Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State
J. H. French



Brighton Chili Clarkson Gates Greece
Henrietta Irondequoit Mendon Ogden Parma
Penfield Perinton Pittsford Riga Rochester
Rush Sweden Union (now Hamlin) Webster Wheatland


Monroe County

This county was formed from Ontario and Genesee, Feb. 23, 1821. It lies onLake Ontario, n. w. of the center of the State. It is centrally distant 202mi. from Albany, and contains 682 sq. mi. The surface is generally level orslightly undulating, with a moderate inclination near the lake. The shoreof the lake rises in bluffs 10 to 30 ft. in height; and rom its summit thesurface gradually slopes upward to the lake ridge, a distance of 5 to 8 mi.from the lake. The summit of this ridge is 160 ft. above the lake; and fromit is the surface declines a few feet to the s., and then rises to thesummit of the Mountain Ridge, a distance of 1 to 3 mi., and 310 ft. abovethe lake. South of this point the surface is gently rolling, the ridgesextending n. and s. The summits of the ridges along the s. border are about400 ft. above the lake and 600 to 650 ft. above tide. The principal streamis Genesee River, which flows a little e. of n. through the center of theco. Its valley is ½ mi. to 2 mi. wide, bordered by ridges 30 to 60 ft.high. At Rochester the river flows over the solid Limestone which forms theMountain Ridge a distance of 96 ft., forming the Upper Genesee Falls, and2½ mi. below it again descends 105 ft., to near the level of the lake,forming the Lower Genesee Falls.


The Irondequoit Bay is a narrow, deep body of water, extending inland 6 mi. from the lake shore. From its s. extremity a deep valley extends several mi. further s., forming the deepest ravine slong the n. border of the State. Some geologists have supposed that Genesee River formerly flowed through this valley.

The principal tributaries of the Genesee are Oatka and Black Creeks from the w., and Honeoye Creek from the e. The other principal streams of theco. are Sandy, Little Salmon, Salmon, Buttonwood, Long Pond Creeks, w. ofthe Genesee, and Irondequoit and Four Mile Creeks, e. of that river, allflowing into Lake Ontario or some of its bays. In their passage from thecentral part of the co. to the lake, these streams nearly all flow over thelimestone ridge in a succession of falls, forming an abundance ofwater-power. The principal bodies of water are Lake Ontario, which formsits n. boundary, Irondequoit and Braddocks Bays, and Buck, Long and Cranberry Ponds, all indentations from Lake Ontario and connected with it by narrow and shallow straits.

The lowest rock in the co. is the Medina sandstone, extending in a broadbelt along the lake shore. Next above this is a thin stratum of the Clintongroup, almost disappearing upon the w. border of the co.; and next above isthe Niagara group, forming the abrupt terrace of the Mountain Ridge. Thisrock forms an excellent building material, and is extensively quarried. Italso yields weak brine springs in several localities. The underlying rocksin the s. part of the co. belong to the Onondaga salt group. Lime is extensively manufactured from the Niagara limestone; and the rocks in the s. part yield gypsum and waterline. A large part of the co. is covered with drift deposits, which mostly assume the character of ridges and rounded hills, many of them rising 50 to 100 ft. above the general surface. Tufaand marl are found in several localities, forming elements of fertility to the soil almost invaluable. A small quantity of iron is found associated with the Clinton group.

The soil is generally very fertile. Along the lake shore it consists of ared, argillaceous loam, principally derived from the disintegration of theMedina sandstone. This is succeeded by a clay derived from thedisintegration of the Clinton and Niagara shales. The soil in the s. partis impregnated with lime and gypsum,- two of the most important elements ofwheat lands. Agriculture forms the leading pursuant. Until within a fewyears past, wheat has been the great staple; but since the ravages of thewheat midge, barley, corn, and oats have become the staple productions.Most parts of the co. are well adapted to the culture of fruit, and applesand peaches are largely produced. Wool growing is extensively carried on,and stock growing and dairying are beginning to receive considerableattention. The manufactures are extensive, though mostly confined toRochester and vicinity. They consist chiefly of flour, machinery, edgetools, cars, and almost every variety of article of iron. Rochester is thebusiness center of the co.; and from it a large trade is carried on withthe surrounding rich agricultural regions. The canals and railroadscentering at this place give it facilities for an extensive inland tradeand commerce. A limited amount of commerce is carried on upon Lake Ontario.

Co. seat

The first co. officers were Elisha B. Strong, First Judge; Timothy Barnard, Judge; Joseph Spencer, Assistant Justice; James Seymour, Sheriff; NathanielRochester, Clerk; and Elisha Ely, Surrogate.

The courthouse

The first courthouse was built in 1821, soon after the organization of theco. It was removed to give place for the present structure in 1852. Thepresent courthouse was built at a cost of $50,000, at the joint expense ofthe city and co.

The co. seat is located at the city of Rochester. The courthouse, situated upon Buffalo St., near the center of the city, is a commodious brick edifice, with an Ionic portico supported by four massive pillars. The building is surmounted by a dome, the summit of which is 150 ft. high. It contains the usual offices and rooms for the court and court officers, the co. clerk's office, and rooms for the city officers. The jail is an old stone building, situated upon a farm of 134 acres in Brighton, just s. of the city line of Rochester. It consists of three large buildings, one of which is used for an insane asylum. The average number of inmates is 360, supported at a weekly cost of 68 cts. each. A school is taught throughout the year. The farm yields a revenue of $3,500.

Four daily, 2 tri-weekly, 8 weekly, 1 semi-monthly, and 3 monthly papersare published in the co.

The Erie Canal extends e. and w. through the co. It crosses the IrondequoitValley upon the highest embankment upon the whole canal line. At Rochesterit crosses Genesee River upon an aqueduct built of solid blocks of Onondagalimestone. The Genesee Valley Canal intersects the Erie Canal at Rochester,affording water communication s. to near the Penn. line, and opening intoAllegany River at Olean. The New York Central R.R. extends through the co.several of its branches radiating from Rochester. The direct branch e.extends along the line of the Erie Canal, through Brighton, Pittsford, andPerinton, to Syracuse. The Auburn Branch extends s. e. through Brighton andPittsford to Auburn and Syracuse. The Buffalo Branch extends s. w. throughGates, Chili, and Riga; and the Niagara Falls Branch extends w. throughGates, Greece, Ogden, and Sweden. The Genesee Valley R.R. extends s. fromRochester through Brighton, Henrietta, and Rush; the Canandaigua & Niagara Bridge Branch of the N.Y.C.R.R. extends through Rush and Mendon; and the Rochester & Charlotte Branch of the N.Y.C.R.R. extends from Rochester n. to the lake shore.

Mill Yard Tract

In his treaty with the Indians, Mr. Phelps wished to obtain a tract w. of the Genesee; but the Indians were only willing to cede the lands e. of that river. A compromise was finally effected, by which a tract 24 mi. long by 12 mi. wide was granted to Phelps and Gorham for a mill yard. It is said that the Indians were much astonished when they came to see the mill and know how much land was really required for a yard. The Mill Yard Tract was bounded e. by the Genesee, w. by a line parallel to and 12 mi. w. of it, and is extended 24 mi. s. from Lake Ontario.

