Military Deaths during the Vietnam War Era


Surnames beginning with A - C
Surnames beginning with D - G
Surnames beginning with M - R
Surnames beginning with S - Z

Also see the single web page of Monroe Co., NY deaths in the Vietnam Conflict from data in the National Archives.


Name Hamilton, John D., Jr.
Rank PFC
Service Number RA 11 645 380
Home Address 91 Down Street, Rochester, New York
Born Dec. 5, 1948; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hamilton Sr., 91 Down St., Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Gillette School, Henrietta and Rush-Henrietta High School
Entered Service June 28, 1968; Rochester, New York
Trained at Ft. Dix, N. J.
Unit Co. C, 1 Bn., 25 Inf. Div.; Army
Left for Overseas Feb. 26, 1969 to Vietnam
Died March 24, 1969 of wounds received in combat in Vietnam
Buried April 7, 1969; Veterans' plot; Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester, N. Y.
Notes PFC John D. Hamilton Jr. was in Vietnam less than four weeks when he was killed in action. He had joined the army last June and had trained at Ft. Dix, N.J., Ft. Polk, La. and Ft. Benning, Ga. He had enrolled briefly in Officer Training School, but abandoned it, because he was dissatisfied.
PFC Hamilton was interested in commercial art and printing, he had taken a job with Ruda Printing Co., Henrietta, after graduation. He intended to return to the profession after he got out of the Army. Besides his parents, he is survived by five brothers, Paul, Larry, Gerrold, Garry, Terry.
Notes Sources TU 3/28/69 and D&C 3/28/69 obit.


Name Harden, Roosevelt
Rank Airman 3/C
Service Number AF 12 720 598
Home Address 65 Prospect Street
Born March 18, 1945
Parent Mrs. Gertrude Harden, 65 Prospect Street
Attended Madison High School
Entered Service June 17, 1965; Rochester, New York
Unit 56 Security Police Sq.; Air Force
Left for Overseas April 1967 to Thailand
Died July 11, 1967 of gun shot wound of head at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Thailand
Buried July 20, 1967; Vet. plot, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N. Y.
Notes AM3/C Harden enlisted in 1964 and later was sent to Guam, where he served in a bomber squadron making raids over Vietnam. He was transferred to Thailand in April 1967. He died of gunshot wounds while on guard duty.
Harden played basketball and football at Madison High School and was named to an all-scholastic football team in 1963. His sister Rovenna said he also received three certificates for marksmanship in the Air Force. He was engaged to Diane Hamer of Rugby Avenue, besides his mother and sister, he is survived by two brothers Alcenius and Bonnell.
Notes Sources D&C 7/14/67


Name Harper, William P.
Rank Spec. 5
Service Number 063 44 6921
Home Address 32 Danbury Circle S.
Parents Mr. & Mrs. William Z. Harper, 32 Danbury Circle South
Attended Brighton High School and Rennselaer Polytechnic School
Entered Service 1970
Died June 7, 1973 of an accident in Rahway, N.J.
Buried June 9, 1974; White Haven Memorial Park


Name Harrison, David W.
Rank Sgt.
Home Address 271 Phillips Road, Webster, New York
Born July 17, 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm. W. Harrison, 271 Phillips Rd.
Attended R. L. Thomas High School and Kent State University, Ohio
Last Employed by Green-vu Landscaping Service, Inc.
Entered Service Sept. 13, 1967; Rochester, New York
Trained at Fort Riley, Kan.
Unit Hdqs., 24 Inf. Div. Arty.; Army
Died June 17, 1969 when military truck struck a utility pole at Fort Riley, Kan.
Buried June 23, 1969; Mills Cemetery, Mills, PA
Notes Sgt. Harrison entered the army Sept. 13, 1967 and was attached to Hdqs. 24, Infantry Div. Arty. He had been scheduled to be released from the service in September of 1969.
Sgt. Harrison planned to enter the School of Forestry at Paul Smith Junior College, next January. Besides his parents, Sgt. Harrison is survived by a brother, James of Indianapolis, Ind. and by a sister Trudy of Rochester.
Notes Sources TU 6/19/69 obit.


Name Harster, Raymond J.
Rank PFC
Service Number 24 24 236
Home Address 433 Hazelwood Terrace
Born Jan. 28, 1950; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. Frank A. Harster
Mrs. Lyndon L. Graves, 433 Hazelwood Terr.
Attended East High School
Last Employed by Stecher-Traung-Schmidt Corp.
Entered Service Jan. 25, 1968; Buffalo, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas Jan. 25, 1968 to Vietnam
Died Oct. 29, 1968 of wounds to the head & body from hostile explosive, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Buried Nov. 7, 1968; White Haven Mem. Pk., Perinton
Notes Pvt. Harster was a proud Marine on the battlefield with 3rd Amtrac HNS Co. (a tank unit) of the 1st Marine Division. He drove the new E-1 Amtracs, which were sent to Vietnam this year.
Besides his mother, he is survived by his father Frank A. Harster; his step-father Lyndon L. Graves, and brother Charles Harster and Stephen Graves, both of Rochester.
Notes Sources TU 11/1/68 obit.


Name Haupt, William Henry III
Rank L/Cpl.
Service Number 2 361 785
Home Address 26 Azalea Road, Rochester, New York
Born April 19, 1950; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. William H. Haupt, Jr., 26 Azalea Road, Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Edison Technical High School
Entered Service June 29, 1967; Rochester, N. Y.
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas April 28, 1968 to Vietnam
Died Dec. 29, 1968 of gunshot wound to the head (self-inflicted) in Quand Nam Province, Vietnam
Buried Jan. 10, 1969; Vet. plot; Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester, N.Y.
Notes L/Cpl. Haupt died through circumstances other than hostile reasons. He was to have been discharged May 1969.
Besides his parents, he leaves a brother, Gary; two sisters, Mrs. Kathleen Moffit, Deborah.
Notes Sources TU 12/31/68 and D&C 12/31/68 obit.


