Cemeteries of Monroe Co., NY




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This page lists every known cemetery in Monroe County, including many which no longer exist. There are some old cemeteries which have been dug up and moved that probably never had any recorded list of burials. Most of these records are lists of tombstones. There are many burials in every cemetery without any tombstone. Also some of the old tombstones are no longer legible. Some have been destroyed by vandals but just as many have been destroyed by exposure to the elements over the years.

Also there are some lists of veterans burials for some Towns. See separate page with more information on the Veteran's Burial Registers.

Some cemeteries have links to on-line maps from MapQuest and Google Maps which can be used to find the location of the cemetery and also to get directions to the cemetery. Included are GPS coordinates.

Some cemeteries have links to pages on Find A Grave and/or New York Gravestones which have photos of some of the tombstones in the cemetery

Some cemeteries have lot maps from various sources. One main source of lot maps was from Veteran's burial records. Those maps often have red lines on them showing the locations to veteran's graves used in flagging the graves. Some of these lot maps are extremely large, possibly over 1meg in size. These lot maps will open in a new window.

Church and other vital records have a separate page on the Vital Record page.

You can search through all the web pages on this site. For best results, only put a surname in the search box. Putting in common given names such as "Mary" or "John" will give positive results for too many pages.

Google search 


Brighton, NY

Name Brighton Cemetery
Location Hoyt Place, off Winton Road South by Route 490
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.144339, Longitude -77.55472
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list
Veterans Veterans burials in the Brighton Cemetery
Notes Originally in the Town of Brighton; annexed by the City of Rochester.
Cem. Maps Old Part
New Part

Note: The following cemeteries were originally in Brighton but as the City of Rochester grew, they became part of the City; Friends Cem., St. Boniface Cem. St. Patrick's Cem., West Brighton Rural Cem. See listings under Rochester.


Chili, NY

Name Buckbee's Corners Cemetery
Also known as Buckbee Rural Cemetery.
Location East side of Union St., just south of Interstate 490.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.094352, Longitude -77.798418
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Buckbee's Corners Cem


Name Chili Presbyterian Cemetery
Location West side of Chestnut Ridge Road, north of Chili Avenue.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0952778, Longitude -77.7783333
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Chili Presbyterian Cemetery


Name Fellows Cemetery
Location West side of Union St., by Craigie Brae golf course.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0508952, Longitude -77.7961177
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Grange Hall Cemetery
Also known as Chili Rural Cemetery
Location South side of Stryker Road, about ¼ mile east of Rt. 386.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0745064, Longitude -77.7650059
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Grove Place Cemetery
Location Southeast corner of Chili Avenue and Marshall Road.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1195064, Longitude -77.7141712
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Maps Grove Place Cemetery
Overview map Section E
Sections A & D Section F
Sections BC & B (west) Section K
Section B (east) Section L
Section C Section M, N & P


Name Maple Grove Cemetery
Location Clifton Road extension in hamlet of Clifton.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0511111, Longitude -77.8108333
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Cem. Map Maple Grove Cem.
Records Tombstone list


Name Morgan Cemetery
Location West side of Scottsville Road, about ½ mile south of the NY State Thruway.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.03815, Longitude -77.73594
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Notes Only 9 inscriptions.


Name North Chili Rural Cemetery
Also known as Evergreen Cemetery
Location North side of Buffalo Road, between Union St. and Roberts Wesleyan College.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.121027, Longitude -77.802966
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Burial records in the old section
Burial records in the new section
Cem. Maps North Chili Cem.
Old section
New section


Name St. Pius 10th Cemetery
Also known as St. Pius the Tenth Cem. and St. Fechan's Cemetery
Location Chestnut Ridge Road, opposite Golden Road.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1139507, Longitude -77.7547282
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map St. Pius X Cem.


Name Westside Cemetery
Location 60 Stryker Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.075356, Longitude -77.763078
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Notes This cemetery is owned by the Grove Place Cemetery Association. Grove Place has very few remaining grave spaces and this new cemetery was set up for expansion. First burials in 2010.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Chili


Clarkson, NY

Name St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location North down a nondescript dirt road near 254 East Ave.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.221711, Longitude -77.924472
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Notes Associated with Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Brockport from 1856 to 1892. Abandoned 1930, bulldozed 1950. Some interments had been moved to other cemeteries. Only partially restored and not maintained.
Records Recreated burial list (PDF file).


Name Garland Cemetery
Location South side of Ridge Road West (Rt. 104), ¼ mile west of the hamlet of Garland.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2261715, Longitude -77.8991785
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Cem. Maps Sections 1- 7
Section 8
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Combined burial and tombstone list with some additional information.


Name unknown
Location Corner of Lawrence Road and Sweden-Walker Road.
Comment Probably moved to Garland Cem.


Name West Clarkson Cemetery
Location North side of Ridge Road West (Rt. 104), 1½ miles west of Clarkson.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2406156, Longitude -77.9511249
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map W. Clarkson Cem.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Clarkson.


Gates, NY

Name Gates Methodist Episcopal Cemetery
Also known as Elmgrove Methodist Cemetery
Location 476 Elmgrove Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1742283, Longitude -77.7336170
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Gates Presbyterian Cemetery
Location 1461 Buffalo Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.149421, Longitude -77.689637
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Holy Ghost Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location 220 Coldwater Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.138132, Longitude -77.737059
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Map of old section of Holy Ghost Cem.
Map of entire Holy Ghost Cem.


