Britton Road Cemetery

Greece, New York

Page 8 of 8


Other pages of records; by surnames beginning with these letters
Surnames: A - B & Introduction Surnames: C - D
Surnames: E - G Surnames: H - K Surnames: L - M
Surnames: N - R Surnames: S (only)
Overview Map of Britton Rd. Cem.




Full name Section Row Grave # Birth   Death Notation Comments
Taffel, Bertha Esther Lilac section on map 1892 1972 Beloved mother & grandmother
Taffet, Cecelia Yellow section on map 1896 1964 Mother Shares stone with Max Taffet
Taffet, Max Yellow section on map 1886 1983 Father Shares stone with Cecelia
Taksen, Aaron Leopold St (old section) M 7 1867 1932
Tandler, Clara Gideon Lodge Section 1886 1965 Mother Shares stone with Samuel Tandler
Tandler, Samuel Gideon Lodge Section 1886 1937 Father Shares stone with Clara Tandler
Tanenbaum, Morris A. Yellow section on map 1869 1929 Father
Tanenbaum, Ruth Gideon Lodge Section 1895 1965 Wife
Tanenbaum, Sam H. Gideon Lodge Section 1894 1947 Husband
Tanenbaum, Sarah Yellow section on map 1871 1934 Mother
Tanzman, Rebecca Yellow section on map 1867 1943 Mother Shares stone with Samuel Tanzman
Tanzman, Samuel Yellow section on map 1865 1934 Father Shares stone with Rebecca Tanzman
Taran, Jack Yellow section on map 1917 1976 Father
Tatelman, Mamie Leopold St extension J 4 1927 2010 marker only; no headstone
Tarshis, Mary Yellow section on map 1875 1963
Tatelman, Esther Yellow section on map 1925 2009 Beloved wife, mother & nana; Forever in our hearts Shares stone with Harold Tatelman
Tatelman, Gussie Yellow section on map 1895 1963 Beloved wife and mother
Tatelman, Harold Yellow section on map 1924 2016 Devoted husband, father & grandpa; Forever in our hearts Shares stone with Esther Tatelman
Tatelman, Morris Yellow section on map 1891 1970 Beloved husband and father
Taub, Celia Western section 1880 1946 Beloved mother
Taylor, Bartle Gleason Yellow section on map Oct. 1, 1949 July 3, 1978 Beloved husband
Taylor, Ernest Beth Hakneses - east 8 37 1906 1999 husband, father Shares stone with Irene Taylor
Taylor, Irene Beth Hakneses - east 8 36 1907 1992 wife, mother Shares stone with Ernest Taylor
Teichman, Alice Gideon Lodge Section 1927 2016 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother Shares stone with Nathan Teichman
Teichman, Ida Gideon Lodge Section 1892 1980 Beloved mother Shares stone with Joseph Teichman
Teichman, Joseph Gideon Lodge Section 1895 1971 Beloved father Shares stone with Ida Teichman
Teichman, Nathan Gideon Lodge Section 1923 2020 Devoted husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather Shares stone with Alice Teichman
Teichner, Fannie Western section 1902 1994 Shares stone with Henry Teichner
Teichner, Henry Western section 1901 1980 Shares stone with Fannie Teichner
Teigman, Uszer "Asher" Beth Hakneses - west Aug. 19, 1947 April 29, 2020 Beloved husband, father and zadie; Soul Mates Forever; "A real mensch with a real sense of humor"
Tein, Benjamin Rhine Street (old section) E 25 1890 1944 father
Tein, Elizabeth L. Yellow section on map 1912 1974 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Joseph Tein
Tein, Joseph W. Yellow section on map 1914 1974 Beloved husband and sister Shares stone with Elizabeth Tein
Tein, Pearl Rhine Street (old section) C 33 1890 1968 mother
Teitelbaum, Jennie Rebecca Leopold St (old section) B 35 Dec., 1867 Sep. 24, 1900
Teittelbaum, Max Yellow section on map 1880 1944 Father
Temkin, Alice H. Yellow section on map 1859 1944 Beloved mother
Temkin, James I. Yellow section on map 1886 1953 Beloved father; Masonic symbol Shares stone with Sadie Temkin
Temkin, Michael B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim F 22 1865 1933 father
Temkin, Morris Leopold St (old section) H 14 1825 1925 father
Temkin, Sadie P. Yellow section on map 1886 1968 Beloved mother Shares stone with James Temkin
Tenenbaum, Lena - - see Schwartz, Lena  
Tennenbaum, Ben Yellow section on map 1884 1966 Shares stone with Leah Tennenbaum
Tennenbaum, Dorothy Green section on map 1923 1983 Beloved wife, mother and sister Shares stone with Harry Tennenbaum
Tennenbaum, Gary Green section on map 1946 1989 Beloved husband
Tennenbaum, Harry Green section on map 1918 1999 Beloved husband, father and brother Shares stone with Dorothy Tennenbaum
Tennenbaum, Leah Yellow section on map 1888 1975 Shares stone with Ben Tennenbaum
Teplesky, Dene Yellow section on map 1891 1952 Shares stone with Jacob Teplesky
Teplesky, Jacob M. Yellow section on map 1894 1955 Shares stone with Dene Teplesky
Tepperman, Louis Yellow section on map 1884 1943 Beloved father Shares stone with Sophie Tepperman
Tepperman, Sophie Yellow section on map 1885 1979 Beloved mother Shares stone with Louis Tepperman
Testa, Dorothy O. Lilac section on map 1918 2014 Loving wife, mother & Bubbie Shares stone with Morris Testa
Testa, Eileen Western section 1930 2015 Devoted wife, mother & grandmother Shares stone with Louis and Paul Testa
Testa, Esther R. Western section 1907 1990 Beloved sister
Testa, Hyman L. Western section Feb. 14, 1920 Aug. 4, 1984 Beloved brother
Testa, Louis Western section 1921 2005 Devoted husband, father & grandfather Shares stone with Eileen and Paul Testa
Testa, Morris R. Lilac section on map 1912 1998 Loving husband, father & Papoo Shares stone with Dorothy Testa
Testa, Paul Western section 1958 1979 Beloved son and brother Shares stone with Louis and Eileen Testa
Testa, Sam R. Western section 1914 2005 Devoted husband, father & popoo Shares stone with Sarah Testa
Testa, Sarah C. Western section 1917 2000 Loving wife, mother & nona Shares stone with Sam Testa
Tillim, Abraham Anshe Polen A 5 1879 1954
Tillim, Ida F. Western section 1907 1985
Tillim, Jacob L. Western section 1910 1995 Beloved husband and father
Tillim, Martin Yellow section on map 1949 1993 Beloved son and brother
Tillim, Sarah Toba Anshe Polen C 2 1889 1962
Tillim, Sylvia Western section 1914 2012
Tishkoff, Dorothy Yellow section on map 1896 1984 Beloved mother Shares stone with William Tishkoff
Tishkoff, Fannie Yellow section on map June 8, 1891 Sept. 8, 1946 Beloved wife; Ever in my heart
Tishkoff, William Yellow section on map 1895 1952 Beloved father Shares stone with Dorothy Tishkoff
Tobias, Adelia Lilac section on map 1913 2001 Beloved wife, mother, sister; Holocaust survivor
Tobias, George Lilac section on map 1915 1996 Kohanim Beloved husband, father, brother
Tobias, Sigmond Lilac section on map 1948 2002 Kohanim Beloved son
Tobin, Jack Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel L 15 1887 1925 father
Todres, Meyer Gideon Lodge Section 1893 1947
Tokarsky, Barney Yellow section on map 1888 1947 Our beloved father
Toledo, Sarah Western section 1902 1996 Devoted mother, beloved nona
Toltz, Frieda Gideon Lodge Section 1910 2005
Toltz, Ida RJRO (old section) 6 4 1890 1941 mother Inscription: erected by my beloved son Henry
Toltz, Jack Gideon Lodge Section 1917 1988
Toole, Gertrude B. Gideon Lodge Section 1908 1996 Loving wife and mother Shares stone with Henry Toole
Toole, Henry E. Gideon Lodge Section 1904 1992 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Gertrude Toole
Toor, Fanny Gideon Lodge Section 1875 1942 Beloved mother
Toor, Samuel Gideon Lodge Section 1879 1943 Beloved father
Treister, Betty Green section on map 1921 2010 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Norman Treister
Treister, Frieda Yellow section on map 1901 1987 Mother Shares stone with Joseph Treister
Treister, Joseph Yellow section on map 1898 1954 Father Shares stone with Freida Treister
Treister, Norman Green section on map 1924 1993 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Betty Treister
Trevas, Sarah Morris Street (old section) G 20 1925 1983 wife, mother, grandmother Shares stone with Trevas, unknown first name
Trevas, unknown first name Morris Street (old section) G 19 blank blank Shares stone with Sarah Trevas
Troiano, Guido J. "Red" Lilac section on map June 26, 1924 Nov. 30, 1996 Beloved husband, father and grandfather; Sgt., US Army, World War II; "Our love is forever"
Trosterman, Rose B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 30 1877 1922
Trott, Minnie Gideon Lodge Section 1902 1980 Beloved wife & mother Shares stone with Moe Trott
Trott, Moe D. Gideon Lodge Section 1900 1979 Beloved husband & father Shares stone with Minnie Trott
Trottenberg, Nettie Beth Israel (south) E-1 1 1869 1940 mother
Trottenberg, Sam Western section 1866 1942 Father
Tucker, Fannie Silverman Yellow section on map 1909 1954
Tulin, Alan S. Beth Hakneses - east 8 23 1941 1986 husband, father & educator died 29 Kislev 5747
Shares stone with Tulin, unknown first name
Tulin, unknown Beth Hakneses - east 8 22 blank blank Shares stone with Alan S.Tulin
Turk, Benjamin Yellow section on map 1890 1954 Father Shares stone with Bessie Turk
Turk, Bessie Yellow section on map 1890 1968 Mother Shares stone with Benjamin Tucker
Turk, Goldie Naomi Gideon Lodge Section 1860 1934 Mother
Turner, Mulvena Yellow section on map 1876 1952
Tyson, Jack Yellow section on map 1895 1974 Beloved father Shares stone with Lottie Tyson
