Veteran burials in Section 18
of the North Division
of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Rochester, NY
Surnames: O - Z

The records on this page came from books kept by the Monroe County Veteran's Service Agency in order to locate graves and be able to place flags on the veteran's grave. Each book contains many small forms with data on each veteran burial. There is varying amounts of data on the veteran on these forms. Some only have death date while others include birth, death, enlistment and discharge dates and locations. Whatever is listed on the forms is included on this page.
This section consists of 900 veteran burial plots surrounded by family plots on three sides. It appears that the veteran records were not updated after about 1975.
The "Division" block on the form was used by the veteran's organization as a method of separating the County into sections for those placing flags.

Name | O'Byrne, John J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 140 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 9, 1923 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | 704 Ord. L. M. Co.; WWII |
Died | Oct. 21, 1958,
aged 35 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Callaghan, Bernard
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 727 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 25, 1909 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Co. E, 307 Infantry; WWII |
Died | April 24, 1966,
aged 56 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Connell, Edward
Philip |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 619 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 12, 1902 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Med. Det., 959 F. A. Bn. |
Died | June 1, 1965,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Connell, Edward |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 562 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 13, 1928 |
Rank | Cpl. (T) |
Unit | AUS Inf.; Korean War |
Died | Sept. 28, 1964,
aged 35 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Connor, Michael
F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 493 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 6, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Infantry; WWI |
Died | Nov. 30, 1963,
aged 69 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Dea, Michael B. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 846 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 26, 1932 |
Rank | A/B |
Unit | 7562 D. AB Sq., APO 194; Korean War |
Died | Sept. 17, 1967,
aged 35 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Odorisio,
Stephan |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 880 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 26, 1896 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | Jan. 17, 1968,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Grady, Thomas W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 566 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 25, 1899 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Corps. Of Military Police |
Died | Oct. 15, 1964,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Hagan, Charles
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 709 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 26, 1894 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | Hdqs. Co., 379 Infantry; WWI |
Died | March 3, 1966,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Hara, Theodore
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 137 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 18, 1899 |
Rank | App. Seaman |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | Oct. 13, 1958,
aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Keefe, Jerome J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 669 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 26, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 10 Co., 152 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Nov. 8, 1965,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Neill, Michael
H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 21 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 2, 1878 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | U. S. Cavalry; Spanish-American War |
Died | Dec. 5, 1956,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Neill, Stephan
H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 730 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 31, 1916 |
Rank | Seaman 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | May 3, 1966,
aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Neill, William
E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 117 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | May 5, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Orlando, Frank,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 61 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | Korean War |
Died | July 20, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | O'Shea, Patrick J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 843 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 25, 1908 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 204 Hosp. Ship Compl.; WWII |
Died | Sept. 11, 1967,
aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pacek, Casmir V. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 605 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 25, 1904 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Detachment, D. E. M. L.; WWII |
Died | April 19, 1965,
aged 61 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Paddock, Herbert
L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 697 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 21, 1889 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 167 Co., Trans. Corps.; WWI |
Died | Jan. 17, 1966,
aged 76 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Palermo, Guiseppe |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 107 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | March 19, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Panepinto, John |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 255 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 27, 1909 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Hdq., 591 Eng. Combat Gp.; WWII |
Died | Sept. 20, 1960,
aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Panepucci,
Concenzio |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 561 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 14, 1888 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. B, 210 F. A.; WWI |
Died | Sept. 26, 1964,
aged 75 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Panetta, Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 383 |
Division | 19D |
Born | April 4, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Sev. B Student Army Training Corps |
Died | July 21, 1962,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pantaleo, Vincenzo |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 574 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 21, 1890 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. F, 346 Inf., 87 Div.; WWI |
Died | Nov. 16, 1964,
aged 74 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Parisi, Carmelo |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 810 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 15, 1885 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 17 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | March 20, 1967,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Parsons, Charles
M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 161 |
Division | 19D |
Born | March 17, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Hdq. Co., 802 Pioneer Inf.; WWI |
Died | March 28, 1959,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Parulski, John T. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 731 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 5, 1901 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | 476 Engineer Maint. Co.; WWII |
Died | May 7, 1966,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pavasaris, Frank
S. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 408 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 12, 1897 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Inf. Btry. B, 335 F. A.; WWI |
Died | Oct. 16, 1962,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pecora, Louis A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 766 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 10, 1919 |
Rank | AFC 1/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | Sept. 3, 1966,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Peloquin, Andre S. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 242 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 17, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. D, 57 Arty., CAC; WWI |
Died | July 6, 1960,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Peluso, Ponziano |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 27 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Dec., 20, 1956 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Perrotte, Harold
E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 413 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 27, 1924 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Med. Sect., 3613 S. U.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 18, 1962,
aged 38 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Perruzza, Guiseppe |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 524 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 6, 1891 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. I, 348 Infantry |
Died | May 16, 1964,
aged 73 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Perry, Joseph M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 708 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 19, 1923 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | Army Air Force; WWII and Korean War |
Died | March 3, 1966,
aged 42 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Perry, William J.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 428 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 10, 1914 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Btry. D, 132 AAA Gun Bn.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 10, 1963,
aged 49 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pesch, George O. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 170 |
Division | 19D |
Born | March 9, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. A, 76 Engrs.; WWI |
Died | May 27, 1959,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Peter, Anthony E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 509 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 15, 1899 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 328 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII |
Died | March 6, 1964,
aged 65 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pettrone, John |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 20 |
Division | 21 |
Born | July 9, 1888, Italy |
Enlisted | June 26, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. C, 87th Inf. Regt., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Discharged | Jan. 17, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ |
