrus TP 56-57 McCormick reaper - TP 56-57 McKay, Robert - Sc 30 McKin1ey - DL 145-9 McMullen, Adam - RR 30 McNaughton, "Poet John" - Sc 34; GH 40-42 McNinch, James - LC 20-21 McPherson's Point - LC 15 Medina, N.Y. - TP 22-31 Meloy, the hermit - LC 25 Mendon, N.Y. - Sc 182-4 Mercury, Statue of - RS 115-7; GH 94-101 Merrill Arch - GH 200-16 "Message to Garcia" - UE 37-40 Miles, Abner - Sc 168 Miller, Elizabeth Smith - SF 53; BB 6, 9, 23 Millerites - TL 32 Millions, Hank - TL 50-58 Millport, N.Y. - ST2 29 Mills, (Gen.) William A. - RR 63 Montour, Catharine - LC 70; LS 118-9; SF 99 Montour Falls - LC 70-73; SF 99-102 Moreland, Sherman - ST2 28, 29 Morgan, Lewis Henry - RS 126-7; GG 111-5 Morgan, William - LC 48; R 99-100, 110; TP 102; Sc 39-40, 52, 160, 172; SP 152; PP 185-206 Mormons - RR 41; TP 136-8; Sc 152, 162-4; TL 27-28; SF 122-3; SW 95-103; ST1 153-5; ST2 200-1; PP 157-84 Morris, Robert - RR 63; PP 20-21, 25, 32 Morris, Thomas - PP 25-26, 32 Mosier, Marlin - UG 169-71 Mott, Lucretia - SF 51-53; GH 114- ; BB 9,10, 11, 12 Mount Morris - RR 61-67 Mount Morris Dam - RR 67; WW 131-2 Movie making - SF 78-79 Muldoon, William - RR 43; TL 63-69; GG 219-227 Mulligan, Edward D. - RR 78; WW 183 Mumford, N.Y. - Sc 34-35 Murphy, Timothy - LC 18; WW 39-40 Murray Hill - RR 64-65 Mynderse, Colonel - TP 14 |
Naples, N.Y. - LC 59-60; SP 163-4 National Hotel, Cuylerville - UG 65 Nesbitt, William - WW 82 New York Times - Sc 171; BB 151-8 Newark, N.Y. - TP 145-56 Newark Valley - ST2 103-4 Newport, N.Y. - R 78-80; TP 34 Newtown, N.Y. - see Elmira Niagara Falls, N.Y. - UE 94-103 North Chili, N.Y. - Sc 13-16 Norwegian Road - R 91-92 Nunda, N.Y. RR 57 Nurseries - LC 104; RS 55-57; Sc 98 |
Oak Orchard - R 92-93 Oakfield, N.Y. - Sc 59 Oaks Corners - Sc 136 O'Ball, John - LS 112-4 Octagon structures - GH 119-35 Ogden, N.Y. - TP 65-77 Oil industry - RR 21-30; ST1 70-84; 142-53 Old King - PP 49 Olds family - TP 50 Olean, N.Y. ST1 70-84 Ontario, N.Y. - R 51-56 Osborne, Thomas FT 103-12 Ovid, N.Y. - LC 80-82 Owasco Lske - SF 22-23, 37-38 Owego, N.Y. - ST2 102, 107-19 Owen Publishing Co. Sc 98-99 |
Packer, Hospital -- 3T2 139-42 Page, William C. - DL 159-62 Painted Post, N.Y. - ST1 194-8 Palmyra, N. Y. - TP 132-45 Parish, George - UE 5-11 Parker, Ely S. -. UG 159-63 Parker, (Sgt.) Michae1 - LC 18; TP 13-14; WW 40-43; DL 19-21 Parrish, Jasper - L3 126-8; PP 29-31 Partrige, Bellamy - Sc 135, 139-40 Patch, Sam - RR 105; RS 36-38; TL 39-45; UE 77, 98; GH 27-28; DL 64-65 Patchin family - Sc 109 Patent Medicines - GG 171-88 Pavilion, N.Y. - Sc 67-68 Peglow Road Cemetery - DL 156-8 Penn Yan, N.Y. - LC