Tyson, Lottie Yellow section on map 1893 1972 Beloved mother Shares stone with Jack Tyson
Tyson, Milton A. Yellow section on map Jan. 10, 1929 June 1, 1986 US Army, Korea


Full name Section Row Grave # Birth   Death Notation Comments
Udell, Fay Spector Gideon Lodge Section 1900 1975 Beloved wife and sister
Ugol, Abraham RJRO (old section) 16 24 1890 1961 father Shares stone with Yetta Ugol
Ugol, Miriam Shafer Lilac section on map 1918 1990 Our beloved. Sadly missed Shares stone with Philip Ugol
Ugol, Philip Lilac section on map 1916 1992 A good man. Loving & loved Shares stone with Miriam Ugol
Ugol, Yetta RJRO (old section) 16 23 1894 1975 mother Shares stone with Abraham Ugol
Umansky, Benjamin A. Yellow section on map July 22, 1919 Jan. 12, 1987 Sgt., US Army, World War II
Umansky, Helen Yellow section on map 1929 2004 In loving memory
Umansky, Jacob Beth Hakneses - north 12 219 1893 1935 father
Umhoff, Belle Gideon Lodge Section 1913 1989 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Benjamin Umhoff
Umhoff, Benjamin Gideon Lodge Section 1910 2009 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Belle Umhoff
Underberg, Anne Gideon Lodge Section 1897 2003 Shares stone with Henry Underberg
Underberg, David RJRO (old section) 11 8 1891 1958 father
Underberg, David Green section on map 1916 1994 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Reva Underberg
Underberg, Esther Gideon Lodge Section 1868 1938 Mother
Underberg, Henry Gideon Lodge Section 1889 1967 Shares stone with Anne Underberg
Underberg, Isaac Beth Hakneses - north 12 230 1870 1940
Underberg, Lena RJRO (old section) 18 11 1897 1967 mother
Underberg, Leon Western section 1901 1951 Husband
Underberg, Morris Beth Hakneses - east 2 74 blank Nov. 12, 1913 Age 77 yrs
Underberg, Reva Green section on map 1924 1995 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Edward Underberg
Ungerleider, Edna Beth Hakneses - east A 71 1897 1990 Shares stone with Solomon Ungerleider
Ungerleider, Solomon Beth Hakneses - east A 70 1900 1969 Shares stone with Edna Ungerleider
unknown, child Beth Hakneses - north 19 309 child's grave; inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown, child B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim C 7 child's grave; inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown, Rose Beth Hakneses - east 6 113 1857 1924 mother Inscription: "Rose"; remainder is inscribed in Hebrew
unknown RJRO (old section) 20 11 Monument, Hebrew only; no English
unknown RJRO (old section) 5 1 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Rhine Street (old section) F 9 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Rhine Street (old section) F 8 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) B 22 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) B 23 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) B 25 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) B 34 Oct. 5, 1899 mother can't read name; aged 65 years
Unknown Leopold St (old section) B 39 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) C 13 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) E 16 father inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) E 17 son inscription is entirely in Hebrew
Unknown Leopold St (old section) E 34
Unknown Leopold St (old section) E 35
Unknown Leopold St (old section) G 6 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 4 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 6 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 7 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 23 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 25 blank May 18, 1911 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 1 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 24 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 27 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim H 2 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim H 5 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim H 9 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 3 Inscription on back of stone: "Flower City Lodge 281";
remaining inscription is in Hebrew only
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 7 father Inscription is in Hebrew only Kohanim
unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 15 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Beth Hakneses - east 3 19 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen A 2 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen A 3 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen A 4 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen A 18 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen B 1 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen B 2 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen B 3 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen B 6 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen B 19 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen B 20 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen C 3 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen C 19 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen D 1 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen D 16 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen D 18 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen D 19 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen D 20 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen D 21 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 1 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 2 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 3 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 4 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 5 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 6 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 19 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen E 20 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 1 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 2 father Inscription is in Hebrew only
unknown Anshe Polen F 4 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 5 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 6 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 18 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 19 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 20 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 21 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen F 22 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen G 12 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen G 13 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen G 14 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Polen H 1 baby grave Inscription is in Hebrew only
unknown Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel B 8 son
unknown Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel D 7 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel E 9 inscription is entirely in Hebrew
unknown Leopold St (old section) D 3 inscription: "Arthur"
unknown Leopold St (old section) E 46 Dec. 3, 1901 aged 11 years inscription: "Harold"
Usdane, Esther Lilac section on map 1934 1978 "To life"
Usdane, Jerold Lilac section on map June 25, 1932 Jan. 28, 2002 Beloved husband, father and grandmother


Full name Section Row Grave # Birth   Death Notation Comments
Valinsky, Beckie Western section Aug. 4, 1920 June 15, 2014 (7 Sivan 5774) A devoted loving wife, mother and noan; "Generous of heart, forever loved, shalom" Shares stone with Harry and Harlan Valinsky
Valinsky, Fannie Rhine Street (old section) C 21 1881 1967 mother
Valinsky, Harlan A. Western section July 8, 1992 (7 Tammuz 5752) Aged 34 years; A loving son and brother; forever in our hearts Shares stone with Harry and Beckie Valinsky
Valinsky, Harry Western section May 28, 1917 June 21, 1999 (7 Tammuz 5759) Dear husband, father and papoo; "Will always be loved, shalom" Shares stone with Eileen and Harlan Valinsky
Valinsky, Jennie Ain Yakov - east B 9 1887 1947 mother
Valinsky, Minnie Yellow section on map 1911 1958 Mother
Valinsky, Morris S. Rhine Street (old section) C 20 1880 1935 father
Valinsky, Sarah R. Rhine Street (old section) D 15 1852 1930 mother
Valinsky, Simon Ain Yakov - east B 8 1869 1963 father
Vann, Abraham Yellow section on map 1892 1961 Father
Varon, Leon Western section 1929 1978 Brother
Varon, Stella Western section 1925 1999 Sister
Verderber, Gitla Yellow section on map 1922 1987 Holocaust survivor Shares stone with Salomon Verderber
Verderber, Salomon Yellow section on map 1915 2002 Holocaust survivor Shares stone with Gitla Verderber
Vicdorowitz, Lottie Lilac section on map 1900 1991 Shares stone with Philip Vicdorowitz
Vicdorowitz, Philip Lilac section on map 1907 1985 Shares stone with Lottie Vicdorowitz
Vick, Joseph Gideon Lodge Section 1907 1988 Beloved husband & father shares stone Yetta Vick
Vick, Yetta Gideon Lodge Section 1912 1991 Beloved wife & mother Shares stone with Joseph Vick