The territory now forming Monroe co. formerly constituted a portion of thehunting grounds of the Seneca Nation, although it contained none of theirprincipal villages. The region was frequently visited by the French; but nopermanent settlement was made till after the Revolution. The first settlerwas Ebenezer Allen, a tory, who located upon the Genesee, near the presentsite of Rochester, in 1788. He soon after removed to Canada. The firstpermanent settlements were made in 1789, in Wheatland and near the head ofIrondequoit Bay. During the next five years settlements sprung up invarious parts of the co., though the general growth was greatly retarded bythe difficulty of access, the dense forests, and the unhealthiness of theclimate when the lands were first cleared. The unsettled condition ofIndian affairs also had the effect to retard settlement; and the War of1812 almost put an end to improvement. At the close of the war, settlerscame in more rapidly, and a great business began to develop itself atRochester. The construction of the Erie Canal gave an impetus to business,and speedily pushed settlements into every portion of the co. From thattime the progress of the co. has been rapid and continuous. The co. wascontained in the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. The three western townsbelonged to the Triangle Tract, and the remainder of the co. w. of theGenesee constitutes a portion of the celebrated "Mill Yard Tract."


This town embraces Township 3 of Range 7 of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. It was originally purchased by Gen. Hyde, Prosper Polly, Enos Stone, Col. Gilbert, and Joseph Chapin from Lenox, Mass.


The original town, "Boyle," was organized April 6, 1806, and embrased the six n. towns e. of the river. Penfield was taken off in 1810, and Perinton in 1812. Some time in 1812 or '13 the name was changed to "Smallwood;" and March 25, 1814, it was divided into two parts, one taking the name Brighton and the other Pittsford.

Genesee Model School

This institution was widely known as the "Clover Street Seminary," under the care of Mrs. Brewster, the author of Bloss's Ancient History.

first settlement

John Lusk owned 1,500 acres at the head of Irondequoit Bay. Among the other early settlers were Joel Scudder, Chauncey and Calvin Hyde, SamuelShaffer, Enos Blossom, Timothy Allyn, and Oliver Culer, - the last namedfrom Orwell, Vt. In 1800, most of the business upon the lake was done atIrondequoit Landing. In 1798, Judge John Tryon laid out a village 3 mi.above the head of the bay, and built a large warehouse. The place wascalled "Tryon Town." Asa Dayton kept an inn at this place, in 1801. A tannery and distillery were afterward built, and the place became quite a lively little village; but it is now entirely deserted. ---- Turner taught the first school; Ira West kept the first mill, on Allyns Creek, in 1806.

Brighton - was formed from "Smallwood," March 25, 1814.A part of Rochester was taken off in 1834 and Irondequoit in 1839. It is aninterior town, lying upon the e. bank of the Genesee, a little s. e. of thecenter of the co. Its surface is gently rolling, with a slight inclinationtoward the n. The deep valley of Irondequoit Bay is on the e. border. Itsstreams are small books, tributaries of the Genesee and Irondequoit. Thesoil is a sandy loam in the in the e. and a clay loam upon the river. Nearthe center are gypsum beds, formerly extensively worked. The people arelargely engaged in raising vegetables for the Rochester market. There areseveral extensive nurseries in town. Brighton, (p. v.,) in the n. e. part, contains a church and about 30 dwellings. It is a canal village and a station upon the N.Y.C.R.R., where the two branches from the e. unite. Alarge brick and tile manufactory is located about 2 mi. s. of the village;and the Genesee Model School is situated upon a beautiful site 2 mi. s. e. West Brighton, (p. v.,) near the Genesee s. of the line of Rochester, contains about 15 dwellings. In its immediate vicinity are theco. workhouse, poorhouse, and insane hospital, the Mount Hope RuralCemetery, the Monroe co. almshouses, an extensive glue factory, and severalother manufactories. The first settlement was made in 1790, by John Lusk and Oran Stone, who located about 4 mi. e. of the river. Rev. Solomon Allen, from Northampton, Mass., preached the first sermon and wasthe first settled minister. There is but one church (Cong.) in town.

first settlement

Among the early settlers were Andrew Wirtman, in 1794; Stephen Peabody,Col. Josiah Fish and his son Libbeus, from Vt., who located at the mouth ofBlack Creek, in 1795. ---- Widener and his sons Jacob, Abraham, William andPeter; ---- Scott, Joshua Howell, Benj. Bowen, John Kimball, ----Dillingham, ---- Franklin and family, all settled previous to 1800. Thefirst birth was that of a child of Joseph Wood, in 1799. The first deathoccurred in the family of Joseph Morgan. James Chapman kept the firststore, in 1807; and Joseph Cary built the first mill.

5 churches

2 M. E., 2 Bap., and Presb.

Chili - was formed from Riga, Feb. 22, 1822. It is an interior town, lyings. w. of the center of the co. Its surface is level or gently rolling, witha slight inclination to the e. Genesee River forms the e. boundary; andBlack Creek, a sluggish stream, flows e. through near the center. The soilis clay loam, mixed with sand. South of Black Creek are several gravellyknolls, the principal of which is Dumpling Hill, near the river. Chili, (p.v.,) in the n. part, contains a church and 15 houses; North Chili, (p. v.,)a R.R. station in the n. w. corner, contains a church and 25 houses;Clifton, (p. v.,) in the s. w. part, contains 1 church, a saw and gristmill, plaster mill, furnace, and 201 inhabitants; South Chili is a hamlet.The first settlement made in the e. part, by Joseph Morgan, in 1792. There are 5 churches in town.


Named from Gen. --- Clarkson, an extensive landholder, who gave 100 acres to the town.

first settlement

The first settlement was made at Clarkson; and among the early settlers atthat point were David Forsyth and Dea. Joel Palmer, from Conn. EldridgeJohn, and Isaac Farwell came in 1810, and located w. of Clarkson Village.Dr. Abiel Baldwin, from Saratoga, came in 1811. The first male child bornwas a son of Mrs. Clarkson; the first female birth was that of BetseyPalmer, in 1812. Charlotte Cummings taught the first school, in 1812. HenryMcCall kept the first store, about 1810.

Clarkson - was formed from Murray, (Orleans co.,) April 2, 1819. Union was taken off in 1852. It lies on the w. border of the co., n. of center. Its surface is level, with slight undulations in the s. It is drained to the n. e. by the head branches of Salmon and Little Salmon Creeks. The soil is a sandy loam, mixed with clay. Clarkson, (p. v.,) in the s. part, contains 2 churches, a brewery, and 325 inhabitants. It is the residence of Ex-Lieut. Gov. Henry R. Selden. Salt was manufactured to a limited extent by the early settlers. East Clarkson, (p. v.,) in the s. e. corner, contains a church and 20 houses; West Clarkson, in the w. part, 30 houses. The first settlement commenced in 1809, by James Sayres, Moody Truman, and Elijah Blodgett. There are 3 churches in town; 2 M. E. and Cong.


Named in honor of Gen. Horatio Gates.

first settlement

Among the early settlers who arrived in 1809 were John Sickles and Augustus B. Shaw. In 1817, Ezra Mason, ---- Hartford, and Richard, Paul, Philip, Lisle, and Lowell Thomas, located in town. William Williams came in 1818. Ira West kept the first store, Isaac Dean built the first mill.