l20-33; SF 134-8 Peppermint making - TP 162; Sc 137; GG 194-8 Perry, N.Y. - Sc 79-87 Perry, Oliver Curtis - TP 168-70; TL 93-103 Pet cemetery - DL 189-92 Phelps, N.Y. - Sc 134-42 Phelps, Oliver - PP 20-28, 31-33 Phelps, Dr. Oren - WW 83 Phelps Union Seminary - TP 35 Pickering Treaty - LS 101; SP 152 Pitts family - LC 33-35; SF 166-8; BB 50-51; UG 69-70 Pittsford, N.Y. - TP 100-6 Platt. Thomas Collier - ST2 107, 112-6; GG 86-91 Port Gibson, N.Y. - TP 155-6 Portage, N,Y, - RR 53-60, 61; WW 113-6, 128-30 Portage High Bridge - WW 112-5, 119 Portage riot - RR 58; WW 113-5 Portagevi11e, N.Y. - RR 53 Porter, Augustus - PP 133-41 Porter mansion - LC 46 Porter, Peter B. - PP 143-7 Potash industry - SF 9 Potatoes - Sc 105-6; ST1 158-67 Powers, Daniel W. - RR 106; GG 152-7 Prentiss, Narcissa - UE 48-60; BB 98-110 Prison camp, Elmira - ST2 54-60 Pullman, George M. - TP 37; GG 189-93 Pulteney, (Sir) William - RR 69; Sc l14-7 Pultneyville, N.Y. - R 42-50 |
Quakers - TP 125 |
Raines, John - GG 103-6 Randolph, N.Y. - ST1 104-7 Raskob, John· - FT 146-51 "Rattlesnake Pete" - RR 108; RS 77-79; UE 79; SW 19-30; FT 189-95 Rauschenbusch, Walter - FT 99-100 Raymond, Henry J. - Sc 171; BB 151-8 "Rebel" grave - SW 89-92 Red Jacket - LC 111; LS 107-12; SF 55; WW 20, 21; PP 34-42 Remington Art Memorial - UE 10-14 Remington, Frederic - UE 11-14 Retsof, N.Y. - RR 95; TL 127-32 Revolutionary Hill - RR 84 Rhees, Rush - FT 157-63 Rice, Dan - RS 41-44 Richburg, N.Y. - RR 22, 26-29 Richmond, Dean - BB 201-7 Ridgeway, N.Y. - Sc 21-22 Riga Center, N.Y. - Sc 21-22 Rigdon, Sidney - SW 95-103; ST1 153-5 Ripley, N.Y. - ST1 38-41 Rittenhouse, Jessie - Sc 171; GH 151-3 Roberts College - Sc 14-16 Rochester, N.Y. - RR 99-109; RS 29-35 Rochester: aqueduct - TP 80-81, 84, 95 bridge, Main St. - DL 78-81 canal town - TP 78-99 epidemics - RS 64-65 family - RR 104 fires - RS 60-62 floods, storms - RS 62-64; TL 59-61 flour city - RS 52-54; GH 77-83 flower city - RS 55-57 industries - RS 87-93 landmarks - RS 102-20 Nathaniel - RS 23-28; Sc 92-93, 175; WW 72; GH 65-70, 79; PP 124-32 Newspapers - TL 34-38 waterfalls - GH 84-88 Rockefeller, John D. - SF 23, 39-41; ST2 107, 120-8 Rockefeller, William - ST2 122-5 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Sc 88, 100, 170; DL 163-65 Roosevelt, Theodore - RR 73; Sc 31-32, 87 Root, George H. - TL 118-26 Rorbach, (Col.) Kohn - UG 156 Rose gardens - TP 146, 150-1 Roycrofters - UE 30-47 Rulloff, Edward H. - SW 61-74; ST2 167-8 Rushford, N.Y, - RR 48 |
Quakers - TP 125 |