Victor, Evelyn E. Brown Yellow section on map Jan. 1, 1909 Feb. 25, 1983 In loving memory
Viener, Abe Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel A 1 1895 1988
Viener, Jacob Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel E 1 1875 1944 father Shares stone with Rose Viener
Viener, Molly Western section 1923 2015 Beloved wife, mother & grandmother Shares stone with Richard Viener
Viener, Morris Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel E 3 1905 1939 son of Jacob & Rose Viener
Viener, Rebecca Leopold St (old section) K 25 1881 1942 mother Shares stone with William Viener
Viener, Richard Western section 1919 1995 Beloved husband, father & grandfather Shares stone with Molly Viener
Viener, Rose Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel E 2 1875 1962 mother Shares stone with Jacob Viener
Viener, William Leopold St (old section) K 26 1884 1960 father Shares stone with Rebecca Viener
Vilenchick, Lyudmila Beth Hakneses - north 15 271 1926 1992 Shares stone with Abram Livshits
Vilinksy, B. Littman Ain Yakov - east G 9 1898 1968 Note: cemetery records show name as Bernard Vilinksy
Vilinsky, Belle - - see Kleinberg, Belle  
Vilinsky, Beryl Beth Hakneses - east D 136 or 137 1929 2020 Beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather Shares stone with Eileen Vilinsky
Vilinsky, Eileen Beth Hakneses - east D 136 or 137 1929 2012 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Shares stone with Beryl Vilinsky
Vilinsky, Herman H. Yellow section on map 1920 1992 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Mildred Vilinsky
Vilinsky, Lillian - - see Mountain, Lillian  
Vilinsky, Mildred Yellow section on map 1921 2013 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Shares stone with Herman Vilinsky
Vilinsky, Miriam Beth Hakneses - east D 138 1894 1952 mother
Vilinsky, Ruth Ain Yakov - east H 8 1924 1928
Vinik, Etta RJRO (old section) 15 16 1889 1985 mother Shares stone with Lesser Vinik
Vinik, Lesser RJRO (old section) 15 15 1886 1952 father Shares stone with Etta Vinik
Voldman, Beatrice Yellow section on map 1904 1997 Shares stone with Samuel Voldman
Voldman, Samuel Yellow section on map 1904 1971 Shares stone with Beatrice Voldman
Volftsun, Lyubov Yellow section on map 1929 1982
Volgel, Bebe Yellow section on map 1907 1986 Shares stone with Robert Volgel
Volgel, Robert Yellow section on map 1904 1996 Shares stone with Bebe Volgel
Volk, Kate Leopold St (old section) J 28 1883 1963 mother Shares stone with Samuel Volk
Volk, Louis Lilac section on map 1912 1984 Beloved brother
Volk, Rae Lilac section on map 1916 1988 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Sidney
Volk, Samuel Leopold St (old section) J 27 1882 1939 father Shares stone with Kate Volk
Volk, Sidney Lilac section on map 1907 1992 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Rae Volk
Volski, Morris Green section on map 1910 1979 Beloved husband and father
Vordman, K. Leopold St (old section) F 29 can't verify name; no stone
Vure, Esther Beth Hakneses - east 4 134 1894 1930


Full name Section Row Grave # Birth   Death Notation Comments
Wager, Marion Victoria Wishman Leopold St (old section) I 5 blank Mar. 17, 1932
Wagman, Irwin Yellow section on map 1935 2015 Beloved husband, father and grandfather
Wagner, Ruth Spector Gideon Lodge Section 1912 1995 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother
Wainblat, Icke Yellow section on map 1916 1957 Beloved husband and father
Wainer, David RJRO (old section) 15 6 1886 1983 father Shares stone with Rose Wainer
Wainer, Hattie Epstein Green section on map 1898 1980
Wainer, Rose RJRO (old section) 15 7 1891 1949 mother Shares stone with David Wainer
Waisner, Bertha Appelbaum Leopold St (old section) M 12 1889 1955 mother
Waisner, Jacob Gideon Lodge Section 1888 1941
Waisner, Julius Leopold St (old section) M 11 1883 1959 father
Wajsgras, Arthur Yellow section on map 1928 1994 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Rona Wajsgras
Wajsgras, Rona Yellow section on map 1930 1989 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Arthur Wajsgras
Waksman, Genya Green section on map July 27, 1925 May 4, 2012 Loving wife, mother & grandmother Shares stone with Josie Waksman
Waksman, Josie Green section on map April 5, 1921 Nov. 24, 2011 beloved husband, father & grandfather Shares stone with Genya Waksman
Waldman, Isadore Yellow section on map 1889 1948 Beloved husband and father
Waldman, Yetta Yellow section on map 1893 1968 Beloved mother
Walenitz, Ben A. Yellow section on map 1900 1990 Beloved husband and father
Walenitz, Ethel Morris Street (old section) D 22 1869 1943 mother Shares stone with Wolf Walenitz
Walenitz, Jacob Yellow section on map 1895 1962 Beloved father Shares stone with Lillian Walenitz
Walenitz, Jane Yellow section on map 1902 1942 Beloved wife and mother
Walenitz, Joseph W. Lilac section on map 1905 1991 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Paula Walenitz
Walenitz, Lillian Yellow section on map 1898 1925 Beloved mother Shares stone with Jacob Walenitz
Walenitz, Paula Lilac section on map 1907 1999 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Joseph Walenitz
Walenitz, Wolf Morris Street (old section) D 21 1868 1935 father Shares stone with Ethel Walenitz
Walker, Augusta - - see Lisson, Augusta  
Wallach, Clara Anshe Polen B 12 1882 1938 Shares stone with Morris Wallach
Wallach, Jack Anshe Polen B 11 1911 1940 father
Wallach, Louis Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel I 11 blank Aug. 28, 1915 husband, age 32 yrs.
Wallach, Morris Anshe Polen B 13 1882 1931 Shares stone with Clara Wallach
Wallack, Abraham Western section 1885 1977 Shares stone with Anna Wallack
Wallack, Anna Western section 1889 1961 Shares stone with Abraham Wallack
Wallack, Bessie Western section 1910 1963
Walton, Kenneth Beth Hakneses - west 22 32 1913 2007 Beloved husband, father and grandfather; "Forever in our hearts" Shares stone with Paula Walton
Walton, Paula Beth Hakneses - west 21 32 1914 2012 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother; "Forever in our hearts" Shares tone with Kenneth Walton
Walton, Walter Beth Hakneses - west 21 35 Apr. 17, 1915 Dec. 8, 2002 husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle
Waltuck, Bernard Leo Anshe Polen A 10 1873 1939 father Shares stone with Sarah Waltuck
Waltuck, Harry Yellow section on map 1897 1977 Father Shares stone with Zella Waltuck
Waltuck, Morris H. Anshe Polen A 12 1904 1937 son
Waltuck, Sarah Anshe Polen A 11 1875 1959 mother Shares stone with Bernard Leo Waltuck
Waltuck, Zella Yellow section on map 1911 1992 Mother Shares stone with Harry Waltuck
Wanderman, Herman Lilac section on map 1902 1982 Beloved husband, father & grandfather
Wandersman, David Yellow section on map 1924 2008 Beloved husband & father Shares stone with Hannah Wandersman
Wandersman, Hannah Yellow section on map 1926 1988 Beloved wife & mother Shares stone with David Wandersman
Ware, Lena L. Yellow section on map 1900 1950 Beloved wife and mother
Warsh, Mary Yellow section on map 1890 1961
Warsh, Sol Yellow section on map 1888 1958
Warschofsky, David Beth Hakneses - north 12 223 1866 1939 father, husband
Warshafsky, Annie Leopold St (old section) E 43
Warshafsky, Fanny Beth Hakneses - east 3 101 blank blank mother; age 25 yrs
Warshof, Nathan Leopold St (old section) J 25 1906 1936 son
Warshof, Rachel Leopold St (old section) K 24 1872 1947 mother
Warshofsky, Rachel Beth Hakneses - east 9 132 1860 1947 mother
Warshofsky, William Leopold St (old section) F 7 blank Oct. 18, 1918
Wartell, Anna P.R. Leopold St (old section) E 2 1916 July 1, 1948 wife Shares stone with Hiram B. Wartell
Wartell, Bertha R. Leopold St (old section) C 4 blank Oct. 21, 1948 wife Shares stone with Nathan Wartell
Wartell, Hiram B. Leopold St (old section) E 3 July 22, 1954 husband Shares stone with Anna P. R. Wartell
Wartell, Nathan Leopold St (old section) C 3 blank blank husband Shares stone with Bertha R. Wartell
Wartenberger, Heinz Beth Hakneses - north 19 315 1887 1953 husband, father
Wartenberger, Margarete Beth Hakneses - east 2 29 1889 1976 mother
Wasler, Hyman Beth Israel (south) E 37 1894 1972
Wasserman, Hannah Yellow section on map 1889 1970 Mother
Wasserman, Jacob Yellow section on map 1882 1954 Father
Weckler, Susan Yellow section on map March 8, 1947 Our baby; Aged 7 months
Wegner, Gerson Gideon Lodge Section 1922 2003 Beloved husband, father and Zadie; Holocaust survivor; Forever in our hearts
Weil, Jeanne Lapides Rhine Street (old section) B 14 1892 1981 sister
Weilan, Philip Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel K 8 1876 1926 father
Weinbach, Bert Beth Hakneses - east 1 17 1920 1997 husband, father, grandfather
Weinbach, Minna Beth Hakneses - east 1 16 no stone
Weinbach, Rachel Yellow section on map 1890 1971 Beloved mother
Weinbaum, Frieda Green section on map 1911 1979 Shares stone with Joseph Weinbaum
Weinbaum, Joseph Green section on map 1910 1987 Shares stone with Frieda Weinbaum
Weinberg, Bessie E. RJRO (old section) 8 5 1883 1945 mother
