Veteran burials in Section 18
of the North Division
of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

Rochester, NY

Surnames: G - N


soldier The records on this page came from books kept by the Monroe County Veteran's Service Agency in order to locate graves and be able to place flags on the veteran's grave. Each book contains many small forms with data on each veteran burial. There is varying amounts of data on the veteran on these forms. Some only have death date while others include birth, death, enlistment and discharge dates and locations. Whatever is listed on the forms is included on this page.

This section consists of 900 veteran burial plots surrounded by family plots on three sides. It appears that the veteran records were not updated after about 1975.

The "Division" block on the form was used by the veteran's organization as a method of separating the County into sections for those placing flags.


Pop-up Cemetery Map
Section 18 North

Other parts to this section
Section 18 North - surnames beginning with letters A - F

Section 18 North - surnames beginning with letters O - Z


Name Gabrych, Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 814
Division 19E
Born Oct. 5, 1921
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died April 14, 1967, aged 45
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Galen, William A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 144
Division 19D
Born March 25, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdq. Co., 364 Infantry; WWI
Died Dec. 18, 1958, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Galetto, Ralph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 155
Division 19D
Born March 15, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 328 Infantry; WWI
Died Feb. 5, 1959, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Galletto, William B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 873
Division 19E
Born Feb. 2, 1909
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Btry. A, 551 AAA Bn.; WWII
Died Dec. 28, 1967, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gardiner, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 4, double grave 40
Division 21
Born March 19, 1894
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. E, 77 Inf.; WWI
Died Oct. 6, 1967, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Gardner, Harold R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 243
Division 19D
Born June 6, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit U. S. M. C. R.; WWII
Died July 9, 1960, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Garvey, Howard B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 437
Division 19E
Born Jan. 17, 1897
Rank Cpl.
Unit Co. A, 28th Sig. Bn.; WWI and WWII
Died March 27, 1963, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gatz, Thomas F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 663
Division 19E
Born Oct. 31, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. I, 157 Infantry; WWI
Died Oct. 7, 1965, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gatz, Walter
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 568
Division 19E
Born Jan. 1, 1909
Rank Pvt.
Unit Army of the U.S.
Died Oct. 21, 1964, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Geldart, Edwin J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 344
Division 19D
Born Oct. 7, 1900
Rank T/5
Unit 3595 Q M Truck Co.; WWII
Died Jan. 25, 1962, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gerosa, Carl N.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 271
Division 19D
Born Jan. 30, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit 74 Co., CAC; WWI
Died Dec. 9, 1960, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gerstner, Leo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 118
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died May 16, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gibowski, Stanley E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 661
Division 19E
Born April 10, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit 345 Infantry; WWI
Died Oct. 5, 1965, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gilbert, John F., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 823
Division 19E
Born April 23, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; WWI
Died June 7, 1967, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gilbert, Raymond A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 277
Division 19D
Born Aug. 31, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. F, 57 Artillery; peace time and WWI
Died Jan. 19, 1961, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Glaser, Donald C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 376
Division 19D
Born Sept. 5, 1911
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 309 Inf. Regt.; WWII
Died July 4, 1962, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Glatz, Frederick C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 602
Division 19E
Born June 6, 1924
Rank Tec. 5
Unit 262 Ord. Co. Maint.; WWII
Died April 6, 1965, aged 40
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gleason, James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 455
Division 19E
Born June 11, 1898
Rank PFC
Unit Co. L, 57th Inf.; WWI
Died June 10, 1963, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Glenn, Martin Patrick
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 724
Division 19E
Born Sept. 11, 1908
Rank Watertender 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; peace time veteran
Died April 17, 1966, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Goetz, John F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 411
Division 19E
Born March 23, 1879
Rank Cpl.
Unit 58 Co. C. A.; Spanish-American War
Died Nov. 11, 1962, aged 83 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Goho, John N.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 135
Division 19D
Born May 20, 1908
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; WWII
Died Sept. 21, 1958, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Golden, Ralph Charles
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 433
Division 19E
Born Aug. 21, 1900
Rank PFC
Unit Army of the U.S.; WWII
Died March 9, 1963, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gonzalez, Daniel J. Cruz
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 775
Division 19E
Born April 12, 1920
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, Repl. Bn.; WWII
Died Oct. 27, 1966, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Goodwin, Arthur E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 92
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Jan. 6, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gordon, Robert Stuart
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 17
Division 21
Born March 3, 1930, Buffalo, NY
Enlisted Aug. 19, 1946, Buffalo, NY
Rank Private
Unit U.S. Marine Corps; peace time and WWII
Discharged July 2, 1948, Boston, MA
Died July 13, 1952, near Churchville, NY aged 22
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Goss, Roman M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 658
Division 19E
Born Oct. 16, 1902
Rank T/Sgt.
Unit 561 A A F Base Unit; WWII
Died Sept. 22, 1965, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gould, M. Patricia Shire
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 779
Division 19E
Born March 17, 1928
Rank Ensign
Unit U. S. N. R.; Korean War
Died Nov. 23, 1966, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Grabowski, Chester S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 236
Division 19D
Born June 18, 1924
Rank PFC
Unit 312 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died May 30, 1960, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Graczyk, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 198
Division 19D
Born May 23, 1884
Rank Pvt.
Unit 32 Co. Mach. Gun Training Center; WWI
Died Nov. 13, 1959, aged 75
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Graham, William C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 394
Division 19D
Born Jan. 23, 1926
Rank QM 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy Reserve; WWII
Died Sept. 1, 1962, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Grapensteter, Matthew B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 293
Division 19D
Born June 3, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. A., 57 Arty., CAC; WWI
Died May 4, 1961, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Grasso, Antonio
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 258
Division 19D
Born Feb. 20, 1887
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. B, 57 Arty.; WWI
Died Oct. 4, 1960, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Green, Cornelius H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 372
Division 19D
Born Feb. 6, 1919
Rank Chief Spec.
Unit U. S. N. R.
Died June 21, 1962, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Guary, Ralph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 27
Division 21
Born May 9, 1902, Italy
Enlisted Feb. 2, 1920, Syracuse, NY
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U.S. Navy; peace time veteran
Discharged Feb. 6, 1922, Philadelphia, PA
Died May 26, 1953, Brockport, NY aged 51
Type of Tombstone private
Notes Surname also as Guariglia.

