AUTHOR'S NOTE: These minutes naturally suggest the desirability of notes about the events and actors. The author is gathering material about the earlier settlers of Northampton from the first tax-roll, book of Earmarks of Northampton, book of Earmarks of Parma, heads of families of 1790, 1800, and 1810 censuses and other evidence. This would imply a long delay for this portion already completed and might extend this paper unduly. The records printed below are an exact transcript, following the paging, spelling, capitals and punctuation of the original Book of Records. |
WEB EDITOR'S NOTE: The Town of Northampton is one of those Towns that over time became smaller as other Towns were formed. At the time of the first meeting of the Town of Northampton, Ontario County, comprised all of the area of western New York except that comprising Steuben County. In 1802 Northampton became part of Genesee County when it was formed. Genesee County then included all the land in NY State west of the Genesee River. For a short period of time this was also the same border for the Town of Northampton. On March 30, 1803 Northampton became much smaller when three large towns were taken off. Those Towns were Southampton (later called Caledonia), Leicester and Batavia (which then comprised the western part of NY State. In 1808 three more Towns were taken off. Those were Parma, Murray (present Sweden and Murray) and Riga (present Chili and Riga). In 1813 the name of the much smaller Northampton was changed to the Town of Gates. That territory would include the present Towns of Gates and Greece and the part of the City of Rochester west of the Genesee River. |
Fly leaf
The first Book of Records in the Town of Northamton, began the 4th day of April 1797—
The first Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Northamton, in the (County of Onterio, State of New York) was held at the house of Peter Shaffers, on the day above mentioned—
Page 1 (blank)
Page 2
Be it Rembered .that in Town Meetinng held in the Town of Northamton, and County of Onterio, on the 4th day of April 1797—The Votes was taken by Gad Wadsworth Esqr of the Town of Hartford, for the Officers of the Town of Northamton—
Eli Granger, Town Clark—
Col. Josiah Fish, Supervisor.
Peter Shaffer, Majr. Elijah Kent and Jeremiah Olmstead, Assessors.
Gideon: King, Peter Shaffer and Joseph Morgan, Comitioners of Highways.
Peter Shaffer overseaer of the Poor,
Simon King Constable and Collector,
Hinds Chamberlin Constable,
Cristopher Dugan, Joseph Morgan and Col. Josiah Fish, Path Masters.
Cristopher Dugan and Isaac Scott Fence Viewers.
The above Gentlemen were sworn according to Law to the faithful Discharge of their Respective Offices before Gad Wadsworth Esqr.
Fifty Dollars was voted to be raised to pay the necesary Charges of the Town.
Voted that Swine might run at large without Yoaks or Rings.
The meeting Ajorned to the first Tuesday in April 1798 to be opened and held at the house of Peter Shaffers.
Page 3
School Money for the year 1797—It apears by a Certificate Rec'd from Richd. M. Green Clark of the Board of Supervisors; that their will be due to this Town, the ensueing year Thirty five Dollars and 64 Cts for the Suport of Schooles in the Town.
For the Expendetures of the moneys Raised, you may turn to page 5th, for the year 1797—
April 3d, 1798} This day being the first Tuesday in April, mett in Town meeting according to Ajornment in the year 1797—The Votes for Town Officers being taken by the Town Clk and Constables, and apeard as follows:—
Eli Granger Town Clk.
Josiah Fish Supervisor,
Chapman Hawley, Peter Shaffer and Berzeliel Atcherson Assessors.
Charles Wilbor, Isaac Scott, and Elisha Farwell. Commitioners of High weighs.
Peter Shaffer Poor Master,
Samuel Baker Constable and Collector
Zenos Bigelow Constable
Stephen Atcherson, Gideon King, Isaac Scott and Asa Baker Path Masters
Page 4
Joshua Chamberlin and Joseph Morgan Fence Viewers
Peter Shaffer Superintendant of Schooles
Thoms. Whitcomb Pound Keeper
The above Gentlemen were sworn according to Law, to the faithful discharge of their Offices before
Voted in the above meeting, that Swine Shall not Run at large without yoak and Rings.
Voted to Rais Fifty Dollars for the use of the Town—also to Accept of Col Fishes Bill as Supervisor for the year 1797—
And also Voted to Ajourn this Meeting to the first Tuesday in Aprill 1799, then to meet at the House of Peter Shaffers—
School Money for the year 1798—It apears by a Certificate rec'd from Timothy Burt, Clark to the Board of Supervisors, that their will be due to this Town the Ensuing year Sixty one Dollars and 36 Cents for the Suport of Schools in this Town—
Page 5
Statement of the Money Granted, and expended in the year 1797, by Col—Fish Supervisor—
Money Granted by the Town | $50.00 |
Granted by the board of Supervisors | 10.00 |
$60.00 | |
Paid to Peter Shaffer for Service | 7.50 |
To Majr. Elijah Kent Do. | 12.00 |
To Eli Granger Do. | 4.50 |
To Gideon King for Do | 4.50 |
To Jeremiah Olmstead | 4.50 |
for Town Books | 4.00 |
To Thoms. Whitcomb for Election Boxes | .18 |
To Col. Fish for his own services | 7.50 |
Amt of Expenee for year 1797 | $47.68 |
Ballance due in the Hand of the Supervisor | $12.32 |
paying Simon King for Collection | 3.00 |
Town Feas | .75 |
Pages 6 and 7 (blank)
Page 8
April 2nd 1799}.
This being the first Tuesday in April the Inhabitants of this Town meet at the Dwelling House of Peter Sheffers in Sd Town agreeable to an Adjournment (made in Town Metting held in and for S. Town at in the year of our Lord 1798.)
Where the Votes were taken for Town Officers agreeable to Law by the Town Clerk and Constables of this Town which appears to be as follows.—
Charles Wilbor Town Clerk
Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor—
Voted that, that the other officers should be choosen by Hand Votes
Hinds Chamberlain Peter Sheffer and Zenos Bigelow— Assessors.
Cryus Douglass Joseph Morgan and Reuben Heath Commisioners of Highways—
Philip Beach Constable and Collector
Jeremiah Olmstead Constable and Collector
Elijah Kent Constable
Jesse Beach 1st District. Capt. Asa Baker 2nd. Do. Peter Shaffer 3d. do. Elijah Kent 4th do. Saml. Hicks 5th do. Path Masters.
Peter Sheffer Poor Master
Chapman Hawley Joseph Morgan and Josiah Fish Esqr.— School Committee
Ezekiel Chamberlain Isaac Scott and Elijah Kent—Fence Viewers
Page 9
Voted that the West Banks of Gensee River be a Lawful Fince.—
Voted that all the moneys now in the Poormasters hands raised by Licence or otherwise not yet appropriated be Laid out in Maiking and repairing Bridges.—
Voted Raise Fifty Dollars for the use of the Town
Voted Elijah Kent Peter Sheffer and Asa Baker—Bridge Committee
Voted Raise Fifty Dollars payable in Labour or Produce To be appropriated to the use of Bridges.—
Voted, Likewise to Adjourn this meeting to the first Tuesday in April 1800 to be holden at the Dwilling House of Peter Shaffer.—
I certify the preceding Gentlemen appointed for the Town officers by the Town for the year 1799, were qualified to the faithful discharge of their several offices as pr. reference to Page, 11, 12, and 13.
Be it remembered that Jeremiah Olmstead was qualifyd as Constable and Collector by Josiah Fish Esqr as will appear on file.
Be it remembered that on the 11th Day of Nov. 1799. was taken up by Dan Rowe a light brown colour'd Cow with a white face white stripe on her back with white on her belly and legs—Artificial mark a crop and two slits in the right and a slit in the left Ear. And also by the same Hand and time a Black coulerd Heifer of one year old with some white about the Face no artifical mark.—
Pages 10 and 11 (blank)
Page 12
I Charles Wilbor Town Clerk of the Town of Northampton in the County of Ontario Do solemly and sincerely promise and sware, that I will faithfully and honestly keep all the Book, records writings and Papers by virtue of my said office of Town Clerk cornmited and which shall be from Time to time be commited unto me; and in all things to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, will and faithfully perform the duties of my said office of Town Clerk, without favour or Partiallity.
I Hinds Chamberlain, Peter Shaffer and Zenus Bigelow do solemnly and sincerely promise and sware, that I will honestly and impartially assess the several Persons and Estates within the Town of Northampton in the County of Ontario and that in maiking such assesments I will, to the best of my Knowledge and Judgment observe the directions of the several Laws of this State Directing and requiring such Assessments to be made.
Page 13
I Cyrus Douglas Joseph Morgan Reuben Heath do solemnly and sincerely promise and sware, that I will in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as a Commissioner of Highways for the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario without favour or Partiality.
I Jeremiah Olmstead do solemnly and sincerely sware that I will in all things to the best of my Knowledge understanding and ability, well and faithfully execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Collector and Constable of the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario.
I Elijah Kent do solemnly and sincerely sware that I will in all things to the best of my Knowlidge understanding and Ability, well and faithfully execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Constable of the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario.
I Peter Sheffer do solemnly and sincerely sware that I will in all things to the best of my Knowlidge, understanding & Ability, well and truly execute and perform the Trust reposed in me as Poormaster for the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario.
Page 14
April 1, 1800}
This being the first Tuesday in April, the Inhabitants of this Town met in Town Meeting at the House of Mr. Peter Shaffer in said Town agreeable to an adjournment made in Town meeting in the Year 1799.—
Voted that a Committee of five persons be appointed to settle account with Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor—
Voted that Christopher Laybourn, Jno Markham, Frederick Walther, Zenos Bigelow and Cyrus Douglass, constitute a committee to adjust accounts between the Town and Josiah Fish Esqr. the Supervisor
Voted that this meeting be adjourned for the space of an hour Met in Town meeting agreeable to adjournment the Day and year above written—
Voted to receive Josiah Fish Esqrs accounts as Supervisor for the Years 1797, 1798 and 1799, See Page 16th
The Votes for Town Officers were taken by Josiah Fish Esqr.
Voted Christopher Laybourn Town Clerk—
Josiah Fish Esqr | Supervisor— |
Michael Beach Cyrus Douglass Eli Griffeth Jno. Palmer Philip Beach |
Assessors |
Peter Sheffer | Collector |
Simon King Chapman Hawley |
Overseers of the Poor |
Stephen Peabody Danl. Curtis Fredk Walther |
Commissioners of the Highways |
Page 15
Voted Thomas King Joseph Palmer Philip Beach Isaac Scott |
Constables |
Jno. Ganson Junr Wm. Curtis Seth Lewis |
Fence Viewers |
Eli Griffeth Hinds Chamberlin Bezalell Atchinson Saml. Baker |
Pound Keepers |
Voted that the Genesee River so far as it Borders on this Town be considered a sufficent Fence—
Voted that Mr. Isaac Scott be allowed and paid the sum of Twenty Dollars for repairing the Bridge over Alleyn Creek in the 1799—
Voted Capt. Jotham Curtis Garret Davis Asa Ransom Joshua Chamberlin Stephen Peabody Timothy Madan Junr Danl. Curtis |
1st District 2 Do. 3 Do. 4 Do. 5 Do, 6 Do. 7 Do. |
Overseers of the Highways |
Voted, that the sum of Two hundred Dollars be raised for the Purpose of Building a Bridge over the Creek at Butter Milk Falls on the State Road—
Voted that Captn. Jotham Curtis Captn Jno. Ganson and Charles Wilbor be a committee to superintend the business respecting Building said Bridge
That the sum of One hundred Dollars be raised for the Contingent charges of the Town.—
Page 16
Voted likewise to Adjourn this meeting to the first Tuesday in April 1801—to be holden at the Dwelling House of Mr. Peter Sheffer—
Accounts between the Town of Northampton and Josiah Fish Esqr Supervisor for the Years 1797, 1798 and 1799
Dr. Josiah Fish Esqr. | DollCent | Pr Contra Cr. | DollCent | |
1797 To Cash raised by Tax | 60.00 | 1797 By Cash Paid Major Kent | 12.00 | |
1798 To Cash | 50.00 | Paid Peter Sheffer | 7.50 | |
1799 To Cash raised by Town | 500.00 | Jeremiah Olmstead | 7.50 | |
To Licence Money | 66.00 | Gideon King | 4.50 | |
To County Money for Road | 42.10 | Eli Granger | 4.50 | |
718.10 | Josiah Fish | 7.50 | ||
Books for the use of Town | 7.00 | |||
returning the Votes | 3.00 | |||
Collector and treasurer | 3.60 | |||
Fees 1798 By Paid Peter Sheffer | 12.50 | |||
Chapman Hawley | 10.31 | |||
Bezaliel Atchinson | 7.50 | |||
Christor Laybourn | 6.00 | |||
Jno Johnson | 6.00 | |||
Josiah Fish Esqr | 7.50 | |||
Saml. Baker | 3.00 | |||
Collector & Treasurer fees. | 3.00 | |||
1799 By Inspectors and Clerks of the Election | 36.00 | |||
returning the votes | 3.00 | |||
Asa Baker | 3.00 | |||
Building Little Black Creek Bridge | 23.00 | |||
Building Deep Hollow Bridge | 475.00 | |||
Commissioners and others for laying out Roads | 36.00 | |||
687.91 | ||||
By Balance Due to Town | 30.19 | |||
718.10 |
Page 17 (hlank)
Page 18
I Christopher Laybourn, Town Clerk of the Town of Northampton. in the County of Ontario, Do solemnly and sincerely promise and Swear, that I will faithfully and honestly keep all the Books, Records, Writings, and Papers, by virtue of my said Office of Town Clerk committed, and which shall from time to time be committed unto me; and in all things to the best of my knowledge, and understanding, well and faithfully perform the duties of my said Office of Town Clerk without favour or partiality
I Michael Beach, Cyrus Douglass, Eli Griffin, Jno. Palmer and Philip Beach, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will honestly and impartially assess the several persons and Estates within the Town of Northampton in the County of Ontario, and that In making such Assessment, I will to the best of my knowledge and judgment, observe the directions of the several Laws of this State, directing and requesting such Assessments to be made
Page 19
I Frederick Walther, Daniel Curtis and Stephen Peabody, do Solemnly and sincerely promise and Swear that I will in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as a Commissioner of Highways for the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario without favour or Partiality.
I Peter Sheffer do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge understanding and Ability, well and faithfully execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Collector of the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario.
I Philip Beach do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge understanding and Ability, well and faithfully execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Constable of the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario
I Simon King, and Chapman Hawley do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will in all things, to the best of my Knowledge, understanding and Ability, well and truly execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Poor Master for the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario
Pages 20 and 21 (blank)
Page 22
Road from Braddocks Bay to Mr. Peabody Still House Bearings and Distances of a Line measured along the middle of a public Road (four Rods wide) beginning at the South West Corner of Farm Lot No. 3 in the sixth Range of Farm Lots, in the Township of Braddocks Bay, District of Northampton, County of Ontario, and State of New York, to a Still House belonging to Stephen Peabody, and from thence to the present Road Bearing North and South near said Still House.
Stations | Bearings | Distances | Stations | Bearings | Distances | |
C L | C L | |||||
1 | South | 60.50 | 43 | South 75°45' East | 3.50 | |
2 | South 13°30' East | 9.00 | 44 | South 87°45' East | 4.50 | |
3 | South 5°45' West | 11.50 | 45 | South 80°45' East | 5.50 | |
4 | South | 38.00 | 46 | South 74°15' East | 2.00 | |
5 | East | 181.00 | 47 | South 67°45' East | 3.50 | |
6 | South 64°45' East | 5.00 | 48 | South 72°45' East | 4.00 | |
7 | South 42°45' East | 10.00 | 49 | North 82°15' East | 6.00 | |
8 | South 33°15' East | 7.00 | 50 | North 89°45' East | 10.00 | |
9 | South 11°45' East | 5.00 | 51 | South 80°45' East | 2.00 | |
10 | South 12°15' West | 20.50 | 52 | South 84°45' East | 19.50 | |
11 | South 12°45' East | 23.00 | 53 | North 79°15' East | 7.00 | |
12 | South 16°45' East | 9.00 | 54 | North 86°15' East | 4.00 | |
13 | South 23°45' East | 8.00 | 55 | South 79°15' East | 3.00 | |
14 | 21.00 | 56 | South 73°45' East | 2.50 | ||
15 | South 22°45' East | 12.50 | 57 | South 76°15' Easte | 3.00 | |
16 | South 10°45' East | 13.00 | 58 | South 73°45' Easte | 7.00 | |
17 | South 43°45' East | 3.50 | 59 | South 76°45' Easte | 10.00 | |
18 | South 66°45' East | 18.00 | 60 | South 79°45' East | 5.50 | |
19 | South 81°15' East | 20.50 | 61 | South 71°45' East | 5.00 | |
20 | South 75°45' East | 3.00 | 62 | South 66°15' East | 16.00 | |
21 | South 70°15' East | 7.00 | 63 | South 82°45' Easte | 8.50 | |
22 | South 83°45' East | 17.50 | 64 | South 66°15' East | 4.50 | |
23 | South 87°45' East | 8.00 | 65 | South 83°45' East | 30.00 | |
24 | South 72°45' East | 2.00 | 66 | South 75°45' East | 7.00 | |
25 | South 63°45' East | 4.50 | 67 | South 73°45' East | 6.00 | |
26 | South 81°45' East | 10.00 | 68 | South 68°45' East | 5.50 | |
27 | Easte | 13.00 | 69 | South 75°15' East | 4.50 | |
28 | South 66°45' East | 5.00 | 70 | South 79°45' East | 31.50 | |
29 | South 76°45' East | 13.50 | 71 | South 84°45' East | 4.00 | |
30 | South 35°45' East | 4.50 | 72 | North 82°15' East | 3.00 | |
31 | South 73°45' East | 2.50 | 73 | North 88°15' East | 5.00 | |
32 | North 64°15' East | 4.00 | 74 | South 86°15' East | 26.00 | |
33 | South 73°45' Easte | 18.00 | 75 | North 77°15' East | 5.50 | |
34 | South 69°45' Easte | 8.00 | 76 | North 69°15' East | 4.00 | |
35 | South 88°45' Easte | 5.50 | 77 | South 84°45' East | 10.00 | |
36 | South 70°45' Easte | 6.00 | 78 | South 59°45' East | 15.00 | |
37 | South 80°45' Easte | 12.00 | 79 | South 63°45' East | 37.50 | |
38 | South 64°45' Easte | 3.50 | 80 | South 55°45' East | 12.50 | |
39 | South 87°45' East | 15.00 | 81 | South 51°45' East | 15.00 | |
40 | South 79°45' Easte | 7.00 | 82 | South 45°15' East | 5.50 | |
41 | South 70°45' East | 7.50 | 83 | South 51°45' East | 8.00 | |
42 | South 80°45' East | 2.00 | 84 | South 52°45' East | 5.50 |
At the request of the Inhabitants of Braddocks Bay, the above Described Highway was laid June 6th, 1799, by us
Commissioners of the Highways for the District of Northampton.
The above is a true copy of the minutes of the survey. May 6th, 1800
Town Clerk
Page 23 (blank)
Page 24
ROAD from the Landing Place below the falls on the Genesee River, to the Landing Place above the Mill on said River. Bearings and Distances of a Line measured along the middle of a Public Road (four Rods Broad) beginning at the Landing place below the falls on the Genesee River, from thence to the Landing place above the Mill on the said River, in the District of Northampton, County of Ontario and State of New York.