Weinberg, Harry Lilac section on map 1922 2001 Beloved brother and uncle
Weinberg, Isaac N. Rhine Street (old section) H 1 1871 1946 father
Weinberg, Jack Beth Israel (south) B near 35 1925 2010 Beloved husband and father
Weinberg, Leah RJRO (old section) 10 6 1871 1946 mother
Weinberg, Nathan RJRO (old section) 9 8 1877 1942 father
Weinberg Samuel RJRO (old section) 11 4 1904 1958 brother
Weinberg, Sarah RJRO (old section) 16 13 1906 1972 sister
Weinberg, (illegible) Western section (illegible) 1932
Weiner, Abe I. Yellow section on map 1887 1953
Weiner, Anna Western section 1884 1955 Wife Shares stone with Jake Weiner
Weiner, Anna Yellow section on map 1896 1982 Beloved mother
Weiner, Bertha Lilac section on map 1890 1979 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Joseph Weiner
Weiner, Dora Western section 1879 1951
Weiner, Goldie Yellow section on map 1885 1965 Mother
Weiner, Harry RJRO (old section) 9 7 1885 1945 father Shares stone with Rose Weiner
Weiner, Jake Western section 1882 1966 Husband Shares stone with Anna Weiner
Weiner, Jennie Yellow section on map 1883 1954 Sister
Weiner, Jennie Yellow section on map 1889 1972 Mother Shares stone with Nathan Weiner
Weiner, Joseph Lilac section on map 1899 1977 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Bertha Weiner
Weiner, Joseph B. Gideon Lodge Section Dec. 31, 1938 Age 45 yrs.; Beloved husband and dear father
Weiner, Leah Yellow section on map
Weiner, Louis RJRO (old section) 13 4 1886 1969 Shares stone with Rose Weiner
Weiner, Louis Yellow section on map 1895 1963 Beloved husband
Weiner, Marilyn Green section on map 1909 1974 Shares stone with Samuel Weiner
Weiner, Mollie Yellow section on map 1905 1979 Beloved mother, "Bubby"
Weiner, Morris Western section 1874 1946 Beloved father
Weiner, Morris Yellow section on map March 25, 1889 Aug. 9, 1975 Pvt., US Army, World War I
Weiner, Nathan Yellow section on map 1886 1964 Father Shares stone with Jennie Weiner
Weiner, Nettie Gideon Lodge Section April 1, 2001 share stone with Robert Weiner
Weiner, Robert "Ruby" Gideon Lodge Section July 1, 1994 Shares stone with Nettie Weiner
Weiner, Rose RJRO (old section) 9 6 1886 1964 mother Shares stone with Harry Weiner
Weiner, Rose RJRO (old section) 13 5 1888 1971 Shares stone with Louis Weiner
Weiner, Samuel Green section on map 1910 1992 Shares stone with Marilyn Weiner
Weiner, Sarah Yellow section on map 1892 1948
Weinerowitz, Max Anshe Polen G 11 1869 1934 father
Weingrad, Gussie Yellow section on map 1895 1962 Mother Shares stone with Joseph Weingrad
Weingrad, Joseph Yellow section on map 1893 1959 Father Shares stone with Gussie Weingrad
Weingarten, David Lilac section on map 1904 2002 Beloved husband, father & grandfather Shares stone with Katherine Weingarten
Weingarten, Harry Lilac section on map 1912 2002 Beloved husband, father & grandfather; In loving memory Shares stone with Roselle Weingarten
Weingarten, Katherine Lilac section on map 1910 1997 Beloved wife, mother & grandmother Shares stone with David Weingarten
Weingarten, Max Anshe Polen B 7 1874 1936 father
Weingarten, Meyer Green section on map 1910 1988 Shares stone with Sylvia Weingarten
Weingarten, Roselle Lilac section on map 1915 2005 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother & great grandmother; In loving memory Shares stone with Harry Weingartens
Weingarten, Sophie Anshe Polen B 8 1883 1966 mother
Weingarten, Sylvia Green section on map 1912 2003 Shares stone with Meyer Weingarten
Weinstein, Anna Yellow section on map 1901 1956 Shares stone with Meyer Weinstein
Weinstein, Annette Beth Hakneses - east C 148 1922 1992 wife, mother Shares stone with Norman Weinstein
Weinstein, Annie B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim B 3 1882 1924 mother
Weinstein, Barney L. Gideon Lodge Section 1899 1980 Beloved husband & father Shares stone with Rose Weinstein
Weinstein, Belle Gideon Lodge Section 1885 1980 Devoted wife and mother Shares stone with Ben Weinstein
Weinstein, Ben Gideon Lodge Section 1882 1947 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Belle Weinstein
Weinstein, Bessie Yellow section on map 1882 1953 Mother Shares stone with Jacob Weinstein
Weinstein, Celia Yellow section on map 1877 1943 Wife of Ephraim Shares stone with Ephraim Weinstein
Weinstein, Dora Yellow section on map 1885 1963 Shares stone with Moses Weinstein
Weinstein, E. Yellow section on map
Weinstein, Emma Yellow section on map 1902 1995 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Louis Weinstein
Weinstein, Ephraim Yellow section on map 1874 1965 Shares stone with Celia Weinstein
Weinstein, Goote Yellow section on map 1874 1944 Mother
Weinstein, Harris B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim A 5 1879 1954 father Shares stone with Rose Weinstein
Weinstein, Irving Isaac Yellow section on map Sept. 3, 1912 Nov. 26, 1956 New York, Tec5, 42 Inf. Div Arty., World War II; Beloved father & husband
Weinstein, Isabel Yellow section on map 1909 1949
Weinstein, Israel Yellow section on map 1889 1977 Beloved parents of Sarah Shares stone with Yetta Weinstein
Weinstein, Jacob Yellow section on map 1882 1958 Father Shares stone with Bessie Weinstein
Weinstein, Louis B. Yellow section on map 1897 1981 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Emma Weinstein
Weinstein, Max Beth Hakneses - east 7 26 1856 Mar. 28, 1930
Weinstein, Max B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 24 1921 1943 son, brother Military: CORP. CO. K - 26th INF.- World War II
Weinstein, Maynard R. Lilac section on map Nov. 5, 1908 Nov. 12, 1994 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Minnie Weinstein
Weinstein, Meyer Yellow section on map 1891 1968 Shares stone with Anna Weinstein
Weinstein, Minnie B. Lilac section on map March 26, 1911 Oct. 29, 1995 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Maynard Weinstein
Weinstein, Mollie Yellow section on map 1891 1982 Beloved mother
Weinstein, Mollie B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 25 1895 1973 mother Inscription: At rest, mother and son
Weinstein, Morris RJRO (old section) 9 16 1887 1940
Weinstein, Moses J. Yellow section on map 1886 1979 Shares stone with Dora Weinstein
Weinstein, Moshe Yellow section on map 1912 1987 Beloved husband, father and brother; Kishinev
Weinstein, Norman Beth Hakneses - east C 147 1924 1989 husband, father Shares stone with Annette Weinstein
Weinstein, Philip Yellow section on map 1935 2015 Loving husband, father & grandfather
Weinstein, Rose Gideon Lodge Section 1891 1984 Beloved wife & mother Shares stone with Barney Weinstein
Weinstein, Rose Yellow section on map 1903 1996 Our beloved big grandma
Weinstein, Rose F. Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel P 6 1905 1933 mother
Weinstein, Rose B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim A 6 1895 1980 mother Shares stone with Harris Weinstein
Weinstein, Samuel Yellow section on map 1882 1951 Father
Weinstein, Sidney Yellow section on map Oct. 26, 1926 Jan. 18, 2013 Tec4, US Army, World War II; Loving father, grandfather, volemate and brother
Weinstein, Solomon Morris Street (old section) B 29 1893 1942 father
Weinstein, Stuart Lee Yellow section on map 1950 1962 Son
Weinstein, Yetta Yellow section on map 1882 1958 Mother
Weinstein, Yetta Yellow section on map 1895 1971 Beloved parents of Sarah Shares stone with Israel Weinstein
Weinthal, Henry Green section on map 1920 1998 Shares stone with Silvia Weinthal
Weinthal, Silvia Green section on map 1929 2014 Shares stone with Henry Weinthal
Weinthrop, Victor Beth Israel (south) C 51 1876 1948 father
Weinthrop, Zelda Beth Israel (south) C 52 1878 1959
Weisenberg, Moritz Yellow section on map 1879 1955 Father Shares stone with Sarah Weisenberg
Weisenberg, Sarah Yellow section on map 1882 1983 Mother Shares stone with Moritz Weisenberg
Weisman, Anna Western section 1860 1937 Mother
Weisman, Joseph Western section 1861 1941 Father
Weisman, Ray Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel F 7 1884 1926 daughter
Weiss, baby boy Yellow section on map Oct. 7, 1971 In loving boy
Weiss, Clara Yellow section on map 1887 1975 Mother
Weiss, Ella Yellow section on map 1900 1968 Wife and mother
Weiss, Joseph Western section 1876 1969
Weiss, Michael RJRO (old section) 8 28 1846 1927 father
Weiss, Nathan Yellow section on map 1886 1948 Father
Weiss, Pearl Lilac section on map 1906 1988 Beloved sister
Weiss, Rhea Yellow section on map 1884 1944 Loved always and forever
Weiss, Samuel Yellow section on map 1882 1974 Husband and father; Loved always and forever
Weiss, Sylvia Neiman Beth Hakneses - east 7 21 Mar. 29, 1907 Jan. 31, 1958 daughter
Weissenberg, Ethel RJRO (old section) 6 12 1850 1927 mother
Weissman, Gertrude Lilac section on map July 27, 1915 Oct. 9, 2014 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Joseph Weissman
Weissman, Joseph Lilac section on map Feb. 1, 1919 Jan. 2, 1990 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Gertrude Weissman
Weitsman, Anna Beth Hakneses - east C 102 1871 1951
