Veteran burials in Section 18
of the North Division
of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

Rochester, NY

Surnames: O - Z


soldier The records on this page came from books kept by the Monroe County Veteran's Service Agency in order to locate graves and be able to place flags on the veteran's grave. Each book contains many small forms with data on each veteran burial. There is varying amounts of data on the veteran on these forms. Some only have death date while others include birth, death, enlistment and discharge dates and locations. Whatever is listed on the forms is included on this page.

This section consists of 900 veteran burial plots surrounded by family plots on three sides. It appears that the veteran records were not updated after about 1975.

The "Division" block on the form was used by the veteran's organization as a method of separating the County into sections for those placing flags.


Pop-up Cemetery Map
Section 18 North

Other parts to this section
Section 18 North - surnames beginning with letters A - F

Section 18 North - surnames beginning with letters G - N


Name O'Byrne, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 140
Division 19D
Born Feb. 9, 1923
Rank T/5
Unit 704 Ord. L. M. Co.; WWII
Died Oct. 21, 1958, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Callaghan, Bernard J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 727
Division 19E
Born June 25, 1909
Rank T/5
Unit Co. E, 307 Infantry; WWII
Died April 24, 1966, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Connell, Edward Philip
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 619
Division 19E
Born Feb. 12, 1902
Rank Pvt.
Unit Med. Det., 959 F. A. Bn.
Died June 1, 1965, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Connell, Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 562
Division 19E
Born Nov. 13, 1928
Rank Cpl. (T)
Unit AUS Inf.; Korean War
Died Sept. 28, 1964, aged 35 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Connor, Michael F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 493
Division 19E
Born Dec. 6, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Infantry; WWI
Died Nov. 30, 1963, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Dea, Michael B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 846
Division 19E
Born Jan. 26, 1932
Rank A/B
Unit 7562 D. AB Sq., APO 194; Korean War
Died Sept. 17, 1967, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Odorisio, Stephan
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 880
Division 19E
Born Dec. 26, 1896
Rank Cpl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Jan. 17, 1968, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Grady, Thomas W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 566
Division 19E
Born Sept. 25, 1899
Rank PFC
Unit Corps. Of Military Police
Died Oct. 15, 1964, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Hagan, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 709
Division 19E
Born May 26, 1894
Rank Sgt.
Unit Hdqs. Co., 379 Infantry; WWI
Died March 3, 1966, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Hara, Theodore J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 137
Division 19D
Born July 18, 1899
Rank App. Seaman
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Oct. 13, 1958, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Keefe, Jerome J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 669
Division 19E
Born May 26, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit 10 Co., 152 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Nov. 8, 1965, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Neill, Michael H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 21
Division 19D
Born July 2, 1878
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Cavalry; Spanish-American War
Died Dec. 5, 1956, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Neill, Stephan H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 730
Division 19E
Born March 31, 1916
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died May 3, 1966, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Neill, William E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 117
Division 19D
Died May 5, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Orlando, Frank, Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 61
Division 19D
Unit Korean War
Died July 20, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name O'Shea, Patrick J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 843
Division 19E
Born June 25, 1908
Rank Pvt.
Unit 204 Hosp. Ship Compl.; WWII
Died Sept. 11, 1967, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pacek, Casmir V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 605
Division 19E
Born Feb. 25, 1904
Rank PFC
Unit Detachment, D. E. M. L.; WWII
Died April 19, 1965, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Paddock, Herbert L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 697
Division 19E
Born Feb. 21, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit 167 Co., Trans. Corps.; WWI
Died Jan. 17, 1966, aged 76
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Palermo, Guiseppe
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 107
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died March 19, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Panepinto, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 255
Division 19D
Born Sept. 27, 1909
Rank T/5
Unit Hdq., 591 Eng. Combat Gp.; WWII
Died Sept. 20, 1960, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Panepucci, Concenzio
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 561
Division 19E
Born Dec. 14, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. B, 210 F. A.; WWI
Died Sept. 26, 1964, aged 75 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Panetta, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 383
Division 19D
Born April 4, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Sev. B Student Army Training Corps
Died July 21, 1962, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pantaleo, Vincenzo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 574
Division 19E
Born Aug. 21, 1890
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 346 Inf., 87 Div.; WWI
Died Nov. 16, 1964, aged 74 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Parisi, Carmelo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 810
Division 19E
Born Nov. 15, 1885
Rank Pvt.
Unit 17 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died March 20, 1967, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Parsons, Charles M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 161
Division 19D
Born March 17, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdq. Co., 802 Pioneer Inf.; WWI
Died March 28, 1959, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Parulski, John T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 731
Division 19E
Born July 5, 1901
Rank T/5
Unit 476 Engineer Maint. Co.; WWII
Died May 7, 1966, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pavasaris, Frank S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 408
Division 19E
Born Aug. 12, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit Inf. Btry. B, 335 F. A.; WWI
Died Oct. 16, 1962, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pecora, Louis A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 766
Division 19E
Born April 10, 1919
Rank AFC 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Sept. 3, 1966, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Peloquin, Andre S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 242
Division 19D
Born Sept. 17, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. D, 57 Arty., CAC; WWI
Died July 6, 1960, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Peluso, Ponziano
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 27
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Dec., 20, 1956
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Perrotte, Harold E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 413
Division 19E
Born March 27, 1924
Rank Pvt.
Unit Med. Sect., 3613 S. U.; WWII
Died Nov. 18, 1962, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Perruzza, Guiseppe
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 524
Division 19E
Born May 6, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. I, 348 Infantry
Died May 16, 1964, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Perry, Joseph M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 708
Division 19E
Born March 19, 1923
Rank Cpl.
Unit Army Air Force; WWII and Korean War
Died March 3, 1966, aged 42
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Perry, William J., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 428
Division 19E
Born Jan. 10, 1914
Rank T/5
Unit Btry. D, 132 AAA Gun Bn.; WWI
Died Feb. 10, 1963, aged 49 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pesch, George O.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 170
Division 19D
Born March 9, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 76 Engrs.; WWI
Died May 27, 1959, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Peter, Anthony E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 509
Division 19E
Born Jan. 15, 1899
Rank Sgt.
Unit 328 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII
Died March 6, 1964, aged 65 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pettrone, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 20
Division 21
Born July 9, 1888, Italy
Enlisted June 26, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. C, 87th Inf. Regt., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Discharged Jan. 17, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ
Died May 21, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 65
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Phillips, Jack P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 800
Division 19E
Born Nov. 14, 1887
Rank Cook
Unit 303 Trans. & M. P.; WWI
Died Feb. 18, 1967, aged 79
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pierce, John M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 529
Division 19E
Born Sept. 28, 1885
Rank PFC
Unit Guard & Fire Co.
Died May 22, 1964, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker - Flat Granite