Stations | Bearings | Distances | Stations | Bearings | Distances | |
1 | South 84°15' West | 8.50 | 16 | South 29°45' East | 2.50 | |
2 | North 42°45' Weste | 7.50 | 17 | South 39°45' East | 3.50 | |
3 | North 85°45' Weste | 6.50 | 18 | South 42°45' Easte | 3.50 | |
4 | South 11°15' West | 105.50 | 19 | South 29°15' West | 5.00 | |
5 | South 3°15' West | 17.75 | 20 | South 49°45' Easte | 5.00 | |
6 | South 14°15' East | 3.50 | 21 | South 35°45' Easte | 12.00 | |
7 | South 12°15' East | 5.00 | 22 | South 52°45' Easte | 3.50 | |
8 | South 24°45' Easte | 5.00 | 23 | South 59°45' Easte | 5.00 | |
9 | South 22°45' Easte | 3.50 | 24 | South 74°15' Easte | 2.50 | |
10 | South 11°45' Easte | 22.00 | 25 | South 47°45' Easte | 3.00 | |
11 | South 37°15' Easte | 6.00 | 26 | South 42°45' Easte | 4.00 | |
12 | South 47°45' Easte | 5.00 | 27 | South 32°15' Easte | 10.00 | |
13 | South 42°45' East | 4.00 | 28 | South 22°45' Easte | 8.50 | |
14 | South 30°15' East | 12.00 | 29 | South 25°15' East | 6.50 | |
15 | South 34°15' Easte | 3.50 | 30 | South 12°15' East | 21.00 |
At the request of the Inhabitants of the Settlement at the Genesee Falls, and the Inhabitants of Braddocks Bay the above Described highway was laid June 7th, 1799
Commissioners of the Highways for the District of Northampton
The above is a true copy of the minutes of the Survey
Town Clerk
Page 25 (blank)
Page 26
A Road Surveyed for the Town of Northampton Beginning at an Elm Stump Blazed and marked with three hacks near the old Fording Place against the Old Ewing Farm and runs South 88° West 284 Rods, to an Elm Stake, then North 44° West 30 Rods across the old Fording over Beards Creek—and another Road beginning at a Buttonwood Tree on the West Bank of the Genesee River opposite Captain Jones's Dwelling House and runs North 85° West 18 Rods, thence North 21° West 225 to intersect the above described Road.
Commissioners of High Ways
Recorded Sept. 23, 1800
Town Clerk
Page 27 (blank)
Page 28
Northampton, April 7, 1801
This being the first Tuesday in April, the Inhabitants of this Town, met in Town meeting at the House of Mr. Peter Sheffer in said Town agreeable to an adjournment made in Town meeting in the Year 1800.
Voted, That a Committee be appointed to settle accounts with Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor
Voted, That Peter Sheffer, Christoher Laybourn, Timothy Coats, Captain Joseph Hewet, and Captain Joseph Smith, constitute said committee and they are likewise chosen a Committee to Settle accounts with the Bridge Committee, appointed at the Last Town meeting.
Voted, That this meeting be adjourned for one hour.
Met again, agreed to receive the Supervisor account see page
Votes for Town Officers were taken by Josiah Fish Esq. and Charles Wilbor Esqr.
Voted—Christopher Laybourn, Town Clerk
Josiah Fish, Esqr., | Supervisor |
Sylvestus Atchinson John McVain Joseph Hewet |
Assessors |
Hugh McDiarmed Timothy Coats Elisha Farwell |
Commissioners of High Ways |
Peter Sheffer Isaac Scott |
Overseers of the Poor |
Peter Sheffer | Collector |
Elijah Kent Friend Hall John Kembel |
Constables |
Page 29
Voted—Nehemiah Weston Simon King Solomon Blood Joseph Cumings Peres Brown John McVain Daniel Davis Garret Davis John Palmer John McNaughton Salmon Scott Asa Ransom |
Overseers of High Ways |
Voted—Johnathan Leonard Bezaleel Atchinson Willard Lewis John Redford Isaac Scott John McNaughton John Ganson Junr Philip Beach Simon King Elijah Kent Willm Wood Andrew Workman |
Fence Viewers |
Voted—Jonathan Leonard Elisha Farwell Eli Griffin John Ganson Junr Wm. Wood |
Pound Keepers |
Every Pound Keepers Yard to be a pound.
Voted, That the Town be Divided.
Page 30
Voted, That the following Rules, Orders and Regulations be Observed, To Wit—
That all petition and Circular Fences, shall be made of Logs, Poles, or Rails—not to be laid more than four Inches apart, within two feet of the ground, above two feet high not more than Six Inches, apart except the Top Pole or Rail—The Fence not to be less than five feet high—
That the Genesee River be a sufficient Fence—
That all Horses neat Cattle and Sheep be permitted to go at large from the first Day of April untill the first Day of December, Except stoned Horses which are not to go at large at any time—Any person suffering a Stoned Horse of more than one year Old to go at large shall incur a penalty of Five Dollars for each offence—
That Swine be permitted to go at large all the year—
That whenever the Fence Viewers are called out to view fences or estimate damages, They shall be allowed one Dollar each Day—
That any person or persons, carrying the Head or Heads of a Wolf or Wolves with the entire Skin thereon to any Justice of the Peace or Supervisor within the Town of Northampton, and making satisfactory proof by Oath or otherwise, that he or they did take and kill the said Wolf within the Town of Northampton shall be entitled to a Bounty of three Dollars for each Wolf so taken and killed after this time.
The Justice of the Peace are empowered and required to give a Certificate to the person or persons producing such Head—and the Justice in giving such said Certificate shall therein name the person producing such satisfactory proof that he had actually (Page 31) taken and killed such wolf within the Town of Northampton and the Justice or Supervisor shall cut off and destroy the ears of every such Wolf for which such certificate shall be granted, and such certificate being produced to the Supervisor of the Town, the Supervisor shall allow to such person or persons as shall produce such certificate every such sum or sums of money, as shall appear to be allowed by this act and draw on the Treasury for ye same.
Voted, That the sum of one. Thousand Dollars be raised for the purpose of giving a Bounty for destroying Wolves, and other Contingent Charges of the Town.
Voted, That Josiah Fish Esq., Elisha Farwell and Hugh McDiarmed be a Committee to inspect Bridges or places where Bridges are wanted, with power to Contract for repairing old Bridges or Building new ones where wanted and to find Ways and means to pay the expense of the same
*Voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the first Tuesday in April 1802 to meet again at the House of Mr. Peter Sheffer at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
*Voted, Thatit be necessary from the extensive Boundaries of this Town that it be divided.
Page 32
I Christopher Laybourn Town Clerk of the Town of Northampton in the County of Ontario, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will faithfully and honestly keep all the Books, Records, writings and papers, by virtue of my said office of Town Clerk committed, and which shall from time to time be committed unto me and in all things to the best of my Knowledge, and understanding well and faithfully perform the Duties of my said Office of Town Clerk without favour or partiality.
I Josiah Fish Esqr. do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and Ability, faithfully and impartiallity execute and perform the trust reposed in me as supervisor of the Town of Northampton in the County of Ontario, and that I will not pass any account or any article thereof, wherewith I shall think the said County is not justly chargeable, nor will I disallow any account or any article thereof wherewith I shall think the said County is justly chargeable
Sworn before Chas. Wilbor, Just. Peace
Page 33
I Sylvester Atchinson, John McVain and Joseph Hewit do solemnly and sincerely promise and Swear that I will honestly and impartially assess the several persons and estates, within the Town of Northampton, in the County of Ontario, and that in making such assessment, I will to the best of my knowledge and judgment, observe the directions of the several laws of this State, directing and requesting such assessments to be made.
I Hugh McDiarmet, Timothy Coats and Elisha Farwell do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding, well and faithfully executed the trust reposed in me as a Comissioner of highways for the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario without favour or partiality.
I Peter Sheffer do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge, understanding and ability, well and faithfully execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Collector of the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario—
Page 34
I Elisha Kent and John Kimbel—do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge, understanding and Ability, well and faithfully execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Constable of the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario—
I Peter Sheffer and Isaac Scott, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will in all things, to the best of my knowledge understanding and ability well and truly execute and perform the trust reposed in me as Poor Master for the Town of Northampton and County of Ontario—
I Nehemiah Weston, Simon Blood, Solomon Blood, Joseph Cumings, Peres Brown, John McVain, Daniel Davis, Garret Davis, Jno Palmer, Jno McNaughton, Salmon Scott, and Asa Ransom, elected an overseer of the Highway in the Town of Northampton in the County of Ontario, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will honestly, faithfully and impartially to the best of my understanding and ability execute the Duties enjoined on me as an Overseer of Highways-—
Page 35
Accounts between the Town of Northampton and Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor, for the Year 1800
Dr. Josiah Fish Esqr. | Per. Contra Cr | |||
DollCents | DollCents | |||
To Balance Old acct. | 30 19 | By Election Exps | 50 00 | |
Money raised by the Town | 300 00 | Return of Votes | 3 00 | |
330 19 | Town Clerk, Record of Road, &c | 1 50 | ||
Wm. Wadsworth Esqr. | 130 00 | |||
Whitmore & Co. | 13 00 | |||
Wm. Markham | 130 00 | |||
Sq. Fish Service for attend of Rais of Bridge | 10 00 | |||
Treasurer & Collector fees | 18 00 | |||
Isaac Scott, Town Votes | 20 00 | |||
Sq. Fish Service Att. Assessor | 14 00 | |||
274 10 | ||||
By Balance on hand | 56 09 | |||
330 19 |
By the Report of the Committee appointed to Inspect the accounts of the Bridge Committee there appears to be a Balance of $234.44 Due to the Bridge Committee for Building the Bridge at Butter Milk Falls—
Page 36
No. 1
Surveyed May the 7th 1801 for the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton, a Road beginning in the Center of the Road leading from the Mouth of the Genesee River to Canawogus 50 Links North of Peter Sheffers Field, and West of said Sheffers Dwelling House and running the following Courses and Distance—-viz.
C L | C L | |||||
No. 1 | N. 88° West | 75.00 | No. 16 | N 64° West | 4.80 | |
2 | S. 83° West | 37.00 | 17 | N 80° West | 6.50 | |
3 | S. 67° West | 18.00 | 18 | N 61° West | 15.00 | |
4 | N. 87° West | 35.00 | 19 | N 63° West | 7.75 | |
5 | S. 59° West | 148.50 | 20 | N 55° West | 28.20 | |
6 | S. 47° West | 18.00 | 21 | N 49° West | 9.00 | |
7 | S. 66° West | 28.50 | 22 | N 39° West | 5.50 | |
8 | N. 73° West | 9.00 | 23 | N 61° West | 11.50 | |
9 | S. 72° West | 36.00 | 24 | S 84° West | 19.50 | |
10 | S. 87° West | 23.00 | 25 | N 74° West | 18.50 | |
11 | S. 62° West | 17.00 | 26 | S 77° West | 13.50 | |
12 | S. 69° West | 22.00 | 27 | S 46° West | 12.50 | |
13 | S. 78° West | 12.00 | 28 | S 53° West | 9.00 | |
14 | S. 66° West | 17.50 | 29 | S 67° West | 25.00 | |
15 | N. 73° West | 32.50 | 30 | S 47° West | 10.50 to |
the East Boundary of Peter Campbell's Lott at the upper end of the Scotch Settlement about Eight Chains North of Allens Creek.
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
Northampton County of Ontario and State of New York
May 7, 1801
The above described Road was laid out at the request of the Caledonia Settlers.
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton
Page 37
No. 2
Surveyed May 7, 1801 for the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton, a Road beginning on the South Boundary of Township No. 3 in the first Range of Short Ranges at a Beach post and running thence South Five hundred and thirty four chains-South sixteen Degrees West Thirty four Chains which intersects the Road leading from Peter Sheffers to Francis Allbrights Mill Seat Containing in Distance Seven Miles and Eight Chains.
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
The above described Road was laid out at the request of the people in the Hanover Settlement.
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton, County of Ontario and State of New York
May 7, 1801
Page 38
No. 3
Surveyed May 16th, 1801 for the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Northampton, a Road beginning in the Road leading from the Mouth of the Genesee River to Canawogus, Six Perches from the North end of the Bridge over Allens Creek and running thence the following Courses and Distances untill it Intersects the Road Leading from Peter Sheffers to Allbrights Mill Seat
Course | Distance | ||
No. 1 | S. 79° W | 18.00 | |
2 | N. 79° W | 7.75 | |
3 | S. 75° W | 8.00 | |
4 | S. 54° W | 9.00 | |
5 | S. 66° W | 29.00 | |
6 | S. 70° W | 8.50 | |
7 | S. 78° W | 35.00 | |
8 | West | 41.00 | |
9 | S. 89° W | 72.50 | |
10 | N. 79° W | 15.00 | to the Intersection of the Above mentioned Road from P. Sheffers. |
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
The above described Road was laid out at the request of the People in Mr. Isaac Scotts Settlement or Neighbourhood.
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton
Page 39
No. 4
Surveyed May the 16th 1801, for the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton, a Road beginning at the West end of the Bridge over Beard Creek on Genesee Flatts, and running Thence the following Courses and Distances across the State Road about twenty Chains west of the Big Springs and also across AlIens Creek one Chain below the Old Fording place and intersecting the Road laid from the River Road through the Scotch Settlement about fifteen chains west of Hugh McDiarmids Dwelling House.
Course | Distance | Course | Distance | |||
No. 1 | N. 65° W | 10.50 | No. 9 | N. 2.34° W | 77.00 | |
2 | N 88° W | 34.50 | 10 | N 12° W | 64.50 | |
3 | N 6° E | 460.00 | 11 | N. 5° W | 56.00 | |
4 | N. 27° E | 3.50 | 12 | N. 21° W | 110.00 | |
5 | N. 60° E | 6.00 | 13 | N 9° W | 107.00 | |
6 | N 61° E | 4.50 | 14 | N. 18° E | 28.00 | |
7 | N. 6° E | 58.50 | 15 | N. 43° E | 13.00 | |
8 | N 8° E | 206.00 | to the point above mentioned West of Hugh McDiarmids Dwelling House. |
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
The above described Road was laid out at the request of the people on the Genesee Flatts, known by the name of Jones's Flats.
Commissioners of Highways For the Town of Northampton
County of Ontario, and State of New York.
Page 40
No. 5
Surveyed June 15th, 1801 for the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton, A Road beginning at a Black Oak Sapling Standing in the Road leading from Braddock Bay to Allbrights Mill about 45 Chains south of Timothy Coats Dwelling House and running thence the following Courses and Distances viz—
C | |||
No. 1 | S. 67° E. | 15... | |
2 | S. 49° E. | 100... | |
3 | S 25° E. | 17... | |
4 | S. 33° E. | 19... | |
5 | S. 35° E. | 52... | |
6 | S. 61° E. | 16... | intersecting the Road from Isaac Scotts to Albrights Mills about 4 Chains West of Cyrus Douglass Dwelling House. |
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
The above described Road was laid- at the request of the Inhabitants of the Hanover Settlement
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton—
Page 41
No. 6
Surveyed June l8th, 1801 for the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Northampton a Road beginning at a post being the North West Corner of Lot No. 2 in the 6th Range of Lots in the Town of Braddocks Bay and about 55 Chains North of Bezabel Atchinsons Dwelling House and running thence the following Courses and Distances. viz–
C L | C L | |||||
No. 1 | South | 54,50 | No. 8 | S 29° K. | 13,00 | |
2 | East | 17,50 | 9 | S 41° K. | 5,00 | |
3 | S 26° E. | 27,00 | 10 | S 54° K. | 17,75 | |
4 | S 44° E. | 11,00 | 11 | S 50° K. | 36,00 | |
5 | S 22° E | 6,75 | 12 | S 40° E. | 26,00 | |
6 | S S W. | 20,00 | 13 | S 73° E. | 9,00 | |
7 | S 20° E. | 5,50 | 14 | S 37° K. | 10,00 |
Intersecting the Road leading through the South Part of S. Braddocks Bay to Peabodys Still House.
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
The above described Road was laid at the request of the Settlers of Braddocks Bay.
Commissioners of HighWays for the Town of Northampton.
Page 42
No. 7
Surveyed June l Sth, IS01 for the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton, A Road beginning at a Beach Tree marked 5 Miles in the former Survey of the Road thro' Braddocks Bay Township about half a Mile South of Thayers Saw Mill and running thence the following Courses and Distances viz—
Courses | Distances C L |
No. 1 | North 10° W. | 10.20 | |
2 | N 4° E. | 6.00 | |
3 | N 11° W. | 6.50 | |
4 | N. 3° E. | 8.50 | |
5 | N. 20° E. | 8.50 | |
6 | N. 35° W. | 6.50 | |
7 | N. 10° W. | 10.75 | |
8 | N. 3° E. | 7.75 | Intersecting the said former laid out Road about Twenty four Chains north of said Saw Mill, and by this altering and discontinuing the part of Sd. former Laid out Road lying between the Points of Intersection. |
ALEXR. REA, Surveyor
The above Road was laid out at the request of the Braddocks Bay Settlers—
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton
County of Ontario and State of New York.
Page 43
No. 8
Surveyed June 20th, 1801 for the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton A Piece of Road, beginning in the Road leading from Braddocks Bay to Peabody's Still House at a White Oak Tree marked E F about Eight Chains from Said Still House and running Thence N 88°E 6 Chains and 50 Links... Intersecting the Road leading from said Still House to Kings Tavern about three Perches North of the Bridge which alters and discontinues the Part lying between the place of beginning and said Still House.
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
The above Road was laid out at the request of the Settlers of Braddocks Bay
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton— The before mentioned Roads Marked No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, and No. 8,—was entered on record Feby. 22d, 1801
Town Clerk
Page 44
Surveyed June 20th, 1801 for the Commissioners of High Ways for the Town of Northampton a Road beginning at the dug way at the North end of the Carrying Place past Genesee Falls 92 Links West of a large pine Tree standing at the head of Said dugway and Running Thence the following Courses & Distances. viz.–
C L | C L | ||||||
No. 1 | S 23° E. | 4.35 | No. 8 | S 37° W. | 3.80 | ||
2 | S 37° E | 19.00 | 9 | S 26° W. | 8.75 | ||
3 | S 1° W | 18.00 | 10 | S 14° W | 9.25 | ||
4 | S 32° W | 4.80 | 11 | S 10° W | 10.00 | ||
5 | S 52° W | 5.00 | 12 | S 26° W | 6.00 | ||
6 | S 31° W | 6.00 | 13 | S 34° W | 5.00 | ||
7 | S 40° W | 14.00 | 14 | S 29° W | 6.50 | to the South end of the Bridge over Deep Hollow— by this altering and discontinuing the Road laid between this and the Road leading from Kings Tavern to Peabody's Still House |
ALEXR. REA Surveyor
Northampton County of
Ontario & State of New York
June 20—1801
The above described Road was laid at the request of Josiah Fish Esqr. Elijah Kent.and others by
Commissioners of High Ways for the Town of Northampton.