Weitsman, Nathan Beth Hakneses - east C 101 1867 1944
Weitz, Rabbi Beth Hakneses - east 6 60 no stone
Weltman, Bessie Lilac section on map Aug. 26, 1974 Mother
Weltman, Charles Western section 1878 1950 Beloved father Shares stone with Sarah Weltman
Weltman, Harry Western section 1906 1980 Beloved brother
Weltman, Harry A. Yellow section on map 1898 1989 Beloved husband, father and grandfather; "Memory is a gift of God that death cannot destroy" Shares stone with Mary Weltman
Weltman, Irving Western section 1903 1971 Husband & father Shares stone with Leona Weltman
Weltman, Leona Western section 1903 1977 Wife & mother Shares stone with Irving Weltman
Weltman, Leonard Lilac section on map 1918 1994 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Lillian Weltman
Weltman, Lillian Lilac section on map 1916 2010 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Leonard Weltman
Weltman, Mary R. Yellow section on map 1910 1995 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother; "Memory is a gift of God that death cannot destroy" Shares stone with Harry Weltman
Weltman, Sanford L. Yellow section on map March 10, 1931 Aug. 18, 2006 PFC, US Army, Korea; Beloved and devoted husband, father and grandfather
Weltman, Sarah Western section 1883 1980 Beloved mother Shares stone with Charles Weltman
Wenowitz, Benjamin Yellow section on map 1907 1942 Brother
Wenowitz, Hattie Green section on map 1918 1998 Beloved wife Shares stone with Joseph Wenowitz
Wenowitz, Joseph Green section on map 1920 1986 Beloved husband Shares stone with Hattie Wenowitz
Wenowitz, Sarah Yellow section on map 1879 1957 Beloved mother
Werner, Alex Yellow section on map March 5, 1896 Oct. 3, 1962 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Sarah Werner
Werner, Evelyn Yellow section on map Sept. 19, 1925 March 22, 2001 Beloved daughter and sister
Werner, Molly H. Rhine Street (old section) D 19 1869 1934 mother
Werner, Samuel Yellow section on map Dec. 29, 1930 March 5, 1984 Beloved son and brother
Werner, Sarah Yellow section on map Jan. 14, 1898 Oct. 24, 1959 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Alex Werner
Werner, Sarah Rhine Street (old section) D 30 1901 1982 sister
Wetzstein, Lillian Dinaberg Yellow section on map 1916 2009 Beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother
Wheeler, Joan M. Beth Israel (south) B 31 1930 blank wife, mother, bubbie Shares stone with Melvin G. Wheeler
Wheeler, Melvin G. Beth Israel (south) B 30 1924 1989 husband, father Shares stone with Joan M. Wheeler
White, Garson Yellow section on map 1892 1954 Father and husband
Whiteman, Alice Roxin Yellow section on map 1912 1949 Beloved wife
Whiteman, Ira Yellow section on map 1907 2008
Wichman, Hinda B. Yellow section on map 1882 1960 Mother Shares stone with Tessie Wichman
Wichman, Isaiah Yellow section on map 1875 1933
Wichman, Jack Harold Yellow section on map 1928 1962 Our beloved son
Wichman, Mary Yellow section on map 1908 2010 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother
Wichman, Morris Yellow section on map 1902 1960 Beloved husband and father
Wichman, Samuel B. Yellow section on map 1896 1976 Beloved brother
Wichman, Solomon Yellow section on map 1900 1985 Beloved husband Shares stone with Tamara Wichman
Wichman, Tamara Yellow section on map 1903 1979 Beloved wife Shares stone with Solomon Wichman
Wichman, Tessie Yellow section on map 1917 1951 Daughter Shares stone with Hinda Wichman
Wicks, Alvin Green section on map Oct. 11, 1923 Feb. 17, 2006 Devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle & friend; A man of honor & integrity Shares stone with Sonia Wicks
Wicks, Jacob Western section 1879 1946 Father
Wicks, Leslie Lilac section on map 1912 1979 Beloved husband and father; Loving grandparent Shares stone with Marian Wicks
Wicks, Louis Western section 1877 1953 Brother
Wicks, Marian Lilac section on map 1918 2009 Beloved wife and mother; Loving grandparent Shares stone with Leslie Wicks
Wicks, Regina Western section 1883 1951 Mother
Wicks, Selden Green section on map 1914 1984 Beloved brother
Wicks, Sonia Green section on map July 31, 1929 Dec. 7, 2015 Devoted wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt & friend Shares stone with Alvin Wicks
Widawski, Jennie Yellow section on map 1917 1964 Beloved wife and mother
Widawski, Sam Green section on map March 5, 1909 March 2, 1978 Beloved husband & father
Widerker, Anna Anshe Polen E 7 1885 1939 mother
Widerker, Louis Anshe Polen F 12 1882 1930 husband, father
Wiegler, Adolph Bernard Anshe Polen F 7 1873 1928 father
Wieser, Nathan Rhine Street (old section) E 19 1871 1929 Note: spelling on stone is "Wieser"
Wiesner, Adolph Western section 1881 1963 Father Shares stone with Mollie Wiesner
Wiesner, Bertha Beth Hakneses - east 6 114 1851 1924 mother
Wiesner, Dorothy Green section on map 1910 1964 Mother Shares stone with William Wiesner
Wiesner, Mollie Western section 1888 1966 Mother Shares stone with Adolph Wiesner
Wiesner, William Green section on map 1908 1979 Father Shares stone with Dorothy Wiesner
Wilan, Dora Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel I 7 blank Nov. 5, 1921 age 37 years
Wilcove, Eunice Beth Hakneses - east 6 150 1921 1985 daughter, sister
Wilcove, Irving Yellow section on map 1925 1974 Beloved husband & father
Wilcove, Jennie Beth Hakneses - east 5 143 1886 1968 mother Shares stone with Max Wilcove
Wilcove, Max Beth Hakneses - east 5 142 1881 1933 father Shares stone with Jennie Wilcove
Wildman, Bessie Green section on map 1909 1997 Beloved wife & mother Shares stone with Harry Wildman
Wildman, David Green section on map 1911 1982 Husband-father
Wildman, Harry Green section on map 1909 1978 Beloved husband & father Shares stone with Bessie Wildman
Wildman, Ida Jean Green section on map 1911 2008 wife - mother - grandmother
Wildman, Nechumy Western section 188 1953 Mother Shares stone with Sigmund Wildman
Wildman, Sigmund Western section 1884 1972 Father Shares stone with Nechumy
Wildofsky, Morris Yellow section on map 1893 1957
Wilens, Joseph Beth Hakneses - east F 130 1877 1978 husband, father Shares stone with Minnie Wilens
Wilens, Minnie Beth Hakneses - east F 129 1892 1974 wife, mother Shares stone with Joseph Wilens
Williams, Anna Yellow section on map 1894 1968 Mother Shares stone with Bernard Williams
Williams, Bernard Yellow section on map 1887 1961 Father Shares stone with Anna Williams
Winer, Anna Green section on map 1895 1990 Shares stone with Benjamin Winer
Winer, Ben Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel H 6 1886 1959 Shares stone with Fannie Winer
Winer, Benjamin Green section on map 1891 1968 Shares stone with Anna Winer
Winer, Esther Yellow section on map 1895 1970 Shares stone with Isadore Winer
Winer, Fannie Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel H 5 1887 1962 Shares stone with Ben Winer
Winer, Freda Adell Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel H 4 1913 1929
Winer, Isadore Yellow section on map 1889 1974 Shares stone with Esther Winer
Winer, Jean S. Lilac section on map 1908 1998 Beloved mother Shares stone with Lewis Winer
Winer, Lewis Lilac section on map 1907 1989 Beloved father Shares stone with Jean Winer
Winer, Morris Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel J 1 1916 1952
Winitsky, Hyman B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 3 1871 1910 father
Winn, Beatrice Yellow section on map 1923 2014 Shares stone with Mort
Winn, Hyman Ain Yakov - east A 4 1884 1940 father
Winn, Isadore Ain Yakov - east E 13 1881 1953 father
Winn, Mort Yellow section on map 1921 2001 Shares stone with Beatrice Winn
Winn, Rose Ain Yakov - east A 5 1889 1972 mother
Winn, unknown Ain Yakov - east E 14 no stone
Winnick, Max RJRO (old section) 14 11 1897 1965 Shares stone with Rose Winnick; Inscription: "Forever Together"
Winnick, Rose RJRO (old section) 14 10 1897 1977 Shares stone with Max Winnick; Inscription: "Forever Together"
Winograd, Minnie Yellow section on map 1895 1987 Shares stone with Morris Winograd
Winograd, Morris Yellow section on map 1895 1974 Shares stone with Minnie Winograd
Winter, Felix Western section 1920 1964 Beloved husband, devoted father
Winter, Ignaz Yellow section on map 1912 1992 Holocaust survivor; Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Marie Winter
Winter, Marie Yellow section on map 1912 1997 Holocaust survivor; Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Ignaz Winter
Winter, Sara Lilac section on map 1925 1971 Beloved wife
Winterman, Ann "Debby" Gilbert Gideon Lodge Section Dec. 29, 1949 Aug. 4, 2016 Shares stone with Gary
Winterman, David Yellow section on map 1930 2021 Devoted husband, father, grandfather and brother Shares stone with Janice Winterman
Winterman, Dorothea Gideon Lodge Section Aug. 3, 1933 Jan. 28, 2015
Winterman, Gary R. Gideon Lodge Section May 9, 1957 July 27, 2015 Shares stone with Ann
Winterman, Helen Yellow section on map 1885 1977
Winterman, Janice Yellow section on map 1934 2007 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and sister Shares stone with David Winterman
