The Golden Jubilee
Soon after the dedication of the church school building and parish house,from December 2 to 9, Salem observed its fiftieth anniversary. The serviceon Sunday morning, Dec. 2, was conducted in the German language, withnearly 800 persons present. The Reverend John Baltzer, D.D., the honorablePresident General of the Evangelical Synod, brought the message. The organist and the choir put forth their best efforts in a program of music and songthat was soul-stirring.
The Golden Jubilee Organ
The main feature of the evening service on Dec. 2 was the dedication ofthe new anniversary organ. This fine instrument, one of the best in the city,and the largest personal gift Salem has ever received, is the gift of two ofour most beloved and esteemed members, Mr. and Mrs. J. George Kaelber,who made this wonderful contribution to conmniemnniorate the fiftieth anniversary of their church and to express their sincere appreciation of the many blessings which they received through the ministry of Salem in fifty longyears. The organ was built by the Austin Organ Company. It has fifty-fivespeaking stops and eighty-six additional combination pistons, pedals and reversibles. There are in it 2,606 speaking pipes, with an additional sixty-oneon the harp, and twenty chimes. Mr. Harold Gleason of the Eastman Schoolof Music played the dedicatory recital which was attended by 1,675 persons.
The following Wednesday evening, December 5, was observed as "GoldenJubilee Church School Night." A large and appreciative company of Salemfolk gathered in the church school auditorium for this occasion. The Reverend H. H. Lohans presided, and many reminiscences of by-gone days weretold in an interesting fashion by several speakers, including two former superintendents of our church school, Henry F. Albrecht and Albert B. Helmkamp.
December 9 was the second Jubilee Sunday with only one service in themorning. This service was conducted in the English language. The ReverendSamuel D. Press, D.D., President of Eden Theological Seminary, gave a veryinspiring and helpful message.
The evening service on this day, when all the sister congregations worshipped with us, marked a real climax in the Jubilee festivities. Dr. Press andthe Reverend Otto Haass were the speakers.
The Golden Jubilee Chimes and Other Special Gifts
At this service a set of excellent tower chimes, sixteen in number, wasdedicated. These chimes were generously donated by Mr. and Mrs. WilliamDeininger, and were installed by the Deagan Chimes Company of Chicago.
Another valuable and beautiful gift received by Salem at the time of herGolden Jubilee, was the new pulpit and communion table, a memorial gift byMrs. John Nusbickel and her daughter, Miss Edith Nusbickel, in loving memory of the dear husband and father, Mr. John C. Nusbickel, who served ourchurch as a member of the official Board from 1895-1904. The pulpit and communion table of walnut, beautifully carved and artistically decorated, wasdesigned to harmonize with the interior decoration of the church.
Among the other special gifts received at the time of the dedication ofthe new building were kitchen equipment and parlor furnishings donated bythe Sister Society; the "Frauenverein" paid for the fine grand piano in the church parlor; a beautiful Westminster Chime-clock for the parlor was givenby Miss Hattie Hess in memory of her dear sister, Miss Emma Hess; SalemDramatic Club presented the curtain for the stage in the new auditorium;the Men's Bible Class made itself responsible for the platform furnishings inthe auditorium. The Ladies' Bible Class and various departments of our Bibleschool equipped their own rooms at considerable expense. Mrs. F. J. Dubelbeiss donated one gross each of silver knives and forks for the new kitchen.
On Easter Sunday, 1928, we were privileged to dedicate unto the service of the Lord a beautiful baptismal font, the gracious gift of Mrs. EduardDeusing and her daughters in memory of the beloved husband and fatherwho was called to his reward in 1923. Mr. Eduard Deusing was a chartermember of our church and also served in former years on the church council.
Alteration and Renovation
In order to provide the required room for the anniversary organ and inpreparation for the Golden Jubilee celebration, extensive and expensive alterations in the church auditorium were made during the summer months of1923, and the interior of the sanctuary was re-decorated. It was indeed a joyous day when we were privileged to re-enter our beautiful church on November 11. What a transformation had taken place. The new decorations werebeautiful. Where the old organ pipes used to be, there appeared one of themost artistic designs of church architecture in the city. The choir platformhad been lowered and much enlarged, and stairways were built leading fromthe choir into the main auditorium. The organ console was no longer conspicuous, but was hidden from view in a place all its own. All the aisles, corridors and platforms were covered with beautiful carpets, and underneaththe pews "battleship" linoleum was placed. The lighting had been greatly improved and the fixtures were embellished with harmonious ornamentation.
The Golden Jubilee Offering
At an important special meeting of our congregation, held on Sept. 17,1923, it was decided to precede the Golden Jubilee celebration with a financial campaign to wipe out the entire indebtedness of $130,000. Accordingly, tile days November 19 to 29 were chosen for this effort. The Salem Jubilee Offering was solicited by 250 men and women directed by an executive committee consisting of: J. Geo. Kaelber, general chairman; Geo. F. Roth, first vice-chairman; Geo. Hafner, second vice-chairman; Mrs. J. C. Hoffman, third vice-chairman; Fred Baetzel, secretary; Carl T. Rau, treasurer; Wm. H. Brown, general manager; the Reverend Frederick Frankenfeld, adviser; Julius Andersen, Chris. Merlau and Jacob Schlenker, and the following ex-officio members, Charles Suss, president of the church; and the Reverend H. H. Lohans, Minister of Religious Education. The total amount received in our Golden Jubilee offering was $153,944.
The Cost
The final report of the building committees was submitted on May 1,1924. The following statement shows the cost of constructing and equippingthe new building, of the alteration and the additional equipment for the oldbuilding and of the acquirement of new musical instruments.
StructureNew Building ......... $167,648.56Old Building ........... 43,743.05 ----------- $211,391.61 MiscellaneousNew Building ........... $7,781.95Old Building ................ 9.83 $7,791.78 Furniture, Fixtures and EquipmentNew Building .......... $11,376.20Old Building ............ 7,285.60Organ, Chimes, Pianos .. 40,786.95 ---------- Total $59,448.75 Total CostNew Building ......... $186,806.71Old Building ........... 51,038.48Organ, Chimes, Pianos .. 40,786.95 ----------- $278,632.14
The Church School
It is very regrettable that the early records of the church school are lost.At the time of the twenty-fifth anniversary, in 1898, Pastor Helmkamp deeplydeplored this fact and undertook the task of writing a history of the school.The facts which he was able to gather concerning the first ten years arebased entirely upon verbal information. This history was written, as wereall other records of that period, in the German language. The salient materialhas been translated and incorporated in this historical review.
The Salem Sunday school was organized before the church began tofunction. Strange to say, originally it was not a German school within thecongregation, but an English institution, more or less independent of thechurch. Mr. Thomas Dransfield, a staunch friend of Pastor Siebenpfeiffer,was its first superintendent. Under their combined leadership the school maderemarkable progress, and at the cud of the tenth year it had an average attendance per Sunday of more than four hundred.
The reasons why a German church, in its very beginning, sponsored anEnglish Sunday school, are not quite clear. Perhaps it was due to the factthat Salem, at that time, maintained a flourishing parochial school in whichreligion was taught daily, in the mother tongue, to the children of the church. When Mr. Dransfield resigned, because of many other duties which made itimpossible for him to continue as superintendent, Pastor Siebenpfeiffer immediately organized a German Sunday school. This procedure, also, was a strangeone, for many churches in the denomination were already then substitutingthe English language for the German, in the teaching of their youth. Theschool was known as "Sonntag-Schul-Verein" which name continued in useuntil about 1905. Through many years all the sessions were conducted in theGerman language; the last German class was disbanded in October, 1917.Year by year the school continued to grow until the average attendancereached 581 in the last year of Pastor Siebenpfeiffer's ministry.
The story of the further development of the school is related in the chapter which deals with the second pastorate. Under the efficient leadership andthrough the persistent efforts of Pastor Helmkamp, Salem Sunday school wasknown as one of the best equipped schools in that day. Visitors from far andnear regarded it as a model school. Pastor Helmkamp, however, was not satisfied with mere equipment. He endeavored in every way to raise the standardof the work and to seek a solution of the many problems which confrontedhim and his loyal co-workers. We read of his great concern for the boys andthe girls in the teen-age; of teachers who stayed away on Sunday withoutmaking provision for substitutes and who failed to keep in touch with absentpupils; of officers who were persistently late, and of pupils in the intermediate department who could not be persuaded to join the older groups - problems which, by the way, are still with us in the present day.
In July, 1907, the organization of an English Bible class was considered,but no definite results of the attempt are reported. In November of the sameyear Pastor Helmkamp began to keep a personal record of the attendance asreported weekly by the teachers in the various departments. From time totime the pastor and his assistant visited the irregular members, and the result of this effort was soon noticeable throughout the entire school. The recognition of banner classes was first instituted in February, 1908. All the classeswhich had a perfect attendance were awarded banners which they were permitted to keep on display until others succeeded in winning them. In the sameyear the first teachers' training class was launched. This class had an enrollment of thirty-five and was taught by the pastor. A cradle roll department wasorganized in April, 1909, with Mrs. Marie Krause as the superintendent.Weekly workers' meetings for the officers and the teachers were inauguratedin 1910. The first Sunday school cabinet was formed in 1911. It consisted ofall the general officers and of one member from each department in the school.Meetings were held on the first Tuesday of each month.
Mention must here be made of the annual picnic which invariably washeld at Sea Breeze. In former years as many as four thousand people attendedthis annual gathering. At nine o'clock in the morning the Sunday schoolmembers gathered at the church. Led by a brass band they marched in orderlyprocession to the chartered cars of which, on many occasions, no less thaneight were required to convey the first contingent to the lake-side park. Withthe advent of the automobile, the crowds gradually dwindled, and in recentyears only one chartered car has been necessary for this purpose.
In 1911, a class for young men between the ages of sixteen and eighteenyears was organized. This class was known as the "Andrews Class." and Mr. William H. Brown was secured as the teacher. Under his able leadership it developed into a fine and strong group. When Mr. Brown was chosen asteacher of the Ladies' Bible Class, Mr. Edwin Kaelber was selected as hissuccessor. The class continued until 1923, when it disbanded.
Awards for regular attendance were offered through many years. Bibleswere given to all the members who were present every Sunday in the year;to those who attended on forty-eight or More Sundays a suitable book waspresented. In 1914, 137 pupils had a perfect attendance record, and 225 werepresent on forty-eight or more Sundays.
A most unusual achievement was written into the history of the schoolby Philip Lattinville's class of boys in the years 1914, 1915, 1916. This classconsisted of nine members, thirteen and fourteen years of age. For threeyears and seven months these boys were present every Sunday without asingle break. Their loyalty is so noteworthy that we gladly publish theirnames:
Arthur Kraftschick, | Max Nather, | Marshall Seaman, |
Edward Kubica, | Ralph Schauman, | Harry Kohn, |
Carl Mengel, | Carl Schauman, | Lambert Haug, |
Philip Lattinville, teacher. |
In the spring of 1916, the members of the church school decided to havean attendance campaign on the seven Sundays in the Lenten season. The goalset was "10,000 present during Lent." No such figure had ever been approached and it seemed impossible of attainment. However, on Easter Sunday Salem was over the top with a grand total of 10,963. in the second similareffort, in 1917, the goal was raised to 11,000 and when the final report wasmade, it was found that 11,260 members had been present on the seven Sun-days in the Lenten season. These special campaigns continued with varyingresults until 1925, as is shown in the following tabulation
Year Name Goal Attendance1919 Victory Campaign 11,500 11,5311920 No name 11,500 10,0561921 Record-breaking Campaign 11,500 11,4231922 Co-operative Campaign 11,600 12,6571923 Jubilee Campaign 12,000 11,6231924 New Era Campaign 12,000 13,1301925 Five Per Cent Increase Campaign 13,783 13,693
From 1926 to 1929 three competitive campaigns were conducted, each ofwhich ended in a victory for Salem. The first of these was conducted in competition with six schools in Buffalo, the second in conjunction with threeother Rochester schools against eight Buffalo schools, and the third againstfour schools in St. Louis, Missouri. The highest total attendance reached bySalem in these competitive campaigns was 15,951 in 1929.
