Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY
Old pictures and postcards of landmarks and points of interest in Monroe County, NY
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WHAM program - 1930
DIC-A-Doo Entertainers
Dated: 1930
Notes: The "Dic-A-Doo Entertainers" originated from WHAM and was broadcast on Wednesday nights at 7:45 for 15 minutes on the NBC network. The program featured vocal and instrumental novelties, interspersed with catchy dance rhythms, The entertainers consist of Sax Smith and his Cavaliers, Rochester dance orchestra, a two-piano team, a woman's trio and a mixed octet: Dorothy Tolley and Inez Quinn, sopranos; Geraldine Traver and Bess Perry, contraltos; Harold Singleton and Frank Baker, tenors, and Ben T. Weaver and Ferre Marzluff, bassos.
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