Name Guerinot, Edward P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 804
Division 19E
Born May 30, 1914
Rank Pvt.
Unit 74 School Sqd.; WWII
Died Feb. 28, 1967, aged 52
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gugino, Vincent
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 700
Division 19E
Born Dec. 21, 1911
Rank Ship's Cook 2/cl.
Unit U.S.N.R.; WWII
Died Jan. 22, 1966, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Guilfoil, William F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 31
Division 19D
Born Aug. 22, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit 23rd Balloon Co.; WWI
Died Jan. 22, 1957, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gulin, Michael
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 81
Division 19D
Unit Korean War
Died Nov. 6, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gunther, Walter F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 454
Division 19E
Born May 24, 1895
Rank PFC
Unit Hdq. Co., 53 Regt. Pioneer Inf.; WWI
Died June 8, 1963, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Gysel, Henry J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 425
Division 19E
Born May 22, 1921
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 363 Fighter Sq., Fighter Group; WWII
Died Feb. 5, 1963, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Haggerty, Joseph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 550
Division 19E
Born Oct. 11, 1920
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdqs. Ser. Sq., 487 Air Ser. Gp.
Died July 28, 1964, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hahn, Raymond J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 90
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Dec. 23, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hanchowski, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 386
Division 19D
Born Feb. 15, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 16th Regt. Inf.; WWI
Died Aug. 9, 1962, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Harding, Eugene P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 133
Division 19D
Born March 16, 1919
Rank Cpl.
Unit 1538 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died Sept. 7, 1958, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hargarther, Morgan Anthony
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 32
Division 19D
Born Oct. 26, 1902
Rank Baker 1st Class
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Jan. 21, 1957, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Harrison, Bernard W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 28
Division 21
Born Nov. 23, 1922, Victor, NY
Enlisted Jan. 29, 1943, Ft. Niagara, NY
Rank Corporal
Unit 125th AAF Base Unit; WWII
Discharged Nov. 23, 1945, Newark, NJ
Died July 23, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 29
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Hart, John G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 253
Division 19D
Born May 5, 1889
Rank 1st Lt.
Unit General Hospital #3; WWI
Died Sept. 5, 1960, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hart, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 639
Division 19E
Born Dec. 30, 1917
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. B, 72 A A Gun Bn.; WWII
Died Aug. 8, 1965, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hart, Joseph A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 431
Division 19E
Born March 18, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 3 Infantry Regt.; WWI
Died Feb. 19, 1963, aged 68 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hart, Robert E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 746
Division 19E
Born Dec. 10, 1907
Rank T/5
Unit 516 Eng. Pontoon Bridge Co.; WWII
Died June 10, 1966, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hartley, Frank J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 609
Division 19E
Born Jan. 7, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit Co. L, 346 Infantry, 87 Div.; WWI
Died April 28, 1965, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hary, Joseph M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 572
Division 19E
Born March 23, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, Development Bn. 1; WWI
Died Nov. 9, 1964, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hauser, Rudolph A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 839
Division 19E
Born March 11, 1916
Rank Cpt.
Unit Btry. C, 456 AAA; WWII
Died Aug. 23, 1967, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Heberger, Leo G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 519
Division 19E
Rank PFC
Unit Co. L, 347 Infantry; WWI
Died April 27, 1964,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Heffron, John W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 650
Division 19E
Born Nov. 17, 1920
Rank PFC
Unit 414 Q M Service Co.; WWII
Died Sept. 2, 1965, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Heimrich, Martin J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 7, double grave 24
Division 21
Born Feb. 24, 1894, Rochester, NY
Enlisted Sept. 27, 1917, Rochester, NY
Rank Corporal
Unit Battery B, 309th Field Artillery; WWI
Discharged May 17, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ
Died March 31, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 59
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Heindl, Charles F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 443
Division 19E
Born Aug. 16, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit 12 Trench Mortar Btry.; WWI
Died April 13, 1963, aged 66 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Helfer, George J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 269
Division 19D
Born Jan. 21, 1917
Rank T/Sgt.
Unit Hdqrs. Det., 36 La. Bn.; WWII
Died Nov. 29, 1960, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Helfer, Herman G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 844
Division 19E
Born Aug. 4, 1907
Rank EM
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died Sept. 11, 1967, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hendrickson, William R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 316
Division 19D
Born Apr. 10, 1915
Rank T/Sgt.
Unit 466 Bomb Group, 24 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII
Died Aug. 13, 1961, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hennessey, Jane Fowler
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 146
Division 19D
Born June 25, 1906
Rank Captain
Unit Transportation Corps; WWII
Died Dec. 28, 1958, aged 52
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Henretta, Elmer J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 314
Division 19D
Born July 6, 1911
Rank PFC
Unit Co. L, 143 Inf.; WWII
Died Aug. 1, 1961, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Herman, Edward J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 65
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Aug. 21, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hermance, George, Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 3, double grave 37
Division 21
Born Sept. 23, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit San. Sqdn. 50; WWI
Died Sept. 29, 1965, aged 74
Type of Tombstone