Winterman, Johan Yellow section on map 1884 1954 Father
Winters, Charles Leopold St (old section) N 19 1902 1966
Winters, Dena M. RJRO (old section) 7 7 1910 1935 daughter
Winters, Dorothy Western section 1916 1987 Shares stone with Leo Winters
Winters, J. Koppel Leopold St (old section) H 51 1871 1941 father
Winters, Kasriel RJRO (old section) 14 15 1880 1954 father Shares stone with Rebecca Winters
Winters, Leo G. Western section 1906 1992 Shares stone with Dorothy Winters
Winters, Maurice Leopold St (old section) L 57 Feb. 11, 1910 Aug. 17, 1981 no stone
Winters, Rebecca RJRO (old section) 14 14 1886 1976 mother Shares stone with Kasriel Winters
Winters, Reva Leopold St (old section) N 20 1914 Jan. 19, 1983
Winters, Rose L. Rhine Street (old section) G 16 1879 1932 mother
Wishman, Abraham Isaac Leopold St (old section) I 3 blank Feb. 15, 1953 Rev. Abraham Isaac Wishman
Wishman, Leah Leopold St (old section) I 4 blank Dec. 22, 1950 wife, mother
Wishman, Marion - - see Wager, Marion  
Wishman, Sarah Leopold St (old section) I 7 blank Dec. 23, 1984 sister
Wiskeleer, Pisa Yellow section on map 1902 1958 Beloved brother
Wisnover, Emma Yellow section on map 1885 1971 Mother Shares stone with Joseph Wisnover
Wisnover, Joseph Yellow section on map 1890 1960 Father Shares stone with Emma Wisnover
Wisnover, Leonard Yellow section on map 1925 1947 In loving memory of our son
Wisnover, Shirley - - see Kaufman, Shirley  
Wisnovitz, David Jonah Gideon Lodge Section 1896 1938 Father
Wisnower, David Yellow section on map 1884 1959 Beloved father Shares stone with Sarah Wisnower
Wisnower, Sarah Yellow section on map 1886 1959 Beloved mother Shares stone with David Wisnower
Witrack, Rebecca Yellow section on map 1887 1953 Mother Shares stone with Simon Witrack
Witrack, Rose Yellow section on map 1913 2000 Beloved daughter
Witrack, Simon Yellow section on map 1883 1950 Father Shares stone with Rebecca Witrack
Witt, Morris Beth Hakneses - north 14 240 1877 1919
Wittenberg, Anna Yellow section on map 1895 1974 Beloved mother Shares stone with Sam Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Esther B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim B 12 1873 1931
Wittenberg, Fannie Beth Hakneses - east 3 9 1874 1969 mother Shares stone with Samuel Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Fannie Green section on map 1895 1981 Shares stone with Samuel Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Harry RJRO (old section) 18 25 1906 1963 brother
Wittenberg, Irving Beth Hakneses - east 7 86 1908 1930 son
Wittenberg, Meyer RJRO (old section) 7 25 1884 1933 father
Wittenberg, Milton B. Gideon Lodge Section 1921 1991 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Rosemary Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Rosemary G. Gideon Lodge Section 1923 1998 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Milton Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Sam Yellow section on map 1886 1952 Beloved father Shares stone with Anna Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Samuel Beth Hakneses - east 3 10 1873 1941 father Shares stone with Fannie Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Samuel Green section on map 1895 1978 Shares stone with Fannie Wittenberg
Wittenberg, Sarah RJRO (old section) 18 21 1880 1963 mother
Woislawski, Siegfried Yellow section on map 1902 1953 Husband
Wolf, Aaron "Al" Green section on map 1897 1989 Beloved husband Shares stone with Ada Wolf
Wolf, Ada Green section on map 1906 1991 Beloved wife Shares stone with Aaron Wolf
Wolf, Gertrude Yellow section on map 1893 1963
Wolf, Lena Yellow section on map 1881 1947 Mother
Wolfe, David Yellow section on map 1877 1948 Beloved father
Wolfe, Ethel Gideon Lodge Section 1893 1976 Beloved wife and mother
Wolfe, Fanny Yellow section on map 1899 1994 Beloved sister and aunt
Wolfe, Harry Beth Hakneses - east C 126 1894 1949 husband
Wolfe, Hyman Beth Hakneses - east 3 11 1872 1939 Shares stone with Mary Wolfe
Wolfe, Irving Gideon Lodge Section 1897 1941 Beloved husband and father
Wolfe, Julia Yellow section on map 1896 1993 Beloved sister and aunt
Wolfe, Lena Anshe Polen C 20 1878 1915 mother
Yellow section on map
Wolfe, Mary Beth Hakneses - east 3 12 1875 1943 Shares stone with Hyman Wolfe
Wolfe, Minnie E. Gideon Lodge Section 1908 1991 Beloved wife, sister and mother
Wolfe, Robert R. Gideon Lodge Section 1911 1982 Beloved husband, brother and father
Wolfe, Sara E. - - see Naft, Sara E.  
Wolff, Dorothy F. Beth Hakneses - east 1 70 1894 1966
Wolff, Ethel Rhine Street (old section) G 17 1881 1933 mother
Wolff, Louis Ain Yakov - east D 1 1869 1925 father Kohanim
Wolff, Louis Yellow section on map 1875 1948 Father
Wolfson, Albert Leopold St (old section) C 53 1882 1940 father
Wolinsky, Abraham Yellow section on map 1887 1974 Shares stone with Ida Wolinsky
Wolitsky, Freda B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim F 17 1853 1938 mother
Wolinsky, Ida Yellow section on map 1887 1961 Shares stone with Abraham Wolitsky
Wolitsky, Louis B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim F 16 1879 1926
Wolitzky, Anna Gideon Lodge Section 1902 1994 Devoted wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Sol Wolitzky
Wolitzky, Joseph Lilac section on map 1928 1978 Beloved husband and father
Wolitzky, Sol Gideon Lodge Section 1900 1978 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Anna Wolitzky
Wolk, Anna Yellow section on map 1868 1942 Mother
Wolk, Celia Beth Israel (south) C 24 1884 1974 mother Shares stone with Samuel Wolk
Wolk, David Yellow section on map 1891 1955 Beloved father and husband Shares stone with Faye Wolk
Wolk, Faye Yellow section on map 1895 1944 Beloved mother and wife Shares stone with David Wolk
Wolk, Harry Morris Street (old section) E 32 1886 1966 Shares stone with Julia Wolk
Wolk, Julia Morris Street (old section) E 31 1886 1977 Shares stone with Harry Wolk
Wolk, Nathan Yellow section on map 1870 1949 Father
Wolk, Samuel Beth Israel (south) C 25 1878 1978 father Shares stone with Celia Wolk
Wolloch, Fay Western section 1909 1997 beloved wife & mother
Wolloch, Joseph Western section 1901 1972 Beloved husband & father
Wolloch, Samuel Beth Israel (south) A 42 1877 1943 father
Wollock, Isaac Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel P 8 1876 1937 father
Wolocki, David Lilac section on map 1916 1997 Shares stone with Gisi Wolocki
Wolocki, Frances R. Lilac section on map 1952 1999 Beloved daughter and sister
Wolocki, Gisi Lilac section on map 1920 2010 Shares stone with David Wolocki
Woloszyn, Lillian Jacobson Green section on map 1922 1998 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother; Love never dies
Wolpe, Mildred - - see Foxman, Mildred  
Wolsky, Benjamin RJRO (old section) 14 8 1896 1966 father Shares stone with Mary Wolsky
Wolsky, Mary RJRO (old section) 14 9 1898 1984 mother Shares stone with Benjamin Wolsky
Wortzman, Bella Beth Israel (south) C 43 1896 1955
Wortzman, Esther Beth Israel (south) E 53 1884 1956 mother
Wortzman, Harry Beth Israel (south) C 42 1893 1968
Wortzman, Harry N. Beth Israel (south) E 52 1879 1948 husband, father
Wortzman, Israel Beth Hakneses - east E 107 1910 1972 husband, father Shares stone with Shirley Wortzman
Wortzman, Pearl Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel B 6 Oct. 1, 1913
Wortzman, Shirley Beth Hakneses - east E 106 1919 2014 Beloved wife, mother & grandmother Shares stone with Israel Wortzman
Wozek, Antoinette Yellow section on map 1896 1974
Wurtzman, F. Beth Hakneses - north 17 289 reserved
Wurtzman, Lena Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel M 5 1874 1936
Wurtzman, Rachel Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel F 2 1852 1936
Wurtzman, Samuel Beth Israel (south) B 44 1873 1947 father
Wyland, Curtis Mark Yellow section on map Oct. 14, 1952 Dec. 22, 1956 Beloved son
Wyland, Fannie Yellow section on map 1920 2008 Wife, mother and grandmother
Wyland, Libby Western section 1896 1961 Beloved mother
Wyland, Paul Yellow section on map 1925 1985 Beloved father and grandfather
Wyland, Phyllis - - see Loveless, Phyllis  
Wyner, Arthur A. Western section 1907 1865 Brother
Wyner, Belle Gideon Lodge Section 1909 2002 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Philip Wyner
Wyner, David S. Yellow section on map 1908 1976 Shares stone with Florence Wyner
Wyner, Florence Yellow section on map 1913 (blank) Shares stone with David Wyner
Wyner, Philip Gideon Lodge Section 1905 1995 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Belle Wyner


Full name Section Row Grave # Birth   Death Notation Comments
Yablin, Dr. Bernard A. Green section on map June 26, 1928 Jan. 17, 2016 Capt., US Army; In loving memory
Yaffee, Rose L. Green section on map 1906 2005 Beloved wife Shares stone with Samuel Yaffee
Yaffee, Samuel Green section on map 1900 1990 Beloved husband Shares stone with Rose Yaffee
Yakowitz, Ida RJRO (old section) 10 1 1873 1952 mother
Yanowitch, Eva Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel F 14 1876 1914 wife, mother wife of M. Yanowitch.
