These records for the Town of Sweden are from a business directory for Monroe County, dated 1869. Only those people that owned a business including farmers that owned or leased their farm are included. Those names in CAPITALS were sponsors of the directory. (Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
The records are arranged as follows:
SWEDEN, was formed from Murray, Orleans Co., April 2, 1813. It lies on the west border of the County, near the center. The surface is generally level, or gently rolling. A high ridge extends east and west through the town, north of the center. Salmon Creek rises in the south-west part and flows in an east and north-east course through the town. The soil is a clay loam.
Brockport; (p. v.) in the north part, is a station on the canal and N. Y. C. R. R., and contains six churches, viz: Presbyterian, Methodist Episcopal, Free Methodist, German Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopal and Roman Catholic; a newspaper office, a bank, State Normal and Training School, three mower and reaper manufactories, a pump factory, a carriage factory, various other manufactories and about 3000 inhabitants, The streets are regularly laid out and bordered by beautiful rows of shade trees, and lighted with gas.
The manufacture of Mowers and Reapers forms so important a branch of business in this village that it deserves more than a passing notice. Through the kindness of the proprietors we are enabled to place before our readers the following facts in relation to the manufacture of this almost indispensable article for the farmer by Seymour, Morgan & Allen:
"In the year 1845, when reaping by machinery" was almost universally believed to be impracticable, and mowing machines were as yet scarcely thought of the firm of Seymour, Morgan & Co., commenced the manufacture of the McCormick Reaper. This was the first considerable attempt at this branch of manufacture which met with any degree of success. To-day this stands the oldest manufactory of reaping and mowing machines in the world! Numerous were the difficulties they encountered; the machine was clumsy and unwieldy, the cutting apparatus very imperfect, and the most favorable circumstances were required for even a tolerably satisfactory result in the harvest field. The labor of men and horses, too, necessary to operate it, was almost in surmountable. After two or three years they threw aside the "McCormick" and commenced the manufacture of an improved machine. The ground wheels were made larger, the gearing and cutting parts perfected, the driver and raker placed in positions convenient for their work, the side draft obviated, and other important alterations made; and they finally produced the machine that was afterward for a long time so widely known and so highly esteemed as the Seymour & Morgan, or New York Hand Raking Reaper. For the purpose for which it was designed, this machine has unquestionably never been equaled.
"The labor of discharging the grain from any reaper by hand is severe, however, and at the season when reapers are used, labor is difficult to be obtained and commands exhorbitant prices. Automatic raking was the next important point to be gained after having established the fact that reaping could be done by machinery. Almost simultaneously, Mr. Wm. H. Seymour and Mr. Aaron Palmer commenced experiments in this direction about 1848 or '9. For several years the "Seymour & Morgan" and "Palmer & Williams" Self-Baker were made at two establishments in Brockport, while every other manufacturer of reaping machines in the country declared it "could not be done !" To-day every such manufacturer in the country pretends to have a good, self-rake, while every one that has any great measure of success and adaptability to general work, pays a patent fee to the Company owning the combined patents of Seymour & Morgan and Palmer & Williams. In 1860 the two machines were consolidated, and the result of their combined patents—together with many purchased from other parties—were put mto one machine, at which time they perfected the combination of a complete mower with the self-raking reaper. From the time when this new machine, which is called the "New-Yorker," was perfected, which was in 1862, this Company have crowded their large factory to its full capacity, and found ready sale for all they could produce. The combined machine is of five feet cut, rather wider than other combined machines, and yet of easy draft for one span of horses. In 1866 they first made the "New Yorker" single reaper of six feet cut, which being on larger divider wheel and some what lighter frame, draws as easily as the combined machine. This Self-Bake and this Self-Baking Reaper took the Gold Medalist Prize over all other serf-rakes and self raking reapers which were entered at the Great National Field Trial in Auburn, in 1866. The combined machine also received a second prize of twenty-five dollars. At all the great trials of the world this Rake has been triumphant. Geneva National Trial, 1857; Bloomington,. Ill. State Trial, 1854; Hamburg World's Trial, 1863; Patis World's Trial, 1867, &c., &c. In 1867 the present proprietors of this establishment, Seymour, Morgan & Allen, were obliged to greatly enlarge their factory and add to their power and machinery. They found it necessary, in the fall of 1868, to again enlarge. They added 16,000 square feet of floor, and proportionate machinery, &c., &c, to their already immense establishment, so that now when they have completed the contemplated enlargement of their foundry, they can turn out a machine every twelve minutes ready to go into the field.
"To estimate the saving of labor this factory has made to the country is not an easy task, but some idea of it can be formed when we consider that each machine, with a team, which, in the old system of operation would have been running idle in the pasture, and a driver, who may be a lad of fourteen, or a female, can cut at a low estimate four times as much grain or grass in a day as can be done with a scythe or cradle, leaving either in much better condition, and that the yearly production of this factory is counted by thousands, and that the machines made here will average six to twelve years of successful operation,. some idea can be formed of the immense army of laborers this factory supplies."
Johnston, Huntley & Co. have a large establishment for the manufacture of Johnston's Self-Baking Reaper and Johnston's Cycloid Mower.
"This Reaper is made expressly for harvesting grain. It is perfectly adapted to gathering, cutting and delivering, either in gavels or a continuous swath, wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, clover, timothy seed and sowed com. It gathers the worst pieces of lodged grain perfectly clean without the extra labor of carrying the swath. It cuts the shortest and thinest of grain and saves it all; and it may be left either in bundles or in large bunches, and the bunches in rows. This machine is of the most simple construction, strong and durable. It has no side draft, no bearing down on the necks of the horses, and turns at the comers as readily as a cart. The rakes perform the work of gathering or reeling, and in a much more perfect manner than the ordinary reel, from the fact that all are provided with teeth that catch hold of the grain and bring it up to and brush it back from the cutters, thus preventing clogging and running over the grain. It is the only self-raking reaper, cutting a six feet swath that can be easily handled by one span of horses, the draft being less than the lighest mowers having four feet cut. The machine is so constructed that it may be set to cut a stubble at any hight, from three to eighteen inches, and the driver, while passing along, can, by a lever at the side, raise or lower the cut to suit standing or the worst conditions of lodged grain."
The proprietors of this establishment removed from Syracuse in March, 1868, and have been compelled to enlarge their works during the last year to double their farmer capacity, and should the demand for their machines continue to increase in the same ratio they will be compelled to greatly enlarge their works next year. The works now cover an area of about three acres. One building is 160 by 40 feet, and another 160 by 45 and three stories high. In addition to these there are a blacksmith shop and other outbuildings. They employ about 100 hands.
The Little Giant Mower and Reaper is manufactured by H. W Seymour, and for a low priced machine is unsurpassed. It meets the demands of a class of farmers better than another machine. Mr. Seymour also manufactures Pease's Patent Rotary Force Pump, which is a favorite with brewers, distillers, &c. These pumps are of various sizes and capacities and admirably adapted to various uses where a powerful pump is required.