Name Hernandez, Felix Urbina
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 897
Division 19E
Born Aug. 19, 1919
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 387 Infantry; WWII
Died May 8, 1968, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Heveron, Franklin E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 349
Division 19D
Born Sept. 18, 1906
Rank BM 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Feb. 16, 1962, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hilarski, Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 613
Division 19E
Born June 15, 1919
Rank T/4
Unit Co. C, 3104 Signal Serv. Bn.; WWII
Died May 9, 1965, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hill, John Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 686
Division 19E
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 14 Btry, U. S. Guard; WWI
Died Dec. 26, 1965, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hirsch, John R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 73
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Sept. 27, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hoffman, Elmer
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 438
Division 19E
Born Sept. 5, 1892
Rank Cpl.
Unit Btry. C, 68 Artillery CAC; WWI
Died March 27, 1963, aged 70 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hoffman, John, Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 33
Division 21
Born July 7, 1895, Albion, NY
Enlisted Aug. 5, 1917, Spokane, WA
Rank Corporal, Bugler
Unit 38th Service Co., A.S.C.; WWI
Discharged July 5, 1919, U.S. Army Gen. Hosp. 38, Eastview, NY
Died May 27, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 57
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Hogan, Charles H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 275
Division 19D
Born Jan. 4, 1892
Rank Sgt.
Unit K Co., 3 Regt. Inf.; WWI
Died Jan. 14, 1961, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Holzschuh, Engelbert M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 403
Division 19D
Born April 12, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 153th Depot Brigade
Died Sept. 25, 1962, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hoppe, William O.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 704
Division 19E
Born Nov. 17, 1904
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdqs. Co., 3 Bn., 48 Armed Inf.; WWII
Died Feb. 5, 1966, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hopps, Warren E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 208
Division 19D
Born May 8, 1918
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 1709 Signal Service Bn.; WWII
Died Dec. 31, 1959, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hourdin, Thomas G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 702
Division 19E
Born May 16, 1933
Unit U. S. Navy; Korean War
Died Feb. 4, 1966, aged 32
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hubner, George J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 412
Division 19E
Born Dec. 26, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 45 Bn., U. S. Guards; WWI
Died Nov. 14, 1962, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Huggins, William C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 690
Division 19E
Born March 4, 1919
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 2 Military Gov. Regt.; WWII
Died Jan. 6, 1966, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hughes, Richard V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 842
Division 19E
Born March 6, 1917
Rank WT/2
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Sept. 11, 1967, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hummel, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 302
Division 19D
Born Jan. 29, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit 7th Regt. F. A.; WWI
Died June 1, 1961, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Hutting , Peter
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 570
Division 19E
Born Jan. 21, 1890
Rank PFC
Unit 231 Co. M, P. Corps
Died Oct. 28, 1964, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Incardone, Nunzio
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 14, double grave 8
Division 21
Born Oct. 23, 1888, Sicily
Enlisted June 26, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit 9th Co., 3rd Battalion, 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Discharged Nov. 26, 1918, Camp Dix, NJ
Died Aug. 6, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 64
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Inguagiato, Joseph C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 748
Division 19E
Born July 7, 1920
Rank PFC
Unit 797 Tech. School Sqd.; WWII
Died June 29, 1966, aged 45
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Iodice, Domenico F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 439
Division 19E
Born Jan. 11, 1923
Rank PFC
Unit 3231 QM Service Co.; WWII
Died April 6, 1963, aged 40 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Isselhard, Conrad F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 430
Division 19E
Born Dec. 10, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. G, 164 Infantry; WWI
Died Feb. 19, 1963, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Jamrock, Stanley
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 885
Division 19E
Born Aug. 17, 1943
Rank PFC
Unit 35 Inf., 4 Inf. Div.; Vietnam War
Died Feb. 15, 1968, aged 34
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Janiec, Walter Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 874
Division 19E
Born Aug. 20, 1916
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; WWII
Died Jan. 1, 1968, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Jaworski, Henry J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 510
Division 19E
Born Nov. 16, 1921
Rank Lt. j. g.
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died March 14, 1964, aged 42 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Jaworski, Joseph John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 222
Division 19D
Born Feb. 14, 1893
Rank Seaman
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Feb. 29, 1960, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Jiminez, Jose Valle
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 553
Division 19E
Born Sept. 8, 1918
Rank PFC
Unit Quartermaster Corps
Died Aug. 11, 1964, aged 45
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Johnson, Charles D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 651
Division 19E
Born Jan. 26, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. B, CAC
Died Sept. 7, 1965, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Johnson, Louis E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 716
Division 19E
Born Sept. 12, 1928
Rank PFC
Unit QMC, 1708 ORC Control Group; Korean War
Died March 28, 1966, aged 37
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Johnson, Vincent J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 774
Division 19E
Born Feb. 19, 1920
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 352 Air Base Unit; WWII
Died Oct. 25, 1966, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Johnson, Willard Guy
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 696
Division 19E
Born July 26, 1914
Rank PFC
Unit Btry. D, 169 F. A. Bn.; WWII
Died Jan. 13, 1966, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Jordan, Frank C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 165
Division 19D
Born Apr. 10, 1880
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 26 Regt. Inf.; Spanish-American War
Died Apr. 19, 1959, aged 79
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Joyes, Earl Thomas
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 567
Division 19E
Born July 17, 1900
Rank Pvt.
Unit U.S.M.C.
Died Oct. 19, 1964, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kaczmark, Chester W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 339
Division 19D
Born May 27, 1918
Rank BM 2/cl.
Unit U.S.N.R.; WWII
Died Dec. 27, 1961, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kaleta, Gerald J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 332
Division 19D
Born July 18, 1918
Rank P. M. 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Nov. 17, 1961, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kammer, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 358
Division 19D
Born Nov. 4, 1908
Rank Gunner's Mate 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died March 23, 1962, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kane, Edwin P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 3
Division 21
Unit WWI
Died Sept. 2, 1957
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Kane, Walter J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 39
Division 19D
Born Feb. 10, 1904
Rank Tech 5
Unit Medical Department; WWII
Died March 21, 1957, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kannan, William
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 381
Division 19D
Born May 25, 1938
Rank Airman Basic
Unit Regular Air Force
Died June 11, 1962, aged 24
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Karp, Carl
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 595
Division 19E
Born Jan. 3, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit Btry. D, 336 F. A.; WWI
Died March 1, 1965, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kasper, Norman John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 201
Division 19D
Born Jan. 30, 1929
Rank PFC (T)
Unit Hdq. Co., 8579 AAU; Korean War
Died Nov. 16, 1959, aged 30
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kausch, Albert P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 582
Division 19E
Born April 15, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit R. U. 321 Motor Transport Corp.; WWI
Died Dec. 14, 1964, aged 75 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kavanagh, James R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 5, double grave 9
Division 21
Born July 28, 1917, Rochester, NY
Enlisted March 18, 1941, Syracuse, NY
Rank Private
Unit Hq. 56th Q.M. Co.; WWII
Discharged Jan. 15, 1942, Camp Beauregard, LA
Died Dec. 9, 1952, Livonia, NY aged 35
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Kavitch, Edward J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 225
Division 19D
Born Aug. 12, 1913
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Hdqrs. Co., 716th Tank Bn.; WWII
Died March 21, 1960, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Keating, Frank J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 309
Division 19D
Born Dec. 5, 1892
Rank Cpl.
Unit Troop D, 16th Cavalry; WWI
Died June 28, 1961, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Keefer, George J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 296
Division 19D
Born Nov. 10, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. I, 348 Inf.; WWI
Died May 9, 1961, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kehoe, John P., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 771
Division 19E
Born Sept. 4, 1945
Rank Lance Cpl.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War
Died Oct. 2, 1966, aged 21
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Keifer, William H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 52
Division 21
Born Jan. 1, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit Camp Supply Depot, USA; WWI
Died Feb. 24, 1970, aged 73
Type of Tombstone private marker

