Deaths in the Monroe County, NY Insane Asylum
Oct. 1, 1873 - Sept. 30, 1890


These death records are from the Insane Asylum of Monroe County, NY. The records were published annually in "Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Monroe." The published records vary by time period. The early records have date admitted. Then for the period of Oct. 1880 to Sept. 1881 there wasn't a date of death indicated. For that time some burial dates were found in the records of Mt. Hope Cemetery and added to the data.

The records published in October 1874 say that there were 143 inmates on Sept. 30, 1873. Then for that year (ending Sept. 30, 1874) there were 73 people admitted. As far as people being discharged; 16 were recovered, 16 improved and 3 discharged but unimproved. They also sent one person to the asylum in Utica, two sent to the State Alms House in Buffalo and one person transferred to Ward's Island Asylum for emigrants in New York City.

According to the report filed in November 1879, female patients did mending, dining room work, washing windows, laundry work and general work keeping the wards and sleeping quarters clean. Men "were employed, under the care of the attendants, in the garden and on the farm, and in such work as they could do about the Asylum."

In 1891 the asylum was taken over by New York State and the reports stopped being recorded in the Monroe County records.

The last report, published in November 1890 said the ladies mended 42.348 articles. Plus it gave the following list of items made by the female patients for the year ending Sept. 30, 1890:


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1873 and Sept. 30, 1874
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Sarah Churchill Feb. 4, 1873 chronic mania Oct. 19, 1873, age 27 dysentery by her friends
William Mills Oct. 2, 1857 chronic mania Nov. 19, 1873, age 47 cancer by his friends
Mary Mangum Oct. 1, 1857 chronic mania Dec. 9, 1873, age 56 phthisis Mt. Hope
Peter Bryne Oct. 18, 1873 acute mania Dec. 15, 1873, age 57 meningitis by his friends
Mary Welch Oct. 21, 1873 melancholia Dec. 16, 1873, age 35 phthisis Mt. Hope
Ellen Harris Jan. 7, 1874 acute mania Jan. 25, 1874, age 41 meningitis by her friends
William Toombs Nov. 23, 1873 senile dementia Jan. 27, 1874, age 81 erysipelas by his friends
Frank Quinn March 17, 1873 senile dementia March 25, 1874, age 76 pneumonia by his friends
Dexter Gage May 4, 1874 acute mania May 16, 1874, age 56 meningitis by his friends
Bessie Kane Oct. 23, 1871 melancholia June 6, 1874, age 64 heart disease Mt. Hope
Emeline Lockwood Sept. 22, 1858 chronic mania June 11, 1874, age 57 paralysis by her friends
Mary Ann Cullen April 3, 1873 melancholia Aug. 20, 1874, age 25 consumption by her friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1874 and Sept. 30, 1875
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Louisa Fish Nov. 16, 1874 chronic insanity May 7, 1875, age 59 paralysis Mt. Hope
Catharine Lamb Oct. 1, 1857 chronic insanity April 10, 1875, age 71 debility of old age Mt. Hope
William Dalton Feb. 3, 1865 chronic insanity Oct. 10, 1874, age 38 cholera morbus by relatives
Dorothy Groff Dec. 23, 1857 chronic insanity May 13, 1875, age 62 exhaustion chronic insanity Mt. Hope
James W. Smith Nov. 22, 1872 epilepsy May 13, 1875, age 19 epilepsy by relatives
Margaret Gormley Sept. 12, 1872 chronic insanity July 30, 1875, age 63 heart disease by friends
Esther Walker March 2, 1873 chronic insanity Oct. 18, 1875, age 67 cerebral efusion by friends
John Davis June 13, 1873 chronic insanity March 10, 1875, age 37 paresis by friends
Martha Baker Oct. 6, 1873 chronic insanity Oct. 29, 1874, age 60 paresis Mt. Hope
Michael Miles Nov. 18, 1873 chronic insanity April 22, 1874, age 42 paresis by relatives
John Graham April 28, 1874 chronic insanity Dec. 22, 1874, age 82 old age by relatives
M. J. Monroe June 6, 1874 chronic insanity Dec. 10, 1874, age 48 paresis Masonic fraternity
Mary Wall Aug. 24, 1874 chronic insanity Dec. 20, 1874, age 47 acute insanity Mt. Hope
Patrick O'Laughlin March 24, 1875 chronic insanity Aug. 14, 1875, age 73 general debility by friends
Elsie A. Devoe Sept. 20, 1859 chronic insanity May 12, 1875, age 64 heart disease Mt. Hope
Caroline Fulton Jan. 10, 1862 chronic insanity Feb. 29, 1875, age 61 phthisis Mt. Hope
A. A. Randall April 27, 1874 epilepsy Dec. 6, 1874, age 48 epilepsy by relatives
Mary A. Skellie Dec. 10, 1874 paresis Jan. 16, 1875, age 63 paralysis of the insane by relatives
Mary Shank Aug. 11, 1875 paresis Sept. 28, 1875, age 54 erysipelas by relatives