State Normal and Training School, late Brockport Collegiate Institute, occupies a beautiful site, commanding a view of the village and the surrounding country. The edifice is constructed of dark Medina sandstone, and is in the Norman style of architecture. It is 300 feet long and consists of a main or central building, 50 by 60 feet, and two wings, each 40 by 75 feet, to which have been added two transverse wings, each 50 by 84 feet. The central building is four stories high and the wings each three stories above the basement. The grounds embrace six acres, finely shaded and laid out with gravel walks. The design of the school is to furnish teachers for the public schools of the State, thoroughly trained for their profession. It consists of a Normal and a Training School. The object of the Normal School is to provide a thorough drill in the primary and academic studies, conducted in accordance with the most approved methods of teaching. The object of the Training School is to test the ability of pupil teachers to reproduce the drill they have received in the Normal School. A competent Board of Instruction is employed, at the head of which is Charles D. McLean, A. M., LL. D.
Sweden Center, (Sweden p.o.) near the center of the town, contains two churches, viz: Presbyterian and Episcopal; a school house, a blacksmith shop and about a dozen houses.
West Sweden, in the south-west part of the town, contains two churches, viz: Baptist and Methodist; a school house, a cheese factory, a blacksmith shop, a wagon shop and about a dozen dwellings.
The first settlement was commenced in 1807, by Nathaniel Poole and Walter Palmer. Samuel Bishop, Isaiah White, Stephen Johnson and a Mr. Hopkins came in the same year. John Reed, Timothy Tyler and Edward Parks settled in the town in 1818, and Reuben Moon, with his sons James, Amos and Isaac, settled in the east part in 1809 and 1810. James Scott was the first settler in the south part; he was a colored man and settled in 1809. John Phelps, Eufus Hammond and Knight were the original purchasers of the site of Brockport. James Seymour, George Allen, Thomas R. Eoby, Ralph W. Goold, Luke Webster and Charles Richardson were early settlers. Samuel Bishop kept the first inn, in 1809, and Charles Richardson the first store. Brockway and Blodgett built the first mill.
The first frame house erected In the town of Sweden was built by Major Stickney about one-fourth of a mile south of Sweden Center, on the lake road. This occurred about the year 1809. The people from all parts of the town turned out, both men and women, and after using one barrel of whisky the first day adjourned for two days, and sent two men with a hand sled to LeRoy for another barrel of the stimulating beverage. The settlers again assembled, completed the raising of the house, used up the whisky, and had a dance in the evening. The house was erected on an eminence called "Hog's Back," but more recently known as "Light House Hill." It is a two and a half story house and still standing. John Reed, father of John B. Reed, now residing in the town, purchased his land in 1805, and the next year removed with his family from Hebron, Tolland County, Conn. The journey, which occupied thirty days, can now be performed in twenty-one hours. Aaron Root moved from Charton, Saratoga County, in June 1818, and located on the farm now occupied by F. P. Root.
The population of the town in 1865 was 4,126; its area is 20,942 acres.
There are 13 school districts, employing 16 teachers. The number of the school population is 1,423; the number attending school, 819; the average attendance, 421, and the amount expended for school purposes during the year 1868, was $6,143.91.
S. = Section.
Adams, Howard, (Sweden,) lot 11, S. 10, farmer 55.
Adams, Hubbard, (East C1arkson,) lot 6, S. 13, farmer 59.
Alberts, Daniel Mrs., (Brockport,) dress maker over Randolph's store.
Allen, F. C. Mrs., (Brockport,) teacher of instrumental music, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
ALLEN, GEO. H., (Brockport,) (Seymour, Morgan & Allen.)
ALLEN, GEO. P., (Brockport,) (Allen & Paine.)
Allen, L. B. Mrs., (Adams' Basin,) lot 16, S. 11, farmer 58.
ALLEN, M., (Brockport,) farmer 1, town line road.
Allen, Nathan W., (Adams' Basin,) lot 3, S. 13, farmer 100.
ALLEN & PAINE, (Brockport,} (Geo. P. Allen and Daniel Paine, furniture dealers and undertakers, 72 Main .
Allyn, Cyrus, (Brockport,) marble cutter.
Andrews, L., (Brockport,) painter, Mechanic.
Anten, John G., (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 1, farmer leases of C. S. Ladue, 102.
Aradine, William, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 1, farmer leases of Wm. Sands, Bergen, 90.
Atkins, James H., (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 12, farmer 80.
Avery & Belden, (Brockport,) (O. B. Avery and Horace Belden,) flour and feed.
Avery, O. B., (Brockport,) (Avery & Belden,) agent A. M. U. Express Co.
Babcock, Orrin, (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 1, farmer 1.
Bailey, Horace, (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 8, farmer 70.
Baker, Mary E., (Brockport,) telegraph operator and post mistress, Market.
Bangs, Josiah L., (Churchville,) lot 2, S. 9, (with Wm.,) farmer leases of David Bangs, 220.
Bangs, Wm., (Churchville,) lot 2, S. 9, (with Josiah L.,) farmer leases of David Bangs, 220.
BARKER, DAVID F., (Churchville,) lot 1, S. 9, farmer 62.
Barker, Harriet Miss, (Brockport,) agent for Weed sewing machine, 73 Main.
Barlow, Edwin, (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 8, farmer leases of Miss Polly Raleigh, 64.
Barlow, Heman, (Brockport,) lot 7. S. 8, overseer of the poor and farmer 28.
Barlow, Royal, (Hrockport,) (with Spencer,) lot 11, S. 8, farmer 100.
Barlow, Spencer, (Brockport,) (with Royal,) lot 11, S. 8, farmer 100.
BARNETT, GEO. F., (Brockport,) (Whiteside, Barnett & Co.)
Barns, Alonzo, (Brockport,) saddles, harness, &c., 25 Main.
Barrier, A. J., (Brockport,) hair dresser, American Block.
Barry, J. A. Mrs., (Brockport,) milliner and dress maker, corner Main and State.
Batram, George, (Sweden,) lot 11, S. 2, farmer leases of Frank Capen, 120.
BEACH, HORATIO N. (Brockport,) editor and proprietor of the Brockport Republic, opposite Village Hall.
BEEDLE, ALMON, (Sweden,) lot 11, S. 6, hop raiser and farmer 100.
Beedle, Carney, (Sweden,) lot 15, S. 6, farmer 117.
Beedle, Ichabod P., (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 7, farmer 110.
Beedle, James, (Sweden,) retired farmer.
BEEDLE, JEROME, (Sweden,) lot 3, S. 5, farmer 50.
Beedle, John, (Sweden,) lot 12, S. 6, retired farmer an minister.
Beedle, Moses M., (Sweden,) lot 10, S. 7, farmer 163.
Beedle, Z. P., (Sweden,) lot 11, S. 6, justice of the peace and farmer 152.
Beidle, David, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 6, farmer 4.
Belden, Curtis F., (Brockport,) (with Joseph J.,) lot 13, S. 7, farmer 104.
