Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY
Old pictures and postcards of landmarks and points of interest in Monroe County, NY
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Go to George Eastman & his home
Painting (#2), Eastman House
Dated: Prob. 1950s
Published by Marks & Fuller, Inc., Rochester, N. Y.
Made by: Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, N. Y.
Number: 67873
Text on back:
The George Eastman House of Photography, 900 East Avenue, Rochester, New York. Open free daily except Monday, 10:00 to 5:00, Sunday 1:00 to 6:00, free parking. Portrait of Miss Hoare by Sir Joshua Reynolds (172a Venetian Senator by Tintoretto (1512-94). One of the old master paintings collected by George Eastman which can be seen atthe George Eastman House.
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