compiled by
Richard T. Halsey
July 1987
West Brighton Rural Cemetery was laid out in 1821 by Jacob Miller and was given in trust to the Town of Brighton. The first person buried there was a relative of Jacob Miller's, who was killed by a falling tree. The cemetery contained one-half acre of land, and about 200 persons had been laid to rest there when it was closed in 1878.
The first trustees were Chauncey Crittenden, Miller Ely and Joseph N. Colwell. All of these men were buried in the cemetery. Ebenezer Eaton, a Revolutionary soldier who fought at Bunker Hill, was among the early burials.
On Jan. 3rd, 1852 a public meeting was held at the schoolhouse in District 5 to form a formal association. Six trustees were selected: Orrin Barker, Alfred White, John L. See, Luther Eaton and Chauncey Crittenden. Also, Charles Colwell was chosen chairman and Orrin Barker, secretary.
This compilation is a list of the removals when the cemetery was moved to Mt. Hope Cemetery. Added to that is information from two lists of lot owners taxed to maintain the cemetery. The first tax list was made on Aug. 6, 1852 and the second tax list was from April 30, 1869. Both of these lists were found in the Local History Section of the Rochester Public Library. Also included is a map of lot owners made by Anah B. Yates and a map of the burials in the W. Brighton Cemetery plot in Mt. Hope Cemetery.
unknown | Mercy Peirce | Mary Ann Miller |
unknown | unknown | Mrs. Fanny Miller |
Benj. F. McCord | Mary Manchester | Jacob Miller Sally Miller Laura Miller |
unknown | Thos. Sherwood | unknown |
unnown | unknown | unknown |
unnown | unknown | unknown |
ubknown | Laura Chillson | unknown |
unknown | Winthrup Bennet | Lydia Tripp |
unknown | unknown | Geo. King |
Paul Lindsay | Chas. Kidder | Vine B. King |
unknown | Lucy Ann King | Lucy King |
← North |
ACRE | Aaron; taxed for 11 plots in 1852 |
ANGLE | Derrick, son of Nicholas and Elenor and brother of Mathias L.; died Oct. 3, 1819 aged 26y; was originally buried on the Angle farm and was later buried in W. Brighton Cem., then was moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Mary Melissa; d 1847; buried in lot 11, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Mary Seely, wife of Mathias L.; d Aug 13, 1863 aged 74y 28d; buried in lot 11, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Mathias Lane; Sept. 26, 1786 - Nov. 9, 1873; taxed for 13 plots in 1852 (paid); taxed in 1869; owned lot 11 in section 1 and buried on that lot; moved to Mt. Hope Cem.; also 1 adult to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot |
BACKUS | T.; taxed for 8 plots in 1852 |
BARKER | Orrin; taxed in 1852 (paid); owned lot 19 in section 2 (Orrin is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) |
BENNET | Mrs.; owned lot 20 in section 2 Winthrup E., son of Winthrop & Laura; d Oct. 4, 1852 aged 16m; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
BENNETT | Winthrop E.; owned lot 20 in section 3 |
BERWICK | Thomas; buried on lot 14, section 4; removed to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot |
BOOTH | Alfred W.; buried in lot 10, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot James J.; his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lot 10 in section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Jane; buried on lot 10, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot Judson; taxed for 1 plot in 1852; owned lots 12 & 15 in section 1; 5 graves Nancy Newell; on Booth lot Reuben N.; taxed in 1869; owned lot 14 in section 2; one grave William; [no further information] |
BOUGHTON | Elizabeth, wife of Harvey; May 14, 1786 - May 9, 1855; buried on lot 6 or 7, section 2; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. George G.; taxed in 1869; owned lot 8 in section 2; 1 adult Harvey; taxed for 23 plots in 1852 Horace; taxed in 1869; owned lots 6 & 7 in section 2 |