Beginning Sunday, January 21, 1917, and continuing for four weeks, an"on tithe" campaign was conducted. Of the total average attendance of 1,296, the average number present on time each Sunday was 828. On the last ofthese Sundays, 878 of 1,280 reported at nine o'clock, with the temperature atfour below zero.
For many years, a Christmas celebration was held on the evening ofChristmas Day. All the pupils would assemble in their class rooms and thenproceed, in a body, into the church. Before the church was wired for electricity, the large Christmas tree, forty feet and more in height, was lit up with candles: Many anxious nights were spent by those who bore the responsibility for the safety of the children. Fortunately no accidents ever marred these celebrations. Invariably a box of candy was given to every one who attended, and the church was usually crowded to the doors. In recent yearsa "giving Christmas" has been observed, and many thousands of dollars have thus been contributed for numerous benevolent purposes in the homeland,and abroad. In the prosperous years, the total of the "giving Christmas"amounted to more than $3,000 each year.
A Bible class for men was organized in January, 1919, but there was noroom available at the church where the class could hold its sessions on Sundaymorning. To overcome this difficulty, the auditorium of the Y. W. C. A. wasrented for several years until the new church school building could be, erected. The pastor was chosen as the teacher of this class, and Mr. William Brownbecame the teacher of the Ladies' Bible class. Both classes grew in a mostremarkable manner. On March 17, 1929, the records show an attendance of873 men and 724 women, a total of 1,597. This record has never been surpassed.
On November 1, 1917, a Board of Religious Education was formed and theReverend Otto Mayer was elected as the first minister of religious education.He held this position for one year, after which he accepted a similar positionin Grand Rapids, Michigan. The names of his successors in this office appear elsewhere in this booklet. The story of the new church school building and parish house, and other matters of importance in connection with the historyof the school, are also included in previous chapters.
During the influenza epidemic in 1918, the church school was closed fromOctober 10 to the second Sunday in November. In the same year the weeklyworkers' conference was held on Friday instead of Wednesday evening, tosave fuel.
At the present time the enrollment of the school is 2,353, which numberincludes 217 members of the cradle roll. There are 201 officers and teachers,and eighty classes which constitute the following departments:
Nursery, | Senior, | Teachers' Training Class, |
Kindergarten, | Young People, | Ladies' Bible Class, |
Primary, | (a younger and an older group) | Men's Bible Class, |
Junior, | Ruth Bible Class, | General Officers. |
Junior High, | Kaelber Class, |
The highest attendance on any Sunday in the past sixty years was 2,636,on March 17, 1929; the highest average attendance in any year is recordedas 1,416, in 1929; the total number attending in fifty-one years is 2,336,204.Since 1916 all attendance records are being compiled by department secretaries. Prior to that year the records were obtained by the general attendancesecretary. Through twenty-five years George F. Graf faithfully filled this important office. Many among us still remember him as he went from one department to another, with pad and pencil, to record the members present eachSunday in the year.
The history of Salem Sunday school through the sixty years reveals thenames of many men and women who have been untiring in their efforts andwho have given unstintingly of their time and their talent to the teachingministry of the church. Not a few among them have been sacrificial in a degree which is worthy of the highest commendation. Lest we be found guiltyof the omission of someone who is entitled to special mention, we refrainfrom publishing any names. Their memory is held sacred by many who stilllabour in our midst, and the blessings which they sent into the lives of otherswill continue through generations to come. However, we do wish to recordhere the names of all the workers who have served faithfully for twenty-five,or more, years, and who are active in the school at the present time.
Name | Years of Service | Name | Years of Service |
Henry F. Albrecht | 51 | Mrs. Julius Andersen | 31 |
Miss Julia Sauer | 41 | Fred M. Dubelbeiss | 30 |
Mrs. Amelia Miller | 39 | Miss F. Louise Amish | 29 |
Charles Suss | 39 | Miss Mary Emich | 27 |
Miss Julia Young | 38 | Miss Anna Luscher | 27 |
Miss Elizabeth Stauch | 37 | Mrs. Herbert Zimmer | 26 |
Julius J. Andersen | 34 | William Hormuth | 26 |
Miss Louise Sauer | 32 | Miss Anna Linsin | 25 |
"Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life." Revelation 2:10.
The Men's Benevolent Society
The Men's Benevolent Society is the oldest of the many organizations in Salem Church. It began its history sixty years ago, on January 1, 1874, when twenty young men banded themselves together in the spirit of Christian fellowship and mutual helpfulness to organize the "Young Men's Society of Salem Church." The list of charter members presents the following names:
John C. Zellweger, Jr., | Henry Herzberger, | |
Henry Hoffman, | Conrad W. Zimmer, | |
Henry Forschler, | Fred Ruckdeschel, | |
Charles Suss, | Charles Weis, | |
George Schelter, | John Zellweger, | |
Charles Diem, | John Ruckdeschel, | |
Louis Herzberger, | Conrad Mausnest, | |
Fred Forschler, | David Fichtner, | |
Charles Flake, | Charles Zimmer, | |
Alfred Raeppel, | August Bachman. |
The following were elected as the first officers:
John C. Zellweger, Jr., president;
George Schelter, vice-president;
Henry Hoffman, treasurer;
Charles Suss, recording secretary;
Henry Forschler, financial secretary;
Frederick Ruckdeschel, trustee;
John Ruckdeschel, trustee;
Charles W. Weis, trustee.
From the very beginning this organization met with much success, and year by year it continued to grow.
On Reformation Day in 1874, another group of men, thirty-four in number, organized the "Salem Unterstuetzungs-Verein." The early records contain the following names as charter members:
Frederick Imhof, | George Zimmer, | |
Henry Lauterbach, | Frederick Ruckdeschel, | |
George Fleischauer, | John Popp, | |
Philip Frank, | Louis Mock, | |
Rudolph Axt, | Samuel Dubelbeiss, | |
Ernst Redel, | John Schroeder, | |
Adolph Luscher, | Christoph Diem, | |
Christian Stein, | William Steul, | |
Carl Puffpaff, | John Meyer, | |
August Schuknecht, | Dettmar Poppen, | |
John Schroth, | Henry Grab, | |
Frederick Nelson, | Adam F. Gahl, | |
Michael Carle, | John Neun, | |
Reverend Carl Siebenpfeiffer, | John Viehmann, | |
John Fertig, | John Haeffner, | |
Henry Trebert, | Christoph Riemann, | |
John Oetzel, | August H. Meyer. |
The following men were elected as the first officers:
Reverend Carl Siebenpfeiffer, president;
George Zimmer, vice-president;
William Steul, treasurer;
Frederick Imhof, recording secretary;
John Fertig, financial secretary;
John Neun, trustee;
John Oetzel, trustee;
Christoph Diem, trustee.
This organization also met with immediate success, and the membership continued to increase as the years went by.
The "Young Men's Society" and the "Maenner Unterstuetzungs-Verein" existed as separate organizations through forty-one years. On July 6, 1915, they united to form the "Salem Brotherhood" which name was changed to "Salem Men's Benevolent Society" in 1918. At the time when the merger was effected the following men held office in the "Young Men's Society":
Frederick Baetzel, president;
August Hitzke, vice-president;
Charles G. Gerhard, treasurer;
August Stark, recording secretary;
Jacob Vogel, financial secretary;
August Amish, trustee;
Frank Knope, trustee;
Eduard Deusing, trustee.
These men continued as the first officers of the new organization.
Beginning with 1915, all meetings were conducted in the English language, a change which induced many of the younger men in the church tomake application for membership. The opportunity for fellowship and themany social features which were introduced, proved an attraction to them.The benevolent ministry, paying sick and death benefits, was continued. Inthe sixty years of its existence, the Men's Benevolent Society has never failedto meet any of its financial obligations. During the last six years the financialstatus of the society has advanced steadily, and at the end of the present yearthe books of the organization will show a balance of more than ten thousanddollars. At the time of the consolidation of the two societies the combinedassets were $4,983.77.
Prior to the World War, the society reached the high mark of 335 members. When the boys came back, many found other interests, and the membership began to decline until it reached the low mark of 200 in the year 1927.The meetings became uninteresting and were held merely to pay the monthlydues and to collect the benefits when these were levied. The question arose:"Shall we disband or go on?" Not many appeared sufficiently interested to determine which Way things should go. At the annual election held in December, 1928, a new policy was outlined and presented as a program for the coming year. Shorter business sessions and longer periods of fellowship and socialevents were recommended. The members approved the suggestions whichwere made, and promised their loyal and whole-hearted support; co-operationwas forthcoming; numerous applications were received and initiations werepossible at every meeting; the attendance soon doubled, and the society againbecame an attraction for the men of Salem. Field days were inaugurated forall the men of the church, and later also for the boys, and other outdoor socialevents and sports were sponsored. In 1932 the society had a membership of337, and plans are now under way to make possible a considerable increase,despite the many difficulties which are presented by conditions existing at the present time.
The following members are now holding office::
Carl L. Drexler, president (since 1928);
Milton Huff, vice-president (since 1931);
G. Wallace Neth, treasurer (since 1925);
Raymond A. Selke, financial secretary (since 1925);
Lee Feldt, recording secretary (since 1928);
Philip Lattinville, trustee;
Henry Weber, trustee;
Henry Gerhard, trustee.
"Der Frauenverein"
The first organization for women in Salem Church was the "Frauenverein." In fact it came, as a society with all of its officers and also with thetreasury, from old Trinity into the new church home, in 1874. it appears thatthe good mothers who remained in Trinity gave the funds which were thenin the treasury, as a dowry, to their daughters who were leaving home toestablish themselves in another place.
At the time when the society was transplanted, the officers were the following:
Mrs. Gertrude Weis, president,
Mrs. Elizabeth Rau, vice-president,
Mrs. Friedericke Roth, secretary,
Mrs. Catherine Schmidt, treasurer.
The list of charter members contains the names of twenty-four womenwho came with their pastor from Allen Street, and of forty-five who unitedwith the society immediately after it had moved across the river. When thechurch observed the twenty-fifth anniversary, in 1898, Pastor Helmkampwrote a brief history of the "Frauenverein". In it he made mention of the factthat the society then had a membership of 210, and that only twenty of thefirst members were among the living at that time. But the first president, Mrs. Gertrude Weis, still continued in office.
From its beginning, the organization maintained a death-benefit fundfrom which the sum of $1,355.75 was expended in the first twenty-five years.Within that period the members gave to the church and to various kingdomenterprises $3,888.07.
Since the beginning of the present pastorate, the '"Frauenverein" showeda gradual and natural decline in membership. Year by year more of the devoutmothers were called to their reward, and there was no material available tofill the vacant places. Many of the members who had been very active in former days could no longer attend the meetings, because of physical disability.The younger women in the church preferred to unite with the Sister Society;here the meetings were conducted in the English language, whereas the"Frauenverein" always employed the German. Thus it happened that, in 1931, only fifty members of the "Frauenverein" remained. These voted to disband and to unite with the Sister Society, which merger was effected on January 15, 1931. Today thirty-three of their number are still affiliated with the latter organization.
At the time when the "Frauenverein" was discontinued, the followingmembers held office:
Mrs. Caroline Weis, president,
Mrs. Philippina Leppla, secretary,
Mrs. Caroline Hoeltzer, treasurer,
Mrs. George Hafner, treasurer of the benefit fund.
For a period of twenty-two years, in its later history, Mrs. KatherineTischer served the society as president, and Mrs Philippina Leppla filled theoffice of secretary through seventeen years.
