Lakeside Presbyterian Church
75 Stutson Street, Rochester, New York


"One Hundred Twenty-five Years"
1852 - 1977

Rev. James F. Tyrrell, Minister



Lakeside Presbyterian Church stands steadfast at 75 Stutson Street, Rochester, New York. Its brick structure still carries forth a heritage and pride that has been influential in the development of Charlotte as a productive and growing community. It is the center of Christian growth in the lives of many people, both members of the church, and not. One of its ministers said: "A church is not just a building. It is a family of people. If there are not people in the pews, there is no need for a minister at the pulpit."

To produce the history of Lakeside Church correctly is not to write only about a building, but of a tradition of Presbyterian life; a generation of people.

As you regress into the history of this church, keep in mind that it is a history of people. The traditions that began in the mid 1800's are the traditions we continue today. The discoveries we acknowledge today will be our traditions for tomorrow.

M. E. Gibson

Chapter One: The Life of a Church

The Beginning

Settlers in the north-west area of Rochester, New York in the 1800's were very few. The town was Charlotte, and its location as a majorport on Lake Ontario, made it a haven for roving sailors, gambling, andprostitution. However, the Genesee River Valley was plush and green. The soilwas fertile for farming, and raising cattle. It held a promise of economicalgrowth for farmers. If for nothing else, this one opportunity brought young pioneershere to settle.

During the year of 1832, a group of Christian peoplebegan to hold religious services in a small schoolhouse located in the vicinityof Stutson and Broadway, (across from the Church's present location.) It isbelieved that each week they shared in reading of scripture, and perhapswitnessing of Christ in their own lives. They sang hymns, and prayed for thesalvation of their town. A lighted candle was placed in the schoolhouse window tosignify that a minister would be present.

The first area Sunday School was started at this time, where children learned to read and write, using the Bible as text.

For the following ten years, the town of Charlottecontinued worshiping, together in this manner, occasionally visited by a ministerpassing through the area.

In 1848, a group called the Methodist Society ofCharlotte was organized with the Rev. Loren Stiles as Pastor. This was the firststep in creating a community church.

It wasn't until three years later that a public meetingwas called by a Rev. Bellamy, a Presbyterian minister from Pittsford, New Yorkwho had preached several Sundays in the area, in regards to building a church.It was suggested that whichever denomination could raise the most money, wouldbe the denomination of the church. Since the Presbyterians raised, the mostmoney, the church would be Presbyterian.

The committee in charge of the project, the FirstPresbyterian Society of Charlotte, bought property from the village blacksmith,Henry Pollard, for $150. John Denise, a member of the Presbyterian Society,donated the lumber and material needed to begin construction.

In April of 1851, a church was incorporated, and filedwith the Clerks Office in the city of Rochester. The building stood in from theintersection of Stutson and Broadway, (approximately where the present churchnow stands.)

The Rev. Archibald Ferguson chose to come to Charlotteand minister to the newly organized church In June 1851, the First PresbyterianChurch of Charlotte was officially activated with fifteen charter members.

Joshua Eaton
Adeline Eaton
Mrs. Sarah Root
Phineas B. and Mary B. Cook
Maryanne and William Rankin
Joseph D. Buck
Mrs. C. B. Colburne
Mrs. Marrett Allen
Nicholas and Hanna Nelson
Catherine and Joseph P. Wiggin

Old ChurchThe following, year, June 24, 1852, the church wascompleted and dedicated with a worship service in the Ferguson Room. There werebetween fifteen and twenty-one members, with six Sunday School teachers, andthirty students. Placed in the corner stone was a Bible, a church registry,church history, Sunday School children's names, and a prayer of dedication.

1852 was a year of many firsts for the Church. It heldits first Communion Service and the first infant baptism. It ordained its firsttwo Ruling Elder's and constituted a committee of Trustees. These officerscould hold their positions for as long as they saw necessary.

It was not until the governmental structure of the Churchwas obtained, that the Rev. Ferguson could be installed as minister. OnFebruary 17, 1853, Rev. Ferguson became the official pastor of the Church. Hiswife, Nancy Ferguson, joined by letter of Faith, seven months later. In April1855, the Church, joined the Rochester Presbytery, and was well on its way tobecoming an influential religious media of which Charlotte could be proud.

The main goal of the First Presbyterian Church up to thistime, was to form its structure and be independent. Now it could, truly focusits concerns on reforming the community, "saving souls," and bringingthe word of God to all who would accept it.

In 1856, the Rev. Archibald Ferguson died. He had accomplishedwhat many ministers then, and now, never have the opportunity to do. He hadhelped to build a church and lay a foundation for a needy community. He was thefirst of many to come who contributed to Christian reformation in Charlotte.

The following years in the life of the First PresbyterianChurch were noted as years of growth and development. It was a starter church,and ministers came and went yearly: Rev. A. T. Young, 1857-59, Rev. LemuelLeonard, 1859-60, and Rev. E B. Van Auken 186l-63. The Rev. Thomas Bellamy, whohad originally organized the meeting to build the church, returned as ministerin 1863, until his death in 1866.

The Church had substantially grown in number and support,and in July, 1873, the congregation was able to pay its own minister end becamea self-supporting Church. Pews were rented at this time, to families who wouldbe seated each Sunday in their own section.

The ministers up until the 1900's were as follows:

C. W. Wood 1867
C. B. Conklin 1869
A. B. King 1873
D. D. McCall 1875
R. J. Beattie 1878
 D. M. Rankin 1879
T. B. Williams 1881
J. C. Henderson 1885
W. Taylor 1891
S. N. Lindsay 1894

The Breakthrough

The 20th Century brought about a turning point in thehistory of the Church. The rise bf economical growth in the country affectedall people. The vision of Presbyterian mission was becoming international andthe leadership of the Denomination was fighting evolutionary theory tooth andnail. Two Presbyterian theology professors from Princton, Hodge and Hodge,wrote a book entitled "The Fundamentals of the Christian Faith." That worklaid the foundation for Modern Fundamentalism. However, the liberal wing of thechurch was soon to lay the foundations of modern Christian Liberalism in thiscountry. Much of that work was done at Union Seminary in New York.

The goal of the church changed from the basic"winning souls to God," to developing a Christian environment within,its community. This included fellowship gatherings, social events such asdinners and dances, and even sleigh rides from the Beemish Farms by their horse-drawnsled.

