Business Directory of Chili, NY from 1869
These records for the Town of Chili are from a business directory for Monroe County, dated 1869. Only those people that owned a business including farmers that owned or leased their farm are included. Those names in CAPITALS were sponsors of the directory. (Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
The records are arranged as follows:
- Name of individual or firm.
- Post Office addresses in parentheses.
- If a farmer, the lot number, then poss. S. for section and/or T. for Township.
- Business or occupation (after farmer is the number of acres farmed).
Allen, Esther Mrs., (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 140.
Andrews, Harvey W., (Rochester,) lot 131, farmer 150.
Andrews, Ira, (Chili,) lot 111, farmer 140.
Andrews, John N., (Chili,) lot 32, farmer 185.
Andrews, Joseph A., (Chili,) lot 110, farmer 160.
ANTEN, ABRAHAM, (Chili,) farmer leases 137.
Archer, John, (Chili,) lot 80, farmer 75½.
Archer, William, (Chili,) lot 136, farmer 53.
ASKIN, GEORGE, (Scottsville,) lot 4, farmer 217.
Askin, Henry, (Scottsville,) leases of Geo. Askin, 217.
Baker, Benjamin F., (Rochester,) farmer 125.
Baldwin, Amos R., (North Chili,) lot 88, farmer 60.
Baldwin, George H., (North Chili,) lot 88, farmer 70.
BALENTINE, WILLIAM, (Scottsville,) lot 35, farmer 145.
Ballentine, James Rev., (Rochester,) lot 169, farmer 95.
Ballintine, John K., (Rochester,) lot 144, farmer 147.
Ballintine, Mathew R., (Rochester,) farmer leases of J. K. Ballintine, 147.
Bangs, Henry B., (Rochester,) 1ot 17, farmer 93.
Bangs, Joseph, (Chili,) allopathic physician and farmer 5½.
Barons, Samuel H., (Irondequoit,) lot 5, farmer 138.
BEAHAM, THOMAS D., (Chili,) fruit raiser and farmer 15½.
Benjamin, Marcus O., (North Chili,) lot 122, farmer 120.
Benson, Michael, (Chili,) lot 100, farmer 37.
BISHOP, JOSIAH, (North Chili,) lot 190, farmer 100.
Bliss, Joel, (Cold Water,) lot 2, farmer 38.
Bliss, Valentine, (Rochester,) farmer leases of Mrs. S. Ellison, 70.
BOSWELL, JOHN, (Chili,) lot 186, farmer 128.
Bowen, Benjamin F., (North Chili,) lot 3, farmer 185.
Brainard, Claudius, (North Chili,) lot 62, farmer 100.
Brim, Donald, (Chili,) farmer 15.
BROKAW, TUNIS, (Chili,) lot 176, farmer 123.
Brooks, James, (Rochester,) lot 148, farmer 100.
Brown, Anson, (Chili,) farmer 50.
Brown & Carpenter, (Clifton,) (Thomas G. Brown and Benjamin B. Carpenter,) props. of agriculturaland bending works and saw mill.
Brown, Frederick G., (Rochester,) lot 34, farmer 8O.
Brown, Joseph, (Chili,) lot 3, farmer 67.
Brown, Lorenzo, (Rochester,) lot 3, farmer 55.
BROWN, LYMAN, (North Chili,) lot 107, farmer 16.
BROWN, NELSON, (Chili,) lot 30, farmer 125.
Brown, Oliver, (North Chili,) lot 56, farmer 48.
Brown, Talcott, (Chili,) lot 20, farmer 92.
Brown, Thomas G., (Clifton,) (Brown & Carpenter.)
Buck, William D. Rev., (North Chili,) M. E. clergyman.
Buckley, Elfreda Miss, (Chili,) lot 112, farmer 35.
BUCKLEY, JOEL L., (Chili,) lot 19, farmer 80.
Burdett, James, (Clifton,) farmer 26.
Burdett, William, (Clifton,) lot 6, farmer 24.
Burrows, Pliny C., (Clifton,) boot and shoemaker.
Calary, James, (North Chili,) farmer 70.
Campbell, Andrew IL, (Chili,) lot 127, farmer 207.
Carpenter, Benjamin B., (Clifton,) (Brown & Carpenter.)
Carpenter, John H., (Rochester,) lot 146, farmer 151.
Carr, Thomas, (Chili,) blacksmith and farmer 12.
Carver, Nelson, (Scottsville,) (with William,) lot 3, farmer 85.