Page 45
The No. and Boundaries of the Road Districts in the Town of Northampton.—
1 — Beginning at the Bridge across Beards Creek on the Genesee Flatts, to the main Road about thirty perches west of the Big Springs—
2d — From Canawogus Ferry to the Bridge on Allens Creek at the Scotch Settlement—
3d — From where the Big tree Road intersects the main Road, to the Bridge on Allens Creek at the Butter Milk Falls.
4 — From the West Boundaries of Peter Campbells Lot to Allbrights Mills—
S — From Mr. Workmans house to the South Boundaries of Mr. Templeton's lot, also from the River Road about thirty Chains North of Mr. Dugans House to Mr. Albrights Mills—
6 — From the South boundaries of Mr. Tempeltons Lot to the North boundary of Mr. Isaac Scotts lot also from S. Scotts to Allbrights Mills
7 — From the Braddock Bay Road line to Allbrights Mill—also from Salmon Scotts to where it intersects the Road leading from Isaac Scotts to Allbrights Mills.
8 — From Black Creek to the North Boundaries of Isaac Scotts Lot—also from the River Road to where it intersects the road leading from Isaac Scotts House to Allbrights Mills—
Page 46
9 — From Black Creek to the mouth of Genesee River also from the landing Place to the angle about ten perches west of Kings Tavern—
10 — From the N West Corner of lot No. 2 in the 6th Range of lots, in Braddocks Bay Township to the Bridge over the Deep Hollow, also from where it intersects the river Road to the angle about Ten Perches West of Kings Tavern
Northampton, Feby. 23, 1802
Commissioners of Highways—
Page 47
On adjusting the accompts between Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor and the Town of Northampton the 23d Day, Feby 1802—according to the accounts rendered in by the Supervisor there appears to be in the hands of the Supervisor Due to the Town Forty Dollars and Twenty two Cents.
Statement of accompts between Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor and the Town of Northampton Feby. 23, 1802
Dr. Josiah Fish Esqr. | Doll. Cts. | Pr. Contra Cr. | D | |
To Balance Last Years Acct D | 56.90 | By Mr. Walther Licence Lost | 5.00 | |
46 Licences at 5 each | 230.00 | De Curtis De Deficient | 3.00 | |
Ganson and Stoddard Dr. | 7.00 | Stimson Molten Lost | 5.00 | |
293.09 | David Power L Lost | 5.00 | ||
Isaac Smith Deft | 3.00 | |||
Jno Crow Lost | 5.00 | |||
Wm. Howell Deft | 2.00 | |||
Old Overseer of the Poor C. Hawley |
5.00 | |||
Present Overseer De | 17.00 | |||
Bridge Committee | 81.00 | |||
Comers of Highways | 6.00 | |||
Chas. Wilbor Esqr. | 8.50 | |||
Jno. McVane | 18.30 | |||
Sylvestus atchinson | 2.50 | |||
Eli Granger | 2.00 | |||
Joseph Hewit | 2.50 | |||
Elijah Kent | 2.50 | |||
Jno McVean | 7.70 | |||
Joseph Hewit | 4.00 | |||
Hinds Chamberlain | 3.00 | |||
Attend Election Apl and Augt | 20.00 | |||
Returns of Votes | 6.00 | |||
Extra Services | 16.00 | |||
Chris. Laybourn | 1.87 | |||
Attend of Settl of In Accts | 3.00 | |||
Bridge Committee | 18.00 | |||
252.87 | ||||
Balce. in the hands of the Supervisor | 40.22 | |||
293.09 |
Page 48
March 2-1802
This being the first Tuesday in March, the Day on which the Law (by a late act of the Legislature) directs the Annual Town Meetings are to be held, the Inhabitants of this Town Met at the House of Mr. Peter Sheffer according to an adjournment made in Town meeting in the Year 1801—
When the Votes were taken by Josiah Fish Esqr. Charles Wilbor Esqr. The Town Clerk—Constables &c—&c as follows
Voted—Josiah Fish Esqr. Supervisor
Christopher Laybourn—Town Clerk
Simon King—Cyrus Douglass, Job Pierce and John Thompson – Assessors
Asa Ransom—Collector
Rd. M. Stoddard—Asa Ransom—Job Pierce Commissioners of Highways—
Peter Sheffer—Daniel Curtis—Overseer of the Poor
Levi Phelton—Isaac Sutherland Friend Hall—John Kembel—Elijah Kent—Constables
No. 10 Bezaleel Atchinson Junr; No 9 Lewis Morgan; No. 8 Joseph Morgan; No. 7 Salmon Scott; No. 2 Daniel Bewel; No. 4 Jno McNaughton; No. 3 Danl Davis, Danl Curtis, Abel Row, Jno Hains, Jno. Palmer; No. 5 Asa Utley; No. 6 Ezekiel Chamberlin; No. 1 George Garner Wm. Howel; OVERSEERS of Highways—
Page 49
Voted—Michael Beach, Stephen Peabody—Christopher Laybourn, James Tomplin Samuel Carver—Joseph Cary—Isaac Scott—John Ganson Junr Joseph Howett, Lemuel Cook—Ezekiel Lane, John Hains Jno. McLaren Senr. Willm Carter, Wm Preston FENCE VIEWERS and Pound Keepers—every pound Keeper to make his Own Pound.
Voted That two Dollars for every Wolf destoyed in addition to the former Bounty of three Dollars be added—the Wolf act and all the other acts made in Town Meeting in the Year 1801 mentd. be continued the same this Year—with the above mentd. additional Bounty on Wolves—
Voted That Stephen Peabody—be allowed Seven Dollrs and fifty Cents for Town Services—and Danl. Curtis be allowd three Doll. and fifty Cents for Town services—and That Hugh McDiarmid and Elisha Farwell Comers of Highways for the last year be allowed Six Dollr. and twenty five Cents for laying a Road from Chr. Dugan to Allbright Mill—the Survey Havg been Burnt by Accident—
Voted That this meeting be adjourned to the House of Mr. Isaac Scott the first Tuesday in March 1803-
Page 50
Survey of a Road laid out a follows Beginning at a point on the State Road leading from Genesee River to Niagara at the N W Corner of Capt. Ezra Platts Farm and the N E corner of Samll Davis Farm thence Running South two Miles 26 Chains to the South line of West Geneseo so called, have established the same four Rods wide
June 10, 1802
Commissioners of Highways
Recorded June 15, 1802
Town Clerk
Page 51
Traverse of the Western State Road Commencing at the East Side of Allens Creek and extending to the Westward to the South West Corner of Lot No.4 in the Village of Batavia
No. | Courses | Distances C L |
1 | Weste | 1.60 | |
2 | N 87° W | 86.50 | |
3 | N 53° W | 14.50 | |
4 | N 88° W | 179.50 | |
5 | 5 72° | 9.00 | |
6 | N 86½° W | 15.90 | |
7 | N 70° W | 43.20 | Intersects Transit Meridian |
8 | N 78.52° W | 201.65 | |
9 | N 77.15° W | 20.39 | |
10 | N 74.30° W | 102.36 | |
11 | N 77.54° W | 139.17 | |
12 | N 157.06° W | 67.73 | South West Corner of Lot No. 4 in the Village of Batavia. |
Commissioners of Highways
Recorded July 2—1802
Page 52
Traverse of the Center Line of the Road leading from a point on the N E Bank of Buffaloe Creek near the S E end of Lake Erie, On Eastward to the East Line of Mr. Cully Lot or Farm
No. | C Lks | ||||||
1 | N 55½° E. | 18.36 | At the end of this Course John | ||||
2 | N. 14¼° E. | 204.16 | Palmers House Bears N 79° W. 75 | ||||
3 | N. 39° E. | 54.77 | Links distance— And the extreme part | ||||
4 | N. 34°6' W. | 23.70 | of Point Ebony on N Shore of Lake Erie | ||||
5 | N. 39° W. | 218.00 | bears S 75½° W— | ||||
6 | N. 62° E. | 81.00 | |||||
7 | S. 85° E. | 74.00 | |||||
8 | S. 61° E. | 28.00 | |||||
9 | S. 71° E. | 28.00 | |||||
10 | N. 79° E. | 121.00 | |||||
11 | N. 81°30' | 64.00 | |||||
12 | S. 87° E. | 107.39 | |||||
13 | S. 38° E. | 70.00 | |||||
14 | N. 86°57' E. | 50.00 | |||||
15 | N. 74°35' E. | 161.34 | |||||
16 | N. 82°18' E. | 46.92 | |||||
17 | N. 81¼° E. | 20.21 | |||||
18 | N. 79½° E. | 21.74 | |||||
19 | N. 65½° E. | 23.80 | |||||
20 | N. 64½° E. | 155.12 | To the East Line of Mr. Cullys Lot or Farm. |
Commissioners of Highways
Septr. 17th, 1802
Page 53
Traverse of the Center Line of the Road from the Round post at Fort Niagara up the Niagara River.
No. | Cha | ||
1 | S. 88½° E. | 9.00 | |
2 | S. 44° E. | 35.00 | |
3 | S. 30½° E. | 15.50 | |
4 | S. 13½° E. | 18.50 | |
5 | S. 5½° W. | 7.50 | |
6 | S. 7° W. | 15.00 | |
7 | S. 6¼° W. | 16.00 | |
8 | S. 12° R. | 8.00 | |
9 | S. 15° W. | 17.00 | |
10 | S. 2½° W. | 30.00 | |
11 | S. 12°, 38' E. | 66.50 | |
12 | S. 0°, 35' E. | 26.00 | |
13 | S. 19° W. | 6.00 | |
14 | S. 16½° W. | 16.50 | |
15 | S. 19° W. | 4.50 | |
16 | South | 7.00 | |
17 | S. 21° W. | 5.50 | |
18 | S. 13½° E. | 16.00 | |
19 | S. 26° E. | 22.00 | |
20 | S. 51° E. | 1O.50 | |
21 | S. 40° E. | 10.50 | |
22 | S. 22½° E. | 11.50 | |
23 | S. 16° E. | 8.50 | |
24 | S. 15½° W. | 3.50 | |
25 | S. 45° W. | 12.50 | See the Opposite Page |
Page 54
No. | Cha | ||
26 | S. 26° W. | 11.50 | |
27 | S. l0° W. | 17.00 | |
28 | S 3° E. | 4.00 | |
29 | S. 4° W. | 27.50 | |
30 | S. 7° W. | 15.00 | |
31 | S. 6° E. | 7.00 | |
32 | S. 18° W. | 25.00 | |
33 | S. 6° W. | 6.50 | |
34 | S. 4° E. | 14.50 | |
35 | S. 12° E. | 25.50 | |
36 | S. 83° E. | 20.00 | {On this Course Intersects the Road to the Landing on Niagary River |
37 | S. 88° E. | 21.50 | |
38 | S. 36° E. | 16.50 | |
39 | S. 12° E. | 17.00 | |
40 | S. 52° W. | 13.50 | |
41 | S. 45° W. | 16.50 | |
42 | S. 46° W. | 11.50 | |
43 | 5. 29° W. | 18.50 | to a Tree marked 6 M by Seth Pease and Majer Hoops— |
The Traverse of the Road from the proposed Landing on Niagara River two Perches North of Mr. Clarks House to the 36th Course on the Main Road, That is to say, from the proposed Landing N. 86° E 14. Ch. 50. Lks Intersects the 36th Course at 3 Ch, 50 Lks, from the beginning of said 36th Course—
Septr. 15th, 1802
Commissioners of Highways
Septr. 17th, 1802
Page 55
Statement of Aects. between the Town of Northampton and Josiah Fish Esq. Supervisor, Sep. 28, 1802.
Dr. Josiah Fish Esq. | Doll Cts | Pr. Contra Cr. | Doll Cts | ||
To Balance Old Acct | $40.22 | No. | |||
Cash Rd of County Treasurer | 784.10 | 1 | Simon King | $4.30 | |
Total Received | 824.32 | 2 | Joseph Hewit | 19.00 | |
3 | Do Do | 8.85 | |||
N.B. The County Treasurer has retained as warages 141 Collectors Fees &c |
74.90 | 4 | Charles Wilbor Esq. | 4.50 | |
Balance Due to the Supervisor | .13½ | 5 | Chapman Hawley | 2.88 | |
824.45½ | 6 | Sylvester Atchinson | 25.50 | ||
7 | John Ganson | 27.26 | |||
8 | Timy Coats | 22.01½ | |||
9 | Elisha Farwel | 53.30 | |||
10 | Hugh McDiarmed | 150.00 | |||
11 | Hugh McDiarmed | 53.30 | |||
12 | Wm. Schovil | 18.95 | |||
13 | Gershom Beach | 5.07 | |||
14 | Wm. Markham | 13.40 | |||
15 | Jessee Beach | 15.64 | |||
16 | Joseph Hewit | 6.00 | |||
17 | Jotham Curtis | 19.29 | |||
18 | Do Do | 1.00 | |||
19 | Wm. Blackman | 5.29 | |||
20 | Friend Hall | 2.54 | |||
21 | Elijah Cutting | 2.00 | |||
22 | Elisha Farwell | 18.00 | |||
CHRISTOPHER LAYBOURN | 23 | Jno Forsyth | 13.00 | ||
Town Clerk | 24 | Joseph Morgan | 5.00 | ||
25 | Charles Wilbor Esq. | 3.00 | |||
26 | Philemon Nettleton | 9.00 | |||
27 | Chrisr. Laybourn | 10.00 | |||
28 | Bezl. Atchinson Junr. | 3.00 | |||
29 | Bezl. Atchinson | 18.13 | |||
30 | Jno. Dillingham | 2.94 | |||
31 | Cyrus Douglass | 21.00 | |||
32 | Philemon Nettleton | 1.20 | |||
33 | Do Do | 1.88 | |||
34 | Do Do | 4.90 | |||
35 | Do Do | 5.98 | |||
36 | Josiah Fish Esq. | 15.50 | |||
37 | Chris. Laybourn | 10.00 | |||
38 | Charles Wilbor Esqr. | 3.00 | |||
39 | Josiah Fish Esqr. | 3.00 | |||
40 | Asher Bates | 7.50 | |||
41 | Andrew Wortman | 8.25 | |||
42 | Do Do | 7.70 | |||
43 | Rd. M. Stoddard | 60.54 | |||
44 | Do for Ray & Thompson | 84.00 | |||
45 | Simon King | 18.00 | |||
46 | Elijah Kent | 7.50 | |||
47 | Stephen Peabody | 7.50 | |||
816.61½ | |||||
48 | Treasurer Fees | 7.84 | |||
824.45½ |
Page 56
Northampton Sept 28th, 1802.
The Inhabitants of this Town Met in a Special Town meeting at the dwelling House of Isaac Scott (Legal notice having been previously given) for the purpose of Voting to Raise by a Tax a sum of money to pay a Bounty on Wolves, and other Town Charges and to Transact other material Business relating to said Town... When the Votes were taken by Josiah Fish Esqr. Charles Wilbor Esqr. Ezra Platt Esqr. John H. Jones Esqr. The Town Clerk &—
Voted To chuse four Commissioners in the four Towns composing the County of Genesee (when the Division takes place) That is to say, one Commissioner in each Town, the said commissioners to meet within four Days after the last Tuesday in Feby next, and divide the Monies raised for the support of the Poor—the monies raised to pay a bounty on Wolves,—Contingent Charges &c previous to the Division of the Town if any there be between the four Towns aforesaid, and shall make such Division on principles of Equity—and in like manner apportion the poor if any there be at that time. Or if the Town be then in Debt they are on the same principles to Determine what part of the Debt each Town ought to pay—
Voted That Josiah Fish Esq. be a Commissioner for Northampton—
Francis Albright be De for Southampton
John H. Jones Esq. be De for Leicester
Alexander Rea be De for Batavia—for the purpose above mentioned—
Page 57
Voted that Commissioners be chosen to ascertain the necessary boundary lines in the Towns composing the County of Genesee, to be compleated before the next annual Town meeting-—
That Elijah Kent be Commissr for Northampton
Rd. M Stoddard Esqr. be De. for Southampton
Samuel Tupper be De. for Leicester
John Thompson be De. for Batavia for the purpose last above mentioned—
Voted—Elijah Kent, be Collector in the place of Stephen Atchinson—dismissed at his own request.
Voted That the sum of One Thousand Dollars be raised for the purpose of paying a Bounty on Wolves and other Town Charges.
That Peres Brown be a Constable
John H. Jones Esqr. and Wm. Carter be fence Viewers and pound Keepers—
That Cyrus Douglass be Overseer of the High Ways for the Sixth District—
Voted That Peter Sheffer be paid the sum of Eighty Dollars—as a compensation for his Service as Collector last two Years
That the sum of One hundred Dollars be paid to Isaac Scott as a compensation for the loss he has sustained in Building a Bridge Over AlIens Creek near his Dwelling House.
Page 58
Voted That Christopher Laybourn Josiah Fish Esqr. be School Commissioners and John H Jones Esqr.
Page 59
Began on the East Line of Andrew Cragies purchase at the main Road and where the main Road Crosses the East Line of said Tract. Thence:
Courses | Distances C L |
S. 55° W. | 34.19 | to a Soft maple Stake |
S. 30° W. | 37.00 | to a Sugar Stake |
S. 50° W. | 12.50 | Sugar Stake |
S. 35° W. | 34.50 | Sugar Stake |
S. 70° W. | 33.50 | Beech Stake |
S. 60° W. | 20.00 | Water Ash Stake |
S. 32°30' W. | 39.50 | Sugar Stake |
S. 60° W. | 73.50 | Beech Tree 3 Miles |
West | 20.00 | Beech Stake |
S. 60° W. | 25.00 | sugar maple stake |
S. 32°30' W. | 10.00 | Beech stake standg on the Bank of a Creek about 1¼ Perches wide |
South | 25.00 | to a Beech Tree marked 4 Miles |
South | 80.00 | to a Black Oak Tree marked 5 Miles |
S. 20° E. | 28.00 | Iron Wood stake No. 8 |
South | 21.00 | Iron Wood stake 9 |
S. 32°30' W. | 31.00 | Beech Tree marked 6 Miles No. 10 |
S. 45° W. | 72.50 | Beech Tree marked 11 |
S. 32°30' | 75.00 | to the Transit Line |
S. 50° W. | 115.00 | to the tenth Township on the Holland Companys Land One Mile 26c 18L from the N E Corner. |
80)786,69 | ||
966,69 |
Northampton 14th Feby 1803 COTTON FLETCHER Surveyor
RD. M. STODDARD, ASA RANSOM, JOB PEIRCE — Commissioners of High Ways
Recorded, Feby 23. 1803
Page 60
Survey of the Road from Leroy to Lake Ontario beginning at a stake in the Centre Main Road standing at the S E Corner of David Fairchilds Farm— Thence:
C L | |||
North | 38.67 | to an Iron wood stake. | No. 1 |
N. 19°35' E. | 149.58 | to a sugar maple Stake | No. 2 |
N. 40° K. | 63.62 | to an Iron wood Stake. | 3 |
N. 75° E. | 6.80 | to a sugar maple stake. | 4 |
North | 20.00 | to a sugar maple Stake also a sugar Tree marked 3 Miles. |
5 |
N. 13° W. | 25.00 | to a White Oak Tree marked. | No. 6 |
N. 60° K. | 6.25 | to a Sugar maple Stake. | 7 |
N. 13.°21' E. | 60.85 | to a Sugar Tree. | 8 |
N. 2.52 E. | 70.50 | to a Beech Stake. | 9 |
N. 17.30° E. | 63.12 | a sugar maple. | 10 |
N. 28° E. | 33.55 | a Bass stake. | 11 |
North | 18.50 | a Beech Stake. | 12 |
N. 34°.22' E. | 65.32 | a Beech stake. | 13 |
N. 12° E. | 82.18 | a Beech Stake. | 14 |
N. 40° E. | 54.74 | a Bass tree 9 Miles. | No. 15 |
N. 3.40° W. | 48.60 | to a Beech Stake standg on the S Bank of Black Creek. |
No. 16 |
N. 15.15° W. | 94.75 | to a Beech stake. | 17 |
N. 1° W. | 119.54 | a Beech Stake. | 18 |
N. 5°.15' W. | 121.00 | a Beech Stake. | 19 |
N. 11.20° E. | 12.57 | Elm Stake. | 20 |
N. 17° W. | 50.00 | Beech stake. | 21 |
N. 2.30° E. | 119.40 | Beech stake. | 22 |
N. 11,45° E. | 122.17 | Beech post. | 23 |
N. 27.30° E. | 129.34 | White Ash Post. | 24 |
North | 284.13 | Beech Stake. | 25 |
N. 24°40' E. | 194.10 | Hemlock stake. | 26 |
N. 41.34° E. | 28.35 | Beech Stake. | 27 |
N. 29.34° E. | 62.35 | Gilead Stake on the Shore of Lake Ontario. |
Northampton 22d Feby. 1803 — STEPHEN BENTON Surveyor
RD. M. STODDARD, IRA RANSOM, JOB PEIRCE — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded Feby 23d 1803.
