Agriculture & Horticulture Booklets and Catalogs


This web page links to agriculture magazines and catalogs published in Monroe Co., NY. It also has programs for local Granges of Monroe County some of which contain lists of officers and members.

Also see a separate page with links to Moore's New Yorker which was an agricultural newspaper published in Rochester.


Vick's Magazine, a magazine about gardening and horticulture. Published in Rochester.

Local Agriculture Catalogscantalope

Chili Grange #393

Fairport Grange #467

Gates Grange #421

Greece Grange #311

Honeoye Falls Grange #6

Irondequoit Grange #849

Mendon Grange #83

Ogden Grange #111

Penfield Grange #750

Riga Grange #158

Webster Grange #436


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© Richard T. Halsey, 2021