To meet the new demands and its growing membership, the congregationmet with its Session, and decided to build a new sanctuary. In 1903, the oldbuilding was turned and moved back to the rear of the lot. They continued touse the building for many years as a Sunday School and meeting hall. For$12,500, a new brick building was constructed, and is still present at 75 StutsonStreet.

On October 27, 1903 the new sanctuary was dedicated with prayerand thanksgiving by the congregation, and its minister, the Rev. F. Lindsay.The stained glass windows and the pump organ were also given at this time. Anew steeple bell was donated, and the old bell, was given to the MethodistChurch of Charlotte, and is still being used in that church today.

What was church like in 1900? Many people walked. It wasa community church, and families from the area would attend the nearestservice. Some families rode to the First Presbyterian Church in their horse andbuggy. There was drive area to the left of the building, (to the right as youface it), and the women would enter the door by the high step that leads intothe "Brides Room". The men would take the horses to the back of thechurch, where they would tie and secure them in the open stable. The women worelong, plain, high-neck dresses, and the men attired in boots, single-breastedsuit coats, vests and pocket watches. The girls would hurry to their Sunday Schoolclass dressed in long frilly dresses and starched petticoats. The boys wouldwear caps and knicker pants. Church Service was simple, with two or threehymns, and a strong lesson on the fundamentals of faith and religion. The sermonwas last, and it was said that "the congregation would leave churchsilently, with the ministers words still present."

The First Presbyterian Church was now advancing inprosperity and growth. Women became very active through the Ladies Aid Societyand the Junior Aid Society. Some of their projects were sewing and churchsuppers. There were Strawberry Festivals and yearly congregational picnics. Theyounger people were involved in an organization called Christian Endeavor,quite similar to present day Youth Fellowship. A story was noted that during ChristianEndeavor, one or two of the more ambitious young men would sneak around thesanctuary, peeking under the pew cushions, looking for loose coins that theadults had dropped.

The minister of the church between 1905 and 1919 was theRev. H. P. Gilt. He had the difficulties of ministering to a church during WorldWar I. It was a time of prayer and ministry to the world. As the war advanced,and the United States became involved, the church too, became involved. ThePresbyterian Church of the

United States became one of the largest foreignmissionary enterprises in the world. At the same time, the city of Rochester adoptedCharlotte for its 23rd ward. In 19l9 the church changed its name to LakesidePresbyterian Church, had become a city church, and had opened its doors toworld Christian ministry.

The Rev. Walter B. Jorris served the church from 1919until his death in 1922. In memory of his ministry, the congregation built anadditional room to the rear of the sanctuary, called the Jorris Room. It washere that the first church plays were presented. It was stated that the localtownspeople were excited about the coming performances of the Lakeside Players.Rehearsals went on for months, and volunteers were plenty. One of the very firstplays was, entitled, The Nautical Knot, presented by Fritz Bonehill andGeorge Estes. It included such stars as Lena Sheer, Edna Manchester, MyrtleFerguson, Anna Young, and Thelma Timmerman Wolber. It had an orchestra of threeviolins, (Ed Watson on one) a bass fiddle, and George Gassett on trombone. TheRev. Sherman W. Haven was minister, and his son, notably dubbed"Pope" Haven was also in the play. Clarence Manchester was directorof the orchestra, that soon grew to a number: of 12 musicians, that would practiceup to three and four months in advance of a production. Another play presentedwas The Mikado, with a cast of 37 that packed the Irondequoit Grange Hall,and played to standing room only for three nights at the church.

There was a church newspaper started at this time calledthe "Lakeside Family" that was edited and written by George Gassett, TinnieReinhardt, and Sam Rodibaugh. A daily vacation Bible School was in progress,and included children from the Methodist and Episcopal Churches.

By 1927, and the celebration of the 75th Anniversary ofthe Church, membership of Lakeside had grown to 298 members. The Rev. FrankHawley was minister during, the recognition service. A new pulpit was dedicatedalong with a communion table, and other gifts, Emily Ferguson, wife ofAlexander Ferguson of the Ferguson Hardware Store, was church historian.

During the 20's, and up until the Depression, the church experiencedan inner growth of fellowship and Christian love that was influential inattracting young families to its congregation. The Sunday School attendance washigh, Sunday morning service was full, and socially, there was an activeparticipation of members and community.

The Decline

In 1931, the United States fell into a major Depression. Churchesand families experienced financial insecurity. Each Sunday during worship service,the Trustees of Lakeside called upon the congregation to donate any money theycould to keep their church active. The women of the church were a definiteinfluence in helping to keep financial assistance alive during this time. TheWomen's Auxiliary put on, community dinners, baked food sales, bazaars, rummagesales and numerous other projects that raised thousands of dollars in thefollowing years. This not only kept the families of the church workingtogether, bolstered morales, but equally as important, kept Lakeside fromfalling behind its budget.

Lakeside continued through the Depression supportingitself in a positive attitude and with loving fellowship. Printed on one of the1930's bulletin was the following: "K.O.K.O. Keep On Keeping On..."

From 1932 until 1937, the Rev. Simeon Jewkes wasminister. The Lakeside Young People's League was originated, with presidentHarry Grotzinger; secretary, Gladys Grotzinger; devotional leader, FrancesHill; and advisor, Elder John Ferguson. The League's Pledge: "We willstrive daily to walk in the way of Jesus Christ; to devote our lives to Hiscause on earth; and to be loyal to the Church." A few weeks after itsstart, the group held a "Depression Party," inviting the congregationto dress in old clothes and meet in the Jorris Room at 8:00 the evening ofNovember 10, 1932.... tickets sold l2½¢ each, or 25¢ per couple.

Also active during these years was a Fellowship Class,the Laymen Club for young men, along with the Simeon Club, and the continuingJunior and Ladies Aid Societies.

On November 6, 1932 the Sunday bulletin read: "Thisday is known as Armistice Sunday. Christians everywhere are asked to pray forguidance and inspiration in the great task of making a warless world. Our greatPresbyterian Church is pledged to support all efforts and agencies which makefor peace and international good will..."