Name Pierga, John A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 831
Division 19E
Born March 4, 1908
Rank PFC
Unit Co. A, 558 Signal A. W. Bn.; WWII
Died July 17, 1967, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pizzoli, James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 237
Division 19D
Born Feb. 13, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit 1 Co., 1 Prov. Bn.; WWI
Died June 2, 1960, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pizzutelli, Tony A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 829
Division 19E
Born June 11, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit Btry. A, 10 Field Arty.; WWI
Died July 3, 1967, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Poinan, Edward Matthew, Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 267
Division 19D
Born July 21, 1919
Rank Coxswain
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Nov. 15, 1960, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Poleta, James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 448
Division 19E
Born Sept. 22, 1894
Rank PFC
Unit Co. 16, Air Service; WWI
Died May 10, 1963, aged 68 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pompa, Eugene S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 303
Division 19D
Born Nov. 25, 1921
Rank Sgt.
Unit 902 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died June 5, 1961, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ponese, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 743
Division 19E
Born April 28, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. L, 310 Inf.; WWI
Died May 26, 1966, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Poole, John, Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 96
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Jan. 20, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Popp, George F., Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 45
Division 21
Born April 20, 1896, Rochester, NY
Enlisted May 26, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Sergeant
Unit Quartermaster Corps; WWI
Discharged July 3, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died June 25, 1952, Bath, NY aged 56
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Porretta, James J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 361
Division 19D
Born March 18, 1931
Rank Airman 1/cl.
Unit 374 Install. Sqdn, U.S.A.F.; peace time & Korean War
Died April 1, 1962, aged 31
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Porter, Frank R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 637
Division 19E
Born July 2, 1890
Rank Electrician 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died July 31, 1965, aged 75
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Porter, Paul C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 563
Division 19E
Born Jan. 16, 1930
Rank Airman 1/cl.
Unit AAF Hdqs., 3625 ABGRU; Korean War
Died Sept. 28, 1964, aged 34
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Povoliski, Frank F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 99
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Feb. 13, 1958,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Powers, Lawrence
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 328
Division 19D
Born Feb. 28, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. H, 308 Infantry; WWI
Died Nov. 1, 1961, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Prendergast, James Lawrence
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 4, double grave 39
Division 21
Born Feb. 5, 1893, Rochester, NY
Enlisted June 14, 1918, Buffalo, NY
Rank Carpenter's Mate 2/cl.
Unit U.S. Navy; WWI
Discharged March 26, 1919, Pensacola, FL
Died Nov. 26, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 59
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Prescott, Harry James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 855
Division 19E
Born Nov. 29, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit 68 Co., 17 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Nov. 10, 1967, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Priest, Donald J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 756
Division 19E
Born Feb. 27, 1942
Rank PFC
Unit Hdqs., Hdqs. Co., 1 Bn., 2 Inf., 1 Inf. Div.; Vietnam War
Died July 18, 1966, aged 23
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Privitere, Joseph C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 50
Division 19D
Unit Peace time veteran
Died May 22, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Proietti, Louis A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 384
Division 19D
Born March 7, 1923
Rank Private
Unit Co. C, 5th Engr., Tn. Bn. E.R.T.C.; WWII
Died July 24, 1962, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Przybyla, Martin B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 699
Division 19E
Born Nov. 10, 1921
Rank PFC
Unit 1240 Service Command Unit; WWII
Died Jan. 23, 1966, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Puccio, Angelo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 100
Division 19D
Unit WWI, 1941
Died Feb. 17, 1958,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pullano, John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 47
Division 19D
Died May 16, 1957,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Pupitalle, Charles
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 787
Division 19E
Born April 5, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit Co. K, 310 Inf., 78 Div.
Died Jan. 5, 1967, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Purpi, Nick J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 591
Division 19E
Born Dec. 5, 1917
Rank T/5
Unit Co. C, 60 Infantry; WWII
Died Jan. 21, 1965, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Quackenbush, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 559
Division 19E
Born May 10, 1909
Rank T/4
Unit Hdqs., 1487 Engrs. Main Co.; WWII
Died Sept. 13, 1964, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Quinn, Gerald Michael
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 84
Division 19D
Unit WWII and Korean War
Died Nov. 26, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Quinn, Leo Daniel
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 850
Division 19E
Born May 13, 1889
Rank Yeoman 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Oct. 26, 1967, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Quirk, George Lambert
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 21, double grave 3
Division 21
Born Apr. 16, 1891, Fairport, NY
Enlisted June 27, 1917, Rochester, NY
Rank Mach. Mate 2/cl.
Unit U.S. Navy; WWI
Discharged March 26, 1919, U.S.S. L-8, San Pedro, CA
Died Jan. 12, 1954, Rochester, NY aged 62
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Radder, Louis W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 95
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Jan. 17, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ranallette, Carmin
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 434
Division 19E
Born May 17, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 348 Infantry; WWI
Died March 14, 1963, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Randisi, Luigi
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 33
Division 19D
Born April 9, 1893
Rank Cook
Unit Cooks & Bakers School; Peace Time and WWI
Died Feb. 2, 1957, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rauber, Valentine H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 872
Division 19E
Born Oct. 8, 1896
Rank Bn. Sgt. Major
Unit U. S. Army; WWI
Died Dec. 26, 1967, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rea, Patrick B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 426
Division 19E
Born Dec. 20, 1887
Rank Wagoner
Unit Co. A, 30 Ammo Train; WWI
Died Feb. 10, 1963, aged 75 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Reboulet, Joseph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 733
Division 19E
Born March 26, 1920
Rank Pvt.
Unit O. P. D. Hdqs. Co., T. P. S.; WWII
Died May 9, 1966, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Reboulet, Paul R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 500
Division 19E
Born April 25, 1923
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 40 Artillery Brig.; WWII
Died Jan. 13, 1963, aged 40
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker
Notes Death year probably should be 1964.