Died | May 21, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Phillips, Jack P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 800 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 14, 1887 |
Rank | Cook |
Unit | 303 Trans. & M. P.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 18, 1967,
aged 79 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pierce, John M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 529 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 28, 1885 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Guard & Fire Co. |
Died | May 22, 1964,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker - Flat Granite |
Name | Pierga, John A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 831 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 4, 1908 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. A, 558 Signal A. W. Bn.; WWII |
Died | July 17, 1967,
aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pizzoli, James |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 237 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 13, 1897 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 1 Co., 1 Prov. Bn.; WWI |
Died | June 2, 1960,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pizzutelli, Tony
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 829 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 11, 1893 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Btry. A, 10 Field Arty.; WWI |
Died | July 3, 1967,
aged 74 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Poinan, Edward
Matthew, Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 267 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 21, 1919 |
Rank | Coxswain |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | Nov. 15, 1960,
aged 41 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Poleta, James |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 448 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 22, 1894 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. 16, Air Service; WWI |
Died | May 10, 1963,
aged 68 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pompa, Eugene S. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 303 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 25, 1921 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 902 AAF Base Unit; WWII |
Died | June 5, 1961,
aged 39 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ponese, Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 743 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 28, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. L, 310 Inf.; WWI |
Died | May 26, 1966,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Poole, John, Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 96 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Jan. 20, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Popp, George F.,
Sr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, lot 45 |
Division | 21 |
Born | April 20, 1896, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | May 26, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Sergeant |
Unit | Quartermaster Corps; WWI |
Discharged | July 3, 1919, Camp Upton, NY |
Died | June 25, 1952, Bath, NY aged 56 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Porretta, James J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 361 |
Division | 19D |
Born | March 18, 1931 |
Rank | Airman 1/cl. |
Unit | 374 Install. Sqdn, U.S.A.F.; peace time & Korean War |
Died | April 1, 1962,
aged 31 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Porter, Frank R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 637 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 2, 1890 |
Rank | Electrician 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | July 31, 1965,
aged 75 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Porter, Paul C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 563 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 16, 1930 |
Rank | Airman 1/cl. |
Unit | AAF Hdqs., 3625 ABGRU; Korean War |
Died | Sept. 28, 1964,
aged 34 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Povoliski, Frank
F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 99 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Feb. 13, 1958,
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Powers,
Lawrence |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 328 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 28, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. H, 308 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Nov. 1, 1961,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Prendergast, James
Lawrence |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 4, double grave 39 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Feb. 5, 1893, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | June 14, 1918, Buffalo, NY |
Rank | Carpenter's Mate 2/cl. |
Unit | U.S. Navy; WWI |
Discharged | March 26, 1919, Pensacola, FL |
Died | Nov. 26, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Prescott, Harry
James |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 855 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 29, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 68 Co., 17 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Nov. 10, 1967,
aged 70 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Priest, Donald J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 756 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 27, 1942 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Hdqs., Hdqs. Co., 1 Bn., 2 Inf., 1 Inf.
Div.; Vietnam War |
Died | July 18, 1966,
aged 23 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Privitere, Joseph
C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 50 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | Peace time veteran |
Died | May 22, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Proietti, Louis A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 384 |
Division | 19D |
Born | March 7, 1923 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. C, 5th Engr., Tn. Bn. E.R.T.C.; WWII |
Died | July 24, 1962,
aged 39 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Przybyla, Martin
B. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 699 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 10, 1921 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 1240 Service Command Unit; WWII |
Died | Jan. 23, 1966,
aged 44 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Puccio, Angelo |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 100 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI, 1941 |
Died | Feb. 17, 1958,
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pullano, John |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 47 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | May 16, 1957,
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Pupitalle, Charles |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 787 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 5, 1891 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. K, 310 Inf., 78 Div. |
Died | Jan. 5, 1967,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Purpi, Nick J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 591 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 5, 1917 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Co. C, 60 Infantry; WWII |
Died | Jan. 21, 1965,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Quackenbush, John
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 559 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 10, 1909 |
Rank | T/4 |
Unit | Hdqs., 1487 Engrs. Main Co.; WWII |
Died | Sept. 13, 1964,
aged 55 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Quinn, Gerald
Michael |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 84 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII and Korean War |
Died | Nov. 26, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Quinn, Leo Daniel |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 850 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 13, 1889 |
Rank | Yeoman 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | Oct. 26, 1967,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Quirk, George
Lambert |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 21, double grave 3 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Apr. 16, 1891, Fairport, NY |
Enlisted | June 27, 1917, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Mach. Mate 2/cl. |
Unit | U.S. Navy; WWI |
Discharged | March 26, 1919, U.S.S. L-8, San Pedro, CA |
Died | Jan. 12, 1954, Rochester, NY aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Radder, Louis W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 95 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Jan. 17, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ranallette, Carmin |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 434 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 17, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. C, 348 Infantry; WWI |
Died | March 14, 1963,
aged 69 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Randisi, Luigi |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 33 |
Division | 19D |
Born | April 9, 1893 |
Rank | Cook |
Unit | Cooks & Bakers School; Peace Time and WWI |
Died | Feb. 2, 1957,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rauber, Valentine
H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 872 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 8, 1896 |
Rank | Bn. Sgt. Major |
Unit | U. S. Army; WWI |
Died | Dec. 26, 1967,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rea, Patrick B. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 426 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 20, 1887 |
Rank | Wagoner |
Unit | Co. A, 30 Ammo Train; WWI |
Died | Feb. 10, 1963,
aged 75 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Reboulet, Joseph
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 733 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 26, 1920 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | O. P. D. Hdqs. Co., T. P. S.; WWII |
Died | May 9, 1966,
aged 46 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Reboulet, Paul R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 500 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 25, 1923 |
Rank | S/Sgt. |
Unit | 40 Artillery Brig.; WWII |
Died | Jan. 13, 1963,
aged 40 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Notes | Death year probably should be 1964. |
Name | Redfield, Perry |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 196 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Apr. 30, 1919 |
Rank | WO Jr. Grade |
Unit | 82 A B Div.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 6, 1959,
aged 40 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Reed, Edward |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 87 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Dec. 13, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rehtz, George P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 473 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 2, 1915 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 216 Chemical Service Co.; WWII |