1937 to 1941, the Rev. John Rayen Welch ministered to theChurch. On Sunday, November 24, 1940, the order of worship was one of greatconcern. Despite efforts by many, financially and actively, Lakeside began todecline. Presented to the congregation by the Trustees was the followingmessage: "The church is confronted with the problem of keeping its doorsopen, due to the present financial condition and the apparent lack of interestin its activities. The Committee has decided to offer the Congregation adefinite opportunity to show what they will do. On Thursday evening a ChurchRoll Call will be held...Every member is expected to come for a few minutes toexpress their intentions..."

The Committee Members were: Thelma Timmerman Wolber, RhettaCarris, Harrison Grotzinger, Burton Kirby and Edward Watson. Thelma Wolberstated that only 15 to 25 people responded to the Committee's plea. Within thenext few weeks, the Moderator of the Rochester Presbytery came before theCongregation and suggested that the wisest action Lakeside should take is tolock its doors, and throw the key into the river.

The point was made, and dissention stirred. Thecongregation realized the degree of their plight, and that no one would help them,except themselves and God. It was a difficult struggle that took several yearsof uncertainty before conditions stabilized. The Rev. Nicholas Bruinix offeredto be pastor of the church during its crisis, and accepted a less than averagefee during the beginning of his ministry. He remained at Lakeside from 1941, until1947.

In June 1942, Hitler was in control of all continentalEurope and part of Russia. The Japanese had been defeated at Midway, and theUnited States once again sent men overseas to war. As terrifying and senselessas war may seem, it creates jobs, and jobs create prosperity. The Depressionlifted; and Lakeside celebrated its 90th Anniversary.

The week of June 2nd through 7th, 1942 marked theRededication and Home Coming Celebration. It started on a Tuesday evening with anorgan recital, invocation, hymns, and greetings from several visitors. Eachnight that followed had the same worship and recognition order, up until thefinal dedication on Sunday, June 7. Included in the celebration, was a JubileeDinner, Community Singing, and a review of the history of the church by Mrs.George (Ollie) Frey. The church was also renovated and repaired at this time.

The doors of Lakeside had not closed. The congregationwas not defeated by economic and financial loss. Instead, they chose to upholdthe traditional legacy of fortitude and endurance that was so evident in theirhistory. The coming years would bring back prosperity and an upsurge ofenthusiasm.

The Comeback

1945 was the start of the renown Men's Club, firstpresided by Clarence Manchester. The club was famous for its all male plays, the first being "Out of the Crackerbarrel," by Charles Timmerman. It included the Village Store Minstrels, a Barbershop Quartet, a banjo player, several tap dancers, and a "Blackface" named Al Denison. Some of the other players were Burt Kirby, Nelson Arend, George Estes, George "Pete" Frey, Ernie Fechner, Gib Kirby, and George Gassett, who supposedly attempted to extinguish a bedroom fire with several glasses of water!

World War II ended in 1945. The mortgage of the sanctuarywas burned the same year, and new furniture was given to the church. In 1946 aBowling League was formed, and Charlotte organized the Charlotte ChurchBaseball League. There were teams from each of the churches in the community.The Men's Brotherhood was very active during this period, and there was a WestministerGuild, along with four women's circle groups.

From 1948 until 1958, the Rev. C. Daniel Galloway was minister of Lakeside. 1948 was the first year the church worshiped Christmas Eve with a candlelight service. In 1949, the Sunday, School changed its format so the children came into the sanctuary and left after the second hymn. The Children's Day service that year included a pageant direct by Mrs. Frances (Sally) Perduyn, where the children processed into the sanctuary singing "Jesus Loves Me." Mother and Daughter Banquets were popular, and many fellowship groups would take the Ontario Car Ferry to Cobourg, Canada on Sunday afternoons.

In 1950, Donald Frank, member of Lakeside, wasrecommended by his Session, and received by the Rochester Presbytery as a candidatefor the Christian Ministry. He was the first member of the church to choose theministry for his life work. He was ordained in 1957.

The decade of the 50's was a time of stability andsecurity for Lakeside Church. The Rev. Galloway was a young man with a contemporarymanner of ministry. Many new, young families joined the church during the1950's, and a more relaxed atmosphere developed. It was a busy time forLakeside fellowship, with Harvest Suppers, Presbytery Dinners, active Cub and BoyScout troops, and various other projects. In 1956, a Mother-Daughter Banquetcatered 142 guests, and the hamburger for the occasion was 42C per pound. Theaverage attendance for a church dinner was 130 people.

In March of 1952, the church purchased the property at 57Stutson Street to be used as a parish house, Sunday School, and parking area.In June of the same year, Carl Mathews was appointed General Chairman of theBuilding Fund, organized to raise $40,000 for a new Educational Building. Over$42,000 in pledges and gifts was obtained in one day toward the building.

November 19-23, 1952 marked the recognition of the 100thanniversary Celebration. The order of events and services were similar to the90th Anniversary. The Rev. Galloway led the dedication, the Rev. Glen Morrowfrom the Presbytery was one of the guest speakers, and Sally Perduyn reviewedthe history of the church to date. At this time, the officers of the churchnumbered; nine Ruling Elders, eight Deacons, and twelve Trustees.

1955 is the date inscribed on the cornerstone of the Educational Building. On Sunday afternoon, March 25, 1956, the Session held a Dedication Service and Reception-Open House to commemorate the completion of the new building.

In 1958 the Rev. Galloway moved to New Jersey so that he might closely work with the New York City Synod in mission fund raising. There were approximately 462 members at Lakeside. The Rev. Riggs was secured as interim minister until the spring of 1959, when the Rev. Paul Long came to minister at Lakeside. His installation and reception was held Sunday evening June 7, 1959.

It is noted that at this time in the church history, agroup of Lakesiders drove to Pennsylvania, Appalachia Area, to help move afamily that was in immediate need for assistance. After moving them toRochester, a job was secured for the father as a church custodian. The familywas fed and clothed, and sheltered until all aspects of their need weresecured.