Name Kelly, Martin Francis
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 469
Division 19E
Born Aug. 8, 1908
Rank Ship-Fitter 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Aug. 10, 1963, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kendrick, McKoy K.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 474
Division 19E
Born Nov. 16, 1915
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 524 Air Service Group; WWII
Died Sept. 4, 1963, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kerner, Edward Thomas
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 622
Division 19E
Born Nov. 9, 1903
Rank PFC
Unit Aero Lab; WWII
Died June 17, 1965, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kerscher, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 698
Division 19E
Born Feb. 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. 62, 16 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Jan. 21, 1966,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kesel, Leonard M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 318
Division 19D
Born Jan. 27, 1909
Rank Storekeeper D 3/cl.
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died Aug. 25, 1961, aged 52
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kidman, Carlton W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 395
Division 19D
Born Jan. 6, 1942
Rank Lance Cpl.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; peace time veteran
Died Sept. 8, 1962, aged 20 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kidman, Frederick M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 195
Division 19D
Born July 5. 1937
Rank PFC
Unit 582 Eng. Det.; Korean War
Died Nov. 1, 1959, aged 22
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kiefer, Robert E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 660
Division 19E
Born June 17, 1920
Rank Cpl.
Unit 379 Infantry; WWII
Died Sept. 30, 1965, aged 45
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kiendl, Robert Andrew
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 497
Division 19E
Born Jan. 18, 1897
Rank PM 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Dec. 25, 1963, aged 66 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kierecki, Stanislaus
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 150
Division 19D
Born Oct. 11, 1895
Rank Sgt.
Unit Btry. B, 309 Field Arty., 78 Division; WWI
Died Jan. 18, 1959, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kinzel, Arthur
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 226
Division 19D
Born Feb. 13, 1887
Rank Cpl.
Unit Co. M, 70 Infantry; WWI
Died March 23, 1960, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kipferl, Philip M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 212
Division 19D
Born Nov. 29, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 59th Pioneer Infantry; WWI
Died Jan. 12, 1960, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kirchgessner, Albert
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 254
Division 19D
Born Sept. 5, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. I, 348th Inf.; WWI
Died Sept. 5, 1960, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kirchgessner, Charles M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 203
Division 19D
Born Jan. 31, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdqs. Co., 327 Inf.; WWI
Died Nov. 23, 1959, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kirk, George M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 38
Division 19D
Born July 8, 1885
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. A, 326th Bn. Tank Corps; Peace time and WWI
Died March 12, 1957, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kizinski (Kiziniski), Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 56
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died June 30, 1957, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Klinski, Alex
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 173
Division 19D
Born Nov. 20, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 26 Inf.; WWI
Died May 30, 1959, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Knapp, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 17, double grave 7
Division 21
Born July 20, 1894
Rank Cpl.
Unit 307 Infantry; WWI
Died July 24, 1970, aged 75
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Knapp, Joseph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 597
Division 19E
Born Feb. 27, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit 479 Air Base
Died March 19, 1965, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Knoff, Rudolph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 476
Division 19E
Born Oct. 21, 1921
Rank Sgt.
Unit 9 Evacuation Hospital; WWII
Died Sept. 10, 1963, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Knope, Wallis Anthony
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 512
Division 19E
Born Jan. 14, 1902
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died March 22, 1964, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kober, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 580
Division 19E
Born April 19, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit 57 Balloon Co., Air Service; WWI
Died Dec. 7, 1964, aged 69 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Koch, John R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 138
Division 19D
Born Dec. 20, 1925
Rank PFC
Unit 573 AAA Bn.; WWII
Died Aug. 31, 1970, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Koehler, Carl A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 643
Division 19E
Born Jan. 13, 1900
Rank Coxswain
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Aug. 17, 1965, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Korzen, Adam Casimer
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 876
Division 19E
Born March 4, 1911
Rank T/5
Unit Co. A, 775 Tank Bn.; WWII
Died Jan. 5, 1968, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Koury, George
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 380
Division 19D
Born July 11, 1903
Rank Fireman 2/cl.
Unit U.S.N.R.; WWII
Died July 14, 1962, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kowalewski, Charles Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 12
Division 19D
Born Apr. 11, 1890
Rank Private
Unit Co. E, 346 Inf., 87 Division; WWI
Died Oct. 3, 1956, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kowaski, Frank
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 521
Division 19E
Born March 6, 1903
Rank Coxswain
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died May 2, 1964, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kozlowski, Stephen R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 215
Division 19D
Born Oct. 25, 1887
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 348 Infantry; WWI
Died Jan. 31, 1960, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kraft, George F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 542
Division 19E
Born Feb. 5, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit Co. B, 346 Infantry; WWI
Died July 1, 1964, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kramer, William C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 868
Division 19E
Born July 13, 1896
Rank Cpl.
Unit Supply Co., 76 F. A.; WWI
Died Dec. 20, 1967, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kritchen, James F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 837
Division 19E
Born April 16, 1934
Rank Pvt.
Unit 534 Q. M. Corps.; Korean War
Died Aug. 19, 1967, aged 33
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Krolak, Anthony
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 142
Division 19D
Born May 24, 1888
Rank Mus. 2 Cl.
Unit 15 Band, C.A.C.
Died Nov. 29, 1958, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Krolak, Chester J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 792
Division 19E
Born March 20, 1912
Rank PFC
Unit 22nd C. M. L. Company; WWII
Died Jan. 21, 1967, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kuhn, Martin L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 761
Division 19E
Born Sept. 5, 1918
Rank T/5
Unit 802 Chemical Co.; WWII
Died Aug. 22, 1966, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Kulis, Raymond P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 583
Division 19E
Born Aug. 29, 1922
Rank Sgt.
Unit 777 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII
Died Dec. 18, 1964, aged 42 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Labanowsky, George W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 607
Division 19E
Born Aug. 15, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit PWE 259; WWI
Died April 22, 1965, aged 75
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Labigan, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 575
Division 19E
Born July 7, 1923
Rank Pvt.
Unit 3702 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died Nov. 24, 1964, aged 41 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lacarso, Salvatore
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 659
Division 19E
Born April 17, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. H, 308 Infantry
Died Sept. 24, 1965, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name LaFerrera, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 1, double grave 32
Division 21
Born Apr. 11, 1895, Gagliano, Italy
Enlisted July 24, 1918, Newark, NJ
Rank Private
Unit Co. F, 59th Pioneer Infantry; WWI
Discharged Feb. 8, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ
Died June 16, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 57
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name LaFica, Dominic
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 540
Division 19E
Born April 30, 1922
Rank Signalman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died June 24, 1964, aged 42
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lafler, Julian F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 801
Division 19E
Born Sept. 21, 1917
Rank T/5
Unit 1015 Signal Co.; WWII
Died Feb. 21, 1967, aged 49
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lagatta, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 780
Division 19E
Born March 12, 1892
Rank PFC
Unit Co. D, 109 Infantry; WWI
Died Nov. 14, 1966, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lallo, Joseph G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 785
Division 19E
Born Feb. 22, 1945
Rank ABH - 3
Unit U. S. Navy
Died Dec. 28, 1966, aged 21
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lally, Leo A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 546
Division 19E
Born March 3, 1893
Rank Fireman 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died July 18, 1964, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lana, Richard Anthony
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 441
Division 19E
Born Jan. 11, 1941
Rank SA (E-2)
Unit U. S. N. R.; peace time veteran
Died April 12, 1963, aged 22
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lance, John Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 604
Division 19E
Born Oct. 4, 1933
Rank PFC
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Korean War
Died April 17, 1965, aged 31
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lane, John K.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 88
Division 19D
Unit war Peace time, 1951
Died Dec. 22, 1957,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lanek, Joseph C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 7, double grave 40
Division 21
Born Apr. 13, 1913, Rochester, NY
Enlisted Feb. 24, 1943, Rochester, NY
Rank PFC
Unit Co. D, 9200 Transp. Service Unit, Transp. Corps; WWII
Discharged Nov. 14, 1945, Separation Center, Ft. Dix, NJ
Died Apr. 23, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 40
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker
Notes Surname also asLanick.