Died | Aug. 25, 1963,
aged 48 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Reineman, Frank A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 175 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 4, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 38 C O T S; WWI |
Died | June 5, 1959,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Repsher, Clarence
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 156 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 14, 1925 |
Rank | Radioman 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. N. R. F.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 17, 1959,
aged 33 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Reynolds, Edward
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 167 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 20, 1887 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 311 Field Artillery; WWI |
Died | Apr. 27, 1959,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rhoda, Walton C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 830 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 17, 1906 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Hdq. Co., 28 Infantry |
Died | July 12, 1967,
aged 61 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ricchio, James J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 665 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 8, 1908 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | 488 Replacement Co.; WWII |
Died | Oct. 18, 1965,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rickard, Francis J.,
Sr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 124 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Aug. 2, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 21 Engineers; WWI |
Died | July 5, 1958,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Riley, Leo A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 534 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 20, 1899 |
Rank | Seaman 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. N. |
Died | June 12, 1954,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker - Flat Granite |
Name | Rippe, Otto R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 353 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 21, 1898 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Hdq. Co., 108 Inf.; WWI |
Died | March 15, 1962,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rishor, Loretta A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 169 |
Division | 19D |
Born | June 22, 1903 |
Rank | 1 Lieut. |
Unit | 304 General Hospital; WWII |
Died | May 7, 1959,
aged 55 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ritzenthaler,
Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 851 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 18, 1888 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | QMC Salvage Co.; WWI |
Died | Oct. 28, 1967,
aged 79 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rivelli, Tito |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 527 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 13, 1887 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. M, 347 Infantry; WWI |
Died | May 23, 1964,
aged 77 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rivoli, Valentino
P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 735 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 12, 1917 |
Rank | S/Sgt. |
Unit | 575 Bomb Sqdn.; WWII |
Died | May 14, 1966,
aged 48 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rizzo, Alphonse |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 458 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 29, 1903 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Hq., Hq. Det., Office of Strategic Sr.; WWII |
Died | June 16, 1963,
aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rocca, Nicholas P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 819 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 15, 1927 |
Rank | T/4 |
Unit | 523 Ord. H. A. M. Co.; WWII |
Died | May 20, 1967,
aged 40 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rocca, Pasquale |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 295 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 3, 1886 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Detachment QM Corps; WWI |
Died | May 8, 1961,
aged 74 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rock, John F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 80 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | Oct. 27, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rogers, George M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 12, double grave 7 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Jan. 26, 1891, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | Aug. 5, 1917, Rochester, NY |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 106 Ambulance Co., 102 San. Train, 27 Division; peace time and WWI |
Discharged | March 31, 1919, Camp Upton, NY |
Died | July 21, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Rogers, Joseph F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 558 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 17, 1898 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 316 Bakery Co., QM Corps.; WWI |
Died | Sept. 14, 1964,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Romanguola,
Vincenzo |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 796 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 10, 1883 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. G, 347 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Feb. 5, 1967,
aged 83 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Romano, Thomas |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 398 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 22, 1920 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Det. M. D., Stark Gen. Hosp.; WWII |
Died | Sept. 14, 1962,
aged 42 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ronzo, Patsy D. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 606 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 4, 1919 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 29 Infantry Repl. Depot; WWII |
Died | April 19, 1965,
aged 46 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rosenbauer, Charles
C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 12, double grave 2 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Oct. 14, 1892, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | March 4, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Medical Detachment, 326th Field Signal Bn.; WWI |
Discharged | July 3, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ |
Died | July 15, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Rotellini,
Beniamino |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 42 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | April 15, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rowland, Francis
E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 294 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 16, 1916 |
Rank | T/4 |
Unit | 828 C.A.C.; WWII |
Died | May 7, 1961,
aged 44 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ruane, John J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 530 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 1, 1899 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. D, 5 Coast Artillery |
Died | May 28, 1964,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker - Flat Granite |
Name | Rush, Richard
James |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 373 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Oct. 20, 1936 |
Rank | Sp. 4 |
Unit | 319 USASA Bn.; peace time veteran |
Died | June 28, 1962,
aged 25 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Russo, Philip J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 240 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 3, 1913 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 200 AAF Base Unit; WWII |
Died | June 16, 1960,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Russotti, John L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 422 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 10, 1916 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 805 Army Air Force Base Unit; WWII |
Died | Jan. 25, 1963,
aged 46 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rutan, James J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 446 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 20, 1898 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. G, 26 Infantry; WWI |
Died | April 28, 1963,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rutherford, Walter
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 840 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 12, 1918 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Medical Det., 346 Sta. Hosp.; WWII |
Died | Aug. 30, 1967,
aged 49 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rutledge, John V. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 799 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 30, 1902 |
Rank | QM 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. N. R.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 18, 1967,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Rutner, Joseph P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 860 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 13, 1910 |
Rank | T/Sgt. |
Unit | 95 Bomb Sqdn.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 20, 1967, aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Notes | Surname also listed as Rutyna |
Name | Ryan, Henry J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 70 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | Spanish-American War |
Died | Sept. 17, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ryan, James Louis,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 655 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 23, 1924 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | U. S. Marine Corps; WWII |
Died | Sept. 20, 1965,
aged 41 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ryan, John T. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 449 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 12, 1888 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Baty. F, 336 F.A.; WWI |
Died | May 12, 1963,
aged 74 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ryan, Joseph Kelley |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 116 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | war Peace time |
Died | May 3, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ryan, Patrick J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 108 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | March 21, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Salamone, Philip
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 79 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | Oct. 16, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Salatino, Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 751 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 7, 1893 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. G, 108 Inf.; WWI |