Gates - was formed March 30, 1802, as "Northampton." Its namewas changed June 10, 1812. Parma and Riga were taken off in 1808, andGreece in 1822. It is near the geographical center of the co. Its surfaceis undulating, with a gentle inclination toward the n. Genesee River formsa small portion of the e. boundary on the s. e. corner. It is drained bysmall streams. The soil is a fine quality of calcareous loam, intermixedwith clay. The people are largely engaged in raising vegetables for theRochester market. Gates (p. o.) is 1 mi. n. of Gates Center. Gates Center and West Gates are hamlets; and Coldwater is a station upon the Buffalo Branch of the N.Y.C.R.R. The first settlement was made in 1809, by Isaac Dean from Vt. The census reports 2 churches in town; M. E. and Presb.


In June 1813, the British fleet, under Sir James Yeo, landed at Charlotte and seized a quantity of provissions and whiskey. In Sept. of the same year the fleet made its appearance at the mouth of the Genesee, and commenced a heavy fire upon the place; but the American fleet made its appearance, releived the place, and the British escaped with considerable difficulty. In May 1814, the British came once more, and, under cover of a flag of truce, a demand was made to deliver up the public stores at Rochester. The few militiamen who were present passed inti and out of the woods in sight of the British, giving the appearance of a great number; and the enemy, suspecting an ambuscade, retired after having furiously bombarded the woods for an hour.

first settlement

Among the other early settlers were John Love, in 1793, at the mouth of the river; Zadoc Granger and Gideon King, at the Lower Genesee Falls, now Hanfords Landing, in 1796; and in the winter of 1796 and '97, Eli Granger, Thomas King, Simon King, Elijah Kent, Frederic Bushnell, and Samuel Latta located in Town. Eli Granger and Abner Migells built a schooner at Hanfords (then Kings) Landing, in 1799. This was the first merchant vessel built by Americans on Lake Ontario.The first marriage was that of Thomas Lee and a daughter of Wm. Hencher. Frederic Hanford kept the first store, in 1810; and Nathaniel Jones bulit the first sawmill.

7 churches

2 M. E., Presb., Bap., Cong., Union, and R. C.

Greece - was formed from Gates, March 22, 1822. It lies near the center, onthe n. border of the co. Genesee River and Lake Ontario form its e. and n.boundaries. Its surface is rolling, with a general inclination toward thelake. It is drained by several streams that flow into the respectivelyBraddocks Bay and Cranberry, Long, Buck, Round, and Little Ponds. Theshifting sand bars at their mouths destroy their commercial utility. Thesoil is clay loam, with large tracts of drift sand along the lake shoreCharlotte, (p. v.,) in the n. e. corner, near the mouth of Genesee River, is a U.S. port of entry in the Genesee District, and thelake port for Rochester, 7 mi. above. It contains 2 churches, a lighthouse,3 shipyards, a steam sawmill, 2 grain elevators, planing mill, and lumberyard. Pop. 400. Six schooners are owned in the place; and the lake steamerstouch here daily during navigation. West Greece, (p. v.,) on the line ofParma, contains 2 churches and 30 houses; North Greece (p. v.,) a churchand 20 houses; South Greece, (p. v.,) in the s. w. corner, 25 houses; andGreece (p. v.,) a church and 20 houses. Hanfords Landing, (p. v.,) in the s. e. corner, at the head of navigation on Genesee River from the lake,contains 20 houses. Greece Center and Reads Corners are hamlets. The first settlement was made at the mouth of the Genesee, in 1792, by Wm. Hencher and family. The census reports 7 churches in town.


Named for Henrietta Laura, Countess of Bath, daughter of Sir Wm. Pulteney.

first church

The census reports 5 churches; 2 M. E., 2 Bap., and Cong.

first settlement

Maj. Isaac Scott received for military services 900 aces in the s. w. part of the town, and attempted a settlement in 1790, but abandoned it in 1792. In 1806, Charles Rice, Wm. Thompson, Thomas Sparks, Moses Goodall, Geo. Dickinson, Selag Reed, and Gideon Griswold settled in the w. part. In 1807, Ira Hatch Jonathan Russell, Benjamin Hale, and the Baldwin family settled on what was called the Wadsworth Road. In 1809, the Sprinf family settled near the center. Sarah Leggett taught the first school, in 1809; James Smith kept the first store; and Jonathan Smith built the first sawmill.

Henrietta - was formed from Pittsford, March 27, 1818. It is an interior town, lying s. of the center of the co. Its surface is rolling,Genesee River forming its w. boundary. The streams are small, and usuallydry in summer. The soil is a fertile, argillaceous loam. East Henrietta,(Henrietta p. o.,) e. of the center, contains 2 churches, the Monroe Academy, and 181 inhabitants. West Henrietta, (p. v.,) s. w. of the center, contains a church, a steam mill, furnace, extensive carriage shops, and 40 houses. The first settlement was commenced by Jesse Pangburn, in 1806. The first church (Bap.) was organized in 1811.


Named from the bay. Called by the Indians Neo-da-on-da-quat signifying a bay.

first settlement

Walker was a ranger. He settled at the mouth of Genesee River, but shortly after removed to the w. side of the river, into the present town of Greece. Among the other early settlers were ---- Park, ---- Dunbar, Elisha Scudder, Dr. Hosmer, Emmer Reynolds, Jesse Case, and Adonijah Green, from Vt. The first death was that of Elijah Brown, in 1806.

Irondequoit - was formed from Brighton, March 27, 1839. It lieson the n. border of the co. e. of the center. Lake Ontario forms the n.,Irondequoit Bay the e. and Genesee River the w. boundary. Its surface isrolling, with an inclination in the n. part toward the lake and the deepvalley of Irondequoit Bay on the e. The streams are small and flow n. ande. into the lake and bay. The soil in the n. part is sandy, and in thes. clay loam. Irondequoit, (p. v.,) near the center, contains 15 houses. Asuburb of Rochester, in the s. w. corner, contains 50 houses. The first settlement was made by Wm. Walker, in 1791. There is no church in town.

Honeoye Falls

Long known as "Nortons Mills," from the first mills, erected by Zebulon Norton.

first church

The census reports 9 churches in town; 2 Presb., 2 Union, Prot. E., M. E., Bap., Cong., and Christian.

first settlement

Capt. Ball and Peter Sines, from Conn. came in with Mr. Norton. Among the other early settlers were Daniel Williams, Capt. Treat, Rufus Parks, Ebenezer Ratbun, Benj. Parks, Wm. Hickox, Lorin Wait, and Reuben Hill, from Mass., in 1793. Those all settled in the e. part of the town. ---- Sterling, Jason Cross, ---- Moore, and Calvin Perrine settled at Honeoye Falls, in 1794; John Parks, Jonas Allen, and Joseph Bryan, in 1795; Chales Foot and samuel Lane, 1797. The first birth was that of Wm. E. Sterling, in 1795; the first marriage, that of Jason Cross and Mary Moon, in 1796; and the first death, that of John Moon, in 1801. Welcome Garfield taught the first school; Abram Parrish kept the first inn; and James Dickinson the first store.

