Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY

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11 Frederick Douglass Statues

11 Frederick Douglass Statues

11 Frederick Douglass Statues placed around Rochester in 2018.
All photos by: Dick Halsey

Top row:

  1. In Washington Square Park, located near the Soldiers' and Sailor's Monument which prompted the idea for the large Douglass statue now in Highland Park (photo dated: 11/6/2021).
  2. In front of SUNY Rochester Educational Opportunity Center because of Douglass' dedication to education (photo dated: 11/7/2021).
  3. At 300 Alexander Street, near Douglass' first home in Rochester (photo dated: 11/14/2021).
  4. At 50 Plymouth Ave North in front of the building that used to be Central Presbyterian Church, the site of Douglass' funeral (photo dated: 11/14/2021).
  5. On the corner of State and Corinthian Streets, former site of Corinthian Hall where Douglass gave his famous "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" speech (photo dated: 11/6/2021).
  6. At the northern entrance to Mt. Hope Cemetery where Douglass and his wives are buried (photo dated: 11/2/2021).

Bottom row:

  1. In front of Rochester School No. 12, 999 South Ave., the former site of the Douglass family farm (photo dated: 11/6/2021).
  2. In Maplewood Park, an Underground Railroad departure point (photo dated: 11/2/2021).
  3. In Aqueduct Park, 25 E. Main St., the former site of the Talman Building where Douglass published his newspapers (photo dated: 11/2/2021).
  4. On Central Avenue near St. Paul Street at the location of the original large Douglass statue (photo dated: 11/2/2021).
  5. In the Rare Books and Manuscripts Department of the Rush Rhees Library at the University of Rochester, where some original Douglass documents are located (photo dated: 12/10/2021)

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