Died | July 3, 1966, aged 73 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sally, Frank |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 241 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Oct. 10, 1898 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 30th Balloon Co.; WWI |
Died | June 26, 1960,
aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sanfilippo, Michael
M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 777 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 15, 1916 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | 16th Constabulary; WWII |
Died | Nov. 5, 1966,
aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Santangelo, Louis
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 864 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 25, 1910 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 1060 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII |
Died | Dec. 2, 1967,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sarsfield, Aloysius
G. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 69 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | Sept. 5, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sava, Samuel D. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 758 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 24, 1915 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 102 AAA; WWII |
Died | Aug. 11, 1966, aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Savage, Donald E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 744 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 23, 1930 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 3rd Airpolice Sq., Bomb L; peace time veteran
(1947) |
Died | June 6, 1966,
aged 35 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Scaccia, Angelo |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 68 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 2, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | U. S. Army |
Died | Aug. 24, 1974,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Scahill, Thomas F.,
Sr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 86 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Dec. 13, 1957,
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Scanio, Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 307 |
Division | 19D |
Born | April 5, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. 7, 305th Am. Tr., 80 Div.; WWI |
Died | June 13, 1961,
aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schafer, Charles
V. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 828 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 2, 1888 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. 41, 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | June 25, 1967,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schafer, Florie J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 72 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Sept. 24, 1927 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schalina, Robert
H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 601 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 25, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Amb. Co. 280, 20 Sanitary Train; WWI |
Died | March 28, 1965,
aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schamine, Charles
H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 420 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 12, 1896 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Btry. F, 35 F. A.; WWI |
Died | Jan. 13, 1963,
aged 66 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schmid, Otto |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 581 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 31, 1902 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. F, 417 Infantry; WWII |
Died | Dec. 13, 1964,
aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schmitt, George A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 300 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Aug. 23, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. E, 60 Field Arty.; WWI |
Died | May 21, 1961,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schmitt, Harold
George |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 419 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 28, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Jan. 10, 1963,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schmitt, Louis F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 348 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 31, 1892 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. A, 328 Inf.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 14, 1962,
aged 70 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schmitz, Alfred W.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 807 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 23, 1930 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 108 D. I. C. Det.; Korean War |
Died | April 9, 1968,
aged 37 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schon, Paul |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 417 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 20, 1881 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. M, 153 Inf. |
Died | Dec. 7, 1962,
aged 81 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schramm, Gordon W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 224 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 2, 1959 (sic) |
Rank | M. Sgt. (E-7) |
Unit | U. S. A. R.; Korean War |
Died | March 12, 1960,
aged 30 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schrank, Charles
Lawrence |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 49 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | May 22, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Schubert, Herbert
M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 19, double grave 5 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Apr. 1, 1893, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | May 26, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. F, Ordnance Dept.; WWI |
Discharged | Dec. 19, 1918, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD |
Died | Sept. 20, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Schwab, John J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 40 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 14, 1888 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. L, 345 Infantry; Peace time and WWI |
Died | March 25, 1957,
aged 69 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sciortino, Frank |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 649 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 3, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. H, 347 Inf. Regt.; WWI |
Died | Aug. 29, 1965,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Scipioni, Henry A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, lot 14 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Feb. 27, 1932, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | June 23, 1952, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. L, Medical Detachment, 7th Division; Korean War |
Died | Died of wounds March 24, 1953, Korea aged 21 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Seabry, Harold L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 768 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 9, 1911 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 343 Armoured Infantry; WWII |
Died | Sept. 13, 1966,
aged 55 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sehm, Albert W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 343 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 14, 1891 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. C, 346 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Jan. 21, 1962,
aged 70 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sehm, Cornelius C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 288 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 25, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. B, 12 Ammo Train; WWI |
Died | March 12, 1961,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Seibold, Joseph J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 377 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 13, 1906 |
Rank | T/4 |
Unit | Engineers Service Bn.; WWII |
Died | July 5, 1962,
aged 56 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Seidt, Frank X. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 739 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 6, 1892 |
Rank | Fireman 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | May 18, 1966,
aged 74 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sellitto, Pasquale |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 40 |
Division | 21 |
Born | March 23, 1893 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. C, 346 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Jan. 9, 1959,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Shadders, John R.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 326 |
Division | 19D |
Born | May 30, 1940 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | US Army Military Police Det.; peace time veteran |
Died | Oct. 26, 1961,
aged 21 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Shafer, Robert R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 25 |
Division | 21 |
Born | July 20, 1920 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | Sqdn. D, 247 A.A.F.B.U. |
Died | Oct. 1, 1971,
aged 51 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Shannon, William
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 336 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 20, 1902 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 685 Basic Flying Training Sqd.; WWII |
Died | Dec. 8, 1961,
aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sharkey, Michael
T. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 738 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 9, 1883 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Hdqs. Co., 312 Infantry |
Died | May 16, 1966,
aged 82 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Shartran, Charles |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 750 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 18, 1916 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 462 AAF Base Unit; WWII |
Died | June 30, 1966,
aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Shaughnessy,
Arlington V. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 279 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 22, 1896 |
Rank | Seaman 2/cl. (Prov.) |
Unit | U. S. N. R. F.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 8, 1961,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sheehan, James D. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 5, double grave 18 |
Division | 21 |
Born | May 28, 1890, Ogdensburg, NY |
Enlisted | July 15, 1918, New York |
Rank | Private |
Unit | S. A. T. C.; WWI |
Discharged | Dec. 18, 1918, Oswego, NY |
Died | Dec. 19, 1952, Dallas, TX aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Shewchuk, Roman,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 504 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 8, 1923 |