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1875 and Sept. 30, 1876
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Margaret Mahoney Aug. 28th '65 chronic insanity Oct. 15th '75, age 75 chronic diarrhoea friends
Ira Cox Oct. 6th '68 chronic insanity Oct. 24th '75, age 58 pyemia friends
James Galvin Oct. 4th '75 paresis Feb. 8th '76, age 47 paresis friends
John Duffee Feb. 22nd '76 paralysis of insane March 8th '76, age 34 paralysis of insane friends
Ann Semple Oct. 1st '57 chronic insanity May 5th '76, age 80 old age Mt. Hope, by County
Margaret Malone June 24th '73 chronic insanity July 26th '76, age 69 general debility Mt. Hope, by County
Mary Jennings June 9th '76 chronic insanity July 31st '76, age 47 paresis friends
Elizabeth Jenkins April 25th '59 chronic insanity Sept. 5th '76, age 57 Bright's disease Mt. Hope, by County
Anna Shern Sept. 5th '70 chronic insanity Sept. 6th '76, age 32 pyemia Mt. Hope, by County
Michael McMahon Aug. 26th '74 chronic insanity Aug. 16th '76, age 42 paresis friends
Volney Rowell May 26th '76 chronic insanity Sept. 18th '76, age 30 paralysis of insane friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1876 and Sept. 30, 1877
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Charles Carter June 16, 1876 acute mania Oct. 10, 1876, age 48 exhaustion by friends
Michael Bradley March 17, 1876 epilepsy July 19, 1877, age 40 epilepsy by friends
Ellen Wiley Dec. 5, 1876 acute mania April 13, 1877, age 57 exhaustion by friends
Daniel McCarthy April 7, 1876 paresis May 1, 1877, age 26 paresis by friends
Lavina Jervis July 18, 1877 chronic insanity Aug. 31, 1877, age 43 accidental injury by friends
Mary Kelly March 18, 1873 chronic insanity May 12, 1877, age 38 phthisis Mt. Hope, by County
Thomas Kelly June 21, 1875 paresis May 6, 1877, age 42 paresis by friends
Jacob Farrer April 26, 1875 paresis Sept. 5, 1877, age 47 paresis Mt. Hope, by County


