Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY

Old pictures and postcards of landmarks and points of interest in Monroe County, NY

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SUNY, Brockport - Historical Marker

SUNY, Brockport

Baptist College 1835
Collegiate Institute 1841
State Normal School 1867
State Teachers College 1942
State University of
New York College 1948
Comprehensive Liberal Arts
College 1963 / 1965

Located near the corner of College and Utica Sts. in front of the Administration building, Brockport, NY
Placed by: The College at Brockport & Brockport Community Museum, 2016

Photo dated: June 9, 2019
Photo by: William Sauers

Note: There previously was a similar marker placed by the County of Monroe and this marker changes some of the dates and updates the data.  

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