Name Redfield, Perry
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 196
Division 19D
Born Apr. 30, 1919
Rank WO Jr. Grade
Unit 82 A B Div.; WWII
Died Nov. 6, 1959, aged 40
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Reed, Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 87
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Dec. 13, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rehtz, George P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 473
Division 19E
Born April 2, 1915
Rank Sgt.
Unit 216 Chemical Service Co.; WWII
Died Aug. 25, 1963, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Reineman, Frank A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 175
Division 19D
Born July 4, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit 38 C O T S; WWI
Died June 5, 1959, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Repsher, Clarence A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 156
Division 19D
Born Nov. 14, 1925
Rank Radioman 3/cl.
Unit U. S. N. R. F.; WWII
Died Feb. 17, 1959, aged 33
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Reynolds, Edward A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 167
Division 19D
Born Dec. 20, 1887
Rank Pvt.
Unit 311 Field Artillery; WWI
Died Apr. 27, 1959, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rhoda, Walton C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 830
Division 19E
Born Oct. 17, 1906
Rank PFC
Unit Hdq. Co., 28 Infantry
Died July 12, 1967, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ricchio, James J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 665
Division 19E
Born July 8, 1908
Rank T/5
Unit 488 Replacement Co.; WWII
Died Oct. 18, 1965, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rickard, Francis J., Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 124
Division 19D
Born Aug. 2, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit 21 Engineers; WWI
Died July 5, 1958, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Riley, Leo A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 534
Division 19E
Born Aug. 20, 1899
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. N.
Died June 12, 1954, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker - Flat Granite

Name Rippe, Otto R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 353
Division 19D
Born Sept. 21, 1898
Rank PFC
Unit Hdq. Co., 108 Inf.; WWI
Died March 15, 1962, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rishor, Loretta A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 169
Division 19D
Born June 22, 1903
Rank 1 Lieut.
Unit 304 General Hospital; WWII
Died May 7, 1959, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ritzenthaler, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 851
Division 19E
Born Jan. 18, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit QMC Salvage Co.; WWI
Died Oct. 28, 1967, aged 79
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rivelli, Tito
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 527
Division 19E
Born Jan. 13, 1887
Rank PFC
Unit Co. M, 347 Infantry; WWI
Died May 23, 1964, aged 77
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rivoli, Valentino P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 735
Division 19E
Born Oct. 12, 1917
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 575 Bomb Sqdn.; WWII
Died May 14, 1966, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rizzo, Alphonse
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 458
Division 19E
Born March 29, 1903
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hq., Hq. Det., Office of Strategic Sr.; WWII
Died June 16, 1963, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rocca, Nicholas P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 819
Division 19E
Born March 15, 1927
Rank T/4
Unit 523 Ord. H. A. M. Co.; WWII
Died May 20, 1967, aged 40
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rocca, Pasquale
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 295
Division 19D
Born Sept. 3, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Detachment QM Corps; WWI
Died May 8, 1961, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rock, John F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 80
Division 19D
Died Oct. 27, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rogers, George M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 12, double grave 7
Division 21
Born Jan. 26, 1891, Rochester, NY
Enlisted Aug. 5, 1917, Rochester, NY
Rank PFC
Unit 106 Ambulance Co., 102 San. Train, 27 Division; peace time and WWI
Discharged March 31, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died July 21, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 62
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Rogers, Joseph F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 558
Division 19E
Born Aug. 17, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit 316 Bakery Co., QM Corps.; WWI
Died Sept. 14, 1964, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Romanguola, Vincenzo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 796
Division 19E
Born June 10, 1883
Rank PFC
Unit Co. G, 347 Infantry; WWI
Died Feb. 5, 1967, aged 83
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Romano, Thomas
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 398
Division 19D
Born Feb. 22, 1920
Rank PFC
Unit Det. M. D., Stark Gen. Hosp.; WWII
Died Sept. 14, 1962, aged 42
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ronzo, Patsy D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 606
Division 19E
Born April 4, 1919
Rank Pvt.
Unit 29 Infantry Repl. Depot; WWII
Died April 19, 1965, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rosenbauer, Charles C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 12, double grave 2
Division 21
Born Oct. 14, 1892, Rochester, NY
Enlisted March 4, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Medical Detachment, 326th Field Signal Bn.; WWI
Discharged July 3, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ
Died July 15, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 60
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Rotellini, Beniamino
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 42
Division 19D
Died April 15, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rowland, Francis E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 294
Division 19D
Born Dec. 16, 1916
Rank T/4
Unit 828 C.A.C.; WWII
Died May 7, 1961, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ruane, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 530
Division 19E
Born Nov. 1, 1899
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 5 Coast Artillery
Died May 28, 1964, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker - Flat Granite

Name Rush, Richard James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 373
Division 19D
Born Oct. 20, 1936
Rank Sp. 4
Unit 319 USASA Bn.; peace time veteran
Died June 28, 1962, aged 25
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Russo, Philip J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 240
Division 19D
Born Dec. 3, 1913
Rank Cpl.
Unit 200 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died June 16, 1960, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Russotti, John L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 422
Division 19E
Born March 10, 1916
Rank Cpl.
Unit 805 Army Air Force Base Unit; WWII
Died Jan. 25, 1963, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rutan, James J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 446
Division 19E
Born May 20, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. G, 26 Infantry; WWI
Died April 28, 1963, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rutherford, Walter A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 840
Division 19E
Born Feb. 12, 1918
Rank Pvt.
Unit Medical Det., 346 Sta. Hosp.; WWII
Died Aug. 30, 1967, aged 49
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rutledge, John V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 799
Division 19E
Born Aug. 30, 1902
Rank QM 3/cl.
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died Feb. 18, 1967, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Rutner, Joseph P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 860
Division 19E
Born Nov. 13, 1910
Rank T/Sgt.
Unit 95 Bomb Sqdn.; WWII
Died Nov. 20, 1967, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker
Notes Surname also listed as Rutyna