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1877 and Sept. 30, 1878
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Mary A. Van Vleck Aug. 23rd 1877 acute dementia Oct. 9th 1877, age 68 exhaustion by friends
Charles Rothfus June 27th 1876 chronic insanity Oct. 26th 1877, age 29 phthisis Mt. Hope, by County
Alfred H. Elliott March 9th 1877 paresis Jan. 31st 1878, age 39 paresis Mt. Hope, by County
John Roche Jan. 21st 1878 acute insanity Feb. 3rd 1878, age 49 pneumonia Mt. Hope, by Odd Fellows
James Waldron March 27th 1877 chronic insanity March 6th 1878, age 60 general debility by friends
Aurelia Alexander June 23rd 1863 chronic insanity March 30th 1878, age 67 haematemesis Mt. Hope, by County
Charles Shoeman May 18th 1876 paresis May 1st 1878, age 48 paresis by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1878 and Sept. 30, 1879
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
David Montgomery March 20, 1869 chronic insanity Dec. 3, 1878, age 69 exhaustion by friends
John Sherman March 6, 1878 chronic insanity Dec. 19th 1878, age 74 general debility Mt. Hope, by County
Samuel Leonard March 24, 1878 paresis Jan. 15, 1879, age 58 paresis Mt. Hope, by County
Elizabeth Brodie Dec. 17, 1878 acute insanity Jan. 21, 1879, age 68 paralysis by friends
Charles Bennett Sept. 20, 1878 epilepsy Jan. 25, 1879, age 43 epilepsy by friends
Mathew Kierst March 16, 1878 acute insanity Feb. 2, 1879, age 42 softening of brain by friends
Margaret Lanigan Nov. 16, 1874 acute insanity Feb. 28, 1879, age 37 pneumonia Mt. Hope, by County
Honora Evans Aug. 15, 1874 acute insanity March 5, 1879, age 73 pneumonia Mt. Hope, by County
Helen Evershed Nov 11, 1870 epilepsy April 15, 1879, age 39 epilepsy by friends
Ely M. Stone March 5, 1875 acute insanity July 27, 1879, age 68 general debility by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1879 and Sept. 30, 1880
Name Admitted Disease when admitted Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
George Foster Apr 23, 1876 epilepsy Oct. 13, 1879, age 47 epilepsy Mt. Hope, by County
James Carroll Oct. 10, 1879 mania Oct. 25, 1879, age 58 exhaustion by mania by friends
Oscar Manshun Oct. 8, 1879 epilepsy Nov. 3, 1879, age 50 epilepsy by friends
Mrs. Thomas Peck Sept. 10, 1879 mania Nov. 9, 1879, age 51 pyemia by friends
John Hess Sept. 6, 1877 epilepsy Nov. 19, 1879, age 22 epilepsy by friends
Peter McArthur July 29, 1879 chronic insanity Dec. 8, 1879, age 76 general debility by friends
George Griswold July 26, 1876 chronic insanity Dec. 11, 1879, age 36 phthisis by friends
Catharine Gleason April 11, 1872 chronic insanity Dec. 20, 1879, age 47 exhaustion from diarrhoea & m's by friends
Esther Dyson Aug. 9, 1879 acute insanity Jan. 30, 1880, age 48 cancer of brain by friends
John E. Coney Oct 10, 1857 chronic insanity March 21, 1880, age 56 erysipelas by friends
William Rubie Nov. 24, 1868 chronic insanity April 10, 1880, age 50 pneumonia Mt. Hope, by County
Henry E. Bangs June 30, 1879 paresis April 15, 1880, age 47 paresis by friends
John Hayes May 15, 1880 mania a potu May 18, 1880, age 39 mania a potu by friends
Courtney S. Rogers Sept. 3, 1878 chronic insanity June 2, 1880, age 23 valvular disease of heart Mt. Hope, by County
Reinald Sauer Oct. 23, 1869 chronic insanity July 21, 1880, age 41 inflammation bowels Mt. Hope, by County
Bridget Quinn July 17, 1880 chronic insanity July 24, 1880, age 32 apoplexy by friends
Charles Barnum Feb. 25, 1880 chronic insanity July 29, 1880, age 60 congestive chill Mt. Hope, by County