Rank | QM 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | Feb. 10, 1964,
aged 40 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Shields, Robert S.,
Sr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 809 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 8, 1894 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | Co. L, 807 Pioneer Inf.; WWI |
Died | March 9, 1967,
aged 73 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Shiffler, John Fox |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 608 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 19, 1891 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 16 Co., 4 Bn., 163 D. B.; WWI |
Died | April 23, 1965,
aged 74 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Short, George E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 139 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 6, 1925 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Hdq., 299 Engr. C Bn.; WWI |
Died | Oct. 20, 1958,
aged 33 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sigrist, John A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 228 |
Division | 19D |
Born | April 28, 1923 |
Rank | Captain |
Unit | U. S. A. F. R.; WWII and Korean War |
Died | April 13, 1960,
aged 36 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Simonetti, Dominic
P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 174 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 7, 1929 |
Rank | Radioman 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; Korean War |
Died | June 1, 1959,
aged 29 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Simpson, Robert R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 414 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 28, 1897 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 801 Co., Motor Trans. Corps; WWI |
Died | Nov. 18, 1962,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Skebeck, Edward J.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 816 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 21, 1946 |
Rank | Lance Cpl. |
Unit | U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War |
Died | April 28, 1967,
aged 20 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Skebeck, Edward |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 284 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 10, 1903 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 35 Troop Carrier Sqdn.; WWII |
Died | March 2, 1961,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smith , Robert C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 841 |
Division | 19E |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | U. S. Marine Corps; Vietnam War |
Died | Aug. 26, 1967,
aged 19 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smith, Arthur V. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 436 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 19, 1898 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 37 Balloon Co. A. S.; WWI |
Died | March 21, 1963,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smith, Arthur |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 38 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Nov. 15, 1890, Dewart, PA |
Enlisted | Sept. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 304th Guard & Fire Co., Q. M. C.; WWI |
Discharged | May 14, 1919, Camp Upton, NY |
Died | June 2, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Smith, Charles J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 461 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 26, 1916 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 990th Tech. School Sqd.; WWII |
Died | July 3, 1963,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smith, James V. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 494 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 27, 1891 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Mach. Gun Co., 3 Inf., N.Y.N.G.; WWI |
Died | Dec. 10, 1963,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smith, Lester John |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 6 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Jan. 4, 1895, Rochester, NY |
1st Enlisted | March 29, 1918, Buffalo, NY |
Rank | Seaman 2/cl. |
Unit | U.S. Navy; WWI |
1st Discharged | Oct. 29, 1919, Chelsea, MA |
2nd Enlisted | Apr. 5, 1920, Columbus Bks., OH |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Troop I, 7th U.S. Cavalry; peace time |
2nd Discharged | Nov. 27, 1920, Fort Bliss, TX |
Died | July 5, 1952, Canandaiqua, NY aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Smith, Robert John |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 634 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 23, 1929 |
Rank | Sgt. 1/cl. |
Unit | Amb. Co., 11 Airborne Med. Bn.; Korean War |
Died | July 22, 1965,
aged 35 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smith, Wallace |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 470 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 26, 1907 |
Rank | S/Sgt. |
Unit | 206 Medica; WWII |
Died | Aug. 11, 1963,
aged 55 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smolarek, Michael
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 694 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 29, 1904 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Quartermaster Corps; WWII |
Died | Jan. 9, 1966,
aged 61 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Smythe, Charles J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 184 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Apr. 2, 1917 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. A, 1 Q. M. Bn.; peace time veteran |
Died | Aug. 13, 1959,
aged 42 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Snyder, George M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 24 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Aug. 20, 1886 |
Unit | Co. G, 22 Engineers; WWI |
Died | Dec. 23, 1956,
aged 70 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Socha, Thomas J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 280 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Oct. 5, 1916 |
Rank | S/Sgt. |
Unit | Co. A, 11 Inf. Regt., 5 Inf. Div.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 10, 1961,
aged 44 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Soles, James
Francis |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 687 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 29, 1913 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | AGF Replacement Depot #1; WWII |
Died | Dec. 27, 1965,
aged 51 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sparagana,
Giovanni |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 2, double grave 40 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Oct. 12, 1887, Italy |
Enlisted | Apr. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. E, 53rd Pioneer Infantry; WWI |
Discharged | May 20, 1919, Camp Upton, NY |
Died | Aug. 8, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Spatola, Salvatore |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 629 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 20, 1886 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. B, 17th Engrs.; WWI |
Died | June 28, 1965,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Speckman, Jacob J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 525 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 21, 1898 |
Rank | Seaman |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | May 19, 1964,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Specksgoor, Fred
G. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 671 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 12, 1891 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. E, 328 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Nov. 10, 1965,
aged 74 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Spina, Tommaso
(Thomas) |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 94 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Jan. 16, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Spitz, Chester J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, lot 28 |
Division | 21 |
Born | March 24, 1894, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | Nov. 21, 1917, Brockport, NY |
Rank | Corporal |
Unit | Btry. D, 309th Field Artillery, 78th Div.; WWI |
Discharged | May 27, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ |
Died | Aug. 3, 1952, Honeoye Falls, NY aged 58 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Spitz, George J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 464 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 10, 1892 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. B, 63 Infantry; WWI |
Died | July 20, 1963,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Stagnitto, James |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 805 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 26, 1917 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 314 Troop Carrier Sq., 349 Troop Carrier
Group; WWII |
Died | Feb. 28, 1967,
aged 49 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Staunton, Francis
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 423 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 25, 1907 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. B, Harbor Defense; WWII |
Died | Jan. 26, 1963,
aged 55 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Steckel, Matthew |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 335 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 15, 1892 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 347 Inf. W. G. Co. |
Died | Nov. 24, 1961,
aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Steele, William H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 391 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 23, 1901 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. C, 125th Armored Engr. Bn.; WWII |
Died | Aug. 24, 1962,
aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Stephany, Chester
F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 706 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 2, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. D, 335 F. Art.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 12, 1966,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sterone, Antonio |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 4, double grave 48 |
Division | 21 |
Born | March 6, 1888, Matonda, Italy |
Enlisted | Apr. 3, 1918, Rochester, NY |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. A, 310th Infantry; WWI |
Discharged | June 6, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ |
Died | Dec. 3, 1952, Rochester, NY aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Stevens, Robert E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 362 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 26, 1903 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Medical Corps ERC; WWII |
Died | April 14, 1962,
aged 58 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Stever, Howard H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 354 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 17, 1891 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. D, 151 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | March 17, 1962,