Carver, Wm., (Scottsville,) (with Nelson,) lot 3, farmer 85.
Cary, James, (Chili,) farmer 9½.
Cate, Albert, (Chili,) lot 185, postmaster and farmer 70.
Caten, James, (Scottsville,) lot 8, farmer 39½.
Chapman, Israel, (Chili,) lot 99, farmer 100.
CHAPMAN, PIERPONT, (Chili,) lot 187, farmer 70½.
CHILI HOTEL, (Chili,) lot 136, Spencer Widner, prop.
Collins, Edward K., (Chili,) lot 177, farmer 137.
COMBS, JAMES L., (North Chili,) lot 192, blacksmith and farmer 10.
COMBS, JOHN, (North Chili,) lot 124, farmer 93.
Commings, Hubbard L., (Rochester,) lot 25, farmer 100.
Conolly, Michael, (North Chili,) lot 88, farmer 42.
Coombs, Jacob, (North Chili,) wagon maker.
COTCHEFER, JOHN, (Chili,) lot 3, farmer 29.
Cowman, George, (Scottsvile,) lot 5, farmer 104.
COY, GEORGE O., (Scottsville,) lot 30, farmer 212.
Coyle, Robert, (Chili,) lot 3, farmer 40.
Coyle, William, (Chili,) lot 187, farmer 57½.
Craper, Benjamin, (Rochester,) farmer 7.
Crowley, James, (Rochester,) lot 148, farmer leases of James Brooks, 100.
Cumine, Archibald, (Scottsville,) lot 3, farmer 92.
CUMINE, WILLIAM I., (Scottsville,) lot 4, farmer 110½.
Cummings, Benjamin, (North Chili,) farmer 21.
Cumings, John, (North Chili,) farmer 15.
Cunningham, Nicholas, (Scottsville,) (with Patrick,) lot 5, farmer 200.
Cunningham, Patrick, (Scottsville,) (with Nicholas,) lot 5, farmer 200.
Currin, John, (North Chili,) farmer 30.
Currin, Thomas, (North Chili,) farmer 10.
Curtis, Jabez, (Rochester,) lot 143, farmer leases of Hiram Sibley, 300.
CURTIS, WILLIAM, (North Chili,) lot 1, farmer 112.
Dailey, John, (Scottsville,) lot 2, farmer 20.
Dailey, Michael, (Scottsville,) lot 4, farmer 80.
DANN, BRADLEY F., (North Chili,) lot 181, farmer 287.
Daugherty, George, (Chili,) lot 186, farmer leases of John Boswell, 128.
DAVIS, HENRY H., (North Chili,) lot 192, farmer 95.
Davis, Norman, (North Chili,) lot 182, farmer 117.
Deberger, George, (North Chili,) farmer 65.
Deitrich, Jacob, (Rochester,) lot 26, farmer 87½.
Delano, Marcus L., (North Chili,) carpenter.
Dewy, Charles, (North Chili,) lot 51, farmer 50.
DIETRICH, WILLIAM, (Chili,) lot 24, farmer 60.
Disler, John, (Scottsville,) farmer 30.
Donal, John, (North Chili,) farmer 10.
Edson, Freeman, (Scottsville,) lot 5, farmer 170.
Ellison, Susan Mrs., (Rochester,) lot 8, farmer 70.
Emens, Henry, (Clifton,) lot 8, farmer 70.
Evershed, George, (North Chili,) farmer leases.
Ewart, James S., (Rochester,) lot 13, seed grower and farmer 21.
Farewell, George W., (North Chili,) lot 105, farmer 62.
Farley, Philip, (Chili,) farmer 60.
FELLOWS, BENJAMIN, (Chili,) lot 5, farmer 460.
Fellows, Frederick, (Clifton,) lot 1, farmer 148.
FELLOWS, WILLIAM, (Clifton,) lot 8, farmer 280.
Fisher, Hezekiah K., (North Chili,) lot 10, school teacher and farmer 25.
Fisher, Thomas, (Chili,) lot 116, farmer 55.
Fitzimons, Patrick, (North Chili,) carpenter.
Folay, John, (Scottsville,) farmer leases of Joseph Woodgate, 120.
Foot, Frances, (Rochester,) lot 1, shoemaker.
Forward, James H., (Chili,) lot 8, house and sign painter.
Fox, Andrew, (Chili,) lot 13, farmer 61.
Fox, John, (Chili,) farmer 15.