The Sister Society
Upon the invitation of the pastor, Pastor Siebenpfeiffer, eleven womenmet at the church on Thursday, January 19, 1888, to consider the advisabilityof organizing a new society for the younger married women in Salem. Thefact that it was a cold and stormy day may account for the sinai! attendance.The minutes of that meeting record the following names:
Louise Yaky, Marie Weidemiller, Catherine Helberg, Marie Helberg, Friederike Grauntman, Julie Kogler, Marie Kiefer, Emilie Hoffman, Emilie Mensing, Sophie Hoffman, Lena Morris.
After due consideration and considerable discussion, these eleven womenagreed to proceed with the organization of a new society, but to postpone theelection of officers until the following Thursday. On January 26, they met again. In the meantime others had become interested. The report, as contained in the anniversary issue of the parish paper, in 1898, lists the followingadditional names:
Mrs. August Reinhardt, Mrs. Andrew Hartel, Mrs. Emma Engelhardt, Mrs. Conrad Eckhardt, Mrs. George Neth, Mrs. John Zellweger, Mrs. Christ Drexler, Mrs. Libbie Sloan, Mrs. John Geiger, Mrs. Carl Gutzmer, Mrs. John Kujat, Mrs. Carl Suss, Mrs. Edward Stahlbrodt, Mrs David Grauwiller, Mrs. Daniel Stroh, Mrs. August Amish, Mrs. Fred Wehnert, Mrs. John Stolz, Mrs. Marie Stehler, Mrs. John U. Schroth, Mrs. F. W. Zimmer, Mrs. Henry Muellendorff, Mrs. Henry Kobbe, Mrs. Carl Kaelber, Mrs. Margaret Ursprung, Mrs. Richard Zoberbier, Mrs. Carl Priem, Mrs. Emil Medrow, Mrs. Ferdinand Schaefer, Mrs. C. Pfeil, Mrs. M. Meerdink.
The new organization adopted the name "Sister Society" and accepted,by a unanimous vote, the constitution which had been prepared by the pastor.The members then proceeded to elect the first officers, with the followingresult:
Mrs. Julius Hoffman, president,
Mrs. Henry Kobbe, vice-president,
Mrs. William Morris, secretary,
Mrs. Andrew Hartel, treasurer.
At the close of the first decade in the history of the Sister Society, themembership had increased to 175. Unfortunately, the records covering theyears 1888-1904 are lost, and it is, therefore, impossible to give detailed information concerning the early activities of the society. However, it is a well known fact, that through all the years of its existence the Sister Society has rendered invaluable services to the church, and that at all times, the members have manifested great interest in missions and in other phases of the larger kingdom enterprise.
Since 1904, the following presidents have held office:
Mrs. Emma Helmkamp, | Mrs. Fred Wehnert, | |
Mrs. Eva Drexier, | Mrs. George Hafner, | |
Mrs. Louise Baetzel, | Mrs. Charles Gerhard, | |
Mrs. Henry Husmann, | Mrs. Otto Schlegel. | |
Mrs. Emma Engelhardt, |
Long and noteworthy periods of service have been rendered by the following officers: Mrs. George Hafner has served twenty years as president or vice-president; Mrs. Katharine Dubelbeiss has filled the office of treasurer in most efficient manner, for a like number of years; through seventeen years,Mrs. Robert Kaucher was financial secretary; Mrs. William Wolfspergerwas recording secretary and vice-president for eighteen years; and Mrs.Charles Gerhard has served four years as president, and approximately tenyears as vice-president. After forty-five years, the first president, Mrs. Julius Hoffman, is still very active in the society; for the past twenty-one years she has been the secretary and treasurer of the birthday fund which office she holds at the present time. For a considerable number of years the society maintained a "Two-cents-a-week" building fund which contributed much toward the success of the Golden Jubilee Offering. Mrs. John F. Zimmer was treasurer of this fund.
Since Mrs. Katharine Dubelbeiss, the present custodian of the society'streasury, has been in office, the following figures are recorded in the variousfunds. It will be noted that they cover only the last twenty years.
General Fund Death Benefit FundReceipts . . . . $11,375.47 Receipts . . . . $18,046.21Disbursements . . 10,255.93 Disbursements . . 12,461.18 --------- --------- Balance . . . $1,119.54 Balance . . . $5,585.03
Of this balance in the Death Benefit Fund, the sum of three thousand dollars has been loaned to the church.
Birthday FundBuilding Fund (seventeen years) (Mrs. Julius C. Hoffman, treasurer)Receipts . . . . . . $24,908.29 Receipts . . . . . . . . $3,222.15Disbursements . . . . 23,459.02 Disbursements . . . . . . 2,398.86 --------- -------- Balance . . . $1,449.27 Balance . . . $ 823.29
From the Birthday Fund the church parlor was furnished originally, andthe cost of all subsequent repairs and replacements was met.
Grand Total (Twenty years)Receipts . . . . . $54,329.97Disbursenments . . . 46,176.13 --------- Balance . . . $ 8,153.84
At the present time the Sister Society has a membership of 368. The following officers and chairmen are directing the varied activities:
Mrs. George Hafner, president,
Mrs. F. Frankenfeld, 1st vice-president; chairman, missions committee,
Mrs. Otto Ritter, 2nd vice-president; chairman, devotional program,
Mrs. William Brown, 3rd vice-president, chairman, membership and district work,
Mrs. A. Ross, 4th vice-president; ministry of flowers,
Mrs. Carl L. Drexler, recording secretary,
Mrs. Elmer Orbaker, financial secretary,
Mrs. Katharine Dubelbeiss, treasurer,
Mrs. Julius C. Hoffman, treasurer of the birthday fund,
Mrs. F. Schultz, librarian,
Mrs. L. Bailey, pianist,
Mrs. J. Andersen, mission fund,
Mrs. P. Lattinville, council of church women,
Mrs. J. Cooper, chairman, social welfare committee.
The following committee chairmen represent the Sister Society in thework of the Evangelical Women's Union of the New York District:
Mrs. Otto Ritter, general chairman, | Mrs. Wm. Zimmer, stewardship, | |
Mrs. Fred Bohm, religious work, | Mrs. J. Cooper, citizenship, | |
Mrs. F. Frankenfeld, missions, | Mrs. J. Schlenker, social welfare. |
Reception committee: Mrs. F. Mayer, Mrs. Frank Gabbey.
Visiting committee: Mrs. S. Allen, Mrs. H. Schwab, Mrs. C. Holzwarth, Mrs. Chas. Spies.
Resolutions committee: Mrs. Charles Then, Mrs. Elmer Orbaker, Mrs. Carl L. Drexler.
Salem Missionary Society
If the story of the Salem Missionary Society could he told in a few briefparagraphs, this chapter would undoubtedly he one of the most interesting inthis little booklet. It began thirteen years ago, when a good mother in Salemhad a vision of what women can do for the advancement of Christ's kingdomon earth. Mrs. A. J. Hartel, whose memory will he cherished by us throughmany years to come, was the prime mover in its organization and by her winning way, her courageous persistence and her enduring patience brought itabout that on November 10, 1920, fourteen women banded themselves together for the purpose of promoting the cause of Jesus Christ in the homelandand in foreign countries. It was self evident that she he elected the first president of the new society. Associated with her as the first officers were:
Mrs. H. Murenberg, vice-president;
Miss Mary Emich, secretary;
Mrs. C. E. Booth, treasurer.
After only six years of faithful and successful service, the beloved firstpresident of the organization was called to her reward on December 14, 1926.Mrs. F. Frankenfeld was chosen as her successor and filled the position until1928, when other duties in the church made it impossible for her to continue.She was followed in office by Mrs. H. Stoick who held the position for fiveyears. Since the spring of this year, Mrs. A. Schieble is the president.
From its very beginning, the society has kept in close and constant contact with our missionaries and their needs in India and in Honduras. In everyway the members have sought to support the work which our denominationis doing in these foreign-countries. Numerous and varied missionary projectsand enterprises have challenged their co-operation Among these are the following:
Elmhurst College, | Dunkirk Training School, | |
The Emmaus Home, | The Joy Car for under-privileged children, | |
The Ozarks | The Public Health Association, | |
Caney Creek Center, | The Toy Depot, | |
Biloxi, | The Association for the Blind. |
Each year, large cases with valuable contents have gone forth to some of these institutions. Through the winter months, the members meet on Wednesdays to make, or alter, garments for those who are in need of them. On many days five sewing machines are kept going all the day long. When a special need in the community arises, the Salem Missionary Society, is one of the very first organizations to which the appeal for immediate help is made. And it is never made in vain. Prompt and careful attention is given at all times to the cause of social welfare in our city. Visits are made regularh to the sick and the shut-ins, and also to the County home and Hospital.
At the end of the first decade the membership had grown to 189; today there are 239. Monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday. The attendance has always been far above the average, and the program which is offered at every meeting is full of interest and challenge.
The present officers are the following:
President, Mrs. A. Scheible;
Vice-president, Mrs. Leo Lagler;
Vice-president, Mrs. G. Lehrer;
Recording secretary, Mrs. H. Herbst;
Corresponding secretary, Miss Mary Emich;
Financial secretary, Mrs. F. Bohm;
Treasurer, Mrs. Willianm Brown;
Chairman of Hostesses, Mrs. J. Hoffman;
Representative in Council of Church Women, Mrs. H. Stoick;
Pianists, Mrs. W. Graeper, Mrs. L. Bailey.
In addition to the executive committee, nine other committees are responsible for promoting the various interests of the society; these are:
Social Service, Community Welfare, Stewardship, Special Gifts, Library, Visitation, Reception, Publicity and Sewing.
The Salem Welfare League
When the depression came on, Salem was among the first churches in thecommunity to organize a welfare league. Through its wise and continued efforts the numerous appeals for help have been answered, and the relief workhas been regulated and systematized. For a time, various organizations withinthe church carried on this necessary ministry independently, but it was soonfound that the situation, which grew more serious from month to month, demanded unification and control. On December 17, 1930, the Salem WelfareLeague was formed. It consists of twenty-three workers who represent everyorganization in the church. Each worker is held responsible for a definitenumber of cases. In the meetings of the League names are never mentioned,but each case is referred to by a given number. Investigations are made infriendly spirit and reports are made in tactful manner. In truly remarkablefashion the people of Salem have supported the League in its ministry of helpfulness. From the very beginning, co-operation with the City Welfare Leaguehas been sought and maintained; over-lapping and duplication has thus beenavoided. Repeatedly welfare workers of the city have publicly stated thatSalem is doing one of the finest pieces of relief work in the entire community.At the time of this writing, the sum of $3,147.51 has been expended and 110families have been given assistance.
The Kingdom Mission Circle
The Kingdom Mission Circle was organized on March 17, 1924, with seventeen members. Its first officers were:
Miss Flora Wolfsperger, president; | Miss Anna Young, secretary; | |
Miss Amelia Kall, vice-president; | Miss Hilda Tanck, treasurer. |
The monthly meetings are being held in the evening in order that thosewho can not attend meetings in the afternoon may have the opportunity toshare in the work. At the present time the society has fifty-eight members.From its beginning, the organization has carried on personal correspondencewith our missionaries in India and Honduras, and has sought in various waysto support the work of our denomination in these distant fields. Emmaus atSt. Charles, Missouri, Biloxi in Mississippi, the Schauffler Training School at Cleveland, the children at Iola Sanatorium, have been given special attentionthrough the years. Whenever necessary, the members lend a hand in sewingfor the Children's Service Bureau. Since 1926, the society has sent $60.00 eachyear toward the support of a promising school child in Honduras. However,its primary interests in recent years have been centered in the Ozarks. Theraising of one thousand dollars for the Community House at Shannondalewas sponsored by this organization, and boxes of books, pictures, and otheruseful articles are being sent regularly each year to this neglected area. Thestudy of mission books and lectures on varied missionary enterprises formpart of the program at the regular monthly meetings. The present officers arethe following:
Mrs. Gertrude Ritter, president; | Miss Anna Young, secretary; | |
Mrs. R. Heiligenman, lst vice-president; | Miss Flora Wolfsperger, treasurer; | |
Mrs. W. Zimmer, 2nd vice-president; | Mrs. Carrie Frey, pianist. |
Scouting at Salem
Salem today is fortunate in having, as a part of its official family of organizations, two of the most active scout troops in Western New York. Theirhigh standing in the Scout world can be attributed to several reasons. First,in having in Messrs. Fred Raetz and William J. Cox highly efficient scoutmasters, who are giving a liberal share of their time as leaders of their respective troops; second, in having the whole-hearted backing of live andworking troop committees who function in co-operation with the Boys' WorkCommittee, which has as its chairman Mr. George C. Wickman.