Yanowitch, Mandell Anshe Kipul - Kneses Israel F 15 1876 1918 husband, father
Yaravitz, Abraham I. Morris Street (old section) B 30 1871 1942 father
Yaravitz, Gertrude Morris Street (old section) B 31 1886 1954 mother
Yaravitz, Lillian I. Lilac section on map 1917 1991 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Meyer Yaravitz
Yaravitz, Meyer Lilac section on map 1918 2010 Devoted husband and father Shares stone with Lillian Yaravitz
Yates, Dora Yellow section on map 1881 1981 Mother Shares stone with Isaac Yates
Yates, Emma Gideon Lodge Section 1881 1965 Mother Shares stone with Victor yates
Yates, Evelyn J. Yellow section on map 1913 1961 Mother Shares stone with Sidney Yates
Yates, Hyman Gideon Lodge Section 1893 1971 Father Shares stone with Sophia yates
Yates, Isaac Yellow section on map 1883 1954 Father Shares stone with Dora Yates
Yates, Jean H. Yellow section on map 1915 1947 Our beloved mother
Yates, Milton Rhine Street (old section) G 1_a blank Jul. 13, 1911
Yates, Sidney Yellow section on map 1913 1974 Father Shares stone with Evelyn Yates
Yates, Sophia Gideon Lodge Section 1900 1968 Mother Shares stone with Hyman Yates
Yates, Victor Gideon Lodge Section 1881 1935 Father Shares stone with Emma Yates
Yellen, Helen Lilac section on map 1910 1996 Beloved wife, mother & grandmother; "In our hearts she lives forever" Shares stone with Maurice Yellen
Yellen, Maurice D. Lilac section on map 1905 1981 Beloved husband, father & grandmother; "In our hearts he lives forever" Shares stone with Helen Yellen
Yellen, Rae B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim B 15 1902 1972
York, Florence B. Yellow section on map 1910 1996
Yosovitz, Irving L. Yellow section on map 1915 1977 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Rose Yosovitz
Yosovitz, Rose Yellow section on map 1916 2009 Beloved wife and mother Shares stone with Irving Yososvitz
Young, Susie Klein Yellow section on map Oct. 17, 1916 Feb. 9, 1995 Loving mother and sister
Yudelson, Barbara Joi "B. J." Beth Hakneses - west May 23, 1939 Aug. 8, 2015
Yudelson, Ruth Leah Beth Hakneses - west 28 41 Feb. 25, 1967 Feb. 18, 1981


Full name Section Row Grave # Birth   Death Notation Comments
Zacharias, Zmedra Beth Hakneses - west 23 60 1923 2011 marker only; no headstone
Zack, Isaac Western section 1886 1974 Father Shares stone with Nellie Zack
Zack, Morris Western section Jan. 15, 1907 June 15, 2003 Shares stone with Rose Zack
Zack, Nellie Western section 1886 1954 Mother Shares stone with Isaac
Zack, Roae A. Western section Feb. 27, 1912 Nov. 2, 1969 Shares stone with Morris Zack
Zackheim, Ida Yellow section on map 1892 1964 Mother
Zackheim, Nathan Yellow section on map 1884 1943 Father
Zackor, Alice L. Lilac section on map 1911 1983 Shares stone with Samuel Zackor
Zackor, Samuel Lilac section on map 1911 1992 Shares stone with Alice Zackor
Zafron, Jacob Beth Hakneses - east E 138 1891 1959 Shares stone with Molly Zafron
Zafron, Molly Beth Hakneses - east E 137 1895 1973 Shares stone with Jacob Zafron
Zahs, Samuel Beth Hakneses - north 12 220 1896 1936
Zakharin, Abram Yellow section on map 1910 1979 Beloved husband, father and grandfather
Zakofsky, Abraham H. Yellow section on map 1923 2006 Beloved & devoted husband, dad, grandpa & great-grandpa; Always in our hearts Shares stone with Rose Zakofsky
Zakofsky, David E. Yellow section on map May 1979 Son
Zakofsky, Rose Yellow section on map 1923 2008 Loving & devoted wife, mom, grandma & great-grandma; Always in our hearts
Zalcberg, Pinkus Yellow section on map 1923 1954
Zallom, Charles RJRO (old section) 20 9 Sep. 10, 1895 Apr. 10, 1976 husband, father Shares stone with Minnie Zallom
Zallom, Minnie RJRO (old section) 20 8 Nov. 16, 1895 Oct. 3, 1970 wife, mother Shares stone with Charles Zallom
Zalomek, Isadore Beth Hakneses - east 4 79 1888 1923 father
Zalomek, Pearl Gitle Beth Hakneses - east C 104 1886 1970
Zalomek, Sonya Beth Hakneses - east 7 141 1902 1943
Zaltsman, Israil Yellow section on map 1911 1989 Our beloved husband, father and grandfather; You are always with us Shares stone with Leya Zaltsman
Zaltsman, Leya Yellow section on map 1910 1993 Our beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother; Forever in our hearts Shares stone with Israil Zaltsman
Zamos, Anna Gideon Lodge Section 1896 1984 Mother Shares stone with Morris Zamos
Zamos, Morris Gideon Lodge Section 1893 1969 Father Shares stone with Anna Zamos
Zatz, Henry Beth Hakneses - east 7 143 1870 1946 father Shares stone with Rebecca Zatz
Zatz, Rebecca Beth Hakneses - east 7 142 1872 1943 mother Shares stone with Henry Zatz
Zatz, Sadie Ruth Beth Hakneses - east 8 141 blank Jan. 13, 1968 Shares stone with Zatz, unknown first name
Zatz, unknown Beth Hakneses - east 8 142 blank blank Shares stone with Sadie Ruth Zatz
Zeesman, Philip Yellow section on map 1921 1990 In loving memory of our beloved; Rest in peace Shares stone with Reva Zeesman
Zeesman, Reva Yellow section on map 1927 2007 In loving memory of our beloved; Rest in peace Shares stone with Philip Zeesman
Zeif, Michael H. Yellow section on map 1943 1994 Kohanim
Zeif, Nathan Yellow section on map 1912 1985 Beloved father; Kohanim Shares stone with Sally Zeif
Zeif, Sally Yellow section on map 1919 1999 Shares stone with Nathan Zeif
Zeldin, Celia B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim D 19 1877 1923 mother
Zeitler, Helen H. Yellow section on map 1922 1990 My darling wife Shares stone with Myron L.