Page 61
Traverse of a Road Beginning at a stake standing in the Center where the Road ended leading to the Mouth of the Genesee River on the Farm owned by Samuel Street Esqr.
C L | |||
Thence | South 30° W. | 33.00 | |
2 | S. 41° W. | 34.25 | |
3 | S. 1.30° E. | 27.50 | |
4 | S. 83° E. | 28.50 | |
5 | S. 20° E. | 20.32 | |
6 | S. 54° E. | 10.00 | |
7 | S. 21,30° E. | 32.50 | to a Button Wood Tree standing on the Bank of a Creek near the Main Road. |
Northampton Feby 26,1803— COTTON FLETCHER Surveyor
RD. M. STODDARD, JOB PEIRCE — Commissioners of High Ways
Recorded Feby 28, 1803 — CHRIS. LAYBOURN, Town Clk
Traverse of a Road beginning at the End of the Road leading from the Main Road to Francis Albrights Mill Thence South 80° E on the Bank of the Creek 9c 501 Thence South Over the Creek 4c 871
2 | S. 73° East | 11.25 | |
3 | S. 77° E. | 17.50 | |
4 | S. 63° E. | 16.50 | |
5 | S. 65° E. | 295.00 | to the Center of the Road leading from Chrisr Dugans to the Mouth of the Genesee River containing 4m34c621 |
Northampton Feby 26, — 1803 COTTON FLETCHER Surveyor
RD. M. STODDARD, JOB PEIRCE — Commissioners of High Ways
Recorded, Feby 28th 1803 — CHRISR LAYBOURN Town Clerk
Page 62
Traverse of a Road beginning at the Genesee River at a Place known by the name of Streets Ferry
C L | |||
Thence | North 26° W. | 23.00 | |
2 | W. | 20.00 | |
3 | North 816° W. | 20.00 | |
4 | South 866° W. | 80.50 | To Township Line |
5 | South 756° W. | 19.50 | To a Creek |
6 | North 796° W. | 11.50 | To Township Line |
7 | West along said Line | 59.50 | to the Main Road |
Feby. 26. 1803 — COTTON FLETCHER Surveyor
RD. M. STODDARD, JOB PEIRCE — Commissioners of the HighWays
Recorded Feby. 28, 1803
Page 63
March the 1st 1803
This being the first Tuesday in March the Day on which the Law By a Late act of the Legislature Appointed Our Town Meating to be held at the House of Josiah Fishe's Esq. The Inhabitents of the Town met at the time and Place So appointed in Northampton when The Votes were Taken by Josiah Fish Esq &c—
Voted Sylvestus Atchinson Town Clark—
Simon King Supervisor—
John Kimbol—Lewis Morgan Jonathan Leonard Assessors
Elisha Dunham Jeremiah Olmsted Bezaleel Atchinson Commissioners of High,
Stephen Pebody John Kimbol Over Seers of the Poor—
John Kimbol—Lewis Morgan Constables
Lewis Morgan Collector of Taxes—
that the third Road District be Divided at West Bank of Prusts Kreek
No. 1st Solomon Blood, No. 2nd William Hincher No. 3d Sylvestus Atchinson on the East part. George GoodHew for the west of the Same and Joseph Cara for No. 4th. Over Seears of Highways fence Viewers and Pound Keepers and make their Own Pound—
that the Sum of one Hundred Dollars for to Defray the Expense of Wolf Killing—
Voted Lastly that this Meeting be Adjourned to the now Dwelling House of Elisha Dunham Inholder on the first Tuesday of March next—
Page 64
Northampton, April the 9th 1803
Be it Remembered that on the Last Day of march one thousand Eight Hundred & three Came into the Inclosure of Bezaleel Atchinson Jnr. A Dark Bay Mare Colt Judged to be three years old this Spring with a Star in the foarhead a Snip Nose Natural Troter Caries a Good head and tail Straight Limber &c
Survey of a Road April 6th 1803 at Northampton
Road from the Landing Below the fall on Genesee River to the Road Leading from the mouth of the River to the Mills above the falls—Widened as followith—Began at the top of the Hill at a Pine Stump on the North Side of Said Road. Run North Half a Chain to a White Oak Stump then west three Degrees South Seven Chains to the above Mentioned Road Leading from the Mouth of the River—then South Half a Chain to to the former Line of Sd Road the above Addition is on the North Side of Sd Road—is two Rods from the top of the Hill to the other Road.—
Recorded June the 8th 1803
Page 65
Survey of a Road to Thomas Kings as Followes. Began at the North East Corner of Lot No. 29 Bounded on the Road Leading to Deep Hollow Bridge so Called Run West two Degrees North one Hundred and Seventy two Chains and an Half to a Stake Marked then west Nineteen Degrees South Forty Two Chains and an half to a Steep Gully a few Rods East of Thomas Kings House Said Road is Laid four Rods wide on the Lot No. 29 and Bounded North on the North Line of the above Mentioned Lot one Hundred and four Rods from thence the Center of the Road to be on the Line of the Lots to the above Mentioned Stake
Northampton April the 7th 1803
ELISHA DUNHAM, JEREMIAH OLMSTED — Commissioners of High Ways
Recorded June the 8th 1803
Northampton November 18th 1803
This Day Settled Town amounts with Josiah Fish Esq Late Supervisor for the Said Town and find a Ballance Due the Town in his hands for the Sum of three Hundred fifty four Dollars and five Cents
Josiah Fish
Page 66
Northampton November the 18th 1803
on adjusting accounts with Josiah Fish Esq. Late Supervisor for Said Town By amount Turned in by him at the time there appears to be a Ballance in his hands (Beside the Licence money) of three Hundred and fifty four Dollars five Cents in manner following, to Wit—
Dr. Josiah Fish Supervisor | Pr. Contrary Cr. | ||||
to one thousand Dollars paid by Lewis morgan Collector |
$1000.00 | Ballance Due in the old Settlement of |
$000.13 | ||
$1000.00 | No. 1 | Elijah Kent | 15.00 | ||
$472.96 | 2 | Shanks an Indian | 5.00 | ||
amounts caried over | $527.14 | 3 | Job Pierce | 41.75 | |
4 | Richard M Stoddard | 63.00 | |||
4 | John Keys | 7.50 | |||
5 | Richard M Stoddard | 25.20 | |||
6 | Christopher Laybourn | 5.00 | |||
7 | Job Pierce | 5.00 | |||
8 | Wm. Dwinnoll | 20.00 | |||
9 | Peter Sheffer | 5.00 | |||
10 | Shanks an Indian | 5.00 | |||
11 | Ezra Platt | 5.00 | |||
12 | Elisha Farwell | 6.75 | |||
13 | Joseph P. Palmer | 5.00 | |||
14 | Frances Albright | 5.50 | |||
15 | Cotton Fletcher | 6.00 | |||
16 | Daniel Curtis | 3.50 | |||
17 | Cotton Fletcher | 7.50 | |||
18 | Richard M Stoddard | 19.50 | |||
19 | Benjamin Kimbol | 5.00 | |||
20 | Phinehas Bates | 5.25 | |||
21 | Wm. Dwinnold | 5.00 | |||
22 | Henry Leash | 5.00 | |||
23 | Job Pierce | 10.75 | |||
24 | Luke Whitmore | 15.73 | |||
25 | Petter Sheffer | 80.00 | |||
26 | Christopher Laybourn | 15.50 | |||
Tresury Fee | 10.00 | ||||
Lewis Morgans Fees | 50.00 | ||||
his attending Election 1803 | 6.00 | ||||
Paid Jonathan Leonard for Town Sarveses &c. |
8.00 | ||||
$472.86 |
Page 67
Josiah Fish Esqr. Dr. to amount Brought over from the other page of |
$527.14 | Amos Ranger Woolf Bounty | $5.00 | ||
$527.14 | Hinds Chamberlin De-De | 5.00 | |||
$233.35 | John Foresyth | 21.13 | |||
Due the Town | 293.79 | Jeremiah Nettleton | 9.31 | ||
6.00 | Compensation to him Black Creek Bridge Building |
40.00 | |||
Due the Town | $287.79 | Allowd for Paying Town orders to Oliver Phelps Esq. |
47.00 | ||
Charles Wilber Esqr. | 13.91 | ||||
Coln Fish allowance made him for the Exchange of Bills |
10.00 | ||||
Cyrus Douglass | 22.00 | ||||
No. 27 | Ezra Platt | 12.00 | |||
28 | Charles Wilbor | 4.00 | |||
29 | Job Pierce | 18.00 | |||
30 | Job Pierce | 4.50 | |||
Josiah Fish Esqr. for appointing L. Morgan Collector &c. |
7.50 | ||||
Josiah Fish for Compass and Chain |
14.00 | ||||
$233.35 | |||||
Tending Election as Clerk in April 1802 |
6.00 |
Page 68
Survey of the Alterations in the Road Leading to Braddose bay So Cald April—1803—From the Road Running nearly Parrellel with Genesee River Beginning Opposit the Road from the Landing at a Chestnut Stake Running South Eighty Seven Degrees West Twenty Chains to the former Road to Braddose bay aiterations from Prawon Creek Cald— Began at the Center of the Bridge on Said Creek Running North Eighty Eight Degrees and thirty Minnuts west Sixty Chains to a Beach Sapling mark'd H. about Six Rods west of Jermiah Olmsteds Land on the Side of the former Road then then North Seventy two Degrees West thirty Seven Chains to a Stake Standing on the west Line of Ebenezar Utters Loot
Northampton April 1803
Survey of a Road from the Road Nearly Parallel with Genesee River Began on the west Side of Said Road on the Line Betwixet North and Southampton Running North Eighty Eight Degrees west Forty two & an half Chains then North Seventy Six Degrees west thirty Seven and an half Chains thence North fourty Six Degrees and thirty Minuts West Eleven Chains then North 58° west 10 Chains then North 51° west 41½ Chains then North 31° west 17 Chains then North 60° west 11½ Chains then North 81° west 41 Chains then North 72° west 96½ Chains then North 67° West 9½ Chains then North 8° west 7½ Chains to a Stake on the Road Running Past Salmon Scotts to Fairfield—
Northampton April—1803
Page 69
Survey of a Road From Salmon Scots to Fairfield So Cald— Began at the Northeast Corner of Said Scots Land Running North 1° West 230 Chains then North 30° West 140 Chains then North 275 Chains Ending Oposit the House of Mr. Jonathan Browns in Fairfield aforesaid—
Northampton April 1803
Survey of a Road through Fairfield to Braddose Bay Began at the House of Mr. Jonathan Browns in Fairfield aforesaid Running North 2½° East 65c 361 then North 28° East 10 Chains then North 16° East 3c 501 then North 30° East 17c 501 then North 20 Chains then North 14° East 7c 501 then North 29° East 23c 601 then North 6° East 19c 501 to Fairfield Line then North 3° East 7 Chains then North 22° East 45 Chains then North 9° West 20 Chains then North 25° West 10 Chains then North 2° East 10 Chains then North 2° West 13c 501 then North 18° West 23c 501 then North 23 Chains then North 30° East 25 Chains then North 4° East 13 Chains then North 16° West 5 Chains then North 5° East 4 Chains then North 17" East 24 Chains then North 3° East 43 Chains to a Stake No. 7 in the fourth Range by Mr. Beaches then West 20 Chains on the old Road then North 19° West 8 Chains then North 5° West 76½ Chains to Braddose Bay Road by Mr. Atchinson—Surveyed by Gibbens Jewet Surveyor—
Page 70
March 6th 1804
Agreeable to a late Act of the Legislature Directing the Anual Town Meetings the Inhabitants of this Town Met at the late House of Elisha Dunham according to Adjournment made in Town meeting in the Year 1803. When the Votes for Town officers and other affairs of Sd Town were taken by Sylvestus Atchinson Esqr
Simon King Supervisor
Lewis Morgan Town Clerk
Libeus Fish Joshua Wickson & Abraham Colby Assessors
William H. Spencer Collector
Charles Hartford Joshua Wickson Overseers of the Poor
Thomas King Sanford Briggs Joseph Cary Commissioners of Highway
Simon King Stephen Peabody Henry Widener, Marven Brockway Michael Beach Abel Rowe Overseers of Highways Fence Vewers & Pound. keepers to find or Make their own Pounds
Jeremiah Olmsted Wm. H Spencer & John Kimbal Constables
Voted One Hundred Dollars shall be Raised as Bounty for the Purpose of Killing Wolves
that this Meeting be adjourned to the House of the Wid. Brown on the first Tuesday of March next
Page 71
Statement of Accts. between the Town of Northampton and Simon King Supervisor Septr, 1804
Dr Simon King to Money Raised for Wolves & Contingent Charges |
Pr contra Cr. | |||
Alexr. Rea | $12.00 | |||
$297.38 | Asa Ransom | 51.50 | ||
John H. Jones | 12.00 | |||
Stephen Peabody | 6 | |||
Lewis Morgan | 10.50 | |||
Charles Hartford | 6.00 | |||
Jeremiah Olmsted | 1.00 | |||
Sylvestus Atchinson | 5.60 | |||
Solmon Blood | 3.75 | |||
Wm. Dwinold | 10.00 | |||
Dan Rowe | 1.00 | |||
Jerm. Olmsted | 16.25 | |||
John Harmon | 1.00 | |||
Wm. Dwinoll | 5.00 | |||
Gibbom Jewit | 6.88 | |||
John Atchinson | 5.00 | |||
Lewis Morgan | 12.00 | |||
Sylvestus Atchinson | 6 .00 | |||
John Harmon | 3.06 | |||
John Kimbal | 9.12 | |||
Lewis Morgan | 6.00 | |||
Libeus Fish | 6.00 | |||
Jonth Leonard | 8.85 | |||
Wm. Hincher | 3.00 | |||
Simon King | 13.50 | |||
Sylvestus Atchinson | 9.00 | |||
Elisha Dunham | 19.29 | |||
Barzaleel Atchinson | 25.00 | |||
Bazaleel Atchinson | 1.00 |
Recd. from the Estate of Simon King Deeeasd the Ballance of the above Amt
Page 72
Survey of a Road from Danl. Arnols to Thomas Kings beginning at Said Arnolds N.W. Corner runing E. 2½ degrees S.800 Rods to a Stake thenE, 30 Degrees S. 66 Rods to a Stake then E. 2½ Degrees S. 442½ Rods to a Stake then E. 20 degrees N. 288½ Rods to a Beech Tree then E. 30 degrees N. 40 Rods to a Stake then E. 40 degrees N. 50 Rods to a Stake then E. 20 degrees N. 12 Rods to a Stake then E. 15 degrees N. 332 Rods Meeting the Road before laid out to Thos Kings from the Rive—
June 20th. 1804
SANFORD BRIGGS, Tnos KING — Commitioners of Highways
No. 1 | Survey of Roads in Fairfield Begining at William H. Spencers Mill at Beech Stump thence S. 32de W 420 Rods to a Stake thence W. 2½de N 244 Rods on the line of Danl Arnolds and Danl Browns Lotts to the center of the Road by Said Arnolds. | |
No. 2 | Survey of the Road to John Websters beginning on the Main Road 200 Rods S. of the N. line of Farefield at a Stake runing W. 2½de N. 800 Rods to the W. line of Said Town to a Stake Mark'd 25. | |
No. 3 | Survey of the road from Danl Browns to the W. Town Line of Farefield Beginning at Said Browns S.E. Corner at a Stake Marked 43 runing W. 2½de N 1882 Rods to the W. Line of Said Town. | |
No. 4 | Survey of. a Road from Williams Bannings N.E. Corner to the W. Line of Farefield begining at a Stake marked 82 on the main Road Runing (Page 73) W. 2½de N 272 Rods to a Stake thence W. 25 de S. 34 Rods to a Stake thence W. 25 de N. 40 Rods to a Maple Tree thence W. 2½ de N. 1047 to the W. Line of Said Town. |
October 28th. 1804
Tnos. KING, SANFORD BRIGGS —Commitioners of highways
No. 5 | Survey of a Road from the Main Road in farefield to Ira Lucus's beginning at the S.W. Corner of Lott 196 at a Stake Runing E. 2½de S. 820 Rods to the E. line of Said Town. |
November 1st. 1804
JOSEPH CARRY, SANFORD BRIGGS —Commitioners of highways
No. 6 | Survey of a Road from John Kimble's to Black Creek and thence Ira Lucuses begining at the S.E. Corner of Said Kimbles Farm runing E. 20 de S. 74 Rods to a Stake thence E. 53 de N. 313 Rods to a Stake thence N. 48de W. 14 Rods to a Stake thence N. 96 Rods to a Tree thence N. 21de W. 58 Rods to a Stake thence N. 15½de E. 92 Rods to a Stake thence N. 30de E. 26 Rods to an Oak Stake on the bank of Black Creek thence N. 26de W. 20 Rods to a bunch Basswoods thence N. 18de E. 927 Rods to a Stake Mark'd 229 & 230 on the S. Line of Fairfield thence N. 2½de E. 200 Rods intersecting the Road by Said Lucuses. |
March 20th. 1805
Page 74
Northampton Septr 1804
Statement of Accts Between the Town of Northampton and Sylvestus Atchinson Town Clerk for 1803.