Name Ryan, Henry J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 70
Division 19D
Unit Spanish-American War
Died Sept. 17, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ryan, James Louis, Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 655
Division 19E
Born Feb. 23, 1924
Rank Sgt.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; WWII
Died Sept. 20, 1965, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ryan, John T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 449
Division 19E
Born June 12, 1888
Rank PFC
Unit Baty. F, 336 F.A.; WWI
Died May 12, 1963, aged 74 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ryan, Joseph Kelley
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 116
Division 19D
Unit war Peace time
Died May 3, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ryan, Patrick J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 108
Division 19D
Died March 21, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Salamone, Philip A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 79
Division 19D
Died Oct. 16, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Salatino, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 751
Division 19E
Born Jan. 7, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit Co. G, 108 Inf.; WWI
Died July 3, 1966, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sally, Frank
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 241
Division 19D
Born Oct. 10, 1898
Rank PFC
Unit 30th Balloon Co.; WWI
Died June 26, 1960, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sanfilippo, Michael M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 777
Division 19E
Born May 15, 1916
Rank T/5
Unit 16th Constabulary; WWII
Died Nov. 5, 1966, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Santangelo, Louis A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 864
Division 19E
Born April 25, 1910
Rank PFC
Unit 1060 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII
Died Dec. 2, 1967, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sarsfield, Aloysius G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 69
Division 19D
Died Sept. 5, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sava, Samuel D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 758
Division 19E
Born Nov. 24, 1915
Rank PFC
Unit 102 AAA; WWII
Died Aug. 11, 1966, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Savage, Donald E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 744
Division 19E
Born June 23, 1930
Rank Cpl.
Unit 3rd Airpolice Sq., Bomb L; peace time veteran (1947)
Died June 6, 1966, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Scaccia, Angelo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 68
Division 19D
Born July 2, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Army
Died Aug. 24, 1974, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Scahill, Thomas F., Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 86
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Dec. 13, 1957,
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Scanio, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 307
Division 19D
Born April 5, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. 7, 305th Am. Tr., 80 Div.; WWI
Died June 13, 1961, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schafer, Charles V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 828
Division 19E
Born Oct. 2, 1888
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. 41, 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died June 25, 1967, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schafer, Florie J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 72
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Sept. 24, 1927
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schalina, Robert H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 601
Division 19E
Born Sept. 25, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Amb. Co. 280, 20 Sanitary Train; WWI
Died March 28, 1965, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schamine, Charles H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 420
Division 19E
Born June 12, 1896
Rank PFC
Unit Btry. F, 35 F. A.; WWI
Died Jan. 13, 1963, aged 66 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schmid, Otto
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 581
Division 19E
Born Aug. 31, 1902
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, 417 Infantry; WWII
Died Dec. 13, 1964, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schmitt, George A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 300
Division 19D
Born Aug. 23, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. E, 60 Field Arty.; WWI
Died May 21, 1961, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schmitt, Harold George
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 419
Division 19E
Born July 28, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Jan. 10, 1963, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schmitt, Louis F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 348
Division 19D
Born Jan. 31, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 328 Inf.; WWI
Died Feb. 14, 1962, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schmitz, Alfred W., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 807
Division 19E
Born Oct. 23, 1930
Rank PFC
Unit 108 D. I. C. Det.; Korean War
Died April 9, 1968, aged 37
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schon, Paul
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 417
Division 19E
Born Feb. 20, 1881
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. M, 153 Inf.
Died Dec. 7, 1962, aged 81
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schramm, Gordon W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 224
Division 19D
Born July 2, 1959 (sic)
Rank M. Sgt. (E-7)
Unit U. S. A. R.; Korean War
Died March 12, 1960, aged 30
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schrank, Charles Lawrence
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 49
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died May 22, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Schubert, Herbert M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 19, double grave 5
Division 21
Born Apr. 1, 1893, Rochester, NY
Enlisted May 26, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. F, Ordnance Dept.; WWI
Discharged Dec. 19, 1918, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD
Died Sept. 20, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 60
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Schwab, John J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 40
Division 19D
Born Jan. 14, 1888
Rank Private
Unit Co. L, 345 Infantry; Peace time and WWI
Died March 25, 1957, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sciortino, Frank
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 649
Division 19E
Born March 3, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. H, 347 Inf. Regt.; WWI
Died Aug. 29, 1965, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Scipioni, Henry A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 14
Division 21
Born Feb. 27, 1932, Rochester, NY
Enlisted June 23, 1952, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. L, Medical Detachment, 7th Division; Korean War
Died Died of wounds March 24, 1953, Korea aged 21
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Seabry, Harold L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 768
Division 19E
Born Feb. 9, 1911
Rank Pvt.
Unit 343 Armoured Infantry; WWII
Died Sept. 13, 1966, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sehm, Albert W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 343
Division 19D
Born Sept. 14, 1891
Rank Private
Unit Co. C, 346 Infantry; WWI
Died Jan. 21, 1962, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sehm, Cornelius C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 288
Division 19D
Born Dec. 25, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 12 Ammo Train; WWI
Died March 12, 1961, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Seibold, Joseph J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 377
Division 19D
Born Feb. 13, 1906
Rank T/4
Unit Engineers Service Bn.; WWII
Died July 5, 1962, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Seidt, Frank X.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 739
Division 19E
Born April 6, 1892
Rank Fireman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died May 18, 1966, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sellitto, Pasquale
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 40
Division 21
Born March 23, 1893
Rank Private
Unit Co. C, 346 Infantry; WWI
Died Jan. 9, 1959, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Shadders, John R., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 326
Division 19D
Born May 30, 1940
Rank PFC
Unit US Army Military Police Det.; peace time veteran
Died Oct. 26, 1961, aged 21
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Shafer, Robert R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 25
Division 21
Born July 20, 1920
Rank Sgt.
Unit Sqdn. D, 247 A.A.F.B.U.
Died Oct. 1, 1971, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Shannon, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 336
Division 19D
Born Sept. 20, 1902
Rank Pvt.
Unit 685 Basic Flying Training Sqd.; WWII
Died Dec. 8, 1961, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sharkey, Michael T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 738
Division 19E
Born June 9, 1883
Rank PFC
Unit Hdqs. Co., 312 Infantry
Died May 16, 1966, aged 82