According to the records, Troop 11 was the first to be organized at ameeting held September 20, 1914. The following were its first officers: Scoutmaster, Pastor Frederick Frankenfeld; Assistant S. M., J. H. Vogel; Senior Patrol Leader, F. Alton Frasch. The National Scout Headquarters grantedthe troop its first charter in February, 1915. A few of the main events in thefirst year were:
Participating in the Memorial Day parade, in May,
Assisting in the annual picnic, Ontario Beach Park, in July,
Camping trip at Canandaigua Lake, in July,
Receiving American flag from Peissner Post G. A. R., on August 27, 1915,Commander J. J. Augustin presenting the flag to the Troop Standard Bearer, Fred Heckler.
In January, 1916, the troop gave a demonstration of scout activities at theSt. John's Home for the Aged; in July of the same year the troop, as a unit,had its first real camp at Pebble Beach, Conesus Lake; under the direction ofGeorge Geer, a fife, drum and bugle corps took part in the Preparedness Dayparade of 1916; again, on October 5, 1916, the troop participated when theNational Guard returned from the Mexican border.
The troop's first banquet was held on October 6, 1916, with the followingspeakers: Col. S. P. Moulthrop, Mr. Henry D. Shedd, Scout Commissioner,and the Reverend Frederick Frankenfeld. At this time Mr. J. H. Vogel became scoutmaster and Mr. F. Alton Frasch, assistant. The fourth anniversarywas celebrated with games and a campfire on October 4, 1918, in a vacant lotnear the city line on Clifford Avenue, adjoining the home of Scout E. Oeschger.
William J. Cox became the first Eagle scout of Troop Eleven in September, 1919, with twenty-six merit badges; other Eagles in this troop are J. H. Vogel, Tom Cox, William Ross and Donald Ross. Clarence Meyer, Fred Hammer and Henry Scheve were identified as leaders with Troop Eleven.
Upon the invitation of Mr. J. H. Vogel, and because of the overcrowdedcondition of Troop 11, Mr. Fred Raetz organized Troop 60 in February, 1920.Mr. Raetz has a record of almost fourteen years as scoutmaster of this troop.The quarters of both troops are located in the basement of the church and areconsidered model rooms by many who have visited them.
In 1921, Mr. George C. Wickman became the chairman of the newly organized Boys' Work Committee, which office he has held without interruption to the present day.
In 1922, both troops camped at Bushnells Basin on the property of Mr.Fred Baetzel.
A weekly news bulletin was issued in 1924, with Scout Carlton Stark asthe editor. In the same year Scout Bill Cox, then at Mercersburg Academy,broke the mile record at that institution; later, he became a member of theteam which represented the United States at the Olympic games held in Paris,in 1924.
Mr. Vogel resigned as scoutmaster in 1927; he was succeeded by Mr.Henry Scheve; Messrs. Willard Lauterbach and Charles Heard were actingscoutmasters in 1928.
After graduating from Pennsylvania State College, Mr. William J. Coxwas elected scoutmaster of Troop 11. During the summer months he is incharge of the Durand-Eastman Park bathing beach as life guard; for severalyears he has been an instructor at the Edison Technical High School.
Mr. Fred Raetz gained his first experience in scouting as scoutmaster ofa troop in the eastern section of the city. He likes nothing better than to takea group of scouts and their leaders on a hike, or a camping trip, to some remote spot in the backwoods country: Often his services are in demand as ateacher of scout training classes.
Others who are assisting in Troop 60 are Messrs. Fred Mayer, FrankMeding, Frank Stoll (whose movies are a feature of Troop 60), and assistantscoutmaster Elmer Neuscheler. Recent Eagle scouts are Robert Bareis andRobert S. Vogel.
Committee men of Troop 11 who are actively engaged in scouting areMessrs. Thomas Delehanty, John H. Cooper, Edward Zuhlke, August Lepplaand Fred Katerle.
Many former members of both troops are now engaged as leaders in various church organizations, in industry, and in the teaching profession, etcetera. Some continue their interest in scouting in other troops.
Girl Scouts
Salem Church also maintains an organization of girl scouts, which wasorganized on March 20, 1925, twenty-one girls being present at the meeting.Miss Minnie Beesch was the first leader. Troop 48 has a membership oftwenty-five registered scouts of whom three, Elizabeth Eggiman, Jean Edgcumbe and Marie Dubelbeiss, have earned the "Golden Eaglet". Miss EdithNusbickel is the efficient leader of this troop. Through her faithful ministryshe has achieved many fine results in the training of these girls. Miss Josephine Raeppel, as lieutenant, is her able and loyal assistant. The members ofTroop 48 made the sixty standards which were used by the confirmationclasses in connection with the anniversary services and the fellowship evenings.
Youth Organizations
In addition to scouting, three distinct organizations offer to the youth ofSalem the opportunity for self-development and self-expression.
The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets on Sunday evening for a devotional and fellowship program which includes addresses anddiscussions of the many varied problems youth must face in the present day.With the assistance of Mr. Max Burke, a student at the Colgate-RochesterDivinity School, the members plan the year's program and conduct the meetings in their own way. The present officers are the following:
Walter Hitzke, president,
Lois Heininger, first vice-president,
Esther Kurkowski, second vice-president,
Ruth Selke, secretary,
Herbert Zimmer, Jr., treasurer.
A similar group is known as the Young People's League. It consists ofthree confirmation classes in consecutive years, and includes the ages fourteento sixteen years. This group also meets on Sunday evening and is being sponsored, at the present time, by the pastor. Its officers are the following:
Paul Cooper, president,
Arlene Ernst, vice-president,
Robert Vogel, secretary,
Frank Swansfeger, treasurer.
In recent years, the Salem Dramatic Club has presented various interesting plays and has made noteworthy contributions to the program of thechurch. On three different evenings in the anniversary month the membersoffered a one-act comedy which delighted young and old, The present officersare the following:
Raymond Lahmer, president,
Grace Heiligman, vice-president,
Vera Walters, secretary,
Walter Hitzke, treasurer.
Assistant Pastors
At various times during the third pastorate, the church found it necessary to secure the services of assistant pastors, several of whom were calledprimarily as ministers of religious education and workers with the young people of Salem. The following have rendered valuable assistance in this capacity:
The Reverend Paul G. Frankenfeld, | July, 1912 - November, 1913, | |
December, 1919 - May, 1922, | ||
The Reverend Julius C. Kramer, | October, 1914 - January, 1916, | |
The Reverend Otto Mayer, | September 1918 - September 1919 | |
The Reverend Herman H. Lohans, | September, 1922 - April, 1928, | |
The Reverend Charles J. Keppel, | September, 1929 - September, 1930, | |
Mr. Theodor Stoerker, | October, 1931 - October, 1932, | |
Sister Frieda Muenstermann (Deaconess), | April, 1928 - May, 1929. |
Because of existing conditions, the church has no assistant pastor at the present time. Upon numerous occasions, the Reverend Adolt C. G. Baltzerhas cheerfully relieved the pastor of pressing duties, and many others standready to give their help in any emergency.
November, 1933
The story of the sixtieth anniversary is being added to the foregoingbrief history of Salem Church upon the request of the committee which wasgiven the responsibility for the publication of this souvenir booklet. The addition, we believe, will be cherished through the years as a constant reminderof the many unusual festivities, by all who were privileged to participate inthe happy and blessed experiences. Others, who did not share with us in thecelebration, may find in the following pages a welcome source of interestinginformation concerning one of the most significant events which has beenrecorded in the life of Salem Church.
From the day on which the first tentative plans for the occasion wereformulated, the members of the general committee determined that the observance of the sixtieth anniversary must be more than merely an ordinarycelebration. They were agreed that the primary emphasis must be spiritual,and that all other features must be considered secondary in importance. Accordingly, they concentrated their efforts upon making the four Sundays inNovember mountain-top experiences in worship and in spiritual enrichment.Thousands of men and women will testify cheerfully to the fact that the results of the united efforts far surpassed the highest expectations.
In honor of the three pastors who have served the church in the sixtyyears of her history, the committee named the first three Sundays in the anniversary month "Siebenpfeiffer Sunday," "Helmkamp Sunday," and "Frankenfeld Sunday," respectively. The fourth Sunday in the month was designated"Consecration and Holy Communion Sunday," and was intended to be theculmination of all festive days and a fitting climax of the entire anniversaryprogram.
Naturally, the committee also made provision for the social life of ourpeople. In a series of informal fellowship evenings which followed the Sundays on which the respective groups had their special services, ample opportunity was given for friendly intercourse with former classmates and associates. The widespread interest which was aroused by these gatherings isevident in numerous requests that similar reunions be held in the fall of eachyear.
The preparations for the observance of the sixtieth anniversary werebegun early in the spring of the present year. The church council authorizedthe appointment of a general committee, which was given full power to makeall the necessary arrangements for the coming event and to appoint such subcommittee as might be required in the development of the plans. This general committee consisted of twenty-nine persons and included in its membership the president, or leaden, of every organization within the church. Itwas constituted as follows:
William H. Brown, Church Council,
Henry F. Albrecht, Board of Elders,
Julius J. Andersen, Board of Trustees,
Elmer Geer, Board of Deacons,
Carl Drexler, Men's Benevolent Society,
Mrs. George J. Hafner, Sister Society,
Mrs. Alfred Scheible, Missionary Society,
Mrs. Lawrence Ritter, Kingdom Sircle,
John Zonnevylle, Men's Bible Class,
Mrs. Fred Nowack, Ladies' Bible Class,
Fred M. Dubelbeiss, Church School,
Cecil M. Ehrhart, Kaelber Klass,
Miss Mildred Griepp, Ruth Bible Class,
Alvin Arnold, Young People's Department,
Walter Hitzke, Christian Endeavor Society,
Paul Cooper, Young People's League,
Mrs. John W. Dettman, Church Choir,
George Wickman, Boys' Work Committee,
Fred Raetz, Troop 60, Boy Scouts,
William Cox, Troop 11, Boy Scouts,
Miss Edith Nusbickel, Troop 48, Girl Scouts,
Ray Lahmer, Dramatic Club,
Charles Suss, "Pioneer Group,"
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hafner, "Siebenpfeiffer Group,"
Harry Herbst, "Helmkamp Group,"
Lester Feldt, "Frankenfeld Group,"
William Zimmer, Decoration Committee,
Charles Then, Hospitality Committee,
Miss Mary Emich, Church Staff.
The general committee held its first meeting on March 23, 1933, and organized by electing the, following officers:
William H. Brown, chairman,
Henry F. Albrecht, vice-chairman,
Miss Mary Emich, secretary,
Fred M. Dubelbeiss, treasurer.
The following sub-committees were appointed:
Program - Henry F. Albrecht, William H. Brown, Chris Merlau, George J. Hafner, Charles Then, G. Wallace Neth, Charles Sass, William Zabel, William Lauterbach, the Reverend A. C. G. Baltzer, the Reverend Fred H. Willkens, the Reverend Theodore L. Trost.
Music - Harry Herbst, Herman Genhart, H. Wellington Stewart, Gustave Nowack, Max Burke, Elmer Neuscheler, Walter Hitzke; the Mesdms. John Dettman, Wilbur Seidel, John Pfeiffer; Anna Youngs, Thelma Schauman; the Misses Edna Scbropp, Matilda Wittenberg, Mildred Seeman, Mildred Kleifgen, Evelyn Zabel.