FRANKLIN, SOLOMON, (Scottsville,) lot 3, farmer 91.
Fulton, Levi S., (Rochester,) lot 105, farmer 100.
Fulton, William, (Rochester,) lot 105, farmer leases of Levi S. Fulton, 100.
Galusea, Sears, (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 37.
Gilmore, John, (Chili,) lot 186, farmer 17.
Golden, Patrick, (Cold Water,) lot 75, farmer 85.
Golden, Patrick, (North Chili,) farmer 1.
Goodwin, Phianes, (Clifton,) (with Peter Widner,) lot 4, farmer 221.
Goold, James S., (North Chili,) lot 89, farmer 62.
Gootlearlet, Amant, (Scottsville,) farmer 22.
Graham, Henry, (Chili,) farmer 165.
Graves, George C., (North Chili,) lot 53, farmer 40.
Gray, Ann Mrs., (Scottsville,) farmer 50.
Groome, Richard, (Cold Water,) farmer 28.
Gruendike, Joseph, (Chili,) lot 185, farmer 156½.
GRUNEDIKE, ABRAHAM, (North Chili,) lot 108, farmer 345.
Grunendike, Samuel, (Churchville,) lot 3, farmer 127.
GUINN, THOMAS J., (Scottsville,) lot 172, farmer 45.
Haight, John H., (North Chili,) blacksmith.
Hammer, Jacob, (Rochester,) lot 6, farmer leases of Philip Hammer, 60.
Hammer, Philip, (Rochester,) lot 5, farmer 60.
HANNAH, ALEXANDER, (Chili,) lot 186, farmer 22.
Hannah, Andrew, (Chili,) lot 5, farmer 35.
Harmon, Anan, (Clifton,) lot 1, farmer 200.
HARMON, ELMER B., (Clifton,) flouring and grist mill.
Hawley, Edwin A., (North Chili,) lot 89, farmer 90.
Hill, Edward P. (Rochester,) lot 3, farmer leases of W. Loughbar, 87.
HILL, WILLIAM P., (Chili,) lot 125, farmer 70.
Hoare, Edwin, (North Chili,) tailor.
Hoburger, Hohn, (Chili,) lot 9, farmer 145.
Hon, Henry, (Scottsviile,) farmer 54.
Hondorf, Herman, (Rochester,) lot 154, farmer 87.
Honn, Henry, (Scottsville,) lot 148, farmer 112.
Hopkins, Joseph, (Chili,) farmer 60.
HORTON, GABRIEL, (Clifton,) lot 2, farmer 120.
Horton, Henry, (Clifton,) lot 6, farmer 60.
Horton, Levi U., (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 37.
Howard, Eleazer A., (Clifton,) postmaster and merchant.
HOWELL, JOHN B., (North Chili,) lot 7, farmer 190.
HUBBARD, RICHARD P., (North Chili,) lot 70, auctioneer and farmer 330.
Hubbell, James, (Clifton,) lot 1, farmer 132.
Huff, David C., (Chili,) lot 2, farmer 59½.
Hunkley, Martin, (Rochester,) blacksmith.
Hutton, James, (North Chili,) lot 55, farmer 100.
Jiles, John, (Chili,) lot 2, farmer 41½.
Johns, Edward, (North Chili,) farmer leases 127 of S. Grunendike.
Johnson, Albert S., (North Chili,) farmer 42.
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM B., (North Chili,) lot 155, farmer 126.
JONES, SAMUEL, (Chili,) lot 109, farmer 41½.
Kainhar, Pratrie, (Scottsville,) lot 5, farmer 15.
Kantyer, Theodore, (Scottsville,) farmer 90.
Kelly, Michael, (Clifton,) blacksmith and farmer 7.
Kennell, Charles H,, (Rochester,) lot 12, farmer 50.
Kennell, George W., (Chili,) lot 13, farmer 88.
Kennell, John L., (Chili,) lot 12, farmer 87½.
Kenzer, Liberious, (Scottsvilie,) lot 174, farmer 160.
KING, ALBERT H., (North Chili,) lot 88, postmaster, speculator and farmer 175.
Kingsbury, Harlow C., (North Chili,) lot 52, farmer 108.
KNAPP, R. C., (Rochester,) lot 71, farmer 157.
Knenell, George W., (Chili,) lot 13, farmer 88.
Kron, George, (Rochester,) farmer leases of R. C. Knapp, 157.
Lacy, Edward, (Scottsville,) farmer 100.