For the 1960's life became slightly more complex. Thelazy comfortable days of the 50's gave way to political and economic unrest inthe country, cities, and churches. It was the age of nuclear weapons, andTest-Ban Treaties with the Soviet Union; it was a time of Civil RightsMovements; a president of the United

States was assassinated, and the United States enteredinto an unofficial war in Viet Nam that many Americans disputed. The United PresbyterianChurch found it difficult to stay neutral in political involvements in theseareas. Lakeside, too, found itself entangled in an involvement that eventuallydivided the church members with different opinions, conflicts of ideas, andmany who felt the church should remain totally uninvolved with matters not directlypertaining to its function in the community. The Rev. Long advocated totalChristianity and equality of races in all aspects of life. Through theformation of the Adult Forum, he brought into the congregation world wideproblems and concerns that would eventually affect Rochester and Lakeside.However, these changing times and ideas were so drastic and contrary to what Charlottewas used to, it was not easy for any one person to accept it all at once. Therewas integration, equal housing, draft dodging, political scandals, and evendisputes as to whether the U. S. should send men to the moon. Never before inthe history of our church had there been so many concerns arising all at onetime.

The Rev. Long left the church at the end of 1963 andbecame further involved in the political and economical changes of the city,while Lakeside secured Rev. Dane Gordon as interim minister for approximatelyfour months.

The Rev. Michael Miller accepted ministry of Lakeside. OnJuly 26, 1964, his installation and reception had to be moved up from anevening service to an afternoon service, due to the fact that the City ofRochester had taken on a temporary curfew because of inner city racial riots.In the following years, the community would take a step backward, and the Cityof Rochester would close the Charlotte Beach due to unsafe pollution levels.The beach would remain closed until the summer of 1975.

Through it all, the congregation once again continued tostand steadfast, and work its way through each conflict and injury. The officersof the church became more involved, and. assumed. More responsibilities thanthey ever had. The Women's and Men's Clubs had succumbed to lack of enthusiasm,and an over all change in family life styles, but the Circles remained andcontinued to take care of dinners and fellowships. Sunday School curriculumadvanced, and membership in the church was approximately 450. Couples Club becameactive and began yearly Cabin Parties at Hamlin Beach, among other outings, forthe congregation. As the church advanced, and more singles entered into thefellowship, the name was changed to the Lakesider's Club, that included anyonewho wished for an enjoyable evening doing most anything from ChristmasCaroling, to scavenger hunts, to, road rallies.

By 1970, the congregation had developed a great potentialfor leadership and mission, both in the community and abroad. The churchnewspaper became the "Good News", and the Rev. Miller was the firstminister to obtain a part-time "salaried" secretary. (It is necessaryto point out at this time that in 1970 Edward Watson died, thus ending hisservice to the congregation as secretary, and financial secretary forapproximately 31 years. All the office machinery that he had and used whileserving the, church was given to the office staff. In his memory, the EdwardWatson Scholarship Fund was originated to help Lakeside youth and communityyouth to continue their education.)

On Sunday, May 23, 1971, the 183rd General Assembly ofthe United Presbyterian Church in the United States was held for the first timein the Rochester Community War Memorial. Lakeside was greatly represented bymembers of the audience and choir. An upsurge of mission awareness was broughtback to the congregation as a result of this attendance.

Most will agree, (although not necessarily advocate),that the 1970's led the way to new and contemporary ways of worshiping God. Theyouth of the congregation became more fully involved in administering in theworship service. There was, the celebration of the Great Parade, whereyouth and adults participated with banners and rejoicing, with organ and brassinstruments. For the first time in the history of the church, Deacons became anactive part of the distribution of the sacrament of Communion. Open prayerrequests from the congregation during worship became a practice, and during oneservice, a member of the congregation was compelled to stand and give witnessbefore all that he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. Through hardshipsand difficulties, Lakeside had entered into a time of "ReligiousRevival". Prayer groups became more popular, and mission giving was on agreater span. The Church continued support of a missionary in Chile and theRev. Agustin Batlle. It sent Christmas toys to his previous Church in theBronx, New York. It gave hundreds of dollars to the One Great Hour of Sharingfor world mission. The women of the Church continued to support mission throughPresbyterial and fund raising campaigns, such as the soon popular fish dinners.(It was noted that by the time the odor of fish left the corridors of the Church,it was time to have another fish dinner.)

Lakeside continued yearly family campouts, originally atthe Presbytery owned camp grounds, and then at Webster State Park. There aremore than a number of stories in regard to the family camping; everything fromallergy attacks, to mud, rain and wind, but most nicely remembered are theservices together under the trees.

Over the past century, Lakeside has built a reputation for having great love and fellowship for its members, visitors, and the community. It has shown concern and leadership; and reached a level of confidence and stability.

In 1972, the Church helped communities rebuild andrenovate after the floods from Hurricane Agnes. It supports the only EcumenicalHuman Development Organization in the City of Rochester. It cares far a localnursing home, and took care of those patients during a workers' strike forbetter living conditions in the facility. It has recognized and involved itselfwith the plight of local migrants with assistance in food, housing andclothing. In the spring of 1973, approximately twelve members of thecongregation met at the Church to ring the news to the community that the UnitedStates had pulled out of Viet Nam and that a total cease-fire had beenannounced. The following year, the Rev. Michael Miller chose to answer the callfor assistance to a church in pastoral need in Matawan, New Jersey. Again,Lakeside called on the Rev. Dane Gordon to serve as interim minister until anew pastor was secured.

On May 18, 1975, the Rev. James F. Tyrrell was installedas minister to Lakeside Presbyterian Church. During the same year, the UnitedStates informed the American public that the Vietnamese evacuation camp inPennsylvania would have to be totally emptied before the onset of winter.Through the concern of the minister and the Board of Deacons, the congregationaccepted to sponsor one of the families. At the same time, Lakeside began thefirst organized tutoring program outside of the public schools, and volunteersfrom the Church and community helped Junior High students in reading and math.Eleven hundred pounds of clothing was collected from the congregation to begiven to the Church Women United. A unique Caring Committee Program was formedto better meet the needs of the congregation by officers and laypeople of the Church.

1976 marked the Bicentennial year for the United States. Lakesidecelebrated by presenting a play about Charlotte, written and produced by April Freguson Tantalo. It achieved newspaper acclaim. The, play included music by the choir,skits by the Sunday School children and volunteer players who were dressed in costume from the l800's.

The following summer of 1976 saw Lakeside and the Rev.Tyrrell, leading a community Summer Daytime Program for youth of the community.On July 4th, most of the Sunday School children, and many families of theChurch met at the front steps, and filed in line to help ring the Church bellin commemoration of the nations 200th birthday. It was remembered that on thefifth or sixth ring, the bell rope broke, and Trustee Fred Stiffler climbed thesteeple to manually continue ringing of the bell.