Name Haynes, Frederick G.
Rank S/Sgt.
Service Number 120 30 0791
Home Address 208 East Avenue, Hilton, New York
Born June 6, 1940; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. William Haynes, 208 East Avenue, Hilton, New York
Entered Service Jan. 1959
Branch of Service U S A F
Died Aug. 16, 1975; Australia
Buried Sept. 3, 1975; Veterans plot, Riverside Cem.


Name Heindl, Daniel
Rank Pvt.
Service Number 114 36 3344
Home Address 171 Palmerston Road
Born 24 April 1952
Parents Mr. & Mrs. William Heindl, 171 Palmerston Road
Attended McQuaid Jesuit High School and LeMoyne College, Syracuse, N.Y.
Entered Service 1975; Rochester, New York
Died 31 July 1975 in train accident, Rochester, New York
Buried 2 Aug. 1975; Veterans Plot; Holy Sepulchre
Notes Besides his parents serviceman is survived by four sisters, Catherine, Ann Marie, Margaret, and Mary; four brothers, Patrick, John, Thomas and Edward. While home on furlough body of serviceman wa found decapitated by a passing Penn Central Train near the can of worms. Medical Examiners Officer is investigating possible suicide.


Name Hentschel, Robert
Rank L/Cpl.
Home Address 173 Kirkland Road, Rochester, New York
Born Sept. 16, 1948; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hentschel, 173 Kirkland Rd., Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Madison High School
Entered Service 1965; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas 1966 to Vietnam
Died Dec. 27, 1967; killed in action in Vietnam
Buried Jan. 8, 1968; Holy Sepulchre
Notes Cpl. Hentschel had been in the Marine Coprs about two years and was due to return from Vietnam September 1968. He entered the Marines before graduating High School.
Cpl. Hentschel became the 46th Monroe County resident to be killed in Vietnam. He is survived by his parents, two brothers, PFC Peter and Thomas and five sisters; Mary Agnes, Rose Mary, Bernadette, Alice and Amy.
Notes Sources D&C 1/8/68


Name Heyden, James P. C.
Rank Spec. 5
Service Number 107-42-6773
Home Address 937 Denise Road, Rochester, New York
Born Nov. 8, 1947; Canandaigua
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Heyden, 70 East St., Canandaigua, N. Y.
Spouse Mrs. Ann Marie Heyden, 937 Denise Road, Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Canandaigua Academy and Parsons College & Monroe Community College
Entered Service 1967; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Army
Trained at Camp Richie, MD and Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN
Died April 3, 1970 in an automobile accident, Hagerstown, MD
Buried April 9, 1970; Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Notes Spec. 5 Heyden graduated fifth in his class at Army Finance School at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Served in Vietnam for a year. He was stationed at Camp Richie, MD.
Spec. 5 Heyden was a history enthusiast with a special interest in the Civil War. When he was 14 years old. Mr. Heyden spoke on the Civil War Artifacts at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
Notes Sources TU 4/7/70 obit.


Name Hill, Richard A.
Rank 1/Lt.
Home Address 417 Alexander Street
Born June 30, 1942; Rochester, New York
Parent Mrs. Helen M. Hill, 51 Eagle Ridge Circle, Irondequoit
Spouse Married June 13, 1964; Mrs. Sandra Hill, 161 Williams St., Geneva, N.Y.
Attended East High School
Entered Service 1961; Rochester, New York
Trained at Ft. Knox, KY
Unit 26 Infantry; Army
Left for Overseas Three years in Germany and then Nov. 1966 to Vietnam
Died March 31, 1967 of chest wounds during Operation Junction City in Vietnam
Buried April 8, 1967; Oatka Cemetery; Wheatland, NY
Notes 1/Lt. Richard Hill, enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1961, received his basic training at Ft. Knox, Ky. He served three years in Germany before beginning Officer Candidate School at Ft. Benning, Ga. Early in 1967 Lt. Hill was awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with a Silver Star for action in January. He also received the Army Commadation Medal and the Combat Infantry man badge.
Lt. Hill was married on June 13, 1964. Their daughter was born at Ft. Dix. Both his brothers are in military service. Cpl. Thomas H. Hill is at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and PFC Harry Hill is in Germany. Lt. Hill also is survived by his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hill Sr., of Rochester.
Notes Sources D&C 4/6/67 and TU 4/6/67


Name Holleder, Donald
Rank Major
Home Address 618 Lake Road, Webster, New York
Born 1935; Buffalo, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Irving Cowles, 618 Lake Road, Webster, N.Y.
Spouse Mrs. Caroline Holleder, Alexandria, Virginia
Attended Aquinas School and U. S. Military Academy at West Point
Entered Service 1956
Trained at Fort Benning, Ga.
Unit Infantry; Army
Left for Overseas July 20, 1967 to Vietnam
Died Oct. 17, 1967 killed by small arms fire in Vietnam
Buried Oct. 25, 1967; Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Notes Major Holleder was commanding officer of his first year class at West Point and a cadet captain in a later class. He was commisioned in the Army infantry after being graduated in 1956. His academic standing in the class of 479 men was only moderate. After training at Ft. Benning, Ga. Holleder coached the Plebes (freshmen) at West Point from 1959 to 1962, when he returned to Ft. Benning for a year at infantry school. Holleder commanded an infantry company in Korea in 1963-64 and then became aide-de-camp to his commanding general at Ft. Monroe, Va.; then went to the Staff School War College in Leavenworth, Kan.
Maj. Donald Holleder, Aquinas Institute graduate, a success on the football field and West Point All-American was last here on June 11, 1967 for a testimonial dinner for Father Carter, Aquinas Institute, Athletics Director, Donald Holleder's father was stricken ill and died during an American Legion baseball game in which he was playing. He was a football star, but he would have been just as great at basketball or baseball. Besides his step-father and mother, he is survived by his widow and four daughters, aged 9, 7, 5, and 2 who live in Alexandria, Va.
Notes Sources TU 10/18/67 - 10/19/67 and D&C 11/19/67 - 10/25/67


