Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY

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Historic Parma Farmlands, Parma - Historical Marker

Historic Parma Farmlands, Parma

Historic Parma Farmlands
Pioneered 1808 by Matthias Lane,
New Jersey Dragoon in American
Revolution who guarded the Congress,
on its flight from Philadelphia, 1777.
Chase-Flack house built circa 1845
became an underground railroad
station, Isaac Chase donated land
for cobblestone Christian Church,
(1845-1903) Isaac Chase, Jr., State
Assemblyman, 1848, Parma Supervisor
nine years.

Located at: 1191 Manitou Rd. Hilton, NY
Erected by: County of Monroe, 1978

Photo dated: July 17, 2022
Photo by: William Sauers

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