By January of 1977, the country was under the leadershipof a new and contemporary president. The cost of living was becoming exceedinglyhigh, and families found themselves once again under stressful situations.There were great strides in the Presbyterian Churches toward furthering ChurchEducation and Evangelism. There were talks of a possible merger of the UnitedPresbyterian Church of the U. S. A., and the Presbyterian Church of America.

On May 22, 1977 the Church would acknowledge its 125th Anniversaryand Rededication Service. The intent of the officers and Historical Committeeswas to rejuvenate the enthusiasm and faithfulness of the congregation ofLakeside toward more active and willing participation. Lakeside found that itwas in need of repairs and renovations that would be difficult to finance. Thetask of replacing the roof, front steps, and repairs to the sanctuary would be$18,500.

On Saturday, May 21st, the congregation began its celebrationwith a Tureen Dinner, a historical play by April Tantalo, a Sing-a-Longdirected by member, Jean Izard, and an Ice Cream social sponsored by the SeniorHigh Fellowship. The newly elected Executive Presbyter, Margrethe Brown waspresent. There was a Historical Exhibit in the auditorium, accumulated and,presented by Leah Zimmermann. The next day, Sunday climaxed the eventfulweekend with prayer and rededication by the Rev. Tyrrell.

It was in this way, that Lakeside presented itself toitself: 1852 - 1977.

Chapter two: Music: For Ourselves and God

Ted Jackson

Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet,
Praise Him with psaltery and harp.
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance,
Praise Him with stringed instruments and organs.
Let everything that hath breath, prise the Lord.
                            ps: 150

Music has always been an important part in the Life ofLakeside Church. For as long as anyone can remember, the congregation hasenjoyed the musical activities in the church, and has enjoyed participating inthem. Many visitors to our services have commented on the singing ability ofthe congregation, particularly in view of the size of the church. They wouldnot be surprised, then, to learn that groups from the congregation regularly carolfor shut-ins at Christmas time; (including the memorable occasion when the Couple'sClub loaded themselves and a piano on the back of a pick-up truck, to maketheir rounds.)

With this interest, it is natural that the congregation recognizesthe quality of a good choir. There is no particular date as to when Lakeside'schoir was first formed, but as far back as there are written records ofservices, there has been a choir. If one checks these records, they will find along list of notable accomplishments with a number of cantatas, and other majorchoral works, given at appropriate times.

There have from time, to time, also been Junior Choirs, and many of their directors have substituted for the Senior Choir directors, in the event of illness.

organOne of the factors on the success of our choir has been the organ, and the organists, who have performed on it. The organ is one of the few pipe organs still remaining in this area. It was originally purchased and installed in 1912 for an estimated cost of $2,500, which in view of its continued use has turned out to have been quite an investment. Its estimated value at present is $50,000, and it is one of the most expensive pieces of equipment in the Church.

The shortness of the list of organists is due to the factthat our present organist, Emma Denise has had that position for over 50 years.Many people compliment the choir on their achievments, and sometimes do notrealize that if it were not for the expertise of the organist, the many greatworks of music would not be done. It is the organist who must bear with playingall parts of the music, and changing notes here and there, along withexperiencing many changes of styles in compositions. It would seem that overthe past 50 years, Emma Denise has survived quite admirably, the many hours ofwork, many changes of directors, and the different types of music.

The organists of the Church, from the time there was asorgan are as follows:

Mr. Luman Bailey
Mrs. Redman
Mrs. Anna Walker Goss (Emma's teacher)
Mrs. Ruth Mabee Harsha
Mrs. Edith Knight

There have been many organists to visit the Church, andplay on special occasions, such as early celebrations, weddings, and Churchanniversaries. Emma Denise broke her arm in the mid-60's, and Mrs. Ann Lynch Insalacobecame assistant organist. As far as records show, this was the only time Emmawas absent from her seat at the organ on Sunday morning.

The first evidence of instrumental music in the Church isa brass quartette, organized around the time of World War I, 1917. It consistedof Clarence and Harold Manchester, Claude McCatheron, and Everett Brown, Sr.,(who, as it is noted, used to climb the steeple each year at Christmas, andserenade the village with carols.)

In the early 1920's, Clarence Manchester organized anorchestra made up primarily of high school students who played once a month forthe morning worship service, and also for the church suppers. The members ofthat orchestra included Edward Watson, Harris and Ross Mitchell, EdwardWaterhouse, Elwood Meyerhoff, Richard Nesbitt, Feeley Soucie, Irving and RoyVick, and George Haven. In later years, orchestras were assembled for some theshows that were put on, such as the Mikado, and It Happened inHollywood.

Another orchestra was formed in the later forties by Mr. Manchesterthat included: Floris and Sue Ferguson, Elizabeth and Leah Manchester, Franklinand Frances Bright, George Gassett, Lilliam Hanley, Ernest LaSalle, VirginiaViet, and Maureen Lee. They played for many different programs, and furnishedthe core of musicians for community shows put on the the Paddy Hill Players.

Sue and Floris Ferguson tell of how, for orchestra rehearsals,they would bring their little baby girl with them, swaddle her in a blanket,and let her sleep among the security of hats and coats, on a pew. One eveninglittle April disappeared as she rolled off the pew and onto the floor. She wasquite unharmed....such is the sacrifice for music!

Although the musical activities of the Church haveprovided pleasure and ministry for the congregation and participants, alike, ithas not been effortless for the participants. Many hours of hard work go intothe preparation of the performances. To compliment the achievements, the choirmembers and organist must be ever alert for a last minute change in theservice, or music arrangement. There have been times when the choir has had tosing in the dark, for candlelight services, or suffer with the assistance of alighted candelabra placed too close to the paneling in the choir loft, that atone point began to singe the wood. Previous Alto, Sue Ferguson's comment tothat was: "It's so difficult to sing in tune when your hair is onfire!"

The directors of the choir "have always beeninfluential in helping the music to be properly expressed during service. Thereis great emphasis on words and dynamics. One of the more important rules of thechoir, is that if it does not mean anything to the people performing the music,it will not mean anything to those listening. The Senior Choir directors of theChurch have been:

Mr. John Meech
Mrs. Edna Manchester
Mrs. Fannie Jewkes
Miss Elizabeth Lee
Mrs. June Estes Coude
Mr. Harold Stone
Mrs. Sidney Barnes
Mrs. Anne Beckwith
 Mrs. Esther Milne
Mr. Kenneth Waide
Mrs. Lillian Hanley
Mr. Merrill Sherbourne
Mrs. Doris Gaver
Mr. David Graham
Mr. Herbert Nasgowitz
Mr. Jerry Exline

The present Senior Choir director is Mr. Ralph Zecchino.