Belden, Horace, (Brockport,) (Harrison, King & Co.,) (Avery & Belden.)
Belden, Joseph, (Brockport}) (with Curtis F.,) lot 18, S. 7, farmer 104.
Benedict, Chas., (Brockport,) retired farmer.
Benedict, Edgar, (Brockport,) (Wicks & Benedict.)
Benedict, W. H., (Brockport,) groceries, provisions, &c., 40 Main.
Bennett, Wm. K., (Sweden,) post master and farmer 33.
Benson, Geo., (Brockport,) harness, trunks &c, 38 Main.
Bentley, Almon, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 5, farmer 53.
Berson, Joseph, (Brockport,) photograph gallery, Main.
Board, Wm., (Brockport,) carpenter and thrasher, High.
Booth, Abial D., (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 10, farmer 80.
Bovenizer, Peter, (Sweden,) lot 3, S, 2, farmer 150.
BOWMAN, JOHN T., (Brockport,) (Cornes & Bowman.)
BOYD, A. G., (Brockport,) (Boyd Bros. & Gridley.)
BOYD BROS. & GRIDLEY, (Brockport,) (A. G. and H. Boyd and Judah Gridley,) carriage and sleigh manufacturers, Clinton St.
BOYD, H., (Brockport,) (Boyd Bros. & Gridley.)
Bradford, Wm., (Brockport,) carriage maker, King.
Brainard, Augustus F., (Brockport,) (Brainard & Wells,) (Cary & Brainard.)
Brainard & Wells, (Brockport,) (Augustus F. Brainard and A. T. Wells,) hardware, tinware, &c, 40 Main.
BRAMAN, A. N., (Brockport,) (Underhill & Braman,) physician and surgeon, residence Holley St.
Braman, Elias M., (Sweden,) lot 11, S. 10, farmer 111.
Brewer, Lester, (Brockport,) (Clark & Brewer.)
Bridgman, J. S., (Brockport,) dentist, High.
Brockenshire, W. F., (Brockport,) photographer, over 24 Main.
BROCKPORT AGRICULTURAL WORKS, (Brockport.) Whiteside, Barnett & Co., props., Clinton St.
Brockport Brass Band, (Brockport,) D. Stickney, leader.
Brockport Fire Department, (Brockport,) Thos. Buckley, foreman.
Brockport Gas Light. Co., (Brockport,) Isaac Palmer L. Presldent.
BROCKPORT REPUBLIC, (Brockport,) Horatio N. Beach, editor and proprietor, opposite Village Hall.
Brockport State Normal and Training School, (Brockport,) Chas, D. McLean, A. M., LL. D., president; Wm. J. Milne, A. B., vice president; F. B. Palmer, A.M., prof. natural science; H. G. Burlingame, teacher of mathematics; Mrs. W. C. Sylla, preceptress; Miss Helen Roby, 1st assistant in mathematics; Miss M. Chrisswall, 1st assistant in English; Miss Clara Roby, head teacher intermediate department; Miss Sarah M. Efner, assistant in mathematics and history; Mrs. Cady, object teacher; Miss Jennie M. Thompson, head teacher primary department; Mrs. F. C. Allen, teacher instrumental music; Miss Libbie S. Richmond, teacher of vocal music; Miss Sarah L. Kinne, teacher of elocution; C. C. Thompson, steward; Mrs. Burlingame, matron; Wm. Knowles, janitor.
BROCKWAY, HIEL, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 13, farmer 107.
Brockway, Mary Mrs., (Brockport,) dress maker, 12 Main.
Brody, Bryan, (Adams' Basin,) lot 3, S. 11, farmer 30.
Brooks, George, (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 6, farmer leases 25.
Brown, J. H., (Brockport,) picture frames, moldings, &c., State, opposite Gordon's lumber yard.
Brunson, Milo, (Brockport,) mason, town line.
Buckley, Thos., (Brockport,) foreman Brockport Fire Department.
Bulkley, Guy R., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 12, farmer 96.
BURCH, P., (Brockport,) prop. of livery and dealer in horses, Canal.
Burlingame, H. G., (Brockport,) teacher of mathematics, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Burlingame, ---- Mrs., (Brockport,) matron Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Burnett, DeWitt C., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 8, farmer.
Burpee, Franklin, (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 11, farmer 2.
Burritt, M. C. Rev., (Brockport,) pastor of M. E. Church, West Sweden.
Burroughs, J. W., (Brockport,) telegraph operator.
BURROWS, GEO. W., (Brockport,) lot 13, S. 7, farmer 63.
Butler, Wm., (Sweden,) farmer 1.
Butts, A. P., (Brockport,) lawyer and canal collector, East Dock.
Cady, ---- Mrs., (Brockport,) object teacher, Brockport State Normal and Training Scbool.
Canal Collector's Office, (Brockport,) A. P. Butts, collector; Frank Lyons, 1st clerk; O. J. Pease 2d clerk, East Dock.
Capen, Franklin F., (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 6, farmer 200.
Carney, Peter, (Sweden,) lot 14, S. 6, farmer 3.
Carpenter, D., (Brockport,) physician and surgeon, Erie.
Carroll, James, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 9, farmer 10.
Carter, A. A., (Brockport,) gardener and prop. canal barn, 5 Canal.
Carter, Edward, (Brockport,) police constable and dealer in groceries and provisions, 1st door north of canal.
Cary, A. W. Mrs., (Brockport,) (Cary & Brainard.)
Cary & Brainard, (Brockport,) (Mrs. A. W. Cary and Augustus F Brainard,) nanufs. rotary pumps, rear of Brainard & Wells' Store.
Case, Electa Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 13, S. 11, farmer 40.
Caveney, Charles, (Sweden,) lot 4, S. 5, farmer 84.
Chadsey, Benjamin, (Brockport,) lot 11, S. 4, farmer 59.
Chadsey, Frank, (Brockport,) lot 8, S. 4, farmer 57.
Chadsey, John, (Brockport,) lot 14, S. 8, farmer 84.
CHAMBERLIN, H. T., (Brockport,) physician, surgeon and coroner, 66 Main, 2nd floor, resides 15 Market.
Chamberlin, Nelson, (Sweden,) lot 13, S. 5, farmer 133.
Chapin, Desdemona Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 13, farmer 30.
Chapman, H. D., (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 7, agent for Kirby Reaper and farmer 50.
Chickering, Ranson, (Brockport,) lawyer, justice of the peace, notary public and police justice.
Chriswall, M. Miss, (Brockport,) 1st assistant in English, State Normal and Training School.
Clark, Adrastus, (Brockport,) (Clark & Brewer.)
Clark & Brewer, (Brockport,) (Adrastus Clark and Lester Brewer,) dining saloon, 28 Main.
Clark, Francis, (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 11, farmer 108.
Clark, H., (Brockport,) retired physician, Main.
Clark, H. C., (Brockport,) physician and surgeon, Main, north of Canal.
CLARK, JOHN L., (Brockport) (Pease & Clark,) carpenter and builder, Fayette.