Name Langenbacher, Walter P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 75
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Oct. 7, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lanio, Walter
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 233
Division 19D
Born July 26, 1923
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 3rd Signal Training Bn.; WWII
Died May 15, 1960, aged 36
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lanseer, Frank
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 59
Division 21
Born Jan. 21, 1897
Rank Ships Cook 3/c
Unit U.S. Navy; WWI
Died Sept. 3, 1970, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Lapietra, Angelo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 429
Division 19E
Born Jan. 16, 1910
Rank Pvt.
Unit 3921 Q. M. Trk. Co.; peace time and WWII
Died Feb. 15, 1963, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lavecchio, Leonardo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 511
Division 19E
Born Sept. 22, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Medical Department; WWI
Died March 22, 1964, aged 75 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Laveck, Edward J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 26
Division 19D
Born Feb. 22, 1915
Rank PFC
Unit 1473 S.C.U., Military Police Detach. One
Died Dec. 30, 1956, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lawler, Thomas E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 319
Division 19D
Born Oct. 19, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. B, 71 C.A.C.; WWI
Died Aug. 30, 1961, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lawless, James T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 557
Division 19E
Born Sept. 5, 1916
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Hdqs. Btry., 13 F. A. Bn.
Died Sept. 11, 1964, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lawless, John A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 537
Division 19E
Born Aug. 6, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 153 Depot Brigade, Rec. Det.; WWI
Died June 21, 1964, aged 77
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leach, Cornelius M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 514
Division 19E
Born Oct. 18, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit Medical Department; WWII
Died April 1, 1964, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leach, Joseph E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 833
Division 19E
Born Aug. 25, 1910
Rank T/3
Unit 880 Ordnance H. A. M. Co.
Died July 27, 1967, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leahy, Harold W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 815
Division 19E
Born June 28, 1904
Rank Lt. Commander
Unit U. S. Navy Reserve; WWII
Died April 20, 1967, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leathers, Clarence J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 367
Division 19D
Born March 7, 1901
Rank T/5
Unit Co. C, 1880 Engr. Avn. Bn.; WWII
Died May 30, 1962, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leberto, Salvatore M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 762
Division 19E
Born April 14, 1926
Rank PFC
Unit Co. K, 254 Inf., 63 Div.; WWII
Died Aug. 28, 1966, aged 40
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lee, Peter Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 44
Division 19D
Born Nov. 1, 1892
Unit Peace time and WWI
Died April 17, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leinberger, Raymond C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 28
Division 21
Born June 18, 1889, Rochester, NY
Enlisted Feb. 24, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Pvt.
Unit 302nd Infantry, 76th Division; WWI
Discharged March 6, 1919, Camp Devans, MA
Died May 26, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 63
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Leis, Charles H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 878
Division 19E
Born Oct. 22, 1914
Rank PM 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Jan. 10, 1968, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leja, Lucien P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 345
Division 19D
Born June 29, 1911
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 117 Infantry; WWII
Died Feb. 1, 1962, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lenzi, Petro
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 257
Division 19D
Born Sept. 18, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit 325 Amb. Co., 307 Sanitary Train; WWI
Died Sept. 23, 1960, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Leone, John F., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 817
Division 19E
Born March 9, 1947
Rank Cpl.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War
Died April 28, 1967, aged 20
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name LeRoux, John W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 180
Division 19D
Born Dec. 14, 1925
Rank Seaman 1/cl.
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died July 9, 1959, aged 33
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lessord, Sidney H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 729
Division 19E
Born April 23, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdqs. Sqdn. F, Air Serv. Det.; WWI
Died May 2, 1966, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lesure, Ernest E., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 893
Division 19E
Born Sept. 8, 1946
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit U. S Army; Vietnam War
Died April 13, 1968, aged 21
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Letkauskas, Albert G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 857
Division 19E
Born March 1, 1917
Rank Cpl.
Unit Med. Sec. 1074 A A F BU; WWII
Died Nov. 13, 1967, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lewandowski, Lawrence F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 757
Division 19E
Born April 12, 1890
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 16 Bn., U.S. Guards; WWI
Died July 29, 1966, aged 76
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lewandowski, Theodore R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 666
Division 19E
Born Nov. 9, 1933
Rank Airman 1/cl.
Unit Air Force; Korean War
Died Oct. 31, 1965, aged 31
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Liberti, Patrick M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 482
Division 19E
Born June 4, 1914
Rank QM 3/cl.
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died Sept. 29, 1963,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lill, Carl Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 462
Division 19E
Born May 28, 1941
Rank Q. M. 3/cl.
Unit U.S.N.R.; peace time veteran
Died July 8, 1963, aged 22
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Limpert, Joseph P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 244
Division 19D
Born Aug. 22, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Squadron 1, A. S. A.; WWI
Died July 13, 1960, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lindsay, George B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 400
Division 19D
Born May 29, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 7 Bn.; WWI
Died Sept. 17, 1962, aged 66 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lippa, Arcangelo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 323
Division 19D
Born Apr. 29, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit Co. E, 59 Pioneer Inf.; WWI
Died Sept. 27, 1961, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lippa, Peter P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 684
Division 19E
Born April 8, 1894
Rank Sgt.
Unit M.T.C. 327; WWI
Died Dec. 23, 1965, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Loce, Pat L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 352
Division 19D
Born April 29, 1927
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died March 13, 1962, aged 34
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lohman, August E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 306
Division 19D
Born Aug. 3, 1916
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 3rd Bn. SCRTC; WWII
Died June 11, 1961, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lombard, Joseph P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 495
Division 19E
Born July 23, 1898
Rank Cpl.
Unit Hdqs. Co., 15 F. A.; WWI
Died Dec. 12, 1963, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lombardo, Frank J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 707
Division 19E
Born Oct. 21, 1909
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 10 Infantry; WWII
Died Feb. 21, 1966, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lombardo, Frank J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 900
Division 19E
Born June 1, 1917
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 1 Med. Training Bn.; WWII
Died May 23, 1968, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker
Frank J. Lombardo

Name Looker, Robert J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 808
Division 19E
Born Jan. 25, 1889
Rank PFC
Unit Machine Gun Co., 23 Inf.; WWI
Died March 6, 1967, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lorenzo, William R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 556
Division 19E
Born Feb. 28, 1942
Rank AB
Unit Hdq., 6 Strategic Aero Space Wg.
Died Sept. 8, 1964, aged 22
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lorz, Frank J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 308
Division 19D
Born May 8, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit 4 Co., 1st Bn., 152 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died June 26, 1961, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Luciano, Joseph A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 18
Division 21
Born Feb. 26, 1930
Rank Cpl.
Unit Arty., U S A R
Died Dec. 13, 1969, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Luk, John Michael
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 827
Division 19E
Born May 19, 1897
Rank Fireman 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died June 16, 1967, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Lyons, Martin T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 588
Division 19E
Born Dec. 27, 1911
Rank T/5
Unit 725 Field Arty.; WWII
Died Jan. 11, 1965, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name MacPherson, Colin F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 691
Division 19E
Born Sept. 10, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit 116 Co., Trans. Corps.; WWI
Died Jan. 5, 1966, aged 76
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Madigan, Michael J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 14
Division 21
Born May 8, 1883
Rank Pvt.
Unit Chemical Warfare Service; WWI
Died March 16, 1967, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Maher, James E., Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 6, double grave 18
Division 21
Born Aug. 31, 1893
Rank S 2/c
Unit U.S.N.R.F.; WWI
Died Aug. 6, 1961, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Maida, James P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 764
Division 19E
Born Oct. 9, 1915
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 742 Military Police Bn.; WWII
Died Sept. 1, 1966, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Majchszak, Stanislaw
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 635
Division 19E
Born Jan. 17, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 502 Engrs.
Died July 24, 1965, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Major, Burton W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 221
Division 19D
Born June 3, 1882
Rank Sgt.
Unit Base Hospital #19; WWI
Died Feb. 26, 1960, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mallette, Delbert J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 54
Division 19D
Died June 24, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Maloney, James Edward, Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 129
Division 19D
Born Dec. 3, 1901
Rank Major
Unit Transportation Corps; WWII
Died Aug. 26, 1958, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mancini, Vincenzo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 752
Division 19E
Born May 12, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. A, 310 F. A.; WWI
Died July 2, 1966, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mangano, Salvatore
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 115
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Apr. 29, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Maniscalco, James E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 676
Division 19E
Born May 12, 1913
Rank Cpl.
Unit 877 Bomb Maint. Co.; WWII
Died Nov. 30, 1965, aged 52
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Manning, Myron
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 526
Division 19E
Born June 25, 1895
Rank Wagoner
Unit Co. B, 307 Mach Gun Bn.
Died May 21, 1964, aged 68
Type of Tombstone Flat Granite

