This web page links to Elementary, Middle Schools, High School and College yearbooks that are freely available on the internet. There are are also subscription services online that also have collections of yearbooks. This page has Elementary Schools on the top, then High Schools and Colleges are at the bottom.
Some of the High Schools in Rochester used to have two graduating classes per year; one in January and one in June. Sometimes they had separate yearbooks for a single year and other times the yearbook would have both classes. Be sure to check the title page to see which class or classes are contained in the yearbook.
The light blue globe is a link to a yearbook elsewhere on the web. The links with the dark blue shape (it is Monroe County) are links on this website.
The Rochester Public Library has a School Heritage Web page that has links to the yearbooks that they have scanned. That web page also has a web page on local academies, a web page of pictures of schools and a web page of other books on local schools.
FamilySearch has scanned approximately 1,000 of the yearbooks at the Rochester Public Library and put them on the FamilySearch website and those are linked to here. Important: You have to be signed-in FamilySearch before clicking on their links from this page. If the link opens on the FamilySearch Digital Library page then FamilySearch thinks you are not signed-in. Go to the Sign-in page and enter you personal data and then again click on the link from this page.
If you know of any other school yearbooks for Monroe County that are available to all the contact the webmaster
Gates, NY
Thomas Edison School
Greece, NY
Greece Athena Junior High and Middle School
Hoover Drive Junior High School
Mother of Sorrows School
Irondequoit, NY
Abraham Lincoln School
Pittsford, NY
Barker Road Middle School
Brighton, NY
Brighton High School
Brockport, NY
Brockport High School
Churchville-Chili School District
Churchville-Chili High School
East Rochester, NY
East Rochester High School
Fairport, NY
Fairport High School
Eastern Monroe Area Vocational Center AKA BOCES 1; now Monroe One
Gates Chili School District
Gates Chili High School
Greece, NY
Greece Arcadia High School
Greece Athena High School
Greece Olympia High School
Hilton, NY
Hilton Central High School
Honeoye Falls, NY
Honeoye Falls Central High School later Honeoye Falls - Lima High School
Irondequoit, NY
Bishop Kearney High School
Eastridge High School
Irondequoit High School
Penfield, NY
Penfield High School
Pittsford, NY
Pittsford Central High School
Pittsford Mendon High School
Pittsford Sutherland High School
Rochester, NY
Academy of the Sacred Heart
The Allendale School
Allendale Columbia School
Aquinas Institute, originally Rochester Catholic High School
Benjamin Franklin Junior-Senior High School and later just High School
Cardinal Mooney High School
Charlotte High School
Columbia School
East High School
Edison Technical School. Previously called Rochester Technical High School.
Harley School
Jefferson Junior High School and later High School
John Marshall High School
King's Preparatory
Kodak High School
Madison Junior High School and later High School
McQuaid Jesuit High School
Monroe High School
Nazareth Academy (Catholic) High School
Our Lady of Mercy (Catholic) High School
Rochester Christian High School
Rochester Free Academy
Rochester School for the Deaf
St. Agnes High School
St. Joseph Business School
St. Mary's School of Business
School Without Walls
Vocational High School
Washington High School
West High School
Wilson Magnet High School
Rush, NY
Rush High School
Rush-Henrietta School District
Charles H. Roth High School
Rush-Henrietta (Sperry) High School
Scottsville, NY
Scottsville High School (and since 1955) Wheatland-Chili Central School
Spencerport, NY
Spencerport High School
Webster, NY
H. W. Schroeder High School AKA Webster Schroeder High School
R. L. Thomas High School, AKA Webster Thomas High School
Webster High School
Brockport, NY
S.U.N.Y. Brockport
Chili, NY
Roberts Wesleyan College formerly Chesbrough Seminary
Gates, NY
St. Andrew's Seminary
Rochester, NY
Eastman School of Music
Nazareth College
Rochester Business Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology formerly Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute
St. John Fisher College
St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing
University of Rochester
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© Richard T. Halsey, 2018 - 2021