Clonk, Catherine Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 2, S. 5., farmer 10.
Clow, Elijah, (Brockport,) carpenter and joiner, Spring.
Coates, Amos, (Brockport,) lot 14, S. 7, constable, mason and farmer 23.
Coates, Martin, (Brockport,) cartman, Mechanic.
Colby, E., (Brockport,) (H. N. Peck & Co., Rochester.)
Coleman, Ira, (East Clarkson,) lot 5, S. 12, farmer 1.
COLLINS, F. W., (Brockport,) (Cox & Collins.)
Comaford, Lawrence, (Brockport,) (with Michael,) lot 7, S. 11, farmer 3.
Comaford, Michael, (Brockport,) (with Lawrence,) lot 7, S. 11, farmer 3.
COMSTOCK, DEWITT C., (Sweden,) (with Julius,) lot 9, S. 5, farmer 92.
COMSTOCK, HARRY, J. (Brockport,) lot 15, S. 5, overseer of 100.
COMSTOCK, JULIUS, (Sweden,) (with De Witt C.,) lot 9, S. 5, farmer 92.
COMSTOCK, ULYSSES, (Sweden,) lot 4, S. 6, raiser of pears and farmer 51.
Consaul, Hiram, (Brockport,) carriage maker, Main, north of canal bridge.
Cook, B. W., (Brockport,) surgeon dentist, over corner Main and Clinton, residence corner Holley and Perry.
Cook, Justus, (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 8, farmer 120.
COOK, RAPHAEL J., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 1, hop raiser and farmer 255.
Cooley, Harmon, (Brockport,) (with Hiram B. and Ora,) lot 2, S. 12, farmer 88.
Cooley, Hiram B., (Brockport,) (with Ora and Harmon,) lot 2, S. 12, farmer 88.
Cooley, Ide V., (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 12, farmer 123.
Cooley, Jacob B., (Brockport,) (with Wm. J.,) lot 5, S. 11, farmer 100.
Cooley, Levi, (Brockport,) (Levi Cooley & Son,) sealer of weights and measures.
Cooley, Levi Jr., (Brockport,) (Levi Cooley & Son,) designer and drafter.
Cooley, Levi & Son, {Brockport,) (Levi Jr.,) manufs. sash, blinds, doors and moldings, builders and props. planing mill, corner Water and Mechanic.
Cooley, Maynard, (Sweden,) lot 12, S. 7, farmer 95.
Cooley, Milton, (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 12, farmer 41.
Cooley, Ora, (Brockport,) (with Hiram B. and Harmon,) lot 2, S. 12, farmer 88.
Cooley, Thomas, (Brockport,) lot 5. S. 11, farmer 40.
Cooley, William J., (Brockport,) (with Jacob B.,) lot 5, S. 11, farmer 100.
Cooney, John, (Sweden,) lot 14, S. 6, farmer 16.
CORNES & BOWMAN, (Brockport,) (Chas. C. Cornes and John T. Bowman,) meat market, 21 Main.
CORNES, CHAS. C, (Brockport,) (Cornes & Bowman.)
Cornes, Geo. T., (Brockport,) (J. A. Sleaster & Co.)
COX & COLLINS, (Brockport,) (G. G. Cox and F. W. Collins,) druggists and booksellers 46 Main.
COX, G. G., (Brockport,) (Cox & Collins.)
Coy, Abram A., (Brockport,) carpenter and joiner, Monroe.
CRAIG, JOSEPH, (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 7, farmer 98.
Cram, George R., (Churchville,) lot 1, 8. 9, lime burner and farmer 290.
Cram, Henry H., (Churchville,) lot 3, S. 9, farmer.
Crawford, Ira, (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 4, farmer 64.
Crawford, Ira, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 8, farmer 64.
Creemer, Theodore L., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 9, blacksmith.
Crippen, Ephraim C., (East Clarkson,) lot 5, S. 12, farmer 100.
Crippen, Geo., (East Clarkson,) lot 5, S. 13, town assessor and farmer 150.
CRIPPEN, LORENZO M., (Adams' Basin,) lot 10, S. 13, farmer 92.
Crook, Joseph, (Brockport,) carpenter and builder, Holley St.
Crook, Joseph, (Brockport) lot 3, S. 8, farmer 9.
Cunningham, John Rev., (Sweden,) pastor of Presbyterian Church.
Curry, Michael, (Brockport,) shoemaker.
Cushing, Irena Mrs., (Brockport) lot 12, S. 1, farmer 120.
Dailey, Francis, (Sweden,) (with John and Wm.,) lot 12, S. 6, farmer 115.
Dailey, John, (Sweden,) (with Francis and Wm.,) lot 12, S. 6, farmer 115.
Dailey, Kate Miss, (Brockport,) dress maker, 70 Main, 2d floor.
Dailey, William, (Sweden)) (with John and Francis,) lot 12, S. 6, farmer 115.
Davis, Hiram, (Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 11, S. 1, farmer 120.
Davis, Isaac, (Brockport,) groceries and processions, 66 Main.
Davis, Samuel H., (Brockport,) lot 11, S. 7, farmer 166.
Day, Samuel H., (Sweden,) lot 4, S. 6, hop raiser and farmer 90.
Decker, J. D., (Brockport,) banking and exchange office, insurance agent, 35 Main.
Dennis, James, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 4, farmer 87.
Dingman, Geo. W., (Brockport,) whitewasher, Canal.
Donalson, Patrick, (Brockport,) village collector.
DOTY, ALVAH, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 11, farmer 146.
Doty, Anson, (Adams Basin) lot 8, S. 13, farmer 190.
DOTY, HIRAM, (Adams' Basin,) lot 8, S. 10, farmer 122.
DOTY, ORRIN W., (8weden,) lot 6, S. 10, farmer 85.
DOTY, REUBEN, (Adams' Basin,) lot 8, S. 10, farmer leases of A. Doty 190.
Duff, Margaret Mrs., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 9, farmer 4.
Duffy, Dennis, (Brockport,) boots and shoes, 11 Main.
Dunning, P. E. Mrs., (Brockport,) dress maker, Smith Block.
East, James, (Brockport,) grocer, 23 Main.
Eaton, Peter, (Sweden,) lot 7, S. 2, farmer 1.
Edmonds, Wm. J., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 4, farmer 59.
Edmunds, Lewis, (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 4, farmer 120.
Edmunds, Wm., (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 4, farmer 60.
Efner, Sarah M. Miss, (Brockport,) assistant in mathematics and history, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Eggleston, Geo. W., (Brockport,) deputy sheriff and constable, Fayette.
Ellis, Chauncey, (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 2, farmer leases 120.
Elwell, Henry, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 12, farmer leases of Geo. Smith, 100.
English, Wm., (Brockport,) stair builder, Main.
Ewer, Spencer Mr. and Mrs., (Brockport,) millinery and fancy goods, 73 Main.
FAIRBANK, WALTER C., (Adams Basin,) lot 16, S. 11, farmer 40.
FARMERS' HOME, (Brockport,) Main, near depot, Alex. Johnson, prop.