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1880 and Sept. 30, 1881
Name Burial & age Where & by whom buried
Edwin Scrantom Oct. 5, 1880, age 65 Mt. Hope, by friends
George Georges   Mt. Hope, by friends
Jane Davis Dec. 3, 1880, age 80 Mt. Hope, by City
Margaret McCauley   Mt. Hope, by friends
Wm. O. Daly   Mt. Hope, by friends
Robert Cressy March 29, 1881, age 32 Mt. Hope, by County
Mary Weibly April 8, 1881, age 47 Mt. Hope, by friends
Sarah Allen April 9, 1881, age 47 Mt. Hope, by County
Charlotte Collins   Henrietta, by friends
George Hart May 9, 1881, age 74 Mt. Hope, by County
Edward McQuillan   Mt. Hope, by friends
Patrick O'Keefe May 19, 1881, age 77 Mt. Hope, by County
Bridget Murphy June 11, 1881, age 28 Mt. Hope, by County
Helen Peck June 17, 1881, age 60 West Bloomfield, by friends
John Goodwin Aug. 22, 1881, age 63 Mt. Hope, by County
Alex. Cutler Sept. 9, 1881, age 42 Mt. Hope, by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1881 and Sept. 30, 1882
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Agnes Alexander Oct. 5, 1881, age 34 paresis Mt. Hope, by County
Margaret Foley Oct. 14, 1881, age 26 puerpural mania Mt. Hope, by County
Orville Hopkins Oct. 22, 1881, age 73 paresis Mt. Hope, by County
Martha Welch Oct. 27, 1881, age 34 acute mania by friends
Theodore Newcomb Oct. 28, 1881, age 47 paresis Mt. Hope by friends
C. Collins Nov. 7, 1881, age 83 paralysis Mt. Hope by friends
James Webb Nov. 11, 1881, age 62 pneumonia by friends
T. Phalen Nov. 13, 1881, age 48 pulmonary hemmorhage by friends
George W. St. John Nov. 26, 1881, age 55 chronic mania and Bright's disease by friends
Margaret O'Connell Dec. 26, 1881, age 75 paresis Mt. Hope, by County
Ann Graham Jan. 11, 1882, age 72 paresis Mt. Hope, by County
Matilda Bell Jan. 31, 1882, age 95 old age by Home for the Friendless
Lena Hubble Feb. 11, 1882, age 24 puerpural mania by friends
S. A. Lee Feb. 18, 1882, age 53 overdose of opium by friends
Edward Pool March 28, 1882, age 47 epilepsy Mt. Hope, by County
Charles Wheeler April 16, 1882, age 82 old age Mt. Hope, by County
Olive McIntire April 17, 1882, age 43 epilepsy Mt. Hope, by County
Henry Young April 16, 1882, age 81 old age Mt. Hope, by friends
Rose Grippen April 29, 1892, age 56 paralysis Mt. Hope, by County
Michael McMannus May 21, 1882, age 44 phthisis pulmonalis by friends
Minerva Middlebrook May 31, 1882, age 78 epilepsy by friends
Abraham Cushon June 27, 1882, age 29 suicide Mt. Hope, by County
Mary J. Toarz Aug. 2, 1882, age 46 phthisis pulmonalis Mt. Hope, by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1882 and Sept. 30, 1883
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Daniel S. Parshall Oct. 17, 1882, aged 73 paresis buried by friends
William Van Dicar Nov. 14, 1882, aged 53 paresis buried by friends
Magdelina Slyke Nov. 23, 1882, aged 79 chronic mania, old age buried by friends
Floyd Starr Nov. 29, 1882, aged 81 chronic mania, old age buried by friends
Myron Fish March 13, 1883, aged 56 paresis buried by friends
Arzilla Way March 26, 1883, aged 62 chronic mania and heart disease buried at Mt. Hope, by County
Emma Young April 2, 1883, aged 67 exhaustion of insanity buried by friends
Helen Stannard May 24, 1883, aged 44 epilepsy buried by friends
John Ogden June 8, 1883, aged 52 paresis buried by friends
George Pope June 10, 1883, aged 43 paresis buried at Penfield, by County
Cornelius Ragen June 25, 1883, aged 94 epilepsy buried at Holy Sepulchre, by County
Lora Williams July 1, 1883, aged 37 paresis buried at Mt. Hope, by County
Marion Barrons July 1, 1883, aged 47 paresis buried at Mt. Hope, by County
Ellen Jane Powell Aug. 5, 1883, aged 70 cancer buried by friends
Eugenia Sullivan Aug. 12, 1883, aged 59 dysentery buried by friends
Anna Bates Sept. 8, 1883, aged 46 paresis buried by friends
William De Long Sept. 15, 1883, aged 80 exhaustion of chronic mania buried by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1883 and Sept. 30, 1884
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Barbara Vite Oct. 18, 1883, aged 80 diarrhoea buried by friends
Mary Burr Oct. 28, 1883, aged 43 epilepsy buried by friends
Joel Lippencott Nov. 11, 1883, aged 81 exhaustion of mania buried at Mt. Hope, by County
Munroe Neely Nov. 22, 1883, aged 43 paresis buried by friends
John Karney Nov. 22, 1883, aged 70 paralysis buried by friends
Cyrus Sherman Jan. 10, 1884, aged 74 general debility buried by friends
Mary Minnot Jan. 18, 1884, aged 55 paresis buried at Mt. Hope, by County
Alfred Wombwell Jan. 21, 1884, aged 36 paresis buried by friends
Margaret Maylia Feb. 29, 1884, aged 40 apoplexy buried at Mt. Hope, by County
Leonard Spault April 9, 1884, aged 37 epilepsy buried by friends
Jane Rosenbaum May 24, 1884, aged 37 phthisis buried by friends
Mary Powers Aug. 20, 1884, aged 74 diarrhoea buried by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1884 and Sept. 30, 1885
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Mrs. Jager Oct. 11, 1884, aged 60 exhaustion buried by relatives
Mary Hanley Oct. 26, 1884, aged 30 phthisis buried by relatives
Mrs. Jesse Wilson Nov. 13, 1884, aged 50 paresis buried by relatives
Cecelia Croly Dec. 18, 1884, aged 49 phthisis buried by relatives
George Neubauer Jan. 6, 1885, aged 53 phthisis buried by relatives
Frederick Gluve Jan. 28, 1885, aged 26 mania Mt. Hope
Mary Laven Feb. 6, 1885, aged 32 phthisis Holy Sepulchre
Royal A. Fox Feb. 11, 1885, aged 75 epilepsy buried by relatives
Julia Davis April 15, 1885, aged 68 valvular insufficiency Mt. Hope
Janetta Redhead April 15, 1885, aged 45 paresis buried by relatives
Hannah Kimball April 27, 1885, aged 70 phagedena Mt. Hope
Jane Goodwin May 3, 1885, aged 61 exhaustion Mt. Hope
Lottie C. Rubie June 5, 1885, aged 26 phthisis Mt. Hope
William D. McPherson June 24, 1885, aged 48 paresis buried by relatives
Simon Switzer Aug. 7, 1885, aged 66 epilepsy Mt. Hope
Ira Tripp Aug. 29, 1885, aged 80 senility buried by relatives
Isaac Still Sept. 4, 1885, aged 76 diarrhoea Mt. Hope
Anna Turks Sept. 5, 1885, aged 30 phthisis Mt. Hope
Julius Lauchlie Sept. 15, 1885, aged 30 epilepsy Mt. Hope