aged 70 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Stone, George
Edward |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 701 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 6, 1900 |
Rank | Motor Machinist Mate |
Unit | U. S. Navy; peace time veteran |
Died | Jan. 29, 1966,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Stoudt, Wendell
Weber |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 477 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 8, 1915 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 83 Signal Co.; WWII |
Died | Sept. 8, 1963,
aged 47 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Strassner, Roger
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 235 |
Division | 19D |
Born | March 7, 1940 |
Rank | Seaman |
Unit | U. S. N. R. F.; peace time veteran |
Died | May 27, 1960,
aged 20 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Streb, Benedict J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 881 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 28, 1890 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. M, 345 Inf.; WWI |
Died | Jan. 21, 1968,
aged 77 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Stritzel, John R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 219 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Oct. 23, 1923 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Co. M, 66 Infantry; WWII |
Died | Feb. 15, 1960,
aged 36 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Strohmeier, William
F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 281 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 23, 1893 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. C, 117 Field Signal Bn.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 15, 1961,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sukis, Frank |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 363 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 1, 1891 |
Rank | Mechanic |
Unit | Co. A, 3 M. G. Bn.; WWI |
Died | April 18, 1962,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sulanowski, John
T. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 262 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 26, 1925 |
Rank | BM 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII and Korean War |
Died | Oct. 22, 1960,
aged 35 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sullivan, John L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 685 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 9, 1900 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. A, 104 F. A.; WWI |
Died | Dec. 24, 1965,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sullivan, Raymond
D. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 573 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 14, 1890 |
Rank | Acting Sgt. |
Unit | S.A.T.C.; WWI |
Died | Nov. 12, 1964,
aged 74 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sullivan, Richard
A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 496 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 25, 1896 |
Rank | Ship's Cook 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | Dec. 16, 1963,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sullivan, Robert
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 374 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Aug. 27, 1914 |
Rank | T/Sgt. |
Unit | Det. 1257 Tilton Genl. Hosp.; WWII |
Died | July 3, 1962,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sullivan, Robert |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 680 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 16, 1937 |
Unit | Army |
Died | Dec. 20, 1965,
aged 28 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sundberg, Peter P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 472 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 26, 1901 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 452 Hq., Base Service Sq.; WWII |
Died | Aug. 22, 1963,
aged 61 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Surprenant, David
Gerald |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 633 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 20, 1930 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 546 Sig. Base Depot Co. |
Died | July 17, 1965,
aged 34 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Swanson, Gust |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 172 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 6, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 310 Sanitary Train; WWI |
Died | May 31, 1959,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Swatka, August
William |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 19 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 19, 1897 |
Rank | Baker 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | Nov. 21, 1956,
aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Sylvester, Randolph
Craig |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 678 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 5, 1946 |
Rank | AA |
Unit | U. S. Navy |
Died | Dec. 7, 1965,
aged 19 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Taddeo, Ralph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 322 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Apr. 10, 1897 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. 10, 154 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Sept. 25, 1961,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Taddeo, William J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 590 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 20, 1917 |
Rank | S/Sgt. |
Unit | Hq. Co., 47 Arm. Inf., 5 Div.; WWII |
Died | Jan. 19, 1965,
aged 47 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tadio, Arthur A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 346 |
Division | 19D |
Born | April 1, 1922 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. H, 501 Parachute Inf.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 4, 1962,
aged 39 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Taggart, James P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 538 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 1, 1906 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 1020 Engr. Treadway Brdg. Co.; WWII |
Died | June 22, 1964,
aged 58 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Talarico, Giuseppe |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 266 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 26, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. M, 30 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Nov. 8, 1960,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tartaglia, Donato |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 120 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | June 1, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tatlia, Raymond |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 3 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 6, 1906 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Battery B, 8 Field Artillery; Peace
time veteran |
Died | Aug. 31, 1956,
aged 49 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Taylert, William
L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 197 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 11, 1913 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. B, 318 Inf.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 10, 1959,
aged 46 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Teirlynck, Leon F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 382 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 27, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Medical Department; WWI |
Died | July 17, 1962,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Temple, George
Lewis |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 533 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 27, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | U. S. M. C.; WWI |
Died | June 5, 1964,
aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Terrore, Armando |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 110 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | March 31, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tette, John B. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 647 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 8, 1946 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | U. S. M. Corps; Korean War |
Died | Aug. 18, 1965,
aged 19 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Teuschel, John
Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 523 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 25, 1927 |
Rank | QM 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | May 15, 1964,
aged 36 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thomas, Edward C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 594 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 23, 1908 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Army of the U.S.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 6, 1965,
aged 56 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thomas, Harold J., Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 78 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | Oct. 13, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thomas, Muriel L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 899 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 27, 1890 |
Rank | Nurse |
Unit | Base Hospital #19; WWI |
Died | May 11, 1968,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thompson, Joseph
W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 826 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 26, 1920 |
Rank | M/Sgt. |
Unit | Hdqs., 4603 Air Base Group; WWII |
Died | June 10, 1967,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thorpe, Henry P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 673 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 22, 1901 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 35 Sig. Co., 35 Inf. Div.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 23, 1965,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thorpe, Jerry H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 227 |
Division | 19D |
Born | March 24, 1910 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Medical Dept.; WWII |
Died | March 26, 1960,
aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Thurston, Wesley
G. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 886 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 29, 1942 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | U. S. Army; Vietnam War |
Died | Feb. 5, 1968,
aged 26 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tierney, Martin
Henry |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 15 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 4, 1934 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 22 Infantry, AUS; Korean War |
Died | Nov. 3, 1956,
aged 22 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tomassi, Oreste |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 6, double grave 31 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Oct. 2, 1895, Rome, Italy |