Mendon- was formed from Bloomfield, (Ontario co.,) May 26, 1812. It lies onthe s. border of the co., e. of center. Its surface in the n. and e. isrolling, and in the s. w. moderately hilly. Honeoye Creek flows through thes. w. corner, and the headwaters of Irondequoit Creek through near thecenter. Honeoye Falls, (p. v.,) near the s. w. corner, incorp. April 12, 1833, contains 4 churches 3 flouring mills, 1 gristmill, a sawmill, 2 woolen factories, a plaster mill, a manufactory of agricultural implements, and a stone quarry. It is a station on the Canandaigua & Niagara Falls Branch of the N.Y.C.R.R. Pop. about 1,100. Mendon, (p. v.,)in the e. part, contains 2 churches, a steam flouring mill, a steamsawmill, a foundry, and 20 houses; and Mendon Center (p. v.,) a grist miland saw mill and 15 houses. Sibleyville, in the s. w., is a hamlet. Thefirst settlement was made at Honeoye Falls, by Zebulon Norton, from Vt., in 1790. The first church (Bap.) was organized in 1809, Rev. Jesse Brayman was the first settled minister.


Named for Wm. Ogden, son-in-law of John Murray, original proprietor. The town embrases a portion of "Mill Yard Tract."


Named for Wm. H. Spencer, the pioneer settler.

first church

The census reports 7 churches in town; Bap., Cong., M. E., Meth. Prot., Presb., R. C., and Union.

Settlement was commenced

Among the other early settlers were Ephraim, Abraham, Timothy, and Isaac Colby, and Wm. H. Spencer, in 1803; Josiah Mather, Jonathan Brown, Henry Hahn, Daniel Wendle, Benajah Willey, John Webster, Benj. Freeman, and Daniel Spencer, in 1804; Judge William B. Brown and Daniel Arnold, in 1805; and Austin Spencer, in 1808. These early settlers were all from Conn. The first child born was John Colby, in 1805; and the first death was that of Mrs. G. W. Willey, in 1803. Miss ---- Willey taught the first in 1807. George Huntley kept the first Inn; Charles Church the first store; and Wm. H. Spencer built the first sawmill.

Ogden - was formed from Parma, Jan. 27, 1817. It is an interior town, lying w. of the center of the co. The surface is level or gentlyundulating, with a slight inclination toward then. The streams are smallbrooks forming head branches of Sandy, Salmon, and Little Black Creeks. Thesoil is a fine quality of calcareous and clayey loam. It is one of the bestwheat growing towns in the co. Spencerport, (p. v.,) a canal village and R. R. station, in the n. e. part of the town, contains 4 churches, a furnace, tannery, gristmill, and sawmill. Pop. 578. AdamsBasin, (p. v.,) is a canal village and R. R. station of 30 houses, in then. w. part of the town. Ogden Center contains a church and 35 houses. Ogden is a p. o. Settlement was commenced in 1802, by George W. Willey, from East Haddam Conn. The first preacher was Rev. Daniel Brown, in 1807; and the first church (Presb.) was formed in 1811.


This town embrases the n. w. portion of the Mill Yard Tract.

first church

The census reports 9 churches in town; 2 Bap., 2 M. E., 2 Presb., F. W. Bap, Christian, and Cong.

first settlement

Among the other early settlers were Michael Beach, Silas Leonard, Geo. Goodhue, and Timothy Madden, in 1802; Jonathan Underwood, Gibbon Jwell, Geo. Huntley, Abner Brockway, jr., Jas. Egbert, and Jonathan Ogden, in 1805; Hope and Elisha Downs, in 1809; Augustus Mather, Lendell Curtiss, Sam'l Castle, and Kinnicone Roberts, in 1810; and Joshua Whitney, in 1811. The first marriage was that of Capt. Jonathan Leonard and a daughter of Wm. Hincher. Alpheus Madden taught the first school, in 1804; J. Thompson kept the first store; Hope and Elisha Downs the first inn; and Jonathan Whitney built the first saw and grist mill.

Parma - was formed from "Northampton," now Gates, April 8, 1808. Ogden was taken off in 1817. It lies upon Lake Ontario, w. of thecenter of the co. The surface is level in the n. and gently rolling in thes., with a slight inclination toward the n. Its streams are Salmon, LittleSalmon, Buttonwood, and Long Pond Creeks. The soil is principally a gravelyloam, intermixed in places with sand and clay. Weak brine springs are found s. of Unionville. Parma Corners, (Parma p. o.,) upon the ridge, in the s. part, contains a church, the Parma Institute, a pump shop, and 116 inhabitants. Parma Center (p. v.) contains 2 churches, a machine shop, and 109 inhabitants. Unionville, n. of the center, contains 2 churches, a furnace, machine shop, and 145 inhabitants. North Parma is a p. o. The first settlement was made in the n. e. part, in 1794, by Rozaleet Atchinson and his sons Stephen and John, from Tolland, Conn. The first church (Bap.) was formed May 27, 1809.


Named from Daniel Penfield, an extensive landholder during the early settlement.

4 churches

Bap., F. W. Bap., M. E., Presb.

first permanent settlement

Asa Carpenter had previously settled but did not remain. Gen. Jonathan Fassett, of Vt., Caleb Hopkins, ---- Maybee, and four others made a settlement, but soon after abandoned it on account of sickness. Hopkins and Maybee remained. As early as 1804, Josiah J. Kellogg, Dan'l Stilwell, Benj. Minor, Jonathan and David Baker, Isaac Beatty, and Henry Paddock, moved in. Daniel Penfield came in 1810. The first birth was that ofa child of Mrs. Fiske; and the first death was that of Benj. Stillwell, in 1804. Jos. Hatch taught the first school; Daniel Stillwell kept the first inn, in 1806; and Wm. McKinster the first store. The first mills were built by Daniel Penfield.

Penfield - was formed from "Boyle," March 30, 1810. Webster wastaken off in 1840. It lies on the e. border of the co., n. of the center.Its surface is rolling, and in the w. it is much broken. Irondequoit Bayenters the n. w. corner. Irondequoit Creek flows through the s. w. cornerand forms a part of the w. boundary. It falls about 90 ft. in the villageof Penfield. The other streams are small brooks. The soil is drift sandover argillaceous loam. Penfield, (p. v.,) in the s. w. part, onIrondequoit Creek, contains 3 churches, 2 gristmills, 2 sawmills, a woolenfactory, a foundry, and a manufactory of agricultural implements. Pop.550. Lovetts Corners (East Penfield p. o.) contains 20 houses; PenfieldCenter contains 15 houses. The first permanent settlement was made by Lebbeus Ross and Calvin Clark, in 1801. There are 4 churches in town.


Named from Glover Perrin, the first permanent settler.

8 churches in town

2 Wes. Meth., M. E., Cong., Bap., F. W. Bap., Univ., and Union.

first permanent settler

Among the early settlers were Jesse Perrin, in 1794, Abner Wright, in 1795, Caleb Walker, in 1799, and Asa and Edward Perrin, Levi Treadwell, Maj. Norton, John Scott, John Peters, and Gideon Ramsdell, soon after. The first birth was that of Asa Wright, in 1797. Glover Perrin kept the first inn; Gregory & Dean the first store; and Richard Lincoln built the first gristmill.