Money Paid pr. L. Morgan Collector |
$250.00 | by Collectors Fees | $17.50 | ||
Do Raised by County | 100.00 | Treasurers fees | 3.50 | ||
$350.00 | No. 1 | Bezeliel Atchinson Jr. | 19.00 | ||
2. | Jonth Leonard | 30.00 | |||
Cash Paid to Ballance | 8.11 | 3. | Sylvestus Atchinson | 19.00 | |
$358.11 | 4. | Michael Beach | 16.62 | ||
5. | Jacob Atchinson | 19.00 | |||
6. | Sylvestus Atchinson | 15.75 | |||
7. | Thos King | 34.89 | |||
Cash Pd to Surveyor | 67.98 | ||||
By an order from Commissioners | 56.25 | ||||
$358.11 |
Dr. Josiah Fish to the Town of Northampton
Contra-Cr. | ||||
To Amot brot forward | $287.79 | Jan. 17th 1805 By order from Commitioners on Supervisor |
$45.00 | |
Balls due the Town | $249.79 | Apri1 2d by an agreement Certified by the Commissioners to the Amount of |
$80.00 | |
deduct | 80.00 | |||
$162.79 |
Agreeable to an Alteration of a Road on the appeal of Moses Johnson to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas on the 25th of Feby. 1805 Viz : Begining at the S.E. corner of Joseph Cary's Farm Running E.22 Rods thence E. 26de S21 Rods to intersect the Road heretofore Laid.
SANFORD BRIGS, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Page 75
Northampton Apl. 1st. 1804
Statement of Accts. between The Town of Northampton and Luis Morgan Town Clerk for 1804.
Cr. | |||||
Money paid by W. H. Spencer Collector |
$250.00 | Collectors fees | $12.50 | ||
Money paid by Sylvestus Atchinson Late Town Clerk |
67.98 | Treasurers do | 2.50 | ||
317.98 | No l. | Tom Leet | 13.75 | ||
2. | Wm. Banning | 21.00 | |||
180.55 | 3. | Marvin Brockway | 16.00 | ||
Ball. Due the Town Ball. Due on Settlement |
$137.43 | 4. | Sylvestus Atchinson | 8.11 | |
5. | Heny Widner | 33.50 | |||
6. | Marvin Brockway | 16.25 | |||
7. | Justin Worthington | 6.62 | |||
8. | Benagr Welley | 9.00 | |||
9. | Sylvestus Atchinson | 9.00 | |||
l1. | Josh. Fish Junr | 3.00 | |||
10. | Sylvestus Atchinson | 25.50 | |||
180.55 | |||||
12 | John Rockwell | 5.00 | |||
13 | John Rockwell | 11.94 | |||
15 | G. Jewett Supt. | 11.94 | |||
Money paid to Wm. H. S. | 44.24 | ||||
Money paid " de | 13.00 | ||||
de ..... L | 6.87 | ||||
by Cash paid Z. Colby | 5.00 |
Page 76
Northampton March 6th 1805
The Inhabitants of this Town met in a Special Town meeting at the House of Messr Rowe's (Legal notice having been previously given) for the purpose of Choosing a Supervisor and any other business thats material.
When the Votes were Taken by Sylvestus Atchinson Esqr. The Constable Voted that William Henry Spencer be Town Clerk Protemporary
Voted Gibbons Jewett Supervisor
Wm. H Spencer — Town Clk Protemporary
Page 77
April 2nd. 1805.
This being the first Tuesday in April the day on which the Law (by a late Act of the Legislature) directs the Anual Town meetings to be held—the Inhabitants of this Town Met at Mrs. Clarrissa Browns according to an adjournment made in the year 1804—Where the Votes were Taken by Sylvestus Atchinson Esqr. the Supervisor Town Clerk Constables &c.&c. as follows.
Voted Gibbons Jewett Supervisor—
William Henry Spencer Town clerk—
Zacheus Colby Sylvestus Atchinson Richard Abbey and John Kimball Assessors—
John Kimball Colector
Jeremiah Olmsted Solomon Blood Overseers of the Poor—
Ephraim Colby Jr. Stephen Atchinson Moody Truman Commissioners of Highways—
John Kimball Sanford Briggs and Jeremiah Olmsted Constables.
Page 78
Augustus B. Shaw Jacob Scoonover Joel Chapman Salmon Scott William Banning Benjamin Freeman John Atchinson John Harmin Benajah Willey James Sayre Overseers of Highways
George Goodhue William Hencher Joel Chapman and William Banning Fence Viewers and Pound Keepers—that every pound Keeper furnish his own pound—
Voted That their be three Shillings paid as a Bounty for every dozen of Rattle Snakes That may be killed in or within a half mile of the Town
Voted That there be three Hundred dollars Raised for the Contingent Charges of sd Town-and for a bounty on Wolves and Rattle snakes—
This Meeting be Adjourned without day
Page 79
Northampton April 11 th, 1805
Taken up by the subscriber a Two year old Mare Colt dark Brown Black mane and Tale White Star in the forehead a snip on the nose Trots and paces the mane cut off the owner is desired to prove property pay Charges and take her away Immediately
The Above is a True Copy
WM. H. SPENCER, Town Clk
Nov. 29th, 1805
Survey of a road from the Genesee River begining at a stake and Stones North of the old Mill standing at Highwater Mark running west 29 Rods to a stake and stones and to the now traveled road—
Page 80
Northampton Nov. 29, 1805
Survey of a road begining at a stake and stones Standing at the North East corner of Silvestus Atchinson farm running west Ten degrees North 62 Rods then on a westerly Course untill it Intersects with the road leading to Braddocks Bay as is Now established—
Page 81
Survey of a road Nov. 29, 1805. begining at the center of the road leading from the Genesee River to Braddocks Bay Town and running the following Courses and distances Viz—
Ch L | Bearings | Distances | ||||
No. 1 | N 83°15' W | 62,40 | No. 17 | N 51 W | 66.00 | |
2 | S 10 W | 18,75 | 18 | N 55 W | 32,60 | |
3 | N 89 W | 34,40 | 19 | N. 67° W | 38.00 | |
4 | S 89,30 W | 84,50 | 20 | N. 87,10 W | 47,60 | |
5 | N 80 W | 15.00 | 21 | N. 69 W | 81,30 | |
6 | N 75 W | 32,50 | 22 | N. 63 W | 37,10 | |
7 | N 78 W | 54.00 | 23 | N. 55,40 W | 61,30 | |
8 | N 86 W | 69,50 | 24 | N. 54,30 W | 42,60 | |
9 | N 84,45 W | 63,60 | 25 | N. 61 W | 40.00 | |
10 | N 83,45 W | 59,50 | 26 | S. 87,15 W | 19.00 | |
11 | N 76 W | 79.00 | 27 | N. 46 W | 12,25 | |
12 | N 84 W | 27.00 | 28 | N. 62 W | 13,50 | |
13 | N 71,20 W | 46,10 | 29 | N. 73,30 W | 11,60 | |
14 | N 66 W | 67,50 | 30 | N. 65 W | 66.00 | |
15 | N 71,40 W | 51,60 | 31 | N. 62 W | 32,40 | |
16 | N 60,15 W | 22,20 | 32 | N. 66 W | 160,00 |
Northampton Genesee County
State of New York Nov. 29th, 1805
Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Northampton
Recorded Decembr. 3rd 1805 WM. H. SPENCER Town Clerk
Page 82
Survey of a road in May 1805 begining at the center of the road leading from Fairfield to Hanover and about a Hundred rods Northerly of Black Creek Bridge at a beach Tree and running the following Courses and distances Viz—
West 5° N | 265 Chains | |
W 49° N | 95 | |
W 49° N | 187 | |
W 00° | 60 | |
The above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways |
EPHRAIM COLBY Jnr., STEPHEN ATCHINSON — Commissioners of Highways
The above is a True copy
WM. H. SPENCER Town Clerk
Survey of a road in May 1805 begining at the North East Corner of Lot No. 9 in Fairfield and running west on the line of sd Town To the Main Road From Fairfield To Braddock Bay Town it being 232 Rods The above Mentioned line to he the South line of said Road.
The above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways.
STEPHEN ATCHINSON, EPHRAIM COLBY Jnr. of Commissioners Highways
Northampton March 25th, 1806
WM. H. SPENCER Town Clerk
Page 83
Survey of a road Nov. 30th 1805 begining at the Braddocks Bay Road between Lots No. 2 & 3, and range 6 & 7 at a stake and stones-thence Running the Following Courses and distances (Viz)
W. 00° | 60 Chains |
W. 20° S | 73 Ch |
W. 35° S | 78.50 Links |
W. | 3½ miles and 5 Chains To the main Road leading North & South through The Triangle |
NB The above Two Rod Chains |
MOODY FREEMAN, STEPHEN ATCHINSON — Commissioners of Highways
Attest WM. H. SPENCER Town Clerk
Survey of a road Febuary 13th 1806 begining at the West line of Fairfield at the end of the road laid by Ephraim Colby and running the Following Courses and distances (Viz)
W | 86 Chains |
S 16° W | 40 do |
W | 194 " |
To the main Road leading North and south Through the Triangle.
MOODY FREEMAN, EPHRAIM COLBY Jnr. — Commissioners of Highways
Northampton March 26th, 1806
WM. H. SPENCER Town Clerk
Page 84
Dr. Josiah Fish To the Town of Northampton.
1806 March 27th
To balance of Accts brot forward dolls 162.79
Cr. by agreement Certified by the Commissioners of highways for the sum of $ 19.94
Statement of Account between Wm. H. Spencer Town Clerk and the Town of Northampton.
Dr. | Cr. | |||||
1805 April 2nd. | To Cash acct of L. Morgan on an Order in favour of I. Worthington | $ 3.37 | 1805 May 4th | by Cash Cr. G. Jewett by Order of the Commissioners for Cr | 80.00 | |
May 3rd. | To Cash acct of L. M. | 44.24 | Josiah Fishes Account by paying I. Kimble his Fee | 4.20 | ||
Oct. 4. | To Cash acct of L. M. | 13.00 | by paying A. C. Fishers Order | 28.75 | ||
1806 Feby | To Cash acct of I. Kimble | 84.00 | by paying A. C. Fishers Order | 3.00 | ||
March 25 | To an Acct of L. M. | 6.87 | by paying Prince Browns Order | 10.00 | ||
" | To G. I. rept of L. M. | 45.00 | by paying Isaac Nicholls Order | 4.75 | ||
$196.98 | by paying Calvin Freeman on an Order | 19.32 | ||||
1806 | To Cash-Recd of County Treasurer | 157.70 | by G. Jewett supt | 45.00 | ||
$354.18 | by Treasures Fees | 1.96 | ||||
1806 July 12 | Recd by-Z Colby | .50 | 1806 | by Cash Paid Zacheus Colby | 157.08 | |
$$354.68 | by Treasures fees | .62 | ||||
$$354.64 |
Page 85
April 1st 1806
This being the first tuesday in April the Day on which the Law (by a late act of the Legislature) Directs the anual Town meetings to be held-the Inhabitants of this Town met at Mr. George W. Willeys according to an adjournment made in the year—1805—
When the votes were taken by Sylvestus Atchinson Esqr. the Supervisor Constables &c, &c, as follows—
Voted Zacheus Colby Town Clerk
Gibbons Jewett Supervisor
Ephrain Colby Junr, Joseph Cary, Daniel Arnold — Commissioners of Highways
Daniel Spencer, Collector
George W. Willey, Jonathan Leonard, Richard Abby, Lewis Morgan, Salmon Scott — Assessors
Justin Worthington, Bezaleel Atchinson Jr. — Over Seers of the Poor
Page 86
William Hincher Jr, Augustus B. Shaw, Jonas Scoonover John Kimball Euijah Griswold Josiah Mather William B. Brown Abraham Colby, Jeremiah Olmsted Lazarus Church Jacob Atchinson Levi Gilbert William Davis Moody Freeman Joseph Grover William Church Overseers of the Highways
William Peters George Huntley Michael Beach Benajah Werden Nathaniel Jones Fence viewers & Pound Keepers
Nathaniel Randol Nathaniel Jones Benjamin Freeman Joel Chapman Constables
Voted Not to pay Isaac Scott his clame for one Hundred Dollars upon this Town
Voted To Raise three Hundred Dollars for the Contingent charges of the town
Voted That there be one Dollar paid as a bounty upon every Dozen of Rattle Snakes killed in or within a half mile of this Town
Voted That ther be Five Dollars paid as a bounty for every Wolf killed in Town—
Voted That all Town officers be authorized to collect all back arrearages of their predecessor
This meeting Adjourned to the now dwelling House of George W. Willey
Page 87
Survey of a Road in Northampton in Hanover Settlement Begining at Joshua Howells Northeast Corner Bound & Runing South 2°W 132 Rods to the E & W Road by James Franklins to a Markd Tree thence South 20° East 246 Rods Thence 2° West 172 Rods to the South Line of the Town of Northampton
Northampton Augst 25 1806
JOSEPH CARY, DANIEL ARNOLD — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded September 22d, 1806
Survey of a Road from the Black Creek Settlement in Hanover to the Road that Runs from Hanover to Fairfield—Begining Two Rods Rods North of Joel Chapmans now Dwelling House from thence Runing West 28° South 68c501 then W 30° S 5c50l then W 31° S 33c50l then West 36° South 12c then W 33° South 23c to Fairfield Road
Northampton July 4 1806
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded October 1st 1806
Page 88
Broke into the enclosure of the Subscriber on the first Instant a two year old Bull of a Dark brown colour with some white upon the Belly hind feet the owner is Desired prove property pay charges & take him away—
Northampton Deer 16th, 1806
The above is a true Copy
Survey of a in Northampton Begining at Samuel Fowler new Grist Mill & Runing South 40° East 480 Rods Thence South 45° East 130 Rods to the West Line of Fairfield to Post No. 13 & 25
Northampton Augst 22d 1806
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded September 22d 1806
Page 89
Division of Road Districts in the Town of Northampton for the year 1806
District No. 1 | Begining near Mr. Hinchers Running South to the corner of the Road to the Landing |
No. 2 | Beginning the above corner & running Down the Dugway to the River then beginning at the above corner Running South to the top of Dumpling hill— |
No. 3 | Beginning at Dumpling Hill Running South to the Town Line then West to Hanover Settlement |
No. 4 | Beginning at Southampton Line Running North to Fairfield Town Line— |
No. 5 | Beginning at the Line near the South East Corner of Fairfield Running South near Joseph Carys to the main Road— |
No. 6 | Beginning at the South Line of Fairfield Running north to Bannings northeast Corner |
No. 7 | Beginning at Bannings northeast corner Running North to the Niagara Ridge Road and East from Arnolds corner to Rush Creek— |
No. 8 | Beginning at Bannings North East Corner running West to Salmon Creek thence Beginning at Browns Corner Running West to the Town Line thence Beginning near Spencers Corner running West to the Town Line. |
No. 9 | Beginning at the River Road running West to the new Bridge on the Ridge thence beginning at the River Road running West by Thos Kings to Rush Creek |
No. 10 | Beginning at the new Bridge running West on the Ridge to Salmon Creek then from the Ridge running North West to Beach Creek |
No. 11 | Beginning at the Ridge Road running North near Bezaleel Atchinson Junr North East Corner then West to the East Road on the Triangle— |
No. 12 | Beginning at the South Line of the 2d Township on the Triangle thence running North to the East Road on the 3d Town to Salmon Creek. |
Page 90
No. 13 | Beginning at the East Road near Hogs Mouth running North to the Niagara Ridge thence East to Salmon Creek— | |
No. 14 | Beginning at the West Line of the Triangle on the Ridge running to the main Road thence North to the middle Line of Calvin Freemans Lot thence East to the East Road on the Triangle thence North on the main Road to the 23d Mile Stake— | |
No. 15 | Beginning at the 23d Mile Stake Running North to the Lake. | |
No. 16 | Beginning at the Corner Near Ws Line running East to the East Line of Fairfield. |
By agreement of a Majority of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Northampton the Roads Laid in West Pulteney are made a Road District being the l7th Road District and Elihew Church is appointed overseer of Highways for the Same to Serve for the year 1806—
Northampton September 28, 1806
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY — Commissioners of Highways
The above is a true Copy
Page 91
Survey of a Road in Northampton Begining at the SouthÂwest Corner of Henry Wideners Lot thence East 2° South 120 Rods to Post thence North 2° East 83 Rods to the old Road Leading from Black Creek Settlement to Hanover—
Northampton July 23-1806
JOSEPH CARY, DANIEL ARNOLD — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded September 22d·1806
Survey of a Road from Kings Landing to Lake Ontario Joining the Road that was before Laid a few Rods north of Lewis Morgans at a post from thence runing the following Courses and Distances Viz.
No. | Bearings | Distances C L |
l. | N. 8½° W. | 35 50 |
2. | N. 5° E. | 45 |
3. | N. 24½° E. | 40 |
4. | N. 17° W. | 13 50 |
5. | N. 18½° E. | 31 50 |
6. | N. 11° W | 12 50 |
7. | N. 22½° E. | 55 |
8. | N. 23½° E. | 24 50 |
9. | N. 4° E. | 6 50 |
10. | N. 22½° E. | 13 50 |
11. | N. 28½° E. | 80 00 to Lake Ontario |
Northampton September 5th, 1806
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded Oct 1st 1806
Page 92
Survey of a Road in Northampton West Pultney Begining at Post No. 114, 115, 104, 105 then Westerly on the Line of Lots half a mile to Post No. 113, 114, 103, 104 Then Northerly on the Line of Lots 200 Rods to post No. 96, 94, 83, 84 Then Westerly on the Line of Lots one Mile to Post No. 81, 89, 91, 92
Errors excepted
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jnr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded Decr 29th, 1806
Survey of a Road in Northampton Begining at post No. 26, 27, 14 & 15 Zacheus Colbys Northwest Corner bound on Washington Street Thence S 2½° West 4 miles three quarters & Twelve Rods to Post No. South Line of fairfield thence S. 45° West 39 Rods to the Line of Lots in Pultney Runing Southerly from Post No.6 & 7 thence Southerly on the Line of Lots through West Pultney to Post 157 & 158 on Southhampton Line
Errors excepted
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded December 29th 1806
Page 93
Survey of a Road in Northampton West Pultney—Begining at Post No. 53 & 54 on the South Bank ofBIack Creek thence Southerly on the Line of Lots 38 Rods South of Post No. 72 & 73 thence South 45° West 20 Rods then South 30°.20 Rods then S 6 Rods thence 30° East 36 Rods to Line of Lots as before then Southerly on P. Line to Post 122, 123, 133, 134 then S 10° E 38 Rods then South 40° E. 40 Rods then 20° E 28 Rods then S 50° E. 20 Rods then S. 45° E 120 Rods then S 60" E. 200 Rods to Post 157, 158 on Southampton Line. Erors Excepted.