St. Bonaventure University - SW 148-52 St. Helena - RR 59; WW 140-3 St. Michael's Mission - LC 28-29; SF 176 Salamanca, N.Y. - ST1 85-96 Salt industry - RR 95; LC 17, 67-68; Sc 42, 63, 68, 72-74; TL 127-32 Sampson, N.Y. - LC 83-84, 86-87, 106-8; SF 117-9 Sampson, William Thomas - TP 139-40; GG 147-51 Sanborn, Paul - WW 40, 41 Sandow, Billy - LC 17 Sandusky, N.Y. - ST1 97-98; GH 200-16 Santa Claus School - TP 39 Sauerkraut industry - Sc 138 Sayre, Pa. - ST2 137-44 Schurman, Jacob G. - FT 167-72 Scio, N.Y. - RR 32 Scott, Winfield - R 57-58, 98 Scottsville & LeRoy Railroad - Sc 30 Scrantom family - RR 104 Sea Breeze - R 81-83 Sea serpent - Sc 86-87; TL 46-49; WW 89-93 Seduskie, Benny - TL 127-32 Selden, George B. Sr. - RR 96; R 99; RS 92 Selden, Henry R. - RR 57, 96; GG 126-32 Seneca Falls, N.Y. - SF 49-54 Seneca Indians - LS 3-9; ST1 85-96 Seneca Lake - LC 74-85; SF 82-91 Seneca Ordnance Depot - LC 83-85, 107-8 Seventh Day Baptists - RR 48, 49 Severne, Frank - LC 68-69 Seward, William H. - RR 56; SF 6, 32-35; SW 113-22; BB 111-31; DL 88-91 Sextuplets - UE 128-32 Shakers - RR 68; R 18-20; TL 30-31; UE 143-5; WW 124-8; DL 70-73 Shays, (Capt.) Daniel - LC 19-20; SF 182-3 Sheldon, Charles M. - RR 30 Shepard, William O. - RR 65 Shongo, N.Y. - RR 18 Short, Ernest - LC 24 Short, Philip - LC 24 Shortsville, N.Y. - Sc 150-4 Sibley, Hiram - RR 106; RS 121-4; BB 192-7 Sibleyville, N.Y. - Sc 184 Siegel, Henry - TL 119-26 Silk worms - TP 115; Sc 59 Silver Creek, N.Y. - ST1 10-13 Silver Lake - Sc 86-89; TL 46-49; WW 89-93 Silver Springs, N.Y. - Sc 73 Skaneateles, N.Y. - SF 6-21 Skaneateles Lake - SF 15-17 Sleeper, (Col.) Reuben - UG 65 Slide, The great - WW 26 Smedley, (Dr.) L.G. - WW 78-81 Smith, Gerrit - GG 137, 138, 141, 144-5 Smith, Joseph - TP 132, 136-8, 152; TL 27-28; SW 95-103; ST1 153-5; ST2 200-1; PP 157-84 Smith, Silas - RR 104 Sodus Bay - R 12-27 Sodus, N.Y. - R 28-36 Soldier's Tower, Brockport - TP 62-63 Somers, Dan - TL 50-58 Sonyea, N.Y. - RR 67, 68; WW 124-8 Spalding, Henry Harmon - UE 48-60; BB 98-110 Spear, John Murray - SW 139-47 Spencer, John C. - PP 153-6 Spencer, N.Y. - ST2 103 Spencer, Philip - LC 47; SF 154; PP 155-6 Spencer, William H. - SW 133-5; WW 201 Spencerport N.Y. - TP 65-74 Spiritualism - RS 38-41; TL 28-30; ST1 42-45 Springwater wells - DL 154-8 Squaw Island - LC 56; SF 160 Squawkie Hill - RR 59, 60; LS 63 Stafford, N.Y. - Sc 59 Stanford, Leland - TP 72 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady - SF 51-53; GH 114-8; BB 6, 10-23 State School for Blind - Sc 58 State School, mental defectives - TP 153 Stella Maris - LC 16 Stone quarrying - TP 26-28, 34-36, 41 Strowger, Walter - LC 14, 15 Sullivan Expedition - RR 81, 83-85; LC 17-19, 23-24; TL 7-16; LS 92-95, ST2 16-23; WW 35-43 Sullivan, (Gen.) John - PP 5-18; DL 15-18 Sullivan, John L. - RR 43, 44; TL 62-69; GG 221-7 Sundae, origin of - SF 77 Surratt, John Harrison Jr. - SW 75-80; ST2 62-64 Sutherland Sisters - SW 4-18 Swift, Lewis - RS 127-8; GG 134-8 |