Perinton - was formed from "Boyle," May 26, 1812. It is the s. town on the e. line of the co. Its surface is uneven, a ridge from the s. e. terminating near the center. Turk Hill, in the s. part, is the highest point in the co. The town is drained by the headwaters of Irondequoit Creek and its branches. The soil is sandy loam. Fairport, (p. v.,) n. w. of center, a canal and R. R. station, contains 5 churches, 3 flouring mills, 2 sawmills, a plaster mil, 2 planing mills, a saleratus factory, machine shops, and carriage shops. Pop. 685. Bushells Basin, (p. v.,) in the w. part, on the canal, contains a church and 252 inhabitants; and Egypt, (p. v.,) s. e. of the center, a church and 30 houses. Fullams Basin is a hamlet, on the canal. The first settlement commenced in 1790, but was mostly abandoned after. Glover Perrin was the first permanent settler, in 1793. Rev. ----- Chase preached the first sermon. There are 8 churches in town.

first settlement

Silas Nye, Joseph Farr, Alex. Dunn, and David Davis, from Washington co., settled the center about the same time; Thos. Clelland, Ezra Patterson, and Josiah Girinison, soon after. In 1790 and '91, the Stone family, of 7 persons, Caleb Hopkins, Wm. Acker, Israel Canfield, and Benj. Miller, came in. The first marriage was that of N. Armstrong and Miss E. Cole. The first school was taught in 1794. John Mann built the first mill, in 1805, on Irondequoit Creek, in the e. part of the town.

first church

There are 4 churches in town; Presb., Prot. E., M. E., and Bap.

Pittsford - was formed from "Smallwood," March 25, 1814. Henrietta wastaken off in 1818. It is an interior town, lying e. of the center of theco. Its surface is undulating, with a gentle inclination toward the n.Irondequoit Creek flows through the n. e. part, and Allyns Creek throughthe w. part. The soil is sandy in the n., and clayey and gravelly in the s.Pittsford, (p. v.,) near the center, a canal and R. R. station, was incorp.April 7, 1827. It contains 4 churches, a union school, and a flouring mill.Pop. 702. Cartersville, in the e. part, on the canal, contains a distilleryand 12 houses. The first settlement was commenced in 1789, by Israel and Simon Stone. The first church (Cong.) was organized in 1809.


Named from Samuel Church, the pioneer settler at the village in 1808.

first church

The census reports 6 churches in town; 2 Cong., M. E., Presb., Bap., and Univ.

first settlement

The first settlers were mostly from Mass. Elihu Church settled near the center, in March 1806. Soon after, Samuel Sheppard settled in the s. w. part; Henry Brewster, Sam'l Baldwin, William Parker, Ezekiel Barnes, Nehemiah Frost, Samuel Church, Jas. Knowles, Thos. Bigham, Jos. Tucker, Enos Morse, and Geo. Richmond, in 1807; and Jas. Emerson and Eber and Chester Orcutt, in 1080. The first birth was that of a daughter of Sam'l Church; the first male child born was Hiram Shepard, in 1806; the first death was that of Richard Church, in 1807. Jos. Thompson kept the first inn; Thompson & Tuttle the first store, in 1808. Samuel Church built the first sawmill, in 1808, and the first gristmill, in 1811, both at Churchville.

Riga - was formed from "Northampton," now Gates, April 8, 1808. Chili wastaken off in 1822. It lies on the w. border of the co., near the s. w.corner. Its surface is level or gently undulating. Black Creek, a dull,sluggish stream, flows e. in a tortuous course through near the center. Thesoil is clayey loam. Churchville, (p. v.,) n. w. of the center,on Black Creek, is a R. R. station, and contains 4 churches, a saw andflouring mill, foundery, and machine shop. Pop. 450. Riga Center, (Riga p.o.) near the center, contains a church, the Riga Academy, and 25 houses.The first settlement was commenced in 1805, under the auspices of James Wadsworth. The first church (Cong.) was formed in the fall of 1806, Rev. Allen Hollister was the first pastor.

Genesse Falls at Rochester


Named from Col. Nath'l Rochester, one of the original proprietors.

enlarged and incorporated

At the first village meeting, held May 13, 1828, under charter Francis Brown was elected President, and Wm. Cobb, Everard Peck, Dan. Mack, And Jeheil Barnard, Trustees. The village corporation embrased 750 acres. The first city officers- elected in June, 1834- were Jonathan Child, Mayor; Louis Brooks, Thos. Kempshall, Elijah F. Smith, Fred'k F. Backus, and A. W. Ripley, Aldermen; John C. Nash, Clerk; and E. F. Marshall, Treasurer.

rapids and falls

The whole fall of the Genesee River within the co. is 250 ft., of which 265 are below the s. line of the city. The falls evidently all once formed a single cascade; but the different degrees of hardness of the several rocks over which the river flows have caused an unequal retrograde movement of the falls , until they have assumed their present position. The surface shales have worn away gradually to a uniform slope, over which the water flows in a series of rapids. At the Upper Falls the stream falls a distance of 96 feet over the perpendicular edge of the Niagara limestone underlaid by shale. Below the Upper Falls the river flows 1½ mi., through a deep ravine bounded by nearly perpendicular sides, to the Middle Falls, where it has a decent of 25 ft. One hundred rods below, it descends 84 ft. over a ledge of Medina sandstone to the level of Lake Ontario. Several sulphur springs flow out of the rocks below the Middle Falls.

Rochester - was taken from Brighton and Gates, and incorp. as avillage, by the name of "Rochesterville," March 21, 1817. Its name waschanged April 12, 1822, and it was enlarged and incorporated as a cityApril 28, 1834. It is located n. of the center of the co., uponthe Genesee River, 7 miles from its mouth; and it contains an area of 8 sq.mi. The surface is level or gently undulating. The N.Y.C.R.R. track is 280ft. above Lake Ontario; and Mt. Hope Ridge, the highest point upon the s.border, is 160 ft. higher. The city has a solid foundation of Niagaralimestone, cropping out along the course of the river, but in other partsof the city usually covered with drift deposits. The Genesee flows n.,dividing the city into two nearly equal parts. Its coarse through the cityis mostly a succession of rapids and falls, affording an extensive and valuable water-power, which is fully improved for manufacturing purposes.


The river is crossed by 4 bridges, respectively at Buffalo, Court, Andrew, and Clarissa Sts. The Court and Andrews St. Bridges are of iron, and the others of wood. The first bridge was built upon the site of the present Buffalo St. Bridge, in 1810-12, under a special act. The cost - $12,000 - was raised by tax, in Ontario and Genesee cos. The Court St. Bridge was first built in 1826, by individuals. It was replaced by the present structure in 1858, at city expense. The Central R.R. Bridge crosses the river a few rods above the Upper Falls. The canal is crossed by 5 substantial iron bridges, built by the State. Other bridges are built across the canal feeder and various millraces extending through the city.