Name Waffle Rd. Cemetery
Location Circa 57 Fisher Road
Notes Shown on maps from 1902 to 1924 but no known tombstones.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Gates


Greece, NY

Name Britton Road Cemetery
Location 188 Britton Road, Greece and 68 Stonewood Ave., Rochester
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Britton Road: Latitude 43.236334, Longitude -77.629966
GPS Coordinates: Stonewood Ave: Latitude 43.230959, Longitude -77.628789
Google Maps link: Britton Rd.; Stonewood Ave.
Mapquest link: Britton Rd.; Stonewood Ave.
Tombstone PhotosD Britton Road graves on Find A Grave
Stonewood Ave. graves on Find A Grave
Veterans Veterans burials in the Britton Road Cem.
Notes Many small independant Jewish cemeteries were re-organized in the 1960s as one organization. These cemeteries included: Waad Hokellel Cem., Chevra Chayteem Cem., B'nai David Cem., Beth Hamedresh Cem., Beth Hakneses Hachodosh Cem., B'nai Israel Cem., Agudas Achim Nusach Ari Cem., Ahavas Achim Anshe Kipel Volin Cem, Anshe Polin Cem., Ain Yakov Cem., Beth Chaim Cem., Beth Joseph Cem., Beth Sholom Cem., Beth Olum Cem., Gideon Lodge Cem., Jay Lodge Cem., Jewish National Worker's Alliance Cem., Jewish Relief Society Cem., Jewish Spanish-American War Veterans Cem., Tiphereth Israel Cem. and Workman's Circle Cem.
Records Records of the cemetery lots on Britton Road
Surnames: A - B and Introduction
Surnames: C - D
Surnames: F - G
Surnames: H - K
Surnames: L - M
Surnames: N - R
Surnames: S (only)
Surnames: T - Z
Records of the cemetery lots on Stonewood Ave.
Surnames: A - K and Introduction
Surnames: L - Z
Cem. Maps Britton Road
Overview map
Veterans 1 of 4
Veterans 2 of 4
Veterans 3 of 4
Veterans 4 of 4
Stonewood Ave.
1 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5


Name Falls Cemetery
Location SW corner of Ridge Road West and Latona Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2067284, Longitude -77.6811153
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list (old part only)
Lot owners and burials (PDF)
Cem. Map Falls Cem. (northwest part only)


Name Frisbee Family Cemetery
Location Frisbee Hill Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.284993, Longitude -77.728342
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name Lowden Cemetery
Location between 423 and 431 Lowden Point Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.291926, Longitude -77.705449
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name Massey Family Ground
Location Long Pond Road
Records Tombstone list


Name North Greece Cemetery
Location 38 Peck Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.243555, Longitude -77.736957
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name Our Mothers of Sorrows Cemetery
Location SE corner of Mt. Read Blvd. and Latta Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.251971, Longitude -77.65861
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list #1 and
Tombstone list #2
Cem. Map old section


Name Wagner Farm Cemetery
Also known as Big Ridge Cem., Orchard Cem. and Greece Wagner Cemetery
Location Long Pond Road, near Erie Barge canal
Records Tombstone list
Note Moved to Falls Cemetery in 1967 to make room for Park Ridge Hospital (now Unity Hospital).
Cem. Map Wagner Farm Cem.


Name West Greece Cemetery
Location SW corner of Ridge Road West and Manitou Rd. in the Town of Parma (see listing under Town of Parma)


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Greece


Hamlin, NY

Name Baxter Cemetery
Location East side of Walker-Lake Ontario Road, north of Church Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.321951, Longitude -77.927761
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Blossom Cemetery
Also nown as Clarkson Union Cemetery (although not in the Town of Clarkson)
Location North side of Hamlin-Clarkson Town Line Road, ½ mile west of Walker-Lake Ontario Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2847823, Longitude -77.8769561
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Blossom Cem.


Name Lakeside Cemetery
Location South side of Moscow Road, ½ mile west of Redman Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.3500590, Longitude -77.9750151
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Cem. Map Lakeside Cem.


Name Moore Family Cemetery
Also called Hoyt Cem., Moore Cem. and Redman Cemetery
Location East side of Redman Road, ¼ mile north of Roosevelt Highway
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.29908, Longitude -77.96649
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Walker Cemetery
Location East side of Walker-Lake Ontario Road, ½ mile north of Walker Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.30596, Longitude -77.85827
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Hamlin.


Henrietta, NY

Name Ascension Garden
Official webpage.
Location 1900 Pinnacle Road (East side of Pinnacle Road north of Williams Road)
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.026193, Longitude -77.610301
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Notes Owned by Holy Sepulchre Cemetery of Rochester. First burial was in fall of 2010. Records can be searched for on the Holy Sepulchre - Locate A Loved One page.


Name Brown Cemetery
Location South side of Goodburlet Road, about ¼ mile west of Pinnacle Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.050065, Longitude -77.600419
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Bushman Cemetery
Location Telephone Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0311737, Longitude -77.6811136
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Calkins Cemetery
Also known as Whitaker Cemetery
Location SE corner of Calkins Road and East Henrietta Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.06827, Longitude -77.607391
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name East Baptist Church Cem.
Location Corner of Reeve and Pinnacle Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.046186, Longitude -77.598796
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Maplewood Cemetery
Official website
Location 150 Middle Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0642293, Longitude -77.6352789
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On the Maplewood Cemetery website
On Find A Grave


Name Martin Cemetery
Also known as Brininstool Cemetery
Location Erie Station Road, between W. Henrietta and Scottsville Rd.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0406181, Longitude -77.6941697
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Quaker Cemetery
Location NW corner of Calkins Road and East Henrietta Rd.
Note No tombstones remaining


Name Riverview Cemetery
Location East River Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0653402, Longitude -77.6888920
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Tinker Cemetery
Location Circa 496 Castle Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.082724, Longitude -77.585106
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list

Note: Also available on-line is a combined list of burials records from the Town of Henrietta by Ken Veneron (5 web pages).