Fay, Lawrence, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 6, farmer 8.
Fielding, J., (Brockport,) artist, State.
Fielding, J. D., (Brockport,) painter, 8 State.
First National Bank, (Brockport,) L. Gordon, president; A. Washburn, cashier.
Fisk, Nathan, (Brockport,) retired farmer, Main.
Fitzgerald, Garret, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 5, farmer 20.
Fitzsimons, Nicholas, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 13, farmer 5.
Flagg, Lorenzo, (Adams' Basin,) lot 9, S. 10, farmer leases of Wm. Tripp, 50.
Foley, Daniel, (Brockport,) lot 2, S. 5, farmer 10.
Fordham, James, (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 7, thrasher and stone mason.
Foster, ----, (Brockport,) cabinet maker, Holley St.
Fothergill, Joseph, (Brockport,) wagon maker, Erie.
Francis, Nicholas, (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 3, farmer 60.
Freeman, ----, (Brockport,) painter, Main.
FROST, S. P., (Brockport,) merchant tailor, 13 Main.
Fryer, Jared, (Adams' Basin,) lot 3, S. 13, mason, gardener and farmer 28.
FULLER, EUGENE P., (Brockport,) attorney and counselor, Main.
Fuller, Jerome, (Brockport,) county judge and lawyer, Main.
Gallup, Geo., (Adams' Basin,) lot 9, S. 13, farmer 118.
Gardner, Henry P., (Brockport,) lot 11, S. 8, farmer 103.
Gardner, Henry W., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 12, farmer 131.
Gardner, O. S., (Brockport,) farmer 109, Holley St.
Germain, E. B., (Brockport,) prop. American Hotel.
GETTY, JOHN A., (Brockport,) prop. Getty Restaurant, corner Main and Market.
Gillett, Joel, (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 2, farmer 48.
Gillett, Leonard, (Sweden,) lot 7, S. 2, farmer 62.
Gleason, Dennis, (Sweden,) lot 3, S. 2, farmer 2.
GOFF, SANFORD, (Brockport,) dealer in jewelry, 30 Main, prop, livery stable on South 'Mechanic, and farmer 12½.
Goodrich, E. Mrs., (Adams' Basin,) lot 10, S. 10, farmer 90.
Goodridge, Joseph H., (Sweden,) lot 16, S. 5, farmer 30, and leases of Mrs. Dudley Locke, 90.
Goold, J. H., (Brockport,) insurance agent, Town Hall.
Gordon, L., (Brockport,) president First National Bank, prop. planing mill and lumber dealer, State, on Canal.
Granger, Lizzie Miss.1. (Brockport,) hair work, 70 Main, 2d floor.
Grattin, Samuel, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 11, farmer 1.
Graves, Ezra H., (Brockport) assessor, Main.
GRAVES, GEO. H., (Brockport,) hats, caps, furs, whips, gloves and mittens, 15 Main.
GREEN, C. H., (Brockport,) physician and surgeon, over First National Bank.
Green, Elbridge G., (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 3, farmer 86.
Green, Frank, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 6, farmer 23.
Greene, Daniel, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 3, farmer 120.
Green, Ezra, (Brockport,) carriage maker, Clinton St.
Gregory, Harry O., (Brockport,) lot 2, S. 12, small fruit grower and farmer 26.
GRETTON, GEORGE, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 11, furnace man and farmer 75.
GRIDLEY, JUDAH, (Brockport,) (Boyd Bros. & Gridley,) owns farm in town of Bergen.
Guenther, Conrad, (Brockport,) mason, Monroe.
Haight, Francis, (Brockport,) (Tozier & Haight.)
Haley, Anthony, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 2, farmer 2.
Halsey, B. H., (Brockport,) cartman.
Halsey, Hiram, (Brockport,) carpenter and builder.
Hammond, Henry C., (Brockport,) town clerk.
Harman, Austin, (Brockport,) marble dealer, Market.
Harrington, Shermnan P., (Brockport,) shoe maker.
HARRISON, EDWARD, (Brockport,) merchant tailor.
Harrison, Josiah, (Brockport,) (Harrison, King & Co.)
Harrison, King & Co., (Brockport,) (Josiah Harrison, Wm. King and Horace Belden,) produce dealers, 1 Market.
Hart, Henry, (Sweden,) lot 3, S. 7, farmer leases of C. Hart, 100.
HART, JAMES, (Sweden,) lot 7, S. 6, prop. of ashery, cider mill and farmer 214.
Hartshorn, John, (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 7, farmer 107.
Hartwell, George W., (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 11, farmer 60.
Hatch, H. H., (Brockport,) boots and shoes, 32 Main.
Healey, Anthony, (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 1, farmer 3.
Heath, J. G., (Brockport,) building mover, Perry.
Hendrick, Edwin C., (Brockport,) (with John A.,) lot 15, S. 11, farmer 90.
HENDRICK, JOHN A., (Brockport,) lot 15, S. 11, thrasher and (with Edwin C.,) farmer 90.
Herrick, E. P., (Sweden,) lot 3, S. 11, farmer 38.
Herrick, Pyram, (Sweden,) retired farmer.
HIBBISON, EDWARD (North Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 3, S. 1, farmer 74.
Hickey, Patrick, (Adams' Basin,) lot 3, S. 13, farmer 8.
Hill, Loren, (Brockport,) president West Sweden Cheese Association.
Holmes, Daniel, (Brockport,) lawyer and justice of the peace.
Holmes, Lucas, (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 4, farmer 90.
Hooke, Frank, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 6, farmer 8.
Horton, Wm, P., (Brockport,) hardware, 59 Main.
Hovey, E., (Brockport,) farmer 96, town line.
Hovey, Hiram, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 5, mason and farmer 1.
Hovey, Levi, (Sweden,) thrasher.
Howard, Ary, (Sweden,) lot 10, S. 11, farmer 35.
HOWARD, HENRY M., (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 11, stone and plaster mason and farmer 95.
Howes, John C., (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 11, farmer 95.
Hubbard, Henry, (Brockport,) (with James Nelson,) lot 10, S. 11, farmer 14.
Hubbard, James Nelson, (Brockport,) (with Henry,) lot 10 S. 11, farmer 14.
Hutchison, Abel G., (Brockport,) (with Joseph,) lot 8, S. 11, farmer 117.
Hutchison, Joseph, (Brockport,) (with Abel G.,) lot 8, S. 11, farmer 117.
Hutchinson, George, (Brockport,) (with J. Hutchison,) farmer.
Hutchinson, R. S., (Brockport,) constable.
Hutchlnson, Seymour, (Adams Basin,) lot 16, S. 11, farmer 2.
Hysner, Peter, (Brockport,) carriage painter, with Boyd Bros. & Gridley.
Ide, Daniel, (Sweden,) retired farmer.
Ide, Daniel, (Sweden,) lot 7, S. 2, farmer 100.
Jenne, Gideon L., (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 6, farmer 70.