The city is quite regularly laid out, most of the streets crossing eachother at right angles. The n. and s. streets are parallel to the river, andupon the principal e. and w. streets bridges are built across the river. The streets are usually well paved and bordered by commodious sidewalks. The city is divided into 12 wards.

water-power furnished by Genesee River

The situation of this water-power is very favorable for the growth of manufactures. Vessels from Lake Ontario can come up the river to the foot of the Lower Falls, 2 mi. below the center of the city; and above the rapids the river is navigable to Mount Morris, a distance of 53 mi. The first mill was built by Ebenezer Allen, in 1788-90. He soon after sold out to Col. Fish and removed to Canada. This mill and one other were the only ones at this place until 1814, when Elisha and Henry Ely and Josiah Bissell built another at the Upper Falls. During this year a hundred bbls. of flour were sent to the Niagara frontier, - the first flour ever exported from Rochester. The Phoenix Mills were built in 1818, since that time the number has largely increased, until now Rochester is one of the largest flour manufacturing places in the country. It is called the "Flour City."

other manufacturing purposes

Flour Barrels form an important item in the manufacturing interests of the city. There are now engaged in this business 41 firms,producing in the aggregate 250,000 bbls. annually, and giving employment to 400 men.

The immense water-power furnished by Genesee River gives to the city greatadvantages for manufacturing. Mills were erected at an earlyperiod; and gradually other machinery was added, until the present greatamount and variety have been attained. The staple manufacture of the cityis flour. There are now in operation 24 mills and an aggregate of 125 runsof stone. The mills have a capacity for grinding 800,000 bbls. of flour perannum; and the aggregate capital invested is $750,000. Since the failure ofthe wheat crop in Western New York, a considerable portion of thewater-power has been directed to other manufacturing purposes.

the nurseries

Ellwanger & Barry's Mount Hope Nursery, occupying 500 acres, is probably the most extensive nursery in the world. Samuel Moulson's Old Rochester Nursery occupies 350 acres; Alonzo Frost & Co.'s Genesee Valley Nursery , about 250; and Hooker & Bissell's East Avenue Nursery, about 200. J. O. Bloss & Co., Chas. Moulson, ---- Burtis, Mattison & Co., Wm. King, and Wm. Bryan & Co.'s nurseries occupy 50 to 100 acres each.

The culture of fruit and ornamental trees has for many years formed an important business of the city; and now the nurseries are among the most extensive in the country.

Lake Ontario

The principal landing for the port of Rochester is at Charlotte, at the mouth of Genesee River, 7 mi. below the city. The amount of imports at this port for the year of 1858 was $308,252; exports $126,197. The principal imports are wheat, flour, fish, lumber, horses, hides and skins, peas, and wool; and exports, castings, fruit, fruit-trees, furniture, cheese, potatoes, and machinery.

The commerce of the city is large, though of much less importance than the manufactures. It is carried on by means of the canals, railroads, and Lake Ontario. The exports consist of the products of the Genesee Valley and of the manufactured goods of the city. Pop. 43,877.

Besides the co. buildings, the city contains several fine public edifices.

The City Hall, combined with the co, courthouse, combined with the co.courthouse has already been described.

Corinthian Hall contains the reading room and library of the Antheneum andMechanics' Association, and is one of the finest public halls in thecountry.

The Arcade, fronting Buffalo St., is a commodious building containing the p. o., telegraph offices, and a variety of other offices, stores, &c. It has a broad promenade extending through the center, from which the various rooms open on either side. The roof is built mostly of glass, and the public walk is open to the roof. The rooms of the upper stories open upon galleries, which extend the entire length of the building on either side above the main walk or promenade.

The Central R.R. Depot is one of the finest buildings of the kind in theState. It contains ample accommodations for the various R.R. offices,passenger rooms, and for the cars which arrive on the various roads thatcenter there. Its roof is supported by iron; and the whole structurepresents a fine and imposing appearance. Several of the mercantile blocks,the banks, and private residences, are beautiful structures and worthy ofbecoming architectural models.

The Public Schools of the city are under control of a Board of Education,consisting of 2 members from each ward and a Superintendent. The schools aregraded, and the course of instruction embraces all studies, from theprimary through the higher branches taught in academies. The schoolbuildings are 16 in number. The number of teachers employed is 104; 13 aremales and 91 females. The number of children between the ages of 4 and 21is 16,108, of whom 6,320, or 38 percent, attend school during some portionof the year. The total expenses for 1857 were $59,945.55. Number of volumesin school libraries, 7000.

The University of the City of Rochester

This institution at present occupies temporary buildings upon Buffalo St., in the midst of the city. It owns a site of 12 acres just e. of the city limits, upon which suitable buildings are in pricess of erection. Connected with the institution is a library and a fine mineralogical cabinet.

The University of the City of Rochester was incorp. in Jan. 1850, and is under the patronage of the Baptist denomination. This school has an optional classical and scientific course. The present number of pupils is 140.

The Baptist Theological Seminary

This institution has an endowment of $75,000. It has a German Theological Department. Its library contains 5,500 vols., 4,500 of which belonged to Dr. Augustus Neander, the German ecclesiastical historian.

The Baptist Theological Seminary, connected with the University, was established Nov. 4, 1850. Its present number of students is 31.

The Rochester Collegiate Institute, corner of Atwater and Oregon Sts., was established in 1854, and is at present a flourishing institution.

The Rochester Female Academy, on Fitzhugh St., was incorp. in 1837.

The Allen Female Seminary and The Tracy Female Institute are flourishing private seminaries. There are 8 parish schools connected with the R.C. churches of the city.

The Rochester Atheneum and Mechanics Association was founded in 1849. Ithas an extensive reading room and a library of 8,000 volumes. It sustainsan annual course of lectures.

The Female Charitable Society was organized in 1826, to furnish clothingand other articles of necessity to the destitute.

The Home of the Friendless was organized April 11, 1849, to provide workfor the needy who cannot obtain employment.

The House for Idle and Vagrant Children was opened June 2, 1854. It isconnected with the school department of the city; and to it are sent allvagrant children that are wandering about the streets.

The Rochester Orphan Asylum was established in 1836 and incorp. in 1838. Itis a fine brick edifice, situated in the s. w. part of the city, upon a lotdonated by the Hon. John Greig. Its average number of inmates is 84,supported by State and county appropriations and private subscription.

The Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum was opened in July, 1842. It is under the charge of the Sisters of Charity. It is situated in the rear of St. Patrick's Church.

The Cartmen's Mutual Benevolent Society was incorp. in July 1849.

The St. Andrew's Benevolent Society for extending aid to indigent Scotchmen was formed in 1850.

The St. George's Society was formed in March 1849, by the English residents of the city.

The other societies in the city are Monroe Co. Bible Society, organized in1821; The Rochester City Tract Society; the Industrial School Association; the Christian Doctrine Society; Society of St. Alphonsus, (German;) St. Joseph's Convent of Redemption; the Academics of St. Patrick, The Sacred Heart, and Our Lady of Mercy. The St. Mary's Hospital has a average of about 70 patients.