History, Records and Souvenir Booklet - Fred M. Dubelbeiss, Oscar Zabel, Kilian Schaeffer, Norman Ackroyd; the Misses Anna Young, Mary Emich, Ethel Mountain.
Renovation of the Church Plant - Julius J. Andersen, Carl T. Rau, Harry Herbst, William Zimmer, George Schauman, Fred Baetzel, John H. Cooper, Fred M. Dubelbeiss, Charles Spies.
Decorations - William H. Zimmer, Lawrence E. Ritter, Herbert Zimmer, Herbert Voss, the Misses Lena Kettwig, Amelia Kall, Gertrude Bachofer.
Hospitality - Charles Then: the members of the church council and their wives the chairmen of the confirmation class committees.
Publicity - Miss Gertrude Kalmbach, William H. Brown, and Pastor Frankenfeld.
Confirmation Class Committees
From each of the sixty confirmation classes in the history of the church, a special committee was selected to visit all the class members now residing in Rochester and in the vicinity, so far as these could be located, to acquaint them with the plans of the approaching anniversary, and to extend a personal invitation to the Sunday services and the fellowship evenings. These committees consisted of from one to fourteen members the number depending upon the size of the classes and tlpotI the available material from which the selection could be made. Lists of the sixty classes were prepared and distributed among the members of the various committees. The huge task of visitation was undertaken with unprecedented enthusiasm, and long before the summer vacation was at hand, several committees reported that the work was done. True, not every committee succeeded in visiting every class member, but an earnest effort to do so was made, in some instances with remarkable results. No accurate report as to the number of calls made can be given; however, a conservative estimate would place it at more than six thousand. To the members living in other cities and countries, letters of invitation were written, and greetings from them, to be read at the various social gatherings, were solicited.
We deeply regret that we can not publish the names of all who served onthe confirmation class committees. Some, who were originally selected forthe task, found it impossible to participate, and others, who volunteered laterto fill the vacancies, did not have their names recorded. To all who renderedvaluable assistance in this capacity we would express our sincerest appreciation. The following persons were chosen as committee chairmen:
1875 - Mrs. Adeline Gartz 1876 - Mrs. Julius C. Hoffman 1878 - Miss Lillie M. Viehmann 1879 - Mrs. Charles Steger 1880 - Miss Louise Kettwig 1881 - Mr. and Mrs. George Steul 1882 - Mrs. Louise Frank 1883 - Mrs. Henry F. Albrecht 1884 - Mrs. August Baumer 1886 - Mrs. Amelia Miller 1887 - Miss Anna Young 1888 - Mrs. Louis Ruckdeschel 1889 - Mrs. Otto A. Griepp 1890 - Mr. Charles Spies 1891 - Miss Julia Sauer 1892 - Mr. Fred Bettin 1893 - Mrs. Lydia Bechtold 1894 - Mr. Emiel Kujawski 1895 - Miss Sophie Schreck 1896 - Mrs. Fred Bohm 1897 - Mrs. William H. Brown 1898 - Miss Matha Kujawsky 1899 - Mrs. Henry Schwab 1900 - Miss Lena Fischer 1901 - Mr. Robert Kaucher 1902 - Miss Mary Kleiner 1903 - Mr. Herbert Zimmer, Sr. 1904 - Mrs. John H. Cooper 1905 - Miss Ada M. Glasser | 1906 - Mrs. Karl Miller 1907 - Mr. Oscar Zabel 1908 - Mrs. Henry Voss 1909 - Mr. Lawrence E. Ritter 1910 - Mrs. Joseph Dean 1911 - Mr. William B. Keller 1912 - Mrs. Lewis Randall 1913 - Mrs. Fred Nowack 1914 - Mrs. Harry Swanson 1915 - Mr. George Strutz 1916 - Mr. G. William Miller 1917 - Miss Catherine Seeley 1918 - Mr. Earl Hieb 1919 - Mr. Arthur Brodbeck 1920 - Mrs. Lester Feldt 1921 - Mr. Ray Lahmer 1922 - Mrs. Erna Taylor 1923 - Mr. Elmer Neuscheler 1924 - Mr. Alvin Arnold 1925 - Mr. Norman Ackroyd 1926 - Miss Hilda Neuscheler 1927 - Mr. Julius Ackroyd 1928 - Miss Alma Schwarz 1929 - Miss Ivy Baxter 1930 - Miss Ruth Furstenberg 1931 - Mr. Robert Vogel 1932 - Mr. Carl Neuscheler 1933 - Miss Ruth Andersen |
These chairmen assumed full responsibility for the work of their respective committees. They directed the visitation, reported to the church officethe changed addresses of classmates as their committees found them, wrotemany letters to their former associates in other cities, supervised the sale of tickets for the fellowship banquets, served on the hospitality committee atthe Sunday services and the social gatherings, and helped in many other waysto complete the numerous details for the celebration of the anniversary.
The Opening Event
On the first day of November the series of festivities began with a banquet for the church school workers. The general committee felt that thisorganization, which has rendered such faithful and notable service in theteaching ministry of the church through all the years of her history, shouldbe given the honor to open the anniversary month with a celebration all itsown. A complimentary banquet was prepared by Mrs. Otto Schlegel andserved by her efficient helpers in true Salem style, at six-thirty o'clock. Themenu for this occasion will indicate the type of meal which was offered bythe good women of our church in connection with the various fellowship evenings.
Mr. Fred M. Dubelbeiss, superintendent of the church school, presided astoastmaster, and Mr. H. Wellington Stewart. church organist, was the pianistfor the evening. The invocation was offered by the Reverend F. H. Willkens.A most enjoyable feature of the program was the singing of old-time hymns,some of which were sung in the German language. The writer was agreeably surprised to hear how well the older workers remember the songs of longago. In appreciation of fifty-one consecutive years of faithful ministry in thechurch school, Mr. Henry F. Albrecht was presented with a copy of Moffatt'stranslation of the Holy Scriptures. The pastor paid a sincere tribute to allthe workers who have given extended years of service. Of these, sixteen,whose names appear in the chapter on the church school, are active in thework at the present time; eleven have found it necessary to discontinue theirministry; and seven, so far as we are now able to ascertain, have been calledto their eternal reward. For the sake of a permanent record we publish herethe names of the two last groups:
Miss Amalie Kreuser | Sister Christine Schwarz | Miss Lena Stetzenmeyer |
Miss Amelia Kall | Miss Louise Leible | Miss Rose Miller |
Miss Emma Hempel | Mrs. Eva Drexler | Mr. Bernhard Stauch |
Miss Ada Glasser | Mr. G. Fred Graf | Mr. Bernhard Becker |
Mrs. Philip Lattinville | Mr. Louis Schneider | Mr. J. George Kaelber |
Mrs. Elizabeth Raab | Miss Sophie Stetzenmeyer | Mr. Charles G. Gerhard |
In a period of prolonged silence, while Herbert Zimmer, Jr., played softlyon his violin "Shall We Gather at the River," the workers offered a lovingtribute to those who have entered the better life.
Mr. Oscar Zabel, the secretary of the school, then read a brief and veryinteresting history covering the most important events in the sixty years thathave gone by. Much of the material which he has gathered with great careis included in the chapter on the church school, Reminiscences concerningformer days and experiences were given by Mr. Henry F. Albrecht for the"Siebenpfeiffer" period, Mr. Fred M. Duhelbeiss for the "Helmkamp" period,and Mr. William H. Brown for the "Frankeneld" period. The ReverendTheodore Louis Trost rendered a bass solo, accompanied by Miss Ruth Zimmer. The pastor taking for his theme "Then and Now," closed the evening'sprogram with a brief message in which he compared the task in the presentday to that which the workers in the past were asked to perform.
The 225 men and women who participated in this opening event areagreed that the sixtieth anniversary banquet was the most delightful and successful affair of its kind in the entire history of the school.
The First Sunday, November Fifth
"Siebenpfeiffer" Day
A dark and dreary morning greeted the people of Salem on the first Sunday in the anniversary month. Let it here be noted that there was not abright Sunday in November, a fact which could not dampen the enthusiasmof the various groups which came to rejoice with us. The first Sunday wasnamed "Pioneer", or "Siebenpfeiffer", day, and was planned-to be a reunion ofthe pioneers who came with their leader, in 1874, from the mother church inAllen Street to establish a new church home in Franklin Street, of the confirmation classes which were instructed and received into the membership ofthe church by Pastor Siebenpfeiffer, and of all others who united with thechurch during his pastorate of twenty years.
The program for the day began with a brief session of the church schoolat 8 :45 o'clock. After the usual routine matters were disposed of, the variousdepartments entered the sanctuary and occupied the places which had beenreserved for them. Promptly at the scheduled time, 9:15 o'clock, the congregation, which filled the church to capacity, sang the opening hymn, "RejoiceYe Pure in Heart," after which Mr. Henry F. Albrecht read Psalm 100. Theanniversary prayer was offered by Mr. William H. Brown Mr. Fred M. Dubelbeiss then addressed the vast audience with appropriate words of welcome to which he added his deep appreciation of the loyalty manifested by hisco-workers and by the members of the school. A beautiful altar cross, theanniversary gift of the Ruth Bible Class, and two candle sticks, given in memory of Mr. Otto Griepp, by his children Mildred and Edward Griepp, werepresented by the Reverend Theodore L. Trost, teacher of the Ruth Class, andaccepted on behalf of the church by the president of the church. The pastordelivered the address, taking for his theme, "The Significance of the ChurchSchool in the Development of Salem Church." The singing of the hymn"Striving Onward," followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison and the benediction, concluded this inspiring service.
In recognition of Pastor Sicbenpfeiffer's ministry, the morning worship was conducted entirely in the German language. A great surprise awaited us as we entered the sanctuary. The most optimistic among us had expected an audience of about 500 people, but when the actual count was taken, it was found that 754 persons were present. This figure represents the largest attendance at a German service in Salem Church since the day when we celebrated the fiftieth anniversary. The classes were seated in groups according to the years in which they were confirmed, the standards bearing the numerals being removed before the service began. All the members who were eighty years of age and older, had been invited as special guests of honor and were seated at the very front nearest the altar. Of these there were thirty-four. Theoldest member present on "Pioneer" Sunday was Mr. William Salzwedel who is ninety-four years of age; then came; as the second oldest, Mr. Carl Ross, ninety-one years, and in the third place, Mrs. Margaret Ursprung who was confirmed in the year 1866. A large picture of Pastor Siebenpfeiffer was placed at the right of the altar, and below it hung a memorial wreath. The beautiful decorations consisting of palms and flowers were donated by the firm "J. B. Keller and Sons." The entire service was arranged to correspond as nearly as possible to the order which was observed in the days of the first pastor of the church. The Reverend A. C. G. Baltzer read the psalm which was read on the day when Salem Church was dedicated, sixty years ago. The augmented church choir, under the direction of Mr. Herman H. Gerhart, rendered several of the anthems which were sung at that time. The Reverend C. W. Locher, D.D., president of the Evangelical Synod of North America, who knew Pastor Siebenpfeiffer personally in the long ago, preached the anniversary sermon, taking for his theme: "Erinnerungen und Hoffnungen." For the sake of future reference we take the liberty to print the order of worship in its entirety.