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1885 and Sept. 30, 1886
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
E. Louise Hall Oct. 22, 1885, aged 58 abscess buried by relatives
Catharine Hudson Nov. 1, 1885, aged 36 epilepsy buried at Mt. Hope
Margaret J. Williams Nov. 7, 1885, aged 44 abscess buried by relatives
Lydia Roycroft Dec. 7, 1885, aged 30 mania buried at Mt. Hope
Cornelia B. Bristol Jan. 1, 1886, aged 81 bronchitis buried by relatives
Romain Albert Jan. 4, 1886, aged 60 cancer buried at Mt. Hope
John Le Boo Jan. 7, 1886, aged 45 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Amelia L. Carr Feb. 16, 1886, aged 55 albuminuria buried by relatives
Anthony Stamboursky March 16, 1886, aged 50 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Patrick Logan April 19, 1886, aged 75 mania buried at Holy Sepulchre
Frederick Crampton April 27, 1886, aged 40 epilepsy buried at Mt. Hope
Emma Russel May 27, 1886, aged 66 mania buried by relatives
Delancy Follette June 9, 1886, aged 66 dementia buried by relatives
Patrick Daily June 16, 1886. aged 70 dementia buried by relatives
Margaret Weiland June 16, 1886, aged 85 senility buried by relatives
Julany Jacobs June 18, 1886, aged 86 senility buried at Mt. Hope
Joseph Gehweiler July 9, 1886, aged 76 mania buried by relatives
Robert J. Lawrence Aug. 1, 1886, aged 26 dysentery buried at Mt. Hope
Elmira K. Churchill Aug. 10, 1886, aged 55 mania buried by relatives
Donn Davis Sept. 10, 1886, aged 75 mania buried by relatives
Alice Holland Sept. 16, 1886, aged 30 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Edward Toebe Sept. 30, 1886, aged 26 dementia buried at Mt. Hope