Name Holler, Steven G.
Rank Airman
Home Address 356 Paul Road, Rochester, New York
Born 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles Holler, 356 Paul Road
Attended Edison Technical School
Last Employed by Eastman Kodak
Entered Service April 1967; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Navy
Died Oct. 10, 1968 when fatally injured in automobile accident in Manteo, N.C.
Buried Oct. 14, 1968; Grove Place Cemetery, Chili, N.Y.
Notes Airman Holler enlisted in the Navy for four years. He was home at Christmas. He was stationed at Oceanan Naval Air Station at Virginia Beach, Va. He was teaching at an aviation electronics School in the Navy.
Airman Holler was a passenger in a car with two other servicemen when it crashed and overturned. The others were injured. All were station at Virginia Beach, Va. Besides his parents, he is survived by five brothers, Larry, Gary, David, Charles Jr. and Mark; three sisters, Bonnie, Betty Lou and Karen.
Notes Sources TU 10/11/68 and D&C 10/11/68 obit.


Name Hoppough, Dennis Karl
Rank L/Cpl.
Service Number 245 47 16
Home Address 100 Forest Hills Road, Rochester, New York
Born Jan. 12, 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hoppough; 100 Forest Hills Road
Attended Penfield High School and Monroe Community College
Last Employed by Bernard Taillie
Entered Service April 9, 1968; Buffalo, New York
Trained at Parris Island
Unit Hdqs. Serv. Co., Co. 3 M. P. Bn., S Mar. Amphibious Force; Marines
Left for Overseas June 9, 1969 to Vietnam
Died July 16, 1969 of multiple fragmentation wounds to body in Quang Ngia Province, Vietnam
Buried July 29, 1969; White Haven Mem. Pk, Perinton, NY
Notes Cpl. Hoppough was assigned as sentry dog handler. He went to Camp Lejeune to work in supply but then volunteered for sentry-dog handling. At school at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas he became attached to his German shepard dog and rather than come home on leave and then go to South Vietnam, he chose to go immediately from school in order to remain with his dog Dugan.
Cpl. Hoppough was the eldest of four children. The others are Leslie, Robert, Carol. His father is suoerintendent with the William Seeler Construction Corp.
Notes Sources TU 7/23/69 and D&C 7/23/70 obit.


Name Howard, Taylor B., Jr.
Rank S/Sgt.
Home Address 619 Penfield Road, Rochester, New York
Born Aug. 22, 1939; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Taylor B. Howard, 619 Penfield Rd. 14625
Spouse Mrs. Norma Howard, Peru, Indiana
Attended Penfield High School
Last Employed by General Dynamics Corp.
Entered Service July 1958; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Air Force
Left for Overseas June 1966 to Vietnam
Died April 18, 1968 of kidney ailment in Vietnam Hospital
Buried April 29, 1968; White Haven Mem. Pk.; Perinton, N.Y.
Notes Sgt. Howard enlisted in the Air Force in 1958. Served four years, returned to Rochester, N. Y. and went to work for General Dynamics Corp. He re-enlisted nine months later and was sent to Vietnam in June 1966. He came home on leave in 1967 and was then sent back to Vietnam.
Besides his parents, Sgt. Howard leaves his wife, Norma in Peru, Ind.; a daughter, Kimberly; three brothers, Sgt. Ronald B. Howard in Thailand, Henry and Robert. Two sisters, Mrs. William Remley and Mrs. Wiliam Heimbach of Rochester.
Notes Sources D&C 4/19/68 and TU 4/19/68


Name Hughes, Graham
Rank PFC
Service Number 245 48 49
Home Address 102 Mason Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Born Feb. 13, 1949, Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. William Hughes, 102 Mason Street
Attended John Marshall High School
Entered Service Aug. 29, 1968; Buffalo, N.Y.
Unit HS CO HQBN; Marines
Left for Overseas April 1969 to Vietnam
Died May 23, 1969 of wounds to the body from a hostile explosion in Vietnam
Buried May 28, 1969; White Haven Memorial Park, Perinton, NY
Notes PFC Hughes died in Bethesda Naval Hospital of wounds received in Vietnam two months earlier. He had been in Vietnam six weeks when he was injured by an exploding shell while moving an ammunition dump in Quang Tri Province, March 28, 1969.
Besides his parents, he is survived by a brother, Glenn, and two sisters, Mrs. Sharon Jones and Mrs. Gayle Wehbring.
Notes Sources TU 5/23/69 obit.


Name Ives, Larry B.
Rank Pvt. 2/C
Service Number 111 42 0852
Home Address 1263 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York
Born Jan. 22, 1951; Sodus, New York
Parent Mrs. Amelia Parker; 1263 St. Paul St., Rochester, N.Y.
Entered Service April 30, 1969; Buffalo, New York
Trained at Fort Dix, N.J.
Unit Co. 3, 2 Bn.; Army
Died March 27, 1970 as a result of stab wounds; Philadelphia, Penn.
Buried April 3, 1970; Vet. plot, Riverside Cem., Rochester, N. Y.
Notes Pvt. 2/C Ives, who had been stationed at Fort Dix, N.J. got into the fight when a man scuffed his boots. He was stabbed 10 times in the fight. He was not armed. Besides his mother, he is survived by his step-brother Robert Parker and his father Burton Ives. One sister Deborah and one brother Richard Ives, also two half brothers Mark and Robert Parker Jr.
Notes Sources D&C 3/30/70 obit.


