The News about the University of Rochester


Part 3 of 4


blood driveA COMMENCEMENT PRESENT to the University was the plaque given by the Alumnae Association listing the University of Rochester women in military service. The number at last count was 75 and rising steadily. The majority are in the WACS, WAVES and Red Cross, but the Marines, and WASPS also have good representation. Ensign Helen Shaddock, '37, (left) and Captain Margaret Ferry, '34, are shown with the new plaque.

Women students are participating in many war activities, giving generously of their time and efforts to volunteer groups, working during summer vacations in war plants, canning factories and on farms, aiding in War Bond sales, scrap drives and USO work. This girl is one of many who have given blood to the Red Cross plasma bank.

ALTHOUGH THE MORE SERIOUS ASPECTS of college in wartime occupy much of the time and thought of the women, they manage to keep up some of the pleasant traditions of pre-war days. One of the customs still observed is the crowning of the May Queen at Moving Up Day and Class Day ceremonies. Marjorie Cook, pretty, dark-haired senior from Oak Park, Ill., was chosen 1944 Queen. Ann Carlton Logan, 1943 sovereign, is putting the crown on Queen Marjorie at the annual ceremonies.

KaleidoscopeANOTHER TRADITION carried on by the Princesses this year was the annual Kaleidoscope musical production. This shot shows some of the members of the large cast going over a scene with the orchestra conductor. This year's show was entitled "Down One," and had to do with a male movie star who comes to the campus amid the wartime manpower shortage and nearly precipitates a free-for-all among the co-eds. As is the custom in such musicals, fun is poked at professors, fraternities," wolves" and other campus characters. Kaleidoscope shows go back to 1917 and have long been highlights of the college social activities. Among the hit tunes in the 1944 production were "Talk of the Town" and "Blue Note." Original music is written for the shows, and direction, lighting, staging are all done by students. Choruses and skits give opportunities for a large number to take part.

THE SCHOOL OF NURSING has helped to fill the urgent need for nurses in military and civilian fields by training greater numbers than ever before. This group of graduates is part of the large number who have gone out to all parts of the world since the war began. Enrollment in the school is 92 per cent higher now than it was in 1941. The severe housing situation has been partially met by adding another wing to Helen Wood Hall, the nurses' dormitory in Crittenden Boulevard.

Medical School
SINCE PEARL HARBOR, 86 PER CENT of the men students at the Medical School, or a total of 350, have qualified for the Army or Navy and are now serving on all fronts with the armed forces. Above are some of the 60 graduated last December under the accelerated Medical School program. Most of them wore Army or Navy uniforms rather than caps and gowns.

tanktank 2
A LOW-PRESSURE TANK for investigation and instruction at the Medical School in the physiology of high altitude flying is shown above. Altitudes of any height can be simulated in the tank, which is large enough to hold two persons. At the right, is the University's million-volt x-ray machine, which is giving invaluable assistance to war industries in the Rochester area.

Clare Boothe LuceAdmiral Hart
ONE OF THE UNIVERSITY'S PUBLIC educational services to promote wider understanding of war aims and problems was a conference on "United Nations in the Pacific." Among the speakers were the two shown above, Clare Boothe Luce, representative in Congress from Connecticut, and Admiral Thomas C. Hart, former chief of Allied naval forces in the Far East.

EngineeringTime for ScienceTHROUGH ITS FEDERALLY-SPONSORED COURSES in Engineering, Science and Management War Training, the University has given instruction to some 5,000 war workers. One of the ESMWT classes is shown above. To focus public attention on the deep social consequences of many new developments in science speeded by the war, a series of 13 radio programs on "Time for Science" was broadcast by the University, over Station WHAM. The picture at the right shows Dr. Gerald Wendt, consulting science editor for TIME newsmagazine, who directed the program, and Dr. George Packer Berry, assistant dean of the Medical School, on one of the broadcasts.

Howard HansonFOR HIS DISTINGUISHED musical composition, "Symphony 4, Opus 34," Dr. HowardHanson, director of the Eastman School of Music, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in music for 1944. The work was given its premiere performance last December by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Under Dr. Hanson's direction, the EastmanSchool has maintained and strengthened its preeminent place in musical education during the war years. Total registration has been high, although the number of men students has dropped sharply as a result of the war, with hundreds of Eastman School men students and alumni in the armed forces.

WHEN THE NAVY "CAME ABOARD" in July, 1943, the swarms of trainees took over completely the dining facilities in Todd Union. For a time faculty, administration officers, and civilian students dined informally in a temporary lunchroom in the corridor of the stadium. Later, a civilian cafeteria was set up in the basement of Rush Rhees library. The stadium diner is shown in use, above. Faculty Dean J. Edward Hoffmeister is seated at the right, surrounded by professors and students.

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