Taintor homestead - UG 64 Tall Chief - RR 63; LS 120 Taylor, Myron - TP 163-4; FT 128-32 Taylor, Walter - LC 147 Teasel industry - SF 20-21 Teeple, Polly - GH 25-27 "Teetotaler", origin of term - LC 79; SF 87 Thompson, Dorothy - TP 70 Thompson, Mrs. - FF 51; LC 51; SF 157 Tioga County - ST2 101-6 Toll roads - GH 159-61 Tonawanda Reservation - LS 130-6 Town Line, N.Y. - DL 166-70 Train, Arthur - RR 71, 83; TL 119-26 Trappist Monastery - WW 199 Trees, famous - UE 104-10; SF 121-2; WW 41, 42; DL 171-80 Triple Cities - ST2 171-82 Troop M - RR 82 Trowbridge, John Townsend - TP 68 Trumbull, Jonathan - RR 63 Tuberculosis Hospital - RR 64-65 Tubman, Harriet - SF 35-36; BB 52-61; UG 19-28 Twain, Mark - ST2 70, 72-78 Tyler, Julia G- - SW 133-5; WW 201-2 |
Underground Railroad - LC 49; R 34, 39, 49; TP 40, 140; SF 18, 35-36, 167; GH 130; BB 38-61 Union Church - R 47-48 University of Rochester - DL 74-77 Upton family - TP 72 |
Vail. Robert W. G. - Sc 162 Valentown - Sc 163-5; UG 70 Van Buren, "Prince John" - UE 3-7 VanCampen, Moses - RR 46; LS l28-9; WW 52-57 Vamdenburg, Arthur Hendrick - TP 177 VanEtten, N.Y. - ST2 28, 29 Vespucci, Maria Ameriga Veterans' Facility, Batavia - Sc 58 Veterans' Facility, Bath - Sc 120-2; ST1 185-6 Vick, Jamas - RS 55-57 Victor, N.Y. - Sc 155-63 Vinegar works - TP 48 VonBlumen, Elza - DL 123-6 |
Wadsworth family - RR 35, 36, 72, 73-80, 89, 90, 91; LC 28; SF 13; SW 123-8, FF 85-91; BB 176-87; GG 92-97; FT 27-34 Wadsworth Guards - UG 155-8 Wainwright, (Gen.) Jonathan - SF 14-15 Waite, D. Byron - LC 25; DL 115-6 Walker, (Dr.) Mary Edwards - GG 29-35 Walkley, Dan - LC 12 War of 1812 - Sc 30, 34, 51, 54, 168-9 Ward, Henry A. - RS 124-6; Sc 63, 66; GG 116-25 Ward, Lydia Avery Coon1ey - Sc 61-62; GH 134-5; GG 124 Warrant Homestead - UG 52-53 Waterloo, N.Y., - SF 120-3; DL 113-4 Watkins Glen, N.Y. - LC 62-69; SF 92-98 Watkins, (Dr.) Samuel - LG 64 Watson, Thomas J. - FT 123-7 Waver1y, N.Y. - ST2 129-36 Wayland, N.Y. - Sc 102-8; ST1 161-2 Wayne, N.Y. - SW 104-13 Wayne, Anthony - R 15 Warsaw, N.Y. - Sc 69-78 Warsaw Historical Society - Sc 71 Webster, N.Y. - R 57-64 Webster, Daniel - RR 102; TP 102; Sc 45 Webster, Ephraim - DL 31-34 Webster's Basin - TP 74 Webster's Crossing - LC 30 Weed, Thurlow - BB 111-31 Welch Grape Juice - ST1 3-33 Welch, (Sgt.) John - UG 157-8 Wells