Name Izzo, Armon
Rank Airman 1/C
Home Address 265 Knapp Avenue, Rochester, New York
Born Feb. 12, 1948; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles Izzo, 265 Knapp Ave.
Attended Eastridge High School
Entered Service Aug. 1965; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Air Force
Died Nov. 30, 1968 in automobile accident in Peru, Indiana
Buried Dec. 4, 1968; Vet. plot, Holy Sepulchre Cem.
Notes Airman 1/C Izzo joined the Air Force shortly after graduation from High School in 1965. While in Vietnam, he was stationed at Tan Son Nhut Airbase near Saigon. He suffered a leg injury while leaping into a trench during heavy enemy bombardment in the Tet offensive. He was awarded an Air Commendation Medal for his performance of duty. He had been in service about 2½ years and was in Vietnam from August 1967 to August 1968. He was serving a four year hitch.
Airman 1/C Izzo was killed in an automobile accident a few miles from Grissom Air Force Base. Was killed instantly when his seat belt snapped and he was thrown out of his car. Besides his parents, he is survived by his grandmother Alfanso Capanella and his grandmother Mrs. Lucy Izzo.
Notes Sources TU 12/2/68 and D&C 12/1/68 obit.


Name Jacques, Donald J
Rank 2/Lt.
Home Address 93 Ronald Drive, Rochester, N. Y.
Born April 23, 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Holly C. Jacques, 93 Ronald Dr. 14616
Attended Britton Rd. School, Olympia High School and Denver University, Denver, Ohio
Last Employed by Ridge Construction Co.
Entered Service Aug. 1966; Rochester, New York
Trained at Parris Island, S. C.
Unit B Co., 1st Bn., 26 Regt.; Marines
Left for Overseas Sept. 1967 to Vietnam
Died Feb. 25, 1968 died of wounds by a sniper in Quang Tri, Vietnam
Buried March 9, 1968; Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester, N. Y.
Notes Lt. Jacques went to boot camp at Parris Island, S. C. and was accepted there for Officer's training at Quantico, Va. When he graduated from OCS at the age of 19, he was the youngest Marine in 18 years. He was home on 30 day leave September 1967 before shipping out from San Francisco to Okinawa and then to Vietnam.
Besides his parents, Lt. Jacques is survived by two sisters, Mr. Samuel Murrell and Mrs. Robert Forrest.
Notes Sources TU 2/29/68 and obit. 3/8/68


Name Jamrock, Stanley
Rank PFC
Home Address 52 Birr Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Born Aug. 17, 1943; Chicago, Illinois
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jamrock of Chicago
Spouse Mrs. Janice Jamrock; 52 Birr Street, Rochester, N. Y. 14613
Last Employed by Xerox Corp.
Entered Service 1966
Unit 35 Inf.; Army
Died Feb. 15, 1968 of wounds received in combat in hospital in Japan
Buried Feb. 27, 1968; Vet plot, Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester
Notes PFC Jamrock was injured in Vietnam on Feb. 9, 1968 and died in hospital in Japan on Feb. 15, 1968. No other info on serviceman recorded.
Leading the funeral courtege was his brother-in-law, Jeffrey Barnes, a member of the Green Berets. Military service in a funeral home, his body was taken for service in Sacred Heart Cathedral, the church were he and his wife were members together and where they were married April 29, 1967. Besides his wife, he is survived by his parents Mr. & Mrs. Jamrock of Chicago, his sister, Mrs. Joel Scholn of Chicago and aunts and uncles.
Notes Sources TU 2/27/68 & obit.


Name Jensen, Robert John
Rank Pvt.
Service Number RA 12 745 602
Home Address 17 Princeton Street, Rochester, New York
Born Nov. 1, 1947; Oneonta, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. William Jensen, 17 Princeton St.
Branch of Service Army
Died May 27, 1967 drowned in the Genesee River, Rochester, N. Y.
Buried May 31, 1967; Webster Rural Cem., Webster, N.Y.
Notes Pvt. Jensen, was home on leave from U. S. Army. Unable to obtain any other service record at this time.
Jensen's family had told the sheriff's office two weeks prior of the recovery of the remains, the veteran jumped into the river after an argument with his father. Pvt. Jensen wanted to drive the family car but his father refused because the youth had no license. He is survived by his parents, William & Grace Jensen, three brothers William Jr., Larry and Thomas; five sisters, Gloria, Linda, Carol, Dwan and Judy.
Notes Sources TU 5/29/67


Name Johnson, Daniel E.
Rank Airman 1/C
Home Address 3000 English Road
Born Dec. 1, 1954 Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Johnson, 3000 English Road
Attended Hilton High School
Branch of Service Air Force
Died Fom injuries received with two gunshot in head in Minot, North Dakota
Buried July 6, 1974; Vet. plot, Holy Sepulchre Cem.
Notes Airman 1/C enlisted at the age of 17. Serviceman was found murdered, cause of death was two gunshot wounds in the head.