Former Junior Choir directors are:

Mrs. Edna Manchester
Miss Elizabeth Manchester
Mrs. Norma Disinger
 Miss Judy Binder
Miss Phyllis Keyes
Mrs. Barbara Koeng

The present Senior Choir consists of the following members;

Arthur Abel
Gary Cornelius
Ned Kavanagh
Robert Parrett
Ted Jackson
Virginia Taylor
Betty Sue Kavanagh
Ruth Sampson
Marie Gibson
Virginia Hayden
Jean Izard
Kerin Cornelius
Kay Cornelius
Ruth Durand
Emma Jane Drury
Bruce Hartley
William Brewer
Arlene Sibbald
Tom Swartz
Pauline Keyes
Linda Hassett
Doris Jenkins
Margaret Kimball
Barbara Erbland
Mary Lou Hartley
Eleanor Blum
Louise French


125 years of worship. 125 years of work. The spirit of this congregation has been a long time in forming. Its present has been built out of the loving concern and service of hundreds and hundreds of people. Today, it is our Church: ours to love, to build, to use and to offer to others. In reading this history I was struck by the many different ways preceding generations of Lakesiders have met the challenge of the day. We have faced war, depression, conflict and prosperity. Today we face a slow but relentless need to readjust to inflation, loss of capital and resulting slow-downs in our economic prosperity. We are in a period of recovery, recovery of values and commitments once passed over in the rush and false-confidence of a secular age. How shall we minister now? Look at our past. It can help you prepare for our future.

See you in Church,


Ministers of Lakeside Presbyterian Church

Ferguson, Archibald 2-17-1853 to 12-20-1855
Young, A. T. 4-01-1857 to 1859
Leanard, Lemuel 6-12-1859 to 1860
Van Auken, E. B. 1861 to 1863
Bellamy, Thomas 1863 to 1866
Wood, C. W. 1857 to 1868
Conklin, O. B. 1869 to 1873
King, A. B. 4-01-1873 to 4-01-1875
McCall, D. D. 1875 to 1878
Beattie, R. J. 1878 to 1878
Rankin, D. M. 1879 to 1881
Williams, T. B. 12-11-1881 to 1885
Henderson, J. C. 1885 to 1890
Taylor, William 1891 to 1894
Lindsay, F. N. 1894 to 1905
Gilt, H. F. 1905 to 1919
Jorris, Walter B. 1919 to 2-08-1922
Haven, Sherman W. 4-24-1922 to 4-03-1927
Hawley, Frank A. 9-28-1927 to 8-31-1931
Jewkes, Simeon 2-21-1932 to 4-22-1936
Welch, John Rayen 10-04-1936 to 9-01-1941
Bruinix, Nicolas H. A. 10-05-1941 to 1-01-1948
Galloway, C. Daniel 9-26-1948 to 8-31-1958
Riggs, James (Interim) 9-07-1958 to 5-24-1959
Long, Paul R., Jr. 6-07-1959 to 1-01-1964
Gordon, Dane (Interim) 2-16-1964 to 7-12-1964
Miller, Michael R. 7-26-1964 to 6-30-1975
Gordon, Dane (Interim) 9-15-1974 to 3-30-1975
Tyrrell, James F. 5-18-1975            