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1886 and Sept. 30, 1887
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
James B. Harvey Oct. 15, 1886, aged 51 phthisis buried by relatives
Elizabeth Diebel Oct. 17, 1886, aged 35 mania buried by relatives
Bridget Brierly Oct. 28, 1886, aged 26 epilepsy buried at Holy Sepulchre
Johannah Moran Nov. 30, 1886, aged 65 atheroma of aorta buried at Holy Sepulchre
Henry Guinthner Dec. 15, 1886, aged 45 paresis buried by relatives
Mary Gruber Dec. 16, 1886, aged 28 phthisis buried by relatives
Willis J. Miller Jan. 6, 1887, aged 25 epilepsy buried by relatives
Sarah Perham Feb. 13, 1887, aged 86 senility buried at Mt. Hope
William F. Hedges March 13, 1887, aged 33 melancholia buried by relatives
Andrew McDonald March 18, 1887, aged 50 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
James Buts April 25, 1887, aged 40 paresis buried by relatives
Gustave Schill March 12, 1887, aged 50 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Louise Fredericks May 13, 1887, aged 53 cancer buried at Mt. Hope
Bernard Boehm May 29, 1887, aged 49 chorea major buried by relatives
John Baker June 18, 1887, aged 60 chronic cystitis buried at Mt. Hope
D. E. Lowenthall June 20, 1887, aged 35 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Theodore Smith July 23, 1887, aged 41 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Margaret Kane July 26, 1887, aged 66 epilepsy buried at Mt. Hope
Mary Oliver July 27, 1887, aged 56 pneumonia buried at Mt. Hope
John Lockheart Aug. 2, 1887, aged 40 sunstroke buried at Mt. Hope
John Wallace Aug. 5, 1887, aged 73 diarrhoea buried at Mt. Hope
Sarah Charlines Aug. 5, 1887, aged 71 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Eben Brookings Aug. 9, 1887, aged 42 phthisis buried by relatives
J. B. Clark Aug. 16, 1887, aged 50 melancholia buried by relatives
Sarah Lane Sept. 7, 1887, aged 75 euteritis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Mary Sentener Sept. 8, 1887, aged 81 senility buried by relatives
Catherine Kirkwood Sept. 9, 1887, aged 44 paresis buried at Mt. Hope
Clara V. Young Sept. 11, 1887, aged 18 epilepsy buried at Mt. Hope
Sarah Brunswick Sept. 22, 1887, aged 60 diarrhoea buried by relatives
Barbara Nodecker Sept. 26, 1887, aged 48 enteric fever buried by relatives