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded December 29—1806—
Survey of a Road in Northampton Fairfield Begining at the Northwest Corner of Justin Worthingtons Farm Lot thence E. 2½” South 480 Rods then E. 40” S. 40 Rods then E. 80” S. 20 Rods then E. 57” S. 20 Rods then E 10' S 220 Rods then E. 30” S 40 Rods then E. 45° S 100 Rods then E 1240 Rods then E 23” N 60 Rods then E 8” N 24 Rods Then 26” S 34 Rods S 12 Rods then E 8” S 28 then E 8” N 28 Rods then E 728 Rods
being Nine Miles one half & 14 Rods
Errors Excepted
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded Dec. 29— 1806—
Page 94
Survey & alteration of a road in Northampton Begining at Fairfield South Line at the Corner of Lots No. 225, 226—Running South 30° East 95c then South 2½° West 4c25l then South 30° East 2c then South 16° East 3c 551 then South 41° W 3c then South 11° West 12c15l
Northampton December 4, 1806
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Survey of a Road in Northampton Fairfield Begining at the main Road a Little North of the South Line Running North 43° East 65c then North 47° East 70c
Northampton December 4th, 1806
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28-1807·
Page 95
A Statement of Accounts between Gibbons Jewett Supervisor of the Town of Northampton & Said Town
Gibbons Jewett & the Town of Northampton Dr. | Pr. contra Cr. | $ Cent | ||
1805 March 21st. To Cash Recd of. County Treasurer for Bridges | 50.00 | No. 1 by wolf Certificate | 10.00 | |
April 25th to Cash of the wido of the Late Supervisor | 124.24 | No. 2. by Commissioners order | 12.00 | |
To Cash of Josiah Fish Pr. Hand of Lewis Morgan | 45.00 | No. 3. by J. Olmsteds Acct. | 04.50 | |
May 4th To Cash of Josiah Fish Pr. hand of Wm. H. Spencer | 47.00 | No. 4 & 5. by Town Clerks Acct. | 11.00 | |
To Cash Pr. Do Pr. Do | 13.00 | No. 6 & 7. by auditing Town of accounts S. Atchinson Act &c | 5.50 | |
1806 March 25th To Cash Pr. Do | 6.87 | No. 8. by Commissioners order | 02.25 | |
Pr. Do To Cash Pr. Do | 16.00 | No. 9. by Commissioners order | 00.75 | |
June 13th To Cash of Joseph Eliott Esq. Treasurer | 182.95 | No. 10. To Do | 01.75 | |
$485.06 | No. 11. by Snake bounty | 01.03 | ||
No. 12. by Do. | 01.06 | |||
No. l3. by Cash paid CL. | 5.00 | |||
No. 14. by paying S.B. | 19.55 | |||
No.15. by paying J.C. | 19.36 | |||
by 1½ Days Settling accts. with the wido King | 03.00 | |||
1805 | ||||
No. 16. by paying Inspectors of Election | 48.00 | |||
No. 17. by Snake bounty | 2.97 | |||
No. 18. by J. Kimball | 03.50 | |||
No. 19. by J. Wickson | 14.74 | |||
No. 20. by Commissioners order | 12.50 | |||
No. 21. by 4 wolf bounty | 20.00 | |||
No. 22. by Commissioners order | 7.50 | |||
No. 23. by Snake bounty | 3.20 | |||
No. 24. by Do | 1.78 | |||
May 17th 1806 by Surveying Road | 1.50 | |||
No.25. by Coms order | 9.75 | |||
No. 26. by Do | 5.00 | |||
No. 27. by Wolf bounty to Crosby | 5.00 | |||
No. 28. by Com order | 5.75 | |||
No. 29. by Do | 0.87 | |||
No. 30. by Snake bounty | 01.00 | |||
No. 31. by Coms order | 06.00 | |||
No. 32. by R. Abbys Acct. | 08.75 | |||
No. 33. by Coms order | 01.25 | |||
No. 34. by Do | 07.00 | |||
No. 35. by Do | 01.00 | |||
No. 36. by wolf bounty | 05.00 | |||
No. 37. by Coms order | 03.75 | |||
No. 38. by J. Kimball | 07.S0 | |||
No. 39. by Coms order | 03.00 | |||
No. 40. by T. Kings Acct. | 13.00 | |||
$296.06 | ||||
Page 96 | ||||
Gibbons Jewett Cr. Brot forward | 296.06 | |||
March 30th by going to Batavia after Town money | 08.00 | |||
No. 4l. by auditing accounts of Town officers | 04.00 | |||
No. 42. by Wm. H. Spencers account paid | 16.00 | |||
No. 43. by Sylvestus Atchinson account | 04.00 | |||
No. 44. by Do | 06.87½ | |||
No. 45. by Commissioners order | 09.00 | |||
June 7 by going to Canandaigua for Law Course | 05.00 | |||
1806 May 2d by 4 Days attending Elections &c | 08.00 | |||
May 12th by returning Election Certificate | 03.99 | |||
13 by going to Batavia after Town Money | 8.00 | |||
No. 46. by Comrnsss order to Wm. B. Brown | 10.00 | |||
No. 47. by Moody Freemans Acct. for surveyor | 10.50 | |||
No. 48. by Moody Freemans Acct. as Commssr | 29.00 | |||
No. 49. by paying Eppm Colbys account as Commissioner of highways | 32.50 | |||
No. 50. by R. Smith Rect for Law advice | 02.00 | |||
No. 52. by Stephen Atchinsons Acct Paid | 31.00 | |||
No. 53. by Commissioners order to J. Leonard | 02.00 | |||
1806 Sept. 29 by 1 Day settleing with T Clerk | 02.00 | |||
489.92½ | ||||
by Treasurers fees | 004.89½ | |||
494.82 | ||||
485.06 | ||||
9.76 |
Sept. 29-1806 This Day Recorded & Settled all accounts between Gibbons Jewett Supervisor for the town of Northampton & Sd. Town & find a ballance Due the Supervisor of Nine Dollars Seventy Six Cents witness our hands—
Page 97
A Statement of Accounts between Zacheus Colby TownClerk & the Town of Northampton—
Dr. | Cr. by Cash Paid George Goodhue for Comms. order Drawn on Wm. H. Spencer late Town Clerk |
$20.00 | ||
1806 to Cash Recd of Wm. H. Spencer late Town Clerk | 157.08 | By Do pd Stephen Webster | 12.00 | |
to Cash of L. Morgan | 5.00 | by Do paid A. C. Usher | 3.00 | |
1807 to Cash Recd. of Daniel Spencer Collector | 237.50 | by Do paid C Freeman | 6.68 | |
$399.58 | by Do paid J Colby | 6.00 | ||
by Do paid B. Atchinson Jr. | 18.75 | |||
by Do paid J Freeman | 17.09 | |||
by Do. paid J Leonard | 6.50 | |||
by Do paid G Elliott | 11.25 | |||
by Cash paid Mr. Freeman | 16.00 | |||
by Do. paid W. Leach | 14.00 | |||
by Do. paid M. Brockway | 36.28 | |||
by Do paid J. Webster | .86 | |||
by Do paid Wm. Banning | 27.62 | |||
by Do. paid A. Atchinson | 3.75 | |||
by Do paid J. Leonard | 3.96 | |||
by Do paid J. Valentine | 15.50 | |||
by Do paid N. Hall | 24.12 | |||
by Do paid L. Nichols | 11.58 | |||
by Do paid J. Webster | 9.25 | |||
by Do paid J. Freeman | 12.00 | |||
by Do paid J. Nichols | 11.00 | |||
by Do paid J. Hopkins | 7.00 | |||
by Do paid P. Brown | 7.08 | |||
Carried over | $301.28 | |||
Page 98 | ||||
Z. Colbys Cr. Brot Over by amo brat over |
301.28 | |||
by Cash paid J. Kimball | 38.35 | |||
by Do paid Wm. B. Brown | 5.50 | |||
by Do paid Do | 1.56 | |||
by Do paid J. Colby | 3.70 | |||
by Do paid Wm. B. Brown | 4.25 | |||
by Do paid J. Nichols | 2.80 | |||
by Do paid B. Freeman | 8.69 | |||
by Do paid H. Everett | 9.50 | |||
by Do paid Wm. H. Spencer | .50 | |||
by Do paid M.S. | 3.00 | |||
by Do paid Do | 4.50 | |||
by Do paid J. Carey | 12.00 | |||
by Treasurers fees | 3.99½ | |||
$399.62½ |
Page 99
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Fairfield Begining one Chain & fifty Links East of Post No. 18, 19, 30, & 31 Running North 2½° East 6c then North 20° West 5c, then North 2½° East 39c 501 then North 25° East 17 Chs then North 2½° East 51c 501—
Northampton February 26, 1807
Recorded March 28, 1807
Alteration of a Road in the Town of Northampton Fairfield Begining four Chains West of Post No. 41, 42, 54, 55 Running East 6c 401 then East 20° South 2c
Northampton Feby 26 1807
Recorded March 28 1807
Page 100
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Begining at the West Line of the Triangle at the Corner of Lots No.1 & 2, 3d Section Line Running East 109c then East 20° North 8c then East 28° North 11c 501 then East 11° South 10c then East 21° South 3c then East 20° South 4c 501 then East 113c 501 to the Center Road on the Triangle—
Northampton March 18th, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28th, 1807
Survey of a Road in Town of Northampton West Pultney Division Begining at Post 122, 123, 133, 134. Running South 2½° West on the Line of Lots 65c 501 then South 45° East 14c to the South Line of the Town—
Northampton March 16th, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28th, 1807
Page 101
Survey of a Road in West Pultney Town of Northampton Begining at the corner of Lots No. 111, 112, 121, 122 Running East 2½° South on the Line of Lots 38c to the corner of Lots No. 112, 113, 122, 123
Northampton March 17, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Beginning in West Pultney at the corner of Lots No. 81, 82, 91, 92 Running West 2½° North 114c on the Line of Lots to Corner of Lots No. 78, 79, 88, 89 then North 2½° East 11e 501 on the Line of Lots to the Corner of Lots 62, 63, 68, 69 then West 45c 501 then West 35° North 18c then West 5° North 12c then West 37c 501 to the Center Road on the Triangle
Northampton March 17, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Page 102
Survey of a Roadin the Town of Northampton Braddox Bay Begining at the Corner of Lots No. 4 & 5 between the first & second Range Running West on the Line of Lots 143c,
Northampton March 20, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Braddocks Bay Beginning at the Corner of Lots No.4 & 5 Between the Sixth & Seventh Range Running South on the Line of Lots 80c.
Northampton March 21st, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Braddocks Bay Beginning at the Corner of Lots No. 6 & 7 Sixth & Seventh Range running West on the Line of Lots 135c
Northampton March 21st, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Page 103
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton in the Division Called Braddox bay Beginning at Lots No. 3 & 4 Between the first & Second Range Running South 27° East 3c 501 then South 35° East 2c 501 then South 500 West 3c then South 45° West 4c then South on the Line of Lots 113c to Post No. 6 & 7—
Northampton March 20th, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, JOSEPH CARY — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton From the Genesee River to Braddox bay, Beginning at the River in the River Township at the Corner of Lots No. 30 & 31 Running West 28¼° North 25c 501 then West 23½ South 2c 401 then West on the Line of Lots 170c, then West 700 South 3c then West on the Line of Lots 225c to the West Line of the River Township then West 196c then West 55° North 9c then West 18° North 5c then West 3c then West 10° South 16c then West 22° South 15c 501 then West 8c—
Northampton 20th, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded March 28, 1807
Page 104
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Beginning in Fairfield at the Corner of Lots No. 32 & 33 Running North 2½° East 12c 151 then North 66° East lOc, then North 50° East 17c 501 then North 70° East 6c 751 then North 40° East 8c, then North 48° East 4e 501 then North 9° East 8e then North 5° West 5c then North 44° West 6c 501 then North 32° East 2c 251 then North 2½° East 35c 501.
Northampton March 26th, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded April. 1, 1807
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Begining at the State Road nine Chains South of the Corner of Lots No. 1 & 2 of the River Township Running North 177c 751 then North 2800 East lc 501 then North 17° East 5c then North 45° West 3c then North 103c—
Northampton March 26th, 1807
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded April 1, 1807
Page 105
Survey of a Road in the Town of Northampton Begining at the Corner of Lots No. 21 & 30——Running South on the Line of Lots 198c-
Northampton March 26th, 1807—
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded April. 1, 1807—
Division of Road Districts in the Town of Northampton for 1807 is as Follows——This District is altered
District No. 1
Beginning a Dumpling Hill on the River Road Running South to the South Line of Northampton from thence westÂward to the west Line of Lemuel Woods Home Lot—
District No. 2
Beginning at the west Line of Lemuel Woods Lot Running Westward to the North & South Road in Hanover & from the Southwest Corner of Warner Douglass Home Lot running Northward to the Northeast Corner of Joshua Howels home Lot—
District No. 3
Beginning at the South Line of Northampton on the Road that Leads from Hanover to Albrights Running Northward to the top of the Hill North of Black Creek against the Road that Leads to Salmon Scotts, & Likewise the Road that is Laid Between Henry Wideners & Joshua Howels Running East to the Corner of Said Widener Lot then Northward to Mill Creek—
Page 106
District No. 4
Beginning about sixty Rods North of Mill Creek on the Road that Leads from Hanover to Fairfield Runing nearly Northeast to Joel Chapman's Likewise the Road from Mill Creek running North to the North Line of Solman Scotts home Lot then Westward to the Road tha tLeads from Hanover to Fairfield then on that Road to Fairfield South Line
District No. 5
Begining at the South Line of Fairfield in Union Street Runing Northward to the north Line of Wm. Bannings home Lot Likewise a Road Begining on the North Line of Justen Worthingtons home Lot runing an easterly Course to the East Line of Fairfield
District No. 6
Begining at the Northeast Corner of Wm. Bannings home Lot at Union Street runing westward to the Triangle Line Likewise Washington Street from the South Line of Fairfield to Merrill Colbys Nursery, Altered.
District No. 7
Beginning at Corner of Lots No. 69, 70, 82, 83 Runing North to the State Road Likewise a Road begining at the Corner of Lots No, 69, 70, 56, 57 Running Eastward to the East Line of fairfield Likewise a Road turning off to, the North of East from this Road Begining about three quarters of a mile East of the main Road & Runing to Wm. H Spencers Likewise another Road Begining on the Line of Fairfield runing on Sd. Line to the East of Henry Howes then North-westward to the State Road
District No. 8
Beginning at the South Line of Daniel Browns home Lot on Union Street runing to the westward to the west Line of Fairfield Likewise a Road Begining at Merrill Colbys, Lot on Washington Street Running Northward to the Northwest Corner of Zacheus Colbys home Lot
Page 107
District No. 9
Beginning on the North Line of Lot No, 32 on Union Street Running Westward to Towles Mill Likewise a road Begining one Chain fifty Links East of Post No; 18, 19, 30, & 31—Running Northward to the Ridge Road. Altered.
District No. 10
Begining on Ridge at the State Road Runing Northward to Michael Beaches then westward to Ariel Webbs Likewise from Michael Beaches North to the North Line of Sheldon Beaches Land Likewise East from Michael Beaches to the East Line of Jeremiah Perrys home Lot
District No. 11
Beginning at Ira Lucas' Lot running West to Union Street Fairfield Likewise another Road Begining at (Union Street running Northeast untill it Joins to other Road). Altered.
District No. 12
Beginning at Bezaleel Atchinsons Runing in a Southeast Direction near to Michael Beaches Likewise another Road Begining at Sd. Atchinsons Mills Runing East to the old Canewagus Road Likewise another Road Begining on the East Line of Shelton Beachs Land Running across the Same an Easterly Course untill it Strikes a Road Laid from Mr. Hicks's Runing North Likewise another Road Begining at the North Line of Braddocks Bay Township Near Mr. Parkers Runing South to the North Line of Shelton Beaches Land Likewise another Begining about half a Mile East of Mr. Atchinsons Mills Runing South to an East and West Road—
Page 108
District No. 13
Begining at Mr. Hicks's Runing North to the corner of Lots No. 3, 4 Likewise another Road Begining at the East Line of the River Township Runing West to the before mentioned Road from G. Hicks South & Southeasterly by Jereh. Perrys to the State Road
District No. 14
Begining at the Corner of Lots No. 31, 32, 38, 39 Runing South to the State Road Likewise another Road Begining at the State Road on the East Line of the River Township Runing North to the East & West Road then East on that Road to the other Road—
District No. 15
Begining at the River East of Samuel Lattas Runing Westward to a North & South Road—Likewise another Begining at the Lake Runing Southward by Said Latta's to the South Line of the River Township—This District is Altered
District No. 16
Begining at the South Line of the River Township on the River Road Runing Southward to Dumpling Hill Likewise another Road Begining at the Corner of Charles Harfords home Lot Runing Westward to Fairfield East Line—This District is altered
District No. 17
Begining at the Corner of Jeremiah Pery's Land Running East to the River Road Likewise another Road Beginning at the River Road Runing Westward to Fairfield East Line and the State Road from hope Davis to the Old Road East—This District is altered
Page I09
District No. 18
Begining at the South Line of Fairfield at Washington Street Running Southward to the South Line of West Pulteny Likewise another Road Begining at the aforesaid Road Running Westward by Ellihue Churches to Mr. Frosts—
District No. 19
Beginning at Amasa Frosts Lot Runing South to the South Line of West Pulteny Likewise a Cross Road Running from the East to the West Road Runing in a Southerly Direction Ending at the Town Line & another Begining At Mr. Cirllenadens Running East to the Road—
District No. 20
Beginning at Amasa Frosts Land Running Westward & Northward to the Triangle East Line—
District No. 21
Begining at the South Line of Northampton Running North to the Ten Mile Stake on the Triangle—This District is altered
District No. 22
Begining at the ten Mile Stake Runing West to the West Line of the Triangle—
District No. 23
Beginning at the Seven Mile Stake Running North untill it Strikes the East Road then on the East Road to the East Line of the Triangle—
District No. 24
Beginning at the Intersection of the East Road Running North to the State Road
District No. 25
Beginning at the State Road Running to the Lake—
Page 110
District No. 26
Beginning at the West Line of the Triangle Running East to the main Road Said District being a part of the State Road.