Zeitler, Myron L. Yellow section on map 1918 2005 Dear husband Shares stone with Helen Zeitler
Zelden, Benjamin Western section 1870 1952 Father Shares stone with Sarah Zelden
Zelden, Maurice H. Yellow section on map 1892 1940 World War Veteran; beloved husband
Zelden, Sarah Western section 1874 1950 Mother Shares stone with Benjamin Zelden
Zeldin, David RJRO (old section) 16 2 1896 1971 husband Shares stone with Fanny Zeldin
Zeldin, Fanny RJRO (old section) 16 3 1891 1976 wife Shares stone with David Zeldin
Zeldin, Maurice E. Anshe Polen D 15 1904 1937 father
Zeldis, Lillian Lapides Rhine Street (old section) B 11 1899 1963
Zell, Harry Yellow section on map 1888 1977 Beloved father
Zell, Jennie Yellow section on map 1893 1955 Beloved wife and mother
Zelma, unknown B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 19 1912 mother inscription in Hebrew
Zelman, Fannie Yellow section on map 1963 Shares stone with Jacob Zelman
Zelman, Jacob Yellow section on map 1962 Shares stone with Fannie Zelman
Zelomek, Allie Beth Hakneses - east 7 125 1874 1942 father Shares stone with Sarah L. Zelomek
Zelomek, Anne W. Leopold St (old section) I 1 blank May 26, 1987 mother, grandmother, sister
Zelomek, Sarah L. Beth Hakneses - east 7 126 1873 1938 mother Shares stone with Allie Zelomek
Zelomek, Sophia Nevid Beth Hakneses - east 8 47 1902 1980
Zelomek, William Beth Hakneses - east 8 48 Aug. 16, 1896 May 10, 1969 Military: New York PVT US Army World War II
Zelony, Benny Green section on map Nov. 11, 1922 May 14, 2006 Beloved husband and father; Holocaust survivor Shares stone with Jenny Zelony
Zelony, Jenny Green section on map May 12, 1931 Oct. 30, 2012 Beloved wife and mother; Holocaust survivor Shares stone with Benny Zelony
Zelter, Bessie Yellow section on map 1891 1986 Shares stone with Daniel Zelter
Zelter, Daniel Yellow section on map 1891 1971 Shares stone with Bessie Zelter
Zelter, Frances Yellow section on map 1887 1947 Mother Shares stone with Harry Zelter
Zelter, Harry L. Yellow section on map 1881 1940 Father Shares stone with Frances Zelter
Zelter, Rhea RJRO (old section) 13 13 1896 1951 mother
Zeltzer, Hyman B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 31 1859 1929 father
Zeltzer, Louis Beth Hakneses - east 4 25 1860 1922 father
Zeltzer, Mary B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 32 1905 1950 sister
Zeltzer, Mary B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim I 35 May 10, 1913 Dec. 31, 1923
Zeltzer, Nettie Beth Hakneses - east E 116 1902 1981 wife Shares stone with Samuel Zeltzer
Zeltzer, Rose Beth Hakneses - east 5 26 blank Nov. 10, 1935 mother
Zeltzer, Samuel Beth Hakneses - east E 117 1887 1960 husband Shares stone with Nettie Zeltzer
Zeltzer, Sarah B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim E 30 1863 1926 mother
Zibil, Abraham D. Yellow section on map 1887 1967 Father Shares stone with Bessie Zibil
Zibil, Bessie Yellow section on map 1887 1957 Mother Shares stone with Abraham Zibil
Zibil, Eva B. RJRO (old section) 14 18 1900 1952 mother Shares stone with Harry Zibil
Zibil, Harry RJRO (old section) 14 19 1898 1990 father Shares stone with Eva B. Zibil
Zibil, Lena Beth Hakneses - east 1 32 1863 1948 mother
Zibil, Louis Rhine Street (old section) C 8 1855 1925 father
Zilberfarb, Galina Beth Hakneses - west 28 43 Feb. 23, 1935 Feb. 21, 2009 Beloved wife, devoted mother mother, cherished bubalya Shares stone with Vladimir Zilderfarb
Zilberfarb, Vladimir Beth Hakneses - west 28 42 April 5, 1935 May 9, 2017 Honorable husband, inspiring, adoring father, loving deda Shares stone with Galina Zilderfarb
Zimmerman, Estelle Gideon Lodge Section 1913 1971 Beloved parent Shares stone with Sol Zimmerman
Zimmerman, Eva Yellow section on map 1899 1986 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with William Zimmerman
Zimmerman, Morris Beth Hakneses - east 7 133 1887 1940 father
Zimmerman, Peter F. Lilac section on map May 24, 1932 Dec. 28, 2018 Beloved father and grandfather; "Poor Pete"
Zimmerman, Philip Beth Hakneses - east 8 112 1884 1943 father
Zimmerman, Rachel Beth Hakneses - east 8 111 1883 1960 mother
Zimmerman, Rose Beth Hakneses - east 7 132 1888 1944 mother
Zimmerman, Sol Gideon Lodge Section 1910 1971 Beloved parent Shares stone with Estelle Zimmerman
Zimmerman, William Yellow section on map 1904 1999 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Eva Zimmerman
Zipkin, Abraham Morris Street (old section) F 16 1879 1942 father Shares stone with Bessie Zipkin
Ziokin, Bessie Yellow section on map 1888 1957 Mother
Zipkin, Bessie Morris Street (old section) F 15 1890 1941 mother Shares stone with Abraham Zipkin
Zipkin, Harry Yellow section on map 1887 1953 Father
Zipkin, Hattie RJRO (old section) 20 1 1905 1983
Zipkin, Helen Beth Israel (south) C 49 1919 2001 marker only
Zipkin, Isaac B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim A 43 1848 1930 father Shares stone with Sarah M. Zipkin
Zipkin, Lii Isaacson Yellow section on map 1889 1966
Zipkin, Rachel Yellow section on map 1914 1982 Beloved sister
Zipkin, Sarah M. B'nai Israel - Etz Chaim A 42 1856 1928 mother Shares stone with Isaac Zipkin
Zitrin, Carl H. Yellow section on map 1918 1997 Beloved husband, father & grandfather Shares stone with Ruth Zitrin
Zitrin, Dora Morris Street (old section) A 47 1893 1965 mother
Zitrin, Mollie Ida Yellow section on map 1890 1974 Beloved mother, grandmother and friend
Zitrin, Morris Morris Street (old section) A 48 1892 1951 father
Zitrin, Ruth K. Yellow section on map 1919 1993 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister & friend
Zittrin, Mollie Morris Street (old section) D 37 reserved; no stone
Zittrin, Philip Morris Street (old section) C 39 1897 1942 father
Zloth, Anna Gideon Lodge Section 1903 1987 Beloved wife & mother Shares stone with Harry Zloth
Zloth, Harry Gideon Lodge Section 1892 1982 Beloved husband & father shares tone with Anna Zloth
Zlotnick, Max Green section on map 1906 1998 Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Molly Zlotnick
Zlotnick, Molly Green section on map 1911 1998 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Molly Zlotnick
Zlowsky, Lillian Leopold St (old section) K 55 1898 1963 mother
Zlowsky, Louis Leopold St (old section) J 56 1877 1950 father
Zohar, blank Leopold St extension H 4 blank blank Shares stone with Kalman Zohar
Zohar, Kalman Leopold St extension H 3 1923 2011 husband, father and papa Shares stone with Zohar, first name blank
Zorn, Annette Green section on map 1917 2007 In loving memory Shares stone with Jack Zorn
Zorn, Harry Western section 1882 1954 Father Shares stone with Rose Zorn
Zorn, Jack Green section on map 1910 2003 In loving memory Shares stone with Annette Zorn
Zorn, Rose Western section 1882 1970 Mother Shares stone with Harry Zorn
Zwas, Boris Green section on map 1906 1990 Beloved father and grandfather
Zwas, Manya Green section on map 1926 2011 Beloved mother and grandfather
Zweifler, Annette Green section on map 1921 2020 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shares stone with Theodore Zweifler
Zweifler, Mark Lee RJRO (old section) 19 7 1951 1970 son
Zweifler, Theodore I. Green section on map Jan. 29, 1919 May 19, 1997 Tec 5, US Army, World War I; Beloved husband, father and grandfather Shares stone with Annette Zweifler
Zwick, Anna RJRO (old section) 10 23 1885 1938 Shares stone with Israel Zwick
Zwick, Israel RJRO (old section) 10 22 1881 1954 Shares stone with Anna Zwick
Zwirn, Herman S. Green section on map Sept. 6, 1908 July 28, 1992 Sgt., US Army, World War II; Beloved parents Shares stone with Sara Zwirn
Zwirn, Sara S. Green section on map 1911 1992 Beloved parent Shares stone with Herman Zwirn
Zysman, Bella Yellow section on map March 20, 1916 May 16, 2015 Holocaust survivor; Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Shares stone with Icek Zysman
Zysman, Charles A. "Chaz" Yellow section on map Feb. 22, 1951 May 8, 2020 Beloved husband, father and grandfather
Zysman, Icek Yellow section on map Jan. 28, 1907 Dec. 28, 1968 Beloved husband and father Shares stone with Bella Zysman



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