Enlisted | Sept. 29, 1917, Rochester, NY |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. L, 326 Infantry, 82 Division; WWI |
Discharged | June 13, 1919, Camp Upton, NY |
Died | Feb. 15, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Tomish, Paul S. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 178 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 28, 1912 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 97 Inf. Div.; WWII |
Died | June 16, 1959,
aged 47 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Towers, Alfred |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 98 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI, 1941 |
Died | Feb. 6, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tracy, William L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 648 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 21, 1916 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | 1596 AAF Base Unit; WWII |
Died | Aug. 28, 1965,
aged 49 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Treviso, Anthony
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 715 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 27, 1926 |
Rank | Coxswain |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | March 24, 1966,
aged 39 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Troiano, Frank A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 122 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 4, 1892 |
Rank | Sea (P) |
Unit | U. S. N. R. F.; WWI |
Died | June 17, 1958,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Trost, Alfred J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 218 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Aug. 7, 1899 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 902 AAF Base Unit; WWI |
Died | Feb. 14, 1960,
aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tufano, Michael |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 7 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 8, 1895 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. K, 347 Inf., 87 Division; WWI |
Died | Sept. 25, 1956,
aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Tuzzi, Luigi |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 261 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 24, 1898 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Truck Co. 3; 1 Army Arty. Pk.; WWI |
Died | Oct. 20, 1960,
aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Umhoefer, Charles
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 424 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 15, 1896 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Btry. A, 309 Field Arty.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 2, 1963,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | VanBell, Thomas J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 870 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 31, 1919 |
Rank | Coxswain |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | Dec. 20, 1967,
aged 48 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | VanCott, John E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 653 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 18, 1895 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 328 Inf.; WWI |
Died | Sept. 14, 1965,
aged 69 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | VanGelder, James
Martin |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 34 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 20, 1878 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | 94th Aero Sq., A.S.A.; WWI |
Died | Feb. 14, 1957,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | VanHalle, Jacob |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 802 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb. 1, 1900 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | 58 M. P. Co.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 23, 1967,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Vascukynas, Joseph
M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 121 |
Division | 19D |
Born | May 19, 1904 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. A, 27 Inf. Training Bn.; WWII |
Died | June 19, 1958,
aged 54 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Vecchio, Joseph R.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 463 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 18, 1927 |
Rank | Fireman 2/cl. |
Unit | U.S.N.R.; WWII |
Died | July 14, 1963,
aged 36 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Veltz, Edmund C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 16 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 11, 1895 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. B, 1st Dev. Bn., 151 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Nov. 7, 1956,
aged 61 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Venticinque, John
L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 577 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 6, 1921 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 112 A. A. F. Base Unit; WWII |
Died | Dec. 2, 1964,
aged 43 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Vernetti, Fiore |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 668 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 18, 1919 |
Rank | M/Sgt. |
Unit | 1882 Unit; WWII |
Died | Oct. 31, 1965,
aged 46 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Vieira, Jordan R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 551 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 15, 1926 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | U. S. Marine Corps |
Died | Aug. 3, 1964,
aged 37 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Villanueva, Pedro |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 834 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 14, 1894 |
Rank | Chief Cook |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | July 28, 1967,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Vinciquerra,
Onofrio |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 667 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 30, 1892 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 18th Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Nov. 2, 1965,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Viselli, Peter |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 305 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 21, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. F, 57 Arty., CAC; WWI |
Died | June 10, 1961,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Voelkl, Joseph G. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 8, double grave 4 |
Division | 21 |
Born | Dec. 9, 1896, Rochester, NY |
Enlisted | July 1, 1918, Buffalo, NY |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | U.S.M.C.; WWI |
Discharged | Apr. 20, 1919, Buffalo, NY |
Died | Apr. 30, 1953, Rochester, NY aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Vogt, Adam |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 375 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 6, 1906 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 4283 Q M Dep. Co.; WWII |
Died | July 4, 1962,
aged 55 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Vogt, Harold W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 532 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 29, 1900 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Troop K, 6 Cavalry; WWI |
Died | June 1, 1964,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Volkmar, Vincent
H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 17 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 25, 1898 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. B, 4th Balloon Squadron; WWI |
Died | Nov. 13, 1956,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Volpe, Philip, Sr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 390 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 11, 1894 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. B, 310 Inf., 78 Div.; WWI |
Died | Aug. 22, 1962,
aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wadick, Arthur A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 77 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | Oct. 11, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wagner, Walter J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 863 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 15, 1914 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Hdqs., Hdqs. Sqdn, U. S. A. F.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 28, 1967,
aged 53 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walacavage, Joseph |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 888 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 29, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. G, 164 Infantry; WWI |
Died | March 3, 1968,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walker, Harold |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 185 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 18, 1896 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 106 Co., CAC; WWI |
Died | Aug. 18, 1959,
aged 62 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walker, Warren A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 555 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 1, 1916 |
Rank | T/4 |
Unit | 330 Ord. Depot Co.; WWII |
Died | Aug. 30, 1964,
aged 48 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wallace, James E.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 898 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 30, 1908 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Btry. C, 256 F. A.; WWII |
Died | May 10, 1968,
aged 59 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walsh, James E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 83 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | Korean War |
Died | Nov. 16, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walters, Billy Boy |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 794 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 17, 1929 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 11 Airbourne Div.; Korean War |
Died | Jan. 25, 1967,
aged 37 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walters, Donald T. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 89 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | Korean War |
Died | Dec. 22, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Walton, Edward J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 726 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 13, 1924 |
Rank | Ensign |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWII |
Died | April 22, 1966,
aged 41 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Ward, Clinton J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 17, double grave 46 |
Division | 21 |
Unit | WWI |
Died | June 8, 1971 |
Type of Tombstone | private marker |
Name | Ward, James E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Tier 21, double grave 2 |
Division | 21 |
Born | June 12, 1896 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 310 Guard & Fire Co., QMC; WWI |
Died | Dec. 7, 1960,
aged 64 |
Type of Tombstone | U.S. marker |
Name | Wardzinski,