BRIGGS | Clarissa Angle; died 1860; buried on lot 11, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. |
BRISTOL | Frank; owned lot 9 in section 3 |
BUCK | Mrs.; owned lot 20 in section 2; removals by family |
BUCKLAND | Judson; [no further information] Lydia R.; [no further information] Stephen; taxed in 1869; owned lot 18 in section 2; 4 or 5 graves Tabitha; [no further information] |
CHATTEN | Benjamin; taxed in 1869; owned lot 6 in section 4 H.; owned lot 6 in section 4 |
CHILLSON | Laura, wife of J. H.; died Feb. 23, 1840 aged 24y; buried on lot 21, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot |
COLVIN | H. D.; taxed in 1852 Henry; died March 19, 1843 aged 14y; died of fits; resided on Clinton St. |
COLWELL | Charles; 1783 - 1853; taxed for 3 plots in 1852 (paid); his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lots 16 & 17 in section 1; moved to Mt. Hope, N ½, 71 Range 4, No. 1, SE corner Emily; 1811 - 1847; buried on lot 16 or 17, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Hinman E.; taxed in 1869; owned lot 2 in section 2; buried on same lot; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot John C.; 1818 - 1845; buried on lot 16 or 17, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Joseph N.; taxed for 7 plots in 1852 (paid); buried on Eaton lot 14, section 1 with 2 others Mary French, wife of Charles; 1790 - 1857; buried on lot 16 or 17, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Rhoda Eddy, wife of Charles; 1790 - 1818; buried on lot 16 or 17, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Sally, wife of Joseph; died Sept. 15, 1834 aged 54; buried on lot 14, section 1; taken by Mr. Detrich to Grove Place Cem., Chili |
CRITTENDEN | Austin; paid tax in 1852; owned lot 3 in section 2 Chauncey; died Nov. 6, 1861 aged 77; paid tax in 1852; his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lot 4 in section 2; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Luther G., son of S. & A.; died Aug. 23, 1868 aged 63; paid tax in 1852; owned lot 9 in section 1 Luther G.; [no further information] Sarah, wife of Austin |
DETRICH | Elias; married to G. H.; owned lot 3 in section 3; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot |
DIETRICHT | Elias; taxed in 1869 |
EATON | Abeather; taxed for 8 plots in 1852 adult; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Alfred; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Delia Fargo, (second) wife of Rice; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Ebenezer, father of Rice Sr.; a Revolutionary Soldier; taxed for 5 plots in 1852; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Elizabeth Gould, wife of Rice; moved to Mt. Hope Joel; paid tax in 1852; taxed in 1869; owned lot 14 in section 1; buried on same lot; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Luther; died March 8, 1881 aged 76y 8m; paid tax in 1852; taxed in 1869; owned lot 10 in section 1; buried on this lot; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Parmelia Colwell, wife of Joel; moved to Mt. Hope Priscilla Sibley, wife of Luther; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. Rice Sr.; owned lot 17 in section 2; died Jan. 1834; moved to Mt. Hope Rice; taxed for 3 plots in 1852; taxed in 1869 Rice (second); owned lot 13 in section 1; moved to Mt. Hope |
ENGLAND | Henry; buried on lot 21, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
FARGO | Jacob A.; taxed in 1869; owned lot 2 in section 3; (Jacob is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) |
FRENCH | Alfred C.; [no further information] Alvin S.; died April 14, 1858 aged 75y 6m; taxed for 3 plots in 1852 (paid); his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lot 16 in section 3; four graves; 3 head stones. (Alvin is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) Betsey; buried in lot 17, section 1; aunt to Marvin French Laura A.; buried on lot 17, section 1; aunt to Marvin French; moved to Mt. Hope, S.W. part 52 B. M. Rebecca, wife of Alvin S.; died June 30, 1880 aged 73 (Rebecca is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) Vina B.; buried on Colwell lot 17, section 1; moved to Mt. Hope Cem. |