College - SF 59-60; BB 213 Wells, Gardner - RR 19 Wells, Henry (Wells Fargo) - TP 139; SF 58-60; BB 208-14 Wellsburg, N.Y. - ST2 27, 28 Wellsville, N.Y. - RR 18-20; RR 24- 25, 29; ST1 142-9 West Bloomfield, N.Y. - Sc 173 West Ridge, N.Y. - R 94-106 Westcott, Edward Noyes - GG 204-8 "Wester1y", York - SW 133-5; WW 201-2 Western Union - RS 121-4 Westfield, N.Y. - ST1 36-38 Wethersfield, N.Y. - Sc 77-78 Whalley, Charles - WW 81 "Whirlwind" The - ST2 12-23; WW 51 Whitcomb, Charles - RR 18, 32-36, 84 Whiteman, Alonzo J. - Sc 100; TL 133-9; FT 196-202 Whitman, (Dr.) Marcus - LC 129; UE 48-60; ST1 163-5; BB 98-110 Whitney Point, N.Y. - ST2 196-7 Wiard, Thomas - RR 93 Widmer, Jacob - LC 60 Wilkinson, Jemima - LC 126-8; TL 25-26; SF 136-8; PP 58-73 Willard, Frances - Sc 17-l8, 87, 170-1; GG 14-22 William Smith College - LC 100 Williams, (Col.) George - RR 65; WW 115 Williamsburgh, N.Y. - RR 68-70; WW 65-74 Williamson, Charles - RR 68; LC 90-92 R 13-15; TP 157-60; Sc 28, 92, 113-7; ST1 178-82; WW 65-68; PP 74-84 Williamson, N.Y. - R 36-41 Willys, John N. - SF 156; ST2 93-94; FT 113-7 Wineries - LC 145-50; ST1 168-71 Wolcott; (Mrs.) Frances - SW 130-5 Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira - ST2 59-62 Woods, William Seaver - Sc 171 Woodward family - RR 78; Sc 41, 43-44; FT 133-8 Wyoming, N.Y. - Sc 61-67 Wyoming County Community Hospital - Sc 75-76 |
Year of no summer - DL 56-58 York, N.Y. - SW 123-8; 129-38 Young, Brigham·- Sc 182-4; PP 177-84 Young, (Gov.) John - BB 160-2 |
Akeley, Carl - FT 182 Albion, air view - TP 13 Aldridge, George W. - RS 71; FT 150 AlIens, The Flying - SW 88 Anthony, Susan B. - RS 71; TL 113 Apples on The Ridge - R 38 Aqueduct at Rochester - TP 92 Arcade Post office - RS 126 |
Bare Hill - LC 38; GH 41 Barton, Clara - GG 54 Batavia Downs, air view - Sc 46 Bath, air view - Sc 126 Belvidere - PP 120 "Big House" at Wayne - SW 121 Binghamton - ST1 150 & 151 Blackwell, Elizabeth - BB 89 Bloomer Girls - BB 88 Bridge over the Genesee - R 22 Brockport, air view - TP 21 Buffalo Bill - RS 70; TL 112; GG 183 Bushnell Basin "Break" - TP 104 |
Caledonia, air view - Sc 18 Canandaigua Court House - SF 152 Carillon at Alfred - ST1 150 Charlotte: Beach - UE 57 Charlotte: Blast furnace -RS 94 Charlotte: Lighthouse - UE 56 Chautauqua - ST1 22 & 23 Chemung Valley - ST2 87 Chimney Bluffs - GH 168 Churchill, Winston - grandfather's birthplace - SW 89 Civil War camp inspection - DL 55 Cleveland, Grover - GG 87 Clifton Springs- air view - Sc 166 Clinton, DeWitt at "Marriage of Waters" TP 145 ' Cobblestone house - R 102 Conesus Lake steamboat - SF 153 Confederate Prisoners' graves, Elmira - ST2 23 Congress Hall Hotel, Avon - WW 86 Cornell University - SF 57 Corning Glass Center - ST1 166-167 Cornplanter - PP 41; LS 88 Covered bridge, Cowlesville - UE 120 Crapsey, (Dr.) A.S. - RS 70 Curtiss, Glenn - LC 14; FT 55 Cuyler Station Site - Pulteneyville - UG l19 |
