Pictures of Rochester and Monroe County, NY
Old pictures and postcards of landmarks and points of interest in Monroe County, NY
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Henrietta, Monroe County, NY
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All Nations Church
Assembly of God Church
Bibleway Healing Assembly
Boat on Erie Canal
Brown Family Home
Calvary Community Church
Christian Friendship Bapt. Church
Church of the First Born
Country Squire Motel
Country Squire Motels
Crossroads Bible Fellowship, Henrietta
Diamondhead Lounge - Henrietta
Dorkat Motel
East Baptist Church
Epic Church
Faith United Meth. Church
Farm Home
Former Carriage Shop
Gannett Youth Club
Good Shepard (RC) Church
Guardian Angels (RC) Church
Harvest Bible Fellowship
Headmaster's House
Henrietta United Church of Christ
Highlander Motor Hotel
Hindu Temple of Rochester
Holiday Inn
In Christ New Hope Ministry
Inn on the Campus, Henrietta
Jehovah's Witnesses
John Calvin Pres. Church
New Life Assembly Un. Pent. Ch.
Pinnacle Lutheran Church
Ridgeland Community Church
Rowntowner Motor Inn
St. Dimitria Macedonian Orth. Church
St. Mark Coptic Orth. Church
St. Mark Lutheran Church
St. Peter's Epis. Church
Sheridan-Gatehouse Motor Inn
Southtown Plaza
Trenholm Motor Lodge (#1)
Trenholm Motor Lodge (#2)
Victory Baptist Church
Vineyard Church
Wat Pa Lao Buddhadham
West Henrietta Bapt. Church
Word of Life Christian Fellowship