Name Kalwas, William
Rank Spec. 4
Home Address 1245 Howard Road
Born Jan. 15, 1949; Rochester, New York
Parent Mr. Frank Kalwas, 1245 Howard Road
Entered Service 1970; Rochester, New York
Unit Army Engrs.; Army
Died March 20, 1972; Strong Mem. Hosp., Rochester, N. Y.
Buried Cremation - ashes scattered


Name Kaulback, Peter J.
Rank L/Cpl.
Service Number 236 17 01
Home Address 50 Fuller Avenue, Webster, N.Y.
Born Dec. 22 1942; Syracuse, N. Y.
Parent Mrs. Joan Sanderson (deceased)
Attended Manlius School, Syracuse and Webster High School, also Paul Smith's College
Entered Service May 10, 1967; Buffalo, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas Dec. 28, 1967 to Vietnam
Died May 31, 1968 wounded while on patrol in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam; previously reported missing; body recovered June 30, 1968
Buried July 12, 1968; Webster Rural Cem., Webster, N. Y.
Notes L/Cpl. Kaulback listed as missing in Vietnam for more than a month, has been officially reported as killed in action. Body recovered on 30 June 1968, in Quang Tri Province. He served for a while on Hill 881 near Khe Sanh.
L/Cpl. Kaulback is survived by his mother Mrs. John Sanderson and his father Hazen Kaulback, who lives in New Hampshire. He also leaves a brother Stephen.
Notes Sources D&C 7/6/68


Name Keenan, Dennis J.
Rank Sgt.
Service Number US 51 578 358
Home Address 36 Brookdale Avenue, Rochester, N. Y.
Born March 22, 1943; Rochester, New York
Parent Mrs. Margaret Keenan, 36 Brookdale Avenue
Attended Our Lady of Good Council School and West High School
Last Employed by Joe Hobson Service Station, 657 Brooks Avenue
Entered Service July 11, 1966; Rochester
Unit 1 Sdq., 9 Cavalry Div.; Army
Left for Overseas Jan. 1967 to Vietnam
Died May 27, 1967 in Da Nang, South Vietnam
Buried June 8, 1967; Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester, N. Y.
Notes Sgt. Keenan, rose quickly in the ranks after he joined the Army in July 1966. Sent to Vietnam last Jan. 26. On May 26 he was to received his Sergeant stripes. He was first listed missing in action. Another telegram from Washington: Dennis had died in combat near Da Nang. Keenan was an advance scout with the Airmobile section of the First Sqd. of the 9th Cavalry Div.
Sgt. Keenan refused a five days rest in Thailand, because a couple of his buddies got hurt; he went back into combat. Sgt. Keenan is survived by a daughter Karen; a brother Richard and sister, Mrs. William Wark, also his mother Mrs. Margaret Keenan.
Notes Sources TU 6/6/67 and D&C 6/6/67


Name Kehoe, John P., Jr.
Rank Lance Cpl.
Home Address 431 Sherman Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Born Sept. 4, 1945; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kehoe; 38 Hollybrook Rd., Henrietta, N.Y.
Spouse Mrs. Sharon L. Kehoe; 431 Sherman Street
Attended Rush-Henrietta Central School
Entered Service Aug. 6, 1965; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Trained at Camp Lejuene, N.C.
Died Oct. 2, 1966; injured in an auto crash in Harrisburg, Pa.
Buried Oct. 7, 1966; Veterans plot, Holy Sepulchre Cem.
Notes Lance Cpl. Kehoe enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating from Rush-Henrietta Central School, in 1964.
Lance Cpl. Kehoe, fatally injured in an auto crash. He was one of nine Marines riding in a vehicle that skidded on a wet pavement and overturned near Harrisburg, Pa. The Marines were on a trip from Camp Lejuene, N.C. He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kehoe of 38 Hollybrook Road, Henrietta. His wife, Sharon L. Kehoe is expecting their first child in February 1967. Besides his wife and parents he is survived by five sisters, Mrs. William (Gail) Schwalbach, Mrs. Timothy (Sharon) Couch, Jane, Linda and Susan Kehoe; three brothers, David, Gerald, and Kenneth.
Notes Sources TU 10/4/66 obit and D&C 10/4/66


Name King, Thomas G.
Rank 2/Lt.
Service Number 094 443
Home Address 132 Henderson Drive, Penfield, N.Y.
Born July 5, 1944; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. George J. King; 132 Henderson Dr., Penfield, N.Y.
Attended Penfield High School and University of Rochester
Entered Service June 5, 1966; Rochester, New York
Unit 1 Bn., 9 Marine, 3 Div.; Marine Corps
Died July 2, 1967 of wounds in Quang Tri, South Vietnam
Buried July 21, 1967; Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Notes Lt. King joined the Navy Reserve as a junior at Penfield High School and was a battalion commander of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University of Rochester. In his junior year of college he transferred to the Marine Corps. He had been in Vietnam since March 1967. He had been wounded May 15, 1967 in earlier action.
Lt. King's last letter home arrived five hours before the King family was notified of his death. It was written just before he left on the search and destroy mission. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister Kathy.
Notes Sources D&C 7/12/67 and TU 7/12/67


Name Kleinhans, Lawrence C.
Rank L/Cpl.
Home Address 37 Norton Street, Honeoye Falls, New York
Born May 14, 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reilly; 37 North Street, Honeoye Falls
Attended Honeoye Falls Central School
Entered Service Oct. 1965; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas Nov. 28, 1967 to Vietnam
Died Oct. 11, 1968; killed in helicopter crash (two Marine helicopters collided) in Da Nang, Vietnam
Buried Oct. 25, 1968; St. Michael's Cem., Livonia, N.Y.
Notes L/Cpl. Kleinhans was engaged in troop airlift, moving medical supplies and search and rescue operations. He was on of eight Marines who died in crash, when two Marine helicopters collided in a heavy rainstorm.
L/Cpl. Kleinhans joined the Marine Corps, because he felt it offered him the best way to get schooling and prepare for college. He had left high school in his senior year. Besides his mother and step-father he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Robert Campbell of Syracuse; two step-brothers Edward Reilly of Honeye Falls and Robert Reilly of Lima, N.Y.
Notes Sources TU 10/15/68 and D&C 10/15/68 obit.