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1887 and Sept. 30, 1888
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Catherine McQuinn Oct, 15th 1887, aged 33 phthisis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Catherine Mugler Oct. 17th 1887, aged 70 senility buried at Mt. Hope
Fannie Trumbel Oct. 17th 1887, aged 55 tuberculosis buried at Mt. Hope
Erastus Emerson Oct. 18th 1887, aged 77 chronic mania buried by relatives
Anna C. Chambers Oct. 28th 1887, aged 39 epilepsy buried by relatives
Peter Scheib Nov. 2nd 1887, aged 42 phthisis buried by relatives
Betsy Lanigan Nov. 6th 1887, aged 49 epilepsy buried at Holy Sepulchre
John Sherwood Nov. 9th 1887, aged 88 chronic mania buried at Mt. Hope
Louis Britton Nov. 15th 1887, aged 32 epilepsy buried by relatives
Nicholas McElroy Nov. 16th 1887, aged 64 epilepsy buried at Mt. Hope
Henry Keeler Nov. 23rd 1887, aged 46 tuberculosis buried at Mt. Hope
Jules Broadbridge Nov. 26, 1887, aged 35 acute mania buried by relatives
Andrew Adams Dec. 16, 1887, aged 55 dementia buried by relatives
Delight Street Dec. 26, 1887, aged 70 cardiac dropsy buried at Mt. Hope by relatives
Peter Smith Jan. 2, 1888, aged 45 acute mania buried at Mt. Hope
Charles O'Remus Jan. 6, 1888, aged 54 paresis buried at Mt. Hope
Alpha De Cook Jan. 16, 1888, aged 57 endocarditis buried by relatives
Mary Muelhauser Jan. 18, 1888, aged 76 mitral ossification buried at Mt. Hope by relatives
Elizabeth Cawthra Jan. 18, 1888, aged 45 acute mania buried by relatives
Barbara Strebe Jan. 18, 1888, aged 49 hepatitis buried by relatives
Bridget Haskins Jan. 21, 1888, aged 64 chronic mania buried at Holy Sepulchre
Mary McNamara Jan. 24, 1888, aged 76 senility buried by relatives
Wilhelmina Mayhusen March 13, 1888, aged 66 senile gangrene buried by family
Julia Judson April 2, 1888, aged 85 surgical fever buried by relatives
Charles Doyle April 6, 1888, aged 37 paresis buried at Mt. Hope
Patrick Burns April 10, 1888, aged 78 nephritis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Christian Forkel May 29, 1888, aged 49 paresis buried at Holy Sepulchre by relatives
Louisa Logan June 5, 1888, aged 52 epilepsy buried by relatives
Harlow Cook June 15, 1888, aged 53 chronic mania buried at Mt. Hope
Charles Becket June 21, 1888, aged 22 epilepsy buried by relatives
Elizabeth Dempsy July 9, 1888, aged 68 nephritis buried by relatives
Joseph Russell July 17, 1888, aged 76 senility buried by relatives
Michael McHale July 25, 1888, aged 61 chronic mania buried by relatives
Nicholas Wetzel Aug. 9, 1888, aged 84 senility buried by relatives
Sarah Buck Sept. 6. 1888, aged 71 paresis buried by relatives
John McGrady Sept. 8, 1888, aged 25 phthisis buried by relatives
Mark Cork Sept. 11, 1888, aged 66 senility buried by relatives
Elizabeth Commode Aug. 22, 1888, aged 56 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Sarah Nixon Sept. 25, 1888, aged 46 cardiac dropsy buried at Mt. Hope
Charles Tuckett Sept. 30, 1888, aged 79 pneumonia buried by relatives