Michael |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 813 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 19, 1888 |
Rank | GM 1/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | April 10, 1967,
aged 78 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Warren, Walter
Martin |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 614 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 7, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | MG Co., 347 Infantry; WWI |
Died | May 11, 1965,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Way, Thomas H. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 849 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 4, 1944 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 39 Inf. Brigade, 9 Inf. Div.; Vietnam War |
Died | Oct. 9, 1967,
aged 23 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Weber, Francis M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 732 |
Division | 19E |
Born | May 24, 1908 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | 347 Army Air Force Base Unit; WWII |
Died | May 8, 1966,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Weigel, Louis W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 480 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 11, 1906 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Sec. 1, Hdq. Det. Complement; WWII |
Died | Sept. 19, 1963,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Weiglet, Silvin J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 217 |
Division | 19D |
Born | June 26, 1907 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | 28 Q. M. Company; WWII |
Died | Feb. 6, 1960,
aged 52 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welch, James W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 883 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 1, 1906 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Hqds. Det., 1209 S C U; WWII |
Died | Jan. 30, 1968,
aged 61 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welch, Martin B. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 528 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Aug. 4, 1909 |
Rank | !st Lt. |
Unit | Army of the U.S.; WWII |
Died | May 23, 1964,
aged 54 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welch, Raymond B. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 858 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 23, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. F, Postal Express Services; WWI |
Died | Nov. 15, 1967,
aged 71 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welch, Thomas J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 445 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 9, 1887 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Co. A, 108 Infantry; WWI |
Died | April 26, 1963,
aged 75 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welch, Walter |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 447 |
Division | 19E |
Born | March 28, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. C, 348 Inf.; WWI |
Died | May 6, 1963,
aged 70 yrs. |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welker, Fred C. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 273 |
Division | 19D |
Born | July 13, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Med. Dept.; WWI |
Died | Dec. 15, 1960,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Welt, Stanley |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 541 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Nov. 2, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. 46, 12 Bn., 153 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | June 29, 1964,
aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wendelgass, Clifford
Albert |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 48 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | war Peace Time |
Died | May 20, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Werger, Joseph J.,
Jr. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 28 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 6, 1893 |
Rank | Recruit |
Unit | 10th Recruit Co., G.S.I.; WWI |
Died | Jan. 15, 1957,
aged 63 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Werner, Henry |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 232 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Nov. 20, 1892 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 22nd Co. Sandy Hook |
Died | May 3, 1960,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wesley, Louis Leo |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 204 |
Division | 19D |
Born | June 29, 1901 |
Rank | Mailman 1/cl. |
Unit | U S. N. R.; WWI and WWII |
Died | Dec. 4, 1959,
aged 58 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | White, Albert |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 789 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Dec. 26, 1892 |
Rank | 1 Lt. |
Unit | Inf. Det. Casual Officer; WWI |
Died | Jan. 9, 1967,
aged 74 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | White, Anthony P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 645 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 19, 1907 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 1257 S. S. S. U.; WWII |
Died | Aug. 19, 1965,
aged 57 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wickman, Walter F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 670 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Sept. 11, 1915 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. C, 10 Q. M. Tr. Regt.; WWII |
Died | Nov. 8, 1965,
aged 50 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wiemer, Charles E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 355 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 23, 1894 |
Rank | Seaman |
Unit | U. S. Navy; WWI |
Died | March 17, 1962,
aged 67 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Williams, John E. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 396 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Sept. 1, 1896 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. A, 108 Inf., 27 Div.; WWI |
Died | Sept. 11, 1962,
aged 66 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Williams, John S. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 818 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 5, 1895 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | U. S. Navy |
Died | May 5, 1967,
aged 72 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Williams, Margaret
M. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 18 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 8, 1924 |
Rank | Yeoman 3/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Coast Guard; WWII |
Died | July 23, 1958,
aged 33 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Williamson, Gerald L. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 113 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWII |
Died | Apr. 12, 1958 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wilson, Ralph P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 692 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 1, 1905 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | Co. B, 716 M. P. Bn.; WWII, 1951 |
Died | Jan. 9, 1966,
aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wisler, Earl |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 63 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | WWI |
Died | July 26, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wittman, John Carl |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 636 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Feb.23, 1932 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Med. Co., 504 A I R; Korean War |
Died | July 29, 1965,
aged 33 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wolkonowski, Donald
S. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 432 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Jan. 2, 1915 |
Rank | Cpl. |
Unit | Sqd. H, 383 Army Air Force BU; WWII |
Died | March 1, 1963,
aged 48 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wollek, Robert
Edward |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 714 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 18, 1969 |
Rank | Sp. 4 |
Unit | Co. A, 14 Armor Cav. |
Died | March 25, 1966,
aged 26 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wolter, John F. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 62 |
Division | 19D |
Unit | Spanish-American War |
Died | July 26, 1957 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wood , Charles A. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 806 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 4, 1909 |
Rank | T/5 |
Unit | Hdq. Services Co.; WWII |
Died | Feb. 28, 1967,
aged 55 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Woods, Christopher |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 776 |
Division | 19E |
Born | Oct. 30, 1924 |
Rank | Seaman 2/cl. |
Unit | U. S. N. R.; WWII |
Died | Oct. 28, 1966,
aged 41 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Woodworth, John W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 131 |
Division | 19D |
Born | 1888 |
Rank | Sgt. |
Unit | Co. L, 59 U.S. Regt. Inf.; WWI |
Died | Sept. 3, 1958,
aged 69 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Worden, John W. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 791 |
Division | 19E |
Born | July 14, 1928 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | U. S. Army; Korean War |
Died | Jan. 20, 1967,
aged 38 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Wright, Robert J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 134 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Dec. 16, 1889 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | Co. K, 312 Infantry; WWI |
Died | Sept. 22, 1958, aged 68 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Yanklowski, John
Walter |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 484 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 11, 1907 |
Rank | Seaman 1/cl. |
Unit | U. S. Navy |
Died | Oct. 7, 1963,
aged 56 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | York, James R. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 783 |
Division | 19E |
Born | April 3, 1918 |
Rank | S/Sgt. |
Unit | Hdqs., Hdqs Co., 33 Inf.; WWII |
Died | Dec. 25, 1966,
aged 48 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Zapf, Charles |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 1 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Feb. 1, 1896 |
Rank | Private |
Unit | Co. K, 348 Inf., 87 Div.; WWI |
Died | Aug. 29, 1956,
aged 60 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Zaretsky, John P. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 895 |
Division | 19E |
Born | June 19, 1916 |
Rank | PFC |
Unit | Repair Sqdn., 20 Air Depot Group; WWII |
Died | May 6, 1968,
aged 51 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |
Name | Zeitvogel, Stephen
J. |
Burial location | Sec. 18 North, Vet. Plot, grave 130 |
Division | 19D |
Born | Jan. 4, 1893 |
Rank | Pvt. |
Unit | 152 Depot Brigade; WWI |
Died | Sept. 1, 1958,
aged 65 |
Type of Tombstone | U. S. marker |

To: Surnames beginning with letters A - F
To: Surnames beginning with letters G - N

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© Richard T. Halsey, 2008