Jenne, Nelson L., (Sweden,) farmer leases of G. L. Jenne, 70.
Jennings, J. Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 1, farmer 70.
JOHNSON, ALEX., (Brockport,) physician, prop. Farmers' Home, Main, near depot, and prop. of Dr. Johnson's Eye Lotion.
Johnson, Andrew, (Brockport,) prop. Rail Road Saloon, near depot.
JOHNSTON, HUNTLEY & Co., (Brockport,) (Samuel Johnston, Byron E. Huntley and J. S. Thayer,) manufs. of Johnston's Cycloid Mower and Johnston's Self-raking Reaper.
JOHNSTON, SAMUEL (Brockport,) (Johnston, Huntley & Co.)
Jones, S. L. C. Miss, (Brockport,) milliner, 2d floor, Beach's Block.
Jordan, Irving. H., (Brockport,) photographer, Main.
Kelly, Frank, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 6, farmer 14.
Kenyon, Nathan, (Brockport,) farmer 81, Holley St.
KETTNER, SOLOMON,(Brockport,) ready made clothing, 12 Main.
King, John, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 11, farmer 1.
King, Wm., (Brockport,) (Harrison, King & Co.)
KING, WM. L., (Brockport,) dry goods, 29 Main.
Kinne, Sarah L. Miss, (Brockport,) teacher of elocution, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
KNIFFEN, ALANSON, (Brockport,) (Smith & Kniffen.)
Knob, Frederick, (Adams' Basin,) lot 12, S. 10, farmer 25.
Knowles, Wm., (Brockport,) janitor Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Landers, Morris, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 7, farmer 15.
LANE, JOSIAH M., (Brockport,) (Whiteside, Bennett & Co.)
Latta, John A.,. (Brockport,) boots and shoes, 19 Main.
Leack, Wm., (East Clarkson,) lot 6, S. 13, farmer leases of Chas. Benedict, 125.
Learned, J. I., (Brockport,) sign, ornamental, house and carriage painter, Clifton St.
Locke, Dudley Mrs., (Sweden,) lot 15, S. 5, farmer 90.
Locke, E. Mrs., (Sweden,) farmer 1.
Locke, Elisha, (Sweden,) lot 4, S. 7, commissioner of highways and farmer 128.
Loomis, George, (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 11, farmer 3.
LOOMIS, HUBBIL, (Brockport,) lot 15, S. 11, prop. saw mill and farmer 33.
Loomis, Jacob O., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 8, farmer 9.
Lowery, R. G., (Brockport,) surgeon dentist, over First National Bank.
LUCE, CHAS., (Sweden,) lot 4, S. 9, farmer 107.
Luce, Oscar C, (Churchville,) lot 2, S. 9, farmer 60.
Luce, Samuel H., (Sweden,) lot 3, S. 9, farmer 50 and leases of Chas. Luce, 107.
Lyons, Frank, (Brockport,) 1st clerk, canal collector's office, East Dock.
Madden. M:. J., (Brockport,) constable.
Mann, Wm. B., (Brockport,) physician and surgeon, 61 Main.
Markham, Daniel, (North Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 5, S. 1, farmer 101.
Martin, Frederick, (Brockport,) cabinet maker, Mechanic.
MAUL, JOHN, (Brockport) prop. Rail Road House, north of depot.
Maxon, Benj., (Brockport, mason, Mechanic.
Maxon, Jared, (Brockport,) mason, Mechanic.
McAnn, Geo., (Churchville,) lot 2, S. 9, farmer 43.
McCuin, John, (Sweden,) farmer 1.
McCulloch, Albert, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 1, farmer leases of A. McCulloch, 109.
McCulloch, Amos, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 1, farmer 109.
MeGhan, John, (Sweden,) lot 8, S. 9, farmer leases of A. Root, 100.
McKreghren, William, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 5, farmer 65.
McLean, Chas. D., A. M., LL. D., (Brockport,) president Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Meehen, Patrick, (Brockport,) shoemaker.
Millard, Wm., (Brockport,) millwright and carpenter, Holley St.
Milliman, Rohert L., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 4, farmer 86.
Milne, Wm. J., A. B., (Brockport,) vice president Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Miner, Hiram, (Brockport,) farmer 8, Holley St.
Minor, John, (Brockport,) lot 2, S. 5, farmer 12.
Mockford, C. Miss, (Brockport,) dress maker, 12 Main.
Montgomery, James, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 11, farmer 100.
MORGAN, DAYTON S., (Brockport,) (Seymour, Morgan & Allen.)
MORGAN, GUY, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 11, farmer 129.
Morgan, Hardin, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 11, farmer 70.
MORRISON, EDWARD.(Brockport,) (Morrison & Walter.)
MORRISON & WALTER, (Brockport,) (Edward Morrison and Casper Walter,) dry goods, 50 Main.
Norton, Henry P., (Brockport,) lawyer and farmer 1.
Oam, Fred., (Sweden,) lot 12, S. 10, farmer 1.
Oderkirk, Isaac, (Brockport,) lot 8, S. 12, farmer 2.
Olden, S. M., (Brockport,) physician and surgeon, over Randall's store.
Owens, Barney, (Brockport,) groceries and liquors, canal dock, near Main.
Owens, John, [Brockport,) groceries, wines, liquors and cigars, wholesale and retail, 1 Main.
PAINE, DANIEL, (Brockport,) (Allen & Paine.)
Palmer, C. W., (Brockport,) justice of the peace.
Palmer, Edward, (Brockport,) lot 8, S. 7, farmer 52.
Palmer, F. B., A. M., (Brockport,) prof. of natural science, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
PALMER, HIRAM W., (Brockport,) let 12, S. 8, farmer 112.
Palmer, Humphrey, (Brockport,) lot 18, S. 8, farmer 137.
Palmer, Isaac, (Brockport,) president Brockport Gas Light Co.
PALMER, RUFUS M., (Brockport,) farmer 67, resides with H. Palmer.
Palmer, Wm., (box 191 Brockport,) lot 8, S. 7, farmer 164.
Parish, Hudson B., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 8, executor of O. Bailey estate and farmer 45.
Parker, S. F., (Brockport,) carpenter and builder, Holley St. .
Parker, S. F. Mrs., (Brockport,) milliner, Smith's Block.
Parmlee, Giles, (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 5, farmer 1.
Patten, Edward, (Brockport,) lot 11, S. 11, farmer 100.
Peake, Chas., (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 8, farmer 80.
PEASE & CLARK, (Brockport,) (Daniel Pease and John L. Clark,) carpenters and builders.
PEASE, DANIEL, (Brockport,) (Pease & Clark,) carpenter and builder, Mechanic.
Pease, L. J., (Brockport,) groceries, provisions and produce, corner Main and Clinton.
Pease, O. J., (Brockport,) 2d clerk, canal collector's office, East Dock.
PECK, M. A., (Brockport,) prop. Oyster Bay Restaurant, 43 Main.
Perry, C. A., (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 12, farmer 114.
Peterson, Chester, (Brockport,) (Wm. H. Roberts & Co.)
