Founding Members of the Plymouth Congregationalist Church
Rochester, NY


The following is a list of person that were the founding members ofthe Plymouth Congregationalist Church in Rochester, New York on Aug. 22,1855. This church was originally located on the corner of S. Sophia St.(now Plymouth Ave.) and Troup St.


Alexander Allen Harriet Ely
Ira C. Baldwin Frances A. Estabrooks
Mrs. S. L. Baldwin Joseph Farley
Jane C. Baldwin Mrs. D. M. Hartwell
F. A. Baldwin Wm. Hodges
Dr. David A. Baldwin Chas. M. Lee
E. B. Booth Mrs. Elizabeth Lee
Henry A. Brewster James Leicester
Mrs. Parthenia L. Brewster Mrs. Joyce Leicester
H. Pomeroy Brewster John Leavitt
Emma H. Brewster Mrs. Emma Leavitt
Robert E. Brewster Edmund Lyon
Dr. Albert G. Bristol Mrs. Mary Lyon
Mrs. Mary G. Bristol Mrs. Alice B. Peck
William E. Bristol Galusha Phillips
James O. Bloss Mrs. Stella B. Phillips
Mrs. Eliza A. Bloss Samuel D. Porter
Joel B. Bennett Mrs. Susan F. Porter
Mrs. Sarah S. Bennett Mortimer Stillwell
Mrs. Emeline Brooks Mrs. Eliza E. Stillwell
Cornelius A. Burr Smith R. Sutherland
Mrs. Louisa A. Burr Mrs. Lucy A. Sutherland
Susan Burr Porter W. Taylor
Aristarchus Champion Mrs. ----- Taylor
Philip I. Clum Edward Terry
Erastus Darrow Mrs. Louisa S. Terry
Mrs. Susan K. Darrow Mary Terry
Chester Dewey Wm. H. Thomas
Dr. L. C. Dolley Mrs. Sarah B. Thomas
Mrs. Sarah R. Dolley Fred Van Doorn
Thomas H. Dunning Mrs. Matilda Van Doorn
George Duryee C. Frank Van Doorn
Dr. Wm. W. Ely Mary M. Van Doorn
Mrs. Sarah A. Ely Whiting Wadsworth
Dr. David Ely Mrs. Mary A. Wadsworth
Mrs. Angeline Ely  



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