Name Knapp, David B.
Rank PFC
Service Number RA 67 013 150
Home Address 24 Fern Street, Rochester, New York
Born Oct. 8, 1949; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Knapp; 24 Fern St., Rochester, N. Y.
Attended School #17 and Jefferson High School
Last Employed by Wegman's Food Markets Inc.
Entered Service Sept. 27, 1967; Buffalo, New York
Trained at Fort Bragg, N. C.
Unit Btry. C, 1st Bn, 21 Arty.; Army
Left for Overseas April 1968 to Vietnam
Died May 8, 1968 from injuries suffered in an enemy attack in Vietnam
Buried May 27, 1968; Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester, N. Y.
Notes PFC Knapp entered the Army Sept. 26, 1967. He trained at Fort Bragg, N.C. and Fort Sill, Oklahoma and was home on furloughs at Christmas of 1967 and again in March 1968.
Besides his parents he is survived by a brother Robert.
Notes Sources D&C 5/15/68 obit.


Name Kohlrusch, William F.
Rank Lt. (jg)
Service Number 672315/6602
Home Address 1328 Bay Shore Boulevard, Rochester, N. Y.
Born Sept. 9, 1931; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kohlrusch; 9016 140thWay North, Largo, Florida 33540
Spouse Mrs. Irene Corbett Kohlrusch; Springfield, Mass.
Attended Edson Technical School
Entered Service Jan. 4, 1951; Rochester, N. Y.
Branch of Service Navy
Trained at Sanford, Fla.
Left for Overseas Oct. 1965 for South China Sea
Died April 1, 1966 when plane crashed on takeoff from the carrier in China Sea - South
Buried Arlington National Cemetery, Va.
Notes Lt. Kohlrusch served aboard the USS Enterprise according to reports, his plane crashed on takeoff from the carrier. The entire crew was killed. Lt Kohlrusch enlisted in the Navy as seaman after he was graduated from Edison Technical High School in 1949. He was commissioned as ensign in 1963 after training at Sanford, Florida. He was based on the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise in the So. China Sea. It was his second tour of duty. He served aboard the USS Hancock from Oct. 1964 to May 1965. His second tour began Oct. 1965. He served as a Navy bombardier-navigator.
Lt. Kohlrusch a graduate from Edison Technical and Industrial High School in 1949. He is survived by the two children Kyle, and Mark 5 and his parents Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kohlrusch, of Rochester.
Notes Sources TU 4/2/66 & 4/2/66


Name Kooman, Gary R.
Rank Spec. 4
Home Address 822 Ridge Road, Ontario, New York
Born March 23, 1946; Ontario, N.Y.
Parents Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kooman; 822 Ridge Rd., Ontario, N.Y.
Attended Wayne Central School
Entered Service Dec. 1965
Branch of Service Army Air Service
Died Aug. 9, 1967 as a result of two copter crash in Vietnam
Buried Aug. 18, 1967; Vet. plot; Mt. Hope Cem., Rochester, N.Y.
Notes Spec. 4 Kooman entered the military in December 1965 had been with the Army Air Service as a helicopter crew chief for six months. He was listed as missing in action on 8/10/67.
The airman's parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Kooman, live at Ontario. His father is display manager for Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co. Spec. 4 Kooman is also survived by two sisters.
Notes Sources D&C 8/17/67 and TU 8/17/67


Name Krenzer, Frederick L.
Rank E-2
Service Number 105 46 1587
Home Address 195 Lyell Avenue, Rochester, New York
Born Jan. 17, 1953; Rochester, New York
Parent Mrs. Geraldine Myers, 195 Lyell Ave.
Entered Service Oct. 29, 1970; Buffalo, New York
Unit Co. A, U. S. A C; Army
Died March 18, 1972 of smoke inhalation in Clayton, Georgia
Buried March 21, 1973; Grove Place Cem., Chili, N.Y.
Notes Frederick L. Krenzer died from smoke inhaltion on 3/18/72 while he was on active duty and while confined in a civilian jail awaiting trial. The proximate cause of death was an act of another person (homocide) without any wrong doing on part of the serviceman. He was confinded because he was absent without leave. He leaves his mother.
Notes Sources Lt. Col. Elmer


Name La Flair, Richard L.
Rank Cpl.
Service Number 230 06 85
Home Address 27 Hotchkiss Street, Rochester, New York
Born Feb. 21, 1948; Lowville, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaFlair, 27 Hotchkiss Street
Entered Service April 21, 1966; Watertown, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas 1966 to Vietnam
Died July 29, 1967 of fragmentation wounds sustained from hostile artillery fire in Vietnam
Buried Sept. 7, 1967; Lowville, New York
Notes Cpl. LaFlair enlisted in the Marines on his 18th birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. LaFlair moved here from California recently. Besides his parents, Cpl. LaFlair is survived by three brothers, Robert of Watertown and Francis and James LaFlair of Rochester; and two sisters, Juanita and Sharon of Rochester.
Notes Sources TU 8/4/67


Name L'Amoreaux, Richard Jr.
Rank L/Cpl.
Service Number 2 306 162
Home Address 303 Holmes Road, Rochester, N. Y.
Born Aug. 5, 1948; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Richard L'Amoreaux, 303 Holmes Rd., Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Greece Olympia High School and Rabanel, S. C. High School
Last Employed by Bausch & Lomb Inc.
Entered Service Nov. 1966; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Trained at Parris Island, S. C.
Died Aug. 7, 1967 of internal injuries and fractured skull from motorcycle accident in San Diego, Calif.
Buried Aug. 12, 1967; Falls Cemetery, Greece, N.Y.
Notes L/Cpl. L'Amoreaux was trained in communications and electronics at San Diego, where he was promoted to L/Cpl. July 1967. He was graduated from basic training at Parris Island, S.C. with honors in marksmanship. He was due for 10 day leave August 18, 1967 before going to Camp Pendleton, California for guerilla warfare training. From there he was to be sent to Vietnam.
L/Cpl. L'Amoreaux attended Greece Olympia High School until his final semester, when he transferred to High school in Rabanel, S.C., where he lived with an aunt and uncle. He returned home after graduation and went to work at Bausch & Lomb Inc. He enlisted in the Marines in July 1966 and was inducted in November. Besides his parents, Cpl. L'Amoreaux is survived by two sisters, Diane and Susan.
Notes Sources TU 8/10/67