The Western House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents

The central building is 86 by 60 ft., and 3 stories high. The wings are each 148 by 32, - making the entire length of the building 382 feet. Juvenile delinquents are sentenced to this institution from the central, northern, and western parts of the State, - those from the eastern part being sent to a similar institution on Wards Island, New York City. The inmates spend a portion of each day in study and a portion in laboring at some useful employment. The principal business carried on is the manufacture of shoes and brushes. A library of 9,000 volumes is connected with this institution. The yearly cost is about $31,000 and the earnings of the inmates $12,000.

The Western House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents, a State institution, established in 1844, is located upon a farm of 42 acres 1½ mi. n. of the courthouse. The buildings consist of a large and imposing main edifice, with wings containing offices, cells, a chapel, &c. and a variety of workshops. They occupy a site of 4½ acres, surrounded by a high wall. The average number of inmates is nearly 400.

46 churches

10 Presb., 8 M. E., 7 R. C., 4 Prot. E., 4 Bap., 2 Friends, and 1 each Cong., Univ., Unit., Ref. Prot. D., Germ. Evan., Germ. Ref., Second Advent, Society of Christians, Brothers in Christ, Evanel. Association, and Jewish.

The first religious services held in the co. were connected with the French missions in the 17th century. The first church at Rochester (Presb.) was formed in 1815, and the church edifice was erected in 1817; Rev. Comfort Williams was the first settled minister, in 1816. Several of the city churches are among the finest church edifices in the State. There are now 46 churches in the city.

Mount Hope Cemetery is located in Brighton, near the s. line of the city.It embraces a lot of 70 acres located upon Mount Hope, the highest point ofland in the vicinity, and one completely overlooking the city. It is laidout in excellent taste, and is one of the finest rural cemeteries in theCountry.

St. Patrick's Cemetery contains 15 acres, and St. Joseph's Cemetery (German) 9 acres.

map of the region

Upon these early maps the Genesee was called "Casconchigon," or Little Seneca River. The water-power was not immediately improved, because every creek in the vicinity afforded sufficient power for the wants of the people.

first settler

Aaron Burr visited the place in 1795 and made a minute and critical survey of the Falls. In 1797 Louis Philippe and his two brothers, then in exile, accompanied by Robert Morris visited the place.

the erection of mills

Charles Harford built a small mill in 1807, - the first one after that of Ebenezer Allen. The Browns built a race in 1812, and stated a store. The same year Samuel J. Andrews and Moses Atwater laid out a tract of land for settlement. Among the settlers who came in about this time were Rev. Abelard Reynolds, Dr. Jonah Brown, (the first physician,) Abraham Starks, John Mastick, (the first lawyer,) Henry Skinner, Israel Scrantom, Luscum Knapp, Hezekiah Noble, Joseph Hughes, Ebenezer Kelly, Ira West, Elisha and Henry Ely, Porter P. Peck, Josiah Bissell jr., Michael Cully, Harvey Montgomery, Charles D. Farman, and Geo. G. Sill. The first child born was a son of Enos Stone, May 4, 1810. Hamlet Scrantom built the first framed dwelling, in 1812, on the present site of the Eagle Tavern.

The territory about the mouth of the Genesee first became known to the whites in the early exploring expeditions of the French. A map of the region, prepared by Baron La Hontan, was published in London in 1703. Views of the Upper and Lower Genesee Falls had been published as early as 1768. Many other adventurers visited the place and gave descriptionsof it long previous to the Revolution. The country remained in thepeaceable possession of the Indians until after the war, when immigrationbegan to set in toward Western, N. Y. The first settler who located at the falls was Ebenezer Allen, the notorius tory. He built a mill in1788 or '90, but soon after sold out his improvements to the PulteneyEstate. The mill went to decay; and there were no other white settlers forseveral years. Among the earliest settlers were JeremiahOlmstead, who located a short distance s. of the present site of the Houseof Refuge, in 1798-99; Wm. Cole, who established a ferry, in 1805; and EnosStone, who built a mill, in 1808. In 1802, Nath'l Rochester, Wm. Fitzhugh,and Charles H. Carroll, from Md., purchased a tract of 300 acres at theUpper Falls; and in 1812 they caused their land to be laid out forsettlement. In the same year Francis and Matthew Brown, from Mass., andThomas Mulford, laid out a tract of 200 acres adjoining the former, andcommenced the erection of mills, &c.


The following table shows the
progress of population since 1830:

1830 ..........   9,207
1835 .......... 14,414
1840 .......... 20,191
1845 .......... 26,965
1850 .......... 36,403
1855 .......... 43,877

The war with Great Britain broke out at the time when the first effortswere made to build up Rochester, and seriously retarded the progress ofsettlement. The fear of Indian hostilities and of hostile invasion fromCanada caused many of the pioneer settlers to abandon their new homes andemigrate to the more populous sections of the country. At the close of thewar, settlements commenced throughout Western N. Y. with increasedrapidity; and Rochester immediately felt the new impulse. A large number ofsettlers came in, mills were built, and the place immediately became thecommercial and manufacturing center of the fertile Genesee country. Thefinishing of the Erie Canal gave a new impetus to the business of the place and served to greatly extend its manufacturing interests. Since that time the city has steadily and rapidly increased both in populationand business, until it has arrived at a front rank among the inland citiesof the State.

first settlement

Among the early settlers were Joseph Morgan, from the w. side of the river, and ---- Spaker, from the Mohawk. Philip Brice, Chrystal Thomas, Josiah Stall, and John Bell, came in 1801, from Md.; Joseph Sibley and Elisha Sibley, from Rensselaer co. in 1804; Elnathan Perry and Thomas Daily, in 1806. The first birthe was that of Joseph Morgan, in 1789. The first deaths were Mr. and Mrs. Markham, in 1791. John Webster kept the first inn; Benj. Campbell the first store; and John Webster built the first gristmill.

first settled minister

The census reports 5 churches in town; 2 M. E., Evan. Luth., Bap., and Christian.

Rush - was formed from Avon, (Livingston co.,) March 13, 1818. It lies nearthe center of the s. border of the co. Its surface is rolling, with a w.inclination. Genesee River forms its w. boundary; and Honeoye Creek flowsw. through the town and enters the river near the center of the w. border.In the w. part, along the river, are extensive flats. The soil is a sandycalcareous loam on the uplands, and a rich alluvium on the flats. East Rush(Rush p. o.) contains a church, a saw and grist mill, a carriage factory,and about 250 inhabitants; West Rush, (p. v.,) in the w. part, a station onthe C. & N. F. Branch of the N.Y.C.R.R. contains a saw and grist mill and30 houses; North Rush, (p. v.,) in the n. w. part, about 1 mi. e. ofScottsville station, contains a church and 16 houses. Genesee Valley R. R.Junction is 1 mi. w. of West Rush. The first settlement was commenced in 1799, by Maj. Wm. Markham and Ransom Smith, from N. H. The first settled minister was Elder Goff, (Bap.)


Named from Hiel Brockway, a prominent early settler in the village.

Brockport Collegiate Institute

This institution is under the supervision of the Baptist denomination, and is in a flourishing condition.