Irondequoit, NY

Name Bradstreet Cemetery
Location 4615 Culver Road
Note Ten burials were moved to the Irondequoit Cem. about 1960 - 1961.
Records Tombstone list


Name Cole Cemetery
Location Colebrook and Rock Beach Roads
Note Just one burial; Harriet M., wife of Mason Cole; died March 25, 1861.
Homeowner says burial was removed a long time ago, but tombstone remains.


Name Hooker Cemetery
Location 1500 Portland Ave.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.194784, Longitude -77.581762
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Notes Bulldozed in the 1950s. Tombstones have been reclaimed and assembled as best as possible.
Records Tombstone list


Name Irondequoit Cemetery
Location 3671 Culver Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.21648,-77.55715
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Burial records
Old Section, Large lots 1 - 108 & 1B - 18B and introduction
Old Section, Large lots 109 - 242
Single Graves, Veteran Graves & Baby Graves
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H
Cem. Maps General view
Old Section
Veteran plot #1
Veteran plot #2
Lots A - D
Notes Irondequoit Cemetery Regulations.
Fee Schedule for the cemetery.


Name Perrin Cemetery
Location 2881 Culver Road
Notes No known records exist.


Name Rogers Cemetery
Location Armstrong Avenue, near St. Paul Blvd. (on private property)
Notes Town Historian has tombstone records.
Known burials:
Armstrong, Carrie M., wife of A. J. and dau. of Ezra & Cordelia Rogers; d April 9, 1876 Aged 39 yrs.
Roger, Ezra; husband; d Jan. 22, 1871 aged 70 yrs.
Roger, Cordelia L., wife of Ezra; d Jan. 9, 1899 aged 78 yrs.
Roger, Albert M., son of Ezra & Cordelia; d July 30, 1893 aged 50 yrs.
At least two other burials with illegible inscriptions.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Irondequoit


Mendon, NY

Name Barnes Cemetery
Location Pittsford-West Bloomfield Road, north of Cheese Factory Road


Name Canfield Cemetery
Location South side of Mendon Center Road, between Clover Street and Mendon Center Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.99589, Longitude -77.56837
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Friends Burial Ground
Location North end of Quaker Meeting House Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9888889, Longitude -77.5750000
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Honeoye Falls Cemetery
Location N. Main Street in the Village of Honeoye Falls
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.960554, Longitude -77.589516
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name Mendon Cemetery
Also called Baptist Hill Cemetery
Location Mendon-Ionia Road, in hamlet of Mendon
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.994919, Longitude -77.503562
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name Miller Cemetery
Also called Barben Cemetery
Location Near corner of West Bloomfield and Bull Sawmill Roads.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9925633, Longitude -77.5266631
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Moore Cemetery
Location West side of Mendon Center-Pittsford Road, just north of Smith Road
Records Tombstone list


Name Old Mendon Cemetery
Location Pittsford-Mendon Road, north of the hamlet of Mendon
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.001998, Longitude -77.506786
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Porters Corners Cemetery
Location Pittsford-West Bloomfield Road, north of Route 251
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.000217, Longitude -77.523973
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Rochester Junction Cemetery
Also called Graves Cem. and Meyer's Cemetery
Location Rush-Mendon Road, near Rochester Junction
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9916667, Longitude -77.6033333
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name St. Paul of the Cross Cemetery
Also called St. Paul's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location West Main St. in the village of Honeoye Falls
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9467300, Longitude -77.6049985
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Taylor Road Cemetery
Also known as Chamberlain Cemetery
Location Taylor Rd.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.986111,-77.530556
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Tomlinson's Corners Cemetery
Also known as Sandy Hill Cemetery
Location Boughton Hill Road, ½ mile east of Mendon-Ionia Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9658969, Longitude -77.4944392
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Ogden, NY

People buried in all Ogden, NY cemeteries by Donald Specht. (PDF file)

Name Colby Street Cemetery
Location Colby Road, west of Washington Street
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.178961, Longitude -77.861875
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Cem. Map Colby St. Cem.
Records Tombstone list


Name Fairfield Cemetery
Location Union Street, in the village of Spencerport
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1861723, Longitude -77.8011194
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Cem. Map Fairfield Cem.


Name Locust Grove Cemetery
Location Canal Road, east of Adams Basin
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.197047, Longitude -77.850283
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Cem. Map Locust Grove Cem.
Records Tombstone list


Name Maple Grove Cemetery
Location Dewey Street
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1370055, Longitude -77.8630652
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Combined burial and tombstone list
Cem. Map Maple Grove Cem.


Name Marvin Burial Bround
Location Hutchings Road


Name Pioneer Cemetery
Also known as Campion-Wright Cemetery
Location Union Street, in the village of Spencerport
Records Tombstone list


Name Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Location Northwest corner of Gillette Road and Ogden Center Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.171986, Longitude -77.775232
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Pleasant Hill Cem.