Current Members of Lakeside Presbyterian Church

Name Joined   Name Joined
Manchester, Clarence 4-14-12   Bower, Keith 6-19-66
Sill, Hattie 4-14-12   Bower, Joanne 6-19-66
Reitze, Martha 1-13-13   Boddy, Patricia 12-04-66
Fechner, Emma 4-06-13   Jones, William 12-04-66
Steve, William 1-11-14   Jones, Norma 12-04-66
Denise, Glenn 4-16-16   Rooney, Daniel 12-04-66
Denise, Emma 4-16-16   Rooney, Nancy 12-04-66
Lee, Frieda 4-01-17   Frey, Peter 5-15-67
Fechner, Ernest 5-05-18   LaDieu, Joanne 5-14-67
Scheer, Lena 4-04-20   Prindle, Nancy 5-14-67
Wolber, Thelma 10-03-20   MacDonald, Donald 5-14-67
Kirby, Fern 5-07-22   Miller, Jeanne 5-14-67
Ferguson, Floris 4-01-23   Gee, Harold 6-11-67
Gasett, George 4-20-24   Gee, Doris 6-11-67
Rodibaugh, Samuel 6-24-34   Newman, Arthur 6-11-67
Gassett, Edna 4-12-25   Newman, Marguerite 6-11-67
Kirby, Burton 4-12-25   Demchock, Jean Alice 12-03-67
Reitze, George 4-12-25   Gray, Diane 12-03-67
Kirby, Gilbert 4-04-26   Fox, Frances 12-03-67
Shartle, Emma 10-09-27   Frost, Carol 6-09-68
McKnight, Janet 1-05-30   McConnell, Eric 6-09-68
Haase, Agnes 4-20-30   Miller, James E. 6-09-68
Reisig, Adeline 4-20-30   Zimmermann, Robert 6-09-68
Graham, Betty 6-11-33   Weiser, Nancy 6-09-68
Gray, Audra 1-01-33   Wolber, Willard 6-09-68
Brown, Everett, Jr. 6-11-33   Dauenhauer, Judith 12-08-68
Manchester, Elizabeth 6-11-33   Newberg, Frances 12-08-68
Frey, George, Jr. 4-05-36   LaDieu, Suzanne 12-08-68
Kirby, Lillian 3-21-37   Haines, Stephen L. 12-08-68
Veit, Willee 1-02-39   Haines, Beverly 12-08-68
Ferguson, Salome 4-02-39   Keyes, William 2-23-69
Brindley, Barbara 4-02-39   Keyes, Pauline 2-23-69
Bartlett, Erma 3-27-41   Keyes, Clifford 2-23-69
Kintz, Eileen 6-29-41   Frey, Paul 5-19-69
Zimmermann, Leah 6-29-41   Goulet, James 5-19-69
Wight, Reginald 2-01-42   Keyes, Phyllis 5-19-69
Wight, Wilhemina 2-01-42   Mirt, Martin 5-19-69
Palmateer, Donald 2-15-42   Peake, Sharon 5-19-69
Palmateer, Norma 2-15-42   Jackson, Janice 5-19-69
Arend, Nelson F. 3-27-42   Gibson, Marie 5-19-69
Arend, Ruth 3-27-42   Gibson, Neil 5-19-69
Gray, Frederick K. 3-27-42   Kimball, Jennifer 5-19~69
Veit, Virginia 3-27-42   Haller, Robert 5-19-69
Richards, Nicholas 6-28-42   Haller, Maryann 5-19-69
Richards, Muriel 10-05-42   Kimball, Percy 5-19-69
Erbland, Barbara 4-18-43   Kimball, Margaret 5-19-69
Lalonde, Lillian M. 4-18-43   Reeves, Sarah 5-19-69
Seeley, Ruth 4-25-43   Minard, James 5-19-69
Snider, Dallas 2-07-44   Minard, Leah   5-19-69
Taylor, Virginia Lee 4-02-44   Tanacea, Vivian 5-19-69
Roberts, Raymond C. 4-02-44   Kilmer, Kathleen 5-26-69
Snider, Virginia 4-02-44   Dodge, Douglas 10-05-69
LaDieu, Arthur 11-06-44   Dodge, Maxine 10-05-69
LaDieu, Marian 1-02-45   Lipford, Robert 12-07-69
McKeegan, Geraldine 6-11-45   Lipford, Carolyn 12-07-69
Dick, Arlene 11-13-45   Durgin, Mona 12-07-69
Parmelee, Ralph 11-13-45   Drury, Emma-Jane 12-07-69
Parmelee, Edith 11-13-45   Wyant, Alfred 2-15-70
Rodibaugh, Helen 1-14-46   Wyant, Ethel 2-15-70
Denison, Alan 9-29-46   Minard, Alice D. 6-07-70
Denison, Bartha 9-29-46   Pentycofe, James 6-07-70
Frank, Alwyn 3-30-47   Pentycofe, Carolyn 6-09-70
Holzwarth, Arnold 3-30-47   Jones, Victoria 6-07-70
Perduyn, Frances J. 10-05-47   Falter, Arthur 10-04-70
Perduyn, Sarah E. 10-05-47   Falter, Nancy 10-04-70
Russell, Emma 12-08-47   Newman, Gary 12-06-70
Russell, Vernon W. 12-08-47   Jones, Kitty 12-06-70
Hovey, Hazel 1-12-48   Jones, Eric 12-06-70
Ready, Mabel E. l0-3l-48   Jones, Jichael 12-06-70
Butler, Geraldine 2-13-49   Brewer, Sandra 12-06-70
Butler, Stanley 2-13-49   Clark, LaNore 12-06-70
Goulet, Eleanor Y. 2-13-49   Dougherty, Robert M. 12-06-70
Young, Anna L. 2-13-49   Dougherty, Susan 12-06-70
Richards, Margaret 4-13-39   Gaylord, Elizabeth 12-06-70
Wallace, Donald J. 11-20-49   Newberg, Frederick 12-06-70
Wallace, Kathrine 11-20-49   Bower, Margaret 6-06-71
Brewer, Everett 2-12-50   McConnell, Karen 6-06-71
Shultz, Clair 2-12-50   Miller, Christopher 6-06-71
Shultz, June 2-12-50   Van Voorhees, Bruce 6-06-71
Stoll, Faith 3-18-51   Jones, Christopher 10-17-71
Clymer, Sonja3-18-51 Powell, Caroline10-17-71
Jenkins, Russell E.6-10-51 Zimmermann, Phillip1-02-72
Jenkins, Doris6-10-51 Thompson, Wendy1-02-72
Short, Stacey M.6-10-51 Mahan, Randa1-02-72
Short, Ruth A.6-10-51 Walter, Ruth3-26-72
Kilmer, C. Lawrence12-30-51 Snoke, Hubert3-26-72
Kilmer, Gladys12-30-51 Snoke, Cleavie3-26-72
Cornelius, Kerin4-06-52 Williams, Stephen10-17-71
Wallace, Robert4-06-52 Abel, Philip6-04-72
Cicotta, Dorothy4-20-52 Keyes, Gregory6-04-72
Demchock, Dorothy4-20-52 Schiller, James6-04-72
Wharity, Helen4-20-52 Hayden, Virginia6-04-72
Lynch, Irene6-22-52 Brewer, Janice6-04-72
Bonehille, Nelda10-26-52 Erbland, Robert10-01-72
Miller, Maxine E.3-22-53 Frey, Susan10-01-72
Miller, Paul E.3-22-53 Pentycofe, Deborah10-01-72
Albert, Gertrude6-28-53 Pentycofe, Tina10-01-72
Albert, John6-28-53 Sibbald, Eric10-01-72