Dansville, air view - Sc 94 Donovan, "Wild Bill" - FT 151 Douglass, Frederick - RS 70; UG 54 Driving Park - RS 126 |
Eastman, George - RS 71; FT 54 Ellicott, Joseph - PP 104 Erie RR Station, Deposit - ST2 167 Excursion days at Spencerport - TP 45 |
Fairport, air view - TP 105 Falls at Rochester - RS front Fillmore, Millard - BB 121 Film stars, Hollywood on Cayuga - UE 88 Fire horses - RS 127; GH 105 Fire of 1904, Rochester - RS 95 Flood, Rochester, 1865 - RS 47; TL 49 Fowler's octagon house - BB 120 Fox Sisters - TL 96; BB 120; TP 113 Friends' house - PP 56 Front street, Rochester - RS 95 |
GAR Parade, Rochester - GH 104 Gannett, Frank - FT 86 "Garbage collector", Allegany Park - ST1 87 General's Ditch near Clyde - GH 169 Genesee Canyon - LS 89; WW 102 Genesee River, beginning & end - RR front Genesee Valley Canal - WW 38 & 39 Genesee Valley Hunt - RR 64; WW 166 Geneva College - BB 89 Gingerbread mansion - Rochester - GG 182 Glen House - RS 126 Glen Iris at Letchworth - GG 86 Gliders at Elmira - ST2 86 Goldman, Emma - RS 70; FT 151 Granger' Homestead - UE 121 Grape harvest, Keuka Lake - ST1 151 |
Hemlock Fair - LC 14; GH 121 High Banks of the Genesee - TL 48 High Wheeler - RS 127 Hill, David B. - GG 87 Hobart College Campus - SF 89 Holland Land Office, Batavia - PP 105 Holley street scene - TP 20 Holmes, Mary Jane - TL 113; DL 55 Honeoye Falls. air view - Sc 183 Honeoye Lake - LC 14 Hornell, air view - Sc 127 Horse car days - RS 127 Howard, Clinton N. - FT 150 Hubbard, Elbert - UE 25 |
Ingersoll, Robert - GG 55 Irondequoit Bay - LS 120; R 86 Iroquois Longhouse - TL 33 |
Jemison, Mary - TL 48; WW 22 & 23 Johnson City - ST2 166 Johnson, Wyman - DL 86 |
Kenney, Art - GH 185 Keuka Lake - LC 14 Klondike Pass - UG 150 |
Lake Erie shore - ST1 38 Legend of Niagara - LS 56 LeRoy. air view - Sc 19 Letchworth, William P. - GG 55 Lilac Day queen - RS front Lily Lake - ST2 103 Lima - Sc front & 182 Lockwood, Belva - DL 182 Lotus - R 38 Lyceum Theater - RS 126 Lyons, air view - TP 137 |
Main St, Rochester, in 1880's - RS 127 Main St. West, Rochester -. RS 19 Manchester Railroad transfer - Sc 150 McKinley rides to death rendezvous DL 1$1 Medina, air view - TP 12 Mercury statue - GH 57 Merril1, Arch, in tugboat - TP 4 Middle Falls at Letchworth - WW 103 Millinery styles, 1880's - TL 113 Montour Falls - LC 14 Morgan, William - PP 184 & 185 Mormon Exile at Friendship - SW 120 Mormon Shrine, Palmyra - TP 113; PP l84 "Mountie" - RS 126 |