Name St. John the Evangelist Cemetery
Also known as St. John's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location Evergreen Street, in the village of Spencerport
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1947833, Longitude -77.8105642
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Cem. Map St. John's Cem.


Name Shaffer Cemetery
Location Washington Street, south of Adams Basin
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.193191, Longitude -77.854315
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name Whittier Cemetery
Also known as Tanglewood Cemetery
Location Brower Road (formerly called Rann Road)
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.15388, Longitude -77.79257
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Whittier Cem.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Ogden

Parma, NY

Name Atchinson Cemetery
Location Hill Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.270649, Longitude -77.811635
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Bennett Road Cemetery
Also known as Black Cemetery
Location Bennett Road, east of the village of Hilton
Note Two tombstones [Levi Van Wormer, died April 18, 1859 aged 38 yrs., 3 days] & [Pvt. John VanWormer (dates illegible)] and five blank fieldstones.
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave


Name Carpenter Road Cemetery
Location Draffin Rd.
Notes Draffin Road formally called Carpenter Road.
No stones remain.


Name Castle Family Pioneer Cemetery
Also called Castle Cemetery
Location Peck Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.24407, Longitude -77.78468
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Clapper Farm Cemetery
Location On that portion of West Ave. that was former called Clapper Road, west of the village of Hilton


Name Hilton Village Cemetery
Also called Tyler Pioneer Cemetery
Location East Avenue, east of St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Tombstone Photo On Find A Grave
Note Only one tombstone: Polly, wife of Samuel Porter; died March 20, 1855 æ 71yrs.


Name Knapp Cemetery
Also known as the Sage Family Pioneer Cemetery
Location East side of Parma-Clarkson Town Line Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.254038, Longitude -77.848113
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list #1
Tombstone list #2


Name Moul Road Cemetery
Location Moul Road, north part of town
Notes One stone [Helen Moul, died 1852]. The other stones are gone.


Name Parma Corners Cemetery
Location Ridge Road West and Union Street
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.216133, Longitude -77.792893
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Parma Corners Cem.


Name Parma Union Cemetery
Location East Parma Center Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2606165, Longitude -77.7761193
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Burials Records; Surnames A - L (up to 2005)
Burials Records; Surnames M - Z (up to 2005)
Cem. Maps Parma Union Cemetery
1 of 2
2 of 2


Name Pine Hill Cemetery
Location Pine Hill Road
Notes Three stones [Wrangle Rall, died 1851; Jane Rall, died 1853 and Caroline Rall, no date]


Name Smith Family Cemetery
Location Northwest corner of North Avenue and Dunbar Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.303106, Longitude -77.794276
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name West Greece Cemetery
Also known as Hoosick Hill Cemetery.
Location Southwest corner of Ridge Road West and Manitou Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.216942, Longitude -77.753056
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Wright Cemetery
Also known as Wright Family Pioneer Cemetery
Location Clarkson-Parma Town Line Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 43.30045, Longitude: -77.82656
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Parma.


Penfield, NY


Name Griswold Cemetery
Location 1990 Harris Road
Note Only 4 inscriptions
Records Tombstone list


Name Johnston Cemetery
Also known as Pioneer Burying Ground
Location Whalen Road, near Clark Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.14738, Longitude -77.48505
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Note Only 3 inscriptions


Name Oakwood Cemetery
Oakwood Cem. Website currently not working
Location Southwest corner of Whalen and Baird Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1414518, Longitude -77.4647172
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Burial records.
Contains approx. 16,600 records on 16 web pages.
Cem. Maps (1 of 2) and (2 of 2)


Name St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location Penfield Road at Liberty Street
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.129378, Longitude -77.48046
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map St. Joseph's Cem.


Name Smith Cemetery
Location Gloria Drive, south of Sweets Corner Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.149557, Longitude -77.392792
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Combined burial and tombstone list
Cem. Map Smith Cem.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Penfield.


Perinton, NY

Name Bushnells Basin Cemetery
Location Route 96, near Powder Mills Park
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.05291, Longitude -77.47104
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Egypt Cemetery
Also known as Mason Road Cemetery
Location Mason Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.068577, Longitude -77.406912
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Elmwood Cemetery
Location Southwest corner of Furman and Carter Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1153409, Longitude -77.4030471
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Greenvale Cemetery
Also known as Greenvale Rural Cemetery
Location East Church Street in the Village of Fairport
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0986111, Longitude -77.4375000
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Location Summit Street in the Village of Fairport
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0958333, Longitude -77.4377778
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones

Tombstone records (up to 1920)

Burials records
Surnames: A - D
Surnames: E - K
Surnames: L - R
Surnames: S - Z


Name Perinton Center Cemetery
Location Ayrault Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0791667, Longitude -77.4505556
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location Turk Hill Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0850000, Longitude -77.4300000
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Schummers Cemetery
Location Fairport Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.102488, Longitude -77.475211
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name South Perinton Cemetery
Location Wilkinson Road, near Pannel Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.045167, Longitude -77.383396
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name White Haven Memorial Park
Location 210 Marsh Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.095346 -77.482387
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Veterans Veterans burials in Section A
Veterans burials in Sections B and C
Veterans burials in Sections D, E, G, H and L
Cem. Maps Overview of Cemetery
North half of Sec. A
South half of Sec. A
South half of Section B;
North half of Section B;
Section C
Section D
Section G
Section H
Section L
Other Brochure from the early days of White Haven Memorial Park (PDF file - 700kb).