Name Lancaster, Steven R.
Rank Sgt.
Service Number 12 720 034
Home Address 759 Lake Shore Blvd., Rochester, New York
Born March 9, 1946; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lancaster, 759 Lake Shore Blvd., Rochester, N. Y.
Spouse Mrs. Karen Lancaster; 759 Lake Shore Blvd., Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Irondequoit High School and Monroe Community College
Entered Service Feb. 1965; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Air Force
Died Jan. 9, 1969 of severe influenza; Hill Air Force Base Hosp., Utah
Buried Jan. 15, 1969; Vet. plot, White Haven, Perinton, N.Y.
Notes Sgt. Lancaster returned to the United States last August, 1968 after serving for a year in Vietnam where he was awarded the Bronze Star. He had been ill for a week with severe influenza and he died of complications from the illness. He was due to be discharged in February.
Sgt. Lancaster was due to return here with his wife and planned to resume his studies at Monroe Community College. He is survived by his parents, his wife and many uncles and aunts in Rochester.
Notes Sources TU 1/10/69 obit.


Name Landon, Kent William
Rank Airman 1/C
Service Number AF 12655387
Home Address 30 Riverview Drive, Henrietta, New York
Born March 19, 1945; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Landon, 30 Riverview Dr., Henrietta, N.Y.
Attended Rush-Henrietta High School
Entered Service March 1963; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Air Force
Trained at Greenville, Miss.
Died May 28, 1966 in automobile accident, Malga, Spain
Buried June 4, 1966; Vet. plot, Riverside Cem., Rochester, N. Y.
Notes Airman 1/C Kent W. Landon was a firefighter at the Moran Air Force Base near Seville. Attended the Air Force School in Greenville, Miss., learning to fight fires in structures and aircraft.
Veteran was killed when his car crashed into a brick wall near Malaga, Spain. Airman Landon graduated Rush-Henrietta High School. At the age of 14 he became a charter member of Genesee Valley Junior Fire Department and as soon he was old enough became regular fireman. As a small child he used to go to fires with his father, a member of the Genesee Valley Fire Department's fire police. Surviving with his parents are three brothers Dale, Brad and Scott.
Notes Sources TU 6/1/66 and D&C 6/1/66


Name Langdon, Chester A.
Rank M/Sgt.
Service Number 090-28-8471
Home Address 3 Phelps Avenue, Rochester, New York
Born June 21, 1934; Rochester, New York
Parent Mrs. Jennie Gray, 1011 Jay Street
Spouse Mariko Langdon, 347 Washington St., Victorville, Calif.
Entered Service 1952; Rochester, New York
Unit 444 Tac Fighter Sqdn., Air Force
Died Oct. 27, 1971; Lakeland Air Force Base, Texas
Buried Nov. 1, 1971; Riverside Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y.


Name Lawton, Michael E.
Rank Sgt.
Home Address 19 Parkridge Drive, Pittsford, New York
Born Jan. 4, 1949; Rochester, New York
Parent Mother - Mrs. Lois Cheney, 19 Parkridge Dr.
Attended Holy Ghost School and Churchville-Chili Pittsford High
Entered Service Sept. 1967; Rochester, N. Y.
Unit Co. E, 58 Inf., L. R. P.; Army
Left for Overseas March 4, 1968 to Vietnam
Died Dec. 3, 1968
Buried Dec. 24, 1968; Holy Ghost Cem., Gates, N.Y.
Notes Sgt. Lawton volunteered for the ervice and was sent to Vietnam on March 4, 1968 with Co. E, 58 Inf., Long Range Patrol.
Sgt. Lawton was killed in action. No date, place or circumstances have been given. In addition to his mother, Sgt. Lawton is survived by his step-father, Gale Cheney; two sisters, Katherine and Pamela and a brother Timothy Lawton.
Notes Sources D&C 12/12/68 obit.


Name Lemcke, David E.
Rank Sgt.
Service Number US 51 772 863
Home Address 247 Parma Center Road, Hilton, New York
Born July 28, 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Lemcke, 247 Parma Center Rd., Hilton, N.Y.
Attended Hilton High School
Last Employed by Dr. Gordon D. Boyink - Veterinarian
Entered Service Oct. 18, 1966; Hilton, New York
Unit B. Btry., 1st Bn., 40 Arty., 108 Arty.; Army
Left for Overseas Nov. 27, 1967 to Vietnam
Died May 21, 1968 of wounds received caused by explosives in Vietnam
Buried Remains recovered in 2011. Buried 12 Nov. 2011 in Parma Union Cemetery.
Notes Sgt. David E. Lemcke, listed as missing in Vietnam for more than three months, was killled in a bunker explosion May 21, 1968. Sgt. Lemcke was an artilleryman. He had been in Vietnam since Dec. 1967. Sp. 4 was promoted posthumously to grade of Sgt. E-5 as of 20 May 1968, under provisions of Pl 680, 77th Congress, as amended. Sgt. Lemcke was scheduled to return to this country Oct. 18, 1968.
After graduation from Hilton High School in 1965 Sgt. Lemcke worked for a veterinarian, Dr. Boyink. His mother said he loved horses and had submitted an application to a horse-shoeing school in Ill. Besides his parents he is survived by three sisters Darlene, Liseann, Deborah and one brother James.
Notes Sources