GRANGER | Moses; taxed for 4 plots in 1852 |
GREEN | Aaron; paid tax in 1852; owned lots 1 & 2 in section 1 |
HAMILTON | William; died March 1, 1855 aged 34y 8m 19d; taxed in 1852; owned lot 19 in section 1 (William is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) |
HAMMOND | Dr. Caleb; died April 16, 1821 aged 27; moved to Pine Hill Cem., Rush |
HARRIS | Daniel; taxed for 24 plots in 1852 |
HAVENS | Mrs. Caroline R.; (on Miller lot); moved to Mt. Hope, S.E. ¼ 74 R. E. |
HIRSCHMAN | John; owned lot 9 in section 4 |
HUNTINGTON | H. J.; taxed in 1869; owned lot 10 in section 3 |
HYATT | John; owned lot 2 in section 4 |
KIDDER | Charles, son of Mainard; died June 29, 1853; buried on lot 22, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
KING | Eugene, aged 19; moved to Mt. Hope, lot E ½ 52 S F. S. (on stone) George; died Aug. 4, 1859 aged 73y; taxed in 1852; his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lot 16 in section 2 (George is buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot) George W.; taxed in 1869; owned lot 8 in section 3; four head stones; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Lucy, wife of George; died Dec. 24, 1850 aged 57 (Lucy is buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot) Lucy Ann, dau. of George & Lucy; died June 10, 1832 aged 1y 4m (Lucy Ann is buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot) Rachel, aged 37 Vine B., son of George & Lucy; died June 8, 1850 aged 30y 6m; died of inflamed bowels; resided on Gregory St.; buried June 9; (Vine is buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot) |
KITCHEN | John; owned lot 8 in section 4; five graves, one adult; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
KNAPP | Phoebe; buried on Bristol lot 9, section 3; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
KOKER | Mary J.; buried on Yeo lot 12, section 3 |
LAKE | Noah; taxed in 1852 (paid); owned lot 1 in section 4; removals by W. H. Griffin to Maplewood Cem., Henrietta Mrs.; owned lot 14 in section 4; also buried there; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
LEE | John B.; taxed for 21 plots in 1852; owned lots 7 & 8 in section 1; three removals (John is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) |
LEWIS | Diana, wife of Zachariah (headstone); taken by C. G. Stockweather, Ridgeland E.; taxed for 7 plots in 1852 G.; taxed for 1 plot in 1852 Henry; [no further information] Simeon; taxed for 16 plots in 1852 (paid) (Simeon is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) Zachariah; his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lots 12 & 13 in section 4 |
LINDSAY | Paul, erected by his wife Margaret; died Oct. 12, 1858 aged 35; buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
LISCOMB | (no name); taxed for 14 plots in 1852 |
LUTHER | William; owned lot 11 in section 3 |
MANCHESTER | Mary, dau. of George & Mary; died Oct. 2, 1836 aged 1m 11d; buried on lot 14, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
MARTIN | Hiram; owned lot 9 in section 2 |
MARTON | A.; taxed in 1852 |
McCORD | Benjamin C.; died Aug. 22, 1852; buried on lot 22, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
MILLER | Ely; aged 89; taxed for 31 plots in 1852; owned lots 3 & 4 in section 1 Mrs. Fanny, wife of Jacob; died May 27, 1825; buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Jacob Sr.; taxed for 13 plots in 1852 Jacob; died Oct. 27, 1855 aged 68y 7m 23d; taxed for 18 plots in 1852 (paid); owned lots 5 & 6 in section 1, lot 12 in section 2 and lot 14 in section 3; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Laura Ann; died May 21, 1840; buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Mary Ann, wife of Jacob; died Nov. 25, 1836; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Polly, wife of Eli, aged 78 Sally, wife of Jacob; died April 6, 1849 aged 61y; buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot ------; five graves, three adults; claimed by R. Miller |