Lame, Robert L., (Clifton,) allopathic physician.
LITLE, JOHN, (North Chili,) lot 16, assessor and farmer 40.
LITLE, TIMOTHY F., (North Chili,) lot 182, deputy sheriff and farmer 131.
Loughbar, William, (Rochester,) lot 3, farmer 37.
Marshall, George, (Scottsville,) lot 5, farmer 68.
MARSHALL, MATHEW, (Chili,) farmer 22.
Martin, William, (Chili,) lot 166, farmer 150.
McCONVILL, HUGH, (North Chili,) lot 33, farmer 42.
McDonald, Michael, (Scottsville,) lot 2, farmer 40.
McKILLIP, MONROE, (Chili,) lot 93, farmer 25.
Mellen, Miner, (North Chili,) lot 2, carpenter.
Milham, Edward, (Henrietta,) farmer 40.
MILLER, DAVID, (Chili,) lot 4, farmer 50.
Miller, Halvin, (Rochester,) (with William Wingate,) farmer leases of Mrs. Wadsworth, Genesee p. o., 700.
Miller, John, (Chili,) farmer 50.
Miller, William, (Chili,) lot 3, farmer 125.
Minges, Philip, (Chili,) lot 112, farmer 31½.
Moore, Thomas, (Chili,) farmer leases of Tunis Brokaw, 123.
Morgan, George W., (Scottsville,) lot 5, farmer 125.
Morgan, Joseph, (Scottsville,) farmer 70.
Murphy, John, (Cold Water,) farmer 20.
Neil, James, (North Chili,) ticket agent N. Y. C. R. R.
Nettleton, Henry S., (Rochester,) farmer 12.
Nichols, Job, (Chili,) lot 95 farmer 27.
NURSE, JONATHAN, (North Chili,) (with Sylvester,) lot 104, farmer 117.
NURSE, SYLVESTER, (North Chili,) (with Jonathan,) lot 104, farmer 117.
Nutt, John, (North Chili,) shoemaker.
Oliver, Robert, (Clifton,) lot 1, farmer 20.
Patton, Elias, (Chili,) lot 3, carpenter.
Pfarrer, William, (Clifton.) blacksmith.
Phillips, Samuel, (Chili,) lot 25, farmer 52.
Pier, William, (Chili,) farmer 51.
Pierce, Isaac C., (Rochester,) lot 143, farmer 165.
Porter, Benjamin, (Scottsville,) farmer leases of Freeman Edson, 170.
Purdy, Silas, (Chili,) farmer 75.
Purdy, Warren B., (Chili,) farmer 25
RAFFERTY, JOSEPH, (Soottsviile,) lot 2, farmer 113.
Randle, Joseph, (North Chili,) lot 129, farmer 70.
Rannicks, Samuel, (Chili,) lot 187, farmer 47.
REED, EDWARD J., (Clifton,) lot 5, farmer 198.
Reed, John, (North Chili,) lot 58, farmer 70.
Reed, Shelby, (Scottsville,) lot 27, farmer 226.
Resseguie, Jacob, (Chili,) lot 135, farmer 160.
RICHARDSON, JOSEPH, (North Chili,) lot 108, farmer 80.
Ritzenthaler, Joseph, (Chili,) farmer 60.
ROBERTS, BENJAMIN T. Ray., (North Chili,) lot 51, publisher of Earnest Christian and farmer 192.
Roder, John, (Chili,) lot 178, farmer 44½.
Root, George L., (Chili,) lot 1, farmer 103½.
Root, Harriet N., (Chili,) lot 125, farmer 92.
ROSE, DAVID M., (North Chili,) lot 4, farmer 60.
Rositer, Patrick, (Scottsville,) farmer 36.
Salter, Josiah, (Rochester,) lot 8, farmer 70.
SAMMONS, CORNELIUS, (North Chili,) lot 122, farmer 150.
Scheg, Conrad, (North Chili,) lot 53, farmer 78.
Scoby, James S., (North Chili,) lot 1, carpenter.
Seeley, John T. Rev., (Clifton,) Baptist minister.
SEVERANCE, SAMUEL 0., (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 230.
SHEFFER, CEVASKI M., (Scottsville,) farmer leases of Mrs. N. Sheffer, 90.
SHEFFER, DASCUM A., (Scottsville,) farmer leases of Maria Sheffer, 150.
SHEFFER, GEORGE J., (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 37.