District No. 27
Beginning at the main Road on the Triangle Runing East to the East Line of the Triangle it being a part of the State Road
DANIEL ARNOLD, EPHRAIM COLBY Jr. — Commissioners of Highways
Recorded April 3d, 1807
Page 111
April 7th 1807
This being the first Tuesday in April the day on which the Law by a late act of the Legeslator directs the anuel Ton meting to be held the Inhabitants of this Town Met at George W. Willeys—according to an adjournment made in the year 1806 where the votes were taken by Zacheus Colby Richard Wight Esq. the Supervisor Town Clerk Constables &c. &c. as follows
Voted April 8th Gibbons Jewett Supervisor
Justin Worthington Town Clerk
Olney F. Rice Ariel Webb Abel Rowe Joshua Howel George Huntley Assessors
Daniel Spencer Collector
Nathaniel Tibbel Nehemiah Frost Poor Masters
Alexander White Samuel Latta Samuel Baldwin Commissioners
Frederic Rowe Israel Douglass John Landon Sanford Briggs Jarvis Wing Constables
Solomon Blood James Franklin Joseph Cary Elijah Cuttin George Huntley John D. Webster Henry Hawn Israel Nichols John Webster Nehemiah Weston John Vallentine Silas Leonard Amos Hicks Nathaniel Tibels Jr. (Page 112) Samuel Latte Elisha Dunham Josiah Irish Joseph Tucker Eurelus Fergo Samuel Baldwin Samuel Lincoln David Johnson Wm. Peters Isaiah G. White Daniel Durfy Eldridge Fairwell Olney F. Rice Overseers of Highways
Voted that there Shall be five Dollars Bounty on wolves
Voted that Gibbons Jewett Shall keep the compas & Chain
Voted that they wood pay Augustus B. Shaw two Dollars a week for helping Nahaniel Goodale
Voted that this Meeting bee Adjourned to the House of George W. Willey
District No. 28
Beginning at Thares Landing on Salmon Creek running A Southwesterly direction to A Bech tree at the North end of the Canawagus Road thence to the corner of Lots No. 182 fifth Range thence a Southwesterly direction to the Road runing by John Atchinsons
Recorded May 12th 1807
Page 113
Survey of a Road in May 8th 1807
Begining at the Lots No. 182 fifth Range in Bradocks bay Running the following Courses and Distances viz
S.60°W 235 Rods
S.35°W 138 Intersecting the Road East of John Atchinsons Shop
Northampton May 12th 1807
Northampton May 12th 1807
Survey of A Road in May 8th 1807 Beginning At A Beech Tree at the North end of Canwagas Road in Bradocks bay Runing the following Courses and Distances Viz
East 25° N 260 Rods
N 40° E 52
N 40° E 40 To A Stake by Thayers Landing on Salmon Creek
Page 114
Northampton May 12th 1807
Survey of A Road in May 8th 1807 Begining East of Bezeleel Atchinsons House on the Line Between Stephen Atchinson & B. Atchinson Runing the following courses and Distances Viz
S 5° W 62 Rods
S 12° W 40
Intersecting the Road South of Bazaleel Atchinsons farm
Northampton July 18th 1807
Minutes of a Publick Highway begining at the Northeast Corner of Lot No. 209 in the 8th Sexion of Town 2 on on the Triangle
thence N 88°50' W 118 Chains
thence So 49° W 3 do
thence S 81°50' W 8 do
thence N 44°50' W 5 do
thence N 88°50' W 101 do to the West Line of Sd. Triangle the above Courses are as the Magnetic Needle pointed
ALEXANDER WHITE, SAML. BALDWIN — Commissioners of Highways
Page 115
Northampton July 18th 1807
Minutes of a Publick Highway beginning at the North East Corner of Lots 86 in Sexion 6 of Town 2 on the Triangle
thence N 88°50' W 163 Chains 75 Links
thence S 68°50' W 3 do
thence N 23° W 3 do 7 do
thence N 88°50' W 35 do to the west
Line of Sd Triangle the above Courses are as the Magnetic Needle pointed
ALEXANDER WHITE, SAMUEL BALDWIN — Commissioners of Highways
Genesee County Whereas application has been made by Jesse Barber of the Town of Northampton in G. County to the Judges of the court of Common pleas for the alteration of the above Recorded highways leading from the main Road through the Triangle Beginning at the Southeast corner of sd Barber home Lot & Running West on the Connecticut tract so calld on the Line of Lots.
Page 116
Broke into the Subscribers in closure About the first of November a pale red one year old Heffer with some white on the belly the owner is desired to prove property pay charges and take her away—
Northampton November 11th, 1807 ISAAC C. GRISWOULD
Taken up by the Subscriber About the 7th of November a pail red two year old Steer the owner is desired to prove property pay charge and take him away
November 17th, 1807 Northampton WM. B. BROWN—
Broke into the Subscribers in closure About the 8th day of November a red one year old Ster the owne is desired to prove property pay charges and take him away.
Northampton December 8th, 1807 JOSEPH CARY
Broke into the Subscribers inclosure About the 1st of Decm. a red one year old Steer with Some white in the face and Some white on the Back the owner is desired to prove property pay charges and take him away.
Northampton January 8th, 1808 HENRY WIDENER
Page 117
Survey of a Road in Northampton 1807 Begining at the center of the State Road about one Hundred rods Northerly of the upper falls on old Mills Running the following courses Viz.
S 88° W 98½ Chains | S 55° W 21½ C | ||
W 22° W 10 C | S 74° W 18 C | ||
S 88° W 40 C | Intersecting the Road by Esq. Brewster's |
S 70° W 10½ C | |
S 45° W 15¼ C | S 43° W 10 C | ||
S 80° W 5¼ C | S 52° W 16 C | ||
W 10° N 10½ C | S 45° W 40 C | ||
S 79° W 9 C | S 30° W 12½ C | ||
W 15° N 39½ C | S 45° W 4 C | ||
S 84° W 149½ C | S 35° W 8 C | ||
S 77° W 5 C | S 75° W 8 C | ||
S 53° W 36 C | S 45° W 34 C | ||
S 83° W 124 C | S 65° W 9½ C | ||
S 76° W 24½ C | S 35°° W 65½ C | ||
S 85° W 9 C | S 60° W 22 C | ||
W 3° N 3 C | S 4° W 9 C | ||
S 80° W 41 C | S 21° W 4½ C | ||
S 81° W 37 C | Ending on the Bank of Black Creek oposit Isaac Mews Sawmill the above as directed by the Commissioners of Highways | ||
S 58° W 6½ C | |||
S 50° W 80½ C |
April 2, 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
Page 118
Survey of a Road in Northampton Novem. 11 1807 Beginning at the center of the Ridge Road Leading from genesee River Niagary falls on the Southwest Corner of Isaac Fairwells Lot at a Stake Running the following courses and distances Viz.
North 2½° E 11 Chains
W 74° N 51 C
N 2½° E 53½ C
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
April 2th 1808
Survey of a Road in Northampton 12th 1807 Begining at the Northwest Corner of Ebenezer Towls on the Center of the Road Leading from the Genesee River to Niagary falls Running the following Courses and Distances Viz. N 17° 205c Intersecting the road from Capt. Freemans to Bazeleel Atchinsons the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
April 2, 1808
The above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
Page 119
Survey of a Road in December 1807 Beginning at the North end of the road called by Washington Street about one Hundred rods South of Jarvis Kings at the corner of Lots No. 14 & 15 running the following courses and Directions Viz.
N 2½° E 25 Chains
N 10° E 13½ C
N 62° E 8½ C
N 10° E 56 C
N 45° E 12 C
N 15° E 15½ C
N 46° E 19 C
N 112 C
Intersecting the Road Leading from Michael Beeches to Mr. Webbs and Ending on the Bank of Salmon creek at a Stake marked 684,182 the Above as directed by the Commissioners of Highways
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
April 2th 1808
Survey of a Road Northampton December 23th, 1807 Beginning opposit the House of George W. Willey Running the following courses and distances Viz.
South 2½° W 290 Chains thence East 77° South 21 Chains to a maple tree thence East 79° South 146 Chains to a Stake thence East 6600 South 4 Chains to a Stake thence East 46° South Eight Chains to the center of Black creek bridge the above as Directed by the commissioners of Highways
April 2th 1808
Page 120
Survey of a Road in November 14th, 1807 Beginning at the center of the Road Leading from Bazeleel Atchinsons to his Saw mill Runing the following courses and Distances Viz
N 17° E 4 Chains
S 16° W 2½ C
S 27° W 5½ C
W 66 C
Intersecting the Triangle Line thence
E 70° S 198½ C
on the Line Between the Triangle and Braddocks bay Intersecting the Road on the Ridge at a beech tree the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
April 2th 1808
Survey of a Road November 1807 Beginning at the end of a Road Leading from Michael Beeches to Ariel Webbs, at a bass wood tree Running the following Courses and Distances Viz.
W 24 Chains
to the west line of Bradoks bay the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
April 2th 1808
Page 121
Statement of Accts. Between Gibbons Jewett Supervisor and the Town of Northampton
1806 Sept. 29 | 1807 Feby 4th | ||||
To Balls Brot forward | 9.76 | Contra_______Cr. | |||
To Cash Pd Wm. H. Spencer 1807 Feby 4 | 2.87 | By Cash of Danel Spencer Collector | 318.96 | ||
To Cr Danel Spencer Cott | 15.94 | 317.60 | |||
To my Acct and by bord Supervisors | 8.50 | $1.36 | |||
To Salmon Scotts No. 2 | 5.12.½ | ||||
To Rich Abby No. 3 | 8.75 | 1807 Septbr. Thoms | |||
To Commssrs. bordr. to J. Webster No. 4 | 10.00 | Richornd & Sett- | |||
To Rich Abby No. 5 | 5.00 | led all Accts Be- | |||
To George W. Willey No. 6 | 9.372 | tween Gibbons | |||
To " " No. 7 | 17.372 | Jewett Supervisor | |||
To Zach Colby No. 8 | 8.122 | & The Town sd. of | |||
To " " No.9 | 16.49 | Northampton & | |||
To " " No: 10 | 15.00 | found Due sd. Town | |||
To " " No. 11 | 8.00 | one Dollar & Thirty | |||
To Jona Leonard No. 14 | 2.50 | Six Cents witness | |||
To Augst B. Shaw No. 15 | 7.17 | our hands | |||
To Elisha Dunham No. 16 & 17 | 9.25 | Gibbons Jewett Supr. | |||
To John Atchinson | 45.00 | Justin Worthington T.C. | |||
To Jona Leonard | 10.00 | ||||
To Supr. Commssor | 3.19 | ||||
To Isaac Colby No. 18 | 10.00 | ||||
To Tim Colby No. 19 | 2.00 | ||||
To Joseph Caryhur | 7.00 | ||||
To Danel Arnold & Eph Colbys Acct | 81.18 | ||||
$317.60 |
Page 122
Statement of Accts Between the Town of Northampton and Gibbons Jewett Supervisor
1808 February | 1807 Septbr. | |||
By Danel Arnold Amt. No. 1 | $55.25 | To Balls Brat from the other side | $1.36 | |
By Abel Rowe No. 2 | 20.12½ | To Octbr Cash Recd of County | ||
By G. Jewett No. 3 | 9.60½ | Treasurer for Arrears in 1803 | .09 | |
By S. Briggs No.4 & 5 | 12.00 | To Cash of Daniel | ||
By Snake Cuth No. 6 & 7 | 5.25 | Spencer Collector | 219.21 | |
By Alex. White No. 8 | 19.00 | March 31st To Cash of | ||
By Geo. Huntley No. 9 | 20.62 | County Treasurer | 128.77 | |
By Collectors fees | 3.49 | $350.43 | ||
By Supervisors fees | 3.49 | |||
By O. F. Ries No. 10 | 17.25 | October 7th 1808 by | ||
By E. Colby Jr. No. 11 | 12.00 | Cash of County Treasry | 83.30 | |
By Jed Crosby No. 12 | 4.00 | Feby 7th 1809 by Cash of | ||
By S. Baldwin No. 13 | 19.00 | Collector two payments | 448.81 | |
By S. Gleason No. 14 | 7.50 | $882.54 | ||
By H. Brewster No. 15 | 10.00 | |||
By G. Jewett & others No. 16 | 28.00 | |||
By Ariel Webb No. 17 | 9.37½ | |||
By Zach Colby No. 18 | 11.49½ | |||
By Town Clerk No. 19 | 15.38½ | |||
By John Atchinson Wolves, 2 | 10.00 | |||
By Asa Atchinson Do | 10.00 | |||
By Shelton Beech one do | 5.00 | |||
By Richd Clark one do | 5.00 | |||
By Jona Leonard | 14.25 | |||
By Ebenezer Utter Snake Cut | 1.08 | |||
By Joshua Howells Acct. | 24.75 | |||
By Commissrs on $83.30 | .83 | |||
By D. Arnold & E. Colby Jr. | 21.57 | |||
By Nat Jones Snake Cut | 1.125 | ← This Account Carried forward & Continued | ||
By E. U. Brown Acct. No.1 | 7.00 | |||
By G. Jewett & others No. 2 | 44.00 | |||
By Edmond Parker No. 3 | 5.00 | |||
By Richd Abby No. 4 | 23.25 | |||
By Do Do No. 5 | 2.00 | |||
By Jarvis Ring No. 6 | 20.75 | |||
By Joseph Tucker No. 7 | 18.00 | |||
By Do Do No. 8 | 4.00 | |||
$507.91½ |
Page 123
Northampton December 8th, 1807
The Inhabitants of this Town met in a Special Town Meting at the Dwelling House of George W. Willey Legal notice having been previously for the purpose of agreeing how Said Shall be Divided
When the Votes were taken by Henry Brewster & Zacheus Colby Esq.
Voted that East & West Pultney Town Ships be a Town by the Name of Pultney
Voted that the Triangle and all the Land Lying west of in the Town of Northampton be a Town by the name of Bayard
Voted that the Ship of Fairfield Braddcks bay and the Lake Town Ship Lying North of Braddocks Bay be a Town by the name of Farfield
Voted that the two River Town Ships be a Town by the name of Northampton
Voted that there be a committe appointed to carry into affect the doings of this Meting to consist of fore.
Page 124
Survey of a Road in Northampton Nov. 12th, 1807 Beginning at the end of the Road Leading from Capt Freemans to Bazeleel Atchinsons Runing on the Line between John Atchinsons and the Leonards Runing the following courses and distances Viz
E 89½ Chains
Intersecting the canawagus road the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
April 2th, 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
Survey of a Road in Northampton November 13th 1807 Beginning at the end of a Road between Bezeleel Atchinson and John Atchinson about 15 chains South of the Road Leading from Capt Freemans to Said Atchinsons Running the following courses and Distances—Viz So. 25½ Chains Intersecting a Road Southeast corner B. Atchinsons Lot
The Above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
April 2 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
Page 125
Survey of a Road in Northampton 1807 Beginning at the center of the River Road at a Stake Marked 184 & 101 About four Hundred and Sixty rods Northeast from the Mouth of Black creek Runing the following courses and Distances Viz
W 2½° N 398 Chains
S 71° W 9 C
S 35° W 9 C
S 82° W 9 C
S 7½° W 31 C
To a Maple tree Marked H Infer Secting the road from Black Creek to Ira Lucuses Ending at a Maple Tree Marked H the above as directed by the Commissioners of Highways.
March 30th, 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
Survey of a Road in Northampton November 1807
Beginning at the center of a road Leading from Genesee river to west pultney and about one Hundred Rods Northerly of John Chapmans Running the following courses and Distances Viz.
S 44 Chains
S 20 W 30 C
Ending at a Stake Marked 133 & amp;134 the above directed by the Commissioners of Highways
April 2 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
Page 126
Survey of a Road December 1807 Beginning as follows at the center of the Rridge road Leading from Genesee River to Niagary falls Said Road begining at a Stake about Sixty rods west of Abel Rowes Now Dwelling House running the following courses and Distances—Viz
N 2½° E 33½ Chains
W 48° N 5½ C
N 276½ C
to a Stake Marked 33 & 34 oposit the House of George Clerk the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
April 2th 1808
Survey of a Road in December 1807 Beginning as follows on the west Line of the River Town Ship at a Stake Marked. thirty one and thirty nine Running the following courses and distances—Viz
E 155½ Chains
N 13° E 12 C
E 24° S 10 C
E 170 C
to a Maple tree Marked on three Sides the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
March 2 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highways
Page 127
Survey of a Road March 1808 Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot No. 84 owned by Samuel Church Running on the South Line of Sd. lot E 2½° South 151 Rods intersecting the road from West pultney to Faifield.
April 2 1808
Survey of a Road March 1808 Beginning at the end of a Road Leading from Genesee falls to Meads Saw mill Running the following courses and Distances Viz.
E 71° S 2½ Chains
S 2½° W 35 C
S 30° W 7 C
S 40° W 14 C
S 48° W 10 C
S 40° W 26½ C
S 44° W 4 C
W 2½° N 19 C
Intersecting the Road from West pultney to Faifield the above as Directed by the commissioners of Highways.
April 2th, 1808
Page 128
Survey of a Road March 1808 Beginning as follows on the Northeast corner of Lot No. 114 Runing West on the Line of Lots No. 113 & 102 West 2½° North 156 Rods intersecting the Road from Black creek to Southampton the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways.
April 2th, 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highways
Survey of a road March 1808 Begining as follows at the Northeast corner of Lot No. 62 Running North on the Sd Line of Lots the following courses and Distances Viz
N 2½° E 23 C 56 L
W 2½° N 50 C
Do N 50½ C
Intersecting the Road from the Lake to Esq. Stoddards about fifty Rods South of Mr. Buck the above as by the Commissioners of Highways.
April 2th, 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highways
Survey of a Road March 1808 Beginning as follows on the center of the Road at the Northeast corner Isaac Wallis Lot running on the line of Sd Lot
W 2½° N 237 Rods
W 43° N 114 rods
W 1° N 114 rods
Intersecting the road from the Lake to Esq Stoddards the above as Directed by the Commissioners of Highways
April 2th, 1808
SAMUEL BALDWIN, ALEXANDER WHITE — Commissioners of Highway
Statement of accounts between Justin Worthington Town Clk and the Town of Northampton .
December 25 1807
Cotiary | Cr. | |||
Dr 1807 to Cash Received of | By Cash paid Wm. White | 20.00 | ||
Daniel Spencer Collector | $237.50 | By Cash pd Jacob Spafford | 3.00 | |
By Cash paid Wm. White | 20.00 | |||
By Cash paid Jacob Spafford | 16.00 | |||
By Cash paid Bennajah Worden | 3.25 | |||
By Cash paid David Franklin | 20.00 | |||
By Cash paid Salmon Scott | 16.97 | |||
By Cash paid Samuel Latta | 20.00 | |||
By Cash paid Jacob Spafford | 15.50 | |||
By Cash paid Henry D. Gifford | 4.00 | |||
By Cash paid Sanford Briggs & others | 32.50 | |||
By Treasurers fees | 2.50 | |||
By Cash paid Justin Worthington | 3.78 | |||
237.50 |
Page 130
District No. 1
Beginning at the South Line of Fall Township the River Road Runing Southward to the South line of Northampton from thence westward to the west line of Samuel Woods Hame Lot
District No. 15
Beginning at the River East of Samuel Lattas Runing westward to the west Line of the hundred acre lots No.1 & 2 Likewise another road beginning at the Lake runing Southward by Said Lattas to the South Line of the River Township.
District No. 16
Beginning at the South Line of the River Town Ship on the River Road Runing Southward to the South Line of the fall Town Ship also an other road begining at the corner of Chs. Norford's home Lot Runing west ward to Farfield East Line likewise another Road begining at the river Road runing East to the River down the dugway
District No. 17
Beginning at the corner of Jeremiah Perry's Land running East to the River Road Likewise another Road runing from Hope Davis's to the Creek known by the Sherman Creek. Altered.
District No. 21
Beginning at the South Line of Northampton runmg North to the Seven Mile Stake on the Triangle
District No. 29
Beginning at the corner of the hundred acre Lot No. 182 Runing westward to the North and South Road and and another Road Beginning at the east and west Road runing North to George Clerks Southwest Corner Likewise another Road begining on the west Line of the river Township at a Stake marked thirty one and thirty nine Runing Eastward to a maple tree marked on three Sides
Page 131
District No. 30
Beginning at the South of the River Township at the Southwest corner of Wm. Covert's home Lot Running North to the east and west Road
District No. 31
Beginning at Bradocks point Runing Eastward a Long the beach of the Lake to the mouth of Genesee River
District No. 32
Beginning at the the west bank of Creek known by the Sherman Creek being the State Road runing Eastward to the river Road also another road begining at a Stake Sixty Rods west of Abel Rowes runing North to the South Line of the River Town
District No. 33
Beginning at the river road runing westward by Thomas Kings to Fairfield east Line
District No. 34
Begining at the Seven mile Stake runing North to the nine Mile Stake
District No. 36
Begining at the Eleven Mile Stake Runing North to the Thirteen Mile Stake
District No. 35.