Newark, air view - TP 136 |
Octagon house, Geneva - GH 120 Oil derrick near Richburg - ST1 102 Ontario Beach Park - RS 94 Otis Arch of Triumph - RS 46 Owasco Lake - SF 56 |
Palmyra, air view - TP 112 Penn Yan boy and fish - DL 87 Perry, air view - Sc 71 Pet Cemetery, Hornell - DL 183 Phelps, air vie- - Sc 134 Phelps, Main Street -Sc 135 Phelps, Oliver - PP 104 Pioneer homestead -, GH 40 Pitts mansion, Honeoye, - UG 118 Pittsford, air view - TP 93 Platt. Thomas C. - GG 87 Plymouth Ave. lift bridge - TP 68 Portage Falls - RR 40 Porter, Peter B. - PP 168 Powers Gallery - RS 95 |
Rattlesnake Pete - RS 70; SW 56 & 57; FT 183 Red House Lake - ST1 86 Red Jacket - LS 57; PP 41 Reynolds Arcade - RS 126 Rochester City Ball - TP 69 Rochester, Nathaniel, statue - RS 18; PP 121 |
Sea serpent - WW 87 Selden, George B. - GG 151 Seneca corn harvest - LS 24 Seneca Falls waterfront - SF 56 Seneca Hunter group - LS 25; TL 32 Senecas on Tonawanda Reservation - LS 121 Seward mansion - SF 24 Seward. William H. - BB 121 Shaker buildings, Sodus - TL 96; DL 54 Shortsville, air view - Sc 151 Sibley, Hiram - RS 71 Silver Lake Excursion - Sc 71 Skaneateles Lake - SF 24 Smith, Joseph - TL 96; PP 169 "Sourdough" & friend - UG 151 South Park sheep - RS 127 Sullivan Expedition map - TL 33 Sullivan (Gen.) John - PP 40 Sullivan, John L. - TL 97 Sullivan monument, Elmira - ST2 22 Sutherland, Isabella - SW 25 Sutherland Sisters - SW 24 Swift, Lewis & telescope - RS 95; GG 150 |
Taughannock Falls - SF 59 Taylor, Anne Edson - UE 89 "Three Sisters" - ST1 39 Tioga Point - ST2 102 Toll gate - RS 127 Towpath at Clyde - TP 144 Trappists - WW 167 Trinity Church, Geneva - LC 78 Tubman, Harriet & home - UG 22 & 23 Twain, Mark, study in Elmira - ST2 38 & 39 |
Upper Falls at Letchworth - RR 48; WW 150 Upper Falls at Rochester - RR 72 |
Vespucci, Ameriga - UE 24 Victor, air view - Sc 167 Von Blumen, Elsa - DL 150 |
Wadsworth, James - PP 168 Wadsworth, James W. Jr. - FT 86 Wadsworth oaks - WW 151 Wadsworth, William - PP 168 Ward, Henry A. - RS 71 Warrant homestead - UG 5S Warsaw air view - Sc 70 Waterfall in Rochester - GH 56 Watkins Glen - LC 62; SF 88 Wayland, air view - Sc 95 Weed, Thurlow - BB 121 Weighlock - RS 95 Wellsville's "pink house" - ST1 103 When they "tailed 'em abroad" - TP 44 Willard, Frances E. - GG 54 Williamson mansion, Bath - PP 57 Wingate, Ray - GH 184 Wyoming, air view - Sc 47 |
Young, Brigham - PP 169 |
To GenWeb of Monroe Co. page.