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Shartran, Charles
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 750
Division 19E
Born April 18, 1916
Rank Sgt.
Unit 462 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died June 30, 1966, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Shaughnessy, Arlington V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 279
Division 19D
Born Sept. 22, 1896
Rank Seaman 2/cl. (Prov.)
Unit U. S. N. R. F.; WWI
Died Feb. 8, 1961, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sheehan, James D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 5, double grave 18
Division 21
Born May 28, 1890, Ogdensburg, NY
Enlisted July 15, 1918, New York
Rank Private
Unit S. A. T. C.; WWI
Discharged Dec. 18, 1918, Oswego, NY
Died Dec. 19, 1952, Dallas, TX aged 62
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Shewchuk, Roman, Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 504
Division 19E
Born Aug. 8, 1923
Rank QM 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Feb. 10, 1964, aged 40 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Shields, Robert S., Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 809
Division 19E
Born Aug. 8, 1894
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. L, 807 Pioneer Inf.; WWI
Died March 9, 1967, aged 73
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Shiffler, John Fox
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 608
Division 19E
Born March 19, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit 16 Co., 4 Bn., 163 D. B.; WWI
Died April 23, 1965, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Short, George E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 139
Division 19D
Born Jan. 6, 1925
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdq., 299 Engr. C Bn.; WWI
Died Oct. 20, 1958, aged 33
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sigrist, John A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 228
Division 19D
Born April 28, 1923
Rank Captain
Unit U. S. A. F. R.; WWII and Korean War
Died April 13, 1960, aged 36
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Simonetti, Dominic P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 174
Division 19D
Born Dec. 7, 1929
Rank Radioman 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; Korean War
Died June 1, 1959, aged 29
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Simpson, Robert R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 414
Division 19E
Born Sept. 28, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit 801 Co., Motor Trans. Corps; WWI
Died Nov. 18, 1962, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Skebeck, Edward J., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 816
Division 19E
Born Aug. 21, 1946
Rank Lance Cpl.
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War
Died April 28, 1967, aged 20
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Skebeck, Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 284
Division 19D
Born Jan. 10, 1903
Rank Pvt.
Unit 35 Troop Carrier Sqdn.; WWII
Died March 2, 1961, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smith , Robert C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 841
Division 19E
Rank PFC
Unit U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War
Died Aug. 26, 1967, aged 19
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smith, Arthur V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 436
Division 19E
Born May 19, 1898
Rank PFC
Unit 37 Balloon Co. A. S.; WWI
Died March 21, 1963, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smith, Arthur
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 38
Division 21
Born Nov. 15, 1890, Dewart, PA
Enlisted Sept. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank PFC
Unit 304th Guard & Fire Co., Q. M. C.; WWI
Discharged May 14, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died June 2, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 62
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Smith, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 461
Division 19E
Born July 26, 1916
Rank Pvt.
Unit 990th Tech. School Sqd.; WWII
Died July 3, 1963, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smith, James V.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 494
Division 19E
Born Feb. 27, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Mach. Gun Co., 3 Inf., N.Y.N.G.; WWI
Died Dec. 10, 1963, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smith, Lester John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 6
Division 21
Born Jan. 4, 1895, Rochester, NY
1st Enlisted March 29, 1918, Buffalo, NY
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U.S. Navy; WWI
1st Discharged Oct. 29, 1919, Chelsea, MA
2nd Enlisted Apr. 5, 1920, Columbus Bks., OH
Rank Private
Unit Troop I, 7th U.S. Cavalry; peace time
2nd Discharged Nov. 27, 1920, Fort Bliss, TX
Died July 5, 1952, Canandaiqua, NY aged 57
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Smith, Robert John
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 634
Division 19E
Born Dec. 23, 1929
Rank Sgt. 1/cl.
Unit Amb. Co., 11 Airborne Med. Bn.; Korean War
Died July 22, 1965, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smith, Wallace
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 470
Division 19E
Born Oct. 26, 1907
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit 206 Medica; WWII
Died Aug. 11, 1963, aged 55 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smolarek, Michael J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 694
Division 19E
Born Aug. 29, 1904
Rank Pvt.
Unit Quartermaster Corps; WWII
Died Jan. 9, 1966, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Smythe, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 184
Division 19D
Born Apr. 2, 1917
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 1 Q. M. Bn.; peace time veteran
Died Aug. 13, 1959, aged 42
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Snyder, George M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 24
Division 19D
Born Aug. 20, 1886
Unit Co. G, 22 Engineers; WWI
Died Dec. 23, 1956, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Socha, Thomas J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 280
Division 19D
Born Oct. 5, 1916
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Co. A, 11 Inf. Regt., 5 Inf. Div.; WWII
Died Feb. 10, 1961, aged 44
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Soles, James Francis
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 687
Division 19E
Born April 29, 1913
Rank Pvt.
Unit AGF Replacement Depot #1; WWII
Died Dec. 27, 1965, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sparagana, Giovanni
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 40
Division 21
Born Oct. 12, 1887, Italy
Enlisted Apr. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. E, 53rd Pioneer Infantry; WWI
Discharged May 20, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died Aug. 8, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 64
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Spatola, Salvatore
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 629
Division 19E
Born Oct. 20, 1886
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 17th Engrs.; WWI
Died June 28, 1965, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Speckman, Jacob J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 525
Division 19E
Born Sept. 21, 1898
Rank Seaman
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died May 19, 1964, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Specksgoor, Fred G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 671
Division 19E
Born July 12, 1891
Rank PFC
Unit Co. E, 328 Infantry; WWI
Died Nov. 10, 1965, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Spina, Tommaso (Thomas)
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 94
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Jan. 16, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Spitz, Chester J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, lot 28
Division 21
Born March 24, 1894, Rochester, NY
Enlisted Nov. 21, 1917, Brockport, NY
Rank Corporal
Unit Btry. D, 309th Field Artillery, 78th Div.; WWI
Discharged May 27, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ
Died Aug. 3, 1952, Honeoye Falls, NY aged 58
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Spitz, George J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 464
Division 19E
Born April 10, 1892
Rank PFC
Unit Co. B, 63 Infantry; WWI
Died July 20, 1963, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Stagnitto, James
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 805
Division 19E
Born March 26, 1917
Rank Cpl.
Unit 314 Troop Carrier Sq., 349 Troop Carrier Group; WWII
Died Feb. 28, 1967, aged 49
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Staunton, Francis J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 423
Division 19E
Born Sept. 25, 1907
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. B, Harbor Defense; WWII
Died Jan. 26, 1963, aged 55 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Steckel, Matthew
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 335
Division 19D
Born Dec. 15, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit 347 Inf. W. G. Co.
Died Nov. 24, 1961, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Steele, William H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 391
Division 19D
Born Nov. 23, 1901
Rank PFC
Unit Co. C, 125th Armored Engr. Bn.; WWII
Died Aug. 24, 1962, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Stephany, Chester F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 706