Name Marcella, John M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 24
Division 21
Born Sept. 26, 1890, London, England
Enlisted June 1, 1917, Rochester, NY
Rank PFC
Unit Co. B, 306th Field Signal Bn.; WWI
Discharged July 1, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died Sept. 19, 1952, Batavia, NY aged 61
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Marchard, William
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 513
Division 19E
Born Dec. 16, 1906
Rank PFC
Unit Co. A, 233 QM Service Bn.; WWII
Died March 25, 1964, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marchese, Sam
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 247
Division 19D
Born Oct. 19, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit Co. A, 39 Inf.; WWI
Died Aug. 2, 1960, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marciniak, Felix
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 153
Division 19D
Born Jan. 20, 1913
Rank T/5
Unit 3563 Q. M. Truck Co.; WWII
Died Jan. 29, 1959, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marello, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 149
Division 19D
Born Jan. 3, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 162 Infantry; WWI
Died Jan. 12, 1959, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marianetti, Ettore A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 199
Division 19D
Born Nov. 11, 1903
Rank Sgt.
Unit Conv. Hosp. 1318 SCU; WWII
Died Nov. 11, 1959, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mariconda, Joseph F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 749
Division 19E
Born Feb. 28, 1914
Rank 1/Sgt.
Unit Hdqs., 1543 Service Unit; WWII
Died June 30, 1966, aged 52
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marino, Ernest
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 745
Division 19E
Born Sept. 27, 1911
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 355 Eng. Gen. Serv. Regt.; WWII
Died June 8, 1966, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marino, George F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 103
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Feb. 27, 1958,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marks, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 741
Division 19E
Born Nov. 20, 1910
Rank PFC
Unit Hdqs. Sqd., 13th A. D. G.; WWII
Died May 22, 1966, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marlin, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 451
Division 19E
Born Sept. 16, 1922
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 1262 SCU PC; WWII
Died May 22, 1963, aged 40 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marrapese, Felix A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 289
Division 19D
Born Jan. 28, 1924
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. C, 574 A-A Arty. A. W. Bn.; WWII
Died March 14, 1961, aged 37
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Martin, Michael J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 586
Division 19E
Born Sept. 26, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit Medical Department; WWI
Died Jan. 5, 1965, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Martorano, Samme
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 200
Division 19D
Born Nov. 30, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, Dev. Bn. #1; WWI
Died Nov. 15, 1959, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Marvin, Nicholas J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 211
Division 19D
Born Oct. 8, 1910
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 202 Inf. Training Bn.; WWII
Died Jan. 12, 1960, aged 49
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Masci, Pasquale
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 832
Division 19E
Born April 20, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit 35 Engineers; WWI
Died July 21, 1967, aged 75
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mason, Andrew P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 334
Division 19D
Born Nov. 24, 1915
Rank Ship's Cook 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Nov. 20, 1961, aged 45
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mastrecasare, Ernest
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 812
Division 19E
Born Aug. 10, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. D, 35 F. A.; WWI
Died April 5, 1967, aged 80
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker
Notes Surname also listed as Mastrociesore.

Name Matczak, Raymond J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 416
Division 19E
Born March 22, 1912
Rank Cpl.
Unit 65 Bomb Sq., 43 Bomb Group; WWII
Died Nov. 30, 1962, aged 50 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Matthews, John F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 58
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died May 5, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Maurer, Francis J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 291
Division 19D
Born Apr. 4, 1904
Rank PFC
Unit Co. C, 660 Engrs.; WWII
Died Apr. 15, 1961, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mauro, James J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 747
Division 19E
Born March 14, 1941
Rank PFC
Unit Hq. Btry., 2 MSL Bn.
Died June 23, 1966, aged 25
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mauro, Salvatore
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 57
Division 21
Born Sept. 15, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 59 Pioneer Inf.
Died Jan. 17, 1972, aged 86
Type of Tombstone private marker

Name McAllister, Thomas
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 821
Division 19E
Born June 17, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 3 Engineers; peace time veteran
Died May 22, 1967, aged 80
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McAvoy, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 85
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Dec. 11, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McCabe, Arthur J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 402
Division 19D
Born Dec. 22, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Air Service Flying School; WWI
Died Sept. 23, 1962, aged 65 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McConnell, Robert H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 862
Division 19E
Born Aug. 2, 1928
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 19 Inf. Regt.; Korean War
Died Nov. 23, 1967, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McDonald, Archibald
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 705
Division 19E
Born Dec. 26, 1895
Rank Sgt.
Unit Adm. Serv. Co., 130 Air Serv. Co.; WWI
Died Feb. 6, 1966, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McFarlin, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 230
Division 19D
Born Dec. 16, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. I, 21 Engineers; WWI
Died April 29, 1960, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McGillick, Joseph B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 565
Division 19E
Born March 21, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 310 Infantry
Died Oct. 9, 1964, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McGinnis, Martin J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 229
Division 19D
Born Dec. 8, 1921
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 312 Bomb Group; WWII
Died April 16, 1960, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McGrain, Albert V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 397
Division 19D
Born March 6, 1911
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 138th Signal Training Bn.; WWII
Died Sept. 13, 1962, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McIntyre, Frank X.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 535
Division 19E
Born Dec. 25, 1885
Rank Mechanic
Unit 28 Co., 7 Bn. 153 Depot Brigade
Died June 18, 1964, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker - Flat Granite