Das Praeludium | a. "Sonata 1" | Mendelssohn |
b. Choral "Vater Unser" | Bach | |
Chorlied | "Das ist der Tag des Herrn" | Kreutzer |
Die Eroeffnung | ||
Wechellesen | ||
Gesang der Gemeinde | "Grosser Gott wir loben dich" | |
Die Schriftlektion | Psalm 84 | Pastor Baltzer |
Das Glauhensbekenntnis | (gemeinsam gesprochen) | |
Das Gebet | (Responsorium vom Chor) | |
Chorgesang | "Die Ehre Gottes in der Natur" | Beethoven |
Begruessungsworte | Carl Suss | |
Auszug aus der Geschichte der Gemeinde | ||
Die Erhebung des Festopfern | ||
Das Offertorium | a. Orgel: "Von Gott will ich nicht lassen" | Buxtehude |
b. Chorlieder: "Da zu dir der Heiland kam" "Nun danket alle Gott" | Wagner Bach | |
Der Festchoral | "Ich lobe dich mein Auge schauet" | |
Die Festpredigt | "Erinnerungen und Hoffnungen" | Pastor C. W. Locher, D.D. |
Chorgesang | "Siehe der Hueter Israels" | Mendelssohn |
Das Schlussgebet mit Vater Unser | ||
Die Erteilung des Segens | ||
Dat Postludium | "Fuge in G minor" | Bach |
It was a source of real satisfaction to the pastor and the members of thechurch that the following relatives of Pastor Siebenpfeiffer had accepted theinvitation of the committee to be present at the "Pioneer" service:
Mrs. Charles P. Henn, daughter; Mrs. Fred M. Dubelbeiss, Dr. Charles W. Hennington and Mr. Carl F. W. Kaelber, grandchildren; Marie K. Dubelbeiss, Katherine Kaelber and Carl Kaelber, great-grandchildren.
At three o'clock in the afternoon a brief memorial service was held at thegrave of Pastor Siebenpfeiffer in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Despite the cold anddisagreeable day, and notwithstanding the fact that only one announcementof the service had been made, nearly one hundred loyal friends of the first beloved shepherd were in attendance. After the gathering had sung the hymn"Wo findet die Seele die Heimat die Ruh," Pastor Frankenfeld gave an appropriate address. The president of the church, Mr. William H. Brown, placedthe wreath upon the grave, Doctor C. W. Locher led in prayer, and the shigingof the hymn "So nimm denn meine Haende," concluded the impressive service.
For the evening on "Pioneer" Sunday the Evangelical, the United Lutheran and the Reformed churches of the city were invited. The program for this union anniversary service follows:
ORGAN RECITAL Seven-fifteen o'clock | ||
Selections | a. "Toccata in F" | Widor |
b. "Vater Unser im Himmelreich" "Sonata VI" | Mendelssohn |
THE ORDER OF WORSHIP Seven-thirty o'clock | |||
The Processional Hymn | "O God Our Help in Ages Past" | ||
The Call to Worship | The Reverend Elmer H. Hoeler | ||
The Invocation | (Followed with the Lord's Prayer in unison) | ||
Song by the Congregation | "Praise Thou the Lord" | ||
An Anthem | "Luther's Battle-hymn" | Traditional | |
The Reading from the Scriptures | Psalm 84 | The Reverend F. H. Willkens | |
The Apostles' Creed | (The congregation uniting) | The Reverend C. G. Haass | |
The Evening Prayer | Prayer hymn on the organ | A choral response | |
A Group of Anthems | a. "Welcome Dear Redeemer" | Franck | |
b. "Hearts Feel that Love Thee" | Mendelssohn | ||
c. "Now Thank We All Our God" | Bach | ||
Greetings | From the Visiting Churches | The Reverend Bernard C. Tepas | |
From the Federation of Churches | The Reverend Wilbour Saunders | ||
A Violin Solo | "Adagio" Millard Taylor | Bach | |
Worship in Giving | |||
The Offertory | a. Organ "In Thee Is Joy" | Bach | |
b. Ladies' Trio "Psalm XIII" | Brahms | ||
Lucille D. Brightman, Dorothy Pfeffer, Thelma Schauman | |||
A Hymn | "The Church's One Foundation" | ||
The Sermon | "The Unity of the Spirit in Terms of United Action" The Reverend C. W. Locher, D.D. | ||
An Anthem | "The 150th Psalm" | Franck | |
The Benediction | The Reverend Braynard E. Kurkowski | ||
The Sevenfold Amen | |||
The Postlude | "Festival Prelude 'Bin Feste Burg'" | Faulkes |
And thus ended the first Sunday in the anniversary program.
The First Fellowship Evening
Old Timers' Banquet - "Siebenpfeiffer" Group
Wednesday, November Eighth
When the general committee first considered a fellowship evening forthe pioneers and old timers, the question arose as to whether or not thesewould venture out in the evening, in numbers sufficiently large to make anoccasion of this sort worth the while. However, all fears and doubts were dispelled as soon as the banquet tickets were offered for sale. The first reportrevealed that at least 200 would attend. This number rose quickly to 300, andthen to 400, and when the evening of November 8 had come, and all the guestswere seated at the tables, the -actual count showed that 480 pioneers werepresent. From every section of the city and the county they came, notwith-standing the fact that weather conditions were very unfavorable and drivingwas hazardous. Many guests had neglected to make advance reservationsand, for a time, the unexpected number created a situation which presented areal problem to the good women in the kitchen and the dining room. Butonce again, as upon numerous previous occasions, our faithful workers provedthemselves equal to the task; all the guests were seated and served in orderlyfashion, and the food supply was not exhausted.
Mrs. William H. Brown was the chairman of the committee which planned, prepared and served the fellowship meal. All the members of this committee were confirmed by Pastor Helmkamp, and in many instances theywere the daughters of the mothers who were seated at the banquet tables,The decorations in the auditorium of the parish house presented a most harmonious color scheme, and on the speakers' table stood a large birthday cake with sixty lighted candles.
The program for the evening was very informal. As soon as the guestsentered the hall, they gathered in groups to greet their former classmates andto exchange reminiscences of the days gone by. Many had not seen eachother in fifty years, and repeated introductions were necessary. What surprises and exclamations! Some had brought with them photographs of various groups in the long ago which called forth numerous comments and elicited interesting comparisons.
Mrs. George Hafner was toastmaster and filled this position in a most acceptable manner. In well chosen words and with tender feeling she recalledsome of the early experiences in the life of the church and summoned herassociates to renew their loyalty to Salem. Likewise did Mr. Henry F. Albrecht, who gave his message in the German language. Mrs. Florence CrosbyCooke sang several songs in German, and the following great-grandchildrenof founders of the church delighted the gathering with special offerings:
Adele Hafner, selections on the accordion,
Jackie Zonnevylle, vocal numbers,
Herbert Zimmer, Jr., violin solo.
The singing of German folk-songs by the entire group was a most enjoyable feature. Seldom have we heard "Ich weiss nicht, was soll es bedeitten," "Lang, lang ists her," "Du, du liegst mir im Herzen," "Ach, wie ists moeglich dann," sung more lustily than they were sung on the fellowship evening of the "Siebenpfeiffer" group.
The roll will by, classes revealed the most remarkable fact that not ayear in Pastor Siebrpfeiffer's ministry was without representation. Thereaders may be interested to know how many from each class were present.So far as we were able to ascertain the numbers, the record is as follows:
1874 - 5 | 1878 - 17 | 1882 - 11 | 1886 - 18 | 1890 - 14 |
1875 - 10 | 1879 - 14 | 1883 - 14 | 1887 - 16 | 1891 - 16 |
1876 - 9 | 1880 - 12 | 1884 - 14 | 1888 - 18 | 1892 - 17 |
1877 - 4 | 1881 - 13 | 1885 - 4 | 1889 - 15 | 1893 - 13 |
Fifty-eight persons were there who had come with their beloved leaderfrom old Trinity in 1874, and when the pastor asked those to stand who weremore than eighty years of age, eleven persons stood up, the oldest being Mr.William Salzwedel who was ninety-four years, and the second oldest Mr. Carl Ross, with ninety-one years.
Numerous greetings had come from members who now live in othercities. It was not possible to read them all, but they are filed with the permanent records of the church and they are available to those who desire toknow their contents. All breathe a spirit of continued interest in the motherchurch which is truly refreshing, and the many good wishes which they convey manifest a deep and tender affection which still lingers in the hearts ofthe sehders. With sincere appreciation we publish the names of our friendswho have thus remembered us at the time of the sixtieth-anniversary.
1878 - The Reverend George J. Geis, Bhamo, Burma,
Mrs. Ida Seitz Avril, Denver, Colorado,
1879 - Mr. Richard Fritzsche, Brooklyn, New York,
Mrs. William Lancaster, for Mr. William Forschter, Newark, New Jersey,
1880 - Mrs. Lena Rauber Barnes, San Diego, California,
Mrs. Libbie Wagner Lamke, Washington, D. C.,
1882 - Mr. Louis Gruber, Hollywood, California,
1884 - Mr. William C. Merz, San Francisco, California,
1886 - Miss Sophie Vetter, Denver, Colorado,
Mrs. Emilie Dubelbeiss Cleland, Waverly, Pennsylvania,
1887 - Mrs. Mary Dubelbeiss, Albright, New York City,
Mrs. Caroline Beisheim Snell, Brooklyn, New York,
Mrs. Emilie Weitzel Krauch, San Antonio, Texas,
1888 - Mrs. Anna Fuchs Muehlinghaus, Dunkirk, New York,
Mrs. Marie Kraft Loos, Erie, Pennsylvania,
Mrs. Carrie Kimmel Edler, Ashton, South Dakota,
1889 - Mr. Oscar B. Rummel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Mrs. Isabel Enders Isselhardt, Chicago, Illinois,
Mr. John Enders, Schenectady, New York,
1892 - Mrs. Rosa Albert Retter, Buffalo, New York,
1893 - Mrs. Mathilda Spitznagel Utz, Mrs. Emma Meyer Alwardt, Silver Springs, New York.
The Reverend George Kern, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
The Reverend Carl Loos, Erie,
Professor William Baur, Webster Groves, Missouri.
The last three named served the church as assistant pastors.
Many of the guests lingered far into the night to enjoy the delightful fellowship which prevailed throughout the entire evening. Again and again itwas said that, regardless of what might follow, the first fellowship eveningmade the observance of the sixtieth anniversary a decided success.
The Second Sunday, November Twelfth
"Helmkamp" Day
The second Sunday in the anniversary month was designated "Helmkamp" day. It was intended to be a reunion of the confirmation classes of 1894to 1910, and of all others who united with our church during Pastor Helmkamp's ministry. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated with palms andflowers which were contributed by "Albert the Florist." A large picture ofPastor Helmkamp had been placed at the right of the altar, and beneath ithung a memorial wreath which was later taken to the grave of Mr. George F.Roth, who was the president of the church at the time when the second pastorate came to its close. The committee had also ordered a floral tribute to belaid upon the graves of Pastor Helmkamp and his devoted wife at Los Angeles, California. Professor Ralph B. Helmkamp of the University of Rochester, and his daughter, represented the Helmkamp family at the morning service.
As guest preacher for the second Sunday, the committee had secured theReverend Theodore R. Schmale of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a nephew of PastorHelmkamp, and his associate in the work at Salem in the years 1905-1908.Pastor Schmale preached the sermon in the German service, taking for histheme, "Das Beste an einer guten Gemeinde." For the English service he had chosen the topic "Christianity's Great Incentive." The order of worship on "Helmkamp" Sunday was as follows:
ORGAN RECITAL Ten-fifteen o'clock | ||
Selections | a. "My Inmost Heart Rejoiceth" | Brahms |
b. "Saviour of My Heart" | Brahms | |
c. "Vision" | Rheinberger | |
The Processional Hymn | "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken" | |
The Call to Worship | ||
The Invocation (In unison) | ||
Song by the Congregation | "We Praise Thee, O God" | |
An Anthem | "I Am Alpha and Omega" | Stainer |
The Reading from the Scriptures | John 15:1-14 | |
The Apostles' Creed (In unison) | ||
The Gloria Patri | ||
The Morning Prayer | Prayer hymn on the organ | A choral response |
An Anthem | "Jubilate Amen" | Bruch |
Worship in Giving | ||
The Offertory | a. Organ "Intermezzo Lirico" | Bossi |
b. Violin "Adagio" Herbert Zimmer, Jr. | Rhies | |
A Hymn | "Lead On O King Eternal" | |
The Anniversary Sermon | "Christianity's Great Incentive" | |
The Reverend Theodore N. Schmale | ||
An Anthem | "O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem" | Knox |
The Dedication | ||
The Closing Hymn | "My Jesus I Love Thee" | |
The Silent Prayer | ||
The Benediction | ||
The Sevenfold Amen | ||
The Postlude | "Festival March" | Rheinberger |
The attendance on "Helmkamp" Sunday was all that could he desired. The church was filled and several of the confirmation classes were represented by as many as forty to fifty members.