Reichart, Edward C.6-28-53 Taylor, Pamela10-01-72
Reichart, Helen6-28-53 Newman, Kathryn10-01-72
LaDieu, Robert4-11-54 Noxon, Orlo12-10-72
Jackson, J. Edward1-16-55 Durgin, Charles B.12-10-72
Jackson, Suzanne1-16-55 Hassett, David I.12-10-72
Brewer, William4-03-55 Koeng, Barbara12-10-72
Tantalo, April4-03-55 Noxon, Nancy12-10-72
Gassett, Allan4-03-55 Neroni, Pamela Jean4-15-73
Reichart, Penny4-03-55 French, Stephen E.10-01-73
Beagley, Jane10-16-55 Young, Cora Louise12-02-73
Beagley, Kenneth10-16-55 Cermak, Adele12-02-73
Singleton, Harold10-16-55 Izard, Robert12-02-73
Singleton, Hazel10-16-55 Izard Jean12-02-73
Denison, Richard3-25-56 Izard, Laurie12-02-73
LaDieu, Randy3-25-56 Drury, Melba E.12-02-73
Englert, Frank6-10-56 Palmateer, Donald, Jr.12-02-73
Englert, Phyllis6-10-56 Palmateer, Adele C.12-02-73
LaDieu, Harvey6-10-56 French, Louise2-24-74
LaDieu, Isabelle6-10-56 Raymond, David W.2-24-74
Brewer, Thomas4-14-57 Huyck, Mary Jane5-19-74
Kraft, Maxine4-14-57 Abel, Stephanie5-30-74
Mack, Grace4-14-57 Durgin, Dorothy5-30-74
Miller, Beverly4-14-57 French, Karen5-30-74
Miller, William4-14-57 French, Stephen, Jr.5-30-74
Palmateer, Joyce4-14-57 Hassett, Linda5-30-74
LaDieu, Barbara4-14-57 Huedepohl, Anita5-30-74
Kilmer, Ronald3-30-58 Huedepohl, Ralph5-30-74
Mack, Leonard3-30-58 Jenkins, Rosemary5-30-74
Peake, Chapell12-14-58 Mack, Timothy5-30-74
Peake, Dorothy12-14-58 McConnell, Timothy5-30-74
Saul, Jean10-05-59 Sibbald, Laura5-30-74
Saul, Warren10-05-59 Parker, Jean5-30-74
Taylor, Robert10-05-59 Parker, John5-30-74
Frey, Bernice12-06-59 Glatfelter, Diane5-30-74
Knechel, Ann12-06-59 Beagley, Kenneth, Jr.11-17-74
Knechel, William12-06-59 Beagley, Paulette11-17-74
Wharity, Barry1-03-60 Frost, Deanna11-17-74
Wilkin, Edith1-10-60 Frost, Stuart11-17-74
Neroni, Berverly4-14-60 Stoll, Robert11-17-74
Phillips, Gana10-16-60 Gagner, Violet11-17-74
Phillips, Kelly10-16-60 Parrett, Robert, Jr.2-09-75
Williams, Donald11-27-60 Cunningham, Ronald2-09-75
Williams, Winona11-27-60 Cunningham, Linda2-09-75
Cornelius, Gary2-26-61 Dickinson, David2-09-75
Frank, Sandra3-30-61 Dickinson, Linda2-09-75
Frost, Betty3-30-61 Burke, Pearl2-09-75
Frost, David3-30-61 Burrill, Edna2-09-75
Hartley, Barry3-30-61 Haapaoja, Edwin2-09-75
Hartley, Mary Lou3-30-61 Haapaoja, Betty Lou2-09-75
LaMark, Dorothy3-30-61 Izard, Sid2-09-75
LaMark, Laurence3-30-61 Izard, Ethel2-09-75
Schmeer, Sandra3-30-61 Morrison, Dolores2-09-75
Zimmerman, Terry3-30-61 Schmeer, Velma2-09-75
McConnell, Clarence10-01-61 Durand, Ruth5-28-75
McConnell, Lucille10-01-61 Goodwin, Jeanne5-28-75
Sperring, Betty10-01-61 Blum, Robert5-28-75
Sperring, Gilbert10-01-61 Blum, Eleanor5-28-75
Hall, Gordon F., Jr.12-03-61 Trudell, George5-28-75
Hall, Nathalie12-03-61 Trudell, Debbie5-28-75
Calhoun, Florence1-08-62 Tyrrell, Bessie5-28-75
Huedepohl, Hugo2-11-62 Bower, Patricia3-27-75
Huedepohl, Ursula2-11-62 Erbland, Catherine3-27-75
Sibbald, Arlene7-01-62 Jackson, Judith3-27-75
Sibbald, Gary7-01-62 Mack, Rebecca3-27-75
Wight, Eleanor7-01-62 Neroni, Debra3-27-75
Memmel, Bessie4-11-63 Stevens, Charlene3-27-75
Sampson, A. Theodore4-11-63 Evoy, Blanche11-23-75
Sampson, Elizabeth Ann4-11-63 Evoy, Merle11-23-75
Sampson, Ruth4-11-63 Fitzpatrick, Karen11-23-75
Frost, Nancy4-11-63 Goodwin, John11-23-75
Williams, Roberta4-11-63 Pease, Gary11-23-75
Kreason, Elizabeth6-30-63 Pease, Sue11-23-75
Kreason, Robert6-30-63 Cornelius, Kay4-04-76
Mirt, Bernadette4-19-64 Dauenhauer, Susan4-04-76
Stiffler, Fred9-25-64 Hall, Katherine4-04-76
Abel, Arthur H.11-25-64 Rockcastle, Keith4-04-76
Abel, Doris L.11-25-64 Tanacea, David4-04-76
Sabin, Clarinda2-28-65 Taylor, Deborah4-04-76
Sabin, Elroy N.2-28-65 Williams, Daniel 4-04-76
Moore, Mildred T.4-11-65 Hassett, Agatha4-04-76
Schiller, James H.4-11-65 Denison, Bonnie6-06-76
Schiller, Patricia S.4-11-65 Hutchinson, Lillian6-06-76
Frost, Thomas6-06-65 Schmid, Howard6-06-76
LaDieu, William6-06-65 Schmid, Shirley6-06-76
Zimmermann, Thomas6-06-65 Butts, James10-28-76
Helbing, Doris9-30-65 Butts, Patricia10-28-76
Helbing, Grayson O.9-30-65 Briggs, Clara10-28-76
Ashley, Gertrude12-02-65 Gall, Eleanor J.10-28-76
Ashley, Frank12-02-65 Gall, Gordon10-28-76
Binder, Judith12-02-65 Nobles, Marjorie10-28-76
Exline, Jerry12-02-65 Roy, Jeanne10-28-76
Skidmore, Kenneth12-30-65 Roy, Dennis10-28-76
Skidmore, Betty B.12-30-65 Abel, Paul4-03-77
Kavanagh, Ned D.3-13-66 Heudepohl, Martin4-03-77
Kavanagh, Elizabeth3-13-66 Neroni, Susan4-03-77
Lidel, Darrel3-13-66 Schiller, Gail4-03-77
Lidel, Myra3-13-66 Schmid, Joel4-03-77
Brewer, Charles6-19-66 Stahlecker, Edward4-03-77
Miller, Emily Lou6-19-66 Stahlecker, Salley4-03-77
   Thorton, Arthur4-03-77
   Thorton, Lucy4-03-77
   Webber, Michael4-03-77
   Webber, Joy4-03-77

The information in this booklet was compiled from accumulated and historical data. Any error or misrepresentation is unintentional.

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