MULFORD | C.; taxed for 6 plots in 1852 |
NEWELL | Nancy; moved to Mt. Hope Bri. Cem. plot |
NUTT | John; taxed in 1852 (paid) |
OSBURN | Mary; buried on lot 11, section 3; removed by H. A. Ellis, Ridgeland |
PHILLIPS | Henry; [no further information] |
PIERCE | Austin aged 70; buried on lot 14, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. lot Mary C.; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Mercy C., wife of Wm.; died July 2, 1833 aged 49; (lot 7); buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Nancy C.; (lot 7) William; owned lot 4 in section 4; one adult & one child William; taxed for 13 plots in 1852 William; his heirs taxed in 1869 |
PORTER | Augustus; [no further information] |
POST | Stephen T.; taxed for 16 plots in 1852 |
PRICHER | Emma J.; buried in lot 10, section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
RENNER | John; owned lot 15 in section 4; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
RUSSELL | Dolly; [no further information] Jonathan; taxed for 7 plots in 1852 (paid); his heirs taxed in 1869; owned lot 15 in section 2; five graves; 3 headstones Orpha; [no further information] |
SCUDDER | Horace D.; died July 11, 1862 aged 65y; taxed for 11 plots in 1852; owned lot 7 in section 3; one grave Horace S.; taxed for 12 plots in 1852 Horace Jr.; moved to Maplewood Cem., Henrietta Joel; died Dec. 24?, 1828 aged 61y Joel; owned lot 6 in section 3; three graves removed to Maplewood Cem., Henrietta by E. A. Fowler Joel, son of Horace & Polly; died Sept. 23, 1850 aged 27y 6m Norman, son of Horace & Polly; died Feb. 3, 1836 aged 11y |
SEE | Anna McIntosh; moved to McIntosh lot in Mt. Hope, section 38 W Catharine McIntosh; [no further information] Jacob; taxed for 5 plots in 1852; owned lot 15 in section 3 |
SHERMAN | Nathan; taxed in 1852; (Nathan is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) |
SHERWOOD | Emily, aged 35; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot Hull; owned lot 5 in section 2; (Hull is buried in Mt. Hope Cem.) Thomas; died June 24, 1850; taxed for 13 plots in 1852; owned lot 5 in section 2; buried in Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
SIBLEY | Delight, wife of Ezra; died March 10, 1883, aged 85y 7m; also as died March 7, 1883 aged 86y; buried on Eaton lot 10, section 1 Elisha; died July 13, 1822, aged 81; also as died July 11, 1882 aged 81 Ezra; died August 17, 1873, aged 83; also as died Aug. 15, 1873 aged 84y Priscilla, dau. of Samuel & Polly Squire Sibley; died 1880 |
SMITH | Charles; taxed in 1852; owned lot 5 in section 3 John; owned lot 17 in section 4 |
STANLEY | David; paid tax in 1852 |
STODDARD | Eunice; buried on lot 1, section 2; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
TRIPP | James; taxed for 14 plots in 1852; buried on lot 4, section 3; two graves; one headstone Lydia, dau. of ----- & Hannah; died Jan. 11, 1848 aged 15; died of bilious fever; resided on St. Paul St.; moved to Mt. Hope, Bri. Cem. plot |
WALLACE | Timothy; paid taxes in 1852 |
WARRANT | Benjamin; owned lots 17, 18 and 19 in section 3 John; owned lot 1 in section 2 Thomas; taxed for 1 plot in 1852 |
WATKINS | Henry; taxed for 7 plots in 1852 |
WESTFALL | Abram; owned lot 13 in section 3 Peter; buried on lot 13, section 3 |
WHITE | George; taxed for 2 plots in 1852 |
WILBER | John; (plate); buried on lot 12, section 3; moved to Mt. Hope, Wilbert lot Parmelia H.; moved to Mt. Hope, 236 Range 2 |
WOOLCOT | Frank; taxed for 2 plots in 1852 |
WORTHLEY | Clarrisa M.; headstone on Lewis lot 12, section 3; taken by C. G. Starkweather, Ridgeland |
YEO | Joseph ; paid tax in 1852; owned lot 12 in section 3 |
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