Division 19E
Born Sept. 2, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. D, 335 F. Art.; WWI
Died Feb. 12, 1966, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sterone, Antonio
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 4, double grave 48
Division 21
Born March 6, 1888, Matonda, Italy
Enlisted Apr. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY
Rank PFC
Unit Co. A, 310th Infantry; WWI
Discharged June 6, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ
Died Dec. 3, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 64
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Stevens, Robert E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 362
Division 19D
Born Dec. 26, 1903
Rank T/5
Unit Medical Corps ERC; WWII
Died April 14, 1962, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Stever, Howard H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 354
Division 19D
Born Sept. 17, 1891
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. D, 151 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died March 17, 1962, aged 70
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Stone, George Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 701
Division 19E
Born Feb. 6, 1900
Rank Motor Machinist Mate
Unit U. S. Navy; peace time veteran
Died Jan. 29, 1966, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Stoudt, Wendell Weber
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 477
Division 19E
Born Dec. 8, 1915
Rank Pvt.
Unit 83 Signal Co.; WWII
Died Sept. 8, 1963, aged 47 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Strassner, Roger A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 235
Division 19D
Born March 7, 1940
Rank Seaman
Unit U. S. N. R. F.; peace time veteran
Died May 27, 1960, aged 20
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Streb, Benedict J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 881
Division 19E
Born March 28, 1890
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. M, 345 Inf.; WWI
Died Jan. 21, 1968, aged 77
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Stritzel, John R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 219
Division 19D
Born Oct. 23, 1923
Rank T/5
Unit Co. M, 66 Infantry; WWII
Died Feb. 15, 1960, aged 36
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Strohmeier, William F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 281
Division 19D
Born Nov. 23, 1893
Rank PFC
Unit Co. C, 117 Field Signal Bn.; WWI
Died Feb. 15, 1961, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sukis, Frank
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 363
Division 19D
Born Jan. 1, 1891
Rank Mechanic
Unit Co. A, 3 M. G. Bn.; WWI
Died April 18, 1962, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sulanowski, John T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 262
Division 19D
Born Jan. 26, 1925
Rank BM 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII and Korean War
Died Oct. 22, 1960, aged 35
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sullivan, John L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 685
Division 19E
Born July 9, 1900
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. A, 104 F. A.; WWI
Died Dec. 24, 1965, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sullivan, Raymond D.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 573
Division 19E
Born June 14, 1890
Rank Acting Sgt.
Unit S.A.T.C.; WWI
Died Nov. 12, 1964, aged 74 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sullivan, Richard A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 496
Division 19E
Born Sept. 25, 1896
Rank Ship's Cook 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Dec. 16, 1963, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sullivan, Robert J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 374
Division 19D
Born Aug. 27, 1914
Rank T/Sgt.
Unit Det. 1257 Tilton Genl. Hosp.; WWII
Died July 3, 1962, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sullivan, Robert
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 680
Division 19E
Born Nov. 16, 1937
Unit Army
Died Dec. 20, 1965, aged 28
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sundberg, Peter P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 472
Division 19E
Born Jan. 26, 1901
Rank Cpl.
Unit 452 Hq., Base Service Sq.; WWII
Died Aug. 22, 1963, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Surprenant, David Gerald
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 633
Division 19E
Born Sept. 20, 1930
Rank PFC
Unit 546 Sig. Base Depot Co.
Died July 17, 1965, aged 34
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Swanson, Gust
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 172
Division 19D
Born Nov. 6, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit 310 Sanitary Train; WWI
Died May 31, 1959, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Swatka, August William
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 19
Division 19D
Born Feb. 19, 1897
Rank Baker 2/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died Nov. 21, 1956, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Sylvester, Randolph Craig
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 678
Division 19E
Born May 5, 1946
Rank AA
Unit U. S. Navy
Died Dec. 7, 1965, aged 19
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Taddeo, Ralph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 322
Division 19D
Born Apr. 10, 1897
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. 10, 154 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Sept. 25, 1961, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Taddeo, William J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 590
Division 19E
Born June 20, 1917
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Hq. Co., 47 Arm. Inf., 5 Div.; WWII
Died Jan. 19, 1965, aged 47 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tadio, Arthur A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 346
Division 19D
Born April 1, 1922
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. H, 501 Parachute Inf.; WWII
Died Feb. 4, 1962, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Taggart, James P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 538
Division 19E
Born Jan. 1, 1906
Rank Pvt.
Unit 1020 Engr. Treadway Brdg. Co.; WWII
Died June 22, 1964, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Talarico, Giuseppe
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 266
Division 19D
Born Feb. 26, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. M, 30 Infantry; WWI
Died Nov. 8, 1960, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tartaglia, Donato
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 120
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died June 1, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tatlia, Raymond
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 3
Division 19D
Born Sept. 6, 1906
Rank Private
Unit Battery B, 8 Field Artillery; Peace time veteran
Died Aug. 31, 1956, aged 49
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Taylert, William L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 197
Division 19D
Born Sept. 11, 1913
Rank PFC
Unit Co. B, 318 Inf.; WWII
Died Nov. 10, 1959, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Teirlynck, Leon F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 382
Division 19D
Born Dec. 27, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Medical Department; WWI
Died July 17, 1962, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Temple, George Lewis
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 533
Division 19E
Born Sept. 27, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. M. C.; WWI
Died June 5, 1964, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Terrore, Armando
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 110
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died March 31, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tette, John B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 647
Division 19E
Born April 8, 1946
Rank PFC
Unit U. S. M. Corps; Korean War
Died Aug. 18, 1965, aged 19
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Teuschel, John Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 523
Division 19E
Born May 25, 1927
Rank QM 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died May 15, 1964, aged 36
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thomas, Edward C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 594
Division 19E
Born May 23, 1908
Rank Pvt.
Unit Army of the U.S.; WWII
Died Feb. 6, 1965, aged 56 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thomas, Harold J., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 78
Division 19D
Died Oct. 13, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thomas, Muriel L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 899
Division 19E
Born Dec. 27, 1890
Rank Nurse
Unit Base Hospital #19; WWI
Died May 11, 1968, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thompson, Joseph W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 826
Division 19E
Born March 26, 1920
Rank M/Sgt.
Unit Hdqs., 4603 Air Base Group; WWII
Died June 10, 1967, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thorpe, Henry P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 673
Division 19E
Born Jan. 22, 1901
Rank Pvt.
Unit 35 Sig. Co., 35 Inf. Div.; WWII
Died Nov. 23, 1965, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thorpe, Jerry H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 227
Division 19D
Born March 24, 1910