Sheffer, Maria, (Scottsville,) lot 1, farmer 150.
Sheffer, Nancy Mrs., (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 90.
Sheffer, Peter, (Scottsville,) lot 1, farmer 240.
Sheldon, Benjamin, (North Chili,) lot 189, farmer 104.
Short, Horatio N. Rev., (North Chili,) lot 122, Congregational clergyman and farmer 70.
Sibley, Hiram, (Rochester,) lot 143, farmer 300.
SMITH, DAVID N., (Scottsville,) farmer 60.
Smith, Edwin A., (Scottsville,) lot 30, farmer 130.
Smith, Hiram, (Mumford,) flouring aad saw mill.
Smith, Thomas, (Scottsville,) lot 30, farmer 125.
Spencer, Darius, (North Chili,) (with Sylvester,) merchant.
Spencer, Sylvester, (North Cbili,) (with Darius,) merchant.
Sperry, Moses, (Chili,) lot 23, farmer 58.
SQUIRES, UMPHREY B., (Chili,) lot 170, fsrmer 127.
Starkey, David, (Chili,) lot 5, ellopatbie physician and farmer 162.
Stewart, George, (Cold Water,) lot 57, farmer 40.
St. Mary's Hospital, lot 5, 111 acres.
STOTTLE, FIN, (Chili,) lot 6, farmer 200.
Stottle, George, (Chili,) lot 2, farmer 95.
STOTTLE, JOSEPH, (Chili,) farmer 135.
STRIKER, JOHN, (Chili,) lot 3, farmer 260.
TENNY, WILLIAM W., (Clifton,) boot and shoe maker.
TUNISON, JAMES B., (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer 66½.
Tweadery, James, (Chili,) farmer leases of Joseph Stottle, 136.
TYLER, GEORGE, (North Chili,) farmer 20.
Voke, William, (Chili,) lot 185, supervisor and farmer 150.
Vine, William, (Chili,) lot 184, farmer 80.
WAGMAN, JOHN G., (Cold Water,) lot 2, farmer 60.
Wain, John, (Chili,) lot 3, farmer 60.
Walker, Charles N., (Chili,) lot 28, farmer leases of David Walker, 118.
Walker, David, (Chili,) lot 28, farmer 118.
WALKER, SENRY T., (Chili,) lot 25, farmer 112.
Watson, William, (Scottsville,) farmer 50.
Webber, John (Chili,) lot 30, farmer 25.
Webster, Harvey D., (Cold Water,) lot 53, farmer 71.
WEVER, JOHN H., (Rochester,) lot 34, farmer 80. (This farm for sale.)
Wheeler, Benjamin F., (Rochester,) lot 147, farmer 75.
Whitcher, George, (Scottsville,) lot 6, farmer leases of Mrs. B. Allen, 140.
White, Thomas, (Rochester,) lot 100, farmer 60.
WHITE, THOMAS, (Chili,) farmer 38.
Whittleton, John, (Cold Water,) lot 37, farmer 35.
Whyt, James, (Rochester,) lot 152, farmer 77.
Widener, Jacob, (Clifton,) lot 3, farmer 195.
WIDENER, JACOB, Jr., (Clifton,) lot 1, farmer 96.
Widner, John, (Rochester,) lot 101, farmer 75.
WIDNER, KINZEY, (North Chili,) lot 66, farmer 69.
Widner, Peter, (Clifton,) (with Phineas Goodwin,) lot 4, farmer 221.
WIDNER, PETER S., (Chili,) lot 6, farmer 404.
WIDNER, SPENCER, (Chili,) Jot 186, prop. of Chili Hotel and farmer 40.
WILBER, JOHN, (Rochester,) lot 168, farmer 103.
Wingate, William, (Rochester,) (with Halvin Miller,) farmer leases of Mrs. Wadsworth, Geneseo p. o., 700.
Wood, Hudson, (Chili,) lot 1, farmer leases of Mrs. Mary Wood, 164.
Wood, Levi Rev., (North Chili,) clergyman.
Wood, Mary Mrs., (Chili,) lot 1, farmer 164.
Wood, William H., (Chili,) lot 119, carpenter and farmer 80.
Wooden, James, (Chili,) lot 99, farmer 100.
WOODEN, WILLIAM W., (Rochester,) lot 10, horse doctor and farmer 135.
Woodgate, Joseph,(Scottsville,) farmer 120.
WOODWORTH, JOHN S., (Cold Water,) lot 57, farmer 53.
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