Pettis, C. Mrs, (Brockport,) dress maker, over 24 Mam.
Pick, Lewis, (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 3, farmer 58.
Pierce, Phebe, (Brockport) lot 2, S. 4, farmer 87.
Pike, Samuel P., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 8, farmer 1.
Pollock, Johnson S., (Sweden,) blacksmith.
POTTER, ALLEN J., (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 9, farmer 60 and leases of Mrs. Wm. Root, 122.
Preston, Caroline Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 12, farmer 40.
Preston,----, Mrs., (Sweden,) lot 8, S. 5, farmer 50.
Pulis, Abram, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 1, farmer 95.
RAIL ROAD HOUSE, (Brockport,) north of depot. John Maul, prop.
Raleigh, Polly, Miss, (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 8, farmer 64.
Randall, M. O., (Brockport,) jeweler, 35 Main.
Randall, Wm. H., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 2, farmer leases of J. Cook, 100.
Randolph, J. B., (Brockport,) groceries, provisions, &c., 36 Main.
Randolph, John R., (Brockport,) groceries and provisions, 18 Main
RAYMOND, ALONZO B., (Brockport,) produce dealer, 8 Main.
REED, JOHN B., (Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 12, S. 5, lime manuf. and farmer 450.
Reed, Rush, (Brockport,) dry goods and notions, 68 Main.
Remington, Dudley, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 10, farmer 37.
REMINGTON, GEORGE, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 10, farmer 60.
Remington, Simon, {Sweden.) lot 2, S. 10, farmer 120.
Renand, Peter, (Brockport,) carriage trimmer, Holley St.
Rice, Charles L., (East Clarkson,) lot 6, S. 12, farmer 42.
Rice, Henry, (Brockport,) hoop skirt manuf. and dealer in dry goods, 16 Main.
Rich, Freelove Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 12, farmer 12.
Rich, Geo. I., (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 12, farmer 56 and leases 100.
Richards, G. & Son, (Brockport) (Gurdon and M. A.,) flour and feed, 17 Main.
Richard, Gurdon, (Brockport,) (G. Richards & Son.)
Richards, M. A., (Brockport,) (G. Richards & Son.)
Richmond, Jerome, (Sweden,) lot 14, S. 5, farmer 77.
Ricbmond, Libbie S. Miss, (Brockport,) teacher of vocal music, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Roberts, Beman B., (Sweden,) lot 1, S. 6, farmer 90.
Roberts, Wm. H. & Co., (Brockport,) (Chester Peterson,) produce dealers, 17 Main.
Robinson, Sarah Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 1, farmer 60.
Roby, Clara Miss, (Brockport,) head teacher intermediate department, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Roby, Helen Miss, (Brockport.) 1st assistant in mathematics, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
ROOT, AARON F., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 9, farmer 200.
ROOT, FREDERICK P., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 9, farmer 600.
ROOT, HENRY, (Brockport,) (with Rufus H.,) lots 6 and 7, S. 7, farmer 192.
ROOT, RUFUS H., (Brockport,) (with Henry,) lots 6 and 7, S. 7, farmer 192.
Root, Wm. Mrs., (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 9, farmer 122.
Rosevelt, Geo., (Brockport,) cartman, Clinton St.
Rowe, Asa, (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 5, farmer 60.
ROWE, A. W., (Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 3, S. 5, farmer 130.
Rowe, Edwin A., (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 6, farmer 60.
Rowe, Geo. H., (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 5, farmer 60.
Rowe, Oscar A., (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 5, farmer 60.
Ryan, James, (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 10, farmer 50.
Ryan, Michael, (Adams' Basin,) lot 3, S. 13, farmer 3.
Schlosser, Frederick, (Brockport,) fish market, 9 Main.
Sculley, Edward, (Brockport,) billiard parlors, 8 Main.
Scully, Patrick, (Brockport,) saloon, 10 Main.
Secor, ---- (Brockport,) millwright.
SEYMOUR. H. W., (Brockport,) manuf. of rotary pumps and Little Giant Mower and Reaper.
SEYMOUR, MORGAN & ALLEN, (Brockport,) (Wm. H. Seymour, Dayton S. Morgan and Geo. H. Allen,) manufs. of the New Yorker Self-raking Reaper, and Self-raking Reaper and Mower Combined.
SEYMOUR, WM. H., (Brockport,) (Seymour, Morgan & Allen.)
Shader, Wm. H., (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 12, farmer 94.
Shannon, Andrew, (Sweden,) lot 16, S. 5, farmer leases of Chas. W. Nelson, 165.
Sheldon, D. C, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 3, farmer 119.
Shepard, Wanton, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 8, farmer 1.
Shumway, John, (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 11, farmer 81.
Sims, Geo., (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 4, farmer 1.
Sims, James, (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 4, farmer 79.
Sleaster, J. A. & Co., (Brockport,) (Geo. T. Cornes and Wm. Stanley,) meat market, 37 Main and cor. Main and Canal.
SMITH, ABRAHAM, (Brockport,) baker and confectioner, 7 Main.
Smith, Benjamin, (Brockport) blacksmith, Main, north of canal.
Smith, Geo., (Brockport,) retired farmer, Erie.
SMITH, GEO. L., (Brockport,) (with Perry,) farmer.
Smith, Harry, (Brockport,) lot 6, S. 4, farmer 64.
SMITH, JOHN, (Brockport,) (Smith & Kniffen.)
SMlTH & KNIFFEN, (Brockport,) (John Smith and Alanson Kniffen,) furniture dealers, Clark.
Smith, N. A., [Brockport.) station agent, N. Y. C. R. R.
Smith, O., (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 1, farmer.
SMITH, PERRY, (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 7, farmer 150.
SPARLIN, ALSON C., (Sweden,) lot 12, S. 6, farmer leases of Mrs. C. Sparlin, 96.
Spaulding, Sidney, (Brockport,) grocer, 24 Main.
Spencer, Charley, (Brockport,) lot 8, S. 3, farmer 54.
Spencer, Cortland, (Sweden,) lot 11, S. 3, farmer 120.
Spencer, Frederick, (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 3, farmer 54.
Spencer, James W., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 2, farmer 60.
Stanley, Wm., (Brockport,) (J. A. Sleaster & Co.)
Staples, John H., (Sweden,) lot 3, S. 2, hop raiser and farmer 100.
Staples, Joseph, (Sweden,) lot 4, S. 2, farmer 107.
Staples, Robert, (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 1, farmer 300.
STAPLES, R. PERRY, (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 1, drover and farmer 180.
STARKS, MAURICE, (Brockport,) lot 5, S. 7, fruit raiser and farmer 102.
Stedman, Geo. L., (Brockport,) insurance agent, printer and town collector.
Stickney, D., (Brockport,) dealer in musical instruments and leader Brockport Brass Band, Erie.
Stickney, Egbert B., (Sweden,) lot 7, S. 5, farmer 130.
Stickney, Elisha C., (Sweden,) lot 14, S. 6, farmer 140.