Begining at the nine mile Stake Runing North to the Eleven Mile Stake
District No. 37
Beginning at the great Ridge Road on the East Triangle Road thence Northerly as the road is Laid untill it Intersects the Road Leading from Moody Freemans to Bradocks Bay Settlement
Northampton June 30th 1808
Page 132
April 5th, 1808
This being the first Tuesday in April the day on which the Law by a late act of the Legeslator directs the anual Town metings to be held the inhabitants of this Town met at the House of George W Willey according to an adjournment made in the year 1807
When the votes were taken by the Justices of the peace Supervisor Town Clerk & Constables as follows
Voted Gibbons Jewett Supervisor
Justin Worthington Town Clerk
Joseph Tucker Mathew Dimmie Jarves King Richard Abby—Assessors
Ebenezer Towl Gibbons Jewett Stephen Atchinson Commissioners of Highways
Clark Hall Elisha U Brown Bethezel Barran, Jonathan Thompson Const.
Lemuel Wood Warner Douglass Joshua Howel John Chapman George Huntley John D Webster Daniel Spencer Samuel Eastman Rufus Davison Ariel Webb Timothy Stave Bezaleel Atchinson Jr Samuel Wicks Isaac Wilkenson John Harmon Jacob Teaple Hope Davis Nehemiah Frost Eleazer T. Slator Henry Brewster John Ward Levy Bissel James Landon Rufus Hammon Moody Freeman John Fairwell Jr Richard Abbey Richard Clark Wm. Colbert George Moremus Zaeheus Colby Thomas King Jacob Spafford Jonathan Underwood — Overseers of Highways
Voted that hoggs be under the Same restirctions as other cattle
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to this place
Page 133 (omitted)
Page 134
Survey of a Road in Northampton Begining on Lot No. 3 North of Jarvis Kings on Washington Street at a Marked Whitewood Tree Thence North 26° W 4 Chains .... Thence North 2½ E. 3 Chains To post in North Line of Fairfield No. 2 & 3 Thence N 12 W 92 Chains & 1 Rod to the Great Ridge Road
NB. meaning 4 Rods Chans
August 11th 1808
Survey of a Road in Northampton on the Triangle Beginning on the great Ridge Road at the line of lots west of Willard Leach House Running Southerly on the line of Lots 68 Chains & 2 Rods Thence Easterly on the Line of Lots 118 Chains & 2 Rods to the main Road from Lake Ontario to Stodards Settlement
NB. 4 Rods Chans
August 12th 1808
Alteration of the Road to the North of Calvin Freeman Sawmill on the Triangle Begining on the great Ridge Road Runing W 23° N. 24 Rods to a marked Beach Staddle then West 40 Rods to the center of the State Road on Sd Ridge.
August 12th 1808
Page 135
1809 March 11th Survey of a Road in the Town of Gates on the Triangular Tract Beginning on the Lake Road at post No. 8 7th Section the Northeast Corner of Walter Palmers home Lot the west on the Line of Lots between Section 7 & Section 8 to Section 3 & Section 4 Continueing on the Line of Lots between Sd Sections to the Connecticut Tract so called about Two Miles & three fourth
GIBBONS JEWETT EBENZ TOWEL — Commissioners Highways
Survey of a Road in Gates Begining at Post No. 40 41 in Fairfield Settlement the Southwest corner of Benjamin Freemans house Lot Runing Northerly on the Line of Lots about Two hundred Rods to the East & West Road Near James Websters
Gates March 21th 1809
Page 136
Statement of accounts between Justin Worthington Town Clerk and the Town of Gates
December 2d, 1808
Dr | Contrary Cr. | |||
1809 to Cash Received of | by Cash paid Shelton Beach | $ 3.50 | ||
Elisha U. Brown Collector | $237.50 | by Cash paid Bezeleel Atchinson Jr. | 3.94 | |
by Cash paid Stephen Atchinson | 13.00 | |||
by Cash paid George Hintley | 20.70 | |||
by Cash paid Daniel Spencer | 1.62½ | |||
by Cash paid George W. Willey | 5.75 | |||
by Cash paid Asa Atchinson | 15.31 | |||
by Cash paid Josiah Mather | 12.62 | |||
by Cash paid John Farwell Jr. | 17.76 | |||
by Cash paid Jonathan Leonard | 3.50 | |||
by Cash paid Ariel Webb | 22.75 | |||
by Cash paid Benjamin Freeman | 15.08 | |||
by Cash paid Wasse Davies | 19.18 | |||
by Cash paid John Farewell Jr. | 6.00 | |||
by Cash paid John Wansey | 15.68 | |||
by Cash paid Moody K. Freeman | 19.75 | |||
by Cash paid Isaac Nichols | 1.61 | |||
by Cash paid Wm. B. Brown | 8.50 | |||
by Cash paid John Rockwell | 3.88 | |||
by Cash paid Rufus Daveson | 1.23 | |||
by Cash paid Stephen Webster | 1.28 | |||
by Cash paid John Webster | 1.00 | |||
by Cash paid Norman Davison | 1.52 | |||
by Cash paid Aaron C. Usher | 18.20 | |||
by Cash paid John Rockwell | 4.00 |
EDITOR'S NOTE: Professor Wright has presented above a transcript of the first 136 pages of the old Northampton Book of Records.
The same book contains records of the town of Parma from September 30, 1809, to March 28, 1825, included in pages 137 to 280, numbered, and 42 unnumbered pages.
In the back of the book are 36 unnumbered pages containing certificates of Inspectors of Election as to officials voted for in Northampton and Parma from May 2, 1800 to November 1, 1824.
There are also 26 unnumbered pages giving Earmarks for Cattle, Sheep and Swine, as recorded by the pioneers of Western N ew York, from April 26, 1797, to May 25, 1824.
These Earmarks of early days were made a matter of official record just as were the more recent Cattlebrands of the western prairies.
To modern eyes the Earmarks make curious reading and, to show what they were, below are presented in full those appearing in the Northampton Record Book prior to the year 1800 (spelling is given as in original):
April 26, 1797. Jeremiah Olmstead's Mark for Swine, Cattle &c is a Crop from the off Ear. This Mark belongs to Ephraim Tucker, Nov. 19, 1810.
April 26, 1797. Thoms. Whitcomb's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c. is a Crop from the near Ear, with a half penny on the underside of the same. This Mark Belongs to Jotham Curtis.
April 28, 1797. Seba Canfield's Mark for Cattle & Swine, is a Crop from the off Ear, with a nick on the upper side of the same. This Mark Belongs to Stephen Atchinson.
April 28, 1797. Asa Utley's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop from the off Ear and a half penny in the underside the near Ear. Mr. Asa Utley Declares the annexed is not his lawful and established Mark, Apr. 30, 1800. C. Laybourn, Town Clerk.
May 10, 1797. Col. Josiah Fish's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Slitt from the Top of the off Ear.
May 10, 1797. Majr, Elijah Kent's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop from the near Ear.
May 20, 1797. Eli Granger's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is two half penny cutts on the forward Side of the Off Ear, & hole throw the Same.
April 3d, 1798. Phillip Beach's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop from the off Ear & a Slitt in the top of the near Ear. I acknowlidge the annexed not to be my Lawfull & established Mark. July 26th, 1799. Philip Beach.
April 3d, 1798. Jacob Schoonover's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a hole in the near Ear, & a Slitt in the Top of off Ear. This Mark Belongs to Lewis Leonard.
(No date) Cyrus Douglass' Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop from both Ears.
(No date) Samuel Davis' Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Slitt in the underside of the off Ear. This Mark belongs to Timo. Maddin, June 2d, 1806.
March 7th, 1799. Elisha Farwell's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop ,off the near Ear, & a half penny in the under side the off Ear. This Mark Belongs to Nathan Nichols.
March 17th, 1799. John Barn's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Half-penny in the forward Side of the near Ear, & a hole in the same.
April 2d, 1799. Zenos Bigelow's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is one hole throw the near Ear.
April 2d, 1799. Solomon Blood's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Swallow fork in the off Ear & a hole in the same.
April 4th, 1799. Jessee Beach's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Slitt in the near Ear.
April 8th, 1799. Hinds Chamberlain's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Slitt in the End of the off Ear. This Mark Belongs to Wm. H. Spencer.
April 8th, 1799. Augustus Curtiss' Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop from the off Ear and a Slitt in the End of the near Ear. This Mark Belongs to Lewis Nichols.
July 27th, 1799. Capt. Asa Baker's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a Crop from the off Ear & a Slitt in the top of the near Ear. This Mark Belongs to William Weston. Nov. 19, 1810.
Aug. 26th, 1799. Ezekiel Chamberlin's Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is two slitts in the near Ear. This Mark Belongs to Jehiel Castle.
Septr. 24th, 1799. Daniel Davis' Mark for Cattle, Swine &c is a half Crop in the near ear & a half penny on the under side of the same.
Turner says (Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 1851, p. 345): "At that early period, when stock of all kinds ran in the woods, Earmarks were appended. It is presumed that nearly all of the inhabitants had their peculiar. Earmarks recorded. In many of the old town books, the picture of a hog or sheep's ear is drawn, with each man's Mark delineated opposite his name."
Turner follows the above statement with a list of names of those who had chosen Earmarks in all the wide region west of East Bloomfield to the western boundaries of the State of New York, as they were recorded in 1796 in the town books of the district of Geneseoo Professor Wright quotes this list in his article on Northampton, printed above. Turner's list of 1796 differs from the one appearing in the Northampton Record Book.
The most interesting thing about the Earmarks is that they were recorded by our earliest homebuilders in Western New York. For this reason below is published a complete alphabetical list of all pioneers whose names appear in the Northampton Record Book as owners of Earmarks, with the dates of the records:
Adams, Asa: (date not recorded) Arnold, Daniel: Apr. 9, 1807. Atchinson, Asa: June 22, 1807. Atchinson, Austin: Aug. 26, 1818. Atchinson, Bezaleel: Sept. 6, 1800. Atchinson, Jacob: Oct. 9, 1806. Atchinson, John: Oct. 9, 1806. Atchinson; Roswel: July 1, 1816. Atchinson, Stephen: Mar. 2,1802. Atchinson, Sylvester: Apr. 28, 1801. Baker, Capt. Asa: July 27, 1799. Bancroft, Elihu: May 24, 1813. Banning, William: Apr. 14, 1807. Barns, John: Mar. 17, 1799. Beach, Jessee: Apr. 4, 1799. Beach, Michael: May 20, 1800. Beach, Phillip: Apr. 3, 1798; Apr. 28, 1801. Bedford, John: Aug. 28, 1801. Beech, Shelton: May 20, 1800; June 22, 1807. Bigelow, Zenos: Apr. 2, 1799. Bixby, David: Nov. 22, 1822. Blaesdel, John G.: June 12, 1817. Blood, Solomon; Apr. 22, 1799. Briggs, Sanford: Jan. 18, 1805. Brockway, Abner Jr.: June 13, 1807. Brockway, Marvin: June 18, 1807. Brockway, Pickett; Apr. 12, 1817. Brown, Daniel: Apr. 30, 1805. Brown, Elisha U: Apr. 3,1810. Brown, Justus; Dec. 19, 1815. Brown, William B.: Dec. 26, 1810. Buel, Daniel; Apr. 8, 1801. Bullard, Asa N.: Dec. 4, 1819. Canfield, Seba: Apr. 28, 1797. Castle, Abraham: May 24, 1813. Castle, Abram: Jan. 18,1805. Castle, Isaac: Apr. 6, 1812; May 24, 1813. Castle, Jehiel: Aug. 26,1799; May 24, 1813. Castle, Nelson: Mar. 21, 1821. Castle, Samuel: May 24, 1813; May 11, 1818. Chamberlain, Ezekiel: Aug. 26, 1799. Chamberlain, Hinds: Apr. 8, 1799. Cheney, John: Apr. 6, 1812. Cherry, John: Apr. 6, 1812. Church, Ira: Apr. 14, 1807. Church, Lazarus: May 18, 1805. Clark, Gabriel: Apr. 23, 1818. Colby, Abraham: Apr. 10, 1802; Jan. 18, 1805. Colby, Eastman: May 12, 1806; Apr. 1, 1813. Colby, Ephriam: Jan. 18, 1805; May 4, 1805. Colby, Isaac: May 26, 1806. Colby, Merrell: May 6, 1806. Colby, Timothy: Apr. 6, 1806; Apr. 7, 1806. Colby, Zacheus: May 4, 1805. Colburn, Joseph: Apr. 14, 1823. Collins, Calvin: Oct. 15, 1818. Crane, John: June 15, 1820. Curtis, Augustus: Apr. 8, 1799. Curtis, Jotham: Apr. 28, 1801. Cuttings, Elijah: Mar. 2, 1802. Dart, Abijah: May 24, 1824. Davis, Daniel: Sept. 24, 1799. Davis, Hope: July 1, 1807. Davis, Samuel: June 2, 1806. Davison, Norman: Apr. 3, 1810. Davison, Rufus: Apr. 7, 1801; Apr. 21, 1806. Delaney, Peter: June 5, 1821. Denton, Josiah: July 7,1817. Dillingham, John: Mar. 2, 1802. Dix, Orin: June 1, 1820. Douglass, Cyrus: (No date) Dugan, Christopher: May 5, 1800. Fanshon, Elias: June 17, 1818. Farwell, Elisha: Mar. 7, 1799. Fish, Col. Josiah: May 10, 1797. Flagg, Samuel: May 6, 1806. Forsyth, John: Mar. 15, 1800. Fox, Jabish: Mar. 29, 1800. Freeman, Benjamin: June 21, 1805. French, Joseph: Apr. 1,1813. Fulton, Daniel: May 6, 1818. Ganson, John Jr.: Mar. 15, 1800. Gates, Oliver: Feb. 17, 1814. Goodhue, George: May 20, 1800. Goodrich, Zebalun: Mar 3, 1806. Goodwin, Ezekiel Jr.: June 12, 1812. Goowin, Theoder: Apr . .3, 1813. Granger, Eli: May 20, 1797. Gregory, Samuel: Mar. 8, 1803; May 23, 1817. Hale, Israel Junr: Mar. 3, 1802. Hall, Gilbert: Jan. 28, 1800. Hall, Nehemiah: May, 1806. Hanford, Charles: Sept. 6, 1800. Harford, Charles: Mar. 2, 1803. Harmon, John: June 30, 1803. Hawn, Henry: May 15, 1802. |
Hendee, Cyrenius: June 15, 1822. Henry, William: June 10, 1817. Heth, Reuben: May 20, 1801. Hills, Amon: May 12, 1820. Hincher, William: Jan. 18, 1805. Holmes, Clark: Sept. 18, 1819. Hotchkiss, Noah: July 3,1822. Hunt, Joseph: Mar. 29, 1800. Huntley, George: Oct. 24; 1805; Apr. 5, 1810. Irons, Daniel: May 14, 1823. Jewett, Gibbons: Apr. 25, 1805. Johnson, Daniel: Nov. 28, 1807. Kent, Majr. Elijah: May 10, 1797. Kimball, John: Apr. 2, 1806. King, Sally: Jan. 18, 1805. Lacy, William: June 1, 1822. Laybourn, Christopher: Sept. 6, 1800. Leonard, Jonth.: Sept. 4, 1804. Leonard, Lewis: Apr. 3, 1798; Dec. 8, 1807. Leonard, Silas: Sept. 6,1800; Dec. 8, 1807. Limbacker, Harry S.: (Parma) May 25, 1824. Long, Richard: Mar. 23, 1803. Lucas, Ira: June 9, 1810. Lucas, Reuben: Apr. 19, 1807. Madden, Alpheus: May 3, 1806. Maddin, Timo. : June 2, 1806. Mapes, Caleb: June 12, 1812; July 7, 1817. Markham, Arnold: Mar. 29, 1800; June 12, 1812. Mather, Augustus: Apr. 14,1817. Morgan, Joseph: June 28, 1807. Morgan, Lewis: Jan. 18, 1805. Mosier, Thomas: Apr. 14, 1817. Moyer, Christian: June 21, 1817. Moyer, Garrit: Apr. 28, 1815. Mulkins, Henry: Apr. 7, 1801. Nettleton, Phileman: Mar. 29. 1800. Nichol, Joseph: Dec. 8, 1807; May 3, 1806. Nichol, Lewis: Dec. 11, 1807. Nichol, Nathan: Mar. 7, 1799; Dec. 8, 1807. Nicoll, Isaac: June 21, 1805. Ogden, Jonathan: Dec. 18, 1807. Olmstead,Jeremiah:Apr. 26,1797. Osgood, Moses: Mar. 25, 1814. Peck, George: May 25, 1822. Philips, Henry: Nov. 16, 1820. Ponto, James: Mar. 29, 1800; Mar. 22, 1806. Randall, Stephen, Jr.: May 23, 1820. Rathbone, Samuel: Jan; 15, 1808. Reynolds, Nathan: July 13, 1822. Rice, Olney F.: June 2, 1807. Richard, William: June 27, 1807. Robard, Sept. 23, 1816; June 28, 1817. Rockwell, John: May 28, 1805. Rowe, Abel: Jan. 2, 1800. Rowe, Dan: Apr. 28, 1801; Mar. 8, 1803. Ryan, William: Feby. 24, 1802. Schoonover, Jacob: Apr. 3, 1798. Schoonover, Jonas: Apr. 7, 1801; June 28, 1807. Scott, Isaac: Apr. 7, 1801. Shaw, Augustus B.: June 28,1807. Sheffer, Peter: Mar. 10, 1801. Sherwin, Abner: Sept. 6, 1800. Sikes, Warner: (Parma) Nov. 10, 1823. Smith, Isaac: Apr. 7, 1801. Smith, John: (Parma) May 5, 1823. Spencer, Austin: Sept. 23, 1816. Spencer, William H.: Apr. 8, 1799; June 21, 1805. Stevens, Zahred: (Parma) May 25, 1824. Tucker, Ephraim: Dec. 26, 1810. Usher, Aron c.. Apr. 18, 1805. Utley, Asa: Apr. 28,1797; May 5, 1800. Utley, Samuel: Mar. 3, 1802. Utter, Ebenezer: Mar. 23, 1803. Wadham, Jonathan: Apr. IS, 1821 Wansey, John: June 28, 1807. Warner, Warham: June 17, 1817. Webb, Ariel: May 30, 1818. Webster, Isaac P.: Apr. 4, 1814. Webster, John: Oct. 8, 1806; Aug. 21, 1817. Webster, John D.: May 20, 1807. Webster, Stephen: Dec. 19, 1807. Webster, Thomas: Aug. 21, 1817. Webster, William: Apr. 24, 1815. Weston, Nehemiah: May 20,1800. Whitcomb, Thos.: Apr. 26, 1797. Wickson, Joshua: Sept. 27, 1800. Widener, Henry: July 21, 1807. Wilbor, Charles: Mar. 29, 1800. Willey, Bennajah: Apr. 15, 1807. Willey, George Warren: May 4. 1805. Wilkinson, Isaac: Feb. 19, 1808. Winchel, Justice: May 5, 1823. Wood, James: Apr. 10, 1802. Wood, Lemuel: July 21, 1807. Worthington, Justin: Jan. 18, 1805. Wortman, Andrew: May 28,1802. |
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