Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY
Old pictures and postcards of landmarks and points of interest in Monroe County, NY
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Religious Pictures Page 2, Monroe County, NY
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Nazareth Convent
New Beginning Chr. Comm. Chu., Penfield
New Bethel CME Church, Rochester
New Covenant Fellowship, Penfield
New Hope Comm. Church, Chili
New Life As'ly Un. Pent. Ch., Henrietta
New Life Fellowship, Rochester
New Testament Christian Chu., Greece
New Testament Church, Clarkson
N. Greece Rd. Church of Christ, Greece
Orchard Community Church, Greece
Parma Greece Un. Ch. of Christ, Parma
Parsells Community Church, Rochester
Perinton Community Church, Perinton
Pittsford Community Church, Pittsford
Plymouth Spiritualist Church, Rochester
Plymouth Spiritualist Chu. (#2), Rochester
Power House Kingdom Cath., Roch.
Prot. of the Mother of God Ch., Brighton
Ridgeland Community Church, Henrietta
Riga Congregational Church, Riga
Rochester Chinese Christian Ch., Penfield
Rochester Christian Ref. Church, Penfield
Roch. First Assembly of God Ch., Rochester
Salem Un. Church of Christ, Rochester
Salem's Evan. Church, Rochester
Saviors Chapel, Greece
Shiloh COGIC, Rush
Slavic Pentecostal Church, Parma
South Cong. Church, Rochester
Southeast Bible Baptist Chu., Penfield
Spencerport Assembly of God Church, Spencerport
Spencerport Bible Church, Parma
St. Dimitria Mac. Orth. Church, Henrietta
St. John the Baptist Orth. Church, Rochester
St. Luke Tabernacle Comm. Ch., Rochester
St. Mark Coptic Orth. Church, Henrietta
St. Mary the Prot. Church, Irondequoit
Sri Vidya Temple, Rush
Temple Beth El, Rochester
Temple B'rith Kodesh, Brighton
Temple B'rith Kodesh (#2), Brighton
Temple Berith Kodesh (#1), Rochester
Temple Berith Kodesh (#2), Rochester
Temple Beth David, Irondequoit
Temple Emmanu-El, Irondequoit
Temple Sinai, Brighton
The Father's House, Chili
The Father's House, Greece
The Potter's House Church, East Rochester
Trinity Alliance Church, Gates
Trinity Church of the Nazarene, Greece
Trinity Church, Rochester
Trinity Communion Church, Irondequoit
Trinity Reformed Church, Brighton
Ukrainian Ch. of the Epiphany, Rochester
Union Cong. Un. Ch. of Christ, Churchville
Unitarian Church, Rochester
United Church of Christ, Webster
Victory Community Church, Parma
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Vineyard Church, Henrietta
Walker Bible Baptist Church, Hamlin
Walnut Hill Comm. Church, Pittsford
Wat Pa Lao Buddhadham
Webster Assembly of God, Webster
Webster Bible Church, Webster
Webster Christian Ref. Church, Webster
Wheatland Comm. Church, Rush
Word of Life Christian Fellowship, Henrietta