Stickney, Israel, (Brockport,) lot 8, S. 6, farmer 128.
Stickney, James, (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 2, farmer 20.
Stickney, Moses C., (Brockport,) lot 2, S. 5, hop raiser, thrasher and farmer 100.
STICKNEY, REUBEN C., (Sweden,) lot 1, S. 7, farmer 120.
STRAIGHT, WM., (Brockport,) carpenter and joiner, Mechanic.
Sutphen, Jacob, (Sweden,) retired farmer.
Sutphen, John, (Sweden,) lot 9, S. 3, farmer 120.
Sutphen, Joseph, (Sweden,) retired farmer.
Sweetman, Peter, (North Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 5, S. 1, farmer 49.
Sylla, W. C. Mrs., (Brockport,) preceptress Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Taylor, R. C, (Brockport,) repairer of watches, jewelry, &c. and worker of ornamental wood work, resides with Milton Cooley.
Thatcher, R., (Brockport,) physician and surgeon, Main.
THAYER, J. S., (Brockport,) (Johnston, Huntley & Co.)
Thomas, Henry, (Sweden,) lot 15, S. 6, farmer 3.
Thomas, Horace J., (Brockport,) attorney and counselor, and farmer 14, over Harrison's clothing store.
Thomas, Luther D., (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 7, farmer 72.
THOMAS, OSCAR P., (Brockport,) eclectic physician and surgeon, 14 Main, residence head of Mechanic.
Thomas, Peleg, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 7, farmer 75.
Thomas, Ransom, (Sweden,) lot 2, S. 7, farmer.
Thompson, C. C., (Brockport,) steward, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Thompson, Jennie M. Miss, (Brockport,) head teacher primary department, Brockport State Normal and Training School.
Toll, Michael, (Brockport,) carpenter, Clark.
Tozier & Haight, (Brockport,) (J. A. Tozier and Francis Haight,) drugs, books, fancy goods &c., 44 Main.
Tozier, J. A., (Brockport,) (Tozier & Haight.)
Treat, Charles, (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 5, farmer 40.
Tripp, William, (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 11, tanner 115.
Trowel, Richard, (Brockport,) lot 14, S. 7, farmer 1.
Udell, Foster, (Brockport,) lot 9, S. 4, farmer 59.
Udell, Geo. W., (Brockport,) lot 7, S. 4, farmer 105.
Udell, Whelock, (Brpckport,) lot 11, S. 4, farmer 57.
UNDERHILL & BRAMAN, (Brockport,) (L. T. Underhill and A. N. Braman,) lumber, coal, windows and doors, Clinton St.
UNDERHILL, L. T., (Brockport,) (Underhill & Braman.)
Vanderhoef, J. B., (Brockport,) carpenter and builder, 35 Mechanic.
Van Derhoof, Lewis W., (Brockport,) saloon, corner Clinton and Main.
VAN EPS, C., (Brockport,) hardware, stoves, &c., 66 Main.
VEAZIE, A., (Brockport,) carriage and sleigh manuf., 1 Clinton St., north side.
Vedder, Michael, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 8, farmer 6.
Vickery, J., (Brockport,) groceries and provisions, 22 Main.
WADSWORTH, ALFRED (Brockport,) manuf., and wholeeale deafer in crackers,. bakestu1fs and confectionery, 39 Main.
WALKER, JAMES, (Brockport,) lot 1, S. 11, farmer leases of J. Chadsey, 40.
Walker, James H., (North Bergen, Genesee Co.,) lot 7, S. 1, farmer 100.
WALTER, CASPER, (Brockport,) (Morrison & Walter.)
Ward, A. F., (Brockport,) freight agent, N. Y. C. R. R.
WARD, GEO. R., (Brockport,) groceries, crockery, paints, oils, glass, &c., 58 Main.
Warren, Charles, (Brockport,) drayman and prop. sale stable, Clinton St.
Washburn, A., (Brockport,) cashier First National Bank and notary public.
WAY, GEO. H., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 6, farmer 115.
Way, Harvey, (Sweden,) lot 10, S. 5, farmer 96.
WEBB, ALEX., (Brockport,) street commissioner, town line road.
Webb, Henry, (Brockport,) lot 3, S. 3, farmer 100.
Welch, Garret, (Brockport,) mason.
Welch, John, (Brockport,) groceries and provisions, 14 Main.
Welch, Wm., (Brockport,) coal, plaster, water-lime, brick and plaster pans, west side of Main, near Canal.
Wells, A. T., (Brockport,) (Brainard & Wells.)
Wells, Geo. B., (Brockport,) allo. physician and surgeon, over Wicks & Benedict's store, residence 5 Union.
Wells. N. P. B., (Brockport,) cashier Decker's banking office.
West Sweden Cheese Association, (Brockport,) Loren Hill, president.
WHELAN, JAMES, (Brockport,) groceries, provisions, crockery, yankee notions, &c.,70 Main.
Whipple, Susan Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 2, S. 13, farmer 100.
WHITCHER, C. J., (Brockport,) lot 10, S. 11, fire insurance agent and farmer 100.
WHITE, CHAUNCEY S., (Swcden,) lot 5, S. 3, farmer 260.
White, Edmund J., (Sweden,) lot 10, S. 7, farmer 115.
White, James, (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 2, farmer 2.
White, Leonard H., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 2, farmer 120.
White, Oliver S., (Sweden,) lot 6, S. 2, farmer 120.
White, T. A., (Brockport,) barber, Market.
White, William, (Sweden,) lot 5, S. 2, farmer 2.
WHITESIDE, BARNETT & CO., (Brockport,) (Geo. B. Whiteside, Geo. F. Barnett and Jonah M. Lane,) props. Brockport Agricultural Works, Clinton St.
WHITESIDE, GEO. B., (Brockport,) (Whiteside, Barnett & Co.)
Whitney, Eliphalet, (Brockport,) dry goods, carpets &c., 50 Main.
Whitney, Zadock, (Churchville,) lot 1, S. 9, farmer 100.
Wicks & Benedict, (Brockport,) (Chas. Wicks and Edgar Benedict,) boots, shoes, rubbers, leather and findings, 38 Main.
Wicks, Chas., (Brockport,) (Wicks & Benedict.)
WICKS, POWERS, (Brockport,) carpenter and builder, scroll and ornamental work, Queen.
Willard, R. C. Mrs., (Brockport,) lot 4, S. 4. farmer 19.
Williams, Frank, (Brockport,) lot 14, S. 8, farmer 7.
Williams, Joseph, (Sweden,) farmer 1.
Wilson, John, (Brockport,) lot 14, S. 8, farmer 73.
Winslow, C. M., (Brockport,) insurance agent and produce dealer, office with Allen & Paine.
Young, Eli T., (Brockport,) (with Ziba C.,) lot 6, S. 3, farmer 111.
Young, E. W., (Brockport,) lot 12, S. 2, farmer 120.
Young, Ziba C., (Brockport,) (with Eli T.,) lot 6, S. 3, farmer 111.
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