Rank Pvt.
Unit Medical Dept.; WWII
Died March 26, 1960, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Thurston, Wesley G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 886
Division 19E
Born Jan. 29, 1942
Rank PFC
Unit U. S. Army; Vietnam War
Died Feb. 5, 1968, aged 26
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tierney, Martin Henry
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 15
Division 19D
Born Jan. 4, 1934
Rank Cpl.
Unit 22 Infantry, AUS; Korean War
Died Nov. 3, 1956, aged 22
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tomassi, Oreste
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 6, double grave 31
Division 21
Born Oct. 2, 1895, Rome, Italy
Enlisted Sept. 29, 1917, Rochester, NY
Rank Private
Unit Co. L, 326 Infantry, 82 Division; WWI
Discharged June 13, 1919, Camp Upton, NY
Died Feb. 15, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 57
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Tomish, Paul S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 178
Division 19D
Born Feb. 28, 1912
Rank Pvt.
Unit 97 Inf. Div.; WWII
Died June 16, 1959, aged 47
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Towers, Alfred
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 98
Division 19D
Unit WWI, 1941
Died Feb. 6, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tracy, William L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 648
Division 19E
Born June 21, 1916
Rank Cpl.
Unit 1596 AAF Base Unit; WWII
Died Aug. 28, 1965, aged 49
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Treviso, Anthony J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 715
Division 19E
Born Aug. 27, 1926
Rank Coxswain
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died March 24, 1966, aged 39
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Troiano, Frank A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 122
Division 19D
Born Sept. 4, 1892
Rank Sea (P)
Unit U. S. N. R. F.; WWI
Died June 17, 1958, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Trost, Alfred J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 218
Division 19D
Born Aug. 7, 1899
Rank Sgt.
Unit 902 AAF Base Unit; WWI
Died Feb. 14, 1960, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tufano, Michael
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 7
Division 19D
Born Dec. 8, 1895
Rank Private
Unit Co. K, 347 Inf., 87 Division; WWI
Died Sept. 25, 1956, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Tuzzi, Luigi
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 261
Division 19D
Born July 24, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit Truck Co. 3; 1 Army Arty. Pk.; WWI
Died Oct. 20, 1960, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Umhoefer, Charles J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 424
Division 19E
Born May 15, 1896
Rank PFC
Unit Btry. A, 309 Field Arty.; WWI
Died Feb. 2, 1963, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name VanBell, Thomas J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 870
Division 19E
Born March 31, 1919
Rank Coxswain
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died Dec. 20, 1967, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name VanCott, John E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 653
Division 19E
Born Oct. 18, 1895
Rank PFC
Unit 328 Inf.; WWI
Died Sept. 14, 1965, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name VanGelder, James Martin
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 34
Division 19D
Born Feb. 20, 1878
Rank Private
Unit 94th Aero Sq., A.S.A.; WWI
Died Feb. 14, 1957, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name VanHalle, Jacob
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 802
Division 19E
Born Feb. 1, 1900
Rank T/5
Unit 58 M. P. Co.; WWII
Died Feb. 23, 1967, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Vascukynas, Joseph M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 121
Division 19D
Born May 19, 1904
Rank Private
Unit Co. A, 27 Inf. Training Bn.; WWII
Died June 19, 1958, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Vecchio, Joseph R., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 463
Division 19E
Born May 18, 1927
Rank Fireman 2/cl.
Unit U.S.N.R.; WWII
Died July 14, 1963, aged 36 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Veltz, Edmund C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 16
Division 19D
Born Feb. 11, 1895
Rank Private
Unit Co. B, 1st Dev. Bn., 151 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Nov. 7, 1956, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Venticinque, John L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 577
Division 19E
Born Aug. 6, 1921
Rank PFC
Unit 112 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII
Died Dec. 2, 1964, aged 43 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Vernetti, Fiore
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 668
Division 19E
Born Aug. 18, 1919
Rank M/Sgt.
Unit 1882 Unit; WWII
Died Oct. 31, 1965, aged 46
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Vieira, Jordan R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 551
Division 19E
Born Dec. 15, 1926
Rank PFC
Unit U. S. Marine Corps
Died Aug. 3, 1964, aged 37
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Villanueva, Pedro
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 834
Division 19E
Born Nov. 14, 1894
Rank Chief Cook
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died July 28, 1967, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Vinciquerra, Onofrio
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 667
Division 19E
Born Oct. 30, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit 18th Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Nov. 2, 1965, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Viselli, Peter
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 305
Division 19D
Born Nov. 21, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. F, 57 Arty., CAC; WWI
Died June 10, 1961, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Voelkl, Joseph G.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 4
Division 21
Born Dec. 9, 1896, Rochester, NY
Enlisted July 1, 1918, Buffalo, NY
Rank Sgt.
Unit U.S.M.C.; WWI
Discharged Apr. 20, 1919, Buffalo, NY
Died Apr. 30, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 57
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Vogt, Adam
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 375
Division 19D
Born Sept. 6, 1906
Rank PFC
Unit 4283 Q M Dep. Co.; WWII
Died July 4, 1962, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Vogt, Harold W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 532
Division 19E
Born Oct. 29, 1900
Rank PFC
Unit Troop K, 6 Cavalry; WWI
Died June 1, 1964, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Volkmar, Vincent H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 17
Division 19D
Born Dec. 25, 1898
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 4th Balloon Squadron; WWI
Died Nov. 13, 1956, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Volpe, Philip, Sr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 390
Division 19D
Born Nov. 11, 1894
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. B, 310 Inf., 78 Div.; WWI
Died Aug. 22, 1962, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wadick, Arthur A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 77
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died Oct. 11, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wagner, Walter J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 863
Division 19E
Born March 15, 1914
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hdqs., Hdqs. Sqdn, U. S. A. F.; WWII
Died Nov. 28, 1967, aged 53
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walacavage, Joseph
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 888
Division 19E
Born Dec. 29, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. G, 164 Infantry; WWI
Died March 3, 1968, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walker, Harold
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 185
Division 19D
Born Nov. 18, 1896
Rank Sgt.
Unit 106 Co., CAC; WWI
Died Aug. 18, 1959, aged 62
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walker, Warren A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 555
Division 19E
Born July 1, 1916
Rank T/4
Unit 330 Ord. Depot Co.; WWII
Died Aug. 30, 1964, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wallace, James E., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 898
Division 19E
Born June 30, 1908
Rank Pvt.
Unit Btry. C, 256 F. A.; WWII
Died May 10, 1968, aged 59
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walsh, James E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 83
Division 19D
Unit Korean War
Died Nov. 16, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walters, Billy Boy
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 794
Division 19E
Born Sept. 17, 1929
Rank Pvt.
Unit 11 Airbourne Div.; Korean War
Died Jan. 25, 1967, aged 37
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walters, Donald T.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 89
Division 19D
Unit Korean War
Died Dec. 22, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Walton, Edward J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 726
Division 19E
Born Nov. 13, 1924
Rank Ensign
Unit U. S. Navy; WWII
Died April 22, 1966, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Ward, Clinton J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 17, double grave 46
Division 21
Unit WWI
Died June 8, 1971
Type of Tombstone private marker