10 churches in town

3 M. E., 2 Bap., F. W. Bap., Cong., Presb., Prot. E., and R. C.

first settlement

Samuel Bishop, ---- Hopkins, Isaih White, and Stephen Johnson came in 1807; John Reed, Timothy Tyler, and Edward Parks, in 1808. Reuben Moon, with his sons James, Amos, and Isaac, settled in 1809 and '10, in the e. part. James Scott (colored) was the first settler in the s. part, in 1809. John Phelps, Rufus Hammond, and ---- Kinight were the original purchases of the site of Brockport. James Seymour, George Allen, Thomas R. Roby, Ralph W. Goold, Luke Webster, and Charles Richardson were early settlers. Sanueel Bishop kept the first inn, in 1809. Charles Richardson the first store; and Brockway & Blodgett built the first mill.

Sweden - was formed from Murray, (Orleans co.,) April 2, 1813. It lies onthe w. border of the co., near the center. Its surface is level and gentlyrolling. A high ridge passes e. and w. through the town, n. of center. Salmon Creek rises in the s. w. part and flows in an e. and n. e. course through the town. The soil is clay and clay loam. Brockport,(p. v.,) in the n. part, a canal village and R. R. station, was incorp.April 26, 1829, contains 6 churches, the Brockport Collegiate Institute, a bank, 2 newspaper offices, 4 foundries , a planing mill, a manufactory of mowers and reapers, an extensive carriage manufactory, and arotary pump manufactory. Pop. 2,143. Sweden Center, (Sweden p. o.,) nearthe center, contains 2 churches and 20 houses; and West Sweden, near the s. w. corner, 2 churches and 15 houses. The first settlement was commenced in 1807, by Nathaniel Poole and Walter Palmer. There are 10 churches in town.

first settlement

Josiah and Samuel Randall, from Maine, settled in 1810; Stephen Baxter and Joh Newlan, in 1811; ---- Strunk settled at the mouth of Sandy Creek, in 1811; ---- Billings and Alanson Thomas, soon after. But few settlers came in until after 1817. The first death was that of ---- Strunk, in 1812. A. D. Raymond kept the first inn; Daniel Pease the first store; and Alanson Thomas kept the first mill, for Le Roy and Bayard.

5 churches in town

M. E., Meth. Prot., Bap., F. W. Bap., and Union.

Union - was formed from Clarkson, Oct. 11, 1852. It is the n. w. cornertown of the co. Lake Ontario forms its n. boundary. Its surface is slightlyrolling and inclined toward the lake. It is drained by a number of smallstreams, the principal of which is Sandy Creek. The soil is a sandy,clayey, and gravelly loam. Salt was manufactured to a limited extent by theearly settlers. Clarkson Center, (p. v.,) in the s. part, contains 35houses; North Clarkson, (p. o.) in the e. part, 8 houses; Kendall Mills, near the s. w. corner, partly in Kendall, (Orleans co.,) is a hamlet. The first settlement was commenced in 1810, by Aretus Haskell. There are 5 churches in town. A Fourierite community was organized and located at the mouth of Sandy Creek, in 1843, under Dr. Theller, of Canadian Patriot War notoriety. The bubble soon burst.

first settlement

John Shoecraft, Ulster Co., Isaac Straight, Daniel Harvey, Abram Foster, Paul Hammond, William Mann, William Harris, John Letts, Samuel Pierce, Samuel Goodenough, and Benjamin Burnett, mostly from N. H. and Vt., settled about 1806. The first birth was in the family of Caleb Lyon; and the first death, that of a child of N. Caines. Wm. Harris taught the first school, in 1810. John Letts kept the first inn; F. B. Corning the first store, in 1825; and Caleb Lyon built the first saw and grist mill in 1806.

first church

There are 4 churches in town; Bap., M. E. Presb., and Univ.

Webster - was formed from Penfield, Feb. 6, 1840. It lies on Lake Ontario, in the n. e. corner of the co. Irondequoit Bay forms the w. boundary. Its surface from the ridge in the s. part has a gentle inclination to the lake. The shore rises in places 50 ft., and in the w., on Irondequoit Bay, 80 to 100 ft. The streams are small and flow n. into the lake. The soil is a sandy loam n. of the ridge, and clay and clay loam in the s. Salt was manufactured to some extent by the early settlers. Webster, (p. v.,) in the s. part, on the ridge, contains 4 churches, the Webster Academy, and 310 inhabitants; West Webster, (p. v.,) in the s. w. part, contains 40 houses. The first settlement was commenced in 1805, under the agency of Caleb Lyon. The first church (M. E.) was formed in 1812, by Rev. Solomon Pierce.


Named for Isaac Scott, the first settler and owner of the present site of the village.

first settlement

Mr. Shaeffer and his sons Peter and Jacob came in Dec. 1789. They found a settlement commenced by Ebenezer Allenn and his brother-in-law, Christopher Dugan, near the mouth of Allens Creek, a short distance below Scottsville. Allen had a comfortable log house and about 60 acres of improvement. The valley of the river below Schaeffer's was slow in settling: Joseph Morgan came in 1792, Andrew Wortman in 1794 or '95, Caleb Aspinwall, Peter Conkle, Frederick and Nicholas Hetztiller were early settlers in the Schaeffer neighborhood. Reuben Heath came from Vt. in 1799. The s. w. part was settled, under the auspices of Chales Williamson, by Scotch, among whom were John McNaughton and family, near Mumford. Isaac Scott settled at Scottsville about 1790, and Donald McVean soon after. Zachariah Garbutt and family settled at what is now Garbuttsville, in 1803; and Powell Carpenter, near Scottsville, in 1804. The first marriage was that of Peter Shaeffer, jr., and a daughter of Jacob Schoonover in 1790. (Ebenezer Allen had previously added another inmate in his harem by a pretended marriage with Lucy Chapman.) The first death was that of Peter Shaeffer, sen. Jacob Scott kept the first inn; Philip Garbutt and Abram Hanford the first store; and Peter Shaeffer, jr., built the first sawmill, 1810, and the first gristmill, in 1811. John and Robert McKay built the first gristmill at Mumford, in 1808; and Donald McKenzie erected the first cloth dying works w. of Genesee River.

Wheatland - was formed from Caledonia, (Livingston co.) as "Inverness,"Feb. 23, 1821. Its name was changed April 3, 1821. It lies upon the s.border, in the s. w. part of the co. Genesee River flows n. on the e.border. Its surface is rolling. Oatka (or Allens) Creek flows e. throughnear the center of the town. It is joined at Mumford by the Outlet ofCaledonia Springs, forming an excellent water-power. The soil is loam,mixed with clay in the interior, and with sand and gravel in somelocalities, the whole underlaid by limestone. Gypsum is found in largequantities. Scottsville, (p. v.,) in the e. part, contains 4 churches, a union school, extensive flouring mills, plasterer mills, a woollen factory, furnace, brewery and distillery, and a stream planing mill. Pop. 925. Mumford, (p. v.,) in the s. w. part, contains 3 churches, a saw and grist mill, machine shop, a thrashing machine manufactory, and plaster mill. Pop. 535. Garbuttsville contains extensive quarries of plaster, flour and plaster mills, and 20 houses. Wheatland Center, (Wheatland p. o.,) near the center, contains 15 houses. The first settlement was made in 1789, by Peter Shaeffer, from Penn. The first church (Bap.) was formed in 1811. The first pastor was Rev. Solomon Brown. The census reports 11 churches in town.


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