The Second Fellowship Evening
"Helmkamp" Group
Wednesday, November Fifteenth
As a return favor, the women of the Siebenpfeiffer group, under the leadership of Mrs. George Hafner, prepared and served the banquet for the members of the Helmkamp group on the second fellowship evening. This banquetproved to be the largest social gathering in the entire anniversary series.Warned by the experience in the previous week, the committee had preparedfor more than 600 guests, but only 568 came to enjoy the feast.
Mr. Benjamin Haag, Jr., was the toastmaster. Mr. Carl Paul was calledupon to lead the singing and he responded in his usual smiling manner. Mrs.Carl Meyer and Mr. Fred Arnold, both members of the Helmkamp group,sang several selections which were received with prolonged applause. A reading was given by Miss Mildred Kaucher; little Ruth Herbst sang a solo, andThomas Keenan offered several selections on the cornet. Then followed reminiscences by Mr. Lawrence Ritter and Mr. Fred M. Dubelbeiss. ProfessorRalph B. Helmkamp gave a brief address in which he spoke of tender memories and expressed deep appreciation of the many affectionate tributes whichhad been paid to his dear parents. Pictures of former days were thrown uponthe screen and compared with present-day realities. The pastor read the following greetings from classmates and friends in other cities:
The roll call showed a representation by classes as follows:
1894 - 14 | 1900 - 16 | 1906 - 24 |
1895 - 28 | 1901 - 21 | 1907 - 17 |
1896 - 19 | 1902 - 31 | 1908 - 29 |
1897 - 20 | 1903 - 22 | 1909 - 27 |
1898 - 24 | 1904 - 15 | 1910 - 19 |
1899 - 14 | 1905 - 21 |
If the interest and the enthusiasm which were manifested on the secondfellowship evening are any indication of true devotion and loyalty to ourchurch, we have every reason to be profoundly grateful.
The Third Sunday, November Nineteenth
"Frankenfeld" Day
The third Sunday in the anniversary month was devoted in a special wayto the youth of the church. The confirmation classes of the years 1911-1933held their reunion, and, the members who united with Salem during the present pastorate, participated with them in the morning service. The large gathering of young people proved an inspiration and presented a challenge notonly to their pastor, but also to the many parents who were in attendance,and to the adult members of the church who had come to share in the worship.A very pleasant surprise awaited the pastor as he entered the sanctuary. Theclass of 1933 had quietly made arrangements to attend the service in a bodyand to occupy the seats in which they sat together on Palm Sunday. MissRuth Andersen had taken it upon herself to send a personal invitation to allthe members, and this brought almost a one-hundred per cent response. Thebeautiful decorations were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Teute, whose children were confirmed by Pastor Frankenfeld. As guest preacher for this claythe committee had secured Professor Paul H. Vieth, Ph.D., of the Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut, who is a personal friend of the present pastor and whose close contact with the youth of today enabled him tospeak with authority to those who are called to he tomorrow's leaders.
THE ORDER OF WORSHIP Organ Recital Ten-fifteen o'clock | |||
Selections | a. "Bells of St. Anne Beaupre | Russell | |
b. "Chorale in B minor" | Franck | ||
The Processional Hymn | "The Voice of God Is Calling" | ||
The Call to Worship | |||
The Invocation (In unison) | |||
Hymn by the Congregation | "I Would Be True" | ||
An Anthem | "Exultate Deo" | Daniels | |
The Reading from the Scriptures | Luke 18:18-23; Epliesians 6:13-18 | ||
The Apostles' Creed | |||
The Gloria Patri | |||
The Morning Prayer | Prayer hymn on the organ A choral response | ||
A Trio | "Andante and Finale" | Rheinberger | |
Violin, Millard Taylor; Cello, Marian Wolfe; Organ, H. Wellington Stewart | |||
Worship in Giving | |||
The Offertory | a. Organ "Cantalene" (Symphony III) | Vierne | |
b. Ladies' Chorus "Psalm 23" | Schubert | ||
A Hymn | "O Jesus I Have Promised" | ||
The Anniversary Sermon | "Treasures Old and New" | Professor Paul H. Vieth, Ph.D. | |
An Anthem | "Great and Glorious" | Dickinson | |
Mixed Chorus, Male Chorus, Girls' Chorus, Trumpets, Trombones and Organ | |||
The Dedication (In unison) | |||
The Closing Hymn | "Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be" | ||
The Silent Prayer | |||
The Benediction and the Sevenfold Amen | |||
The Postlude | "March" | Dupre |
Three Fellowship Evenings - "Frankenfeld" Group
Monday, November Twentieth; Wednesday, November Twenty-Second;
Monday, November Twenty-Seventh
Because of the wide difference in the ages of the people who representthe third pastorate, the committee thought it best to make arrangements forthree fellowship evenings. The first of these was held on Monday, November20, and included the confirmation classes from 1911 to 1922, Mrs. FrankWedow prepared the fellowship meal, and under her leadership the committeegave excellent service. Mr. Lester Feldt found himself quite at home in therole of toastmaster and expressed his sincere appreciation of the splendid cooperation which the various class committees and their chairmen had givenhim in making the necessary preparations for the great occasion, The invocation was offered by the Reverend Braynard Kurkowski. The evening's program was introduced with a trumpet duet played by Thomas Keenan andRalph Mayer. Mr. William H. Brown, the chairman of the general committee,addressed the gathering in words of greeting which evidenced his deep interest in the youth of the church. Several vocal selections were offered by Mr.C. Samuel Maggio, after which the one-act comedy, "His First Dress Suit,"was presented by Edward Virkus, Miss Evelyn Zabel, Miss Grace Heiligman and Norman Brink, who are members of the Salem Players. The rollcall by classes showed the following representation:
1911 - 35 | 1913 - 21 | 1915 - 26 | 1917 - 15 | 1919 - 12 | 1921 - 6 |
1912 - 19 | 1914 - 15 | 1916 - 18 | 1918 - 10 | 1920 - 14 | 1922 - 7 |
The total attendance on November 20 was 263.
The program for the second group of young people on Wednesday evening, November 22, was similar to that offered on Monday evening. However,a new feature was introduced in the playing of an orchestra under the direction of Thomas Keenan. Considering the fact that these youthful players hadonly one rehearsal, they deserve much credit for the contribution which theymade. The banquet was prepared and served under the direction of Mrs. FredNowack, assisted by a very efficient committee. The Reverend Fred H. Willkens offered the invocation. Special numbers were rendered as follows:
Violin solo by Herhert Zimmer, accompanied by Miss Ruth Zimmer,
Accordion selections by Adele Hafner,
One-act comedy by Kenneth Wundes, Miss Evelyn Zabel, Miss Arlene Selke, Milton Schyve.
Mr. Elmer Neuscheler acted as toastmaster and responded in his usual cheerful manner. The attendance by classes was as follows:
1923 - 9 | 1925 - 19 | 1927 - 11 | 1929 - 14 | 1931 - 22 | 1933 - 44 |
1924 - 14 | 1926 - 10 | 1928 - 10 | 1930 - 24 | 1932 - 19 | 1934 - 10 |
Of all the confirmation classes in the history of the church the class of 1933 has the honor of having the largest representation on any of the fellowship evenings in connection with the sixtieth anniversary. The total attendance on November 22 was 258.
The writer truly believes that the two groups of young people on November 20 and 22, were the finest and most promising in all the sixty years of Salem's history. The glory of a church which can bring together 521 youngpeople to celebrate an anniversary does not lie in the past.
The third in this series of fellowship evenings was arranged for the menand the women who united with the church on confession of faith or by letter of transfer from other churches during the present pastorate. Of these thereare 675. More than 200 of them gathered on November 27 to become betteracquainted one with another and to close the informal festivities in connection with the sixtieth anniversary. The last of the fellowship banquets wasprepared and served under the direction of Mrs. Otto Schlegel. Mr. William H. Zimmer was the toastmaster for this occasion. A piano solo by Miss RuthZimmer, a reading by Miss Edith Nusbickel, and a one-act comedy by members of the Salem Players were included in the program. Motion pictures ofimportant events in the life of the church furnished interesting pastime. Thefinal challenge was given by the chairman of the general anniversary committee. With the singing of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" and the pronouncingof the benediction by Reverend Theodore Louis Frost, the last fellowshipevening was brought to its close.
Greetings from the following members of the "Frankenfeld" group werepresented on each of the three fellowship evenings:
1911 - Mrs. Viola Schaedeli Jenkinson, Hongkong, China,
Mrs. Manilta Lamke Cowles, Washington, D. C.,
1912 - Mr. John L. Weyl, Johnstown, Pennsylvania,
Mr. Raymond A, Filske, Brooklyn, New York,
1913 - Mrs. Pauline Kolb McLeod, Flint, Michigan,
Mrs. Marie Hartung Binckley, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania,
1914 - Mr. Roland F. Schulze, Los Angeles, California,
Mrs. Katherine Kemmet Corbett, Cleveland, Ohio,
1915 - Mr. Carl G. Nowack, Bar Harbor, Maine,
1916 - Mrs. Lillian Hoffman Dawley, West Palm Beach, Florida,
Mrs. Martha Schultheis Leipold, Biberschlag, Germany,
1918 - Mrs. Elsie Otto Rogers, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Miss Anna Otto, Rochester, New York,
1920 - Mrs. Lydia Frankenfeld Lenox, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Miss Emmy Otto, Rochester, New York,
1921 - Mr. Alvin R. Young, New York City,
1924 - Mr. William Otto, Rochester, New York,
1925 - Miss Marion Koehler, Penfield, New York,
Mr. Carl Paul, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Mr. Kenneth Paul, Boston, Massachusetts,
Mr. Gilbert Strauchen, Tuscaloosa, Alabama,
1926 - Mr. Norman Selke, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
1929 - Mr. Hubert Frankenfeld, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Assistant Pastors:
The Reverend Charles J. Keppel, Detroit, Michigan,
The Reverend Herman H. Lohans, Webster Groves, Missouri,
The Reverend Otto Mayer, Elmhurst, Illinois,
The Reverend Paul Frankenfeld, Buffalo, New York,
Miss Anna D. Bechtold, San Pedro Sula, Honduras,
The Reverend Herman L. Streich, St. Louis, Missouri,
The Reverend William Trebert, Rochester, New York,
The Reverend Carl Betz, Rochester, New York,
The Reverend Henry Walch, Rochester, New York,
The Reverend Michael Mikkelsen, Felstedt, Denmark,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo G. Loesch, Westfield, New Jersey,
Trinity Evangelical Church,
St. Paul Evangelical Church,
Christ Evangelical Church.
It was a real pleasure to have Miss Adele Wobus, our missionary in India,present on the last fellowship evening. She came all the way from St. Charles,Missouri, to attend the anniversary service on Sunday, November 26, and sheremained with us through Monday to bring her greetings and good wishes inperson. On Sunday evening she addressed the young people of the church,and on Monday afternoon the women of the church held an informal tea inher honor.
The Fourth Sunday, November Twenty-Sixth
Consecration and Holy Communion Day
The spiritual significance of the sixtieth anniversary reached its climaxon the fourth Sunday in November for which the committee had prepared a consecration and communion service. The attendance on this day was somewhat disappointing, but the fact that 754 members participated in the celebration of Holy Communion was most encouraging. The presence of many menfrom the Men's Benevolent Society and the Men's Bible Class was an inspiration to the writer. Throughout the entire service a spirit of solemnity anddeep reverence was manifested by all who worshipped with us. God wasthere. The organist and the church choir offered a program of music andsong which consisted entirely of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach.The pastor gave the communion meditation, taking for his theme "The Primary Challenge of the Sixtieth Anniversary," which was based on the text "The kingdom of God is at hand - repent ye."