Name McKinley, Henry Helpin
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 51
Division 19D
Died June 1, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McLake, Donald F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 584
Division 19E
Born April 17, 1913
Rank PFC
Unit 743 Air Material Sqdn.; WWII
Died Dec. 26, 1964, aged 51 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McLaughlin, Robert M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 721
Division 19E
Born Nov. 26, 1931
Rank Sp. 4
Unit Ordnance Corps; Korean War
Died April 8, 1966, aged 34
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McLaughlin, Thomas F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 869
Division 19E
Born Nov. 25, 1885
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. E, 335 F. A.; WWI
Died Dec. 20, 1967, aged 82
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McMahon, David W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 290
Division 19D
Born Oct. 7, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. H, 345 Infantry; WWI
Died March 19, 1961, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McMenemy, Edward J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 74
Division 19D
Died Sept. 27, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McNamara, Frank J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 299
Division 19D
Born Oct. 19, 1888
Rank M/Sgt.
Unit 1890 Labor Super. Co.; WWI
Died May 16, 1961, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McNulty, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 564
Division 19E
Born May 28, 1892
Rank PFC
Unit Co. F, 164 Infantry
Died Oct. 5, 1964, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name McQuown, Homer R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 767
Division 19E
Born July 30, 1937
Rank PFC
Unit 101 Administration Co.; peace time veteran
Died April 2, 1968, aged 30
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mee, Harry Frederick
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 489
Division 19E
Born Aug. 23, 1926
Rank Seaman 1/cl.
Unit U.S.N.R.; WWII
Died Nov. 9, 1963, aged 37 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Meerdink, Arthur V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 522
Division 19E
Born March 19, 1892
Rank Cpl.
Unit Btry. B, 304 F. A. N. A.; WWI
Died May 6, 1964, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Meerdink, Raymond J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 576
Division 19E
Born June 15, 1890
Rank PFC
Unit Btry. B, 57 Artillery (CAC); WWI
Died Nov. 29, 1964, aged 74 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Meisenzahl, James S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 548
Division 19E
Born Feb. 23, 1919
Rank PFC
Unit 1318th Ser. Com. Unit
Died July 23, 1964, aged 45
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Messare, Americo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 145
Division 19D
Born July 9, 1902
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 316 Infantry; WWI
Died Dec. 24, 1958, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Meyers, Edward F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 478
Division 19E
Born May 25, 1915
Rank Cpl.
Unit 301 Air Depot Group; WWII
Died Sept. 19, 1963, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mietz, Henry J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 466
Division 19E
Born Oct. 10, 1925
Rank Cpl.
Unit Hdq., 319 Troop Carrier Grp.; WWII
Died July 22, 1963, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Migal, Andrew
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 8
Division 19D
Born Apr. 13, 1918
Rank PFC
Unit Co. B, 306 Infantry; WWII
Died Sept. 26, 1956, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Migliore, Carl M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 520
Division 19E
Born May 2, 1932
Rank Cpl.
Unit 533 Engr. Aerial Photo Repro. Co.; Korean War
Died April 29, 1964, aged 31
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mignot, Robert C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 304
Division 19D
Born April 16, 1916
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 318 Inf.
Died Dec. 1, 1962, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Millard, Edward C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 549
Division 19E
Born May 19, 1923
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. G, 475 QM Truck Regt.
Died July 27, 1964, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Millard, Gerald J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 483
Division 19E
Born Dec. 8, 1921
Rank T/4
Unit 9 Base Post Office; WWII
Died Oct. 2, 1963, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Miller, Charles W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 675
Division 19E
Born Jan. 23, 1931
Rank Sgt.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Korean War
Died Nov. 28, 1965, aged 34
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Miller, Ernest
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 444
Division 19E
Born Jan. 1, 1901
Rank PFC
Unit Hdq. Troop, 3 Div.; WWI
Died April 15, 1963, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Miller, Fred
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 388
Division 19D
Born Aug. 8, 1891
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. D, Hdq. Bn., Gen. Hdq. AEF; WWI
Died Aug. 13, 1962, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Miller, Gustave John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 6
Division 19D
Born Apr. 13, 1889
Rank Private
Unit Hdqs. Co., 326th Inf., 82nd Division; WWI
Died Sept. 17, 1956, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Miller, Joseph C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 457
Division 19E
Born Aug. 21, 1895
Rank Cpl.
Unit Co. C, 15 Mach. Gun Bn.; WWI
Died June 15, 1963, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Milosz, Stephen H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 4, double grave 47
Division 21
Born Sept. 28, 1889, Piczniaw, Russia
Enlisted Apr. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. M, Ordnance Dept.; WWI
Discharged Dec. 6, 1918, US Gen. Hosp. #2, Ft. McHenry, MD
Died Jan. 30, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 63
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Minges, Richard G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 369
Division 19D
Born Aug. 7, 1905
Rank Sgt.
Unit 443rd AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died June 4, 1962, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mingo, Alfonso
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 43
Division 19D
Born Sept. 20, 1891
Rank Private
Unit Co. D, 51 Infantry; WWI
Died April 16, 1957, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Minunni, Vito
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 892
Division 19E
Born July 27, 1930
Rank Cpl.
Unit 9309 SVS Radio Opera. Det.
Died March 15, 1968, aged 37
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Modzelewski, John S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 2
Division 19D
Born May 28, 1920
Rank T/5
Unit 308 Ordnance Medium, Maintenance Company; WWII
Died Sept. 2, 1956, aged 36
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Moisant, Edwin H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 703
Division 19E
Born Sept. 16, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, Dev. Bn. #1; WWI
Died Feb. 6, 1966, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mole (Scomolla), Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 763
Division 19E
Born Sept. 14, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. E, 312 Ammo Train; WWI
Died Aug. 30, 1966, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mongenet, Arthur L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 891
Division 19E
Born May 11, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 310 Infantry; WWI
Died March 13, 1968, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Moore, Edward E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 276
Division 19D
Born May 27, 1930
Rank Seaman
Unit U. S. Navy; Korean War
Died Jan. 15, 1961, aged 30
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Moore, Frank
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 760
Division 19E
Born Oct. 24, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. M, 348 Infantry; WWI
Died Aug. 15, 1966, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Moran, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 820
Division 19E
Born Jan. 30, 1890
Rank PFC
Unit Co. C, 6 Ammo Training; WWI
Died May 22, 1967, aged 77
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Moretto, Giulio
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 627
Division 19E
Born Feb. 11, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 143 Engrs.; WWI
Died June 25, 1965, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Moriarty, Fred M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 1, grave 8
Division 21
Born Sept. 21, 1891, Olean, NY
Enlisted Sept. 28, 1917, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. D, 502nd Engineers; WWI
Discharged June 30, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died May 11, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 60
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Morrissey, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 854
Division 19E
Born Aug. 1, 1890
Rank Sgt.
Unit Hdq. Co., 9 Inf., 2 Div.; WWI
Died Nov. 3, 1967, aged 77
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Morse, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 312
Division 19D
Born June 30, 1899
Rank Fireman 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died July 19, 1961, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Morse, Louis F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 143
Division 19D
Born Feb. 3, 1898
Rank 1st Sergeant
Unit Hdq. Co., 4 Inf. Regt.; WWI and WWII
Died Dec. 13, 1958, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Morton, John A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 501
Division 19E
Born Dec. 20, 1890
Rank 2 Lt.
Unit Q. M. C.; WWI
Died Jan. 18, 1964, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mosher, Robert F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 481
Division 19E
Born Nov. 22, 1924
Rank Cpl.
Unit Air Material Sqdn.; WWII
Died Sept. 23, 1963, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mostowye, Michael
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 34
Division 21
Born Nov. 18, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, Ord. Det., Ord. Depot; WWI
Died Sept. 25, 1964, aged 68 yrs.
Type of Tombstone private

