Records from the Methodist Episcopal Circuit of Sweden, NY

Extracted by Richard T. Halsey


The Sweden Methodist Circuit was organized on December 16, 1820 at the home Asa Atchinson. These few remaining records are from a film of the original record book that is in a collection of Church records at the Olin Library of Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.


Married in Ogden, NY on Jan. 7, 1825, Justin Worthington to Elisa Olcot by Parker Buel.

Baptized in Ogden, NY on Oct. 16, 1825; Francis & Sylvester Young; John, Wm., Dela and Fletcher Palmer; Enoch & George Buel. Baptized by Goodwin Stoddard.

Baptized in Clarkson, NY on Oct. 23, 1825; Mary Boen by Parker Buel.

Baptized in Clarkson, NY on Oct. 23, 1825; James Maxwell by Parker Buel.

Baptized in Clarkson, NY March 1826; Mary Jane Perry by Parker Buel.



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