Pittsford, NY

Name Baptist Cemetery
Location At the intersection of Mendon Center, Tobey and Calkins Roads
Notes Was used until 1880. At that the time 30 interments were transferred to the Pioneer and Pittsford cemeteries. Now a gravel pit.


Name Beers-Billinghurst Cemetery
Location see text
Records List of former tombstones
Another list of former tombstones from the Rochester Public Library (PDF file) (see page 4)
Notes Monument and 5 interments transferred to Pittsford Cemetery in 1961.


Name East Street Cemetery
Location East Street at Park Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.051129, Longitude -77.497932
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Another list of tombstones from the Rochester Public Library (PDF file) (see pages 5 & 6)


Name Joshua Lillie Graveyard
Location South Wilmarth Road in Mendon Ponds Park
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.03601, Longitude -77.55527
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photo On Find A Grave
Note Original tombstone had inscription for Mr. Lillie and his infant daughter. Current replacement tombstone only has an inscription for Mr. Lillie.


Name Pioneer Burying Ground
Location Intersection of South Main Street, Stone Road, Mendon Center Road and Mendon Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0767297, Longitude -77.5216637
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Another list of tombstones from the Rochester Public Library (PDF file) (see pages 7 - 21)
Cem. Map Pioneer Burying Ground


Name Pittsford Cemetery
Location East Avenue and Washington Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.098191, Longitude -77.510075
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Burial records from the Pittsford Cemetery Association (not complete)
Tombstone list from the Rochester Public Library (PDF file) (see pages 22 - 170)
Cem. Maps Pittsford Cemetery
(1 of 2) and (2 of 2)
More maps from the Pittsford Cemetery Association.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Pittsford


Riga, NY

Name Churchville Cemetery
Also known as Creekside Cemetery
Location Main Street, Churchville
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.108304, Longitude -77.884377
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Notes Search Churchville and St. Vincent de Paul Cemeteries on the Churchville Village website.
Cem. Map Churchville Cem.


Name Riga Cemetery
Also called Riga Center Cemetery
Location Churchville - Riga Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.070926,-77.883800
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Riga Cemetery


Name St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location Main Street, Churchville, next to Churchville Cem.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.108809, Longitude -77.882709
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Notes Search Churchville and St. Vincent de Paul Cemeteries on the Churchville Village website.
Cem. Map St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Cem.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Riga


Rochester, NY

Name Brighton Cemetery
Location Hoyt Place, off Winton Road South by Route 490
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.144339, Longitude -77.55472
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list
Veterans Veterans burials in the Brighton Cemetery
Cem. Maps Old Part
New Part


Name Carthage Cemetery
Also known as Old Irondequoit Cemetery
Location Tyler Street
Notes Found on maps of Rochester from 1875 to 1910. Built over before 1930. No records known.
Some remains from this cemetery found while digging in the front yard of home on Dec. 2, 2021.


Name Charlotte Cemetery
Location River Street, by St. John's Park
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.243973, Longitude -77.617642
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list


Name East Cemetery
Also called Monroe Ave. Cem.
Location Monroe Avenue and Alexander Street (now Monroe High School)
Records Known burials
Notes Last burial in the 1860's. Burials removed to Mt. Hope Cemetery (Indian Trail Avenue) in 1873.


Name Frankfort Cemetery
Location Eastern corner of Frank and Smith Streets
Note Was used by the Society of Friends (Quakers). The lot size was 200 by 66 feet. Not known when moved and no known records.


Name Friends Cemetery
Location Mt. Hope Avenue across from Mt. Hope Cem.
Note Removed to Mt. Hope Cemetery at an unknown date.


Name Hanford's Landing Cemetery
Also known as King's Landing Cemetery
Location Lake Avenue, just north of Kodak Park
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2022842, Longitude -77.6272243
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Note Rochester's oldest cem. - 1798


Name Holy Family Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location Circa 1117 Maple Street
Records Descriptive article and a few known burials
Notes Used until at least 1915. Graves moved to Holy Sepulchre in 1955.


Name Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Official website.
Location 2461 Lake Avenue
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Lake Ave entrance: Latitude 43.213590, Longitude -77.62979
GPS Coordinates: Dewey Ave. entrance: Latitude 43.210900, Longitude -77.63860
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Search on the Holy Sepulchre - Locate A Loved One page (at bottom of page).

Index to Holy Sepulchre Roman Catholic Cem. records from 1871 to 1883
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 1, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 2, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 3, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 4, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 5, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 6, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 7, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 8, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 9, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 10, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 11, East Div.
Tombstone inscriptions for Section 12, East Div.
Veterans Part of the East Division
Other part of the East Division
Veteran burials in Sections A - E
Veteran burials in Sections F - H
Veteran burials in Sections J and K
Veteran burials in Section L
Veteran burials in Sections M and N
Veteran burials in Sections R and T
Veteran burials in Sections 1 - 6, North Division
Veteran burials in Sections 7 - 12, North Division
Veteran burials in Sec. 13, North Div.; Surnames: A - D
Veteran burials in Sec. 13, North Div.; Surnames: E - K
Veteran burials in Sec. 13, North Div.; Surnames: L - Q
Veteran burials in Sec. 13, North Div.; Surnames: R - Z
Veteran burials in Sections 14 - 17, North Division
Veteran burials in Section 18, North Div.; Surnames: A - F
Veteran burials in Section 18, North Div.; Surnames: G - N
Veteran burials in Section 18, North Div.; Surnames: O - Z
Veteran burials in Sections 19, 20, 21, 28 and 29, North Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 22 and 23, North Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 24 - 26, North Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 1, 2 and "Queen of Heaven", South Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 3 - 6, South Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 7, South Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 8 - 13, South Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, South Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 21 - 23, South Div.
Veteran burials in Section 25, South Div.
Veteran burials in Sections 24 & 26, South Div.
Veteran burials in Section 29, South Div.; Surnames: A-K
Veteran burials in Section 29, South Div.; Surnames: L-Z
Veteran burials in Sections 27, 28 & 33, South Div.
19 Dec. - Veteran burials in Sections 30 - 32, South Div.
Cem. Maps Overview map of Holy Sepulchre Cem.