Name Leone, John F.
Rank Cpl.
Home Address 885 Garson Avenue, Rochester, New York
Born March 9, 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mr. & Mrs. John F. Leone, 885 Garson Avenue
Attended School 52 and East High School
Entered Service Aug. 15, 1965; Rochester, New York
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas Oct. 8, 1966 to Vietnam
Died April 28, 1967 sancturay of shrapnel wounds in Da Nang, Vietnam
Buried May 8, 1967; Vet. plot, Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester
Notes Cpl. John F. Leone died aboard the Navy Hospital. He took his basic training at Parris Island, S. C. and further training at Camp Lejeune, N. C. before going to Camp Pendleton, Calif., for 30 days of advance training. He was sent to Vietnam last Oct. 8, 1966.
Cpl. Leone, a Rochester native, attended School 52 and was graduated from East High School in June 1965. He enlisted two months later on Aug. 15, 1965. He leaves his parents, one brother Ronald, one sister, Miss Karen Leone. Maternal grandmother Mrs. Ruth McCracken, paternal grandmother. Mrs. Carmela Leone.


Name Lesure, Ernest E., Jr.
Rank S/Sgt.
Service Number RA 51 503 425
Home Address 112 Rauber Street; Rochester, New York
Born Sept. 8, 1946; Ft. Benning, Georgia
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Lesure, 112 Rauber St. 14605
Spouse Mrs. Rosetta Lesure; Petersburg, Va.
Attended Holy Redeemer School and Benjamin Franklin High School
Entered Service 1965; Rochester, N. Y.
Trained at Ft. Dix, N.J.
Unit 196 Light Inf. Brigade; Army
Left for Overseas July 1967 to Vietnam
Died April 13, 1968 of metal fragment wounds in Vietnam
Buried April 25, 1968; Vet. plot, Holy Sepulchre Cem., Rochester, N. Y.
Notes Sgt. Lesure left Benjamin Franklin High School at the age of 17 and enlisted in the Armed Forces. While stationed at Ft. Lee, Va., he met and married Rosetta. After two years in Germany, he was shipped to Vietnam. Sgt. Lesure was up for re-enlistment.
Sgt. Lesure was born at Ft. Benning, Ga., where his father was an Army Sgt. at the time. He moved to Rochester, in 1950. Besides his parents, he leaves 2 sisters, Mrs. LaRue Young, Mrs. Linda Rosier and six brothers, Luther J. of Detroit and Edward L., Douglas K., Charles G., Michael A., and Richard J. Lesure, all of Rochester.
Notes Sources D&C 4/16/68 and TU 4/16/68 obit.


Name Lind, Paul Vincent
Rank Cpl.
Service Number 21 1 26 10
Home Address 608 Parsells Avenue
Born March 21, 1945; Rochester, New York
Parent Mother - Mrs. Elsa Lind, 608 Parsells Ave.
Branch of Service Marines
Trained at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Died May 29, 1967 at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Buried June 3, 1967; White Haven Mem. Pk., Perinton, N.Y.


Name Ludwig, Larry G.
Rank L/Cpl.
Home Address 3856 Atlantic Avenue, Penfield, N.Y. 14526
Born May 15, 1947
Parents Mr. & Mrs. George Ludwig, 3856 Atlantic Ave., Penfield, N.Y.
Attended Wayne Central School
Entered Service June 1966
Branch of Service Marines
Left for Overseas Dec. 1966 to Vietnam
Died July 5, 1967 in South Vietnam
Buried July 17, 1967; Oakwood Cemetery, Penfield, N.Y.
Notes Cpl. Ludwig enlisted in Marine Corps after graduation from Wayne Central School, Wadsworth, in June 1966. He was sent to Vietnam in December 1966. L/Cpl. Ludwig was member of 4-H Club. He had a lifelong interest in horses, and worked briefly on an Arabian horse ranch in Maryland. Besides his parents, he leaves a brother, Terry, 19 who has enlisted in the Navy and who is scheduled to report for service in July 28, 1967.
Notes Sources D&C 7/11/67 and TU 7/11/67 obit.


Name Lupien, David G.
Rank Spec. 4
Home Address 54 King's Gate North, Rochester, New York
Born 1947; Rochester, New York
Parents Mother - Mrs. Margery Barringer, 510 Ave. D
Father - NPO Robert H. Lupien, U. S. Navy
Spouse Mrs. Christine Lupien, 53 King's Gate North, Rochester, N. Y.
Attended Monroe High School
Entered Service 1966
Unit 1 Air Cavalry Div.; Army
Left for Overseas Oct. 1967 to Vietnam
Died Feb. 24, 1968 from Viet Cong attack in An Khe, Vietnam
Buried March 13, 1968; Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Notes Spec. 4 Lupien was serving with the 1st Cavalry Division at An Khe, near Da Nang. He was listed missing Feb. 24, 1968 after a Viet Cang attack. He had enlisted in the Army after graduating from Monroe High School in 1966. He had served in Vietnam since October of 1967.
At school he was a good athlete, a member of the track, football, bowling and wrestling teams. He had been a resident of Hillside Children's Home until he was 17. He met his wife Christine in May last year and they were married September 20, 1967. His father is a Navy Petty Officer 1/C, who has served for the past 15 months at the Navy Base at Cam Ranh Bay, 200 miles away from his son. Besides his father and wife, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Margery Barringer at 510 Ave. D and a younger brother Timothy Barringer.
Notes Sources D&C 3/6/68 and TU 3/7/68 obit.



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