THE ORDER OF WORSHIP Ten-fifteen o'clock | ||
The Organ Prelude | a. "O Man Bewail" | Bach |
"In the Hour of Need" | Bach | |
The Processional Hymn | "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" | |
The Call to Worship | ||
The Invocation (In unison) | ||
The Gloria Patri | ||
Chorales | a. "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" | Bach |
b. "Jesu, Priceless Treasure" | Bach | |
The Reading from the Scriptures | Deuteronomy 30:1-6; 9-10; 15-20 | |
The Morning Prayer | Prayer hymn on the organ. A choral response | |
Worship in Giving | ||
The Offertory | a. "Adagio" | Bach |
b. Chorale "O Saviour Sweet" | Bach | |
A Hymn | "Jesus Calls Us o'er the Tumult" | |
The Communion Meditation | ||
A Litany of Confession |
Pastor: Almighty God, Spirit of Purity and Grace. whose forgiveness is never far from the contrite heart, hear our confessions of sin, and have mercy upon us. For all the evil of our lives; for our many refusals of thy call to better things; for our indolence, and unfaithfulness:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, and forgive.
Pastor: For the words of unjust anger and bitterness which have escaped our lips; for the strifes and separations which we have inflamed and aided, and for all our sinful neglect to bring peace and good will among men:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, and forgive.
Pastor: For our fretful suffering of wrong; for vindictive passions cherished; for our intolerance, injustice, and uncharitableness; for our readiness to blame and our want of thoughtfulness, patience, kindness, and sympathy in our social relations:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, and forgive.
Pastor: For all the goodness of life which we have received thanklessly; for the strength which we have wasted; for the gifts we have not used; for the opportunities neglected; for all the beauty of this fair world and the love of human hearts which have passed before us and which in our thoughtlessness we have not received as from thee:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, and forgive.
Pastor: For the counsels of thy Word which have spoken to us vainly; for the grace and truth of thy beloved Son which we have slighted; for the pleadings of thy Spirit to which we have not hearkened; for the example and speech of the true and good which have failed to make ns worthier children of thine; for all the monitions of time and the hereafter which have not made us more serious, earnest, gentle, pure, and rich in faith and charity:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, and forgive.
Pastor: O God, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive, receive our humble petitions; and let the overwhelming boundlessness of thy great mercy loose us from our sins; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen,
The Celebration of Holy Communion | Confession - Absolution - Consecration - Communion | |
The Silent Prayer | ||
The Benediction followed by the Sevenfold Amen | ||
The Postlude | "St. Anne's Fugue" | Bach |
Thanksgiving Day, November Thirtieth
The last service in the anniversary month was held on Thanksgiving Day, November 30, at nine o'clock in the morning. As the anniversary month began on the first day, so it ended on the last day - with an event of joyous praise and sincere gratitude.
The Organ Prelude | "Thanks Be to God" | Mendelssohn |
The Opening Hymn | "We Praise Thee, O God" | arr. Kremser |
The Psalm of Praise | Psalm 100 | |
The Doxology | ||
An Anthem | "A Thanksgiving Song" (An anthem for Girls - and Mixed Chorus) | Barnes |
The President's Thanksgiving Proclamation | ||
A Choral Response | "List to the Lark" | arr. Dickinson |
The Report on the Anniversary Offering and the Souvenir Booklet | ||
The Offertory | ||
"Offertoire" | Batiste | |
A Hymn | "Praise Thou the Lord" | |
The Thanksgiving Day Message | "Salem's Thanksgiving in the Year of the Sixtieth Anniversary" | |
A Chorale | "Now Thank We All Our God" | Bach |
The Benediction followed by the Sevenfold Amen | ||
The Postlude | "Toccata" | Fletcher |
In his message on Thanksgiving Day the pastor summoned his people to give thanks to God for a glorious past, for a challenging present, and for a promising future. And thus ended the program of the sixtieth anniversary.
The Anniversary Offering
It is self-evident that the observance of the sixtieth anniversary as it wasplanned by the committee involved considerable expense. Under the existingconditions this expense could not possibly he met by the general treasury ofthe church. Therefore, the various organizations within the church, and alsothe individual members of the church, were asked to contribute toward a special anniversary offering so that the borrowing of funds with which to coverthe expenditures might be avoided. The response to this appeal was cheerfuland gratifying as the following tabulation will show:
Receipts Expenditures From Organizations: Renovation of church plant . . . $1,200.00Salem Sister Society . . . $2,200.00 Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210.84Ladies Bible Class . . . . . 100.00 Postage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140.57Men's Bible Class . . . . . . 100.00 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88.46Men's Benevolent Society . . 125.00 Traveling expenses of speakers . . 160.00Salem Missionary Society . . 100.00 Slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00Junior Department . . . . . . 60.00 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . 38.00Kaelber Klass . . . . . . . . 60.00 Souvenir Booklet - approximately . 900.00Young Peoples Department . . . 50.00 ------Kingdom Mission Circle . . . . 25.00 Total . . . $2837.87Junior High Department . . . . 25.00Primary Department . . . . . . 25.00Senior Department . . . . . . 25.00Salem Church Choir . . . . . . 10.00Monday Evening Club . . . . . 10.00Troop 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00Troop 60 . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00Surplus from banquets . . . . 165.22 ------- $3,090.22From Individuals . . . . . 1,422,20 ------- Total . . . $4,512.42 Surplus . . . $1,674.25
Anniversary Gifts
The following special gifts which came to us without solicitation on ourpart were received in connection with the sixtieth anniversary:
A beautiful altar cross, donated by the Ruth Bible Class;
Two candlesticks for the altar, the gift of Miss Mildred Griepp and Edward Griepp in memory of their father, Otto A. Griepp;
A set of slides of the beautiful memorial windows in the sanctuary, forwhich the church paid the sum of only one hundred dollars to cover the actualcost of material. The making of these slides represents a labour of love by our good friend, Mr. Charles C. Zoller, whose works of art in colored photographyare known and admired in many lands. Mr. Zoller conceived the idea of making these slides for educational purposes in the class room to illustrate theBible stories which the memorial windows depict. He also thought of thepossibility that one or more of the windows might be destroyed or damagedbeyond repair. Now they can be reproduced as they are by means of theslides, if this should ever become necessary.
A set of silken cords to serve as markers of reserved sections in the church auditorium on special occasions, by Mr. George C. Schlegel.
The Anniversary Chorus
Never has a church choir rendered a more faithful and more inspiring industry than was given by the members of the anniversary chorus at thetime of the sixtieth anniversary, and never before have we heard so manyexpressions of deep appreciation and flattering compliments as were offeredto the men and the women who furnished the excellent program of music andsong. Under the efficient leadership of the director, Mr. Herman H. Genhart,and with the fine support of the organist, Mr. H. Wellington Stewart, manyclassical compositions were interpreted in a manner that gripped the heartsof those who were privileged to hear them. Truly, the anniversary chorussang "Unto the Lord," and the results which were achieved through faithful effort and willing co-operation surpassed our highest expectations. It is withsincere gratitude that we publish in this booklet the names of those who constituted the anniversary chorus.
Sopranos Mrs. Laura Badum Mrs. Loraine Baetzel Mrs. Lucille D. Brightman Miss Harriet Brinker Mrs. Mae Brule Mrs. Max Burke Mrs. Mildred Curry Mrs. John W. Dettman Mrs. Minnie Ernst Mrs. Caroline Frey Mrs. Ella Fuerst Miss Ruth Furstenberg Miss Vera Gabbey Miss Dorothy Gerhard Mrs. Marguerite Goodman Miss Emma Grieshaher Miss Lena Haas Miss Gertrude Heiligman Miss Lois Heininger Mrs. Alma Hennings Miss Alice Jerger Miss Clara Kent Miss Eleanor Klix Miss Lucille Klauck Miss Dorothy Meinke Miss Pauline Murphy Miss Grace Nowack Mrs. Ruth Poshva | Miss Emma Schaad Mrs. Ella Seidel Mrs. H. G. Stoick Miss Helen Schultheis Miss Emma Schulz Miss Helen Tschiderer Miss Edith Viehmann Miss Marguerite Wedow Mrs. Anna E. Youngs Miss Edna Zahlmann Mrs. Irene Zuhlke Altos | Miss Edna Schropp Mrs. Emma Schwarz Tenors Basses |
Soloists: | Lucille D, Brightman, soprano, | |
Thelmna Schanman, contralto, | ||
C. Samuel Maggio, tenor, | ||
Theodore Louis Trost, bass, | ||
Thomas C. Keenan, trumpet, | ||
Ralph Mayer, trumpet, | ||
Erwin Clancy, trombone, | ||
Wilbert Heininger, trombone, | ||
Herbert Zimmer, violin. |
The anniversary chorus was assisted on several occasions by a girls' choir which consisted of the following members:
June Baetzel | Pearl Hitzke | Helen Schoenheit |
Helen Braund | Eleanor Kerber | Arlene Schwab |
Dorothy Briggs | Arlene Klauck | June Seidel |
Helen Burke | Opal Knight | Arlene Selke |
Magdaline Clemens | Olga Kobisch | Margaret Staudenmaier |
Mary Dobrowski | Julia Krehling | Gertrude Stoick |
Bernice Dodge | Ruth McGillicuddy | Mary Jane Stoick |
Jean Edgcumbe | Irene Miller | Virginia Thiem |
Harriet Eggiman | Virginia Mohr | Winifred Thiem |
Marion Fennemore | Elsie Neubert | Arlene Wickman |
Elaine Frisch | Janice Riess | Lois Wickman |
Dorothy Hayes | Eloise Riess | June Weingartner |
Ula Heininger | Arlene Saunders | Marjorie Zuhlke |
Hermine Herbst | Gladys Scheible | |
Kathryn Herbst | Rose Scheible |
An Appreciation
It is utterly impossible to mention the names of all who controlthe success of the sixtieth anniversary. Let it suffice here to say thatdreds of good people willingly gave their thought and time and effort tothe anniversary what it was planned to be - a spiritual experience in thof Salem that will not soon be forgotten. Seldom have we witnessedharmony and enthusiasm as were manifested by those who had a shareFrom the very first day to the last, a spirit of joyous gratitude and sindevotion was evident. There were no disappointments. Every service andthe social gatherings were carried through as the committees had plannedthem. It may be of interest to note that the anniversary services in. Novemberwere attended by 6,163 persons and that 2,453 were present at the variousbanquets.
The writer can not refrain from recording his deepest appreciation ofevery service which was cheerfully rendered. A very special "thank you" isherewith extended to the following:
The various committees which made all the necessary preparations,
The orchestra which played on the fellowship evenings,
The women of the church who prepared and served the banquets,
The persons who contributed special numbers to the program,
The florists who decorated the sanctuary for the services,
The members of the Salem Players and the Girl Scouts,
The donors of the special anniversary gifts,
The organizations and the individuals who contributed to the anniversary offering,
The members of the anniversary chorus,
The newspapers which gave much space and publicity to the various events.
The Souvenir Booklet
This souvenir booklet is printed in 2,200 copies. Each family affiliated with Salem Church is entitled to a free copy which must he called for at the church office, Additional copies may be purchased at fifty cents per copy in any quantity, as long as the supply will last. Bound copies are offered at one dollar each.
The pastor acknowledges his great debt to Mr. Fred M. Dubelbeiss, who compiled and edited much of the material; to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Louis Trost for their kind and discriminating reading of the manuscript and for their valuable suggestions, and to Mr. Carl L. Drexler of the "Drexler Print Shop, Incorporated," - for his personal attention amid for a vast amount of work done without compensation.
A Challenge
"Come, share the road with me,
And hand in hand we'll seek the throne
And God's great glad tomorrows,
And as we go we'll share also
With all who travel on it,
For all who share the road with me,
Must share with all upon it."
To previous part of this book.
To GenWeb of Monroe Co. page.