Sections 1 - 5, East Div.
Sections 6 - 8, East Div.
Fire Dept. lot
Section 9, East Div.
Section 10, East Div.
Section 11, East Div.
Section 12, East Div.
Section 13, East Div.
Section 14, East Div.
Section 15, East Div.
Section 16, East Div.
Sections 17, 18 and 21, East Div.
Section 19, East Div.
Section 20, East Div.
Section 22, East Div.
Section 23, East Div.
Section 24, East Div.
Section 25, East Div.
Section 26, East Div.
Section 27, East Div.
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H
Section I
Section J
Section K
Section L
Section M
Section N
Section O
Section R
Section S
Section T
Section 1, North Div.
Section 2, North Div.
Section 3, North Div.
Section 4, North Div.
Section 5, North Div.
Section 6, North Div.
Section 7, North Div.
Section 8, North Div.
Section 9, North Div.
Section 10, North Div.
Section 11, North Div.
Section 12, North Div.
Section 14, North Div.
Section 15, North Div.
Section 16, North Div.
Section 17, North Div.
Section 18, North Div.
Section 19, North Div.
Section 20, North Div.
Section 21, North Div.
Section 22, North Div.
Section 23, North Div.
Section 24, North Div.
Section 25, North Div.
Section 26, North Div.
Section 28, North Div.
Section 29, North Div.
St. Francis Garden, North Div.
"Queen of Heaven" Section, South Div.
Section 1, South Div.
Section 2, South Div.
Section 3, South Div.
Section 4, South Div.
Section 5, South Div.
Section 6, South Div.
Section 7, South Div.
Section 8, South Div.
Section 9, South Div.
Section 10, South Div.
Section 11, South Div.
Section 12, South Div.
Section 13, South Div.
Section 14, South Div.
Section 15, South Div.
Section 18, South Div.
Section 19, South Div.
Section 20, South Div.
Section 21, South Div.
Section 22, South Div.
Section 23, South Div.
Section 24-N, South Div.
Section 24-S, South Div.
Section 25, South Div.
Section 26, South Div.
Section 27, South Div.
Section 28, South Div.
Section 29, South Div.
Section 30, South Div.
Section 31, South Div.
Section 32, South Div.
Section 33, South Div.
Section 35, South Div.
Section 36, South Div.
Section 37, South Div.
Section 45, South Div.
Section 46, South Div.
Section 47, South Div.
Section 48, South Div.
Section 49, South Div.
Section 50, South Div.
Sections 51 & 52, South Div.

Holy Family Shrine (section), South Div.
Christ Our Light Mausoleum, South Div.
Resurrection Garden Mausoleum, South Div.
All Saints Mausoleum, South Div.


Name McCrackenville Cemetery
Location Near the corner of Lake Ave. and Driving Park Avenue.
Records Known burials


Name Mt. Hope Cemetery
Location 1133 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620
Map Location GPS Coordinates: North Gate: Latitude 43.134198, Longitude -77.613887
GPS Coordinates: South Gate and office: Latitude 43.134198, Longitude -77.613887
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Digital copies of the original burial records (searchable)

Tombstone lists from most sections of Mt. Hope Cemetery with over 50,000 tombstone inscriptions. See Introduction for all records that are available.
Cem. Maps Overview map of Mt. Hope
Section A
Section B
Part of Section C
Part of Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H
Section I
Section K
Section L
Section M
Section MM
Section N
Section O
Section P
Section R
Section S
Section T
Section U
Section V
Section Y
Range 1; lots 1 - 100
Range 1; lots 101 - 234
Range 1; lots 281 - 496
Range 2; lots 1 - 92
Range 2; lots 93 - 230
Range 2; lots 231 - 241
Range 3; lots 1 - 111
Range 3; lots 112 - 226
Range 3; lots 227 - 348
Range 3; lots 349 - 541
Range 4; lots 1 - 114
Range 4; lots 115 - 234
Range 5
Range 6
Range 8; lots 1 - 100
Range 8; lots 101 - 323
Range AA
Range BB
Range BB, Single Graves; rows 54 - 129
Range BB, Single Graves; Spanish-Am. War lot (row 130)
Range BB, Single Graves; rows 131 - 236
Range BB, Single Graves; rows 237 - 332½
Range BB, Single Graves; rows 333 - 385½


Name Plymouth Ave. Cemetery
Location Plymouth and Spring Streets
Notes First graveyard in downtown Rochester. No known records. Burials were transferred to the Buffalo Street Cemetery and later to Mt. Hope Cem.