Name Ward, James E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Tier 21, double grave 2
Division 21
Born June 12, 1896
Rank PFC
Unit 310 Guard & Fire Co., QMC; WWI
Died Dec. 7, 1960, aged 64
Type of Tombstone U.S. marker

Name Wardzinski, Michael
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 813
Division 19E
Born Oct. 19, 1888
Rank GM 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died April 10, 1967, aged 78
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Warren, Walter Martin
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 614
Division 19E
Born July 7, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit MG Co., 347 Infantry; WWI
Died May 11, 1965, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Way, Thomas H.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 849
Division 19E
Born Oct. 4, 1944
Rank PFC
Unit 39 Inf. Brigade, 9 Inf. Div.; Vietnam War
Died Oct. 9, 1967, aged 23
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Weber, Francis M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 732
Division 19E
Born May 24, 1908
Rank Sgt.
Unit 347 Army Air Force Base Unit; WWII
Died May 8, 1966, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Weigel, Louis W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 480
Division 19E
Born June 11, 1906
Rank PFC
Unit Sec. 1, Hdq. Det. Complement; WWII
Died Sept. 19, 1963, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Weiglet, Silvin J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 217
Division 19D
Born June 26, 1907
Rank PFC
Unit 28 Q. M. Company; WWII
Died Feb. 6, 1960, aged 52
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welch, James W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 883
Division 19E
Born Sept. 1, 1906
Rank Pvt.
Unit Hqds. Det., 1209 S C U; WWII
Died Jan. 30, 1968, aged 61
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welch, Martin B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 528
Division 19E
Born Aug. 4, 1909
Rank !st Lt.
Unit Army of the U.S.; WWII
Died May 23, 1964, aged 54
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welch, Raymond B.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 858
Division 19E
Born Jan. 23, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. F, Postal Express Services; WWI
Died Nov. 15, 1967, aged 71
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welch, Thomas J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 445
Division 19E
Born Nov. 9, 1887
Rank PFC
Unit Co. A, 108 Infantry; WWI
Died April 26, 1963, aged 75 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welch, Walter
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 447
Division 19E
Born March 28, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 348 Inf.; WWI
Died May 6, 1963, aged 70 yrs.
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welker, Fred C.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 273
Division 19D
Born July 13, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit Med. Dept.; WWI
Died Dec. 15, 1960, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Welt, Stanley
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 541
Division 19E
Born Nov. 2, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. 46, 12 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died June 29, 1964, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wendelgass, Clifford Albert
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 48
Division 19D
Unit war Peace Time
Died May 20, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Werger, Joseph J., Jr.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 28
Division 19D
Born Nov. 6, 1893
Rank Recruit
Unit 10th Recruit Co., G.S.I.; WWI
Died Jan. 15, 1957, aged 63
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Werner, Henry
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 232
Division 19D
Born Nov. 20, 1892
Rank Pvt.
Unit 22nd Co. Sandy Hook
Died May 3, 1960, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wesley, Louis Leo
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 204
Division 19D
Born June 29, 1901
Rank Mailman 1/cl.
Unit U S. N. R.; WWI and WWII
Died Dec. 4, 1959, aged 58
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name White, Albert
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 789
Division 19E
Born Dec. 26, 1892
Rank 1 Lt.
Unit Inf. Det. Casual Officer; WWI
Died Jan. 9, 1967, aged 74
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name White, Anthony P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 645
Division 19E
Born Oct. 19, 1907
Rank Pvt.
Unit 1257 S. S. S. U.; WWII
Died Aug. 19, 1965, aged 57
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wickman, Walter F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 670
Division 19E
Born Sept. 11, 1915
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. C, 10 Q. M. Tr. Regt.; WWII
Died Nov. 8, 1965, aged 50
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wiemer, Charles E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 355
Division 19D
Born Sept. 23, 1894
Rank Seaman
Unit U. S. Navy; WWI
Died March 17, 1962, aged 67
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Williams, John E.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 396
Division 19D
Born Sept. 1, 1896
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. A, 108 Inf., 27 Div.; WWI
Died Sept. 11, 1962, aged 66
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Williams, John S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 818
Division 19E
Born April 5, 1895
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Navy
Died May 5, 1967, aged 72
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Williams, Margaret M.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 18
Division 19D
Born Dec. 8, 1924
Rank Yeoman 3/cl.
Unit U. S. Coast Guard; WWII
Died July 23, 1958, aged 33
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Williamson, Gerald L.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 113
Division 19D
Died Apr. 12, 1958
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wilson, Ralph P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 692
Division 19E
Born Oct. 1, 1905
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. B, 716 M. P. Bn.; WWII, 1951
Died Jan. 9, 1966, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wisler, Earl
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 63
Division 19D
Unit WWI
Died July 26, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wittman, John Carl
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 636
Division 19E
Born Feb.23, 1932
Rank Pvt.
Unit Med. Co., 504 A I R; Korean War
Died July 29, 1965, aged 33
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wolkonowski, Donald S.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 432
Division 19E
Born Jan. 2, 1915
Rank Cpl.
Unit Sqd. H, 383 Army Air Force BU; WWII
Died March 1, 1963, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wollek, Robert Edward
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 714
Division 19E
Born April 18, 1969
Rank Sp. 4
Unit Co. A, 14 Armor Cav.
Died March 25, 1966, aged 26
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wolter, John F.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 62
Division 19D
Unit Spanish-American War
Died July 26, 1957
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wood , Charles A.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 806
Division 19E
Born Oct. 4, 1909
Rank T/5
Unit Hdq. Services Co.; WWII
Died Feb. 28, 1967, aged 55
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Woods, Christopher
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 776
Division 19E
Born Oct. 30, 1924
Rank Seaman 2/cl.
Unit U. S. N. R.; WWII
Died Oct. 28, 1966, aged 41
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Woodworth, John W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 131
Division 19D
Born 1888
Rank Sgt.
Unit Co. L, 59 U.S. Regt. Inf.; WWI
Died Sept. 3, 1958, aged 69
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Worden, John W.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 791
Division 19E
Born July 14, 1928
Rank Pvt.
Unit U. S. Army; Korean War
Died Jan. 20, 1967, aged 38
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Wright, Robert J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 134
Division 19D
Born Dec. 16, 1889
Rank Pvt.
Unit Co. K, 312 Infantry; WWI
Died Sept. 22, 1958, aged 68
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Yanklowski, John Walter
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 484
Division 19E
Born June 11, 1907
Rank Seaman 1/cl.
Unit U. S. Navy
Died Oct. 7, 1963, aged 56
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name York, James R.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 783
Division 19E
Born April 3, 1918
Rank S/Sgt.
Unit Hdqs., Hdqs Co., 33 Inf.; WWII
Died Dec. 25, 1966, aged 48
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Zapf, Charles
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 1
Division 19D
Born Feb. 1, 1896
Rank Private
Unit Co. K, 348 Inf., 87 Div.; WWI
Died Aug. 29, 1956, aged 60
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker
Charles Zapf

Name Zaretsky, John P.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 895
Division 19E
Born June 19, 1916
Rank PFC
Unit Repair Sqdn., 20 Air Depot Group; WWII
Died May 6, 1968, aged 51
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker

Name Zeitvogel, Stephen J.
Burial location Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 130
Division 19D
Born Jan. 4, 1893
Rank Pvt.
Unit 152 Depot Brigade; WWI
Died Sept. 1, 1958, aged 65
Type of Tombstone U. S. marker


To: Surnames beginning with letters A - F
To: Surnames beginning with letters G - N


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© Richard T. Halsey, 2008