Name Mostyn, Alfred T., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 176
Division 19D
Born Sept. 5, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. C, 18 Field Arty.; WWI
Died June 11, 1959, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mostyn, William G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 147
Division 19D
Born Sept. 16, 1908
Rank Private
Unit Hdq. Co, 28 Infantry; Peace time veteran
Died Jan. 1, 1959, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mousso, William D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 552
Division 19E
Born Aug. 7, 1912
Rank PFC
Unit Co. A, 105 Infantry
Died Aug. 4, 1964, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Muhs, Richard W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 22
Division 19D
Born Jan. 18, 1929
Rank 2 Lieut.
Unit Artillery; Korean War
Died Dec. 19, 1956, aged 27
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Muldermans, Joseph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 600
Division 19E
Born Feb. 15, 1922
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 17 Tank Bn.; WWII
Died March 25, 1965, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mullaney, James J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 485
Division 19E
Born June 19, 1891
Rank Chauffeur
Unit Co. E, 403 Telegraph Bn.; WWI
Died Oct. 14, 1963, aged 72 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mullen , Thomas D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 450
Division 19E
Born Nov. 15, 1903
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 241 QM Service Bn.; WWII
Died May 13, 1963, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mullensky, Albert
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 234
Division 19D
Born June 10, 1909
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Army; WWII
Died May 19, 1960, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mulrooney, George J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 250
Division 19D
Born Aug. 14, 1892
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. L, 34 Infantry; WWI
Died Sept. 17, 1960, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Mulrooney, Raymond J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 342
Division 19D
Born Oct. 6, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Medical Dept.; Mexican Border War and WWI
Died Jan. 11, 1962, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Murawski, Bernard L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 287
Division 19D
Born May 12, 1917
Rank T/5
Unit Hdq. & Serv. Co., A. F.; WWII
Died March 8, 1961, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Murphy, Augustine J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 189
Division 19D
Born Jan. 28, 1901
Rank T/4
Unit Hq. Det., 1234 S C U; WWII
Died Sept. 17, 1959, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Murphy, George T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 646
Division 19E
Born March 3, 1908
Rank Ch. Ph. Mate
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII and Korean War
Died Aug. 22, 1965, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Murphy, James H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 782
Division 19E
Born July 24, 1935
Rank Lt.
Unit U. S. Navy; Vietnam War
Died Dec. 18, 1966, aged 31
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Murphy, William C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 360
Division 19D
Born Dec. 23, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 17 Bn., U.S. Guard; WWI
Died March 26, 1962, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Musso, Salvatore
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 66
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Aug. 26, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Musson, George H., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 479
Division 19E
Born Feb. 27, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit 1st Eng. Trn. Repl. Regt.; WWI
Died Sept. 19, 1963, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nast, Larry A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 157
Division 19D
Born Sept. 24, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdqrs. Co, 18 Field Arty.; WWI
Died Feb. 28, 1959, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nast, Philip J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 853
Division 19E
Born Dec. 28, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. F, 3 Field Arty.; WWI
Died Oct. 30, 1967, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nau, Louis John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 29
Division 19D
Born April 5, 1897
Rank Fireman 1st Class
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Jan. 17, 1957, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Naughton, William
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 554
Division 19E
Born April 11, 1901
Rank Pvt.
Unit 10 Coast Artillery; WWI
Died Aug. 26, 1964, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Naum, Nicholas
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 737
Division 19E
Born May 9, 1890
Rank PFC
Unit Co. I, 38 Infantry; WWI
Died May 15, 1966, aged 76
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Neary, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 835
Division 19E
Born Aug. 21, 1912
Rank SM 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Aug. 5, 1967, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nederlk, Michael A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 871
Division 19E
Born March 22, 1948
Rank Spec. 4
Unit U. S. Army; Vietnam War
Died Dec. 14, 1967, aged 19
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Neely, Vance
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 452
Division 19E
Born Sept. 27, 1919
Rank E-4
Unit U. S. Army; WWII
Died May 21, 1963, aged 43
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Neidert, Walter L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 285
Division 19D
Born March 9, 1904
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 33 Inf.; peace time veteran
Died March 2, 1961, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Neuberg, Harry J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 387
Division 19D
Born May 5, 1906
Rank M/Sgt.
Unit U.S.A.R.
Died Aug. 10, 1962, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Neuer, Rudolph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 399
Division 19D
Born Jan. 25, 1894
Rank 1/Sgt.
Unit 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Sept. 14, 1962, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Newton, Donald L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 616
Division 19E
Born March 22, 1921
Rank Cpl.
Unit Btry. D, 54 AART Bn.; WWII
Died May 24, 1965, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nice, Leo F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 206
Division 19D
Born Apr. 16, 1893
Rank Cpl.
Unit Hdq. Co., 309 Field Arty., 78 Div.; WWI
Died Dec. 24, 1959, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nichols, Daniel B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 13
Division 19D
Born June 2, 1887
Rank Cook
Unit 26th Co., 7 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; Peace time and WWI
Died March 7, 1957, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nichols, Edward G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 14
Division 19D
Born June 16, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Supply Company, 309th Field Artillery; WWI
Died Oct. 28, 1956, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Niedermeier, Thomas D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 824
Division 19E
Born May 1, 1947
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War
Died May 27, 1967, aged 20
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Niedermeier, William B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 798
Division 19E
Born July 7, 1894
Rank 1/Sgt.
Unit Co. 16, 1st Mech. Regt.; WWI
Died Feb. 11, 1967, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nightingale, Walter E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 415
Division 19E
Born July 23, 1913
Rank Sgt.
Unit S C U Station Hospital; WWII
Died Nov. 23, 1962, aged 49 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nolan, Hugh P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 769
Division 19E
Born April 24, 1913
Rank Cpl.
Unit 1322 S. C. U.; WWII
Died Sept. 19, 1966, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Norman, Harold N.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 385
Division 19D
Born March 31, 1923
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Co. A, 37th Signal Heavy Cons. Bn.; WWII
Died July 24, 1962, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nowak, Chester R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 499
Division 19E
Born July 16, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit Signal Corps; WWII
Died Jan. 7, 1964, aged 65 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nowak, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 491
Division 19E
Born June 4, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 502 Engineers; WWI
Died Nov. 17, 1963, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nowak, Leo F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 681
Division 19E
Born March 3, 1910
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 884 Air Engr. Sqdn.; WWII
Died Dec. 22, 1965, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Nowe, James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 256
Division 19D
Born Sept. 11, 1890
Rank Sgt.
Unit 6th Co., Southern, N.Y.
Died Sept. 21, 1960, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Noyes, Frederick
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 337
Division 19D
Born Oct. 25, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 101 Inf.; WWI
Died Dec. 10, 1961, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker


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