Name Poorhouse Cemetery
Location Highland Park near the southeast corner of Highland and South Avenues
Notes On 25 July 1984, this cemetery was rediscovered while doing excavation in the park. It is thought that the cemetery was used from 1826 to 1863 by the Monroe County Poorhouse. No names of the persons buried herein are known. A memorial plaque on a boulder has been placed to mark the site.


Name Rapids Cemetery
Location Circa 86 Congress Ave., Rochester
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.129368, Longitude -77.639331
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list
Notes The land this cem. is on was annexed by the City of Rochester in 1874. On-line version includes a plot map.


Name Riverside Cemetery
Location 2650 Lake Ave., Rochester, NY 14612
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.217000,-77.629500
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Digital copies of the original records. (searchable)
Veterans Veteran burials in section E
Veteran burials in section G
Veteran burials in section H
Veteran burials in section I
Veteran burials in section J
Veteran burials in section K
Veteran burials in section L
Veteran burials in section M
Veteran burials in section N
Veteran burials in section O
Veteran burials in section P
Veteran burials in section R
Veteran burials in section S - surnames beginning with letters A - C
Veteran burials in section S - surnames beginning with letters D - H
Veteran burials in section S - surnames beginning with letters I - M
Veteran burials in section S - surnames beginning with letters N - R
Veteran burials in section S - surnames beginning with letters S - Z
Veteran burials in section T
Veteran burials in section U
Veteran burials in section V
Cem. Maps Old Overview
Newer Overview
Section E
Section E, block 5
Section F
Section G
Section H
Section I
Section J
Section K, blocks 1 and 2
Section K, block 4, west part
Section K, block 4, east part
Section L, block 1
Section L, blocks 2-4
Section M
Section N
Section O
Section P, blocks 1 - 3
Section P, block 4
Section P, block 6
Section P, block 7
Section P, block 8
Section P, block 9
Section P, block 10
Section R
Section T
Section U
Section V


Name St. Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location Southwest corner of South Clinton and Highland Parkway
Notes Approximately 1100 burials between 1866 and 1917 when it was discontinued. Interments were moved in 1957 to Holy Sepulchre Cem.
Records Known burials


Name St. Casimirs Polish Catholic Cemetery
Location 1430 Hudson Avenue
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.192851, Longitude -77.596699
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Records Known burials
Notes The church first had a small cemetery that opened in 1840 on Lyell Avenue at Mt. Read Blvd. This quickly filled and in 1843 another cemetery was opened off Goodman Street near the railroad tracks. The interments were moved to Holy Sepulchre in 1872.


Name St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location South Clinton and Field Streets (Pinnacle Hill)
Records Known burials; Surnames A - K and Introduction
Known burials; Surnames L - Z
Notes St. Patrick's first had a small burying ground behind the church. Then for a while they used lots in West Cemetery. In 1838 they purchased a new large cemetery on Pinnacle Hill. In 1935 remaining burials were moved to Holy Sepulchre Cem.


Name SS. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Location 732 Maple Street, near Ames
Notes Was closed by the Rochester Common Council in March of 1876 for reasons of health. Approximately 1300 to 1500 burials were moved to Holy Sepulchre in 1898.


Name Stone Cemetery
Location East Avenue and Gibbs Street
Notes On current site of Rochester Gas and Electic Building. Burials were removed to East Cemetery, then to Mt. Hope Cemetery.


Name Tryon Cemetery
Location Landing Road, near Schuyler's Block House in Ellison Park
Note No tombstones


Name West Brighton Rural Cemetery
Location Mt. Hope Avenue
Records Burial list
Notes Approximately 200 burials on ½ acre. Closed 1878, removed to Mt. Hope Cemetery in 1893.


Name West Cemetery
Also known as Buffalo St. Cem. and Western Cem.
Location Main St. West
Records Known burials
Notes All burials removed to Mt. Hope Cemetery (Indian Trail Avenue) in 1859.


Rush, NY

Name Davis Cemetery
Location Northeast corner of West Rush Road and West Henrietta Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.98067, Longitude -77.67465
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name East Rush Cemetery
Also known as Webster Cem., Crosby Cem., and German Cem.
Location East Henrietta Road, north of Rush-Mendon Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.99752, Longitude -77.64525
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name North Rush Cemetery
Location Rush-Scottsville Road, east of East River Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.003467, Longitude -77.699173
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Number Six Cemetery
Also known as Sibleyville Cem., Palmer Cem. and McFarlan Cem.
Location 5 Points - Honeoye Falls Road, between Works and 5 Points Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.947418, Longitude -77.658129
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Pine Hill Cemetery
Location Near 1658 Rush-Scottsville Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0022850, Longitude -77.6488900
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones. (Cemetery mis-identified as Pineview Cem.)
Records Tombstone list - Surnames: A - L (with many notes)
Tombstone list - Surnames: M - Z (with many notes)


Name Pioneer Hill Cemetery
Location On a hill near Rush-West Rush Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.98983, Longitude -77.64819
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Thomas Cemetery
Also known as the Fishell Cemetery, Warnick Cemetery and Wolf Bridge Cemetery.
Location Fishell Road, east of West Henrietta Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.98643, Longitude -77.66898
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Valley View Cemetery
Location On a footpath, north of the west end of Five Nations Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.007443, Longitude -77.719475
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name West Rush Cemetery
Also known as Rotzel Farm Cem.
Location 57 Rotzel Road (off East River Road)
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.97388, Longitude -77.69862
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Sweden, NY

Name Beach Ridge Cemetery
Location Lake Road, south of the Village of Brockport
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.190826, Longitude -77.942599
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone records
Burial records
Notes Beach Ridge Cemetery (begun 1828) was located next to Lakeview Cem. As Lakeview grew, it eventually absorbed Beach Ridge Cemetery.
Cem. Map Beach Ridge Cem.