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1888 and Sept. 30, 1889
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Benjamin F. Royce Oct. 6, 1888, aged 52 paresis buried at Mt. Hope
Catherine Kennedy Oct. 21, 1888, aged 66 phthisis buried by family
Jane Seaton Nov. 29, 1888, aged 53 phthisis buried by family
Minnie Bauer Jan. 14, 1889, aged 28 phthisis buried at Mt. Hope
Mary Findley Jan. 28, 1889, aged 68 exhaustion of mania buried at Holy Sepulchre
Jane Mosher Jan. 31, 1889, aged 85 senility buried by family
Hattie Gill Feb. 9, 1889, aged 36 epilepsy buried at Mt. Hope
Bridget Burke Feb. 17, 1889, aged 62 surgical fever buried at Holy Sepulchre
Harvey S. Wiltsie Feb. 18, 1889, aged 54 exhaustion of acute mania buried at Mt. Hope
Mary E. Gallus March 26, 1889, aged 37 paresis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Dora Kaminsky April 4, 1889, aged 26 pneumonia buried at Mt. Hope
Alice M. Fassett April 18, 1889, aged 42 exhaustion buried by family
Lizzie Farrell May 1, 1889, aged 38 phthisis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Ellen McGuire May 2, 1889, aged 68 phthisis buried at Holy Sepulchre
George Ackerman May 2, 1889, aged 69 senility buried at Holy Sepulchre
Nancy Foley May 8, 1889, aged 58 strangulated hernia buried at Mt. Hope
Frederick Kraatz May 16, 1889, aged 41 paresis buried by family
Hiram F. Hatch May 15, 1889, aged 60 paralysis buried by friends
William Craddock June 14, 1889, aged 36 phthisis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Johannah Susann July 27, 1889, aged 82 enteritis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Margaret O'Brien July 29, 1889, aged 60 enteritis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Patrick Galliger Aug. 28, 1889, aged 44 epilepsy and chronic mania buried by family
Mary R. Sloan Sept. 4, 1889, aged 77 diarrhoea and exhaustion of mania buried by friends


Deaths between Oct. 1, 1889 and Sept. 30, 1890
Name Death date & age Cause of death Where & by whom buried
Mary Shackleton Oct. 12, 1889, aged 35 tuberculous abscess, chronic mania buried by family
George Zimmerman Oct. 18, 1889, aged 79 exhaustion buried by family
William Doud Dec. 20, 1889, aged 48 phthisis buried by family
Charles Heusner Jan. 4, 1890, aged 65 apoplexy buried by family
Jennie E. Dennison Jan. 11, 1890, aged 35 strangulation suicidal buried by relatives
Albert Surrat Jan. 14, 1890, aged 31 phthisis pulmonalis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Harriet Mallary Jan. 26, 1890, aged 65 exhaustion of mania buried by relatives
Sarah Brown Feb. 3, 1890, aged 77 apoplexy buried by family
Gustave Janeck April 6, 1890, aged 31 phthisis and chronic mania buried by family
John V. Zwrelin April 21, 1890, aged 51 paresis buried by family
Fred A. Wicham May 5, 1890, aged 39 paresis buried by friends
Mary Phaler May 9, 1890, aged 85 senility buried at Holy Sepulchre
Helen A. Wildey June 17, 1890, aged 45 exhaustion of acute mania buried by family
Hayden Osborne June 21, 1890, aged 92 senility buried at Henrietta
Mary Avery June 25, 1890, aged 46 phthisis buried by family
Catherine Wilson June 26, 1890, aged 56 exhaustion of mania buried at Holy Sepulchre
Isaac R. Hamilton July 1, 1890, aged 27 phthisis pulmonalis buried by friends
William Freidland July 21, 1890, aged 50 tuberculosis buried at Mt. Hope
Henry Lyons July 24, 1890, aged 40 typhoid fever buried by relatives
Elizabeth Dake Aug. 4, 1890. aged 79 exhaustion of doarrhoea buried at Holy Sepulchre
Anna E. Boulter Aug. 5, 1890, aged 49 euteritis buried by family
Hannah Swartz Aug. 8, 1890, aged 65 paresis buried by relatives
Rosetta Havens Aug. 12, 1890, aged 51 exhaustion from melancholia buried by friends
Mary Rantz Aug. 15, 1890, aged 40 phthisis buried at Holy Sepulchre
Cornelius Hauseneur Aug. 18, 1890, aged 30 asphyxia from food in trachea buried at Mt. Hope
George Webb Aug. 20, 1890, aged 34 pulmonary tuberculosis buried at Mt. Hope
Susan E. Gilliam Sept. 4, 1890, aged 66 suicide buried by family
Catherine Beck Sept. 9, 1890, aged 45 bronchitis buried by family
Mary Bradley Sept. 25, 1890, aged 29 epilepsy buried at Holy Sepulchre
Ellen McCandless Sept. 26, 1890, aged 64 shock of fracture buried by Coroner



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