Name Brockport Cemetery
Location High Street, Village of Brockport
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.21133, Longitude -77.93383
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Brockport Cem.


Name Brockport Rural Cemetery
Location East side of Owens Road. A path leads up the hill from the parking lot of the Brockport Fire District.
Note Only had a few burials. Some may have been removed. Only two tombstones still exist.
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.208229, Longitude -77.919630
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Descriptive article


Name East Sweden Cemetery
Also known as East Lake Cem.
Location East side of the Sweden-Walker Road about ¼ mile south of the Brockport-Spencerport Road (Rt. 31)
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1950606, Longitude -77.9000115
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Lakeview Cemetery
Location 4988 Lake Road, Brockport, NY 14420
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1914492, Longitude -77.9394572
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone records

Burial records - Surnames: A - Cl
Burial records - Surnames: Co - F
Burial records - Surnames: G - K
Burial records - Surnames: L - O
Burial records - Surnames: P - Sm
Burial records - Surnames: Sn -Z
Notes Also see Beach Ridge Cem. (above)
Cem. Maps Overview

Lots A & C
Lot B
Lot D
Lot F
Lots G & H


Name Locust Cemetery
Also known as Locust Hill Cem. and Polly Cem.
Location East side of the Monroe-Orleans County Line Road, near 4th Section Road (Rt. 31A)
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1986711, Longitude -77.9966813
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list #1 and
Tombstone list #2


Name Mount Olivet Cemetery
Location Canal Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2083937, Longitude -77.9164012
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Maps Mt. Olivet Cemetery

1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3


Name West Sweden Cemetery
Location West Sweden Road, near 4th Section Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.1536714, Longitude -77.9866804
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Sweden.


Webster, NY

Name Harris Road Cemetery
Location Approx. 1112 Harris Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2012388, Longitude -77.411348
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Holy Trinity Cemetery
Location Ridge Road, east of village
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2180556, Longitude -77.4152778
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list (up to 1950)


Name Robb Cemetery
Location 242 - 256 East Main Street, in village
Records Tombstone list
Note Only 8 inscriptions


Name Union Hill Cemetery
Location Ridge Road, east of village, near Basket Road
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 43.220882, Longitude: -77.388093
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Webster Rural Cemetery
Official website
(Contains a Burial Listing)
Location Ridge Road, west of village
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2092295, Longitude -77.4477726
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave


Name Webster Union Cemetery
Official website
Location Southwest corner of Woodhull and Webster-Nine Mile Point Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.2517295, Longitude -77.4297165
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave


Name West Webster Cemetery
Location Northwest corner of Maple and Old Ridge Roads
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.20676, Longitude -77.507759
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Wheatland, NY

Name Cox Cemetery
Location River Road, near county line
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9888889, Longitude -77.7427778
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Records Tombstone list


Name Garbuttsville Cemetery
Location Union Street, Garbutt
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0150000, Longitude -77.7911111
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list
Cem. Map Garbuttsville Cem.


Name Hetzler Cemetery
Location Southeast corner of Chili Avenue and North Road
Notes Fifteen burials total. Only two stones legible in mid 1930s:
  1. Polly Hetchler, wife of Nicholas, died May 17, 1837 aged 56 yrs., 7 ms.
  2. infant son of John & Eliza Hetchler, died May 31, 1835 aged 2 weeks.
Other graves were marked with field stones. To make room for a new school in 1956 all the remains were placed in one box and buried together in the Oatka Cem. The two tombstones were placed over the grave.


Name Holy Angels Cemetery
Also known as St. Mary's R. C. Cemetery
Location Caledonia Avenue, Scottsville
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.01642, Longitude -77.76127
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Cem. Maps (1 of 2)
(2 of 2)


Name Mumford Rural Cemetery
Location George Street, Mumford
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9958950, Longitude -77.8763972
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
On Find A Grave
On New York Gravestones
Cem. Map Mumford Rural Cem.


Name Oatka Cemetery
Location Scottsville-Mumford Road, near Scottsville
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0133956, Longitude -77.7677832
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstones - surnames A - C;
Tombstones - surnames D - I;
Tombstones - surnames J - R;
Tombstones - surnames S - Z
Cem. Map Oatka Cem.


Name Quaker Cemetery
Location Quaker Road, Scottsville
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.0056180, Longitude -77.7630607
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Warren Cemetery
Also known as Canawaugus Cemetery
Location River Road, Scottsville
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 42.9972222, Longitude -77.7430556
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone list


Name Wheatland Baptist Cemetery
Also known as Belcoda Cemetery
Location Corner of Harmon and McGinnis Roads, Belcoda
Map Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude 43.02353, Longitude -77.84680
Google Maps link
Mapquest link
Tombstone Photos On Find A Grave
Records Tombstone & Burial list
Cem. Map Wheatland Baptist Cem.


Name Wheatland Friends Cemetery
Location River Road, Scottsville
Notes By 1887 all remains had been removed to other cemeteries with no records being made.


Veterans Veterans burials in the Town of Wheatland


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